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Make a report on role play performed bt bsc 2nd nursing semester students on self concept

Report on Role Play Performed by BSc 2nd Nursing Semester Students on

Date: [Insert Date]

Venue: [Insert Venue]

Participants: BSc 2nd Semester Nursing Students

Facilitator: [Insert Name of Facilitator]

On [insert date], the BSc 2nd semester nursing students organized a role play to explore the
theme of self-concept. This educational exercise aimed to enhance students' understanding of
self-concept and its implications for nursing practice. Self-concept is a critical aspect in nursing,
as it influences how nurses perceive themselves, their patients, and their interactions within the
healthcare environment.


1. Understanding Self-Concept:
 To define self-concept and its components (self-image, self-esteem, and ideal
 To illustrate how self-concept affects personal and professional life.

2. Application in Nursing:
 To demonstrate the impact of a nurse’s self-concept on patient care and
interpersonal relationships.
 To highlight the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in nursing

3. Interactive Learning:
 To engage students in active learning through role play.
 To encourage critical thinking and discussion among students.
Structure of the Role Play

1. Introduction and Briefing:

 The session began with an introduction to the concept of self-concept by the
 Students were divided into groups, each assigned a specific scenario related to
self-concept in nursing.

2. Scenario Presentation:
 Each group performed a role play based on their assigned scenario.
 Scenarios included situations such as dealing with a critical patient, managing
work stress, handling personal insecurities, and communicating with patients and
their families.

3. Key Themes Explored:

 Self-Image: How nurses view themselves in their role and the impact on their
confidence and performance.
 Self-Esteem: The effect of self-esteem on nurses' interactions with patients and
 Ideal Self: The alignment (or misalignment) between a nurse’s current self-
concept and their professional aspirations.

4. Discussion and Feedback:

 After each performance, the facilitator and peers provided feedback.
 Discussions were held to explore different perspectives and the emotional
responses elicited by the role plays.

1. Enhanced Understanding:
 Students demonstrated a deeper understanding of self-concept and its
 They recognized the significance of self-awareness in their professional

2. Improved Communication Skills:

 Through role play, students practiced and improved their communication and
interpersonal skills.
 They learned to express empathy, manage conflicts, and provide emotional

3. Reflection and Self-Awareness:

 Students engaged in self-reflection exercises to assess their own self-concept.
 They identified areas for personal and professional growth.

4. **Teamwork and Collaboration:

Make a report on role play on self concept by bsc nursing 2nd semester students

Report on Role Play on Self-Concept by BSc Nursing 2nd Semester Students

Date: [Insert Date]

Venue: [Insert Venue]

Participants: BSc 2nd Semester Nursing Students

Facilitator: [Insert Name of Facilitator]

On [insert date], the BSc 2nd semester nursing students conducted a role play focused on the
theme of self-concept. The objective of this activity was to enhance students' understanding of
self-concept and its impact on nursing practice. Self-concept, encompassing self-image, self-
esteem, and the ideal self, is essential for nurses as it affects their professional behavior, patient
care, and interactions within the healthcare team.


1. Educational Goals:
 To define and explore the components of self-concept.
 To understand the influence of self-concept on nursing practice.
2. Practical Application:
 To demonstrate real-life scenarios where self-concept affects nursing care.
 To practice reflective thinking and self-awareness.

3. Interactive Learning:
 To engage students in an interactive and experiential learning process.
 To foster communication, empathy, and critical thinking.
Structure of the Role Play

1. Introduction:
 The facilitator introduced the concept of self-concept and explained the relevance
to nursing.
 Students were divided into small groups, each tasked with a specific scenario to
role play.

2. Role Play Scenarios:

 Each group performed a role play depicting a scenario where self-concept was
central. Examples of scenarios included:
 A nurse managing a critical patient while dealing with low self-esteem.
 Handling work-related stress and its impact on self-image.
 Communicating effectively with patients despite personal insecurities.
 Balancing professional aspirations with current self-perceptions.

3. Performance and Observation:

 Groups took turns presenting their role plays.
 Peers and the facilitator observed, taking notes on the portrayal of self-concept
and its implications.

4. Feedback and Discussion:

 After each presentation, a feedback session was conducted.
 The facilitator and students discussed the scenarios, focusing on the emotional
and psychological aspects of self-concept demonstrated.

5. Reflection:
 Students engaged in reflective exercises to connect the role play experiences with
their personal and professional lives.
 They identified strengths and areas for improvement in their self-concept.

1. Increased Awareness:
 Students gained a clearer understanding of self-concept and its components.
 They recognized the importance of maintaining a positive self-concept for
effective nursing practice.

2. Enhanced Communication:
 Role playing improved students' communication skills, especially in challenging
 Students practiced empathy and supportive communication with patients and

3. Personal Growth:
 The reflective exercises encouraged students to assess their own self-concept.
 Many students identified personal and professional growth areas, setting goals for

4. Collaboration and Teamwork:

 The activity fostered a sense of teamwork and collaboration among students.
 Working in groups helped students understand different perspectives and build a
supportive learning environment.
The role play on self-concept was a valuable educational experience for the BSc 2nd semester
nursing students. It provided them with practical insights into how self-concept influences
nursing care and highlighted the importance of self-awareness and personal development in their
professional journey. The interactive and reflective nature of the activity contributed
significantly to their learning, preparing them to handle the emotional and psychological
challenges of nursing with greater confidence and competence.


 Incorporate regular role play sessions in the curriculum to address various psychological
and emotional aspects of nursing.
 Encourage continuous self-reflection and peer feedback to support personal and
professional growth.
 Provide resources and support for students to develop a healthy and positive self-concept.
Don't include scenario
Report on Role Play on Self-Concept by BSc Nursing 2nd Semester Students
Date: [Insert Date]

Venue: [Insert Venue]

Participants: BSc 2nd Semester Nursing Students

Facilitator: [Insert Name of F

Report on Role Play on Self-Concept by BSc Nursing 2nd Semester Students

Date: [Insert Date]

Venue: [Insert Venue]

Participants: BSc 2nd Semester Nursing Students

Facilitator: [Insert Name of Facilitator]

On [insert date], the BSc 2nd semester nursing students engaged in a role play activity centered
on the theme of self-concept. This exercise aimed to deepen their understanding of self-concept
and its significance in the context of nursing practice. Self-concept, encompassing self-image,
self-esteem, and the ideal self, plays a crucial role in shaping how nurses perceive themselves,
interact with patients, and collaborate within healthcare teams.


1. Educational Goals:
 To explore and define the components of self-concept.
 To understand the impact of self-concept on professional identity and patient care.

2. Interactive Learning:
 To facilitate experiential learning through role play.
 To promote critical thinking, empathy, and effective communication skills among
3. Reflection and Application:
 To encourage students to reflect on their own self-concept and its development.
 To discuss strategies for enhancing self-awareness and personal growth in nursing
Structure of the Role Play

1. Preparation:
 The facilitator provided an overview of self-concept and its relevance in nursing.
 Students were briefed on the objectives and guidelines for the role play activity.

2. Role Play Sessions:

 Students were divided into small groups.
 Each group was tasked with creating and performing a role play that illustrates
aspects of self-concept in a nursing context.

3. Presentations and Observations:

 Groups performed their role plays consecutively.
 Peers and the facilitator observed each presentation, focusing on the portrayal of
self-concept and its implications for nursing practice.

4. Feedback and Discussion:

 Following each presentation, a feedback session was conducted.
 The facilitator and students provided constructive feedback, discussing strengths
and areas for improvement in the depiction of self-concept.

5. Reflection and Conclusion:

 Students participated in a reflective discussion on their own self-concept.
 They shared insights gained from the role play activity and explored strategies for
fostering a positive self-concept in their professional roles as nurses.

1. Enhanced Understanding:
 Students gained a deeper understanding of the components of self-concept and
their relevance in nursing practice.
 They recognized the importance of self-awareness in delivering patient-centered
care and building effective professional relationships.

2. Improved Communication Skills:

 Role play sessions improved students' communication skills, particularly in
demonstrating empathy and understanding.
 Students practiced effective communication strategies essential for effective
nursing practice.

3. Personal Growth and Development:

 The activity encouraged self-reflection among students regarding their own self-
 Students identified areas for personal growth and development to enhance their
professional identity and resilience as nurses.

4. Collaborative Learning Environment:

 The role play activity fostered teamwork and collaboration among students.
 Students learned from each other's perspectives and experiences, contributing to a
supportive learning environment.
The role play on self-concept proved to be a valuable learning experience for BSc 2nd semester
nursing students, providing them with practical insights into the significance of self-awareness
and self-perception in nursing practice. By engaging in interactive role play activities, students
were able to explore different facets of self-concept and its implications for their roles as future
healthcare professionals. Moving forward, integrating similar experiential learning activities can
further enhance students' readiness to navigate the complexities of healthcare environments with
confidence, empathy, and professionalism.


 Encourage ongoing discussions and reflections on self-concept throughout the nursing

 Incorporate additional experiential learning activities, such as case studies and
simulations, to deepen understanding of psychological aspects in nursing practice.
 Provide continuous support and resources for students to cultivate a positive self-concept
and personal growth throughout their nursing education and careers.

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