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1. Ways agriculture has led to development of industries

- Provision of raw materials to the industries
- Provision of capital for establishment of industries
- Provision of market for finished goods
2. Advantages of organic farming
- Products are free from chemicals residues
- Its environmentally friendly/ does not pollute environment
- Organic improves soil structure
- Provide food to shelter for microorganisms in the soil.
3. Reasons for deep ploughing during land preparation
- Facilitate soil aeration
- Remove deep rooted seeds
- Expose lower soil layers to weathering agents
- Facilitates development of deep rooted crops
- Facilitates drainage and water infiltration
- Brings up previously leached nutrients
4. Effects of low temperature on crop production
- Leads to slaw growth in crops
- Improves qualities of crops such as tea coffee pyrethrum
- Increases incidences of diseases such as coffee berry diseases in coffee.
5. Information contained in an invoice
- Date of transaction - People involved in transaction -Type & quality of good delivered
- Price per unit of goods -Total amount of money involved -Invoice serial number
- Terms of payment.
6. Soil structure- is the physical appearance of soil according to way individual particles are
Soil texture- is the relative proportion of various sizes of mineral particles in a given sample of
Hybrid- is the breeding / crossing of two pure varieties under controlled pollination
Composite- crossing of several varieties under uncontrolled pollination
7. Financial books
- Ledger - cash books - journal - inventory
8. Factors affecting rooting of cuttings
- Temperature - relative humidity - light intensity - oxygen supply - leaf area chemical
9. Causes of blossom end rot
- Lack of calcium in the soil
- Irregular watering
- Topdressing with excess nitrogenous fertilizer
10. Advantages of tissue culture
- Mass production of plants - less space is required - resultant plants are disease free/
pathogen free
11. Roles of organic matter in the sand soil
- Increase water hiding capacity of soil
- Provide food and shelter for microorganisms in soil
- Improves soil structure by binding soil particles together
- Improve soil fertility by releasing nutrients in soil - buffer soil ph
- Moderates soil temperature litmus give soil dark colour
12. Factors consider in siting a compost pit.
- Well drained place - accessibility - size of farm - direction of prevailing wind
13. Roles of nitrogen
- Protein formation
- Promotes vegetative growth
- Regulates availability of phosphorous potassium
- Increases size of grains
14. Benefits of micro- catchments
- Slows down speed of surface run off hence increase rate of water infiltration
- Can be used to reclaim land to improve food production in and areas
- Can be used in strategy for a forestation/ reforestation in and areas
- Collected surface run off may be used for irrigation and used by livestock
15. Advantages of overhead irrigation
- Less water is wasted compared to furrow irrigation
- Water is evenly distributed in the field
- Foliar fertilizer can be applied together with irrigation water
- Sprinkles can be easily moved from one place to another
- The method can be practiced on slope area
16. Types of labour records
- Muster roll
- Labour utilization analysis

17. Partial budget for the farmer.

Debit Credit
Extra costs ( dairy goat) Extra revenue ( dairy goat)
5 dairy x 2000/= = 10,000 Sale of milk goat 20,000/=
Pays milk man = 3,000 Sale of manure 1,000/=
Control disease = 1,500
Fencing = 1,500
16,000/= 21,000/=

Revenue foregone ( available) Cost saved ( available)

Maize sale = 10,000/= Weeding maize 400/=
Cabbage = 4,000/- Weeding cabbage 200/=
14,000/= Harvesting maize 500/=
Harvesting cabbage 300/=
DAP fertilizer 1000/=
Cabbage seeds 400/=
Maize seeds 600/=
Pesticides 800/=
Shelling maize 300/=
Total 30,000/= 25,000/=

CREDIT – DEBT 25,000 – 30000 = -4500/=

The change is not worthwhile the farmer should not change
18. (a) Aim of the experiment
To determine / show presence of living organisms in soil
(b) Observation – in flask x lime water turns milk while in flask y lime water remains clear.
( c) explanation – In flask x during respiration living organisms gives out co2 that turns lime water
- In flask y during heating living organisms has been destroyed hence no respiration and no
co2 released that is why lime water remains clear.
19. (a) methods A – French drain B open ditches
(b) (i) soil (ii) stones (iii) Ditch
( c) importance of drainage
- Allow / enhance/ increase soil aeration
- Improve microbial activities – maintains soil structure - raise soil temperature
- Increase soil volume - remove toxic subsistence from the soil – reduce soil erosion
20. Describe harmful effects of pests on crop production ( 5mks)
- Pests such as squirrels and mice unearth planted seeds resulting in low plant population
- Some pests such as nematodes termites and moles damage roots causing wilting in plants
- Some pests e.g aphids destroy crops leaves thus lowering photosynthetic area leading to
low yield
- Some deprive plant its food by sucking this lowering their quality and quantity
- Some destroys embryo of seeds thus lowering their germination potential
- Some transmit crop disease e.g aphid transmits



Current liabilities Current assets
Bank overdraft 40,000/= Cash at bank 50,000/=
Debt payable 26,100/= Cash at hand 5,000
Grain in store 80,000/=
Debt receivable 12,000/=
Layers 30,000/=
Dairy cattle 150,000/=

Long term liabilities Fixed assets

AFC loan 100,000/= Land value 500,000/=
Lorry worth 600,000/=
TOTAL 166000 TOTAL 1 427 000
Networth 1 260 900
1 427 000 1 427 000

( c) agriculture practices causes water pollution

1. Use of excess inorganic fertilizers

2. Use of excess pesticides
3. Over cultivation
4. Overgrazing
5. Cultivating along the river bank
21. (a) Importance of practicing crop rotation
- Maximum utilization of nutrients in the soil -Control soil erosion -Control weeds
- Control soil borne pests & diseases -Improves soil structure -Improves soil fertility
22. (a) production of cabbage under
i. Seedbed preparation
- Clear the land -Prepare land early/ during dry period
- Plough deeply for eradicate all perennial weed -Narrow the land to fine tilth
ii. Field management practices
- Thinning in directly planted crops -Weeds -Top dress with fertilizer
- Watering during dry season
iii. Harvesting
- Harvest after 5 months
- Harvest when the leaves starts drying
- Break or bend at the neck to hasten withering
- Dig up the bulb and dry them under shade
- Turn them daily to ensure uniform drying
- Store in slatted boxes

(b) human factors influencing agriculture

- level of education & technology – amore knowledgeable farmer produces high yield and of
high quality
- Healthy / HIV AIDS – sick farmers are less productive
- economy – farmer with high capital goods produce more
- transport & communication- good roads ensure easy transport of imputs & outputs hence high
- market forces – the higher the demand the high the produce
- government policy – government may subsidies price of input to encourage production
- cultural & religious beliefs- some culture & religious beliefs may discourage or encourage
( c) cultural measures of soil and water conservation measures
- Grass/ filter strips- reduce speed of surface run off
- Contour farming- reduce speed of surface run off
- Mulching – reduces impact of raindrop/ reduces surface run off.
- Cover cropping: reduce impact of rain drop & surface runoff
- Crop rotation: maintains soil cover for protection against erosion
- Strip cropping – reduces speed of surface run off
- Grassed/ vegetated waterways
- Slow speed of water
- A forestation/ reforestation
- Intercepts rain drops
- Agro forestry- stabilizes the soil
21. Factors affecting demand of cabbage
- population – as population increase the demand also increases
- income – consumer with higher income tend to buy more
-Preference and taste- cause demand to change from time to time
- price of related goods- demand of commodity increases
- advertisement- high level advertised the high demand
- Beliefs customs & taboos: this may forbid consumption of certain items
- Price expectation of in future prices are likely to go up demand will increase
- Level of taxation: this high the taxation the lower the demand
- Perishability, goods detonates in value has low demand
- Future expectation/ uncertainly fear of shortage of some goods, makes consumer to buy
more hence increase in demand.
( c) Factors determine choice of primary tillage implements
- Scale operation – tractor are used on large scale
- Skills required- tractor drawn implement require high skils
- Topography – steep slope hand tools are appropriate
- Time available – this determine ploughing
- Type of tilth required disc plough leaves rough field
- Soil type – clay soil is hard hence require heavy implement
- Condition of land- forked jembe is more appropriate on storney, stumpy field
- Depth of tillage, deep digging require heavy tractor
- Availability – use the implement that is available
(d) physical measures of controlling crop pests
- use of lethal temperatures to kill the pests
- proper drying of produce to make it hard for pests to penetrate
Flooding drowns and kills pests
Physical killing of pests/ trapping and killing
Suffocation to kill pests in airtight containers
Use of scarecrows/ scaring away the pests
Use of electromagnetic radiation to kill pests
Use of physical barriers to prevent infestation by pests

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