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Chapter 1: El plano

There were five scientists who were good friends named, will, angela, alex, renn, and
marge. They happily made their inventions despite there always being problems in the
making of their inventions. One day Will, Alex, Renn, and marge thought of using an
invention of theirs as a gift to angela on her birthday and before they gave it to her, they
planned on pranking angela first. They planned from their laboratory and there they
thought of what kind of prank they are going to pull on her then on the day of her
birthday. Angela felt very happy and refreshed upon waking up and ate her birthday
breakfast and made her preparations to go to work, then when she got there she was
greeted by her peers, fellow scientists and superiors on her birthday. She then
proceeded to her lab where her four closest friends were waiting in the dark waiting to
surprise her, then when Angela opened the lights the four yelled SURPRISE!!! And
sang her an early birthday song before her party later that night. And there they ate an
early birthday cake and enjoyed part of the morning before they carried on with their
work and research.

Chapter 2: Beginning conflict

Later that day, Angela was called by her senior scientist and was given the rest of the
day off due to her hardworking nature. It was a gift to her by her senior, the four friends
caught wind of this and began to discuss their plan since angela wasn’t around to find
out. Will asked them what they thought would be good gift for her and what kind of
prank they should pull, they all agreed that they should give her one of the hybrids in the
genetics department as they all know that angela loves animals and as a child she had
these drawings of her having a dog and cat but her dorm only allowed one pet.
Suggestions were made on what kind of pet they were going to give her from the lab,
Alex said a Komodo dragon/bat would be a cool pet renn quickly shut the idea down by
saying “sure, let’s give her a pet that doesn’t see an owner but instead sees a walking
happy meal” then marge said “A Tarantula/baboon sounds nice, she could have a friend
with 8 legs and monkeys are very intelligent” Will then said “that would be a good idea,
but first we need someone who can actually hold a tarantula without fainting” they
looked at each other and agreed without talking that no one wants to hold a tarantula.
Then they gave up on the idea of exotic pets as a gift and went back to the idea of a cat
dog hybrid, then they talked about what kind of prank they should pull. Alex suggested
“let’s use the holographic projectors and stage a zombie outbreak along with the
androids that they use to carry heavy stuff from each department” will said that would
probably be overdoing it, we’ll come back to that. Marge then suggested that they
should use the slime from the engineering department and drop it on her, but they all
agreed that the idea was more of something a bully or nemesis would do so they
scrapped it and stuck to their original zombie plan. Afterwards they got permission to
use the materials necessary and they prepared for the party in a few hours and set up
the bots and projectors nearby the venue which was her parent’s home
Chapter: Resolution
Later that night, when the party started all the people present sang angela her birthday
song and began celebrating her birthday. A few hours in everyone was celebrating as
normal the three began their plan and activated the bots and the holographic projectors.
The everyone there started panicking and thought it was real so they started running.
After successfully scaring them. They revealed that it was just a prank and everyone
started laughing but as they were looking for the crate that held the catdog they found
out that Angela accidentally broke her late mother’s gift to her for her 21 st birthday which
was a vase that only her mother knew how to make, and to top all that off the crate was
missing and they forgot it at the university and now they had just broken her priceless
gift and had no way of even replacing it as their gift was not there with them. They tried
to console her but she did not want to talk to them. The next day alex and marge talked
and looked for the other two but couldn’t find them, alex said “Well, we just broke her
heart” marge said “And her vase too” (Laugh track) Renn and wil came in looking all
dirty and tired with some of their clothes ripped, the two asked. What the hell happened
to you two?(Laugh track) the two trying to catch their breaths and panting said “We
have an idea, we can use the molecular re-arranger in the physics department to
reconstruct the vase” the two understood the idea but still wondered what happened to
the two, after catching their breaths they said that they dug through Angela’s trash and
found the pouch with the pieces and said that a few stray dogs chased them all around
the block and when climbing a fence their clothes got snagged on the fence. After a few
minutes the four reconstructed the vase using images of the vase and a video to see
what the vase should look like, and after finally completing it they brought the crate with
the catdog and the vase to Angela’s house and there they saw her sulking and moping
in her room, they put the vase on her desk and brought the crate near her and opened
it. Angela’s face lit up the room and she loved the gift and cried a bit after seeing her
mother’s vase back to normal. They all hugged it out and took a bunch of pictures with
them and the catdog.

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