Taurus 5th House Predictions by Ruchi Dutta

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Taurus Lagna, 5th House Predictions.

5th House Karaka.

Children. Love and romance. Hobbies. Emotions. Education. College level education. Creativity.
Intelligence. Speech. Elder sibling of spouse. Spouse of elder sibling. Grandfather. Natives’ second
sibling. Gain from marriage. Purva Punya. Advice and council. Upper abdomen. Stomach. Liver.
Father(9th from 9).Mental ability. Learning. Knowledge. Scholarship. Character. Prosperity. Wisdom.
Memory. Speculation. Mantras. Knowledge of mantras. Authorship. Dictate.

The 5th house has the sign Virgo in it for Taurus Lagna.

Karakas of Mercury. The sign, Lord of Virgo.

Intelligence. Communication. Talking. Business. Bank. Financial institution. Skin. Dexterity. Ear.
Windpipe. Lord Vishnu. Sales job. Marketing job. Skill. Accounts. A place of pleasure. Astrologer.
Humour. Jokes. Mentality. BCom. MCom. CA. CS. ICWA.

5th House Virgo:

Exaltation: Mercury.

Debilitation: Venus.

Multrikon: Mercury.

Other features:

5th House Is odd, Male.

Virgo Is Vaishya. Rules Jeeva Animals. Is Biped. Earthly. The direction is South. Is an even female sign.
Strong during the day. Of tall stature.

The 5th house Is a Kona house.

Mercury is Rajasika in nature. Mercury is the Prince. In places it represents playground. It is a neutral
planet. Benefic with benefics. And malefic with malefics.

In the 5th house, Mercury is between Sun and Venus.Their relationship is friendly. Here Mercury is as
aspected by Jupiter from the 11th house.


1. The relatives as depicted by the 5th house, that is the children elder brother of spouse. The
spouse of elder brother, grand father and native second sibling will all be lucky. (Shubh kartari
yog. 7th aspect of Jupiter.)
2. Exalted Mercury in 5th House, and the aspect of Jupiter will make the native Very intelligent,
Well educated, witty. They will be religious. Have knowledge of Dharma. And can be very
interested in Dharmic scriptures.
3. The children of such a native will be respectful, obedient. Understanding. And we will look after
their parents in their old age.
4. The wealth of their children, Can be seen from the 6th house( 2nd from 5th) with the sign Libra &
signLord Venus in it. Their children will grow their wealth, especially after marriage.
5. With the Planet. Mercury in the5th House. The Natives. Education Can be related to finance,
Accountancy Maths, with an eye to detail.
6. The 4th aspect of education falls in the 8th house with Jupiter in the sign Sagittarius. The native
may have a Masters degree. And may be involved in PhD or research in his line of studies.
7. The benefit or gain from their purva punya, Will be the 3rd House of courage and Valour with
moon in it, giving them a courageous mind.
8. The karma(10th aspect) of their children can be seen from the second house of family with
Mercury in it. The children may be inclined to work within a family business as business is seen
from Mercury and family as placed in the second house. They will also make good Investment
9. The spouse of the natives, children, as is seen from the 11th house with the sign Pisces in it &
sign Lord Jupiter in it will be religious and well educated too. And they will have a happy
10. The second house is 10th from the 5th House of Children. The native will be involved in the
children’s life and may help set up their career.
11. Being a kona house, the native will love his or her. Children And grandfather..
12. The health of the natives, children And the grandfather will be very good, and they will live to a
ripe old age(6th aspect is the 10th house with Multrikon Saturn in it giving longevity.)

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