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Welcome to the Course of

Power Plants

Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan

Dept. of Mech. Engg.
National University of Technology

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Power Plants
1.Power Plant Engineering, P K Nag, McGraw Hill.
3rd Edition
2.Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Sonntag, Van
Wylen, John Wiley & Sons. Inc. 5th Edition
3. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,
Michael J. Moran and Shapiro, John Willey and
sons, 5th Edition,
4.Power Plant Technology, M.M. El-Wakil, McGraw
Hill, International Edition

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Scope of The Course
➢ We will explore the topics of
➢ Introduction to Power Plants
➢ Load Duration Curve, Location of Power plans
➢Power Plant economics
➢ Effect of Load factor on cost of kWh

➢ Types of Power Plants

➢ Steam Power Plants
➢ Gas turbine Power Plants
➢ Gas turbine Power Plants for Jet Engines
➢ Nuclear Power Plants
➢ Renewable Resources for power production

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Power Plants
Power plant is assembly of systems or subsystems to
generate electricity, i.e. to produce power with economy and
to meet requirements
➢The power produced must be:
I. Reliable
II. Economically viable
III. Environment friendly for society
➢ Power Plant can also be defined as:
➢ “a machine or assembly of equipment that generate and deliver a
flow of mechanical and/or electrical energy”

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Basic of Electricity Generation

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Generator RPM
In Pakistan, we use (at home)
Frequency f= 50 cycles per second
Voltage V =220 Volt
Power = VI cosϕ
Power of any equipment is determined by: Current ‘I ’
➢Some motors in industry run at 400 Volt. Even certain motors operate
at 4160 volt and some, 6000 volts (All these motors are 3 Phase
➢To ensure frequency of 50 c/s (cycles per second), the generators has
to rotate at constant speed, irrespective of load, i.e. Mega Watt (MW)
generation (In USA, it is 60 c/s)
➢The generator speed, represented by rpm is given by:
N= Generator Speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) and
P= Number of Poles in the generator
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➢ This implies, that if it is a 2-Pole generator, it has to rotate constantly
on 3000 rpm
➢ This generator is simple, but undergoes, considerable stresses on
generators and turbine, and thus modern safety and accident analysis,
require its layout, so that it does not hurt the operation/ maintenance
staff in case of accident
➢ Presently 2-Pole generators have been used for power plants using
steam as working fluid.
➢ New power plants with a capacity of over 1000 MWe generator per
turbine, rpm have been reduced to 1500 rpm, by employing 4 poles
instead of 2 Poles generators.
➢ In hydel power plants, high rpm cannot be achieved, thus number of
poles are 16 or sometimes 24 or 32.
➢ However, it may be noted that number of poles, or rotational speed of
generator does not have effect on Power (MWe) generated.
Then question arises: How do we change (increases/decrease) power
in a Power Plant?
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Then question arises:

How do we change (increases/decrease)

power in a Power Plant?

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Answer is:
➢ In a power generation/ distribution system Generators
(Power Production) is coupled with the load
➢ Generation at any time, is equal to consumption i.e.
MWe Generated = MWe Consumed
➢ This mismatch may occur due to either:
➢ Tripping of a power plant.
➢ In this case, after tripping, generation will be less and
consumption will be high.
➢ As a result frequency of the grid will decrease. Voltage
drop will be observed and can damage the machines on
the grid. Generator/ Grid automation works to match the
load and restore frequency

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Tripping of feeder.
➢Tripping of feeder, will disconnect the consumer
➢As a result, power production will be more than
the consumption. Consequently, frequency will
➢Generator/ Grid protection also regulation system,
will try to reduce the generator load to match

The Power is increased or decreased by changing

Mass Flow rate of steam to the turbine
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How Many Power Plants operate in Parallel
➢ Synchronization and
➢ Load Sharing
➢ Why Transmission at high voltages

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Operational Objectives of Power Plant

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Classification of Power Plants

Power Plants (that generates electricity) are classified on the

basis of:

➢ Status
➢ Operation
➢ Fuel type
➢ Capacity

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Status Based Classification

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Operation (Grid Requirement) Based Classification

1. Base Load Power Plants

2. Peak Load Power Plants

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Fuel Type Based Classification

1. Heat Engine Fuels –Combustion to produce heat

2. Nuclear Fuels –Uranium for fission produces heat
3. Fossil Fuels –Natural gas power plants in steam
and gas turbine
4. Geothermal –Hot Geothermal power underground
5. Renewable energy –Waste, biomass, wind power,
solar energy, etc.

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Capacity Based Classification

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Prime Mover Based Classification

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Technological Classification

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Non Conventional Power Plants
➢ Solar

➢ Wind

➢ Tidal

➢ Geothermal

➢ Biomass
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Hydroelectric (Hydel) Power Plants’ Classification

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Pros & Cons of Each Type of Power Plant

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Energy Scenario –

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Planning a Power Plant --Load-Curves and Load
Duration Curves

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Load Duration Curves
➢ Curve between the load and time (load curve) in which the ordinates
representing the load, plotted in the order of decreasing magnitude.
➢ That is, with the greatest load at the left, lesser loads towards the right
and the lowest loads at the time extreme right.
➢ The load duration curve gives the minimum load present throughout
the specified period. This is to determine, what is the minimum load
required from power plant(s)
➢ It helps in estimating base load and peak load of grid system and will
interpret production requirements of power plants.
➢ Any point on the load duration curve represents the total duration in
hours for the corresponding load and all loads of greater values.
➢ The area under the load duration curve represents the energy
associated with the load duration curve.
➢ The average demand during some specified time periods such as a day
or a month can be obtained from the load duration curve.
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Example 1
Consider the daily load curve data of the power system

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