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Electrical Terminology, Measurements and Units Associated with the Stunning

Technique in Poultry Processing Plants1 ' 2 ' 3


Department of Veterinary Science, and


Department of Poultry Science, University of Maryland,

College Park, Maryland 20742

(Received for publication June 17, 1977)

ABSTRACT A variety of possible electrical circuits can be fabricated to stun poultry in

processing plants. At the present time a lack of uniformity in terminology exists when describing

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the electrical features of stunners. Electrical output from several stunners is described including:
AC, 60 Hz; AC, variable frequency; and pulsed DC. In addition sine wave and rectangular wave
outputs are compared. When measuring the voltage output of sinusoidal and full-wave rectified
sinusoidal waveforms, the average value is .636 times the peak value and the effective value is .707
times the peak value. For half wave rectified sinusoidal waveforms, the effective value is 0.50 times
the peak value and the average is 0.318 times the peak value. For rectangular AC waveforms, with
no off time, the peak, average, and effective values are all equal.
A procedure is described for determining the output of a given stunner within a poultry
processing plant. Two instruments are required, a multimeter and a cathode ray oscilloscope. The
procedure includes an accurate description of the waveform output and a direct measure of the
peak, average, and effective voltage used to stun poultry.

INTRODUCTION An a t t e m p t is also m a d e t o explain t h e signifi-

A variety of electrical systems are presently cance of using a c a t h o d e ray oscilloscope
available and in use in processing plants t o stun (CRO) a n d / o r m u l t i m e t e r to measure variables
p o u l t r y prior t o slaughter. Detailed descriptions within a typical circuit.
of s o m e of t h e circuits have n o t been published. T h e overall goal of this paper is t o establish a
C o n s e q u e n t l y it is n o t always k n o w n w h a t t y p e standard p r o c e d u r e for describing an electrical
of electrical circuit is in use a t any given system used for stunning p o u l t r y t o pave t h e
p o u l t r y plant. In addition, in discussions with way for future studies w h e r e b y specific quanti-
plant personnel responsible for maintaining and tative electrical values, e.g. voltage, will have a
operating electrical stunners, a lack of uniform- specific meaning w h e n d e t e r m i n e d in a given
ity in terminology occurs when describing t h e electrical circuit.
electrical features of stunners. It appears timely Background Information. T h e majority of
t o classify electrical circuits which are currently investigators will be using a v o l t m e t e r a n d / o r a
e m p l o y e d or can be e m p l o y e d t o s t u n p o u l t r y . C R O t o evaluate t h e o u t p u t of their systems,
b u t it m u s t be k e p t in mind t h a t it is c u r r e n t
t h a t actually does t h e stunning. Voltage and
Scientific Article No. A2322, Contribution No. current are related b y O h m ' s L a w (E=IR,
5329 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station assuming a p r e d o m i n a n t l y resistive system with
(Departments of Veterinary Science and Poultry Sci- negligible reactance, where E is electromotive
ence). force or voltage, / is c u r r e n t and R is t h e
Electrical instruments and characteristics of com-
resistance of t h e s y s t e m ) , therefore a descrip-
mercial stunners mentioned in this study do not imply
endorsement or criticism by the Maryland Agricultural tion of either t h e voltage or current waveform
Experiment Station. In addition, no electrical stunner is a d e q u a t e t o describe the o u t p u t of t h e
should be employed unless it has been installed by a system. T h e resistance of the system includes
qualified electrician and until appropriate safety signs the i n h e r e n t resistance of t h e s t u n n e r as well as
are displayed. The voltages and currents used for
stunning poultry can be hazardous to man. the resistance of t h e bird. T h e brine s t u n n e r has
3 a l o w inherent resistance (less t h a n t h e bird)
Send reprint requests to W. J. Kuenzel.


while the fresh-water stunner has a high in- forms, the average value is .636 times the peak
herent resistance (greater than the bird). The value (peak value is the maximum value of
plate stunner has a resistance intermediate either the positive or negative 1/2 cycle with
between the brine and fresh-water stunner and the zero line as a reference) and the effective
also has a greater variability in resistance value is .707 times the peak value (Fig. 1). These
(Kuenzeland Ingling, 1977). values are constant and are designed into the
meters used to measure sinusoidal current and
voltage (Reed and Corcoran, 1939; Corcoran
DISCUSSION and Reed, 1957; and Kirchner and Corcoran,
Voltage Class. The first consideration is the 1960). For half-wave rectified sinusoidal wave-
class of voltage: alternating (AC) or direct forms (Fig. 2), the effective value is .500 times
(DC). An alternating current or voltage is the peak value and the average is .318 times the
defined as one which varies, repeats its pattern peak. Most meters will give inaccurate readings
at regular intervals of time called the period, when used to measure this type of waveform.

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and whose time averaged value over a period is The most common instrument for measuring
zero. A direct current or voltage is one which is current and voltage is a multimeter (such as the
always in the same direction (positive or nega- Simpson 260) in which the basic meter move-
tive) with respect to a reference level and can ment is the permanent magnet type (d'Arson-
be either constant, which is unvarying in val). This is a DC measuring instrument that
amplitude and direction, or pulsative, which is responds to the average amplitude of the
regularly varying in amplitude, but is always current. For DC the meter responds to the
either positive or negative (Kerchner and Corco- average value and is calibrated to read this value
ran, 1960; A.E.H., 1970; and I.E.E.E., 1972). in the DC modes. For alternating (AC) voltages
In mathematical waveform analysis, any varying and currents a rectifier is switched internally
waveform that has an unrectified average value into the meter circuit to convert to DC to
other than zero is considered as being com- which the meter movement then responds.
posed of both DC and AC elements. However Since in the majority of cases we are interested
for measurement purposes, the definitions in power equivalency heating effect, propor-
above are sufficient. A simple test to determine tional to the square of current) rather than
if AC and/or DC is present is to take readings electrolysis effect {proportional to current), the
on both AC and DC scales of a multimeter. If AC meter scales are calibrated to read in
only AC is present, then the DC readings will be effective current or voltage, which means that
zero; if only DC is present, then the AC reading the scale reads 1.11 times the actual response of
will be approximately 10% higher than the DC the meter movement itself (the ratio of the
reading (a factor of 1.1 explained below). If effective to the average is .707/.636 = 1.11).
both AC and DC are present then the DC These ratios and calibrations are only true for
reading will obviously fall somewhere between pure sinusoidal and full-wave rectified sinusoi-
0 and 90% of the AC reading. dal waveforms and the meters are usually
Measurement of Electrical Values. Direct limited in the frequency range to which they will
current and sinusoidal alternating current. For respond accurately. In summary, a multimeter
purposes of measurment, time varying ampli- when used in the DC mode on a constant DC
tudes of current and voltage (including AC) are source, will read the correct peak, effective and
compared to constant DC. That is, the varying average value (all equal). If used to measure
value that will perform equivalently as a non- time-varying DC in the DC mode, only the
time varying DC value is assigned the DC value. correct average value will be indicated. For
The most common AC scale is the root-mean- sinusoidal AC and full-wave rectified sinusoidal
square (RMS) or effective value. The effective AC in the AC mode, the effective value will be
value of a varying DC or AC current is defined indicated. For all other waveforms the meter
as the constant DC current that has an equiva- will indicate 1.11 times the average in the AC
lent heating effect. The average value of an AC mode.
current is defined as the equivalent of a DC Non-sinusoidal time varying waveforms. The
current in electrolysis effect after rectification basic waveform is the rectangular AC one
of the AC current (Corcoran and Reed, 1957; shown in Fig. 3A. By definition the peak value
and Kerchner and Corcoran, 1960). For sinusoi- is the maximum of either the positive or
dal and full-wave rectified sinusoidal wave- negative half cycle, and the average value is


_j_ (PV) j ^


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16.67 msec 6.67msec


FIG. 1. Sinusoidal alternating current waveforms. Each bold-faced rectangle simulates the display module of
an oscilloscope and contains a tracing as would appear when measuring the output of the stated circuit. The
effective and average voltage indicate: (1) voltages which would be measured when employing a multimeter or
voltmeter, and (2) relationship between these readings and peak voltage (PV) as determined with an oscilloscope.
A specific period of 6.67 msec, is shown to represent variable frequency. A more generalized representation is,
period = 1000/frequency.

equal t o t h e p e a k ( n o t e , however t h a t t h e R M S value. Therefore t h e peak, average, a n d

actual average is zero). T h e effective value is effective values are all equal for t h e rectangular
t h a t value of n o n - t i m e varying DC t h a t will AC waveform shown in Fig. 3 A. M e a s u r e m e n t
perform equivalently and is calculated as t h e of this form of current or voltage w i t h o u t being


T T"
J_ (PV) A. /

K /
FIG. 2. Rectified sinusoidal alternating current waveforms (pulsed direct current waveforms). Each
bold-faced rectangle simulates the display module of an oscilloscope and contains a tracing as would appear
when measuring the output of the stated circuit. The effective and average voltage indicate: (1) voltages which
would be measured when employing a multimeter or voltmeter, and (2) relationship between these readings and
peak voltage (PV) as determined with an oscilloscope.


t, T
(+) PEAK

(-) \

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1. EV .707 PV
2. AV .500 PV

FIG. 3. Alternating and direct current rectangular waveforms. Each bold-faced rectangle simulates the display
module of an oscilloscope and contains a tracing as would appear when measuring the output of the stated
circuit. The effective and average voltage indicate: (1) voltages which would be measured when employing a
multimeter or-voltmeter, and (2) relationship between tiiese readings and peak voltage (PV) as determined with
an oscilloscope.

aware of the limitations of the measuring Solution:

instrument will lead to error. If the DC mode is (1) Effective Voltage = PV ('On' Time/Peri-
used, then a value of zero will be obtained. If od)I/2
the AC mode is used, the effective voltage as = PV (»/2)1/2 = .707 PV
read will be 10% higher than the true effective (2) Average Voltage = PV ('On' Time/Peri-
voltage. The meter movement will respond od)
properly to the rectified average, but the scale = PV O/2) = .5 PV
calibration of 1.11 times the average will give (3) Effective/Average = .707/.05 = 1.414
an erroneous reading, since in this case the true
effective value is equal to the average value. The waveform of Fig. 3C will give a zero
Fig. 3B and 3C show two types of rectangu- reading in the DC mode, but will give an
lar waveforms that appear quite different, identical reading as that of Fig. 3B in the AC
however analysis will prove that they are mode, and the calculated average and effective
identical in effect. If measured in the DC mode, values are identical to those calculated for Fig.
the wave of Fig. 3B will give an average value 3B.
directly on the meter scale which is equal to From this discussion it can be seen that an
.500 the peak. If measured in the AC mode, it AC waveform can be equated to a time varying
will give an erroneous reading of 1.11 X DC waveform by reflecting the negative portion
average, since the RMS calculation shows the of the waveform and superposing it upon the
effective value to be actually 1.414 times the positive portion (rectification). The average
average, an error of nearly 30%. value of any waveform can be determined with
Example. Given: (1) A square wave form in a multimeter by dividing the AC mode value by
which 'On' time is one half that of total period. 1.11. An estimate of the error between the
(2) PV = Peak Voltage. measured effective value and the true effective
Calculate: Effective voltage, average voltage, value of rectangular waveforms can be obtained
and the ratio of effective to average. by considering that, as calculated above, when

the 'on' time is equal to the 'off time, then the waveform is an example of a true alternating
error is nearly 30%. As the on/off ratio in- current at 60 Hz (Fig. 1). Voltage of the circuit
creases, then the error decreases to a minimum can be readily determined by connnecting a
of 10% (AC mode, measuring AC or DC) and as voltmeter in parallel with the bird or birds to be
the on/off ratio decreases, the error exceeds stunned.
30%. If an oscillator and other electronic compo-
There are commercial instruments that have nents are correctly wired into a standard A.C.
meter movements (dynamometer type) which circuit, the frequency (Hz) can then be changed
respond directly to the square of the current. at will. The variable frequency output (Fig. 1)
They have scales calibrated as the square root can either be a sine wave or rectangular wave
of the basic reading, and therefore read the depending upon the electronic circuitry.
effective value of any waveform directly. A Another type of circuit is constant DC with
simple rule for distinguishing the average read- all frequency components filtered out. Voltage
ing meter from the effective (since both are can be measured by connecting a voltmeter be-

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scaled in effective) is that the average reading tween the positive and negative terminals of the
meter has a linear scale while the effective power supply. A different type of DC circuit
reading meter has a non-linear scale, that is the can be produced after rectification of standard
graduations at one end of the scale are notice- 60 Hz, AC circuits. A single diode in the
ably compressed in relation to those at the current path of a sinusoidal wave produces
other end (these are voltage and current ranges, half-wave rectification, which is properly
do not confuse this rule with the resistance classed as pulsative (or pulsed) DC, with a pulse
range on a multimeter which is non-linear). rate equal to the frequency of the original AC
The only method of properly determining (Fig. 2). Full-wave rectification, obtained either
the true shape of non-sinusoidal forms is by with a bridge rectifier (four diodes) or two
using the CRO. The instrument must have the diodes and a center tapped transformer, pro-
capability of direct-coupled input and the duces pulsative DC with a pulse rate double
pickup probe must not be capacitively coupled that of the original AC frequency (Fig. 2).
or the waveform will be distorted. Potential Problems in Measuring and Deter-
Electrical Characteristics of Stunners. Table mining Electrical Characteristics Which Stun
1 gives the possible circuits that can be used to Poultry. A voltmeter connected directly to the
stun poultry. The simplest circuit is one direct- AC power line will read 110 volts nominal (this
ly derived from an AC power line without may vary from 110 to 120 depending on the
rectification. If monitored by a CRO, the derivation). This is the effective value and the
output appears as a sinusoidal waveform. The peak voltage is about 156 volts (1/.707 X 110
v). With half-wave rectification, the voltmeter
would read 55v (eff.) although the true effec-
tive value is 78v. With full-wave rectification,
TABLE 1 .—Classification of electrical circuits
used to stun poultry the reading is back to llOv (eff.) although with
either type of rectification, the peak voltage is
I. Alternating current (AC) circuits still 156 volts. It is easy to see how confusion
A. Standard 60 Hz AC can arise between individuals using these simple
B. Variable frequency AC line derived systems. One individual using half-
1. Sine wave variable frequency wave rectification may feed that he is stunning
2. Rectangular wave variable frequency birds with 55 volts, while another using full-
II. Direct current (DC) circuits wave rectification may feel that he is stunning
A. Constant DC (all frequency components com- birds with 55 volts, while another using full-
pletely filtered out) 156 volt peak pulses, the only difference being
B. Pulsed DC circuits obtained after rectification in frequency. Another concept that adds some
of standard 60 Hz, AC circuits
1. Pulsed DC — after half-wave rectification, complexity is that of peak-to-peak voltage. In
frequency = 60 Hz systems using sinusoidal waveforms or similar
2. Pulsed DC — after full-wave rectification, types with slow rise and fall times, peak-to-peak
frequency = 120 Hz voltage is probably not important, but for
C. Variable frequency pulsed DC rectangular waveforms a peak-to-peak effect
1. Rectified sine wave variable frequency
2. Rectangular wave variable frequency may be important. The peak-to-peak voltage for
the AC power line is 312 volts, but the peaks



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FIG. 4. Comparison of peak-to-peak voltage of sinusoidal and rectangular (square) AC waveforms.

are displaced b y a half-cycle. With a true AC DISTORTED A.C. RECTANGULAR

rectangular wave, t h e leading and trailing edges
of successive pulses coincide and the actual
voltage change at t h a t p o i n t is then t h e peak-
to-peak voltage (Fig. 4). With a rectangular
pulsed DC waveform, t h e peak-to-peak voltage
is also t h e peak voltage (Fig. 3B) and although

we have shown b y analysis this is similar t o t h e -i-

AC rectangular waveform, t h e stunning effect
might well be quite different. Research has y e t (- )
t o be d o n e t o d e t e r m i n e if t h e major stunning
effect is d u e t o t h e rapidity of t h e voltage
—»| f « — PERIOD
change, is due t o t h e excursion from t h e (ONE CYCLE)
reference (peak voltage) or is a c o m b i n a t i o n of
t h e t w o . In addition a third factor, pulse w i d t h , I. EFFECTIVE VOLTAGE = INDETERMINATE
m a y be i m p o r t a n t .
A characteristic n o t considered w h e n using (with RECTIFICATION) = INDETERMINATE
rectangular waveforms is a spike t h a t is often b. AVERAGE VOLTAGE
present on t h e leading edge of t h e pulse. It is (w/o RECTIFICATION) = ZERO
n o t unusual for this spike t o be much greater
t h a n t h e peak voltage of t h e pulse, so t h a t a 3. PEAK VOLTAGE INDETERMINATE
system t h a t seems t o be effective with a 4 0 volt
FIG. 5. Distorted AC rectangular waveforms. The
peak pulse train m a y actually be stunning with
bold-faced rectangle simulates the display module of
a 150 volt n a r r o w pulse on t h e leading edge of an oscilloscope and contains a tracing as would appear
t h e 4 0 volt pulse (Fig. 5). In m a n y cases spikes when measuring the output of the stated circuit. The
of this t y p e are n o t visible o n a C R O trace. T h e effective and average voltage indicate: (1) voltages
reason is t h a t t h e resolution is t o o low, since which would be measured when employing a multim-
eter or voltmeter, and (2) relationship between these
t h e frequencies m a k i n g up t h e spike are greatly readings and peak voltage (PV) as determined with an
different from t h e basic frequency of t h e pulse oscilloscope. Precise voltage values cannot be deter-
train. mined.

Suggested Procedure for Determining the nected directly across the circuit wired to the
Output of a Given Stunner from a Poultry bird(s). Particular attention should be directed
Processing Plant. 1. Determine the type of to connecting beyond an ammeter, if one is
circuit used to stun poultry. If the system is used, since the voltage developed across the
relatively simple, it may be easily recognized to ammeter may well be an appreciable fraction of
be an AC power line derived system: sinusoidal the voltage developed across the bird.
AC, half-, or full-wave rectified. If a more
complex system is used, proceed to Step 2. REFERENCES
2. If the type circuit utilized is unknown, American Electrical Handbook, 1970. Ed. H. Watt.
then use a CRO to determine the shape of the McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
output waveform. Attempt to match the out- Corcoran, G. F., and H. R. Reed, 1957. Introductory
Electrical Engineering. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
put tracing with one of the figures presented in New York.
this paper and analyze as outlined. I.E.E.E., 1972. Standard Dictionary of Electrical and
3. Determine the voltage output (peak volt- Electronic Terms. Wiley-Interscience, New York.

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age) of the circuit using the CRO. Convert that Kerchner, R. M., and G. F. Corcoran, 1960. Alternat-
ing Current Circuits. 4th Ed. John Wiley and Sons,
reading to effective and average voltage using Inc., New York.
the appropriate constants or calculations from Kuenzel, W. J., and A. L. Ingling, 1977. A Comparison
the figures. of Plate and Brine Stunners, A. C. and D. C. Cir-
4. Verify the CRO determination by em- cuits for Maximizing Bleed-Out in Processed Poul-
try. Poultry Sci. (In press).
ploying a standard voltmeter or multimeter and Reed, H. R., and G. F. Corcoran, 1939. Electrical
interpreting the reading as described herein. Engineering Experiments. John Wiley and Sons,
The voltmeter and the CRO should be con- Inc., New York.

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