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Hey, Sean Nalewanyj here and thanks for downloading this muscle building meal plan.

I’m a fitness coach and writer who has been researching and promoting science-based,
no B.S muscle building and fat loss techniques online since 2005.

Through the comprehensive free content on my Blog, YouTube Channel, Social Media
pages and online newsletters, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of average, everyday
guys and girls from all over the world build muscle, lose fat and completely transform
their bodies and lives.

I’m also the creator of The Body Transformation Blueprint – a complete step-by-step
training, nutrition and supplementation system that teaches people how to achieve their
ideal body in the fastest and most efficient way possible without hype or gimmicks of
any kind.

In a fitness industry that has become completely overrun with fads, false information
and outright scams, you can trust my advice as an honest, no nonsense resource to help
you reach your fitness goals the right way.

Welcome to your personal step-by-step meal plan that has been assigned to you based
on your individual body type, activity level and primary fitness goal.

Proper nutrition is an often overlooked aspect of many people’s muscle building

programs, yet it’s just as, if not more important than what you do in the gym.

You can spend all the time in the world hammering the weights and running on the
treadmill, but if you aren’t eating the right foods in the proper quantities each day, your
results will either be greatly diminished or eliminated altogether.

This meal plan will remove all the guesswork by providing your body with a balanced
combination of lean proteins, high quality carbohydrates, healthy fats and valuable
micronutrients to support your muscle building goals.

Here are a few important things you should know before getting started…

1) You can re-arrange the meals in any way you’d like based on your personal preference
and schedule. If you want to change the order of things or combine certain meals/foods
together, that’s totally fine. Your only goal is to consume everything listed in the plan in
the stated quantities by the end of the day.

2) Most of the food measurements are given in metric form because this is the most
accurate way to properly track your diet. Measuring cups measure volume and not
weight and can be quite inaccurate at times, so I’d suggest purchasing a basic food scale
if you don’t already have one. That said, if you’d prefer to convert the gram amounts into
cups or ounces for easier use then you can find the proper conversions with a simple
Google search.

3) If you want to substitute different food items in or out based on your taste preference
or food availability, you can use the nutrition database on to find the
calorie/protein/carb/fat totals for a huge range of different items that you can optionally
swap into the plan.

4) This particular calorie level has been given to you based on the information you
entered into our nutrition calculator, but keep in mind that all calorie calculations are
just estimates at the start.

There's no way to know for certain what any one individual's exact calorie needs will be
right from the outset since it can vary quite a bit based on many different factors.

For that reason, you’ll want to treat this calorie level as an initial starting point and then
see how your body weight responds.

If your weight remains stagnant for more than a 7-10 day period then you should
increase the calories slightly (a 100-150 calorie increase is a good guideline), or if you’re
putting on weight at too quick a pace then you should reduce them down.

The standard rate of overall weight gain that an average muscle building beginner should
aim for is roughly 2 pounds per month (3 at the very most), so keep this in mind when
tracking your progress.

If you’re gaining much more than this amount then you’re probably putting on an
excessive amount of body fat, whereas if you’re gaining much less then you’re probably
not building muscle at your full potential.

Get started with your personal muscle building meal plan below…
To stay in the loop on all of my newest content that will help you build muscle, lose fat
and gain strength at your maximum potential, make sure to follow the 3 simple steps
below before diving into the meal plan…

1) Subscribe To My YouTube Channel.

I post brand new high quality video lessons on my channel several days a week covering
all kinds of valuable training, nutrition and supplementation topics that you won’t want to

2) Bookmark My Official Website.

My blog contains a ton of awesome muscle building and fat burning information and is
updated frequently with new content. I can guarantee that it will be some of the highest
quality and most beneficial material you'll find anywhere.
3) Connect With Me On Social Media…

For more daily tips, motivation and other updates, make sure to connect with me on the
following social media channels…

 Facebook
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 Twitter
 Google+
2 whole egg 138 12 0 10

3 egg whites 48 12 0 0

2 slices Ezekiel toast 170 8 30 2

2 teaspoons strawberry jam 36 0 9 0

190g blueberries 121 1 27 1

TOTAL 513 33 66 13


1 scoop whey protein powder 117 24 3 1

250ml unsweetened almond milk 31 1 0 3

115g banana 108 1 26 0


25g natural peanut butter 169 8 5 13

3 ice cubes 0 0 0 0

(Blend above ingredients into a shake. Add water to thin if necessary or additional sweetener if desired.)

TOTAL 425 34 34 17


125g cooked chicken breast OR 125g
turkey breast OR 125g shrimp OR 145g 147 30 0 3

325g cooked white or brown rice 367 10 75 3

125g cooked broccoli 48 3 9 0

TOTAL 562 43 84 6


60g oatmeal (dry measurement) 232 8 41 4

1 tablespoon honey 72 0 18 0

150g sliced apple 88 1 21 0

35g mixed nuts 234 7 11 18

TOTAL 626 16 91 22


135g cooked lean beef 236 41 0 8

375g boiled sweet potato 313 8 68 1


125g cooked carrots 44 1 10 0

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 135 0 0 15

300ml orange juice 145 2 32 1

TOTAL 873 52 110 25

DAILY TOTALS 2999 178 385 83


Check out my complete Body Transformation Blueprint to access my full collection of

muscle building and fat burning meal plans ranging from as low as 1200 calories all the
way up to 4500 calories with 4 different days of eating for each level.

With these easy-to-follow meal plans on your side you’ll never be left wondering what to
eat to achieve your goals and can easily shift from plan to plan as your fitness levels

The Blueprint includes far more than just meal plans though…
This is a fully structured, step-by-step muscle building and fat loss system that contains
ALL of the most effective strategies I've learned after 15 years of dedicated fitness
research, coaching and training experience.

It utilizes a no B.S, science-based approach and delivers every single tool you need to
gain lean muscle, burn off body fat and increase your strength as quickly and efficiently
as possible.

You’ll learn all of the most important, result-producing principles behind proper training,
nutrition, supplementation and everything in between, as well as the truth behind many
common fitness myths that have been holding you back from achieving the body you
truly desire.

Along with the complete set of meal plans, you’ll also be getting my comprehensive
250-page manual “Muscle Building & Fat Loss Decoded”, along with step-by-step
workout routines, exercise video tutorials, science-based supplementation guides, recipe
and smoothie books, progress tracking tools and 12 weeks of one-on-one personalized
coaching with me to guarantee your success.

It’s the same system I used to transform from a weak and out-of-shape 125-pound
skinny guy into a strong, lean and muscular bodybuilding and fitness coach…

And it’s the same system that tens of thousands of average, everyday people from all
over the world have implemented with huge success as well…
If you’re motivated and ready to begin building that muscular, head-turning you’re after
and want to fully guarantee your success, just click the link below to get started right

Click Here To Access The Body Transformation Blueprint

I look forward to hearing from you,

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