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Joduol Penloksirdn Soins Tohun 5 Unil 7 Electricilu

Noles 66 K
Activitu Zone (subunil 7. I - 7.3) 67
KBAT Corner
Unit I Scientific Skills Assessmenl 7 74
Noles I

Aclivilu Zone (subunil l.l - 1.2) 2

Unil I Heol
KBAT Corner t3
t4 Aclivilu zone (subunil 8. I ) 7q
Assessmenl I
KBAT Corner 84
Unil 2 Science Room Rules Assessment I
Noles t6
Activitu Zone (subunil 2. I ) t7
KBAT Corner tg
Assessment 2 tq Unil g Slqte ol Motler
Noies 87
Aciivilu Zone (subunit g. I - 9.4) 8g
KBAT Corner g6
Unil 3 Ufe Processes in Animols Assessment g q7
Noles 2t
Activitu Zone (subunil 3. I - 3.4)
Unit l0 Acid ond Alkoli
Noles r0r
KBAT Corner 34
Aclivilu Zone (subunil 10. I ) t02
Assessment 3
KBAT Corner r06
Unil 4 Life Processes in Plonls Assessmenl I 0 t07
Notes 38
Activilu Zone (subunit 4. I - 4.3) 3g
KBAT Corner 45
Assessment 4 46 Unit I I The Eorth, The Moon ond The Sun
Noles t0g
Aclivilu Zone (subunil ll.l- I 1.2) 0
KBAT Corner ll5
Unit 5 Energu Assessmenl ll 6
Noles 4q
Aclivitu Zone (subunit 5. I - 5.2) 50
KBAT Corner
Assessmenl 5 54
Unil 12 Technologu
Noles g
Unit 6 Lighl Aclivilu Zone (subunit I 2. I ) t20
Noles 56 KBAT Corner t25
Activitu Zone (subunit 6. I - 6.3) Assessment I 2 t26
KBAT Corner 63
Assessmenl 6 64 YEAR.END TEST t2q

a Globdl Medidnrcet Sdn. 8tu1 (Cn. No.762284-U) lli

lnlroduclion to Soionao

I The knowledge in science process skills ond science
monipuloiive skills is importoni in o scientilic investigotion. Skills Dascriptlon
Identif Uing ihe controlled,
Science Procoss Skills
Controlling monipuloled ond responding
2 Science process skills ore ihe obilities to osk questions voriobles voriobles ond using them in on
obout on event ond lo find onswers obout it in o suslemotic experimenl
Moking o generol slolemeni
3 There ore l2 science process skills: N/loking oboul lhe relotionship between
hUpotheses lhe monipuloied vorioble ond the
Skills Descriprion responding vorioble
Plonning ond corruing oul on
Using the five senses to gother
Experimenting experiment 1o lest o hUpolhesis
Observing informolion oboul on object or
ond lo report the resulls
Sorting ond collecting 4 The experiment should be conducted sustemoticollU
ClossifUing objects bosed on common occording to the tollowing steps;
chorocleristics (o) Plonning - Identifuing ihe problem stolemeni
l\y'eosuring ond Moking quontitolive observotions
- l\itoking hUpotheses
using numbers using suiloble opporotus ond unit
- Determiningvoriobles
- Designing experimentol procedures
preporing the opporqtus, moteriols
lvloking inferences
l\y'oking eorlU conclusion of on -
event ond scientific specimens
(b) Conducting the experjment - Corrging out on
To onlicipote on event bosed experiment, step bU slep
Predicting on doto, observotions ond posl (c)
Collecling doio - Recording doto from observotion
ond experimenl
Receiving, processing ond (d) Inlerpretofion of the dolo - Exploining the results ond
presenting informolion in suiloble lhe doto collected
Communicqling (e)
wogs such os grophs, chorts, N4oking conclusion - Accepting or rejecling
mind mops ond tobles hgpotheses bosed on the results
(f) Reporting the results - Writing o full report of the
Describing the chonges of o experiment
Using spoce-time porometer (such os locoiion,
relolionship shope, volume ond moss) Science Monipulotive Skills
occording lo time. I Science monipulotive skills ore the obilities to coordinote
hond-broin oclivilies during on experiment.
Exploining the doto collecled in o
Interpreting doto
rotionol woU 2 There ore five monipulolive skills:
(o) Using ond hondling opporotus ond moteriols properlU
Interpreljng the concept bU (b) Hondling specimens correcflU ond corelullU
reloting lhe things done with the (c) Drowing specimens, opporotus ond moteriols properlg
lhings observed (d) Cleoning opporotus in the right wou
(e) Sloring opporotus ond moleriols correcflU ond soIelu

@ Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

(i .Ii Sci"no Process Skiils

The following ore five problem stolemenls in o series of experimenls.

J - Do differenl lgpes of vinegor hove differenl toste?

K - Does the size of glosses influence the sound produced?

L - Whoi is the volume of woler needed lo dissolve 20 g sugor?

M - How lo differentiole belween o rough surfoce ond o smoolh sudoce?

N - Does o different kind ol Ueost produce o different kind of smell?

(o) Nome the senses used to investigote eoch of the problem stoiement obove.
(Jl 1 L-2 (-l
(i) J:
(ii) K:

(iii) L:

(iv) M:

(v) N:

(b) Slote two quolilotive observolions ond two guontitotive observotions obtoined lrom the series
experimenls. (r,*

(i) Quolilotiveobservotions:
(ii) Quontitotive observotions:

Memeriholkon penggunoonsemuo derio Uorg terlibot

fenomeno olou perubohon Uong b€rtoku
I rerlibol untuk membuoi
membucri pemerhotion tentong
pemerhorion tenlong
- --
lFguasoi }elum q}IEuosoi
Menggunokon semuo derio Uong terlibot uniuk membuot pemerhotion ientong ,enomeno
otou perubohon uono berloku

Menggunolon semuo derio Uong tertibot uniuk membuot pemerhotion secoro kuolitotif
Kuonrflorn bogtmenerongkon tenomeno criou perubohon uono berloku
Uonq berlokn s€coro sistemotik
Nlenggunokon olot Uong sesuoijiko perlu uniuk membontripeierhotion

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76225a-U)

r.8 ) Observe the following objects.
\ (o) In the spoces provided, store whelher the object 'floots on woter' or 'sinks in woter,.
LI. 1 ,.:t 2
Drinking straw
\\f- Screw

.\- )

(b) Then, clossifu the objects bg completing the tree mop below. ( re 3


Flool on woter Sink in wsler


(c) Conslrucl onolher lree mop to clossifu oll the objecls bosed on onolher
common chorocteristic.
t1ris;: tg j-'Si

Mengosing oon don mengumpul

mengumpu ooJek
objek oerdosorkon
berdosorkon ctn
sepungo don berbezo don mengolokonciri
mengotokon ciri
'vE 'gosrng -,
!]g! T:psr"gkgn ciri loin unruk mensosins don-mensumpul r Belum mensuosol

a Ghbal Mediattreet Sda. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

tG fne diogrom below shows o wooden cuboid. (e

l5 cm

(o) Nome two meosuring lools lhot con be used to meosure the length ond the moss of lhe cuboid bg
completing the following loble. (.:.$.ti. r,,;

Length t.

Moss t.

(b) Brieflg describe how the volume of the cuboid con be obtoined bU using one of lhe lools Uou
nomed in (o).
lg ?,,

Record lhe volumes of eoch liquid in the toble below. W* @-*,


Cooking oil Apple juice

Menuotokon lebih dorisotu peroloion Uong sesuoi bogi mengukur suolu kuonliti R

Memeriholkon perololon don coro mengukur gong sesuoi bogisuotu kuonliti R

Mengukur dengon menggunokon oloidon unif powoiUong belul ft

aYfi lrlrr,lu"s,k,,d-",o*,ou-,,--d"",,,-'n.',jj, C
@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)
@ rn" diogrom berow shows two pupils. Amin is o geor 4 pupil while chee Keong is o
ueor 5 pupir,

(o) Bosed on the informotion

(b) Amin ond Shofiq ore clossmotes.

The lollowing diogrom shows their heights. ttil
(i) Stole o conclusion bosed on the height
of the three eupits.
@'*illr @.#
ffiAmin Shofiq
(ii) Bosed on the observolion in (o) ond (b)(i), Romu concluded thot oll
Ueor 5 pupils ore loller thon Ueor
4 pupils.
Con rhe conclusion be occepeOf (ffi#.iffiXffi
l---_-l ,"

solu lsfsimn gong munosoboh bogisotu peristiwo otou pemerhoiion

Memeriholkon lebih doriscfl./ tofsron gong munosoboh bogi sotu perbtiwo


flP,y".] crou Uong munosoboh berdosorkon beberopo torsiron bogi sotu
pen$Mo pemerhotion

lvembucrl kesimpulon owol gorE munosoboh bogisotu perisfiwo otou pemerhotion

menggunokon moklumoi Uong diperolehi

Membuol lebih dorisotu kesimpulon owol

Uong munosokoh boqisotu Deristiwo orou
pemerhcrion dengon menggunokon moklumot
Uonq dip€rolehi-

nErEgunokon 1T.:1u_lpmn:lon
o1,ol uons murEsoboh
dtperoteti don bohh
bogi sotu perisriwo orou pernerhorirn dengon
menerorEkon ke.impulon owolUorlg dibust

A Glabal Mediastieet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622U-U)

:F I fne diogrom below shows o flowering plont plonled bg Mei Lin. @: tl..:. @& (

(o) The llowering plonl is ploced in the Uord ond wolered everu dou.
(i) Predicl whol con be observed ofter seven dogs.

(ii) Give o reoson for gour onswer.

(b) The following toble shows the number of the leoves of the flowering ptont. tlf" iil tllr 4

3 5 7 q

Numbor of leoves 2 3 R 8

Bosed on the obove dolo, predicl the number of leoves in the eleventh dou. Give reoson.
Number oJ leoves:


(c) Mei Lin forgot to woler the plonl for three Oogs. @ g#'
Whoi will hoppen to
(i) the number of the leoves of the flowering plonl?

(ii) the condition of the leoves of ihe flowering plont?

Menuolokon sotu kemungkinon bogisolu perisiiwo oiou dolo

@lu.reiyi-. -:-l
a GLobaL Metlidstreet Sdn. Bhd. (Ca. No. 76228a-U)
@ fh" inlormolion below shows o note token bg o pupil obout photosunthesis.
In photosunlhesis process, plonts require sunlighl, corbon
dioxide, woter ond
chlorophull to produce slorch ond oxugen.

(o) Slote oll the needs of photosunthesis ond the products of phoiosunthesis.
t! i., El 2
(i) The needs of photosunthesis:
(ii) The producls of photosunthesis:

(b) Present Uour onswer in (o)(i) ond (o)(ii) inlo o mutti_flow mop.Lla S L11 +

(c) The storch is slored in monu porls of the plonls. construci o circle
mop to show the ports of plont
thol store Slorch., m 5 6 r-

IMenUUsun moklumot Uong diperoleh dolom benfuk

Uong sesuoi

lverekod moklumot otou ideo dolom bentuk gong sesuoi

lverekodkon moklumot otou adeo dolom lebih dorjsotu bentukgongsesuoi

M€rekod moklumot criou ideo dolom bentuk

Uong sesuoi don mempersembohkon moktumo, olou
ideo tersebul secoro sistemotik

M€rekod moklumot oiou deo dolom bentuk qong sesuor don

mempersembohkon moklumot otou
ideo tersebut secoro sislemorrk don ben,kop
ios-irir ternouop mor<Lmoiui;;#;ffi-'-'
gong diterimo

fj**::Ilyq "i"y,i$
dobm Denruk
ooom bentuk udrn
sons s€s;
s€Erroi d"il;p";b.hil,.kt,;;;;d".
don mempeEembohkon moklumsi otou
tersehlt s€coro sisremarik dotom petbogoi be"rnul secoro f""rif adn
moklum bokls ;hh il;rii;
ir,*orif ,"rio

@ Global Medianreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-LI)
H The diogrom shows woter is dripping oul of o leoking poil.
(o) Bosed on the situotion, stote whot is chonged through
time. ( I" 1

(b) Describe lhe chonges gou nomed in (o) bg completing the stotemenl below. ( lP 2

decreoses os rncreoses-

(c) The volume oi woter in the poil decreoses for 300 m{ everu hour. Complele the toble below to
show the volume ol woler lelt everg hour for 3 hours. ( rp 3

Time (houD 0 2 3

Volume of woter left (m{) 4000

(d) Whg is the volume oi woler in the poil chonge uniformlu? LIf 4

I r StudU the diogrom below ond stote the spoce{ime relotionship shown. ( rP 5 Lg 6

30 minutes

: Gloltdl jtedianreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762281 U) 8
e atrdg lhe bor groph below ond onswer the foflowing guestions.
Quontilg of wosle moteriols

f=l eioaesroooote
! Non-biodegrodobte


(o) tn generol, whot is shown bU the bor groph oOoveZ (I,}

(b) Whot ore the two tupes of wosle moteriols thol con be found in the disposol centreZ ffiffi

(c) Stote lhe trend of chonge of rhe groph. (m&

(d) Predici lhe effect on the environment if more non-biodegrodoble wostes ore disposed bu people.


(e) Slote o conclusion thot con be mode from the obove groph. (d&

lvembuot sotu penerongon berdoso*on doto
l lllemeriholkon lebih dori sotu penerongon berdoso*on doto

Memilih ideo Uong relevon tentong objek, peristiwo otou polo

Vong terdopot podo doto

urfuk membuot sofu penerongon
Membuol sqtu hubung koit ofioro porometer podo dqto berdosorkon hubungon ofioro
l poromeler otou komep soir6

Memberi penerongon secoro rosionoldengon membuot intropolosiotou ekstropolosi doripodo

dolo Uong dikumpulkon
r rsrrElM""t.!!!.d"l,-_l

@ C.lobal Mediasbeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)

ffi) ,n" diogrom below shows on investigolion corried oul bU o group of pupils to studu the boiling poinl (
of woler.

Distilled water

(o) Whot hoppens 10 the woler when its lemperoture reoches roo "CZ @,6

(b) Whoi couses the woter to be in the condition sloted in (o)z @sS @

(c) Stote the operotionol definiiion for the boiling point of woler. qO f{ ffa

In on invesiigotion, 100 mf of woier is odded lo o cerloin omount of soll. The toble below shows the
results of the invesligolion.

(o) In the investigotion obove, stote lhe @# @

(i) Monipulotedvorioble:
(ii) Respondingvorioble:
(iii) Constont vorioble:
(b) Stole one hupothesis for this investigotion. (l#.,ffi; r+rrrn

Memeriholkon opo gong dilokukon don diperholikon bogisolu situosi t

i;D y:#ilT"Tl.-:ffiron renlons opo sons dilokukon don diperhdtikon boei soru situosi merEikur
ffi I
l\Iemeriholsoiu toftiron Uong poling sesuoitentong suolu konsep dengon menuoiokon opo gong
dilokukon don diperhalikon bogisotu siluosi I

@tr;"d"fi,x" a+lIllEI luensawal pemboleh ubil I @D{r4e!!ein@ C

"**" "pera;l
a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Cn. No.762284-U) ffi
l\roleriol X Moteriol y Moteriol Z

Complele the reporl bosed on this experiment.

(o) Problem stolement:

(b) HUpothesis:

(c) Voriobles:

(i) Monipuloted:

(ii) Conslont:
(iii) Responding:

(d) Apporolus ond moteriols:

(e) Experimentol procedures:



(f) Observolion:

(g) Conclusion:

Mengotokon persoolon berdosorkon mosotoh Uong dikenol posti

Membuol pernuotoon hipolesis berdosorkon mosoloh Uong dikenol posti

Nlenentukon koedoh don olol rodos gong sesuoi seperti Uong dironcong

', Clobal Merliastreet Sdn. BhA. Go. No.762284-U)

6.2i Science Monipulotive Skills

Singh wonts to observe lhe chorocteristics of o grosshopper. Mork (/) the opporotus lhol ore
suiloble 10 be used in this invesligolion. (r-,iB'ffi,

(o) (b) (c)

@ &
(B ) In me spoce provided, skelch the specimen observed bU Singh. (tt .+

p) Comptete lhe slotement below obout the investigotion corried oul bg Singh. (.'tp.'.ii [e,4, Llt,t'
(o) Singh holds the grosshopper so thol the grosshopper is not hormed.

(b) He observes the grosshopper usrng o ond then sketches the specimen
ond on o white poper.

(c) After he finishes the investigolion, he the grosshopper bock 1o the

school field.

(d) Then, he keeps the opporotus bock into

lvenuenoroikon peroloion, bohon soins don spesimen Uong diperlukon bogisuolu oktivili

Mengendolikon penggunoon peroloion, bohon soim don spesimen Uong diperlukon

bogi suolu okliviti dengon koedoh Uong belul

Mengguno, mengendoli, melokor. membersih don mengimpon penggunoon peroloton, bohon

soim don spesimen gong digunokon dolom suotu oktiviti dengon koedoh Uong belul

MerEguno, merEendoli, melokor, membecih don meryimpon penggunoon perok toq bohon soins don
spesirnen Uong digunokon dolom suqtu oktivili der€on koedoh gong betul, bersiilemotik don befiemoh

dan bahan sains denoan betuldan selamat

A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The following ore the procedures o{ on investigoiion to sludu the boiling point of liquid p.

I . Pour 120 ml liquid P into o conicol flosk.

2. Light up the Bunsen burner to heol the liguid.

3. Meosure lhe lemperoture of liquid P using thermometer for everg I minule.

(o) Choose the suiloble opporolus io be used to meosure the volume of the liquid.
Mork (/) the correcl onswer.

(i) (ii) (iii)

(b) Whg did gou choose the opporotus?


lhe (c) The toble below shows the temperoture of liquid P obtoined jrom the invesligotion.

3 4 5 6

20 60 82 r04 t04

& Predict the temperoture of liquid P ot the 6th minute.

e Clobal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.76228a-U)

Answer oll questions.
Objeclive Queslions
I Which of the following is the exomple of Whol will hoppen if o person eols lhe breod?
quonlitolive observolion? A He will experience food poisoning
A The storch fell sticku when touched. B He will gel mild dizziness
B The length of the shodow of o tree is C He will suffer from molnutrilion
125 cm long. D He will die
C I think il is going to roin lhis ofternoon.
D The mongo tostes sour thon the green 4 The informolion below is obout the steps in
tomoto. plonning on experiment.

2 Diogrom I shows o heovg box is being pushed

using two different methods. J: Determining the voriobles
K: Listing the opporolus, moteriols ond specimen
io be used
L: Identifging the problem stolemenl
M: Moking hgpolhesis

Which of the following seguences is correct lor

the sleps in plonning on experimenl?
Nilelhod P l\ilefhod Q
Diogrom I
Which of the following is correct bosed on
Diogrom I ? 5 Toble I shows lhe observotion of on experimenl.
A The moss of the box is the responding
50 r00 200
B The difficultg 1o move the objecl is lhe
constont vorioble
C The melhod ol pushing is the monipuloted 8.0 6.0 2.0
D The omount of pushing force is monipuloted
Toble I
Predicl the time loken ior l0 g of solt to dissolve
Diogrom 2 shows the condition ol o slice of if I 50 mf of woter is used.
breod. A 1.5 minules
Block spoi B 4 minules
C 7 minutes
D l0 minules

Diogrom 2

A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Struciured Questions

Azri hongs o 25 g weight 10 o spring os shown in the diogrom below. He repeoted the invesligolion with
weights of ditferent mosses.
l? E- Spnng

stn (o) Whot is the oim of this invesligotion?

I I mork]
(b) The informotion below shows the result ol the invesiigoiion.

. Moss: 25 g, Exlension of spring: l2 cm

. Moss: 40 g, Extension ol spring: l6 cm
. Moss: 50 g, Extension of spring: 20 cm
. Moss: 70 g, Exlension of spring: 23 cm

(i) Bosed on the informotion given, construcl o toble lo show the resulls of the investigolion.

[2 morks]

;-r (ii) Stote the trend of chonge in the exlension of lhe spring.

I I mork]
1l (c) Slote the voriobles involved in this investigotion.

(i) Monipuloled vorioble

(ii) Constont vorioble

(iii) Responding vorioble

[3 morks]
(d) Bosed on the voriobles stoled in (c), write o conclusion for this investigorion.

I I mork]

@ Global Mediastrcet sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Moke sure the
windows ore opened
ond the fons ore
swilched on
moleriols should be Long hoirs should
moislened before be lied neotlg during
disposol invesligotion

Pul lhe firsf-oid kif

Kindle up
in o conspicuous
Bunsen burners
wilh lighlers

Dispose solid Dispose of liquid

wosie inlo wosle inlo lhe sink
the bin under o running top

Do nol louch, smell

or tosfe ong moleriol
in lhe Science room
withoul feocher's

a Ghbal Medias?eet Sdn. Ahd. (Co. No. 762284-U)


@ s"i"n"" Room Rules

Wrile lhrse Science room rules thot gou hove sludied in Ueor 4.
LIll L:12



,otn (/) the sofe octions ond cross (I) the dongerous oclions in lhe Science room. ( rp 3
Using o burning Tging long hoirs
poper to light up o neollg while
Bunsen burner. conducling

Disposing solid Snilfing chemicol

wosles inio the substonces
bin. wilhout teocher's

soloh solu peroiuron bilikSoins

Mengofokon lebih dorjpodo sotu peroturon bilik Soir6

l,lengoplikosi so loh sqiu peroluron bilik Soins

ant!lf i t\,fiat,rhiperat,,*, bttlf,ra.s I

a GIabaI Mediastreet S&1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)
Write the reoson for eoch of the following rutes. (ffi,*t

(o) Moke sure thot the windows ore opened ond

the fons ore switched on when stouing in the
Science room
(b) Do not inhole or tosie ong chemicol
subslonce wilhout leocher's conseni

(c) Extinguish burning or cindering objects

before disposing them into the bin

(d) Tging hoirs neotlu before conducting


@ srot" whot should be done lor eoch of the lollowing bosed on ihe science room rules. (:f+ eB.-#;

Memberisebob peroturon bilik Soins perlu dipotuhi

l4engoplikosi lebih doripodo sotu peroturon bilik Soins

conloh kepodo rokon dolom memotuhi peroturon bilik Soins


a Global MedtuL'treet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622U-U)

The following diogrom shows o situolion in o Science room olter o group of pupils completed their

According 10 lhe Science room rules, stoie whsl should be done bg pupils obout the obove situotion.

Answer oll questions.

Objective Queslions

I The inrormolion below shows o situoiion. 2 Which ol the following is lhe sofetu meosure to be
token while in the Science room?
A Sniff on chemicol subslonce to identifu the
subslonce to be used
B Kindle up lighler firsl lo light up o Bunsen
Whot should be done first? c Using forceps lo hold boiling tube while
A Report immediotelu 1o lhe leocher heoting o substonce
B Wosh lhe wound with top woter D Keeping the jirst oid kit in o locked cupboord
C Bondoge the wound with o hondkerchief
3 D Colleci the gloss lrogmenls ond dispose
them inlo the bin

c, Clobal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Struclured Questions
In on investigolion, Jenng heols o certoin liquid in o boiling tube. She does not {ollow necessoru sofetu
meosures while in the Science room.

Answer the following queslions to indicote the sofelu meosures thot should be token bg Jenng.

(o) Whot should Jenng do with her long hoir?

I I morkl
(b) Whol should be worn bg Jennu 10 protect her eues?

ll morkl

(c) Whol should she use to hold the boiling tube?

I I mork]

(d) In which direction should the moulh of lhe boiling tube be poinled ot? Give o reoson. @

[2 morks]
(e) Bosed on Uour onswer in (o), (b), (c) ond (d), whg should the sofeiu meosures be followed while in the
Science room?

I I mork]

a Global ltlediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

Theme: life Science

Speciol Chorocteristics ond Behoviours of Animols (d) Migrole to q womer ploce - for exomple herons qnd
to Prolect Themselves wholes
(e) Hibemole - for exomples polor beors. orclic foxes
I Animols need io proiecl themselves from being eoten bU
other onimols or when ofiocked bU the enemU. 6 Animols thot live in hol regions hove chorocteristics or
behqviours of the following:
2 Animols hove speciol chorocleristiGs to protecl lhemselves (o) Humps thol store food ond woier - for exomple
trom enemies. comels.
(b) Comels con olso drink o lol of woter ol one time
Speciol chorocloristic Exomples ot onimols (c) Desert foxes hove long eors.
Shorp spines Porcupines, puff erf ish
(d) Hiding under the shodes -for exompte desert lizords
(e) Wollowing in ihe mud - for exomples buffoloes ond
Hord shells Turtles, tortoises, crobs rhinoceroses.
Hord scoles Pongolins, crocodiles
A buffalo
Horns Deer, buffolos, goots
Poison the mud lo
Snokes, ceniipedes, bees,
cooldown its
rkl body in hot

Speciol behoviours ol onimols lo protect themselves from

enemies ore os follows:
Survivol of Animol Species
.kl Spociol behoviour Exomple of onimols
I Survivol of species is the obilitu of on ontmol to mointoin
Curling up the Pangolins. millipedes lhe existence of its species ond lo ovoid extincflon.
Comoufloge Chomeleons, proging 2 Animols reproduce bU loUlng eggs or glv ng birth io
3 Animols thol lou eggs ensure their s!rvlvq of species
'(l Breoking olf bodU ports Lizords. oclopuses ihrough ihe following;
Retrocting bodU ports Turtles, tortoises, snoils (o) LoUing o lot of eggs , exomples iles, mosquitoes,
into shells turtles. fish. frogs
(b) Hiding eggs exomples. izords. grosshoppers.
Live in groups Elephonts, onchovies, zebros cockrooches crocod les. turtles
Squirting block ink Squids
(c) Eggs covered wlh st mU ond stinku mucus _
exomples frogs ond lish
Pretending io be deod Beeiles (d) Nurture the r eggs exomples: chickens, birds,
pengu ins
sl Animols hove specific chorocleristics ond behoviour to (e) Toking core oi their eggs exomples: snokes, birds
proieci ihemselves from extreme weolher (too cold or ioo

Animols ihot live in cold regions hove the following

chorqcterisiics or behoviours:
10) Thick furs - for exomples polor beors ond orctic

( (b) A lhick loger ol lot under the skin - for exomples A bird takes care and
penguins, seo lions ond wholes A snake protects its eggs nurture its eggs
(c) Smoll eors - for exomple orctic ground squirrel

Animols loke core of lheir Uoung lo ensure lhe survivol
of their species. The following exploins how onimols loke
core of lheir Uoung.
(o) Suckle lheir Uoung - for exomples cols, ligers, cows,
monkegs, orongulons
(b) Feeding the Uoung -lor exomples birds, lions
The followings ore severol food choins in o cerloin hobitot.

(c) Corruing Uoung in pouches -Ior exomples kongoroos

(d) Moving in groups -Ioe exomples elephonts, swollows
(e) Corruing goung in moulhs - for exomples crocodiles
ond orowono fish
(f) Attocking enemies thot disturb lheir Uoung - for
exomples hen ond cots
(s) Cqrruing Uoung on their bodU - scorpions

Food Relotionship omong Living Things

I All living things need food to live.
A food choin shows lhe relotionship of lood omong living
'N -@-*W
3 Food choin usuollU begins wilh producer ond then followed
bU consumers.
l0 The food web construcled bU the three rood choins is os
4 N/osi food choins slorl with green plonl lhol con produce follows:
their own food.

5 Animols eol on other onimols or plonls becouse lheg

connot moke their own food. TheU ore known os
6 Exomple ol food chon:

Paddy plant

In the food choin obove, poddu plont is lhe producer. Rot The chong€ in populolion (increose or decreose) ol cerloin
ond snoke ore the consumers. orgonism in o food web will offect the oiher orgonisms.
The followings ore o few exomples of food choins. t2 For exomple, bosed on the lood web obove:
In o poddu lield (o) Il oll rols were killed, the number of snokes will
PoddU plont ) Grosshopper -+ Sporrow -) Eogle decrcose due lo lhe reduclion in food source.
In o vegeloble gorden (b) Il lhe number of coterpillors increoa€s, the number
lvlusiord plont -+ Coterpillor + Chicken ) Snoke of sporrows will increose ond lhe quonlitu o, poddg
In o pond plonls will decr€ose.
Pondweed + Todpole ) Smollfish -+ Lorge fish (c) If oll poddg plonls were desfroued, oll ihe onimols will
A combinolion ol severollood choins in o hobitol is known die or move lo other hobilot due to shorloge ol food.
os o food web.

@ Clob.'L Metliostr*lSdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
@ speciot chorocterisiiqs ond Behoviours of Animols to protecr rhemsefues

jollowing shows five tupes of onimol. Complele the

o; The toble below with the speciol chorocleristics
of the onlmols to protect themselves lrom enemies. Then, stole on exomple oi onimol thol prolect
themselves with the some method os the onimols. (.rry,,1,r,








a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 2622U-U)

B ) fne following diqgrom shows lwo lgpes oI onimol.

(o) complete the following slotemenl oboul onimol Q ond onimol R with the words given. ( re 2
cold hump hot

skin with loger of fots reduce the loss of heot slore woter ond fots

Animol O lives in the oreo with (i) weolher

becouse il hos (ii) lhot funclions lo

(iii) whereos onimol R lives in ihe oreo with

(iv) weother becouse il hos specilic chorocleristics such os

(v) 1o (vi)

(b) Slote on onimol thot lives in ihe some hobitot os onimol R (rP 3

C') wotcn the onimols with their speciol chorocleristic or behoviour 10 prolecl themselves ogoinsl extreme
" weother. An onimol mog hove more lhqn one speciol chorocleristic or behoviour. ( rP 2

(o) tiligrole to wormer region

(b) Wollowing in the mud

(c) Hove thick fur Hippopotomuses

(d) Hove thick louer oi fots under the skin

(e) Hove o hump on its bock

(f) Hibernoting during cold seoson

a Global Medianrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Cornt"te the concept mop below. (,tr
e 4,

Proleclion ogoinst extreme weother






her (f)

lo (s)

Corrg out the foilowing group octivitg. ("f' 5 '

e (o) Divide lhe closs into severol groups of 4 5 pupils.
(b) From the librorg or Inlernet, bU using the keuword of 'speciol
chorocleristics of onimols, or,speciol
behoviours of onimols', golher informolion obout o speciol chorocteristic or behoviour
of o speciol
(c) Predict how lhe onimol protecls itself ogoinsl enemies or
exlreme weolher bosed on the speciol
chorocteristic or behoviour.
(d) Gother Uour inlormotion In o toble os follows.

:,.,:',:;8nimol., .
Spedd cfuruAorHio orib6tF$6ur
l. Squid Hove block ink Squirling lhe block ink towords the enemg



(e) Present gour work in fronl of the closs.

tedong cirr ringkoh toku khos hoiwon, csro melindungi diri dorapodo
Y !i1111-ry1Ory1"9".Or"tik
musuh don cuoco melompou

M.1y.l:,jq t9"tong coro hoiwon toin metindung diri berdosorkon pengetohuon

3 orcu nngkoh i!:r"ll.
toku khos hoiwon tersebd

a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)
6ZJ' Inventing Animol Models

@L'u@(o) Do this oclivitu in groups.

(b) Invent on imoginotive onimol model lhol con protect itself ogoinst enemies ond extreme weolher.
(c) You mog use o vorietu of moleriols such os ploslicine, ploslic botiles, wool, molchsticks, wooden
slicks. polUslUrene ond others.
(d) CopU the informoiion below on o monilo cord. On the cord, skelch Uour imoginolive onimol model.
Then, fill in the loble wilh specific chorocteristics of lhe imoginotive snimol including the funciions
of the chorocteristics.

Sketch of the imoginotive onimol model:

(e) You ore given two weeks to complele lhis project.

(f) Present the resulls of eoch group in the closs.

Menaakul ciri khas vanq boleh melindunoidiri daripada musuh dan cuaca

o Global Medidstteet 9)n. BhA. (Co. No.762284-U)

: @ fne Survivot ot Species of Animots

F Stote whether the onimols below 'giving birth' or ,louing eSSs,

LrF :l

(o) (b) (c)



Motch lhe following onimols with lhe wog theg ensure their survivol of species.

Suckles ils goung

Tokes core of their eggs

LoUS o lot of eggs


dS\u Hiding eggs

Cqrries its Uoung in the


'. Global Metliostreet Sdn. Bhtl. (Co. No- 76228a-U)

@ rn" diogrom below shows the octivilies conied oul bg o tgpe of onimol.

Activity J

(o) Whol is done bU lhe onimol in [31 21,

(i) octivitg J?

(ii) octivitu K?
(b) Whot will hoppen if the oclivilies ore nol done bg the onimol? $:,4rr
t. The number of onimols will
2. The onimol species will evenluollU

(c) Bosed on the informotion obove, whot is the meoning of survivol of species? [q&{,11

Survivol of species is the obilitg of on onimol lo

(O) flf r in the blonks with lhe word given in the box. i-*ru 2

(o) Turtles lou eggs in o lorge quontitu ond lhe eggs in lhe sond.
(b) Hens the enemies thol ore threolening the solelu of their Uoung.
(c) Snokes toke core of their eggs bU oround the eggs.
(d) Elephonts move in to ensure the survivol ol their species.

(e) Frogs log mong eggs rn The eggs ore covered wilh
thol hos slinkg smell.
(f) Kongoroos corru lheir goung in the on their bodg.

Memeflholkon coro hoiwon memoslikon spesiesngo lidok

lenfong coro hoiwon untuk memostikon kemondirion spesies

C+!Elf@'''.;i;i.ii;; "pe.,.s"y.
b.s;;s6takkan kepupusan I
melalui oemerhatian menerusi Delbaqai media, cara haiwan yanq berlelur lntuk memastikan kemandirian
melalui oemerhatian menerusi Delbaqai media, cara haiwan meniaqa anak untuk memaslikan kemandirian

@ Global MeAiastrcet 5dt'1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Q fn" diogrom below shows two species of onimols. Animol K is the moin food source of onimol J.

(o) Whot will hoppen if onimol K connot mointoin the survivol of its species? ( rp 5

Animol K will
(b) If lhe situotion in (o) hoppens, whot will hoppen to onimot J?

l. Animol Jwill

2. Animol J olso
(c) Whol conclusion con Uou moke bosed on the informotion obove?

(d) Which of the following onimols ensures the survivol ol its species in the some wou os onimol J?
Tick (/ ) lhe correct onswer. \ rp 6

Give reoson lor the onswer in (d).

ffi ideo tentong kepentingon kemondiron spesies hoiwon lerhodop hidupon loin
re Mewojorkon romolon lenlong coro hoiwon lorn memostikon kemondirion soesiesnuo berdosorkon i'Ling'ei -.
; ,:::' -.,
pengelohuon ciri otou lingkoh loku hoiwon tersebut - ekh rE6t{i6ii&i['.

e Global Mediastreet Sd . Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

@ fooA Rebtionship omong Living Things

A) The diogrom below shows on exomple ol o food choin.

*(ffi=*87.._. 49\

Grass Caterpillar
Hint: ---+ meons 'eoten bU'

(o) Slote the food relotionship omong orgonisms in the lood choin obove. ( It 2..

(i) is eoten bU colerpillor.

(ii) is eoten bU

(iii) is eolen bU
(b) Whol is meont bg o food choin? ( rp l, (
A food choin is

r.E) The following informolion shows living things in dilferent hobilots.

Costruct o lood choin bosed on the living things provided. (.rrl i.

(o) In o pond: Todpole, Big fish, Smoll fish, pondweed

(b) In o poddg field: Snoke, Poddg plont, Eogte, Roi

(c) In vegeloble form: Coterpillor, Mustord plont, Eogle, Smoll bird

moksud rontoi mokonon don siroton mokonon

Memberi conloh ronloi mokonon ,**Air I

,##I*,'o-"tbino rontoi mokonon don sroion mokonon dengon mengenot posri pengeruor don pengguno
, knguosor Belum
,I menguosoi I
maksud rantai makanan ialah hubunqan makanan anlara
Membrna rantai makanan di petbagai habitat sepertikotam,
A Global Medidstreet Sdn. Bhd- (Co- No.762254,U)
il € The diogrom below shows severol orgonisms in o forest.

Bosed on the diogrom obove, fill in the blonks wilh the correct onswers.
(o) is lhe moin source of energg in lhis hobitol.
(b) Plonls use energu from lhe Sun 1o produce lood. ( t.e 4
Plonls ore colled
(c) Plonls ore eolen bU Then, lhe deer is eolen bU
(d) The deer ond lhe liger ore colled

0 The diogrom below shows o few living things.

Mustard plant

(o) Conslrucl o food web bosed



on the living things. ( re 3

Eagle Small bird Grasshopper

(b) Whot is meonl bg o food web? ( re 2

M6nguosoi Belummenqusssi

ronloi mokonon don siroton mokonon dengon mengenol posti pengeluor don pengguno Mengu6oi Belummenguosoi

Menuotokon mokud ronloi mokonon don siroton mokonon Menguosoi Belummenguosdi

l atahari merupakan sumber utama tenaqa dalam rantai makanan

ranlai makanan dalam suatu habitat

': 3iobal Merliastfeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

@ ff'l" diogrom below shows living things found in o pond. (,&**:

(o) Conslruct five food choins from the living things in the pond.





(b) Construct o food web bosed on the food choins in (o).

rontoi mokonon don siroton mokonon dengon mengenol posli pengeluor don pengguno

a Glabal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622t4 LD

S Comptete the following slolements bosed on the food web given. 1:1 5

ID Parm oirfruit \
(\"1< ,/

\ , i \ -----

(o) If the polm oil fruil decreoses, lhe number of rols ond sguirrels

(b) If oll squinels died, lhe number of rols will

(c) II ihe number of snokes increoses, the number of will increose.

(d) If oll eogles moved 1o olher hobitols, this food web will end wilh

@ oor"r" the following diogrom. ( rr g


from the Lost as Lost as Lost as
Sun heat in heat in heat in
respiration respiration respiration

l -i\

Paddy plant Snake

Bosed on the diogrom obove, discuss

(o) the imporionce oI photosunlhesis to living things.
(b) how energg is tronsferred from plonts to other living things in o food choin.

Belum menguoidi

B€lum menguosoi

I\,4eramalkan kesan terhadao hiduoan lain iika be aku oerubahan Dooulasidalam skatan makanan disuatu habitat

melalui lakaran, TlvlK, penulisan atau lisan

o Global Mediastreet Siln. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

I Observe lhe living things shown below. Then, onswer the following questions.

I L\J\/-.>
=n< r /?n
M* xht
Bird Palm oilfruit Rat

(o) Conslruct o food web thot involved oll the living things obove.

(b) Predict the things thol hoppen io the rots if

(i) the number of owls increoses:

(ii) the number of birds increoses:
(iii) the plonting of polm oil is increosed:

2 when trovelling in Amozon foresl, o scientist found o frog os shown in the diogrom below.

Stoie lwo wogs thoi will be used bU the frog to prolect itself f rom the scientist.

@ Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

-t Answer oll questions.
Objective Queslions

I Diogrom I shows o lizord breoks off its loil. 3 How does o hen prolecl its Uoung from donger?
i A Bg flopping i1s wings
B Bg finding food for its goung
C Bg hiding its Uoung in holes
D Bg oltocking lhe enemg
4 The following is o lood choin in o hobitot.
Diogrom Gross ---> deer --> J

WhU does the lizord breok off ils toil?

A To threoten its enemu Which of lhe following onimols con be
B To chonge its skin colour represenled bU J?
C To conluse the enemu to escope from lhe I Bird
enemu II Spider
D To move loster with reduced bodg weighl Ill Snoke
IV Tiger
2 Diogrom 2 shows two tupes of onimols.
A Iondll
B IondlV
C II snd Ill
D III ond IV

The informotion below shows the eoting hobit

of three differenl lupes of onimols.

Diogrom 2

Which chorocteristics help lhe onimols odopt

I themselves in exlreme cold weolher?

I Hoving thick fur
Hoving smoll eors
Hoving lhick louer of fots
Which food choin is correct?
A K+J-+L-+M
IV Hoving long toils B M-+L-+J+K
A Iondll C L-+J-+M-+K
I B II ond III D L-+K-+M-+J
C II ond IV
D III ond IV

.. Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bha. Ga. No. 762284-U )

Slructured Quesllons
I Toble I shows lhe results obtoined trom on investigolion bU o group of pupils.

(o) Whot is the oim of lhis investigotion?

I I mork]
(b) Give o reoson (on inference) oboul the ditference oI lhe number of eggs produced bg onimols R
ond S.

ll morkl
(c) Stole lwo informolion collecled in lhis investigolion.


[2 morks]
(d) Predicl onimols R ond S?
Animol R:
Animol S:
[2 morksl

2 Toble 2 shows lhe chonges in the number of rots ond snokes in o polm oil eslote.

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(o) Srole the trend ol chonge in the number of rots ond snokes in the polm oil estote within the period
ol 6 weeks.

12 morksl
(b) Give o reoson (on inference) for lhe number of rots throughout lhe period
of investigotion.

ll morkl
(c) Give o reoson (on inference) tor the number of snokes ofrer the fourth week.
tls R

ll morkl
(d) Predict the number of snokes In the 8ih weer.
urkl I mork]
(e) A few owls were roised in the polm oil eslote.

Bosed on the situolion obove,

(i) predict whot will hoppen to the number of rols ond snokes.

I I morkl
(ii) construct o food choin for rhe tiving things in the polm oil
*q [2 morks]

a Gbbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 262254-U)

Thome: Life SciencB

Speciol Chorocleristics ol Plonls to Prolect (b) Shedding off leoves during hol weother
rubber trees
- exomple:

I Plonts hove speciol choroclerislics to protect themselves Rubber trees shed off
the leaves in draught
from enemies.
season to avoid losing
too much water
Speciol choroclerislics
Thorns/Spikes Mimosos, coctuses,
- lniures lhe onimols thot tru to pineopples, roses (c) Hove slems lhot con slore woler - exomple: bonono
eot them plonls
Lotex Jock fruils, Uom (d) Hove needle-like leoves to reduce excessive loss of
- Prevents onimols from eoting plonls, popoUos woter - exomple: Cosuorinos, coctuses
them 3 Coctuses thol live in deseri oreos hove the following
Fine hoirs Bomboos, sugor choroclerisiics;
- Couse irriiotion to enemies cones, lolongs, (o) long rools lhot grow deep
pumpkins inlo lhe ground io gel woler
(b) stems thot could store woter
Poisonous Mushrooms, (c) needlelike leoves io prevent
- Couse illness or deoih io pong-pongs excessive loss of woler
enemies when eqten
4 Coconui irees hove lhe following
Bod smell Rofflesios. chorocteristics lo resisi slrong wind:
- Prevents onimols trom eoting loboccos (o) divided leoves
them (b) tlexible siems
Plonts olso hove speciol chorocterislics lo odopt lhe
Ths Survivol of Species of Plonts
climoles ond seosonol chonges.
(o) Curlinq up leoves during hol weolher - exomples: I Plonls disperse fruits or seeds
lurmeric plonts, tomoto plonts, moize plonts, bonono through dispersol ogents to
plonts ensure lhe survivol of their species.

Dispersol ogents Exomples ot lruils

Wind Lighl, smoll, wing-like slruclure Angsonos, Shoreos

Lighl, smoll, hoving fine hoirs Cotlons, lollong

Woter Light, hoving oir spoces Loluses

Wqterproof, hoving husks ond oir spoces Coconuls

Animols Brighl colours, edible, pleosonl smell Rombulons, mongosleens, wolermelons,


Hoving hooks or hord hoir Love qross, mimosos

Explosive mechonism Hoving dru skin when molured Bolsoms, rubbe|lrees, flome of lhe foresl

tg Global Metllistftet Sdn. tshA. (Co. Na.76228,1 U)


T ple: (o)

,r,@ (i) Poisonous
(ii) Hos fine hoirs

ss of


(iii) Produces lotex

(iv) Hos thorns

(v) Hos unpleosont smell

(B_r fitt in the blonks wirh correo onswers. ( rp 2

(o) Bomboo trees hove on its stems ond leoves lhol con couse ilchiness.
(b) Although theu hove oltroctive ond frogront flowers, rose plonts
hove lhorns ihot con couse
when touched bg onimols.
(c) Popogo trees produce thol lostes bi er when eoten bU onimols.

Ivlenuo'rokon crrl khos rumbuhon unruk mFtindung din don
mengesuoikon diri dori ikhm don
Menguosoi Eelumrnenguosoi
Memeriholkon coro cjri khos tumbuhon melindungidirj don mengesuoikon
diri dori iklim don
perubohon musim DlerquBioi BelummerEudsoi

,.:Ad Mediostrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Bosed on the keuwords given, exploin how eoch of the plonls below odopts itself lo exlreme weomer (
ond chonges in climotes. \ m 2
(o) curls its leoves - hol weother

needlelike leoves - stems lhot slore woler- long roots - deserl


r',.p 1 rne diogrom below shows o tupe of plont.

(o) Exploin two speciol chorocterislics of the plonl obove to survive in windg ond drg region. LIa 3 tr


(b) In gour opinion, how do the plonl proiect its seeds from being eoten bU onimols? ( o,fi,

Memeiholkon coro ciri khos tumbuhon melindungi diri dqn menuesuoikon diri dori iklim don
perubohon musim

IMenjeloskon dengon conloh ciri kho6 lumbuhon untuk melindungi diri don meruesuoikon diri
dori iklim don penrbohon musim

Mewqiorkon romolon lentong coro iumbuhon loin melindungi diri don menuesuoikon diri
berdosorkon pengelohuon ciri khos tumbuhon lersebut

@) Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622a4-U)

Complete the concept mop below. ( Ir, -{.

(o) Examples: Sugar

canes, lalang.
bamboo trees

(b) Examples:
cactuses, mimosas

Examples: Jackfruit
trees, papaya trees


Examples: Rafflesia,
tobacco plant


Examples: Cactuses,
banana plants

! (h)
Examples: Turmeric
plants, yam plants

Rubber trees

Examples: Cactuses,

Coconut trees

I\ilembho-penguruson groJik tenlong ciri khos tumbuhon untuk melindungi diri don mengesuoikon
dln don rklim don perubohon musim

Global Mediastreet Sdr1. Bhd- (Co. No. 762284-U)

6Zi fne Survivol of Species ol Plonts
Srot" the melhod of seed or fruil dispersol ol the following plonls- Then, give on exomple oI seed or
fruit bosed on the dispersol method. ( re 1
L11 2

lvenUotokon coro tumbuhon memencorkon biji benih otou buoh

contoh bijrbenih otou buoh berdosorkon coro perroron

o Global Medianreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) ,li,i':
!n t 1e diogrom betow shows vorious tupes ol seeds or fruits. Lr? 3

)ed or }\

:-Angsana e-Coconut R - Papaya

\J o q oo
S - Flame of the forest
T - Lalang
* .'

U Lesser spear qrass

:'rte the dispersol ogents for lhe seed or fruil. Then, motch them with lhe correct chorocteristics.

Seed/ Dispersol ogenl

Fruit Choroclerislics

P (o) Smoll, lighl ond hos line


o (b) Dries when moture ond


(c) Juicg, con be eoten ond

smells nice

S (d) Light ond hos wing-like


T (e) Woterprool skin ond hos oir


U (f) Smoll ond hos hooks

The toble below shows the condition of seedlings ot different distonces ofter being dispersed through
explosrve mechonism. i rp 4

Dislonce of o seedling from porent plonl (cm) 50 80 t20

Cordition of the seedling Infertile Fertile VerU fertile
3 Stote o reoson (on inference) oboul the seedling lhot is dispersed 120 cm from the porent plonl.

: Bosed on the investigotion, slote the importonce of seed or fruit dispersol 10 the survivol of species
of plonts. t enje oskon melolui .on1oh hubung koir coro pencoron dengon ciri ciri biji benih otou buoh
Ll / lvenguosoi Belummenguosoi

kepe4r,nson panco'on kepodo kemond lon spesies tunbuhon

#-,d/r"""okJr Mengucdoi 8€lummenguosoi

E *l r"r-""sh,o,"sk"it;; p*;; rb,h;; ciri-ciri biiibenih atau buah melakri sebenar alau menerusi
tf ..' LLnui repFr .-...,""... *",
. . .::.iin:trcet SA . BhLl. (0,. No. 762284-U) 43
@ rne Imporionce of Survivol of Species of Plonls

The diogrom below shows iwo tupes of living lhings. Fill in lhe blonks with the correct onswers. @iii;,:

(o) Slote one chorocterislic of P to protect ilself from enemies.

(b) WhU P should protect ilself from enemies?

(c) Whol is the relotionship between P ond Q?

P is the source of for O.

(d) Predicl whol will hoppen if o lot of P ore deslroued for plontotion ond development.

l. Q will

2. Q will
(e) Whot con Uou sou obout the importonce of the survivol ol species ol plonls 10 other living things?

The survivol of species o{ plonts is importonllo

lvenjono ideo lentong kepentingon kemondirion spesies lumbuhon kepodo hidupon loin
The diogrom below shows the importonce ol survivol of species of plonts lo humons ond onimols,
ond vice verso.

(o) Slote three things thol con represent X.




(b) Slote lhree things thot con represent Y.



(c) Predicl whot will hoppen to humons ond onimols if the populotion of plonts is veru limited.

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 762284-U)

Answer oll questions.
Objeclive Queslions

How does Rofflesid prolecl ilself ogoinst Diogrom 2 shows four tupes oI lruils.
A Hos poisonous root
B Hos line hoirs
C Produces bod smell
D Hos shorp thorns

2 Diogrom I shows two tupes of plonts.


Diogrom 2

Which ol the following ore lhe correcl methods of

dispersol of the fruils?
Diogrom I

Whoi is the chorocteristic lhot both plonts hove

to odopl themselves in hot weother? J Wind
A Hove long rools K Animols
B Hove slems thol store woier
C Hove woxu leoves L Explosive mechonism
D Shed off their leoves
M Woter
The informolion below shows the chorocleristics
of o lupe of plont. A JondK
B JondL
C KondM
D LondM
Whg should plonts disperse their seeds ond
Bosed on the obove chorocterislics, whot is the A To improve their growth
hobitol of lhe plont? B To ensure the survivol ol lheir species
A Desert C To improve the competition omong lheir
B Loke seedlings
C Forest D To moke the plonts more resistonce to
D Seoside diseoses

a Clobil lt4edrcnreet \Jn. Bhd (Co. No. 7o2281 U)

2 *wlr.rred Questions
i In on investigotion, two coconut fruils, X ond Y, ore ploced in lwo contoiners
filled with woter.


{ E

Diogrom I

o) Give o reoson (on inference) obout coconu, fruil X.

I I mork]
lb) Give on observolion io supporl gour onswer in (o).

hods ol
I mork]
(c) Whot is the dispersol ogent ol coconut trees?

(d) Slote the constont vorioble in this investigotion.
I I mork]

I I mork]

l 2 Diogrom 2 shows two tupes o{ fruils.

s ond

Papaya Rubber tree fruit

Diogrom 2
their (o) How does popouo disperse its seeds?
)e lo
! morkl

a Clobal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

(b) Give o reoson (on inference) for gour onswer in (o).

ll morkl
(c) Stote one difference between popogo seeds ond rubber lree seeds.

I morkl
(d) Stole o chorocteristic of rubber tree fruit thot helps the dispersol of its seeds.

I I mork]
(e) Nome onother tupe of fruit thot its seeds ore dispersed in the some wou os rubber tree fruits.

ll morkl

3 Diogrom 3 shows iwo tupes of fruils, J ond K.

ffi )i!

Diogrom 3
(o) Stole o chorocteristic of eoch fruil lo prolecl lhemselves from enemies.


[2 morks]
(b) which fruit uses the some chorocterislic for protection ond dispersion of seeds?

I I morkl
(c) Give on inlerence (o reoson) for gour onswer in (b).

I mork]
(d) Predict whot will hoppen if fruits J ond K do nol hove specific chorocteristics stoted in (o)?

I I mork]

@ Glabal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. ?62284-L1)

[i mork]

Lrre: Phgsiaal Saienoe

I I mork]

Sources ond Forms ol Energg Sources of Renewoble Energu ond Non-renewoble

Energg is ihe obiliiu io do work. EnergU
ll morkl
2 Energg is needed bU living things to c{rrg oul living I Renewoble energu is the energu generoted from sources
ItS. procosses such os moving, breothing ond growing. thol con be replenished when used up.

3 Energu is olso needed bU non-living things. 2 The exomple of the renewoble energu sources ore os
I morkl 4 There ore vorious sources of energg. follows:
(o) The Sun (d) Woler (g) Woves
(b) Food (e) Fuel (h) Nucleor
(c) Wind (f) Botteries (i) Biomoss ;r'\
5 Ths Sun is the moin source of heot energu ond lighl , t t,
5 The following ore vorious forms of energu:
(o) Kinetic energu - Energg lhol is owned bU q moving Slln
(b) PolBnliol energg - Energg thot is stored in on object
becouse of its posiiion.

A stretched rubber band has

potentialenergy Biomass
(c) Heot energu - Energu thol is contoined in o hot
objecl. Non-renewoble anergu ore enerq!J sources lhot connoi be
(d) Light energu - Energu ihql is creoted bU on object replenished when used up.
ihoi produces light.
(e) Chemicol energg - Energu thol is stored in food, luel The exomples of non-renewoble energU sources include
morksl ond botleries. fossil fuel, noiurol goses, cools ond nucleor substonces.
(f) Elecllicol onorgu - Energu thot is used in electricol
opplionces such os lelevisions, compuiers ond
(g) Sound onergu - Energu thot is produced bU o
I morkl vibroting objecl.
7 Energu con be tronsformed from one form to onother.
(o)Lighting up o lomp
morkl Fossil fuel
Fossilfuel Nuclear reactor generales
Electricol energU -------+ Lighl energU nuc ear e|ergy
+ Heoi energU
(b) Lighling up o condle We must use energg wiselu in order io:
Chemicol energg -------+ Lighl energu
(o) Sove cosls
(b) Avoid wosloge
morkl + Heot energu
(c) Reduce polluiion

. Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

@) Sorrce" ond Forms of Energg

{m) Find nine sources ol energg in the word puzzle below. (rE ,1

B o S I M B B T E R

E N F o S L F U E L

R U M B K F o o D T T G N

B C L o T K E I U



E S P s F o S N L

I R o T F R U M R N D

s P U B T T E R Y R I

the bridge mop below regording the sources of energg. (.,r',.!r

@ "ornP,"t"

Kinetic energU

Chemicol energU

I\iemeriholkon sumber tenogo don bentuk tenogo Uong djhosilkon

Memerihalkan pelbagai sumber tenaga seperli Matahari, angin, air, ombak, makanan, bate.i, biojisim, nuf<fea, ajn Gnan apitoSfrn.fatui
Demerhalian menerusi Delbaoai media
melalui pemerhatian Delbaoai Derisliwa vano berlaku di

@ Global Mediasfteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)


f :omplete the tronsformotion of energg involved in the following siluotion. L]l 3 Lfa 4
(o) A burning cool:
ffi Chemicol energu ---+ +

(b) A book folls from o height ond then hits ihe ground:

---) Kinetic energu ---+

(c) The sunllghl is obsorbed bU o solor ponello produce electricitu:

Solor energg ---9

(d) A horse pulls o pulleg 10 lift o heovu box.

Chemicol energu ---+ ---+

p lhe diogrom below shows o bog is riding o bicucle. ( rp 5 2

(o) Whol is the energg possessed bU the moving bicgcle?

(b) Slote the energu thot is lronsformed into the energu Uou nomed in (o).

c) Moke o conclusion bosed on Uour onswers in (o) ond (b).

IMenguosoi BeiummerBuosoi

Menguosoi Belummenguosoi

Menguosoi Belummenguosoi

boleh berubah darisalu bentuk ke bentuk lain metaiui beraku dipersekitaran

contoh perubahan bentuk tenaga berdasarkan conloh b mbit, ampu su uh

.:bnl Yediasneet Sdn. BhA. (:o. No.762284 U)

@ Ren.*oble ond Non-renewoble Energg Sources
"\ ' Complete
{'gA lhe slolemenls below. 1 rr I
(o) Renewoble energg is lhe energu obtoined from sources thol

(b) Non-renewoble energu is the energu obtoined from lhe sources thot

{p) ctossitg the energg sources inlo renewoble ond non-renewoble. lg 2 [1 3

{C) to) aoseo on the diogrom below, lick (/) lhe correcl wous of using energg. , re 4

(b) Whg musl we use energu wiselu?

-|::.:iil:r:r.fl':itir::i, . :i.!.-i._:.:::'r; :.j.:l:t-:r.i

Ivrengotokon mokud tenogo gong boleh dibohorui don tenogo gong tidok boleh dibohorui L . Ug,&*Si.t ,,!einnr!l.i,{&giq ,
contoh sumberlenogo boleh dibohoruidon tenogo Uong tidok boleh dibohorri [. -rrit-pS.Eqq,,. .*t.q,q9-tl9lq"gl ::
' ' r,:t:,ii.;a:lil&
pensuruson sro{ik sumbe, t"noso r"poao t"nos; b;t; il;;r;;;;;-s";;"s iI rl';'il'r,11
hdibohorui -,lit-!p@-I,.,i,+.q!l$9!p9+El
kepentingon penggunoon sumb€r renogo secoro berhemoh

@ meora
e I menerusrperDagar

berierusan melaluipemerhalian menerusi pelbagai media


a Globat Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 O ffi
SludU the informotion below. Then, onswer lhe following guestions.

Humons ore too dependent on petroleum, nolurol goses ond cools lo produce
eleclricol energg. The use of renewoble energg sources should be improved
before petroleum, noturol goses ond cools ore used up.
Mologsion olso relies on petroleum os the moin source ol energg.

(o) Stole lhree renewoble energu sources thol produce electricol energg.


(b) Suggest o source of energg lhol con reploce pelroleum in Mologsio.

(c) In gour opinion, is nucleor energg suitoble 10 be used widelg in




a Clobal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

Answer oll gueslions.
Objective Questions
I Which of the following slores chemicol energg? 4 Which ol the following is the correct meoning of
A Television renewoble energU?
B Dunomo A The energu thol is obtoined {rom reploceoble
C Bolteru sources.
D Solor ponel B The energu thot is generoted {rom sources
thol will be depleled.
Diogrom I shows o rubber bond is being c The energg lhol is stored in lossil fuel.
strelched. D The energu thot is produced from nolurol

Which of the jollowing energu sources couses

oir pollution?
Diogrom I
A Wind
Whol is the energu possessed bU lhe strelched B Woter
rubber bond? C Sun
A Chemicol energg D Fossil fuel
B Heot energu
C Kinetic energu Which of the following energu sources con be
D Potentiol energu replenished?
I Sun
Diogrom 2 shows o lighled condle. II Wind
III Peholeum
IV Cools
A londll
B I ond III
C II ond lV
D III ond IV

Diogrom 2
Whg should humons use energg wiselg?
Which lronsformolion of energu occurs when I To sove moneg
lhe condle is lighted up? II To sove energu sources
A Heot energu -+ Light energu + lll To reduce environmentol pollution
Sound energg A Iondll
B Light energu > Heol energg + B II ond III
Eleclricol energg C I ond III
C Chemicol energu -+ Heot energu + D I, II ond Ill
Lighl energU
D Chemicol energu + Sound energg +
Heol energU

@ Global MetlidstrcetSdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Shrctured Queslions
I Toble I shows the results obtoined from on investigotion.

Toble I
ling of
(o) whot is the trend of chonge of rhe remperorure of worer in this investigotion?

)urces (b) In the invesligotion, stote the ll morkl

(i) monipuloled vorioble:


(ii) respondingvorioble:
l morkl

I I mork]
(c) slole the relotionship between the monipuloled vorioble ond the responding vorioble.

I I mork]
(d) Stote ihe tronslormoiion of energg involved in this investigotion.

0n be
ll morkl
Diogrom 2 shows o ping-pong boll ihoi is ploced ot poinl P on o trock. The boll is then rolled
down the

Diogrom 2
(o) Whol is the tgpe of energg possessed bU the boll ot poinl p?

I I morkl
(b) Slole the lronsformolion of energg thot occurs ot


[2 morks]
(c) Predict whot will hoppen io the ping-pong boll ofter it reoches point S.

I morkl

a Aobal Mediastreet Sdfi. Bhd. (Co. No_ 762284-IJ)


Light Trovels in o Slroight Lino (b) Th€ odenlolion ol the objocl

I Light is o form of energu.

2 Light irovels in o stroight line.

cardboards candle
Cardboards I

./ >- I l*a

The candle light can be seen

when the three hotes are arranged in a line

Shodows ore formed when lighi is blocked bg opoque

objects or lronslucenl objecls.
The size of o shodow depends on lhe distonce between
on objec'i ond o lighl sourc€. Light con be Reflected
(o) When the dislonce between the objecl ond the lighl I We con see on objeci becouse the objecl retlecis lighl inlo
source increoses. lhe size ol lhe shodow decreoses.
our eues.
(b) When lhe dislonce belween lhe object ond the light
source decreoses, lhe size ol lhe shodow increoses. 2 An objecl wilh hord, smoolh ond shinu surfoce (for
exomple, o mirror) con reflecl light better thon on objecl
The shope of o shodow chonges with:
with uneven. soft ond rough surfoce.
(o) The posilion of lhe lighl source
3 The principle of relleclion of lighl is opplied in lhe lollowing
(o) Mirror
(b) Deniol mirror
(c) Periscope
(d) Side mirror ond reor view mirror of o cor

Lighl con be Refrocted

I Refroction ot lighl occurs when light lrovels belween two
ditferenl mediums.
2 The exomples thot shows ihe chorocteristic of lighi lhol
con be refrocted ore os follows:
(o) The position of o coin looked closer to lhe surloce of
(b) A pencil oppeors bent in o gloss lilled wilh woler.
Opaque object
(c) A fish in on oguorium looks bigger if seen lrom lhe
gloss of the oquorium.

ra Global Mediastreet Sdn. gtul (Co. No.762284-U)

@ Ugnt frw.ts in o Stroight Line
The diogrom below shows on investigotion corried oul bg o pupil.
LI! I t!!

-ighted condle


Situation A Situation B

o) In which siluotion, the flome of the condle con be seen bg the pupil?

i b) Give reoson (inference) for gour onswer in (o).

ic) Whol is the conclusion thol con be mode lrom this investigolion.

s light into

An invesligotion is corried out to sludu the formolion of shodow os shown in rhe folowing
iff:r,g:ifE diogrom.
L:r 3

ween lwo

light lhol
Give reoson (inference) for the lormotion ol shodow on the screen.

)urfoce of
Shodow is formed when the light is blocked bU

from lhe

E :;.+ral Mediastrcet Sdfi. Bhd. (Co. No. 762254-U)


rc) The experimenl below is corried oul lo sludu the Ioclors thot influence the size of shodows.
Cgrfi GrFt,+r @S
l. The opporoius is set up os shown in the diogrom below.
2. The object is moved lo position X ond the shodow lormed on the screen is drown.
3. Then, the object is moved lo position Y ond the shodow formed on the screen is drown.

(o) Slote one hgpolhesis bosed on this experiment.

(b) Stote oll voriobles involved in this experiment.

(i) Monipuloledvorioble:
(ii) Respondingvorioble:
(iii) Conslont vorioble:
(c) Slote lhe observotion lhot con be mode bU drowing the size oI lhe shodows formed on lhe
when the objecl is ploced ot X ond Y.

(d) Whot conclusion con be mode from lhis experiment?

Meromolkon {oktor Uong mempengoruhi soiz don bentuk bouong-bogonq

lvlengujifoklor gong mempengoruhi soiz don b€nTuk bouong-bouong
;6.1 )Nlembuol kesimpulon tentong fokior Uong mempengoruhi soiz don bentuk bogong,bouong
G@) i
A Llobal Medn'treet it)n. Bht). Co. No.7b2284-lr) $.
Q rn" experimenl below is corried out to sludu the foctors thot influence the
shope o,f shodow.

Procedures: rT4,"p5.lt6
I An opogue object is ploced ot different orienlolions in front of o lighl
source os in the diogrom below.
2. The shodows formed ore observed ond drown.

Light source -,,>
Light source

Sitt ation K Situation L

(o) whol is the relolionship belween the shope of the shodow ond the
orientotion of the object?

(b) Stote oll the voriobles involved in this experimenl.

(i) Monipuloiedvorioble:
(ii) Respondingvorioble:
(iii) Constonlvorioble:
(c) stole the observotion Jor this experimenl bu drowing the shope of
lhe shodows formed for siluotions
K ond L.

(d) Whor conclusion con be mode for lhis experiment?

Hi FrlH*rOr*"molkon loktor gons mempensoruhi soizdon bentur rosons tosons

Illenguosoi Belummenguosoi

ffi ,*lll"raOi"*, *uo. ronn."",nr""no,,n,,o, oon o""r,o ooro"n *r.l

kesimpulon 'tenlong {oktorUong mempengoruhi soiz don befiuk

. Slobal Mediastreet *1n. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

@ ugntcon be Reflected
OO""*" the diogrom below ond fill in the blonks wilh the correcl onswers. ( rr 1
Light from a lamp
shines on the table
Light is reflected
from the table
and travels into
our eyes

(o) When light lolls on on objecl, the light will be inlo our eues. This ollow us

the object.

(b) The reflection of light depends on the condilion of the of on object.

(c) Hord, smooih ond shing surfoce reflecls light on uneven, soft
rough sur{oce.

&) *rit" the nome of devices thol opplu ihe rellection of lighl in the circle mop below. (ritril

Devices thot
opplU the
principle of
relleclion of

Re{erence book Internet

cohouo boleh diponlulkon

lvemberi conloh oloi Uong menggunokon sifoi cohouo boleh diponlulkon

a Global Mediasteet sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622u-U) ffi
The diogrom below shows on investigotion corried out bU o group of pupils. ( re 3


ro) Whot is the oim of this investigolion?

rb) Complete the rou diogrom below to show the reflection of light on the surfoce ol the mirror.
lncident ray

(c) Whol is the conclusion for this investigotion?

The diogrom below shows o device used to observe on objecl behind o woll. ( rr {
_@ Object

(o) On the diogrom, drow the light rou to show how the device works.
(b) Bosed on gour drowing, slole the principle of light used in this device.

(c) Nome the device.

Melokor gombor rojoh sinor Uong menunjukkon sifor cohouo diponrutkon doripodo

Menjeloskon meloluicontoh olot Uong menggunokon sifot cohouo dipontulkon dengon

melokor gombor ro.joh sinor

. :-rbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhrl. (Co. No- 762284 It)

6Fi t-igtr con be Refrocled
.A) Studg lhe diogrom below ond fill in the blonks with the words given. ( re 1

(o) Refroction oI lighl hoppens when lighl trovels through two

of light
(b) Light thot trovels in the oir couses the light
experience relroclion.
(c) Refroclion of light will not ioke ploce if rogs of light ore direcled lo tronspo

'B) Which of the following diogroms show lhe effecls of refroction ol light? re 2

' Light


,c) Conduct the Iollowing group oclivitg. lte 5 L11 6

(o) Divide the closs inlo severol groups oi 5 - 6 pupils.
(b) Use Uour own creolivitu to invent o device or o model thol opplies o principle oI light.
(c) Exploin whu the principle of light is opplied in Uour invenlion.
(d) You ore given 2 weeks 10 finish this project.
(e) Present Uour invention to ihe closs.

a Ghbal Mediastreet SAt1. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

The diogrom below shows two tupes of mirror.

Concave mirror Convex miror

(o) Predict the heighl of the imoge ol o broom if seen ihrough

(i) the concove mirror:

(ii) lhe convex minor:

(b) Drow the reflecled light roUS on the concove mirror ond the convex mirror below.

Concove mirror (ii) Convex mirror

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Answer oll queslions.
Objeciive Queslions
I Diogrom I shows on invesligotion corried oul 3 Which of the following is the correct diogrom for
bg o pupil. the reflection of light?
Benl rubbertube
- \ ^\_"\:

=t's |
Y \t=:-A- - /^\-
Diogrom I ,\_r\r,
The pupil connot see the lighl from lhe bulb.
Whot is the conclusion for this investigotion?
A Lighl con be benl
B Light trovels in o slroight line
C Lighl lrovels through opogue objects Diogrom 3 shows the ports of o von lobelled J,
D Light connot lrovel through opogue objecls K ond L.

Diogrom 2 shows the opporolus set-up of on


Light source
-.....> Which ports opplu the principle of re{lection of
A K onlg
Diogrom 2
B JondK
C JondL
Whol is the shope of the shodow formed on the D KondL

Which ol the following phenomeno occurs due
lo the refroction o{ light?
A\ C Rainbow

a Clobal lt4ekastrcet sdn. Bhd. lco. No.762284.U)

*udured Questions
--€ llogrom below shows on investigolion corried out bg o pupil. The torch is moved closer to the object
:' :Csrilons X, Y ond Z. The size of lhe shodow formed on the screen is observed ond recorded.

lm for

--€ loble below shows the results of the invesligolion.

:d J,

X Lorge


z Smoll
: rA/hol is the oim ol this investigotion? lz
lt morkl
: 'iVhot ts the trend of chonge of the size of lhe shodow when the lorch is
brought closer to lhe object?

ll morkl
: Stote two inlormotion collected in this investigotion.

[2 morF.s:
r Stote o relotionship between the two informolion stoted in (c).

I I mork]

--;bal Mediastreet S.ln. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

Sources of Elecfricol Energu 3 The Iollowing diogrom shows o complete circuil ond its
circuil diogrom.
I The electricol energg ihol we use everg dog is generoled
bg hgdrc€loclric genoroiols. DrU cell

2 Sources ol eleclricol energg include genorotor, dru csll,

solor c€ll, dunomo ond occumuloior.

@ ffi@ There ore lwo lupes oI circuit:

(o) Series circuil (b) Porollelcircuit

Generotor Drg cells


In o series circuil,
(o) lhe eleclric current flows in one polh onlu.
(b) lhe bulbs ore orronged side bU side.
(c) lhe brighlness ol lhe bulbs ore dim.
EleclricCirctit In o porollel circuil,
(o) lhe electric current flows in two or more poths.
I The common components in on eleclric circuil ore drg cell, (b) lhe bulbs ore orronged in porollet in different poths.
bulb, swilch ond connecling wire. (c) lhe brighlness of the bulbs ore bright.
2 The sumbols of the electric componenls ore os follows: The bulbs in porollel circuit is brighter thon the bulbs
series circuit.

Sumbol of €loclric
componenl Sqfotu Pr€coutions for Hondling Etoctdcol
Drg cell ---lrlr- I Improper wou of hondling elecfricol opptionces con leod to
eleciroculion, Iire ond deoth bU electric shock.
Bulb 2 The lollowing ore lhe precoulion steps fhot con be token.
(o) Do nol louch sockels or swilches wilh wet hond.
(b) Do not repoir electricol oppllonces before switching
otl lhe moin swifch.
(c) Do nol connecl loo monu plugs on one socket.

@ Global Mediastreet Sda. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

t^ Sources of Electricol Energg li,

t=, in lhe blonks with the correcl letters for eoch of the following sources of electrico erer!! tt2
ond ils

bl (d)

D_____ _c____l____
ffi #

3 Fil in the blonks with the words given. ( rr 2'

mognet longer fuel pollulion

electricol solor bicgcle ocid

(o) A generolor uses fossil to generote eleclricol energU. The energU trons{ormotion
involved in o generotor is chemicol energu into E
energu. zf
llhs. (b) An occumulolor contoins leod plotes, which reoct wiih diluled sulphuric lo produce
rlbs in
electncol energU. Accumulolors lost thon dru cells ond ore rechorgeoble.
(c) A dunomo produces electricol energg bg turning o in lhe middle of o coil. It con
fricol be found in o

(d) Solor cell chonges energu inlo eleclricol energu. It does not couse
eod to
to the environmenl.


lvemberi contoh sumber Uong menghosilkon tenogo elektrik Belum menguosoi

- Clobal Mediastreet k1 Bhd. (Co.

. No.762284 U)
62l Comptete Eleciric Circuil

{O Rnswer ott queslions bosed on the electric circuit below. (fl#

(o) Nome oll lhe components in the circuit below ond drow iheir sgmbols.

(b) Bosed on the sgmbols drown in (o), drow o circuil diogrom for the circuit in the spoce provided

(c) Whot is the lunction of o switch in o complete eleclric circuit?

The function of o swilch is to

lilor eleklrik lengkop don melokor gombor roioh merEgunokon simbol

sffi"l".lit"r. l
@ Global Mediastrcet 5d11. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The experiments below were conducted to compore the brightness of o

bulb in o complete ciruJil.
l. A complete electric circuit is prepored os in diogrom (o).
2. Observe the brighiness of the bulb.
!. ldd o number of dru celts to the circuit os in diogrom (b).
4. Compore ihe brightness of the bulb.

(a) (b)
(o) Whot is lhe relotionship between lhe number of drg cells ond
the brightness of bulb?

(b) Stote the voriobles involved in lhis experiment.

(i) Monipuloted vorioble:

(ii) Respondingvorioble:
(iii) Conslont vorioble:
(c) Slole the observotion on the brightness of the bulb.

(d) Whoi is the conclusion thol con be mode from this experiment?

Membuol kesimpulon tentong ruoloon mentol dolom litor belsiri don selori

e Global Mediastrcet Sdr1. Bhd. (Co. No. Z622S4-U)

I. Repeol steps I ond 2 in Experimenl I .

2. Add the number oI bulbs to the circuil in diogrom.

3. Compore the brighlness ol the bulb.

(o) Whol is the relotionship between ihe number of bulbs ond the brighlness of bulb?

(b) Stole the voriobles involved in this experimenl.

(i) Monipulotedvorioble:
(ii) Responding vorioble:

(iii) Constonl vorioble:

(c) Stote the observolion thot con be mode oboul ihe brightness of the bulbs.

(d) Whot is the conclusion lhol con be mode from this experiment?

l:Q ) You ore given lwo bulbs, o drg cell, connecling wires ond o switch. In the spoces provided, sketch
' ' the series ond porollel circuits.

Series circuil Porollel circuil

Nlembuot kesimpulon lentong ngoloon litor bersiridon lilor selorisemro mengeklperimen

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. tshd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
The diogrom below shows two circuits.

(o) Nome circuit p ond circuit
(b) Compore ihe brightness of the bulbs in circuits p ond e.

(c) Slote the bulbs thot will no, light up if the following
switches is opened.

(d) A botleru is odded in eoch circuit. whot hoppen to the

brighhess of the bulbs in both circuits?

P: @!l.-''
(e) Bosed on lhe invesligotion, slote one odvontoge
snd one disodvontoge of circuil p ond circuit e.

(f) Choose the circuil which conserye more eleclric energg. Give reoson. (,i,ffi,*,)

Membuot k€simpulon tentong nuoloon mentol dolom

litor bersiri don selori secoro mengekperimen

ideo teniong kelebihon don kekurongon litor bersiridon

litor setori

lvenookul penggunoon rifor bersiridon serori ke

oroh penjimoton tenogo erekrrik sehorion

susunan mentol secara bersiri dan selari dalam lilarelektdk

dan membezakan kecerahan mentoiaarumlE,
oJoiri o_n-ilGi rari

a tubal Mediasbeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

.731 Sotetu Precoulions when Hondling
Eleclricul Applionces
Studg the diogroms below. Mork (X) the incorrecl wogs of hondling eleclricol opplionces. ( rp 1

mensendolikon perolaion elektrik

C"nj,iiSoon [-1./ M""uorokon longkoh keselomoton semoso

GGEtl@ii ii!l;i;i p;;;,t

- G:ab^l .\ledn'teet tdn. Bhd. (o. Na.762284-U, 72
A scienlist wonts io invenl o tgpe of eleclricol opplionce thol consisls of the following


Connecting wire
2 bulbs

(o) (i) In Uour opinion, whol is lhe tgpe of electric circuil thot is suitoble io be used in consiructing
the electricol opplionce?

(ii) Drow o complete circuit diogrom for the circuil stoted in (oxi).

(b) Give reoson for gour onswer in (o)(i).

c Hal Mediastreet Sdft. Bhd. (Co. No. 2622u-U)

Answer oll queslions.
Objeclive Quesiions
I Which of the following ore the sources of Which of the lollowing circuil
electricilU? represenls the circuit?
I Dunomo A
II Accumulotor
Ill Drg cells
IV Petroleum
A I ond III
B III ond IV ffi
C I, ll ond III
D Il, III ond lV
2 Which ol the following components ore correcllu
poired wilh their sgmbols?

.:.:' :, r,:$Uii&r6t.i.',ir:t:l:jir


III BotlerU
----lrlr- Q-,,,---l
IV Swilch o
A I ond II C II ond III
I ond III

D III ond IV

ol lhe following is the function ol m,l

A To produce heot
B To produce light Diogrom 2 shows on eleclric circuil
C To supplg eleclric energu bulbs lobelled U ond V.
D To connecl or breok electric current
Diogrom I shows o complete electric circuil.

Diogrom 2

: UtobaL Mednstreel 5d4. Bhd lco. No. -6)284-U)

,', 1ot
will hoppen when bulb V is burni?
. Bulb U lights up brighrer
Whot will hoppen if onother bulb s l::a: t-
posilion P?
-- Bulb U does not light up A Onlg bulb X becomes dim
::: No currenl flows in lhe clrcuit B Bulb Y becomes brighter
A iondll C II ond III C The three bulbs light up with the
3 son-e
I ond III D I, II ond III brightness
rgroms : - ogrom 3 shows on electric circuil. D Bulbs X ond Y do not light up
7 Whol will hoppen if o person touches o
socket wilh wel hond?
A Fire
B Explosion
C Electric shock
D Short circuit

Diogrom 3

3-rctured Questions
:' on invesligolion, Ai Ling connecls three bulbs in series os shown
in Diogrom l. The switch is closed
:rd the brightness of the bulbs is observed. The experimenl is repeoted
og ieJudng the number of bulbs
- the circuit.

DrU cells

lh 1wc Diogrom I

Toble I shows the results of this invesligolion.

3 Dimmer

2 Dim


Toble I

at U'J\t,tt,,t'.ln Bl,d..< o. \r 02)t4-U) 75

Whol is lhe oim of this investigotion?

(b) In this investigotion, slote the

(i) constont vorioble:

(ii) monipulotedvorioble:

the bulbs in the ci

(c) Whol is the relotionship between the number of bulbs ond ihe brightness of

(d) slole o relotionship between lhe two intormotion obloined from the stolement obove

2 Diogrom 2 shows two tupes ol electric circuits connected bg o group of

Circuit K

Diogrom 2

Toble 2 shows the observotion recorded bU the pupils.

K Bright

L Dim

Toble 2

. Gtobal vediastreet Sdn. Bhd. rco. No. 762284 U)

(o) Whot is the oim of this investigotion?

I I morkl
(b) Stote
(i) the monipuloled vorioble in this investigotion.

I I mork]
(ii) the responding vorioble in this investigotion.

I I mork]
(iii) the constont vorioble in this investigotion.

I I mork]
(c) Predicl lhe brightness of the bulbs if onother bulb is connected in series in circuit L.

I I morkl
(d) Whot is the conclusion thol con be mode lrom this invesligotion?

I mork]

. aobal Mediastreet Sdfl. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)

Temperotu16 ond Heol The iron ball can
Metal Pass through the
Temperoture shows lhe degree oI holness or coldness of ring metal ring again
o subslonce. because the ball
contracts after
2 A hoi substonce hos high lemperoture. being cooled.
3 A cold substonce hos low temperolure.
4 Temperoture is meosured bU using lhermometer.
The Applic{tions of tho Principles of E)ponsion
ond Conlrcclion of Subslonces in Doilu Lif6
5 The unit for temperolure is degree Celsius ("C).
6 The correct wou of loking lhe reoding of thermometer is os
I Eleclric cobles ore hung looselu between the poles to
ovoid lhe cobles from snopping when theu controcls ot
nighl (low temperolure).

in (
. Take the readino of

temperature onl-y when the
mercury stops moving. =1lS---4 ,*
4 . The position of the eyes must
be at the same level as the
c upper surface of the liquid [-[ During During cold
" (meniscus level) hot

The lemperolure of o substonce will chonge when the The roilwog trocks hove gops ol eoch of their connections.
subslonce receives or loses heol. This is to ovoid lhe roilwou trocks from bending due ic
(o) When o beoker oI woter is heoted, the woler receives exponsion during hol dou.
heol ond its temperoture increoses.
(b) When the woier is left lo cool. the woter loses heol
ond iis lemperoture decreoses.
8 A subslonce exponds when heoted ond conlrocls when
cooled. ffi
<l When o subslonce exponds, its size ond volume increose.
Mercuru in o thermomeler will expond when il receives
t0 When o substonce conlrocls, ils size ond volume heot. This couses the level of the mercuru to rise.
Mercuru in o lhermometer will controci when ii releoses
The oclivilies lhot shows exponsion ond conirociion oI heot. This couses lhe level of ihe mercuru to foll.

Metal ln the beginning,

ring the iron ball passes
through the metal

A lighl bottle cop con be loosened bU immersing the cop

After being heated,
the iron ball in hol woter.
E==:::=::=4y.1.1 expanded and
lron ball Y ring cannot pass through
the metal ring.

.- G'abal jtediastreet Sdn.8tu1. (Co. No.762284 U)

s Temperulure ond Heot

Solve the puzzle bg onswering the guestions given. (.'rr 1.

ball ca-
),rgh the
_o agarl.

:he ba



T o) The degree of hotness or coldness of o subslonce.
c) Cold objects hove temperotures.
d) The stondord unil ol temperoture is degree
b) Tool thot is used lo meosure lemperolure.
e) Hot objects hove lemperolures.

f fn. diogrom below shows the sleps in toking the reoding of temperolure. ( rp 2

P Woil until the mercuru stops moving

Q - Ploce the bulb into the subslonce to be meosured
R - Reod the scole ol lhe upper level of meniscus
S - Hold the thermometer verlicollg stroight

Write the letters to reorronge the steps in toking the reoding of temperotu re correctl u.

Menuolokon mokud suhu don unil piowoa

Menuukol suhu dengon menggunokon olol don teknik Uong betul

Eilm@ flftil}lm"r)"ra " ;t d.-,il,"1,*:;,r*-l

a Global Mediastreer Sdn. Bh(l. tC o. No. 7b2284. Lt) V,
@ necorO the thermomeler reodings below ond molch eoch reoding with the correct beot<er. F,lt$

'"' '''

Top cube

p ,n on invesligolion, o beoker of woter is heoted lor l0 minules ond then left to cool for tO minules.
The temperolure is loken from both beokers ond recorded os in the toble below. ( 3 r


After baiiig he@,fu tr:ri, rlt,io.@ol,fg.r-,,

lo mhrJl€F (9G) ..r " ' fes:t€i'", :

27 85 45

(o) When o beoker of woter is heoted, the woter heol ond the temperoture of the

(b) When the woler is left io cool. the woler heot ond the lemperolure of lhe

The lemperolure of o subslonce

Mengukol suhu dengon menggunokon olot don teknik Uong betul

bohowo perubohon suhu bohon dirbobkon oleh penerimoon don kehilongon hobo

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

€ ,n" to,,o*ing octivilies ore corried out 10 investigote the exponsion ond controction of substonces.

Ac'lMtg I
(o) In the beginning, the iron boll
con poss through the ring.

(b) The iron boll is heoted ond let The iron boll The iron boll
10 poss through lhe ring once
ogoin. when il hcdl
lhrough the ring ofler being

(c) The iron boll is left io cool down
The iron boll
The iron boll

ond possed through the ring. when it heot.

t---i:l _,/- Melat lhrough the ring ogoin ofter it

rins is cooled.
rron oarr

Activitg II
(o) A conicol flosk conloining The level of coloured woler Coloured woter
coloured woter is immersed
inlo hot woler. when it

Gloss--.J heol
rrrtre ll
from the hot woter.
ol the

of the

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(b) The conicol flosk is lhen The level oI coloured woter The coloured woier
immersed inlo cold woter.
when it
'- heot.
Level of

Activilu UI
(o) The botlle is ploced into hot The bolloon The oir in the bottle
when il

(b) Then, the bottle is ploced into The bolloon becomes The oir in the botlle
cold woler.
when it

Substonces (solids, liquids ond goses) when theg receive
when lose heot.

- '
Menjeloskon melolul contoh tentong pengembongon don peng€cuton bohon a.ri ."gi i',
q.YiTlgn 991 !.hirgisll !9b9 .. _ . .)

aTrfir ffi
@ Global Meaiastreet 5d11. Bhd. (Co. No. 762281-U)
Fill in lhe blonks with the words given below to discuss the opplicotions
of the principles ol eptrs€r
ond conlroclion of subslonces. (.rp6.l

Electric cobles ore hung (o) between poles lo ovoid the cobles f rom being
stretched ond (b) due to the controction during (c)
weother (nighl).

There ore (d) between roilwog trocks to ollow (e)

during hol weother. This con ovoid the roilwou trock lrom (I)

Mercurg in the bulb of o thermomeler will (g)

when heoled ond couses its level (h) to

On the controru, mercuru will (i) when
cooled ond couses its level 1o fi)

1"]!"J,yil!::i.t"9"s gptikosi prins,p pensembonson don pensecuton bohon rlodo olot denson
memoer kebo(on don keburukon Belum menguosoi

r, Global Mediastreet Siln. Bhd. (Co. No_ 762284-U)

Aller being woshed ond Stocked, two glosses, P ond Q, connol be seporoted eosilu os Shown in the
diogrom below.

(o) Bosed on Uour knowledge obout exponsion ond controction of Subslonces, Suggest two woUS
lo seporole lhe glosses without breoking them.


(b) Predict whot will hoppen if hot woter is poured into gloss P.

@ Global Mediartrcet Sd.n. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Answer oll guestions.
Objective Quesiions

Which of the following stolements obout heot is

Whot will hoppen if the bot e is left outside in o
hot dog for t0 minules?
A An object becomes hot when il receives heol A The bolloon inflotes ond rises
B Ice is cold becouse il hos less heot B The bofile becomes hol ond melts
C Heot con be seen with noked eges C The bortle crocks ond then explodes
D Heot is o lorm of energg D The bolloon exponds ond then explodes
Diogrom I shows lour positions io toke o 4 Toble I shows the chonges in the temperoture
reoding from o thermometer.
of on objeci ogoinst lime.


a<----i ---|s t0 25

Diogrom I
20 30

Which positions will give the correcl reoding?

A PondQ 25 oz
B PondR
C QondS Tobte I
D RondS Which of the lollowing stolemenls is correct
obout the object?
Diogrom 2 shows on emptu gloss botfle is fixed A The volume ol the object decreoses
with o bolloon B The size of lhe object decreoses
C The object releoses heot
Bolloon D The object receives heot
5 Wh.ot con Uou do io moke o dented ping_pong
boll relurns to its originol shope?
A Ploce the ping-pong boll in o bowl of ice
B Ploce the ping-pong boll in o bowl ol hot
Diogrom 2 C Moke o smoll hole on lhe ping_pong boll
D Burn the ping-pong boil

. Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262X4_U)

Structured Questions
The diogrom below shows on invesiigotion conducled bU o group of pupils. Foursimilor beokers ore lilled
with different volumes of woter. The beokers ore heoted ol the some lime ond the lime loken to boil the
woler is meosured. The results of the invesligotion ore recorded in the loble below.

t__t L--J I---J

t---- _t :
F:--- - l
t-- -__t

r-"\i,m"{-dt .xr!)nffi!&q ,w*riFrttrtfin! leorry@5

ll \ / Heot

,1,\ /-J"\ / J",\


(o) Whol is the purpose of this invesligolion?


(b) Stote the trend of chonge in the lime ioken to boil the woter when the volume of woler increoses.

I I mork]
(c) In this invesligolion, slole
(i) the monipuloied vorioble:

ll morkl

(ii) the responding vorioble:

I I mork]
(d) Stole the relotionship between the monipuloted vorioble ond the responding vorioble-

ll morkl

a Global Me.liastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

il the

Se of Motlrer
I l\4otters exist in solid, liquid ond gos.

2 The lollowing exploins solid, liquid ond gos.

Proporli6s . Hos moss . Hos moss . Hos moss

. Hos fixed volume . Hos fixed volume . Does nol hove lixed volume
. Hos fixed shope . Does nol hove tixed shope . Does nol hove fixed shope
. Connot be compressed (Toke the shope of the (Fills lhe shope ot ihe
conloiner) conloiner)
. Connol be compressed . Con be compressed

{.:'i o

i Gltnges in the Strole of Moflrar (c) Moling

norkl I Woter con exisl in solid, liquid ond gos. Receives
Ice cube heol Woler
2 Woler is in liquid stote. The stote oI moiler of woter con be (Solid) (Liquid)
chonged fhrough vorious processes.

(o) Frcezhg (d) Bolling

norkl Wofer loses heol
lce cube Woler heol Woler vopour
(Liquid) (Solid) (Liquid) (Gos)

(b) Condonsolion (e) Ewpolllion

Woler vopour loses heol Woler
Woier heot Woler vopour
(cos) (Liquid) (Liquid) (Gos)

Bolh boiling ond evoporolion involve fhe chonges in the

slole oI mo er lrom liguid inlo gos.

a fubal Mediastrcet Sdfi. Bhd. (A. No. ?62284-U)

4 Differences between boiling ond evoporolion: Noturol Wotor Cuclo
I Woler cucle is lhe process thot occurs conlinuouslg in the
nolurol environment.
Occurs ol the lemperoture 2 The following exploins lhe tormolion of clouds ond roin in
t00'c the woter cucle.

Tokes ploce ol the surfoce

otlhe liquid

2 The woiervopour
occumuloles ond Iorms

I The woter lrom the Eorlh

ovoporqlos inlo woler

3 The wotervopour in lhe

clouds becomes bigger ond
heovier tinollU cond€nsss
lhen folls os roin.

The Imporlonce of Woter Rosources

I Woter is essenliol for living lhings to stou olive.

2 Humons use woler to corru oul doilg oclivilies such os woshing, cooking ond bolhing.
3 The woter we use everu dog comes from resources such os roin, rivels, oceons ond lokes.
4 We con keep our woler resources cleon bg procticing the lollowing:
(o) Do nol lhrow rubbish inlo lhe rivers.
(b) Conlrolthe use of peslicide ond inseclicide in ogricullurolrield.
(c) Do not build foctories neor the woler reservoirs.

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

@ Sm" of Moter

Sludu the diogrom below. Fill in the blonks with the correcl onswers. ( rp I

(o) All things oround us ore

(b) Motters exist in lhree stoles. which ore

(c) Sond is on exomple of mofier in stole. Oceon woter is on exomple of molter in

stote ond wind is on exomple ol mofler in stole.

writ" the properries of solid, liquid ond gos bosed on the octiviries corried
Ql our. LF.:r2r..

to) : 9^r--- (b) FT #

(; r _ ,J (; ."f)
I |
ld**.." n
trfl brock

N.Z, N.{ lffiLo,""* A

Solid hos Solid hos ond
connot be

Membericontoh pepejol cecoir don gos

Memeriholkon sifcri pepejol, cecoir don gos

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co- No. 262284-U)
Liquid does not hove
Liquid hos
tokes the shope ol ihe conloiners.

Gos hos Gos does nol hove

C' Ctossifg the following into solid. liquid ond gos. \ rp 3

@ *""' lce cubes

[.i:{ cootins

\ J- f.:rX

lvlengeloskon contoh bohon/objek berdosorkon keodoon jirim

a Gtob,tl Mct)iast,ctt >dn. thd.,t o Na.'02284 Ltt SO
l'.mplete the following slotements to exploin thol woler con exist in three stotes of motter. rrl 4
: Woter ol room lemperolure exists in form.
: Solidified woter is colled ice ond exists in the form of

: When ice cube is lefl ol room lemperolure, it will melt. In this process, ice cube which is in the form
of lurns into woter which is o
: Woter thol rs until il boils will become woler vopour. The woler vopour is in
the form of

Thus, woterexisls in three stotes of motler. which ore


f Sludu lhe diogroms of the orrongemenl of poficles in solid, liquid ond gos below. Fill in the blonks with
-!e correcl onswers. 5
Llt L]l 6
Solid Liquid Gos

o^@ qr @o too'
G et
\., @o
Arrongemont of The porticles ore The porticles ore The porticles ore
porticles orronged orronged
ond eoch other ond nol in
ond orderlg. nol in order. order.

shopes. shopes ond follow lhe shope ond follow the

shopes of the conloiners shopes of lhe contoiners
) theg fill in, theu fill in.
Hos Hos Hos .-
volumes. volumes. volumes.

be compressed. be compressed. be compressed.

--\ **r,, ok bohowo orr ootFh wu.ud doto.n nso keoooon j,,i-.r
Belum ..rengdosoi

Berkomunikosi untuk menJeloskon susunon zoroh bogioir dolom tigo keodoonjirim
Belum rn€rEuosoi

[.{engonologikon siJol pepejol.cecoir don gos don koiTonnuo dengon susunon zoroh
Belum menguosoi

|p l,:lglqlq;rii*i,i' ooien *,li,o oiiirir iig" r.aaai;iji,i,n d.nsaii .!"praniin irt,ri

. .: .:a$t Sdn. Bhd. (U. No.7622Bt U) 9t
@ Cnonges in the Stote of Moiter

f!.!) ComOlete the lollowing toble bosed on the octivilies corried oul. L:l 1 L11 2

Solid -------+ Liquid


{lB ) BoseO on the oclivilies obove, stote the processes thot

(o) receive heot:

(b) lose heol:

proses pelubohon keodoon oir Mensuor

-*"'61ff*" l1),""uenoroikon
p."'$lff*" 12) r".eriholkon proses perubohon keodoon oir doriseg, menermo orou kehitongon hobo ueiguo!

boleh ben
ran aktivili
conloh perubahan keadaan jirim berlaku apabilajiim menerima atau

O Clobal Mediasrreer Sdn. Bhd. lco. No. 702284 U) 9,.,

g=q Nolurol Woier Cgcle
Studg the diogrom below. ( rP 3

(0) Fill in the boxes (i), (ii), (iii).

(b) IdenlilU processes X ond Y in the formotion of clouds.


The informolion below shows the sloges in the formolion of clouds ond roin. ( re $

P Woter droplets occumulote ond form clouds.
Q- Roin woler flows inlo rivers, lokes ond oceons ogoin.
R- When more woler vopour condenses, woler droplels in the clouds will combine
ond become bigger ond heovier, ond lhen folls os roin.
S - Heot from the Sun couses the woler in rivers, lokes ond oceons to evoporote
into woter vopour.
T - Woler vopour rises ond condenses into woter droplets.

Arronge lhe obove sloges in the correcl sequence. Fill letlers in the boxes provided below.

lvenghubungkoh ontoro perubohon keodoon oirdengon pembeniukon owon don hujon 8€lum menguosoi

Cilililf f M."shubunskaft perub. i@

. ulobal Media,t,?et Bhd. tco. No. - 28q U) 93
t rn" diogrom below shows on investigotion corried oul bg o group of pupils. r rp 3

(o) Whol is the oim of this invesligotion?

To studu through simulolion.

(b) Whol is the lunction of the mirror in lhis investigolion?

To ollow condensotion oi inlo

(c) Bosed on the diogrom obove, slote the nolurol phenomeno represented bg X ond Y.

X: The formolion of

Y: The formotion ol
(d) Stote two processes involved in this invesiigotion.

(e) Wrile the chonges in the stole ol motier thot occur in this invesligoiion.

',p ) Store three importonce of noturol woler cucle to humons. (rq .4



Menghubungkoit ontoro perubohon keodoon oir dengon pembentukon owon don hujon

lvlenookul kepentingon kitoron oir semulo.jodi bogi mengekolkon sumbe. oir

aillEl"ltMenj'ana idea kepe",tlnsa" klfi;semutaEdl I

@ Clobal Metliasneet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

@ rne Importonce of woter Resources
Stole four exomples of nolurol woter resources.

1o) (c)

(b) (d)

Discuss with gour friends obout the foclors thol couse woler pollution ond their
effects 10 living things.
Complete the following multijlow mop
L!r, i

Woter pollulion

€ I ConU out the foltowing group octivilu. gl S l- 6 @

(o) Divide the closs into severol groups of 6 - 7 pupils.
(b) Discuss the fociors thot couse woter pollulion bosed on ihe piclures below.

Chemical substances are dumped into riverc Rubbish is dumped into rivers Oilspills that happen in the ocean

(c) Then, discuss the woUS to keep the woter resources cleon.
(d) You con olso refer to the Internel for oddilionol inlormolion.
(e) Present Uour discussion in the closs.

lvlenjono ideo foldorfoktor Uong menuebobkon sumb€r oirterc€mor don coro mengekolkon
kebersihon sumber oir Menguosoi Belumnienguosoi

Berkomunikosi Tentong foktor gong menggonggu knoron oir semulojodidon kesonnuo terhodop
Menguosoi Belummenguo$oi

kepe"tngan un k mengardkebeE6 fibj;h l

a Ctobat Media5treet sdn. Bhd. lco. No. 7b2284.11t gb

A gloss of woter is covered wilh o piece of tronsporent gloss.
The gloss is left under the hol Sun os shown below.

(o) (i) Predicl Uour observotion orter 30 minutes.

(ii) Give o reoson Jor Uour onswer in (o)(i).

(b) Whot will hoppen to the woler if the tronsporent gloss is removed?

(c) If this oclivitu is the simulolion ol noturol woter cucle, whot is represenled bu lhe tronsporent

A Global Mediartreet Sdn- Bhtl. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Answer oll questions.
Otieciive Queslions
I Diogrom I shows on investigolion oboul lhe Which of the following exploins the condition ol
properties of liquid. lhe ice cubes ol Y?
A The ice cubes melt
B The ice cubes evoporole
C The ice cubes condense
D The ice cubes storted to freeze
4 The informotion below shows the chonge in
Measuring slotes of molter.

Diogrom I
Which of the following processes represenl S
Whot is the conclusion of this invesligotion? ond T?
A Liquid con {loot
B Liquid con ,low T
C Liquid hos o fixed volume
D Liquid con be compressed A Boiling Freezing
B Evoporoiion Melting
The list below shows lhe chorocteristics of
substonce. c Melting Boiling
D Freezing Boiling

Diogrom 3 shows the simulolion of formolion of

clouds ond roin.
Which of lhe iollowing is represenled bU the
subsionce? Glass
A Air
B Fresh milk
C Rock
D Plostic

Diogrom 2 shows lhe observotion on ice cubes.

lce cube

w \ry
f---L _-, _(-
Diogrom 2
Diogrom 3

A Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

I Which oI the following ore correct obout Whot is the process?
processes P ond Q? A Boiling
B Evoporofion
C Meliing
A D Condensotion
B P, Q, R ond S ore the processes lhol involved
c in the chonges in the slote of motter.

Four conloiners ol the some volume of woler

ore ploced under the hol sun. Which contoiner
will dru firsl?
A Which processes involve the chonges in
slote of motler from liquid to gos?
A PondQ
B PondS
C QondR
D RondS

Diogrom 4 shows the woier cucle.

L\- \
Diogrom 4

---- -- - -- 77
I-\.:-:: Whol is represenled bU J, K ond L?

The following informolion shows Cloud Woter Roin
chorocteristics of o process.
Woier Cloud Roin
Woter Roin Cloud
D Cloud Roin Woter

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. BM. (Co. No. 762284-U)

$ructured Queslions
I Diogrom I shows on investigotion oboul o properlu of gos.

Diogrom I

(o) Whot is the oim of the invesligotion?

I I mork]
(b) Stole on observotion bosed on the siluotion of the stick where bolloons A ond B ore hung.

ll morkl
(c) Give o reoson for the observolion sloted in (b).

ll morkl
(d) Motch the following informotion wilh correcl voriobles in this investigotion.

Informolion Voriobles

Monipuloted vorioble
Moss of bolloons

Responding vorioble
Condilion of bolloons
Conslont vorioble

[2 morks]

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The moss of o wet towel is 800 g. The lowel is hung under the hot Sun ond the moss of the lowel is
recorded everu 30 minules. Toble 2 shows the results of this investigotion.

(o) Whol is the purpose of this investigotion?

I I mork]
(b) Slote lhe trend of chonge in the moss of the towel through times.

I I mork]
(c) Give o reoson (on inference) bosed on lhe trend ol chonge in moss of ihe towel.

I I mork]
(d) In this investigotion, stoie
(i) the monipuloled vorioble

I I morkl
(ii) the responding vorioble

I mork]
(e) stole o relotionship between the monipuloted vorioble ond the responding vorioble.

I I mork]

G Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-tJ)

Ch€micol Properties ol Subslonces
I Differenl substonces hove different properties.
2 A subslonce con be ocldic, olkolinE or neutrol.

3 We con use litmus popers to delermine whelher o Tamarinds Tomatoes

subslonce is ocidic, olkoline or neutrol. Acidic substances
Alkoline subslonces toste bitter ond ore slipperg when
Exomples of olkoline substonces ore shompoo, soops,
loolhposles, bitter gourds, medicines, boking powder ond

There ore lwo tupes of lilmus poper, which ore blue lilmus
poper or red lilmus poper.

The loble below shows the etfect of ocidic, olkoline ond

neutrol substonces on blue ond red litmus popers.

Bitter gourd
Alkaline substances
r0 Neulrol substonces losle neither sour nor bifler. Neulrol
subslonces ore usuollg sohg, swset or tosleless.
lt Exomples of neulrol subslonces ore sog souce, sugor,
solt, minerol woter ond cooking oil.

6 Acidic subslonces tosle sour. I
7 Exomples of ocidic substonces ore vrnegor, oronges,
pineopples, tomoloes, lomorinds ond lime juice.
Cooking oil

Uo Lime juice
Mineral water
' Neutral substances

. -;bal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762294-U)


@ Chemicol Properties of Substonces

, A) Stot" whether the substonces ore ocidic, olkoline or neulrol.

(b) E-
Carbonated drink
Shampoo Tap water

(d) tr



Tomato sauce

c"r1"[1];i$'**' *"-n**",a5'i]'jl- *-- ;i" ,a

GEf0EBEe!q"1s"1lelrie-!,*1!e.. .,"** I
A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)
a- ' Ql StrOU the diogrom betow. (lf i.

Clossifu the substonces in the diogrom obove bosed on their chemicol properties
bU compleling the
lree mop below.

Chemicol Properlies of Subslonces

Acidic Alkoline
-T- -f-

Mengelos bohon berdosorkon sifot kimioruo

; ---bbal Mediastreet Sdn. thd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)
- tn on investigotion, three Pelri dishes ore filled with pineopple juice, coffee drink ond dislilled woier
respeclivelu. Eoch substonce is lested wilh blue ond red lilmus popers os shown in the diogrom below.

Pineopplejuice coffee drink Dislilled woler

(o) Complete lhe lollowing toble to show the observotion lor this investigolion.


(i) Pineopple juice

(ii) Coffee drink

(iii) Dislilled woter

(b) Bosed on the onswers in (o), slote wheiher the substonce is ocidic, olkoline or neutrol. lr.r:'i
Pineopple juice: Colfee drink: Distilled woler:
(c) Bosed on the loble obove, slole the operotionol definilion o{ ocidic, olkoline ond neutrol subslonces
bosed on lhe chonge in lhe colour of litmus popers. ( 3. ri
(i) Acidic substonce is

(ii) Alkoline subslonce is

(iii) Neutrol subslonce is

(d) The subslonces obove ore losted. Stote the toste o{ lhe subslonces.

Pineopple juice: Coffee drink: Distilled woter:


a Globdl Mediostreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

woter Q "orp,"r" the following ioble bosed on the subslonces given. (:,.rli:,$:

Berkomunikosi kepefiingon sifoi bohon tlerosid, berolkoli don

neutroldolom kehidupon horion

e Global Mediostreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co.

No. 762284-U)

- The mixture of ocidic ond olkoline substonces produces o neulrol


- Bee sling is ocidic.

- Wosp sting is olkoline.

- Soil lhot is too ocidic offecls the fertilitu of plonts.

(o) If gou ore stung bg o bee, whot is the firsl oid treolment thot Uou con do 10 reduce the toxin?

(b) lf gou ore slung bg o wosp, whot is the first oid treotment thot gou con do to reduce the toxin?

(c) Whot will Uou do to reduce the ocidilg of soil in o flower pot?

Menjono ideo tentong osid don olkoli unluk menquboh sfol sesuotu bohon

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

tlswer oll guestions.
otirtive Queslions
I Diogrom I shows on octivitu corried oul bU Which of the following poirs gives the some
Morio on solulion P. resulls to lilmus poper?
Solution P A Tooth posle ond lime juice
B Chocolole drink ond oronge juice
C Detergenl ond shompoo
D Shompoo ond cooking oil
trtue rlrmus rurns red Red litmus poper
Which of the lollowing subslonces chonges
remoins ihe some blue lilmus poper to red?
Diogrom I
A Soll
B Chicken soup
Whot is solution P? C Vinegor
A Sgrup drink D Minerol woler
B Coffee drink
C Mongo juice The following slotement is obout substonce X.
D Soop solulion
Amin's mother is cooking chicken currg. She
found thol she does not hove onu tomorind.
Whol con be used to reploce the tomorind? Whot ore the properties of substonce X?
I Tostes sour
II Corrosive
III Slipperg when touched
A Iondll
B I ond III
C II ond III
D I, II ond III

Diogrom 2 shows four substonces lobelled S.

T, U ond V.

Which of the following stotements ore correcl

oboul ocidic subslonces?
ITosle sour
II Feel slipperU when touched
Diogrom 2

III Turn red liimus poper to blue Which of the substonces will chonge red lilmus
IV Turn blue lilmus poper to red poper lo blue?
A Iond II A SondT
B londlv B Uondv
C II ond III C S,TondU
D II ond IV D S,T,UondV

: Global Mediastteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762254-U)

Slruclured Questions
In on invesligotion, Mei Ling tested five lgpes of food subslonces. The loble below shows the results of the

P o R e T
Sour Sour Tosteless Bitler Sour

(o) In this investigolion, stote the {ollowing voriobles:

(i) Monipulotedvorioble:
I I morkl

(ii) Respondingvorioble:
I I mork]
(b) Which food substonces ore ocidic?

(c) (i) Mei Ling wonled 1o lest food subslonce S with blue ond red lilmus popers. Predicl the chonge on
the colour of the litmus popers.

Blue litmus poper:

Red lilmus poper:

[2 morks]

(ii) Bosed on Uour onswer in (cxi), mork (/) for substonce S.

@ AG
M E @

Salt water Orangejuice Coffee drink

(d) (i) Whot inference con be mode obout subslonce R?

(ii) Give one exomple of food subslonce thot hos the some properlu os subslonce R.

@ Glabal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The Movemenl of the Eorth t0 The pori ol the Eorth ihot is focing lhe Sun experiences
I The Eorth rototes on its oxis from West to Eosi.
The port of the Eorth thol focing owou from the Sun
2 The durotion lor the Eorth io moke o complete rototion on experiences night-time.
iis oxis is 24 hours (t dou).
t2 In the Equotor oreos, the duroiion of doutime is the some
os night-time, which is l2 hours.

The Phoses of lhe Moon

rge or I The lvloon does not produce its own lighi.
2 The l\,4oon looks shinu ot night,time becouse the l\,4oon
reflecls lhe sunlight.

When roloting on its oxis, ihe Eorth olso moves oround the 3 The l\4oon roiotes oround the Eorlh lrom west to eost in on
Sun on its orbil in lhe shope of on ellipse. ellipticol orbii.
The durotion of lhe Eorth lo moke o complele revolution 4 The durqtion of the l\,4oon to moke o complete rototion
oround the Sun is 365+ dous (l Ueo0. oround the Eorth is 27+ doUS.

The rololion of lhe Eorth from west to eosl couses the Sun When revolving oround the Eorth, the l\,4oon olso rololes
lo rise in lhe eost ond sel in the wesl. on its oxis.

The rololion ol the Eorth on ils oxis con be sludied from During nighljime, lhe shope of lhe lvloon seen from the
lhe chonges in lhe positions of the shodow of on objecl Eorth is voried bosed on its posilion while moving oround
from morning, noon ond evening. ihe Eodh
The chonging shopes of the l\,4oon is colled phoses of the
The phoses ot lhe l\y'oon ore os follows
$? (o) New moon - con be seen on the .'dou
West (b) Crescent moon - con be seen on lhe 3d dou.
(c) Holtmoon con be seen on ihe 7rh dou
(d) Full moon - con be seen on the t4'h or lS,h dou.
10.00 a m

The chonging positions of shodows lrom west to eost

shows lhot the Eorlh rolotes from wesi to eost.
The Eorth's rotolion on its oxis couses the occurrence of
dou ond night.
6.00 p.m.
4.00 p.m.

Ha f-

Sometimes. we connol see the l\,4oon ot night becouse the

At certoin time, onlU holf of the Eorth is focing the Sun ond l\,4oon is covered bU lhick clouds.
lhe other holf is not.

. 'bal \4edta<tre \d,1. Bhd. (n -'ta

.. ffi

@ m.Movemeniof the Eorth

l'.rNr) sruog the diogrom below. circle lhe correcl onswers oboul lhe movemenl of the Eorth.

r=i t113 [I 4

(o) The Eorth rototes I moves oround on its oxis rrorFl*"rtlroFJ[*".r l.

(b) The Eorth rololes clockwise I onli-clockwise

(c) A complete rototion of the Eorth tokes I 2 hours I 24 hours or one dou
lsos f dogs

(d) The Eorth olso moves oround lhe Sun in clockwise I onti-clockwise movement.

(e) The Eorth lokes 24 hours I 365{ dogs moves oround lhe Sun complelelu.

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284 U)

Q fn" diogrom below shows o simulotion corried out bg o pupil. ( rp 2

(o) Whot is represenled bU the torch ond the globe in lhis inves gotion?
Torch: Globe:
(b) Whot is observed when the torch is switched on?

(c) Exploin the occurrence or the noturor phenomenon bosed

on uour observotion in (b).

,.) hoppen if rhe stobe is spun so tho*he dork side (y)

of the stobe is focins the ros

Q. ffr" diogrom below shows the occurrence of dog ond nighi.

[:1 E

(o) Bosed on the diogrom obove, whot is
experienced ot port

(b) Give on inference for

Uour onswer in (o)(i).
Port S experiences
(c) Predict whot will hoppen ofter t2 hours.

(d) Whot couses the occurrence of dou ond night?


e Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284

@ ,n" diogrom below shows the inlormoiion collected bg o pupil lrom on investigotion. (ffiffi

i."-l- t.

'12.30 p.m.l

(o) Whol is the purpose of this investigotion?

(b) Whot is the trend ol chonge in the length of shodows from 8.OO o.m. until 12.30 p.m.?

(c) Stole the positions ol shodow ot the following limes.

(i) 9.00 o.m.:

(ii) 4.00 p.m.:

(d) Whot inference con be mode oboul the rotoiion of the Eorth bosed on the chonges in the position
of the shodows?

@ CorrU oui the fottowing group ocrivitg. (Wffi

(o) Corrg oul this octivilu in o group of 5 - 6 pupils.
(b) Surf the websites ond collect informotion obout the other effects coused bg
(i)the rototion of the Eorth on its oxis,
(ii) the revolutionof the Eorth thot involved the Moon ond Sun.
(c) You con olso refer to books ond mogozines in lhe school librorg.
(d) Present Uour results in the closs.

Menjeloskon melolui conloh tentong keson putoron Bumi

IvlenJono ideo tentong keson loin Uong disebobkon oleh plrtoron don peredoron Bum serto
melibotkon Bulon don Mstohori

@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdfi. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 (D

phoses of the Moon
@rn" II
OO."*" the diogrom Underline the correct onswers. ( rp Lr2
O 1

(o) The Moon (con, connol) produce its own light.

(b) The Moon looks shinu ol night becouse it (reflects, obsorbs) the sunlight.
(c) We connot see the Moon during dog-time becouse (the Moon, the sunlight) is too bright.

Q ff," diogrom below shows o simulotion corried out bg three pupils. ( rr.!:r


The movements of Y ond Z ore represented bU the big circle ond lhe smoll circle respectivelg.
(o) Whol is lhe oim of this simulotion?

(b) Whol is represented bg pupil

(i) Y?: (ii) z?:

(c) whot con be concluded obout the movement of the Moon bosed on this simulorion?
The Moon moves oround ond ol the some lime the Eorth ond
revolve oround

It lvenerongkon coro pergerokon Bulon don Bumi

A GLobal Mediastreet Sd . Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The diogrom below shows dilferenl posilions on the Moon during its revolulion oround the Eorth.




(o) Bosed on lhe diogrom obove, complete the ioble below bg noming lhe phoses of the Moon ol
those posilions. Then, drow the oppeoronce of lhe phoses ol lhe Moon nomed.



gibbous H

On whol dog, the full moon usuollg seen, bosed on the lunor colendor?
(c) Give two reosons (inferences) if the {ull moon connot be seen on the dou
uou stoted in (b).

a Global Mediastreet Sdfl. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a U)

A group of pupils conducted o simulotion os shown below in o dork room.


(o) Whoi is ihe oim of the simulolion obove?

(b) Slote one observotion from ihe simulotion obove.

(c) Whot is represented bg the lomp, the mirror ond ihe woll?

(i) The lomp:

(ii) The mirror:

(iii) The woll:

C Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

Answer oll questions.
Objeclive Queslions
I Diogrom I shows lhe rolotion ol lhe Eorth on its Which shodow is seen ot 12.30 p.m.?
oxis. AF CH
Drogrom 3 shows lhe positions of shodow of o
tree th roughout lhe dog.

Diogrom I
Which of lhe following ore correct obout the
rototion of the Eorth ? {{--= \
I The Eorlh rotoles from wesl to eost
II The Eorih tokes 24 hours lo complele o Diogrom 3
III The rololion of lhe Eorih couses the Which is the correcl sequence oboul lhe
occurrence ol dog ond nighl formotion of shodow lrom o.m. to p.m.?
A I ond II C II ond III A S,T,U,V
B I ond III D I. II ond III B S,U.T,V
The Eorlh olwous rololes. Whg do the rolotion D T,S,U,V
of the Eorth connot be felt bg the humons thot
live on the Eorih? Diogrom 4 shows one of the phoses of the
A The Eorth is too big Moon.
B The Eorth is smoller lhon the Sun
C The Eorlh olwogs moves
D The Eorth is bolonced bU the rototion of lhe

The Moon rololes on

A north lo soulh.
B wesl lo eost.
i1s oxis from D Diogrom 4

Which of lhe following phoses occurs before

C eosl lo wesl.
D soulh lo norlh.
lhe obove phose?

Diogrom 2 shows the shodows of o pole thot
ore costed ot different times.

Diogrom 2

e (lbdn il.diastreet tl . Bhd. (Co. No. 762281 Ii) 6

Diogrom 5 shows lwo positions on the Eorth, X 8 Diogrom 6 shows lhe revolution of the Moon
ond Y. oround ihe Eorth with phoses lobelled W, X, y

ffi-' Sun
Diogrom s

Bosed on Diogrom 5, which of the following


shows lhe correct times for X ond y?

Diogrom 6

At which position the crescenl moon con be

A I 2.00 o.m. 12.00 p.m. seen?
c CY
D 12.00 p.m. DZ

Structured Questions
I Diogrom I shows the doto collected bU Jennu in on investigolion.


7.00 o.m. 0.30 o.m.


Diogrom I
2.30 p.m.
5.00 p.m.

(o) whol is the trend of chonge in the renglh of the shodow Irom
7.oo o.m. untir 5.00 p.m.?

(b) Describe the position of the shodow from 7.00 o.m. unlil
l morkl
S.OO p.m.

I I mork]

a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (A. No. Z6228a U)

(c) Slole lwo informotion collecled in lhis invesligotion.

[2 morks]
(d) Whot conclusion con be mode obout the chonges in the lengths ond positions of the shodow from
morning until olternoon?


2 Diogrom 2 shows three phoses of the Moon, J, K ond L, in the period of o lunor month.


Diogrom 2

(o) Slote the nome of phoses J, K ond L.

(i) J:

(ii) K:

(iii) L:
[3 morks]
(b) Drow the phoses of the Moon observed during phoses K ond L.

[2 morks]

o Global Mediastreet Sdn.8tu1. (Co. No.762284-U)

guslain€bilitg ofLifa

Stobilitg ond Strength of o Structure
Steel ond concrele ore olso used in building toll
I A sloble object or structure does noi topple over eosilu struclures ond big bridges.
when o force is opplied to it.
2 The stobilitg of on objecl or o struclure is jnfluenced

(o) Bos€ orso
The bigger the bose oreo, the more stoble the
object is.
,-4 ffi

ffiffiP is more stable than e because

P has bigger base area
l-eiLl l*l
hEt{ LEfl
Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur Tower

(b) Heighr
The shorter the object, the more stoble lhe objecl

XY pulau pinang Bridge

Stool X is more stable than stooly
because it is shorter (b) How lhe structure is built
A stong object or slruclure does not collopse or breok A slruclure is built in the shope of on orch (curve)
eosilu when o force is qpplied lo it. moke ii stronger.

The sirength of on object or o structure is influenced

(o) The tgpe ol moteriol used
As on exomple, o slructure or o building mode of
concrete ond steel is stronger ihon o struilure or q
outtdtng mode of wood.

A house built from concrete and steel (A) is Bridges are built in the shape of arches or curves
to make
stronger than a wooden house (B)

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)


@stooiritg ond strengih ol o Siructure

A) fitt in the blonks with the correcl onswers bosed on the Diogroms given. LE {i



(i) The slructure of house is stronger thon thol of house

(ii) House is more stoble thon house



Bridge is stronger ond more sloble thon bridge


The wooden stool is but less lhon the ploslic choir.

-' f--

a Globat Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622u-U) ffi

k e fn" totto*ing experimenls ore corried out to determine the foclors thot offect the stobilitu of objects.
ts r'
il l.Two cglinders ore prepored os shown in lhe diogrom bg
using cordboords ond lobelled os X ond y.
2. Both culinders ore ploced on o piece of wooden plonk.
J. The plonk is roised ol one end slowlu until one ol the
cglinders toppled over.
Cglinder Y ioppled over first.
(o) Whol is the purpose of ihis experiment?

(b) Slote oll voriobles involved in this experiment.

(i) Constont vorioble:

(ii) Monipuloted vorioble:
(iii) Responding vorioble:
(c) Give on inference obout the slobilitu of culinder y bosed on the observotion obove.

(d) Whol conclusion con be mode from this experiment?

L Cellophone lopes ore used to stick lwo ond four plostic

cups together respeclivelu, os shown in the diogrom.
2. Bolh slructures (R ond S) ore ploced on ci desk in fronl
of o spinning fon.
3. The structure thol toppled over first is observed.

(o) Whot is ihe hupothesis for this experimenl?

(b) Stote oll the voriobles involved in lhis experimenl.

(i) Constont vorioble:

(ii) Monipuloted vorioble:

(iii) Respondingvorioble:

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 Lt)

(c) Stote the observotion thot con be mode from this experimenl.

(d) Give o reoson (on inference) for the observotion in (c).

The diogrom below shows the opporolus set-up in on experimenl. The drinking slrow ond lhe pencil
used ore of the some lenglh. A 200 g weight is hung lo lhe drinking strow ond ihe pencil respectivelu.


The toble below shows the resulls ol the experiment.

Plostic (drinking strow) Wood (pencil)

Benl Does not bend

(o) Whot is lhe oim of this experimenl?

(b) Give o reoson (on inference) bosed on the observolion in the loble obove.

(c) Slote oll lhe voriobles involved in this experiment.

(i) Conslonl vorioble:

(ii) Monipuloted vorioble:

(iii) Responding vorioble:

(d) Whot conclusion con be mode from this experiment?

z Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 4 ffi
- I"
S-7 o.1 experimenl, o group of pupils built two slruclures, P ond Q. Structure p is built using o figi
cordboord ond structure Q is built using folded cordboord. 50 sen coins ore ploced on lhe struclure cs
shown in the diogrom below. ( 2 r

Structure P Struclure Q

The toble below shows the results oI this experiment.

P 3 pieces
6 pieces

(o) Give o reoson (on inference) to exploin slructure e.

(b) Give on observolion to supporl gour onswer in (o).

(c) Stote oll the voriobles involved in this experimenl.

(i) Constont vorioble:

(ii) Monipuloted vorioble:
(iii) Responding vorioble:
(d) Whot conclusion con be mode from this experimenl?

p"n'j,Hoon I I )Menentukon fohor gong mFmpensoruhi kesrobiton don kekuoron brnoon


a Global Mediastrcet Sdn- Bhd- (Co. No. 262281 U)

{.dE) fn" diogrom below shows two diflerent models of building. ( re 3
(o) In gour opinion, which building is more stoble?

(b) Give o reoson (on inlerence) for gour onswer in (o).

(c) Suggest lwo reosons whu strong ond sloble buildings ore needed for the well-being of humon life.

(o) Divide the closs inlo severol groups of 5 - 6 pupils.
(b) Discuss the design of o structure to be mode bU the group.
(c) List down lhe moleriols needed. You ore encouroged 1o use recucloble moteriols.
(d) Build the struclure thol Uou hove dlscussed. Use oll gour knowledge ond creotivitu to build o slrong
ond sloble slruclure.
(e) Present gour model ond exploin the chorocterislics thol con be found in Uour struclure of the model
thol moke it slrong ond stoble.
(f) Suggest o wou lor testing the sirength ond stobililu of Uour model.
(g) You con improve the structure of gour model bosed on the results of lhe tesl being conducted on
the model.

lvlenjono ideo kepentingon binoon Uong kuoi don stobil bogi kehidupon les.tori

lMenciplo model binoon Uonq kuot don stobil

Ivlenookul kekuolon don kesiobilon model Uong teloh dibino/dicipto

lvenombohboik modelbinoon Uong dicipro berdosorkon dopoton pengujion UongTeloh


c{tt a
'ClobalMedrustreerSdn.Ehd.tco.No.?o2284-lL) 124
Ahmod's grondlolher wonts 10 build o hut in his durion orchord. The diogrom below shows two
forms of roofs thot hove been suggesled for his hul.


Flat zinc roof Corrugated zinc roof

(o) Bosed on Uour knowledge on the strength of building slruclures, stote the most suitoble choice
for lhe roof of the hut.

(b) Give o reoson (on inference) for gour onswer in (o).

(c) Aport lrom shopes, stote onother foctor thot intluences the strenglh of ihe roof ol the hut.

@ Global Medias*eet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622t4-U)
Answer oll questions.
Objeclive Questions
I Which of the following conditions is the mosi 4 Diogrom 2 shows three bosic shopes.
stoble? -vn
k 2
A A bou
B A bog
C A bog
D A bog
on one leg
on the fingers oI his feel
wilh legs crossed
wilh legs oport

Which of the following structures is in ihe shope

Diogrom 2

Which of the following structures built f rom the

three shopes is the mosl stoble?
of o cglinder?

rI rI t/

ffi I
Diogrom shows three boxes of the some
shope. The boxes ore ploced on the toble in
three dilferenl positions.

Four culinders ore ploced on o wooden plonk

os shown in Diogrom 3.

fr x
Diogrom I

Which of lhe following stotements is/ore correcl

obout lhe boxes?
I X is more sloble thon Z AB
II Z is less sloble thon y Diogrom 3
III Y is more stoble thon X ond Z Which cglinder will topple over firsl if the
A I onlg wooden plonk is lifted ot AB?
D I. II ond III

@ Global Mediastreet Sd . Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

6 Aminoh sits on o slool os shown in Diogrom 4.
8 Diogrom 6 shows the structure oi o model.

Diogrom 6
Rojoh 4

Which of the following con moke the stool Which of the following moditicotions will
rncreose the stobilitu of the model?

,<-=,,--\ c ,-=----1
become more stoble?
I Remove one of the legs of the stool o
II Moke the legs shorter
III Increose the length of the legs of the siool
IV Spreod the legs of the stool outwords
A Iond II
B II ond III
\t-tr rilf
C II ond IV
D III ond IV

Diogrom 5 shows two tupes oI tobles.

ffi ffi
Which of the following vehicles is the most

Diogrom 5
Toble V is more stoble thon toble U becouse
toble V
I is lighter
II hos bigger bose oreo
III hos lower centre of orovitu
A II onlg
B Iond II
C II ond III
D I, II ond III


@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. thd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Struclured Questions
The toble below shows the number of books thol con be supported bU three different models mode of
cordboord rolls.


m m

Number of books
0 2

(o) Whol is the purpose ot this investigolion?

fl morkl
(b) Stote the voriobles involved in lhis invesligotion.
(i) monipuloled vorioble

I I mork]
(ii) responding vorioble

[t mork]
(c) Slote lhe relotionship between the number of cordboord rolls ond the number of books supported.

(d) Predict the number of books thol con be supported il onother 3 cordboord rolls ore odded to model L.

ll morkl

@ GLobal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)


Poper I

Inslruclions: This quesrion poper consisrs of 40 guestions. Eoch question is followed

bg four
options, A, B, C ond D. For eoch question, choose onlg one onswer.

I The following stotement is mode bg o pupil Diogrom 2 shows o pufferfish

when corrging oul o scientific invesligotion.
-NW*4" -
"When the surrounding temperoture
rncreoses, the size of the bolloon
increoses." q"
Which of the following represenls the stotemenl
Diogrom 2
A Hupothesis of on investigotion Which of the following protecl themselves in the
B Conclusion ol on invesligotion some wou os the puffer fish?
C One of ihe monipuloiive skills
D The result ofter collecling doto from on

I shows o siluolion in the Science
How do lizords ond octopuses prolect
themselves from enemg?
A Squirl block ink
B Live in groups
C Curl up their bodg
D Breok off ports of the bodu
The following ore the chorocterisiics of on onimol.
Diogrom I

. Thick fur
Which Science room rule does the pupil . Thick loger ol fots under the skin
disobeg? . Hibernoles
A Alwogs follow the teocher,s directions
B Keep the Science room cleon ond tidg Which of the following is correct oboul the
C Do not dispose liquid woste into the sink onimol?
D Do not dispose solid woste into the sink A It lives in cold region
B It lives in the oceon
C It con be found in deseri oreo
D Il con be found in tropicol foresl

a Global Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)

Which ol the following onimols migrotes to t0 Which of the lollowing ore lhe importonce ol the
wormer region during cold seoson? dispersol of seed to plonts?
A New plonls will hove more resources for

ilrlr il
B Competition omong seedlings will not occur
C Avoid diseoses to be spreod eosilg omong
D Increoses the guolitu of the plonts
Diogrom 4 shows o children is moving down o
,/a \ slide.
Ls4< \

The informotion below is oboui the method ol
self-protection in plonts.

Produces lotex thol couses ilchiness to Diogrom 4

enemu. Which of lhe following tronsformotion of energg
lokes ploce in the oclivitu obove?
Which of lhe fotlowing plonts protect themselves
using the melhod?
A Chemicol energg Potentiol energu
A Jockfruit tree ond bomboo )
B Kinetic energg Potenliol energu
B Yom plont ond poison ivg )
C Potenliol energg Chemicol energu
C Bomboo ond sugorcone plont )
D Polenliol energu Kinetic energg
D Mimoso plont ond Uom plonl t2 Diogrom5showsoboll.
Diogrom 3 shows o tupe of ploni.

Diogrom 5
Which of lhe oclivities couses the boll to obtoin
polenliol energU?
A Ploce the boll on the flot surfoce
Diogrom 3 B Throw the boll inio o river
C Ploce lhe boll on top of o cupboord
Which of the following is the dispersol ogent of D Rub the boll with o piece ol cloth
the plonl?
A Insecls Wind C t3 The informotion below is obout o tgpe of energg
B Animols Woler D sou rce.

Which of the following chorocteristics help o

. Renewoble
coctus plonl lo survive in hot climole?
. Originoled from onimols ond plonls
A Long rools
B Hord stems Which of the following represenls the source of
C Leoves energg?
A Biomoss
D Smoll flowers c Cool
B Wind D Nucleor subslonces

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-L,

lhe t4 Diogrom 6 shows lhe resuli of on experimenl l8 Which of the following is correcl obout o series
oboul light. circuil?
for A Electric current flows in o single poth
B Electric curreni flows in more thon one
cur polhs
)ng C Electric energu is nol supplied if one of the
components is broken
D Electric current continues to flow if one of
the components is broken

Diogrom 6
l9 Which of ihe following circuils is connected in
Whol will hoppen to the shodow if the floshlight A
is moved closer 10 the object?
A The shodow remoins the some
B The size of lhe shodow increoses
C The size of the shodow decreoses
ti@@-r ilt
D The colour of the shodow becomes dorker
SU 15 Which o{ the phenomeno occurs due lo
refroction ol light? L-@-i
^M 20 Which o{ the following is notlhe soletu precoution
when hondling electricol opplionces?
A Use one plug lor one socket onlu
B Cleon electric sockets wilh wel lowel
C Do not insert metols objects into sockel holes
D Avoid using opplionces with broken eleciric

2l Which of the following is o lupe of renewoble

TN energg sources?
t6 Which of the following offects the shope of o ^*"-_-<=rn
The size of the screen
The orientotion of the object
C The intensitu ol tight
IU D The dislonce belween the object ond the

t7 Which of ihe ,ollowing uses the principle of

reflection oi light? Which of ihe following is the chorocleristic of on
A Telescope objecl thot obsorbs heot?
B Microscope A Conlrocls
C Side mirror of o cor B Exponds
D Mognifuing gloss C Hos o temperoture of I 05 "C
D Ils lemperoture decreoses

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

23 Whoi will hoppen if eleclric cobles ore fixed 26 Diogrom I shows t00 m( of woter is poured
toullu from one pole to onother? from one contoiner to onolher.
A Theg will tronsfer electric energu more
B Theg will breok off during hot dou
Theg will breok off during cold night t/,,,,/tl
Theg will resist winds better
24 Diogrom 7 shows the results of on experiment. ltt--l
Diogrom I
Whol conclusion con be mode bosed on the
obove oclivitu?
A Liquid hos moss
B Liquid hos fixed shope
Diogrom 7 C Liquid connot be compressed
D Liquid tokes lhe shope of the conloiners
Which of the following slotements supports the
condilion of the bolloon ofter it is ploced in ice 27 Which ol the following is correct obout gos?
woler? A Connol be compressed
A The oir inside the bofile ond lhe bolloon B Hos o lixed volume
exponds C Fills up spoce
B The oir inside the bottle ond the bolloon D Tokes the shope of lhe conloiner
C The oir inside the bottle ond the bolloon 28 Diogrom g shows lwo octivilies corried out bU
moves foster Solmi.
D The oir inside the boltle ond the bolloon
lurns inlo liguid

25 A gloss of cold woter is left under the Sun for

l0 minutes. Which of the following grophs
shows the chonges in the temperolure of lhe
A Temperoture ("C) Temperolure ("C) K%
t\ l
Diogrom 9

Which of the following is the similoritg between

Time Time lhe lwo oclivities?
C Temperoture ("C) Temperoture ("C) A Releose heot
ltt/ B Receive heol
C Occur ropidlg
D Involve the chonges ol lhe stote of motter
from liquid into solid
Time Time

e Gbbal Mediastreet Sdt1. Bhd- (Co. No. 762284 LD

Diogrom l0 shows on experimenl oboul the Whol is the conclusion thot con be mode bosed
chonge in the slole ol motter. on lhese siluotions?
A Bee sling is ocidic
Ice cube B Bee sling is olkoline
G-l_, <=>
- \'ry
'.- C We musl opplu toothposte when being stung

ry bg o bee
D Bee sting con be cured losler bU opplging
toothposte or boking sodo

Diogrom t0 32 Toble I shows the resulls of experiment corried

oul on ihree lupes of food subslonces, p, e ond
Which oI the following chonges in the stote of R.
he motler occurs in the octivitu obove?
A Solid Gos )
B Solid Liquid R
C Gos Liquid)
D Liquid Gos ) Condilion
No No
of lhe blue Turns red
lilmus poper chonge chonge
30 The following exploins the steps involved in the
production of ice creom.
ot lhe red No No
chonge Turns blue
litmus poper chonge
Slep l: A big ploslic bog is fitted with ice
cubes ond solt. Tobte I

Slep 2: The mixture of sugor, milk ond Which of lhe following represenls p, e, ond R?
vonillo is filled in Cr smoll plostic
bU bog.
Slep 3: The smoll plostic bog is ploced
into the big plostic bdg ond tied Bitter gourd Oronge Dislilled
with o rubber bung. juice juice woler
Step 4: The big plostic bog is wropped Tomoto Minerol Corrol
wilh o towel ond shoken for 5 juice
minules. woter juice
Sugor Lime Coffee
Which of the following is the purpose of corruing soluiion juice drink
oul Step l?
Cough Solt Tomorind
A To decreose the lemperolure of the ice D
surup solution juice
B To moke the ice creom lostes better
C To soften the ice creom 33 Mrs Komolo does not hove tomorind poste
D To reduce the heol from the surrounding to cook fish currg. Which of the following
subslonces con be used to reploce the tomorind
3t The following exploins lwo situotions. posie?
. I Sodium bicorbonote
A mother opplies boking sodo on her son's II Coffee powder
hond ofter being slung bg o bee. III Lime juice
. A leocher quicklu opplies toolhposte on IV Vinegor
lhe bee sling oreo on his pupil. A Iond II C II ond III
B IondlV D III ond IV

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. Z622B!-U)

34 Diogrom I I shows two subslonces. 37 Diogrom l3 shows the phose of lhe Moon seen
bg Moriom while wolking in lhe pork ot night

with her lomilU.

Diogrom I 3

Diogrom I I Whol wos the doU occording lo the lunorcolendor?

Which of the following slotemenls is correcl A Firsl dog C l4rh dog

obout the subslonces?

B 7rhdog D 2l"tdou
A Theg ore neutrol ond hove no tosle 38 Diogrom l4 shows o smoll wooden toble with
B Theg ore olkoline ond losle bilter long legs.
C Theg ore neutrol ond tosle sour
D Theg ore ocidic ond toste sour
Which of lhe following phenomeno occur due io
the rototion of the Eorth on its oxis?
I The shodows chonge their positions
throughout lhe doU Diogrom l4
Il The Sun chonges ils position throughout Which of the following does not increose the
the dou slobilitu of the loble?
III Different shopes of the Moon A
IV DoU ond night
A I, II ond
B I, II ond
C I, III ond IV
D II, lll ond IV
t\\ \
36 Diogrom l2 shows lhree positions, J, K ond L,
on the surfoce of the Eorlh ot o porliculor lime.
\e:-4 I


3S Whg do underground lunnels usuollg buill in

cglindricol shopes?
A Eosier 1o built
B To moke the tunnel more stoble
Diogrom l2 C To sove the cost ol building the tunnel
D To moke the lunnel stronger
Which of the following slolements is correct
obout J, K ond L? 40 wh ich position of the blocks is the most stoble?
A The lime ot L is 7.00 o.m.

B Objecls ot J hove the shortesi shodows in
the dou
C K experiences night-lime severol hours loter
thon L
D The time difference between J ond K is
oboul 20 hours q
|,1, bal \4 liast cct\J Bhd.(Ca.No 7o2284 U)
Inslruction: Ansule r oll questions.

I The following informolion is oboul pholosunthesis

bU plonl.
(o) Morch the folowing informotion with the correct
conc,ition for phorosunlhesis.

I live in the leoves of plonts.

Wilhout me, the energu from
sunlight connol be obsorbed.
Who om I?

I I mork]
comprete Diogrom r with the condition for photosunthesis
onct the product of phoiosunthesis.

Slorch +

ChlorophUlt (ii)

Diogrom I

[2 morks]
(c) Erin stoued in her hometown for o week. when
she rerurns to her home in puchong, she finds
her flowering plonls become willed. thor

I I mork]

2 Diogrom 2. I shows the wou o lgpe of plont

disperse its seeds.

Diogrom 2. I

a Globol Medianteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 2622A4-U)

(o) There ore onlu lwo plonls thol disperse their seeds in lhe some wou os lhe ploni in Diogrom 2. l.
Mork (/) in lhe box below.

[2 morks]
(b) Whot is being proved bU the melhod of dispersol of seeds in Diogrom 2. I ond the survivol of

I I mork]

(c) Diogrom 2.2 shows o few subslonce ond opporotus provided for plonling.

-'3r^ L-=J
Seeds Conioiner
Diogrom 2.2

Bosed on the moteriols ond opporotus given, drow how the seeds should be orronged so thot the
seeds con grow heolthilg in the spoce below.

lr morkl

@ GlobaL Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

.t. Diogrom 3. I shows the non-renewoble energu sources.
(o) Fill in Diogrom 3. I with two sources of energg.

[2 morks]
Diogrom 3.2 shows on eleclric generolor.


Diogrom 3.2
(b) Bosed on Diogrom 3.2, how does the erectric energu from rhe coor is generoted?

[2 morks]
(c) stote one effect if rhe use of non-renewobre energg sources is nor conserved.

I I mork]

4 Diogrom 4 shows o tool used bU Aminoh 10 meosure the temperoture

of o beoker of hol woler.

Diogrom 4

e Global Mediastteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(o) (i) Nome the lool.

I I mork]
(ii) Record lhe reoding of the temperoture on the lool.
I I mork]
(b) Slote onolher unit for lemperoture.

ll morkl

(c) A gloss of woter with the temperoture of 30'C is odded into the beoker.
(i) Predicl the chonges in the reoding of the thermometer.
Mork (/) lhe correct onswer.

Decreoses Nochonse Increoses

ll morkl

(ii) Give reoson for lhe onswer in 4(c)(i).

ll morkl

5 Diogrom 5. I shows the length of shodow of o loll building throughout lhe dou.


8.00 o.m.
I 0.00 o.m.
12.00 p.m.

Diogrom 5. I
2.00 p.m.

(o) Stole the trend ol chonge in lhe length of the shodows obove.

I I mork]
(b) Whot is the reoson lor the chonge in the lenglh ol lhe shodow?

a Global MeAiastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284.U)

(c) Diogrom 5.2 shows o stroighl wooden pole ond the posilion of the Sun ot o certoin lime in o dog.

torkl sun O


Diogrom 5 2
(i) In Diogrom 5.2, drow the shodow formed on the ground. [t mork]
' (ii) The lenglh of the shodow of the wooden pole is 32 cm which is twice the length of the wooden
Colculote the length of the wooden pole.

[2 morks]
Diogrom 6 shows lhe resulls of on investigotion obout the compressibililg of three different motters. The
three motiers of the some volume ore odded inlo the suringes seporotelg.

-[] .lm
t- YY " -,1
Sgringe I Sgringe II Sgringe III

(o) Bosed on the resutt of the investgola, ," ilt;ff 6, stote one observotion.

I I mork]
(b) Stote one hUpothesis for this investigotion.

norkl ll morkl
(c) stote.the trend of chonge in rhe volume of the morter thql con be
compressed in suringe I, suringe
II ond suringe III.

I I mork]

a GLobal Medidstreet S.ln- Bhd. (Co. No.7622Bt U)

(d) Bosed on lhe observotion in Diogrom 6, which motter is liguid?
Circle the correct onswer.

X z

ll morkl
(e) Which motler is the mosl suiloble to be used to build o building?'

ll morkl

In on invesligotion, Alio connecled o bulb, o swilch ond two botleries os in Diogrom 7 ond lobel the
circuit os P.

Diogrom 7

(o) She then connected onother bulb in series in the circuil.

The new circuit is lobelled os Q. Drow circuit Q using sgmbols.

[2 morksl
(b) Compore the brightness of the bulb in circuit P ond lhe bulbs in circuit Q.

ll morkl
(c) Stote the voriobles in this invesligotion.
(i) Monipuloted vorioble:
(ii) Responding vorioble:
[2 morks]
(d) Predict lhe observotion on circuit Q if o bulb in the circuit is burnt.

ll morkl

9 Global Medi^strcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622U:U)

Siti recorded the temperoture of woter in two differenl beokers. Toble 8 shows the results of her

Toble 8
(o) Sili immersed the cop of o bottle of tomolo souce in the woter in beoker Y to remove the bottle cop.


ll morkl
(b) Predict whot con be felt bg Siti if she touches beoker y with her hond.

! morkl
(c) Bosed on lhis investigotion, stole the
(i) constonl vorioble

(ii) responding vorioble

[2 morks]
(d) Diogrom 8 shows the initiol ond finol temperoiures in beoker Z.

Iniliol lemperoture Finol lemperolure

Diogrom 8
Colculole lhe chonge in the temperoture of woter.

Chonge in temperolure = 'c

[2 morks]

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

r ffiIIffiffi I
. "fiffi" "_."--"^-_-_*__-__
: -I -- w-
ffi ffimffiEnffi
G (o) (0 Sunlighl, corbon dioxide, woter ond chlorophUlt
(iD Storch ond oxugen
I . I Sciencg Proc€ss Skills

A (o) (i) J: Toste

(ii) K: Heoring Corbon
(iiD Lr Sight
(iv) lvl: Iouch
(v) N: Smell
(b) (i) Tosle of vinegor, roughness of surfoce, smell produced
bU Ueosl ChlorophUll
(ii) Size of glosses, volume of woter
(o) Sieel spoon: Sinks in woter (c)
Drinking strowt Floots on woter
Screw: Sinks in woter
Bolloon: Floqts on woler
Toolhbrush: Fioots on woter
KeU: Sinks in woter

Flool on woter Sink in woter

Toothbrush Steel spoon

Bolloon Screw
Drinking strow Keu

(c) H (o) Volume of woter in the poil

(b) Volume of woier decreoses os time increoses
Metol Non-melol
'fims (hour) 0 2 3
Steel spoon Toolhbrush Volume of woler l€lt (mf) 4000 3700 3400 3 t00
Screw Bolloon
(d) The size of the leok of the poit isthesome.
Drinking strow
The relotionship between the stote of molter of woter ond the
(o) Length time token for ihe woter lo iurn into ice cube.
l. Cenlimeler ruler (o) The quonlitg of wosie moteriols being processed bU o
2. l\leosuring iope disposolcentre in 5 Ueors
Moss (b) l. Biodegrodoble
l. Lever bolonce 2. Non-biodegrodoble
2. Triple beom bolonce (c) Increoses
(b) Meosure the height, length ond width of the cuboid. Then, (d) Level ol lhe environmentol pollution will increose
colculote the volume bU using the formulo of length x width (e) Quontilu of wosle moteriols increoses everu Ueor from 20 I I
x heighi. to 2015

K (o) The woier boils
Soll woler Cooking oil Apple juice (b) Il receives enough heot energu from the Bunsen bumer.
Volume (m{) t50 40 55 (c) The boiling point of woter is the lemperoture of woter when
it reoches 100 "C
(o) l. Chee Keong is older lhon Amin. L (q) (i) Amount of solt
2. Chee Keong eots o heolthu diet thot hetps in his growth (ii) Time token for solt to dissolve completelU
role. (iii) Size of soll porticles, volume of woter, role of stirring
(b) (i) Yeor 5 pupils ore ioller thon Ueor 4 pupits (b) The bigger ihe omount of soll, ihe longer the time loken to
(ii) No. Becouse the observotion is corried out on three dissolve the solt completelU.
pupils onlU. M (o) Does light poss through oll mqteriols?
F (o) (i) The plont grows loller. (b) The obilitu of light to poss through different mqteriots is
The plont obtoins enough suntight ond woter. different.
(b) Number of leoves: l2 (c) (i) Tgpes of moleriols
Reosonr Bosed on lhe loble, the number oI leoves increoses. (ii) Abilitu of light 1o poss through moteriols
(c) (i)
Decreoses (iii) Thickness of the moieriots
(ii) Will ond iurn Uellowish

.- Cbbal yeAiastreet Sdn. BhA. (Co. No. 262284-U)

(d) Different moieriols, pencil (o) To ollow efficient oir flow in the Science room.
(e) Procedures: (b) The chemicol subslonce mou couse poisoning
l. A pencil is held behind moleriol X. (c) To prevent fire incideni
2. The obiliiu lo see the object through moteriol X is (d) To ovoid lhe hoir from being cought in fire while conducting
recorded. on experiment thol requires heoling process
3. The experimenl is repeoted for moteriols Y ond Z. (o) Cleon, dru ond keep lhe opporolus in lheir originol ploce.
(f) Observolion: (b) Report the incident lo the teocher ot once.
lvloleriql X: The pencil con be seen cleorlu
MoteriolY: The pencil is not cleorlu seen KBAT CORNER
Moteriol Z: The pencil connot be seen L Dispose liquid woste into lhe sink ond open lhe top to let lhe
(g) The obilitu of light lo poss through ditlereni moteriols is woter to flow into lhe sink
diflerenl. 2. Pick up solid woste ond dispose it inlo the bin
3. Wosh ihe beoker ond then dru it before plocing il bock otlhe right
1.2 Sciencs Monipukni\re Sldlls ploce
A (o') / \b) /

Antenno ,/ Objeclivo Queslions
IA 28
/ !\
Abdomen Slructur€d Quoslions
C (o) gentlu (o) Tie her hoirs neollu
(b) mogniluing gloss, cleorlU, occurolelU (b) Weor soletu goggles
(c) releoses (c) Use o test tube holder
(d) ploces (d) The mouth of the boiling tube musl be direcled owou from her
foce. This is lo ovoid onu substonces from splottering her foce.
KBAT CORNER (e) To ovoid onu injuru/To moke sure thol the investigotion con be
0/ conducted etf icienllU.
OnlU beoker con be used io meosure the volume 120 ml.
(c) t04


Objeclivo Quoslions 3.1 Spociol Chomcteristics ond B€ho\riours of Anlmols lo
ProtEct Themsefues
3A Ani|nol Speciol chorcclori6lic Exomple of onimol
4C (o) Poisonous Scorpions/ Ceniipedes
(b) Shorp clows Lions/ Eqgles
Slruclursd Queslions (c) Shorp horns Cows/ Rhinoceros
(o) To studu the relolionship beiween the moss of weighl ond the
(d) Comoufloging Zebto
exlension of spring.
(b) (D (e) Hord shell Snoils,lortoises
Mqss (S) 25 40 50 70
Exlension of spring (cm) t2 t6 20 23
(o) (i) hot
(ii) hump
(ii) lncreoses when the moss increoses (iii) slore woter ond lots
(c) (i) Moss ol weight (iv) cold
(ii) TUpe of spring (v) skin wilh louer ol lots
(iii) Extension of spring (vi) reduce ihe loss of heot
(d) The heovier lhe weight, ihe longer the extension ot ihe spring. (b) Polor beors, Arctic foxes/ Penguins
(o) - Wholes (b) - Hippopotomuses
(c) - Arctic foxes/ Arclic wolves (d) - Penguins/ Wholes
(e) - Comels (f) - Arclic wolves
ACTIWryZONE (o) Shorp spines
2.1 SciencE Room Rulos (b) Hord scoles
(c) Hord shells
A t. Do noi enler lhe Science room wiihoui teocher's permission
(d) Shorp horns
2. Do not eol ond drink in lhe Science room
(e) Poisonous fongs
3. Do not plou oround in lhe Science room
(r) Cuding up bodies
B (o) x (b) ./
(s) Comoulloging
(c) ,/ (d) x

@ Global Medi^rtreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(h) Breoking off bodu ports (b)
(i) Thick fur
0) Thick louer of fots ---.' +-r,
(k) Hoving humps on bock
(l) Hibemoting
--> I
Smoll ,ish ------+ Big fish

Mosquito's lorvo -----

(m) [/]igroting
(n) Wollowing in the mud F (o) decreoses
E Pupil's onswer (b) increose
(c) eogles
3.2 Imronflng Animol Modob (d) snokes
Pupil's onswer G (o) Green plonls produce food through photosuthesis. ptonts
ore fhe source of food for onimols ond olso humons. plonts
3.3 The Survivol of Specios of Animols will die il iheu connot corru out photosunthesis. This will
offeci the sources of food for onimols thus qnimols will
A (o) Lquing eggs
eventuollU die.
(b) Giving birlh (b) When grosshoppers (primoru consumers)eot plonts, some
(c) Giving birlh
of the chemicol energg stored in the plonts qre lronsferred
(d) Louing eggs
lo the grosshoppers. When frogs (secondoru consumers)
B (o) Logs o lol ol eggs
eot the grosshoppers, some ot the chemicol energu stored
(b) Hiding eggs
in lhe grosshoppers ore lronsferred to lhe lrogs. From the
(c) Suckles its Uoung
frogs, lhe energu is lronsferred lo the snokes ihot eoi ihe
(d) Tokes core ol their eggs
frogs. Some energu losl os heoithrough life processes such
(e) Tokes core ol their eggs
os respirotion, excretion ond olhers. Therefore, the omount
(f) Hiding eggs
of energu tronsferred reduces olong the food choin.
(s) Corries ils Uoung in lhe mouth
(h) LoUs o lot of eggs
c (o) (i) Nurture ils eggs
(ii) Feeding its Uoung ,_-e Bird -
(b) L decreose
2. become extinct
eohotr/ 1 \
-----> Rot -----> Snoke -----> Owl
(c) mointoin ils species io prevent extinclion
D (o) buru (b) ottock
(c) curling (d) groups (b) (i) Decreoses
(e) slime
wqter, (f) pouch (ii) Decreoses
E (o) die/ become extincl (iii) Increoses
(b) l. foce shortoge ol lood resources 2 l. Leops lo run owqg
2. foces the lhreoi oI extinction 2. Releoses poison from ils skin
(c) The suMvolof species of onimolJ is importont io onimolK
(d) Snoke ASSESSMENT 3
Animol J ond snoke toke core of their eggs from enemies. ObJective Qusslions

3.4 Food RElotioGshlp orrcng Living Things IC 2B 3D 4D 5C

A (o) (i) cross is eqten bU coterpillor. Structured Questions
(ii) Coterpilior is eoten bg chicken
(iii)Chicken is eoten bU fox I (o) To studu the retotionship between the tupe ol onimots ond
(b) the food reloiionship omong living lhings the number of eggs produced in o time.
B (o) Pondweed ) Todpole )
Smo[ lish )
Big fish
(b) Animol S lous mqnu eggs compqred to onimol R becouse it
(b) Poddu plont )Rot )
Snoke )
Eogle does not look olter iis eggs.
(c) Musiord plont )
Cqlerpi qr )
Smo[ Bird )Eqgle
(c) L Tgpe of onimqts
c (o) The Sun (b) producers
2. Number of eggs produced in o lime
(c) deer,liger (d) consumers Animol R: Bird
D (o)
y' Robbit -----------> Eogre Animol S: Turfle
- .*
Nru"rord 2 (o) l. The number ol rots decreoses

'"i""i' ---\ coterpillor ----\^smollbird

t 2. The number of snqke increqses in the first g weeks ond
ihen decreoses ofter week 4
crosshopper ---;
(b) A food web is lhe combinolion of severol food choins in o (b) The number of rots decreoses becouse theu ore eoten bU
hobitoi. the snokes
E (o) I . Pondweed ) Smoll fish ) Big fish (c) The number ol snokes decreoses becouse some of the
2. Pondweed ) Todpole ) Big tish snokes move to other ploces due lo the shortoge of food in
3. Pondweed + Mosquito's lorvo ) Big fish the estote.
4. Pondweed ) Todpote ) Smo fish ) Big lish (d) 0/ There is no more snoke in the estqte.
5. Pondweed ) lvtosguito's lorvo ) Smollfish ) Big fish
(e) (i) The number of rots decreqses, ihe number of snokes
(ii) Polm oit ptont )
Rot )
Snoke Owt t

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. Z622Ba-U)

ACTIVTry ZONE Objocttu€ Questions
4- I Tho Sp€ciol Chorocteristics of plonts ,o protsct IC 28 3A 4B 58
A (o) -(iii) (b)
-(v) (c) -(iv) (d) -(i)
Slruc.tured Questions
(e) (i) (s) - (ii)
- (iv) (f) - (h) - (jii) I (o) Coconut fruit X floots on woler becouse it hos husk ihot
B (o) fine hoirs (b) injuries (c) lotex lrops oir.
c (o) Bonono plont curls its leoves lo reduce the loss of woter in (b) Coconut fruii X hos husk while coconut fruit y does not.
s hot weoiher (c) Woler
(b) Coctuses hove needle-like leoves, slems thot store woter. (d) Volume of woter
I ond long roots 1o survive the hot weolher in the desert. 2 (o) BU humons ond onimols
D (o) l. Flexible stem prevents the lree Irom
being broken bU (b) Popouo fruii hos thick flesh, nice smell when motured ond
strong winds. edible.
2. Divided leoves reduce lhe resistonce ogoinsi strong (c) The number of rubber lree seeds ore less thon lhe number
winds of popouo seeds.
(b) Coconut fruits hove hord ond strong skin ond the skin ore (d) Becomes dru when motured ond explodes
covered wjlh fibrous husk. These chorocteristics preveni (e) Bolsom plont seeds/Flome of the forest seeds
onimols from eoiing the truif. 3 (o) J: Sirong ond shorp thorns/spines
E (o) Fine hoirs (g) Stem thot stores woter K: Thick ond hord skin
(b) Thorns (h) Curling up leoves (b) Fruit K
(c) Lolex (i) Shedding otf leoves (c) The husk of fruit K js hord ond contoins oir spoces lhot ollow
(d) Poisons O Needle-like leoves it to floot on woter.
(e) Bod smell (k) Divided leoves (d) The_survivolol their species connol be mointoined ond theu
(f) Long roots willroce extinciion.

4.2 The SuMwl of Sp€cies ol plonts

(o) Woter ) (i) Lotus
(b) Air ) (ii) Conon ACTIVTY ZONE
(c) Humons ond onimols ) (iii) Jockfruit 5. I Sources ond Forms of Energu
(d) Explosive mechonism ) (iv) Rubber lree fruit
B (o) Wind (c) Woter BOS IMBC B WATER
(b) Explosive mechonism (d) Animols/ Humons E N FOSS I LFUEI
c P: Wind - (d)
Q: Woter - (e)
R U t\,1 BK FO o D TTGN
R: Humons/Animols - (c) B C L QA M K AEIU

z/ 9-C^
S: Explosive mechonism - (b) L RN
T: Wind - (o)
U: Humqns/Animols - (f)
R E N /B u ll lr
(o) The seedling grows heolthilv becouse it does not need to
Z o .lrl,
compete with the porent plont to get bosic needs.
The method of dispersol reduces competition to obtoin bosic
needs ond con grow heolthier.


ft; RI
4.3 Th6 Importonc€ of Survivol of Sp€cies of plonts
B (o) Nucteor energu
(b) Chemicotenergu
(o) Hos fine hoirs thot couse irritolion (c) Wind
(b) To ensure the survivol of species (d) Sound energu/ Kinetic energg
(c) tood (e) Chemicotenergu
(d) l. Q willfoce shortoge of food source (f) Kineiic energu
2. Q willfoce extinclion (g) Biomoss
(e) ensure lhe ovoilobilitu of food source for other living things. (h) Sotor energu
C (o) Light energg, Heot energu
KBAT CORNER (b, Potentiol energu. Sound energg
(o) l. Oxugen (c) Lighi energu. Electricol energu
2. Food (d) Kineticenergu, potentiolenergu
3. Shelter D (o) Kinetic energg
(b) l. Corbon dioxide (b) Chemicotenergg
2. Fertiliser (c) Energu con be tronsformed from one form to onother.
3. Dispersol ot seeds
(c) Humons qnd onimols will foce shonoge of food ond oxugen. 5.2 Rsnewoble ond Non-ren€wsble Energu Sources
A (o) ore olwous ovoiloble continuouslu
(b) connot be obtoined continuouslu ond will be used up

@ Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Renewoble energu sources: (c)
Wind, Sun, Woler, Biomoss, Woves
Non-renewoble enerou sources: K : Li .

Petroleum, Coqls, Bolleries, Noiurol goses, Nucleor substonces

(o) (i)/ (iii)./
(b) To sove non-renewoble
energg sources for fulure use
(o) I . Woter (d) The orientotion of the objeci ofiects the shope of the shodow
2. Sun formed.
3. Biomoss
(b) Sun 6.2 Lighl con b€ Reflecled
(c) Nol suitoble becouse nucleor energu is cosflU ond connot be A (o) reflecled, see
obtoined eosilU. (b) surfoce
(c) better
ObjEclivs Quoslions
I C 2D 3C 4A 5D
6 A 7D
Slruclur€d Qu€alions
aino"rn, e",i""oo.
| (o) Increoses with lhe increose in the number of dru cells O
(b) (i) Number of drg cells (ii) Temperoture of woter
(c) The higher lhe number ol dru cells, the higher is the
iemperoiure of woter. Side mirror of o cor
(d) Electricol energu is lronsformed into heot energu
2 (o) Potentiol energu
(b) )
(i) Potentiol energu Kinetic energg
C (o) To studu lhe reflection of tighi
(ii) Kinelic energu ) Potentiol energu
(c) I will roll bockwords down lhe trock Incidenl rou Reflecled rou

6.t Lighl Truvels in o Stroighl Line
(o) Situotion A
(b) The light lrom fhe condle con be seen becouse lighl lrovels
D (o)

in o stroight line.
(c) Lighl lrovels in o stroight line.
B Shodow is formed when light is blocked bU on opoque object.
c (o) The size of shodow increoses when the distonce belween
the object ond light source decreoses.
(b) (i) Posilion of object
(ii) Size of shodow
(iii)Size of objecl

x 'Y (b) Lighl con be reflected.

(c) Periscope

o 6.3 Light con b€ Relruci6d

A (o) different
(b) loster
(c) verticollu
(d) The distonce belween the object ond the light source oflecls
the size of shodow formed.
B (o) / lc) {
D (o) The shope of fhe shodow ,ormed chonges when the C Pupil's onswer
orientolion of ihe object chonges.
(b) (i) Orieniolion of object KBAT CORNER
(ii) Shope ol shodow (o) (i) The imoge of lhe broom looked shorter from its originot
(iii)Position of light source heighi.
(ii) The imoge of the broom looked be longer lhon iis originot

@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(o) When lhe number of butbs increoses, the brightness of the
bulb decreoses.
(b) (i) Number of butbs
(ii) Brightness of butbs
(iii)Number ol drU ce
2 Dim
Obj€cnive Questions
(d) The brighlness of the bulbs decreoses os lhe number of
IB 2D 3D 4B 5A bulbs increoses.
Series circuit Porollelcircuil
Slructurod Queslions
(o) To invesligoie the relotionship belween the posilion of torch ond
lhe size of the shodow formed on the screen
(b) Increoses
(c) l. Posilion of torch
2. Size of shodow
(d) The closer the distonce belween the torch ond lhe object, the
bigger lhe size of the shodow lormed.

D (o) P: Series circuit Q: Porollelcircuit

ACTIWTY ZONE (b) The bulbs in circuit P ore dimmer rhon the bulbs in circuit e.
7- I Sources of Electricll Energg (c) Sl: Bulbs J, K ond L
(o) Botleru 52: Bulbs J, K ond L
(c) Solor cell
33: Bulbs S ond T
(b) DUnomo (d) Accumulolor
(o) fuel, electricol 54: Bulb T
(c) mognet, bicucle (d) P: The bulbs in the circuit become brighter.
(b) ocid, longer (d) solor, pollution
Q: The brightness of oll bulbs is the some.
(e) Advonioge of circuit P: When more boiteries ore odded, the
7.2 Complete Electric Circuit
brighlness of the bulbs increoses
A {o) Disodvontoge of circuii P: The foultu or o breok of o port of
Pi Boiteru lhe circuit will completelu breok the connection in the circuit.
Advontoge of circuit Q: Some components ore still
Oi Connecling wire funclioning even though the circuit molfunclions or breoks.
Disodvonloge of circuit Q: When more botteries ore odded,
R: Bulb the brightness ol the bulbs stous the some.
(f) Circuit: Q
S: Switch Reoson: The use of o lot of components onlu require the
some quontitu of energg.
7.3 Sofetg Precoutions when Hondling Electricol Applionces
(o), (c), (e), (f) -,(
(o) (i) Porollelcircuil
(c) connecl ond breok o circuit
E)eorimenl I
(o) When the number of dru cells increoses, the brightness of
the bulb increoses.
(b) (i) Number of dru ce s
(ii) Brighlness of bulb
(iii) Number of butb (b) One of ihe bulbs sii tight up otihough lhe other butb is broken/
The energu supplied bU the botierU con be soved.
2 Brighler
Object'vo Queslions
(d) The brightness of bulb increoses when the number of dru
cells increoses.
I C 2 D 3 D 44 5 C
6 C 7c

o Global Mediastreet Sdfi. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Slruc-turEd Queslions KBAT CORNER
I (o) To sludu ihe relolionship beiween the number of bulbs ond (o) L lmmerse lhe boltom of gloss O in hot woter
the brightness ol bulbs 2. Pui ice cubes inlo gloss P
(b) (i) Number of dru cells (ii) Number ot bulbs (b) Glosses P ond Q will breok.
(c) The lesser the number of bulbs, the brighter ihe brightness
of the bulbs will be ASSESSMENT 8
(d) The brighlness of the bulbs increqses os ,he number of dru Objoctive Queslions
cells increoses.
2 (o) To studU the relotionship between lhe numberof bulbs in lhe I C 2C 3A 4 D 5 B
circuit ond the brighlness of the bulbs
(b) (i) Number of bulbs Slruc-tursd Quesliono
(ii) Brightness of bulbs (o) To siudg lhe relolionship between volume of woler ond the time
(iii) Number ol bqtteries/ TUpe of circuil token to boillhe woter
(c) The bulbs becomes dimmer (b) Increoses with lhe increose in the volume of woter
(d) The brightness of the bulbs decreoses when the number of (c) (i) Volume ofwoler (ii)
Time token lo boilthe woter
bulbs increoses. (d) The bigger ihe volume of wqter, the longer the time token to boil
lhe woler.

8.t Temporuture ond Heot ACTIVTY ZONE
(o) TEMPERATURE (d) CELSIUS 9. I Slol6 ol Moltor
(b) THERIIOMETER (e) HIGH A (o) motter
(c) LOW (b) solid, liquid, gos
B S-O{PrR (c) solid, liquid, gos
c (o) 5'c)(iii) (b) 8s"c>(D (c) 28'C)(ii) B (o) moss
D Discussion (b) fixed shope, compressed
(o) receives, rises/ increoses (b) loses, lolls/ decreoses (c) moss
Conclusion (d) fixed shqpe
The lemperolure of o substonce rises when ii receives heot ond (e) moss
folls when it loses heot. (l) fixed shope

Solid Uquid Gos

Obsen olions Irf6rsnces lce cubes, Woter, Cooking Wind, Steom,
Aclivitu I Pencil, Apple oil OxUgen
(b) The iron boll connot The iron boll exponds when
poss through the ring it receives heol. D (o) liquid (d) heoted, gos
ofter being heoled. (b) solid (e) solid, liquid, gos
(c) solid, liquid
(c) The iron bollcon poss The iron boll controcls when
through ihe ring ogoin ii loses heot
qtier il is cooled. Arqng€ment ol
verU closelU looselU veru for
Aciivitu II podicl6s
(o) The level of coloured The coloured woter exponds Shop€ Does nol Does nol
woler rises. when it receives heol from Hos fixed
hove fixed hove fixed
the hot woler.
Volum€ fixed Iixed no lixed
(b) The level of coloured The coloured woter controcls
woier folls. when it loses heol.
Abil U ro bo
Activitu Ill The qir in lhe boflle exponds
connol connot con
(o) The bolloon exponds. when it receives heot.
q.2 Chongos in lhs Siot€ of Motier
The oir in ihe bottle conlrocts
(b) Ihe bolloon becomes when it loses heoi A
Aclh,itio8 Phusicol proc66aos Chonges in lhe stolo oI
Conclusion invol\6d moliEr
expond, controct
(o) looselg 0) bending (b) Boiling Liquid ) Gos
(b) snopped (s) expond
(c) cold (h) rise
(c) Freezing Liquid ) Solid
(d) gops (i) conlrocl (d) Condensoiion Gos ) Liquid
(e) exponsion o foll
(e) Evoporotion Liquid ) Gos

a Global Mediastrect Sdlt. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

B (o) Nleliing, Boiting, Evoporqtion
(b) Freezing, Condensotion
9.3 Nolurol Woter CUd€
10. I Chemicol Propertiss of Substonc€s
A (o) (i) Woter vopour (ij) Ctouds (iii) Roin A (o)
(b) X: Evoporotion y: Condensotion Acidic (f) Acidic
B S)T)P)R)Q (b) Alkoline (s) Neulrol
C (o) the formotion of clouds ond roin (c)
Neutrol (h) Acidic
(b) woter vopour, woter Alkoline (D Acidic
(e) Alkoline
(c) X: clouds Y: roin
(d) Evoporolion ond condensoiion B Chemicol Properties of Substonces
(e) Liguid + Gos ) Liguid
D l. Provides cleon woter resources to humons for drinking,

cooking, cleoning, woshing clolhes ond others.
Provides enough wolerforforming ond reoring onimols.
-T- --r-
Alkoline Neutrol
3. Helps to coolthe Eorth Vinegor Bitler gourd HoneU
Orongejuice Boking powder SoU souce
9.4 The lmpo onc€ ol Woter Resources Stor fruil Medicine Flour
A (o) Rivers (c) Lokes C (o) (i) Turns red - No chonge
(b) Wells (d) Slreoms (ii) No chonge - Turns blue
B (o) Phusicol wostes ore lhrown into woter resources (iii)No chonge - No chonge
(b) Induslriol chemicol wostes ore dumped inlo woter resources
(b) Pineopple juice: Acidic
(c) Oil spills ot the seo ond in the rivers ond lokes. Coffee drinkr Atkoline
(d) Shortoge of cleon woter suppties Distilled woier: Neutrol
(e) Decreose in populotion ol oquotic life (c) (i) the substonce thot chonges blue litmus poper to red
(f) Diseoses ond food poisoning (ii) the subsionce thot chonges red litmus poper io blue
C Pupil's qnswer (iii)the substonce thot does not chonge ihe colour of blue
ond red litmus popers
KBAT CORNER (d) Pineopplejuice:Sour
(o) (i) Woier dropleis con be observed in ihe inner surloce of lhe
Coffee drink: Bitter
Distilled woter: Tosteless
gloss ond lhe tronsporent gloss.
(ii) When woter in the gloss receives heol, the woler evoporotes
inlo woier vopour ond reoches the tronsporent gloss. Subslqnces Prop€ ies ol
sub6lonces Use in doilu life
Condensotion occurs, thus woter ciroplets form on the
lronsporent gloss ond the inner wollot ihe gloss. (o) Alkoline Treots bee siings
(b) The woier willdru up. (b) Acidic Used in cooking such os curru
(c) The tronsporent gloss represenls the cloud.
(c) Alkoline Reduces excessive ocid in lhe
ASSESSMENT 9 stomoch to prevent gostritjs
ObFclive QueElions (d) Alkoline Neutrolises ocid produced bU
IB 28 3A 4C 5B bocterio thot con cquse ioolh decoU
(o) Applu roolhposte (otkoline substonce) on the port being siung be
Slructured Quostlons
the bee.
| (o) To determine whether gos hos moss. (b) Applu lemon juice (ocidic subslonce) on lhe port being siung bU the
(b) Ihe stick leons iowords bolloon A wosp.
(c) The oir in bolloon B decreoses. (c) Sprinkle sodium bicorbonote on the soit.
Monipuloted vorioble ASSESSMENT IO
Objsclivo Quostlons
I C 2D 3B 4C 5C
64 7C
2 (o) To sludu lhe relotionship between time ond moss of towel Slructurod Quostions
(b) Decreoses os the iime increoses (o) (i) Tupes offood substonce (ii) Toste oftood substonce
(c) The moss of the towel decreoses becouse the woter in the (b) P, O ond T
iowel evoporoles into lhe oir. (c) (i) Blue liimus poper: No chonge
(d) (i)Time Red litmus poper: Turns blue
(ii) Moss of iowel (ii) Coffee drink
(e) The longerthe towel is hung on the clothes line, the lighier
(d) (i)
Subsronce R is neutrol becouse it is tosfetess.
the moss of the towel will be.
(ii) Cooking oil/ Disiifled woter

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622U-U)

(c) L Time
2. The length of shodowPosition of shodow
ACTIVITY ZONE (d) The chonges in lhe lenglh of ihe shodow from morning to
I I . I Tho Movement of lhs Eorlh otternoon is coused bU the rotolion of the Eorlh on its oxis
from Wesl to Eost.
A (o) eost
rolotes, wesl, (d) onli-clockwise (o) (i) Woxing crescenl
(b) onli-clockwise (e) 365 I dous (ii) Woxing gibbous
(c) 24 hours, one dou (iii)Lost quoder
B (o) Torch:The Sun Globe: The Eorth (b)

(b) -l'he porl thol foces the lorch (X) looks bright while the port
thot is focing owou from the torch (Y) is dork.
(c) The port of the Eorih thoi toces the Sun experiences dou-
lime ond lhe pori ot ihe Eqrlh lhol is shellered from the Sun
experience night-time. K
(d) Port Y will become brighi.
c (o) (i) DoU-lime (ii) Nighl-lime
(b) dou-time becouse lhe port is focing lhe Sun.
(c) Pori S experiences night-time ond port T experiences dou- ACIWTY ZONE
lime. 12. I Slrobilitg ond Strongih ol o Slrucfuro I
(d) The rololion ol the Eorlh on its oxis. A (o) (i) P, O (ii) P, o l
D (o) To sludu lhe relotionship belween lime ond lhe length of (b) K, J
shodow formed. (c) stronger, stoble
(b) Decreosing wilh time B Egedmonl I
(c) {i) Wesi (ii) Eost (o) To sludu lhe relolionship belween bose oreo ond stobililu of
(d) The Eodh rotoles on iis oxis from west lo eost. objecl.
E Pupil's onswer (b) (i) Heighi of culinder
(ii) Bose oreo of culinder
I I -2 The Phosas of lhe Moon (iii) Slobilitu of cUlinder
A (o) connoi (b) reflecls (c) Cglinder Y is less stoble becouse il hos smoller bose oreo.
(c) lhe sunliqht (d) The bigger the bose oreo of o slructure, the more stoble lhe
B (o) To shrdu lhe movemenl of the Moon structure is.
(b) (i) The Eorth (ii) The Moon E p€rimenl 2
(c) the Eorlh, the Moon, the Sun (o) The higher lhe struclure, the less sioble lhe struciure is.
c (o) (b) (i) Bose oreo ot structure
(ii) Height of slructure
Phose ol lh6 Phose ol lhs
Appeoronc? App€oronco (iii) Stobililu oI slructure
Moon Moon
(c) Skucture S topples over first
crescenl D E Full moon
o (d) Structure S is less sloble becouse il is toller.
C (o) To siudu ihe relotionship between the tupe of moteriol ond
c Firsl quorler
q (b)
lhe strength of moieriol
Wood does not bend becouse wood is strongerlhon ploslic.
(i) Lenqih of moteriol


(b) The l5'h dou

u G Lost quorter
o D
(ii) TUpe of moteriol
(iii) Strength of moteriol
The tupe ol moteriol used ottects lhe sirength of o struciure.
Siruclure O is stronger lhon slruclure P.
(c) l. Heovu roin 2. The l\,4oon is covered bU thick cloud (b) Slructure Q con support more coins compored to siruclure P.
(c) (i) Weight ol coin/Cordboord size/Tupe ol cordboord
KBAT CORNER (ii) Shope of structure
(o) To show ,he simulolion of the rellection ol sunlighl bU lhe Moon lo (iii) Strenglh of structure/Number of coins to be supporied
the Eorth (d) The strengih of o slruclure is offected bU the shope of the
(b) Ihe port of the woli lhot foces the mirror becomes brighl. slructure.
(c) (i) The Sun (ii) The lvloon (iii) The Eorth (o) Building S
(b) Building S is more stoble becquse it hos bigger bose oreo.
ASSESSMENT I I (c) l. A strong ond stoble structure does nol collopse or foll
Objective Queslions eosilg when o force octs on it.
2. Humons con live in q more comfortoble ond sofershelter.
I D 2 A 3 B 4C 5 D Pupil's onswer
6 A 7 D 8B
Slruclurgd Questions I (o) Corrugoted zinc roof
I (o) The shodow becomes shorier lrom 7.00 o.m. until (b) The slructure of corrugoted zinc is oble lo wilhslond more
I 2.00 p.m. ond longer ogoin from 12.00 p.m. unlil 5.00 p.m. weight ond impocl when durions fell on it.
(b) The position of the shodow chonges from wesi lo eost. (c) TUpe oI moteriol (meiol)

.9 Global Medidstreet Sttn. Bhrt. (Co. No.762284 U)

Objeclivs Questions Refroction of light is o phenomenon thot occurs when light
ID 2B 3C 4A 5A t6
through iwo different mediums.
6 c 7 c 8 B 9A B
The loctors ihot qffecl ihe shope ol shodow ore lhe orientotion
shodow ond the position of the liqht source.
Struclurad Quostions
(o) To invesiigote the relotionsip between number of cordboord rolls The exomples of device lhot opplu the principle ofthe reflecijon
ond number of books ihot cqn be supported lighl ore mirror, side mirror of cor, periscope ond dentol mirror.
(b) (i) Number ol cordboord ro s t8 A
(ii)Number of books suppoded Series circuit involves the flow o, electric current lhrough one
(c) The number of books lhot con be supported increoses os more polh onlu. ln o series circuit, the circuit will breok if onliof
cordboord rolls ore used component is broken.
(d) 3-4 books rsB
Circuits A, C ond D ore connected in series.
YEAR-END TEST Touching on electric socket with wet objects or wet hond con
Pop€r I couse o person to experience electric shock.
IA 2tc
Option. C is the solor pqnel thol con generote energu from the
Hgpothesis is o siqtement lhot relotes the monipuloted ond lhe
Sun. The Sun is o renewoble energg source.
reSponding voriobles.
2D 228
When on objecl receives heoi,lhe objectexponds, iis temperoture
Popers ore solid woste thot con clog the sink.
increoses qnd feels hot when touched.
3A 23C
Pufferfish ond porcupine protecl themselves using shorp spines.
4D The eleclric coble hos to be fixed looselu lo ollow exponsion ot
Lizord qnd octopus breok oIf their bodg ports to escope ,rom
When ploced in lhe iced woter, the heol is loss to lhe surrounding
thus cousing the oir in the botfle ond in the bolloon to controci.
Thick fur, louer of fots under the skin ond hibernoting ore ihe
chorocteristics of onimols thot protect ihemselves from extreme
When o gloss of cold woter receives heot, thelemperolure of woter
cold weqther.
B will increose. Therefore, os the time increoses, the temperoiure
Wholes migrote to ihe south during cotd seoson to obtoin food. increoses. Groph B is the correci onswer becouse the sltbstonce
B involved is cold woier. Groph D involves the melting of ice cube
os the grqph begins qt O "C.
Jockfruit produces lotex but does nol couse itchiness
Bomboo hos fine hqirs thot couses iichiness.
l\,Iimoso plonl hos thorns.
The diogrom shows certoin volume ot woter is poured from
Bolh Uom plqnt ond poison ivu couse itchiness when touched. conicol flosk into o cglindricol contoiner. This shows thoi liquid
c lokes the shope of ihe contoiner.
The plont hos seeds thot ore veru light ond con be dispersed 27C
through wind. Gos is o motter thot hos moss ond fills up spoce. Gos con
compressed ond does nol hove fixed volume.
Long roots help coctus to obtoin woter from forther oreo.
t0 c Ac vtiu P.,shows lhe melting of chocolote into liquid. Activitu
When seeds ore dispersed for from eoch other, the seedlings e shows the chocolote coke is ploced into the relrigeroior on;
ore undergoes freezing.
hordlu infected bU diseoses. Competition still occur bul ;ot
os is o
Ivlelling process thot rcceives heot, occurs ropidlu ond
D involves the chonges in the siote of mofer from sofiO into
Before Freezing is o process lhot loses heoi, occurs ropidlg
moving down o slide. lhe bou is oi the top ol the slide. ond involves
Therefore. lhe bou possess potentiol energg. When moving down lhe chonges in the stote of motter from liquid into s-olid.
lhe slide. the potentiol energg chonges into kinetic energgi ag
t2 C Process tholoccurs is melting in which the mofler chonges
Potentiol energu is ihe energu possessed bU objecls ot solid into liquid.
ploce or stretched ond compressed obiects.
high 304
t3 When solt is odded on the ice cubes, the temperoture of lhe
Biomoss is o renewoble energg source which is obtoined from cubes decreoses_
qnimols ond plonts woste. 3tA
l4 B Toolhposte ond boking sodo ore olkoline. Bolh situotions
The closer the dislonce belween the light source ond object, the thot bee sling is ocidic.
lorger the size of lhe shodow formed.
Substonce P is neulrol, substonce e is ocidic ond substonce R is

@ Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.262284 U)

D (b) The cool in the generotor is burntlo produce heot. The heol
Tomorind poste isocidic. Therelore, the subslonce thot is suiioble produced chonges woter into steom to lurns ihe lurbine.
to reploce lomorind ore ocidic substonces such qs vinegor ond When the turbine is turned, eleclric energu is generoled bU
lime juice. lhe generotor.
D (c) The energu source will be used up ond connot be produced
Both substonces ore ocidic ond toste sour. onumore.
B (o) (i) Thermometer
The occurrence of dou ond night, the chonge ot lhe shope of (iD s0
shodow ore the phenomenon thot occur due to the rototion of the (b)Kelvin
Eorth- The phoses of the l\,4oon occurs due to lhe movemenl of (c) (i)
the l\4oon oround the Eorth. (ii) Heol is tronsferred lo lhe cooler substonce.
B (o) Decreoses ond then increoses
The shodow is the shortest ol noon where ihe Sun is exoctlu (b) The chonge of ihe position of lhe Sun ihroughout lhe dou.
obove the object. J experiences dou-lime while K ond L (c) (i)
experience night{ime.

The sequence of lhe phoses of ihe Moon ore os follows:

Foclors thol offeci lhe stobililu of on object ore the heighl ond lhe
bose oreo of on objecl.
The shope ofthe modelsuch os culinder ond lhe iupe of moleriols (ii) l6 cm
con be used to increose the strenglh of on object. (o) The volume being compressed in the sUringes ore differenl.
40c (b) Different motters hove different compressibilities
The stobililu of object is offected bU lhe bose oreo ond the height (c) lncreoses (from sUringe I io sUringe III)
of objects. The lorger the bose oreo of on object, lhe more stoble (d)
the object is. (e) X
Poper 2
I (o) Chlorophgll
(b) (i) Corbon dioxide
(c) The plont does not obtoin enough woter.
(b) The bulbs in circuit Q ore dimmerthon the bulb in circuil P.//
The bulb in circuil P is brighterlhon the bulbs in circuil Q.
(c) (i) Number of bulbs
(ii) Brighiness ol bulbs
(d) All bulbs do not lighl up
I (o) The bottle cop will expond in lhe woler in lhe temperolure of
80 'C which is hot woter.
(b) The seeds ore dispersed for from the porent plont lo ensure (b) Her hond feli hot
lhe survivol of lhe species. (c) (i) Volume ot woter
(c) (ii) Temperoture of woier
Soil (d) lniliol temperqture of woter = 38 'C
Seeds Finol temperolure of woter = 75 oC

Chonge in lemperolure
3 {o) (i) Noturol gos
(iD Nucleor substonce

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622U-U)

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