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Joduol Pentoksiron Soins Tohun 6 t Aclivilu zone (Subunit 7. l) 74

KBAT Corner 7q
Assessmenl 7 80

Unlt ISciontific Sldlls

Noles I

Activitu Zone (Subunit l.l- 1.2) 2 Unh 8 Food Preserwlion

t5 Notes oit
KBAT Corner
Assessmenl I t7 Activilu Zone (Subunit 8. l) 84
KBAT Corner 8g
Unil 2 Scienco Room Rules Assessmenl 8 g0
Noles 20
Aclivitu Zone (Subunil 2. I ) 2t Unit g Wosl6 Mot€Iiols
23 Noles 93
KBAT Corner
Assessmenl 2 24 Activitg Zone (Subunil 9. l) 94
KBAT Gorner 98
Assessmenl g qq

Unil 3Microorgonisms
Noles 26
27 Unil l0 Eclipse
Aclivilu Zone (Subunil 3. I - 3.3)
Noles t02
KBAT Corner 3s
36 Aclivilu Zone (Subunit 10. l) t03
Assessmenl 3
KBAT Corner t06
Unil4 lnterqclion Among Living Things Assessment I 0 t07
Notes 3C
Activitu Zone (Subunit 4. I - 4.2) 40 unit I I constollolion
Noles 0
KBAT CorneT 47
Assessment 4 48 Activilu zone (Subunit ll.l) l
KBAT Corner 4
Unil 5 Pressrvolion ond Conservolion Assessmenl ll 5
Noles 5t
Aclivilu zone (Subunil 5. I - 5.2) 52
KBAT Corner 57
Assessmenl 5 58 Unil 12 Mociine
Noi6s 8
Aclivilu Zone (Subunit 12. I - 12.3) S
KBAT Corner 123
Unil 6 Force Assessmenl I 2 t24
Noles 6l
Aclivilu Zone (Subunil 6. I - 6.2) 62
KBAT Corner 6S
Assessmenl 6 70

Unil 7 Speed
ANSWERS t77 - taq
Notes 73

@ Gbbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

The obililu to corru oul science octivities

(Thinking obililies) (BodU porls


. observing . Using ond hondling opporotus

. Clossiluing ond moleriols correctlU
. l\4eosuring ond using numbers . Hondling specimen correcllu
. Moking inferences ond solelU
. Prediciing . Skelching specimen,
. Communicoiing opporolus ond moleriols
. Using lhe spoce-time correctlu
relotionship . Cleoning opporolus correcllu
. Interpreling dolo . Keeping the opporoius ond
. DefiningoperoiionollU moteriols correcllU
. Conirolllng voriobles
. Moking hupoihesis
. Experimenling

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)

i!.f Science Process Skills I

A l fne diogrom below shows two lupes of pets thot ore being observed bg o group of pupils 1o compore
their chorocteristics.

(o) Stole lhree senses ond chorocleristics observed from the onimols obove. LIa 1 lg 2




(b) Bosed on the chorocleristics mentioned in (o), slote the chorocterislics being observed ( rp 5
(i) guontilolivelU:
(ii) quolitotivelU:
(c) Stote o lool thol con be used lo help the pupils observe the iguono cleorlu. ( rP 4

(d) Other thon the three senses obove, slole onolher sense thol mou be used to compore the onimols.
Exploin gour onswer. ( rp 6

Tahop l!r' .
rvengo tokon semLo derlo Jong terlibot untuk membuot penerhotion Tentong fenomeno Uong
Penoudsaon | ! r'berloku

Tahap --n
! t'l rvrernerinolkon penggunoon semuo delio Uong- terlibol uniuk membuot pemerhotion tenlong
Penq"aiaon l!/ tenomeno otou peiibonon uong berlokt

. tttenoqunokon semuo derlo rerlibot

--l\ ) *,o,itiror,t toq.."nerongtinUonglinomeno
rohol .-l5
Penguasoon L
il . Nlenqqunoko;oloi gong;esuor.Jiko perlu

a Global Mediastreet 5d11. tshd. (Co. No. 762281'U)
'E Tfre diogrom below shows o few tupes of ripen fruits.

(o) Slote one chorocteristic lhol con be used 10 clossifu the fruils. ( rp 1

(b) Bosed on the onswer in (o), exploin the chorocteristics of the fruits. ( rp 2

Fruits Wolermelon Oronge Popogo Mongo


(c) Bosed on the choroclerislics mentioned in (o) ond (b), conslruct o tree mop 1o clossilg the
t113 Lrr4

T-__- T--

(d) Kiwi ond Rombulon ore included inlo the clossificolion of the fruits obove.
Whot is lhe chorocterislic
thol con be used to clossifu the fruits into the some group? ( rr s

Menuo'lokon ciri objek dengon melihot persomoon don perb€zoon

l\renguosoi Belum menguosoi

Memeriholkon ciriobjek dengon menuolokon persomoon don perbezoon

Menguosoi Belum menguosoi

don mengumpul objek berdosorkon cirisepungo don berbezo

Belum menguosoi

rgosing don mengumpulobjek berdosorkon cirisepunuo don berbezo don menuofokon

sepunuo Uong digunokon Belum menguosoi

Belum menguosoi

,c ) A pupit corried oul on invesligotion to studu lhe heoting of woter.

(o) Bosed on lhe invesligolion, complete the toble below. ( tr 2

(b) In the boxes given, write the letters to represenl the steps to meosure lhe obove guontilu in the
correct sequence 4 [-
A: Woil until the mercuru slops moving
B: Hold the thermometer horizonlollg
C: Toke the lhermometer reoding
D: Level the eue level porollel to the upper meniscus of the mercuru
E: lmmerse the lhermomeler bulb completelu into the woter

The diogrom below shows the reodings obtoined trom this invesiigoiion.

(i) Time: 2 minutes (ii) Time: 6 minutes (iii) Time: l0 mi

Record lhe reodings in lhe boxes given. (i{qi] i

(d) Bosed on the results in (c), construct o tobte. 6q!fiiy

peroloton don coro menqukur Uong sesuoi bogi suoiu kuonliti

lvengukur dengon menggunokon olotdon unit piowoi dengon teknik Uong betul

lvengukur dengon menggunokon otqt don unit piowoigorE betul

Mengukur dengon menggunokon olol don unh piowoi dengon teknik gong betul serto merekod
dolom.joduol secoro sastemolik don lengkop

Gllfff 319,!q*,r ffirjun.atcan nofi; l

a Global Mediastreet Sd/t. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)
A pupil corried out on invesligolion on two potled plonls. Bolh plonts ore wotered on ploced
the Sun. The diogrom below shows the condilion ot the plonts ofter o dou.

(o) Slote the observotion on plonts in p ond O @m

(D P:
fii) a:
(b) Give one inference for the condition of eoch plont in p ond O @
(i) P:
(ii) Q:

(c) Bosed on the invesligotion , lhe pupil mode o conclusion thot the plont will slog fresh if
it obloins enough ond

(d) Plostic bog ot Q is removed ond the plont is wotered. will the plont become fresh
[1"". l--l'"

solu lofuiron gong munosoboh bogisotu peristiwo otou pemerhotion

l Memeriholkon lebih dori sotu icfsiron Uong munosoboh bogi sotu perisliwo qtou pemertmion

Membual kesimpulon.owol Uong munosoboh berdosorkon beberopo tqfsiron bogi s(Itu

pen$iwo olou pemerhotion
Membuoi kesimpulon owol gorE munosoboh berdosorkon beberoDo tchiron booi sdu
perisliwo otou pemerhdtion dengon merEgunokon moklumot go;g dipe;Lhi - -- -
Membuot lebih dori sotu kesimprt"n owot gong
oengon merEgunokon moktumol Uong diperohhi don boleh menerorEkon kesimpub; qwol
dibuot UorE

@ Global Mediartrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622U-U)

Er, A pupil corried oul on invesllgotion obout the obilitg of objecl to flooi. He odded o number of 20 sen
coins into lwo ploslic botlles os in the diogrom below.

[J P
20 cenl
20 cent

(o) Whot will hoppen if plostic bottles P ond Q ore ploced into o bosin conloining woler? ( rr 1



(b) Give reoson for the prediction in (o). ;re 2

(c) The coins in bottle Q is pul into o plostic bog. The plostic bog is blown until il expond ond the end
of the ploslic bog is tied.
(i) Does the plostic bog floot on woler when it is ploced into o bosin filled with woter? (

l-- l"", [-l*"

whg? @ a

(ii) The plostic bog in (cxi) is pricked wilh o needle. Whol will hoppen? ( re 5

y*o.lo*on pemirrhon jonsto;" r"*rn**.*n 0"" ooling sesuoibosrsalu peristiwo olou Menguosoi Betum merEuoioi
*,nly1 r:!il
*r-e1y--;fl li.{+d1mon Fmnldmdn
::! g:li J:lskoon uons munosoboh renions suoru perisriwo berdosorkon Memuo.oi B€tum meosuo$oi
hGanl-:1/ lolu otou dolo

: ..e.i.!:!-':7-:
@ following informotion shows the moss lhot con be withstond
bg three tupes of msteriots.
Moleriol: P, Moss being withstond: 0.2 kg
Moleriol: Q, Moss being wiihstond: 0.5 kg
Moleriol: R, Moss being withstond: I .2 kg

(o) Record the mosses for the three moteriots.

ttf,lli tr*tii t

(b) construcl o bor chort to represent the mosses being withslond

bg the moreriors. lrr.3

(c) (i) Anonge the mosses being withstond bu the moteriors storting
from rhe lightest moss.

(ii) Bosed on the onswer in (c)(i), which moteriol is the


l Merekod moklumot olou jdeo dolom bentuk

Uong sesuoi

; moklumot otou ideo dolom lebih dorj soiu bentuk gong


) 1"j99-T!llg, *",
g!* ideo dotom berfrrk gong s**l a"" ,"rp"r*.U.r,t*
t:9!g",."!,.!_:r.19191 as q9{i9 ni;"irn ;#;ilffijililffiilH"}l;ll
@@f Be*omu'ir<asil

A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

The diogrom below shows the position of o consiellotion in the skg of the north hemisphere G
throughoul lhe geor.

(o) Slole lhe porometer thol chonges

lhe diogrom. ( rq:.ijl
wilh lime in
1n Morch \

(b) Describe the chonges in the poromelers sloled

in (o).
Lg i
June --\ ,/
'\----- (
septemberL--] i

(c) Skelch the positions of the consiellolion in sequence in the flow mop below. @ltit

(d) The following shows o constellolion lhol con be observed in the sku. ( rP 4.

Bosed on the diogrom, on which month does the constellotion being observed?

sotu porometer Uong beruboh mengikut moso berdosorkon solu sifuosi I

I\ilemeriholkon salu porometer Uong beruboh mengikut moso berdosorkon sdlu situosi t
Mempersembohkon don menghuroikon kronologi perubohon gong berloku bogi suctlu fenomeno
otou p€rhliwo uong beruboh mengikut moso ii
lvenookal perubohon porometer Uong berloku bogi solu fenomeno olou p€risliwo mengikul
kronologi berdosorkon moso I
@@ t
@ Global MeAiastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
The diogrom below shows the results of on experiment corried out bU o pupil.

2 35

4 40

6 45

ro) Whol is the oim of this investigolion? r qI

(b) Slole two informolion gothered in this investigotion.



1c) Whol is lhe lrend of chonge ol the woter level in the meosuring cglinder? lr* 2

rd) Stoie lhe relolionship between the informotion stoled in (c).


(e) Exploin how the volume of o morble con be determined in this investigotion.

(f) Give one conclusion for the invesligotion obove.

soru penerongon berdoso.kon doto

Ivlemeriholkon lebih dori sotu peneronqon berdosorkon doto
)uat sotu hubung koft omoro porometer podo doto berdosorkon hubungon onioro poromeier
lri penerongon secoro rosrcnol dengon membuot idirOpolosi oiou ekstrooolosi tentono
b peristiwo otou polo dorDodo doto gong dikumpulkon

o Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

$t ) rn" diogrom below shows two pupils, J ond K in o loo metre roce. (i

I 5 seconds

K I 9 seconds

100 m

(o) Bosed on the diogrom,

which pupil runs foster? ( t 1

(iii) exploin Uour onswer in (oXi). lre 3

(b) Complete the stolemenl below to stole lhe operotionol definilion of speed. ( re 5
Speed is the loken to move o certoin

Illemilih soiu rohiron Uong poling sesuoitentong suolu konsepdengon menuotokon opo Uong
dilokukon don diperhotikon bogi sotu situosi

@tre"derffiseca,a opd;l
+ ';,-h! lbAiastrcet Sdh. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)
The diogrom below shows on investigolion to studu the foctor thot couses rusting.

Oil loger

Iron noil

(o) For the obove invesligolion, stole the following voriobles. Lll 3 Lg 4
(i) Monipuloledvorioble:
(ii) Constonl vorioble:
(iii) Responding vorioble:

(b) Stote lhe relotionship belween ihe monipuloted ond responding voriobles. ( re 5

(c) The experiment is repeoled bg plocing lhe iron noils into tesl tubes os in the following diogrom.

[,,"""" colcium chloride

Stote lhe relolionship belween the new monipuloled vorioble ond the existing responding vorioble.

A group of pupils wonl to sludu the effect of lhe surrounding lemperoture ond the time loken for o lupe
of lood to become spoiled.

(o) Bosed on the obove stolemenl, stotethe(ffi&

(i) monipuloledvorioble:
(ii) respondingvorioble:

(b) Slole lhe reloiionship belween the voriobles stoted in to). @#

(c) Give one hgpothesis bosed on lhe onswer in (b) @#

(d) The following diogrom shows o few moleriols ond opporolus given bU o teocher to o group of pupils
lo siudu ihe hupolhesis sloted in (c).(w&

Mongo Ploslic conloiners

As o member of lhe group, work logether with lhe other members to plon the sieps in the



pemboleh uboh Uong terlibot dolom sustu peruiosolon

hubur€on onloro pemboleh uboh dolom rudtu peryiosoton

Membuot suotu pernuoioon umum Uong boleh diuji tentong hubungon ontoro pemboleh uboh dolom
su(rtu pengiosolon

MerorEko suolu pengiosaton untuk diuji berdosorkon hipotesis Uong dibino

ailtEq Me.buat hipotesis I

@ Ghbal Mediestreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)

Upe e Vo, or" required lo corru oul on experiment on lhe decomposiiion of o leof.
Bosed on gour knowledge oboul lhe steps in scientific invesligolion, slote the following:

@,:!a, @-iri ggq!1 ga, & @,f:r

(o) Problem stolement:
(b) HUpothesis:
(c) Voriobles
(i) monipuloted:
(ii) constonl:
(iii) responding:
(d) Apporotus ond moteriols:

)ils (e) Experimentol procedures:

2 3

(g) Bosed on lhis experiment, slote o new problem stotemenl to studu the decomposition of onother
moleriol. Give one hgpothesis lor the new problem stotement. Then, plon on experiment to test
gour hgpothesis. ( io


Mengoiokon persoolon berdosorkon mosoloh Uong dikenol posti

lllembuot perruotoon hipoiesis berdosorkon mosoloh Uong dikenol posti

Menentukon koedoh don oloi rodos gong sesuoi sepertigong dironcorE


eksperimen untuk menguji suotu hipotesis

Illenjolonkon eksperimen, mengumpuldoto, mentohir doto serto membuol rumuson urfuk
F membuklikon hipotesis don membuot loporon

Mencetuskon persoolon bohoru don meroncong sotu eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis
t bohoru doripodo persoolon ltonq dicefuskon

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 2622A4-U)

(ilZl uonipulotive Skills

The following ore the steps in observing linu living things in o pond woter specimen using o microscope.

A: Use droppers to obtoin o smoll omount of woter from ihe beoker provided.

B: Drops I -2 drops of woler on o gloss slide.

C: Ploce o gloss cover on lhe drop of pond woter.

D: Ploce the gloss slide onlo lhe microscope corefullg.

E: Adjust the lens of the microscope to observe the specimen of the pond woter cleorlg.

F: Sketch the living orgonisms being observed.

(o) Stole the monipulotive skills thot shoutd be procliced in srep (ffiffiifig @f & @'i
(i) A:
(ii) B, C, D ond E:

(iii) F:

(b) Stote iwo monipulolive skills thot should be procliced ofter completing lhe obove investigotion?


perolofon, bohon soins don spesimen Uong dipertukon bogisuqtu oktiviti

Mengerdolikon penggunoon peroloion, bohon soirB don spesimen Uong diperlukon bogisuotu
okliviti dengon koedoh Uong betul

@ Global Mediastteet S&l Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

You ond Uour triends were osked lo investigote the relotionship between the number of green
seeds ond the growth ol lhe seeds.

Checldisl o, E)e€rimenl
Step l: Identifuing problems (moking o problem stotement)
Step 2: Moking hupothesis
Step 3: Plonning on experiment
- Conlrolling lhe voriobles (constonl, monipuloted ond responding)
- Delermining lhe opporotus, moleriols ond specimen needed.
- Construcling the steps in corrging out lhe experimenl
- Idenlifging the method 10 collect the dolo
- Idenlifging the meihod to onoluse the doto
Slep 4: Corruing oul on experiment (Follow ihe steps plonned)
Step 5: Collecling doto (record the doto)
Slep 6: Anolusing dolo
Slep 7: Inlerpreting doto
Slep 8: Moking conclusion (bosed on the doio collected, onolgsed ond interpreled)
Step 9: Writing o report

], (o) Slote the problem siotement for the experimenl obove.

(b) Bosed on Uour onswer in (o), give the hupothesis thot will be tested.

(c) Forlhe experimenl, stote the
I (i) conslont vorioble:

I (ii) monipuloted vorioble:

(iii) responding vorioble:

o Global Mediastteet Sdrl. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)

(d) List lhe opporoius, moteriols ond the specimen needed in this experimenl.
(i) Aooorolus:
(ii) Moleriols:
(iii) Specimen:

(e) Slote the melhod 1o collect ond onoluse the dolo in this experiment.

(f) Exploin briellu ihe procedure of the experiment.

(g) Atler o week, the resulls of the experimenl is os below:

Stole lhe observotion on the seedlings.

(h) Give inference for lhe seedlings in conloiner

(i) A:
(ii) B:

Bosed on Uour onswer in (g) ond (h), slote lhe conclusion of this experimeni.

o Clobal Mediartreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Answer oll gueslions.
Objeclive Quesiions

I Azim wonls to corru out on investigolion lo Which of the following objects is the moteriol in
studu the relotionship belween the size of clolh the investigotion?
ond lhe volume of woter being obsorbed. Which A Test tube
of the following should be chonged in Azim,s B Green leof
experimenl? C Disiilled woter
A Size of cloth D Cork stopper
B TUpe of cloth
C Volume of woler 4 Suikin pui o microscope into o drower soon
D Surrounding temperoture ofter finishing on experiment to rush bock
to her clossroom for the nexl period. Which
2 Diogrom I shows lhe condition of o fish in o monipulotive skill is not being procticed bg
beoker. Sgikin?
A Using ond hondling opporotus ond moteriols
B Keeping lhe opporotus ond moteriols
correcllU ond sofelU
C Skelching lhe specimen, opporotus ond
moleriols correctlU
D Cleoning the opporotus correctlu
5 Diogrom 3 shows three geors R, S ond T thot
Diogrom I
ore in contoct.

Whot is the inference lhot con be mode oboul

the condilion of the fish?
A The food is not enough
B The oxggen is nol enough
C The woter is not enough
D The spoce is loo norrow
Diogrom 2 shows the opporolus sel-up rn on
Cork slopper
Diogrom 3
Tesl tube
Which of lhe following observotion is correct
Distilled woter when geor R rotoles os in Diogrom 3?
A Geor T rolotes lhe slowest
B Geor S rotoles foster thon geor R
Green leof C Geor S rototes in clockwise direction
D Geor T rotoies ogoinst the direclion of
Diogrom 2 rototion of geor R

c M?diastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)


A tesl lube is stoined ofter on experiment. Whot con be observed oller o week?
Which of lhe following is lhe mosl suitoble step A The plont wilted ond becomes Uellowish
lo hondle the tesl lube? B The shool of the plont grows upword
A Scrope lhe stoin using o knife C The shoot of the plont grows verticollu
B Heot the lest tube before woshing D The shoot of the plont grows downword
C Dispose the test tube into the bin
D Immerse the test tube in o soop woter Diogrom 6 shows o lobel on the bofile of
chemicol subslonce.
7 Diogrom 4 is o bor chort showing lhe trend of
movement of o ping-pong bott on o tite.
Height (cm)

u Distance lravelled on
the floor (cm)

Diogrom 4 Diqgrom 6

Whol will hoppen ol distonce Q? Whot is meont bU the lobel?

A The ping-pong boll touches the lloor A The subslonce is poisonous
B The ping-pong boll bounces for the Iirsl time B The subslonce is dongerous
C The ping-pong boll is releosed from the C The subslonce is highlu flommoble
moximum height D The subslonce is highlg explosive
D The ping-pong boll trovels the longest
distonce on the Jloor t0 ln on experiment, o boot model mode lrom
ploslicine is lel floois on the sudoce of woler.
Diogrom 5 shows on experiment on o plonl. Morbles ore odded one bU one unlil the boot
sonk. Whot is the monipuloted vorioble in this
A The buouonl lorce of the booi
B The shope of the model of the boot
C The moss of plosticine
Diogrom 5 D Number oI morbles

@ Global Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Slructured Questions
Diogrom I shows the opporotus. set-up of on invesligoiion to studu the relolionship
between the oreo of the
surfoce oI woter ond the rote of evoporotion of wot6r. The three -contoiners
ore irr"""J l" o room with the
lemperoture of 30 "C. Toble I shows the dolo obtoined.

Contoiner A Contoiner B Conioiner C

Diqgrom I


A 20 r00 6
B 50 t00 *)

U 30 t00 5

Toble I

(o) In this investigotion, stote the following voriobles:

(i) Constont vorioble:
(ii) Monipulotedvorioble:
(iii) Responding vorioble:
[3 morks]
(b) Predicl the time for the evoporotion of 100 cm3 o, woler if the
surfoce oreo is 40 cm3.

I morkl
(c) suggesl one wou ro increose the rote of evoporotion of woter in
rhe obove invesligorion.

I morkj
(d) Give reoson for the onswer in (c).

I I mork]

o Glabal Mediastreet Sd . Bhd. (Co. No. 7622s4-U)

lntmduclion to goience

lnstructions ond prohibitions lo be

Iollowed while in lhe Science Room

Enier lhe Science Room wilh Do nol plou ond run

teocher's permission Do nol eol ond drink
Switch on fons ond open Do nol bring oul science
windows opporolus or moleriols
Corru out oclivities occording
lo teochefs inslruclions.
Report onU domoges
or occidents to leocher
Dispose solid woste into bins
Dispose liguid woste into
sink with llowing woler
- Reorronge choirs before
- lvloke sure the Science
Room is cleon ond tidu

ln order io

. Prevenl onu occidenls or


. Ensure lhe invesligolion con

be corried oui smoolhlu I

a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762281 U) ,zp,i

Tlii Science Room Rutes
(fl fne ,ollowing shows o Science Room rules notice.
(o) Complete the notice for the prohibitions in Science Room. ( rs gq
.i 2


t. Eoting ond drinking ore not ollowed.


(b) Observe the following diogrom.

L:l g L= 4

slole the things thot should be done for the obove situolion bosed on the
science Room rures.


soloh sotu peroturon Bilik soins

Mengoplikosi soloh sotu peroh/ron Bilik Soins

'. Global Mediastreet Sdn- Bhd. (Co. No. 262284
..g') fne diogrom below shows the oclivilies done bg o group of pupils in o Science Room. t:1 5 t lr 6

Slole the mislokes done bg the following pupils.

(i) Cheong :

(ii) Soroh :

(iii) Rovi .

(iv) Komol :

(v) Mei Lin :

(b) Predict whol will hoppen 10 Soroh if she does ihe octivilu in the diogrom ofler louching o chemicol
substonce. Stole Uour oction if Uou were there.

(c) Whg must pupils obeu the Science Room rules?

lvemberi sebob p€roturon Bilik Soins perlu dipotuhi

Menjodi conloh kepodo rokon dolom memoluhi peroturon Bilik Soins

a Global Mediastreet Sful Btul (Co. No- 762284-U)

observe the ocriviiies done bu the pupirs in the diogrom berow. Then,
the given questions.

c Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 762n4_U)

Answer all queslions.
Objoctive Queslions

I Diogrom I shows one of the Science Room III The situolion in lhe Science Room in conlrol
rules. IV Pupils become more disciplined
A I, II ohd III
B I, III ond IV
C II, III ond IV
D I, II, III ond IV
Which of the following objecls connol be
brought out of the Science Room?

Diogrom I

Whot is the rule shown?

A Alwogs follow teocher's inslruction
B Queue up before enlering lhe Science Room
C Moke sure the Science Room is cleon ond
tidg before leoving
D Leove lhe Science Room immedioielu il fire
breoks oul

Which of thefollowing is nolo rule in lhe Science

A Immediolelu report ong occidenls or it
injuries hoppened
B Reorronge choirs before leoving the Science
C Alwogs follow teocher's inslruction while
corruing oul experimenl
D Ask the leocher to write ond complete the
reporl of the experimenl Which of the following is prohibited in the
Science Room?
Whot ore the effects of following the Science A Lisiening to teocher's instruction
Room rules? B Dispose solid wosle into sink
I Sofelu will be ossured C Let living specimen move freelg
II Experiment goes smoothlu D Tie lhe hoir before using o Bunsen burner

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Structured Questions
rVrile gour onswers in the spoces provided.

Diogrom I shows three behoviours of pupils while in lhe Science Room.



Diogrom I

o) stote whether J, K ond L ore the things thol should be done or should not be done in lhe science room.
(i) Things thot should not be done:
(ii) Things thol shoutd be done:

[3 morks]
b) Give one reoson for the onswer in (o).



[3 morks]
c) Whot should be done to the pupit in Jz
re @


' Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.76228a_U)


. Moking lood
. Production ol onlibiotic
ond voccine
. Decomposilion of orgonic

. Inlectious diseoses
. Tooth decou
. Food poisoning
. Food spoiloge

the knowledge is
importon't Ior

WoUs lo prevenl conlogious diseoses Hobils to preven'l infec'tion lrom

conlogious diseoses
- Boil drinking woter
- Wosh honds before eoring - SloU owou lrom polients with
- Not shoring personol belongings contoglous diseoses
such os lowel - Cover foods
- Use soop ond on'tiseplic when loking
o both

@ Global Metliastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. N0.762284 U) 26


.[fi Microorgonisms ore Living Things

{f Stole lhe_tupe for eoch of the following microorgonisms occording to the words given. Then, give on
exomple for eoch lupe of microorgonism. rr
, 1

Fungi Bocterio Protozoo

Algo Virus

Tgpe: Tgpe:

Exomples: Exomples:

o Tgpe:


Exomples: Exomples:

%^ Exomples:

contoh mikroorgonismo
Belum merEuo6oi .

- Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bh.J. (Co. No. 76228a-U) 27
@ ,n"',o*ing diogroms shows lwo observolions obtoined from two investigotions corried out bg o I

pupl. (-58{E
Invesligofion I

Atler 3 doUS

, ffi Woler

%*# Initiol
Finol posilion

(o) Complete lhe following loble for lhe observotions from invesligotion I ond investigotion 2.

(b) Give the inference (reoson) for eoch observotion stoted in (o).
Invesligotion I:

Invesligolion 2:

(c) Bosed on both investigolions, stole one conclusion obout microorgonisms.

Merneriholkon mikroorgonismo meejoloni proses hrdup berdosorkon oktivitiUorE dijolonkon

Menyatakan mikroorganisma m€njalani proses hidup dengan menjalankan penyiasatan menggunakan peralalan yang sesuai ke atas beberapa
contoh mikroorganisma seperti yis, kulapuk dan Paramesium

@ Global MediLrtfeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284,U)

uo A dough is prepored bg mixing flour, Ueost, woter ond sugor. The dough is left on o plote ot roorn
temperoture os in the diogrom below. The dough is observed ofter 20 minutes. (r.ri


(o) Whot is the oim ol the obove investigotion?

(b) Drow the condilion of lhe dough ofter 20 minutes in the obove diogrom.

(c) Give one reoson bosed on gour onswer in (o).

(d) If the dough is boked in on oven, iis size stops exponding. WnUZ

(e) Bosed on the invesligotion, complete the lollowing stotement.

Microorgonisms ond releose corbon dioxide when
corrging oul lhe living process.

Memeriholkon mikroorgonismo rn€qjoloni proses hidup berdosorkon oktivifi Uong dijolonkon

Menyatrakan mikroorganisma menjalani proses hidup dengan menjalankan penyiasatan menggunakan peralatan yang sesuai ke
atas beberapa contoh mikroorganisma seperti yis, kulapuk dan Paramesium

@ GlobaL Mediostreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 762284-U)

&J fne following diogrom shows the octivilu corried oui bg o pupil to observe microorgonisms. (M#

(o) Slote the opporotus used bg the pupil.

(b) Whg do microorgonisms hove to be observed bU using the opporotus stoted in (o)?

(c) The diogrom below shows lhe comporison of size of microorgonisms.


q) E)

0.000001 mm 0.001 mm

Bosed on the diogrom, stote the microorgonism which is

(i) ihe smollesl:
(ii) the biggest:

Mengitlok mikroorgonismo ioloh bendo hidup don kebonuokonruo tidok dopdt dilihot dengoh
moio kosor

@ Global Mediasfteet Sdn. Bhd, (Co. No. 76228a-U)

Q fn" diogrom below shows the investigotion corried out on two stices oJ breods. Ls 4 t= s

Breod P: Seoled
wiih woler


Breod Q:


Breod P ond breod Q ore left for lhree doUS ol room lemperoture.

(o) Whot is lhe oim of lhe obove investigotion?

(b) Predict whot will hoppen lo

(i) Breod P:
(ii) Breod Q:

(c) Whot ore the foclors thot offecl the growth of microorgonisms?

(d) Slote the foctor thot otfects lhe situoiion mentioned in (b) (i).

Meromol toktor Uong rnemperEoruhi pertumbuhon mikroo4onismo

lvt€rEqji foklor gong mempengoruhi pertumbuhon mikroorgonbmo

e GlobaL Medi^tfieet Sdn. Bhd, (Co. Na 762284-U)

@ Usefut Miooorgonisms ond Hormful Microorgonisms

vor.n the diogroms below wilh the hormful effects of the microorgonisms involved. @(,i#
(i) Food poisoning

Contogious diseose

Tooth decou

Food spoiloge

(b) Complete the loble below for infectious diseoses ond the wog theu ore lronsmitled. (

nn.*"r te following guestions reloting to conlogious diseoses. ( rr .'6 ,

(o) Whot will hoppen io o pupil who slood neor o sneezing person with flu?

(b) Exploin how dengue fever con be spreod.

( \ Berkomunikosi secoro kreolif don inovstif tentong peryokil berjongkh don coro jongkiton melolui
:/ senluhon, udoro, mokonon don oir
ro The diogrom below shows four tupes of producls produced bU the
help of microorgonisms.

ta 2 tr 5

(o) (i) Stote the tgpe of microorgonisms used to produce K ond L.

(ii) Nome the microorgonism.

(iii) Exploin how microorgonism stoted in (b) help ihe production of L.

(b) Give lwo other uses of beneficiol microorgonisms.


(c) Stole the observolion on food P ond food Q. Then, predict the effect
on someone who ole p ond

(d) Bosed on uour onswer in (b) ond (c), slole the effed o{ microorgonisms
on humons.

Belum menguosoi

k Belum menguosoi

Menghubung koit fokror pertumbuhon mikroorgonismo dengon proses pembuoton

mokonon lrenguasoi Belum menquosoi

a Clobal Me{liastreet S!1n. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284_U)


Living Heolthilg Bosed on ihe Knowledge

obout Microorgonisms
',A_) fne following diogrom shows o sumptom experienced bU o pupil.
L11 4
(o) Whot is the diseose experienced bU the pupil?

(b) Stole one inlerence bosed on Uour onswer in (o).

(c) How is the diseose tronsmitled?

(d) Slote one melhod needed lo be procliced bU lhe student to prevent the diseose from spreoding.

B,) Observe lhe siluolion ot the

sheller for flood viclims in the
given diogrom. Then, onswer the
following quesiions.

(o) Bosed on gour observofion,

brieflg exploin lhree sleps
token bU the flood viclims lo
prevenl infectious diseose.


(b) One of gour friends shows the sumploms of chickenpox. Suggesl the wog 10 conlrol ond prevent
the diseose lrom spreoding.

*",ono ldeo tentons lonskoh longkoh mencesoh pensokit berionskrl MerEuosoi Belum menguosoi

6 ;;":;"" .*,-,,"r,""n.*;";r*,, .""*n=1 oruaffit-

E@ t ry,clna1ill."rlrereale
a Global Mediastreet k1n. Bhd. (Co. No. 762281-U)
-d r4lo}*Ji,. *i

The diogrom below shows three tupes of onimols.

Rol FIU lvlosquilo

(o) Whot is the relolionship of the three onimols to infectious diseoses?

(b) Brieflg exploin how eoch oI the onimols corru out the obove
os stoled in (o) lo humons.
(i) Rot:

(ii) Flg:

(iii) Mosquito:

(c) Suggesl three steps to prevenl the things

Uou hove sloted in (b) from hoppening.



Answer oll gueslions.
Objeclive Questions

I Diogrom I shows o tgpe of orgonism. 3 Adrion touches o jellg wilh his finger. After o few
doUS, white dols ore observed on the surfoce of
the jellU. Whol is the conclusion of the siluotion?
A Adrion's finger wos covered with while dusl
Diogrom I
B Microorgonisms moved from Adrion's finger
to the jellU
Whot is the tupe of the microorgonism? C Microorgonisms releose while dusl when
A Prolozoo breothing
B Virus D Microorgonisms reproduce when there is o
C Boclerio suitoble nulrienl source
D Fungi
4 Diogrom 2 shows on observotion.
2 A pupil wonls to observe lhe phgsicol struclure
of bocterio. Bolloon
Which of the Iollowing opporotus is the most exponds
;6-Boltoon ?
suitoble 1o be used?

^qn tf "*ol tl
f_l-rukeworm Lj
woter + sugor
ffi Diogrom 2

ffitu Which of lhe following chorocterislics d

microorgonisms is shown from the observolion?
A Microorgonisms move
B Microorgonisms grow
C Microorgonisms breothe
D Microorgonisms reproduce
WhU does food lost longer iI it is kept in lhe
refrigerotor thon slored ol room temperoture?
A The limited volume of oir in the refrigerolor
slows down the oclivilu of microorgonisms.
B Low temperoture in the refrigerotor slows
down lhe reproduction of microorgonisms.
c Dork environmenl in lhe refrigerolor slows
down lhe reproduclion of microorgonisms.
D The nutrienl of lrozen food slows down the
octivilu of microorgonisms.

a Global Media\treet Sdr1. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

Which of the following food ore produced bg I Which of the following con prevent the spreoding
using bocterio?
of infeclious diseose?



A I ond II
B I ond III
C II ond III
D III ond IV
A I, II ond III
Diogrom 3 shows the condition of the teeth of o B I, II ond IV
pupil. C I, III ond IV
D II, III ond IV

Which of the following diseoses is nol coused

bU microorgonisms?
A Influenzo
B Chickenpox
D Down sgndrome
Diogrom 3
l0 One of gour f riends hos conjunctivitis. Whol
Whoi is the inference lhot con be mode bosed is lhe mosl suitoble suggestion to prevent the
on the obove situolion? diseose from spreoding?
E A The pupil does nol brush his teeth correcllu A Ask gour friend 10 weor spectocles
lor B The pupil eots too mong corbohgdrote B Ask gour friend to use ege_drops
S. C The pupil eots less high-protein food C Ask Uour friend to rest in guorontine ot home
WS D The pupil drinks less woter D As gour friend to drink o lo1 of woter


a:.bal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No_ 76228 -U)

Slruc,tured Queslions
Wrile down Uour onswer in the spoce provided.

Diogrqm I shows o potient is being quorontined ol o hospitol.


(o) Slote one inference for the polienl'

ll morkl

(b) Stote three diseoses lhot requires the potient lo be quoronlined.

[3 morks]

(c) Predict whot will hoppen il the potient in Diogrom I inlerocts wilh the public freelu.

ll morkl

@ Global Mediastteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Live in solitorU Live in grouos
Exomples: Tigers, Exomples: Ants,
woodpeckers, elephonts, lions,
topirs onchovies

Comporison between onimols thot live in

soliloru ond onimols lhol live in group Comoelition Porositism
foclors Exomples: Tope
(o) Food worm in onimols'
(b) Woter slomochs, lice on
(c) Hobitot cols.
Advonloge Does nol (o) Cooperote to (d) Mote
need to get food (introspecies
compete for
Iood, spoce (b) Ensure eoch
ond woler other's sofetg

Disodvontoge Needs to Exomple: Remoro
compete for fish ond shork
food, spoce ond
rrkl woler

Porosilism Commensolism
Exomple: Exomple:
Dedolu plont on Bird's Nest fern
Comoetilion foclors o lree trunk
(o) woler (c) Nutrient ond polm oil
(b) Suntight (oi Spoce lree

i 3bbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284_U)

G-Ji Interuction belween Animols
Reod lhe informotion below. Then, onswer lhe following questions. Sf.*

Mong species of onimols con be found in o hobitot. It con be inlrospecies (some species) or
interspecies (ditferent species), onimols interocl between one onolher to gel their bosic needs.
Interoction belween onimols exists in the form of cooperotion or compelilion. For inslonce, on
ormu of onts work logether to gel food ond 10 wolch over lhe onthill. Meonwhile, elephonts ond
crocodiles compete for woter ond hobilot.

(o) Bosed on lhe obove informotion, define inleroclion between onimols.

(b) Stole two lupes of interoctions menlioned in lhe obove informotion.


(c) Other lhon the onimols mentioned obove, give one exomple ot
(i) Cooperotion of introspecies onimols:

(ii) Introspecies compelilion omong onimols:

(iii) Interspecies compelilion omong onimols:

moksud inleroksi onloro hoiwon

Menyalakan maksud interaksi antara haiwan ialah bentuk hubungan yang berlaku dalam intraspesies dan interspesies bagi memperoleh
keperluan asas

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76221a-U)

k'e complele the rree mop berow to crossifu these onimors occording to their groups.



Termile l\ilonkeg

Animols lhot live in group

;- GLobal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co.

No. 7622A4-U)
'9) rn" diogrom below shows four tupes of onimols. i rp 4

j,.'' rI rJ


Bosed on lhe diogrom obove, complele lhe following toble.

G{rlIf nii,p G,s""ai,i*

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

The diogrom below shows the interoction belween p ond e. ( re 3

(o) In the toble below, slote the tupe of compelition shown in inleroctions P ond Q. Then, exploin eoch
lUpe of compeiilion mentioned.

Inleroction Tupes of compeiilion E)elonolion

(b) List oll the foctors thol couse the competition belween onimols p ond e.

(c) whot is the ioclor thot is nol competed between two onimols of diflerent species? whg?

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co- Na. 762284-U)

: Comptete the loble below bU noming the tupe of interoction between the onimols given. Then, define
eoch lgpe of inleroction. (.#l.$'

@ Corrg oul lhe following ociivities.

@& @
Aclivilg I
(o) Divide the closs into severol groups of two io four pupils.
(b) Find informotion on the website or from book oboul lhe inleroction between onimols of the some
species (inlrospecies) ond onimols of differenl species (interspecies), together with illuslroted
(c) Present the inlormotion in the form ol |-THINK mop.
(d) Present Uour group work in front of the closs ond gel feedbocks from gour teocher ond other

Aciivitu 2
(o) Divide lhe closs inlo severol groups of two to three pupils.
(b) Instrucl eoch group to prepore pictures ond informoiion oboul onl's colong, bee, wosp, termile ond
olher insects from inlernel or book.
(c) Present the seorch result for eoch group in front of lhe closs. Focus on the interoclion, hierorchg,
or iosk ond interesting focls obout lhe insect chosen.
(d) Get feedbocks from Uour teocher ond other pupils.
Menjeloskon melolui contoh jenis interoki ontoro hoiwon

Berkomunikosi unfuk memeriholkon interokiUong berloku ontoro soiu contoh lEiwon denoon
hoiwon gong somo spesps don tloiwon Usng berloinon spesies

@ I
a Global Mediostrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) m
@ tmeroction between plonts

Q, tol Loo"r ihe lollowing diogrom to show rhe foctors thot ore compered bg plonts. (:F !

(b) Brieflu exploin the wou plonts compele lo get the foctor stoted in



A group ol pupils plonted green beon seedlings of

the some size in pots filled with gorden soil. Both
pots ore ploced ot on open spoce, supplied with
fertiliser ond wolered wilh the some quontitg of

(o) Whol is the oim of ihe invesiigotion?

Pot Y

(b) Predict the result of the invesligotion obtoined from X ond y ofter 7 doUS.
(i) Pot X:
(ii) Pot Y:

nd (c) Give inference lor gour onswer in (b)(ii).


Memeriholkon fokior persoingon onloro tumbuhon

penuiosston untuk menentukon foktor peaoingon ontoro ,umbuhon

c Ghbal Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284,U)
{p ) fne diogrom below shows two tupes of relolionship belween plonts ol different species.
L9, 4r [ir.5*

Rose apple

P: Q:

k (o) In the diogrom obove, slote the tupes of relolionship for P ond Q.

(b) Exploin the tupes of relotionship for P ond Q.

(i) P:

(ii) a:

(c) Exploin how inleroclion P helps the Bird's Nest fern in corrging oul photosunthesis.

;,,Dj Corrg oul the following invesligotion. ( re 6

(o) Form o group of three or four pupils.

(b) Eoch group needs lo decide o hobitot or on oreo, for exomple, school gorden, field, bock gord ond
others Ior investigoiion.
(c) ldenlitu the plonts found in the oreo of studg.
(d) Note the lUpes ol interoclion of o choosen plonl wilh the olher plonls in the some oreo.
(e) Predict the effects of the inleroclion on the olher plonls ond onimols.
(f) Present the results 1o gour clossmotes.

IMenjeloskon melolui contoh jenis interoksi ontoro tumbuhon

l/lenookul keson inleroksi ontoro tumbuhon dengon hidupon loin dolom sotu hobitot

!@$!./-*j"l""l*rr"hhr ib;
a Gtobat Sd,1- Bhd. tLo. No. 7b2284-U) 46
The diogrom below shows lwo lupes of interoclion between o tomoio plonl ond on ophid.

(o) Bosed on the diogrom, stote the tupe of interoction involved.

(b) Predict the condition of lhe lomoto plont if it is inhobited bg the ophid for o Ueor. WhU?


(c) Give onolher exomple for eoch of the following thot hos the some interoction os in (o).

(i) Animol :

(ii) Plont:

A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Answer oll questions.

Objective Questions

Which ol the following onimols lives in group? 3 Diogrom I shows on onimol.

Diogrom I

Which of the following stolemenl is

obout lhe onimol?
A Lives in group
B Shores food with olher onimols
C Lives wilh ils mole onlg during moling
D Cooperotes wiih other onimols for sofelg
Which of the following stolemenls ore correct
obout compelition?
I Competition is o form of inieroction between
II Compelition hoppens belween onimols in
order to gel their bosic needs
Ill Compelition hoppens due to limited sources
rn on oreo
IV Competilion does nol resull in deoth or
A I, II ond III c I, IU ond IV
B I, II ond IV D II, III ond IV

5 Which of the following exomples is not ihe

compeliiion between onimols of different
Which of ihe following stotement is correct A Huenos ond lions compele lor the some
obout commensolism? food
A One species benefits withoul deslrouing or B Crows ond pigeons compete for some
giving benefits lo the olher species.
B One species benefils while the other species C Zebros ond hippopotomus compete for
becomes preg woter
C Both species do not benelits D Two mole snokes compete for the some
D Both species benefil lemole snoke

O Global Mediastreet 5d11. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622U-U)

Which of the following living poirs is the exomple l0 Diogrom 3 shows o tomoto plont.
of commensolism? fr(E)
A Bird's Nesl lern - mongo tree
B Popouo tree - bird
C Pitcher plonl - ont
D Groundnut plont - rhizobium bocterio
Which {octor is nol compeled bU two onimols in
interspecies compelition?
A Food
B Moie
C Woter
D Spoce
The lollowing informotion is reloled to the Diogrom 3
inleroclion between two different species.
Whot will hoppen if plonl ticks live on the tomoto
ect plont?
One species becomes o preu to the
other species. A The omount of nutrienls obsorbed bU the
lomoto plonl increoses
ling Which o{ the following poirs represents the
B The omount of woter obsorbed bU the lomolo
plont increoses
A Sloghorn {erns ond Angsono lree
C Photosunihesis process bU the tomolo plonl
will be disrupled
B Slork ond buffolo D Photosunlhesis process bU the iomolo plont
C Rofflesio ond Shoreo tree would not be ofrecled
D Remoro fish ond shork
I Diogrom 2 shows two seo elephonls thot sre
il Which of the following ore the foctors of
compelilion between plonts?
fighting ogoinsl eoch other.
Wd;a1iil I Mote
II Spoce
III Sunlight
or IV Nutrienls
A I, II ond III
B I, II ond IV
C I, III ond IV
D II, III ond IV
t2 Whot is meont bg sgmbiosis?
ent Diogrom 2
A A shorl lerm relotionship belween lwo tupes
of inlerspecies living things
Whg ore theu fighling? B A long lerm reloiionship between lwo tupes
A Compeling for mote of inierspecies living things
B Competing for nutrients C A relotionship thot benefits both living things
C Testing their strength involved in the inleroction
for D Competing for woter D A relolionship thot benefits one ol the two
living things involved in the inleroction

C Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Slructureil (f,
Write gOrr,'\rnS\ /er Ir ihe s1:r',;. i ! i,lcd

Diogrom ' ,lr!r'"' ; 't ,.., 1' ' : , ' :,.it r:crerc.ll living lhings in o pond.

- Snoillt

i rog

)), )

Diogrom I

(o) Preciii,r ,i) 1i( l,l',,

(i) f,.,,1 , ;:, .,
(ii) f:, rr iri:ri ,:r r:,ii
[2 morksl

(b) SlOte :'r;: l ;: ' r " ':iJ, ' t ,,:'lr ilr:ship

.1: il: i, r l.1i :
belween the lOllOwing living things.
(i) l';lr; :;l'irtr; i'r 'i ::-' : "r' : ,'ii.-.

(ii) !'',rlr 11;sr ,,: .r , .

. ' , . ,,: +.,uwLr€d ond seoweed gels nutrients from the fish foeces. Fish
,,.lrl t'ri:lt iii,ii, : ''r' lr ;:l "iirer f ish.

(iii) i-irri,,ttl,:, irir.t.)r, ; r.,:.rr,,r:,,, !ire Slent Ond root Of Seoweed. SeOWeed iS nOt being eoten Ond dOeS nol
g,-li {lrl!J !Jc! tUiit:' lr()rrr ii e iudfrr-iie

[3 morks]

(c) If dr,.. ,iii,, .:r,.,,a: ii::,,, iir tlt obove hobilol, stole one foctor thot will be compeled between the
drog(.i.,;ii; .,,,,. i ;,.

I I mork]

\:) GLobnl lledii!itt1:;ljt. ii,h,i i\.] t) .))tt! 1' 50

fheme: Life Soienoo

+eservolion ond clnservolion ore importont lo prevent
exiinclion oncl ii rrri,. rr,:1 ii.j,. i.,.lr,-! ._:,- rrrjrilr|-.

Exlincl onimols

.rf,', I

( ,r: \i.) .-:.r.


Dodo bird Dinosaur

i:ndor r,.r' i:l


Mammoth Quagga

Foclors Ieoding to extinclion:
. Fish (o) Humon's oclivities
(i) Illegot hunting
(ii) Iitegot logging
(iii) Uncontroltobte development
(b) Noturol disosters such os volconjc
rs nol eruplion, flood, crr il,. ir, .'.,.
(c) Environmentol pollutjon

torksl WoUS lo keep lhe bolcnae ri r.i:,.-..,

(o) Preservolion
n lhe (i) Declorotion of reserved foresl
(ii) Gozelte lhe prolected onimols species
(iii) Educole lhe public oboul the proteclecl onimols
(b) Conservotion
(i) Replonting trees offer deforestotion
norkl (ii) Set up onimols rehobilitotion cenlre

: .:obal Medhstteet Sdn.

Bhd. (Co. No.7622Bt-U)
6lF enoongered Animols ond Plonts

,A) rn" diogrom below shows severol onimols. W-&gryffi


Mouse deer

\ k<W .:'sJ

M Dodo bird

(o) Complete the tree mop below lor the exomples of extinct ond endongered onimols.

Exlincl onimols Endongered onimols

(b) Stote two exomples of endongered plonts.

I\ilenuofokon conloh hoiwon gong puPtrs

lv€nuotokon contoh hoiwon don lumbuhon Uong leroncom

@ Ghbal Metiiastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) ffi
Q to) Ioenritu the humons octivilies thot threolen onimots ond plonts in the following
toble. Then, stote
-/ the effects.
Lm 3


(b) The diogrom below shows two meihods io overcome the threols on extinction of onimols ond
ptonts. gtr::,i.:


(i) Whot ore melhods p ond e?


(ii) stote onother three wous thot con herp protect onimols ond pronts from extinction.

foklor oncomon terhodop horwon don tumbuhon

Illenjeloskon melolui contoh fokior oncomon terhodop hoiwon don fumbuhon

serto coro

e Clobol Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

{& ) Comptete the circle mop below bU sloting the bodu ports of endongered onimols ond the reoson theg
ore being hunled. fr*tpi.

Reference book

WhU 016
onlmols being

Science teochers

MemeaitElkon Ioklor orrcomon terhodop hoiwon don tumbuhon

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) ffi
@ ff,e Importonce of Moinioining the Bolonce of Noture

il The diogrom below shows o nole loken bU o pupil while otlending o tolk on lhe preservotion ond
conservolion of onimols ond plonts in his school. (,JiSr,;p.

Endongered onimols ond plonls

(The populotion decreoses ropidlU)

Preservotion f--1
- -----------w <\-- I Conservolion

Prolected onimols ond plonls

(The populotion increoses slightu or remoins unchonged)

(o) Bosed on lhe obove diogrom, give lhe definition of conservotion ond preservolion.
(i) Preservotion:

(ii) Conservotion:

Bosed on Uour onswers in (o), suggest one wou to

(i) Preserve the endongered onimols ond plonts species:

(ii) Conserve the endongered onimols ond plonis species:

Menjono ideo coro-coro pemelihoroon don pemulihoroon hoiwon don tumbuhon

c Aobal Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762204 U)
t O fn" diogrom below shows o few lgpes of onimols ond plonts species in Mologsio. (:&!, 1!

. r l,-\ ),
, .\rt\,\, t)2 ))

(o) Whot is lhe problem foced bg the obove species?

(b) Stole lhree humons roles in solving or reducing the problem sloted in (o).


(c) Whot will hoppen 10 those species if the public does not core oboul them?

Berkomunikosi tenlong peronon monusio dolom pernelitloroon don pemulihoroon hoiwon don

@ Global Mediasneet sdrl. Bhd. (Co. No.7622u-U) ffi
The diogrom below shows o posler posted on lhe school boord.


. Tolk "Who om I?" Srri
. Tolk on preservolion ond conservotion t ir'_
. Orong Uton show
. Hugging Orong Uton ociivitu
. And monu more....

Venue: Zoo Negoro

Dote: 23rd Jonuorg 20 I I (g.00 o.m. _ 2.OO p.m.)

FREE for 20 pupils onlu (conloct Cikgu Zokuon for registrotion

before or on I sth Jonuoru 20 I 8)

(o) Whot is the purpose of the poster?

(b) Whot con Uou conclude from the theme of the obove progromme?

(c) If gou were chosen to porlicipote in the progromme, whot will gou
do there?

: --:nbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Answer oll gueslions.
Objective Questions

I Which of the following species hos become Which ol lhe following is the bod effecl of the
extinct? octivilU?
A A Olher onimols will survive from being
threoten bU the tiger
B The number of ligers in the {oresl will
C The populolion of other onimols will increose
D Nolhing will hoppen

4 Which of the following foclors leod to extinction

of onimols?
I Humons octivilies
Il Ropid climolic chonge
III Asleroid impoct on the Eorth surfoce
IV Extreme fighl belween onimols of differenl
A I, II ond III
B I, II ond IV
C I, III ond IV
Hornbill is one of the endongered species in D II, III ond IV
MoloUSio. Whot is the moin foctor thot lhreolens
lhe species of this onimol? Which of the following is the conservolion of
A Hunted for ils leother ond flesh. plont octivitU?
B Difficultg 1o build nest neorbu o polluled river A Gozetle foresl reserve
C Eot fruit from onlu o tupe of tree B Replont mongroves tree on riverbonk
D Difficullu lo build nest in o tree due to C Grow pitcher plont in loborotoru
deforeslolion D Cut down old lromp tree
Diogrom I shows humon oclivitu in o foresl. Diogrom 2 shows o lupe of plont species.

Diogrom I Diogrom 2

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

Which of the following plonl species foces the l0 Diogrom 4 shows o siluotion lhol occurs due to
some fole os the obove species? corelessness in humons oclivilg.
A Poddu plont
B Coconut lree
C Hibiscus plont
D Rofllesio
of lhe Which of the following is the moin purpose of
ihe estoblishment of onimol sonctuorg ond
being forest reserved?
A To protect endongered species lrom
it will exlinciion
B To increose the number of tourist ottroction Diogrom 4
feose siles
C To reduce environmentol pollution Which of the following is the negotive effect of
D To increose the counlru income lhe situotion?
Diogrom 3 shows lwo tupes of onimols tocing
I Forest deslruclion
the lhreot from illegol hunting.
II Infertile soil
III Air pollution
IV Animols deoth
A I, II ond III
B I, II ond IV
C I, III ond IV
D II, III ond IV
il Whot is the reoson o, releosing o coptured
tiger thol oitock humons' livestock bock lo its
Diogrom 3 hobitoi? 67671
Whot is the reoson of humon in hunting the A There is no specific sonciuoru cenlre forthe
obove onimols? onimol
A To gel their horn ond teeth B To let it live with its fomilU
B To gel their skin ond meot C There is not enough spoce lo keep il in the
C To get their bone ond skin zoo
D To get their meot ond teeih D To prevent it from exlinction
9 Which of the following ore correct oboul t2 Which of the tollowing octivilies is the moin
endongered onimols? reoson for the extinclion ol pilcher plont?
I Its deoth role increoses ropidlu A Reforeslotion
II Ils deolh rote decreoses ropidlu B lllegol hunting
UI Its birth rote increoses ropidlg C Gozelte forest reserve
IV Its birth rote decreoses ropidlg D Illegol logging
A Iond II
B Iond IV
C II ond III
D III ond IV

E Gbbal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Slruclur€d Queslions
Write Uour onswers in the spoce provided.

Toble I shows the number of Sumotron rhinoceros in the foresl of Peninsulor Mologsio.

Toble I

Stote lhe lrend of chonge in the number of the Sumotron rhinoceros.

ll morkl

Slote lwo foctors thoi couse the trend of chonge stoted in (o).

[2 morks]

(c) Predict whot will hoppen io the Sumotron rhinoceros in Ueor 2020.

[l mork]

(d) Suggest o wou to prevent the siluolion in (c).

I I mork]

a GIobaI Mediastreet 5d11. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)

o push or pull

- Slows down object
- Prevents skidding
- To hold object
- Shorpen lools

- Produces noise
- Weors ond teors lhe
surfoce of on object
- Couses ditticultu in

Reducing frictionol force Increosing f rictionol lorce

- The use of lubricoling oil
- Potterns on lhe surloce of objects
- The use of boll beorings ond
- The use of mol ond rough surfoce
- The use of iolcum powder ond
- The use flour ond boric ocid mognesium corbonole
-The use of condle

c &bal Mediasfieet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228a-U)


@ rorce ond Its Effecis

@ ,n" diogrom below shows lwo oclivities done bg o group ol pupils. ( lr 1

(o) Whol ore oclivitu P ond oclivitg Q?



(b) Bosed on Uour onswer in (o), complete the slotemenl below for the definilion of force.

Force is

(c) Give onoiher one exomple of oclivitu for octivitu P ond octivitg Q.


(d) Give onolher lwo exomples of octivitg thol combine both octivitu P ond octivitu Q.


G@l Mery,atakan daya aa"tah taril'?ii;

@ Global Medias*eet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.76228a-U) W

Q fn" diogrom below shows on octivitg corried oul bU o pupil on plosticine. ( ,! A.
T: Plasticine ball hits the wall

/-]-.x U: Plasticine ball is
pushed hard

,6\ \ '':'?:["i3:i'' \
v: Plasticine ball moves
into the container
,n"ro."" &22\
/l "on,u,n.r@
(o) Stote the effecls of force for situotions R, S, T ond U.

(b) Force connol be seen. How will Uou prove its existence?

e Globat Mediarteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)
@ rrcrionqt Force
fn" diogrom below shows how oncient people produces fire. (,w.{&

A log with a hole

(o) Bosed on lhe diogrom obove, fill in lhe blonks to exploin the definition of force P.
Force P is the force lhot

(b) Bosed on the diogrom obove, stote the properties of force P.

(c) slote onother wou used bu oncienl people to produce ,ire bu using the force stoted in (o).

Ive\ielos derEon contoh mokud qeseron

a{tt Dflrenvatata" maisuo aava sesera; ]

A GloboL Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 7622U-U)
The diogrom below shows on experiment conducled bg o group of pupils to invesligote the
lhot offecl friction 4 ,Il

Aluminium cylinder X (100 g)

lnclined plane

Aluminium cylinder Y (100 g)

lnclined plane

(o) Which cglinder rolls further?

(b) Give one inference bosed on Uour onswer in (o).

(c) Predicl whot will hoppen if lhe oluminium cglinder is reploced wilh o 100 g of rusled iron

(d) Moke o conclusion for lhe obove experimeni.

(e) Give onother foctor thot oflects friclionol force.

o Ghbal Mediosfieet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
(G ) fne diogrom below shows lwo geors spinning for severol dous without stopping in o cor
-- monu{ociuring foclorg. ( ,, g

Direction of movement of gears

(o) Stote two odvonioges oJ frictionol force to the geors.


(b) Slote three disodvontoges of frictionol force 10 the geors.



(c) Whol is Uour suggeslion to reduce the disodvonloge of frictionol force on lhe geors?

(d) Predict the effect on frictionol lorce if rustg geors ore used in lhe obove lest.

Menjono ideo keson geseron serlo cdro menomboh don mengurorEkon geseron

Cfi*lf fu omeril,atka;Gsanda),ateseranl

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.7622U-U)

The diogrom below shows iwo situoiions, A ond B, reroled to fricrionor {orce.

Situoiion B

(o) Exploin the eflect of friclionol force in eoch situotion.

(i) A:

(ii) B:

(b) slole wherher fricrionor force hos ro be increosed or reduced for siruotion
(i) A:
(ii) B:

(c) Bosed on Uour onswers in (o) ond (b), give one suggestion to overcome
the effect of force in
(i) A:

(ii) B:

Menuelesoikon mosoloh dolom kehidupon horion doriospek menomboh qtou

g,esercn don meqetoskon

c Global Medi^ttreet Sdn, Bhd. (Co. No. 262284:U)

:E ' Complete lhe mulli{low mop below. gr.,$

Pour flour or lolcum on

the surfoce o, objeci

'lrF -) Tick (/) the octivities thoi require lhe opplicotion of increosing friction ond cross (I) the oclivities thot
require the opplicolion of reducing friction.

lMenuelesoikon mosoloh dolom kehidupon horion doriospek menomboh olou mengurongkon

geseron don menjeloskon

aclobalMedias eet Sdfl. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622u U) m

The diogrom below shows ihe sores of o poir of shoes worn bg o foorbol proger
during o roinu dou.

(o) Bosed on the obove stotemenl, whg do footboll plouers weor lhose shoes
when ii is roining?

(b) (i) In gour opinion, ore the shoes suiloble to be worn bU bosketboll plogers?

(ii) Give reoson for Uour onswer in (b)(i).

e Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 76225a-U)

Answer oll questions.
Objective Queslions

I Which of the following is the exomple of pulling 4 Which ol the lollowing octivities shows thol
force chonges lhe shope of on object?

. &_ /-----4,--=

l'-:! n-
+1.8 U\\

)) \(

Diogrom I shows o boll is rolling towords o woll.
2 Whot is the tupe of force involved in hondling o
steerino wheel? ffiffi
A Pushing I

B ,,/ | \.--"
/{ li
C Friclionol
D Pushing ond pulling

3 A gool keeper corries o boll ond kicks il

Whol is the
o Diogrom
the midfield ofterwords. I

conclusion oboul the force exerted on the boll?

A Force chonges the direction ol on object Which is the correcl direction of movemeni of
B Force moves o stotionoru object the boll ofler it hits the woll?
C Force chonges the speed of on object AP CR
D Force stops o moving object BQ DS

@ Global MeAiastreet sdn. Bhd. (Co No 76228a'U)

6 Whot is meont bU friclionol force? Whot is the purpose of weoring the suit?
A A force lhot exisls when lwo surfoces ore in A To reduce injuries once fell
contocl B To increose the speed oflhe molorcucle
B A force thot reocts in porollel lo the direction C To eose the riding
of movement of on object D To increose oir friction
C A force thot olwous pull objecl towords the
cenhe of grovitu ll Which of the following ore used to reduce
D A force thot prevents objecl from stopping friction?

7 Which ol the following surfoces produces ,___-

A Tiled ftoor
tiggest frictionol force with o moving morble? /-,L_?
/,'- ^k1
B Gross ,W"@tf
C Cordboord
D Sond poper
a Wllich surfoce con couse o person to slip
A Ice skoting rink
B Torred rood III
C Sondu beoch
D A corpet

t Whot will hoppen if friclionol force does not

sbt? IV

A Objects con be held eosilg

B The surfoces thol ore in contoct will weor out
c Humons con wolk wilhout slipping
D Objecl connot be fixed on its position

r! Eirgrom 2 shows o molorcucle rider.

A I ond II C II ond IV
B I ond III D III ond IV
l2 Xion Hui is cucling down o hlll. The brokes of
her bicgcle ore not functioning. Whot is the best
melhod to slow down the bicucle?
A Ride the bicgcle on gross oreo
B Slide his shoe soles on the rood
c Reduce his cucling
Diogrom 2 D Stop cucling

yediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co.

No. 262254 U)
Slruclured Ouestions
Write Uour onswers in the spoces provided.

A 50 g wooden block is connected to o 100 g weight os shown in Diogrom t.

100 g weight

Diogrom I

As soon os the weight is releosed, the time token for lhe wooden block to move from A lo B on different
lupes of surfoces is recorded.
Toble I shows lhe resulls of the invesligotion.

Toble I

(o) Whot is the oim of the invesligotion?

I I mork]
(b) In the investigotion, stoie the following voriobles.
(i) Constonl vorioble:
(ii) Monipuloted vorioble:
(iii) Responding vorioble:
[3 morks]
(c) Arronge the surfoces slorting trom lhe biggesl friclionol force lo lhe smollest trictionol force.

I I mork]
(d) Predicl the omounl of the frictionol lorce if the wooden block is reploced with o melol block weighing
25 g. Give Uour reoson.

ll morkl

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

The meosuremenl of how fosl or slow lhe movement of on objecl


- Centimeler per second, cm/s

- Meter per second, m/s spee6 = -lQE!9!pe
I tme
- Kilomeler per hour, km/h

Relotionship between speed,

disionce ond lime

If lhe speed is lf lhe dislonce If lhe time is

fixed, lhe distonce is lixed, lhe iime fixed, the distonce
lrovelled will loken will be trovelled will
increose when the shorler when lhe increose if lhe
lime increoses speed increoses speed increoses

. ;,bal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. rco. No. 762284 Il)


6J| speeo il
;4-) fne time for lwo oluminium cons, P ond Q 1o roll down on inclined plone ot dilferent heighls from
poinl A lo point B ore shown in the following loble. ( lr 2

P o
.!9Elr:qinclined plone 40 cm 20 cm
;{oliari ' 3 seconds 5 seconds

(o) Which con is the fostesl?

(b) Give reoson (inference) for gour onswer in (o).

(c) Bosed on Uour onswer in (b), define speed.

-'F, Bosed on the diogrom, complele the toble below. ( rp 1

(a) 0 second
The boll moves o dislonce of 2 melers in
I second

t< lm l

(b) 0 second l second


'r-& eicvcte


Nlenuotokon unit bogi kelojuon

@fM*1"b"k" ,*#;;;
A Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762281-U I ?4
-. hw A lou cor is pulled olong with o rubber bond to o certoin lenglh ond releosed. The dislonce trovelled

.ffi bU the tou cor in 3 seconds is recorded. ( re


q Starting line

The result of the experimenl is recorded in the following toble.

Complete the following bosed on the obove experiment.

(o) Aim of the experimenl:

(b) Voriobles:
(i) Constont vorioble

(ii) Monipuloted vorioble

(iii) Responding vorioble

The diogrom below shows the time token for two pupils in o l0O meter roce. ( I? 3

Membuol kesimpulon tentong hubungon kelo.juon dengonjorok don moso

c .--f,bat Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. ?6228a U 75
(o) Which pupil runs with o foster speed?

(b) Give reoson (inference) lor gour onswer in (o).

(c) In the roce, stole the

(i) monipulotedvorioble:
(ii) responding vorioble:
(iii) constont vorioble:

(d) Wong competes olong with Dev ond Solim in the l0O metre roce. He reoched the finish line ofter
running for 20 seconds. Write down the ronking of the pupils on the podium during the medol
occeptonce ceremonu. trkm-a



(e) Bosed on Uour onswer in (d), stote lhe relotionship belween lhe speed, distonce, ond running lime
of lhe pupils.

Membual kesimpulon lenlong hubungon kelojuon dengonjorok don moso m.r,gr*Of Befuqi menguo6oi.:
(o) In the toble given, wrile down the formulo lor speed. (*iif!$

Speed =

(b) Bg using lhe formulo sloted in (o), solve the following problems.
A cgclist rides his bicgcle The speed of the A cor moves ol the speed
for o dislonce of I 95 movement of on onl is of 80 km/h. How long
ne ofter
kilomeler in 6 hours. 4 cm/s. Whot is lhe does il toke, in seconds,
r medd
Whot is his speed? distonce of its movement tomoveo lkilometer
in l5 seconds? distonce.

The diogrom below shows the lime token for lhree tupes of molorcgcles to move o distonce of
120 kilomeier.

mosoloh unluk menentukon kelq,uon, jarok qtou moso menggunokon rumtrs

a Global Mediattteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762254-U) ffi
(o) Bosed on the groph, whol is lhe
(i) monipulotedvorioble:
(ii) conslont vorioble:
(iii) responding vorioble:

(b) Stole lhe motorcucle thot trovels lhe

(i) foslest:
(ii) slowesl:

(c) Colculole the speed for eoch molorcucle.

(i) P:

(ii) a:
(iii) R:

lhe mind mop below on the importonce of knowledge on speed, dislonce snd time.(,!tl$
@ "orP,"r"

The imporlonce of
knowledge on speed,
dislonce ond lime for o
better life

Mentoftir.dsto teniong perhubungon ruong don moso dengon mengonolEis grof pergerokon
solu objek

lvenookul kepenlingon pengetohuon tentong hubungon kelojuon.jorok don moso demi

kesejoheroon hidup

G *zr
@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U) ffi,
The diogrom below shows the rood token bg o cor on o highwou.

Ghenor rto hn
l3 Temodoli 6a km
l(u.L Lump{r {76 km

(o) If the cor moves ot the speed of 80 km/h, find ihe time token, in minutes, needed bg ,he
cor to
(i) Chenor:
(ii) Temerloh:
(iii) Kuolo Lumpur:

(b) If the cor increoses ils speed occording to the highwog speed limit, predlct the
time token, in hour
ond minules, to reoch Kuolo Lumpur? Exploin whg. -

e Ghbal Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762294-U)
Answer oll gueslions.
Objective Questions

Which of the following stolements is correct A I, II ond III

oboul speed? B I, II ond IV
A A moving object hos no speed limit C I, III ond IV
B A slotionoru objeci hos lhe slowest speed D II, III ond IV
C A fosler object moves further in o certoin
lime 4 The dislonce between the Sun ond the Eorlh
D A slower object lokes o shorler time to reoch is 150 millions km ond sunlighl trovels ot the
lhe deslinotion speed of 0.3 millions km per second. How long
I does il loke for the sunlighl to reoch the Eorlh?
Dod look 2? hours to drive his cor from Teluk A 550 seconds
Inton to Butterworth which is 250 km long. Whol B 500 seconds
is lhe speed of his cor? C 450 seconds
A 80 km/h D 400 seconds
B g0 km/h
C 100 km/h 5 A cor ond o motorcucle trovel from lhe some
D I l0 km/h slorting ploce oi the some time lo o destinolion
of 100 km. Both vehicles move ol the some
Diogrom shows o groph thot shows the speed. Which of lhe following stotemenis is
distonce ron bg four pupils, P, Q, R ond S in o correct oboul the vehicles?
certoin time. A The cor ond the motorcgcle will reoch the
destinotion ol the some lime
B The cor will reoch the deslinotion eorlier
thon the motorcucle
C The molorcgcle will reoch the deslinolion
eorlier thon the cor
D The molorcucle will reoch the desiinotion
loler thon lhe cor

Which of lhe following vehicles is the fostest?

Diogrom I
AA bicgcle lhoi tokes on hour lo trovel o
distonce ol 60 km
Which ol the following ore correcl obout the B A cor thot lokes 2 hours lo trovel o distonce
groph? of I l0 km
I P is lhe second foslest
C A von thol trovels for 270 km in 3 hours
II Q runs slower thon R
D A molorcucle thol lrovels o distonce of
I 50 km in 2 hours
III R runs the Ioslest
IV S runs foster lhon Q

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

7 A cheeloh runs ot the speed of too km/h ond Diogrom 2 shows the deporlure time ond
o horse runs ot the speed of 70 km/h. If both onivol lime ot o bus from o citu with o distonce
run in o stroight line from the some slorting line, 225km.
rt|ol is the difference o, the distonce belween
fp cheetoh ond the horse if theu run for on
A 45 kilometer c 35 kilometer
B 40 kilometer D 30 kilometer

t rYhich oJ the lollowing represents the groph ol

speed correctlU?
A Speeo
+ Diogrom 2
ot the
w long Umffi Whol is lhe speed of the bus?
A I 00 km/h
Eorth? ffi rd m,,,.,. B 95 km/h
C s0 km/h
D 85 km/h
Eil *
ffiF4l_ l0 Sound lrovels ot ihe speed of 340 meter per
EE-.@ ffi-> Distan"" second. Whot is the length o{ on underground
some tunnel if lhe shoul of o person from one end con
)nls is

I "=ffi
onlg be heord bU onother person ot the olher
end ofter 2.5 seconds?
hffiffi A 700 meter
Eh the ru ffi{ m,,.. B 750 meter
C 800 meter
Time D 850 meter

mm m,.,"".

ilest? *r.Efirred Queslions

uvel o lrrle Uour onswers in the spoces provided.
istonce tri emplouee compores his speed when troveling to his workploce bU moiorcucle ond bicucle. Toble I
rows lhe distonce ond the time token.

a aii: yediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(o) In the obove investigotion, stole lhe

(i) Monipuloledvorioble:
(ii) Responding vorioble:
(iii) Conslont vorioble:

(b) Colculote the speed of the motorcucle ond bicucle, in km/h.

(i) Molorcucle speed:
(ii) Bicgcle speed:

(c) Choose ihe vehicle thol must be used bU the emplouee 1o reoch his office foster. WhU?

(d) Predict the time ioken for the emplouee if he

(i) drives o cor:
(ii) wolks:

@ Glabal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

To prevenl or
slow down




SmellU Microorgonisms Solling

Chonges toste Vocuum pocking

Chonges lexlure Cooling

Tosles sour Freezing

FrothU Woxing

Slimg Posieurisolion

Stickg Smoking


Chonges colour

. Food con be kept longer

. Food con be stored eosilu
. Continuous tood supplu
. Food con be lronsporled, exporled ond
imporled eosilU
. Seosonol food con be eoten in olher seosons

c Gbbal Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. Na 262284-U)


@] rooo Spoiloge
'A) AqseO on the lollowing diogroms, stoie the condition of eoch lood which shows thol the food hod
' become spoilt. g11 i-.

(o) Bonono (b) Breod (c) Milk

Complete lhe bubble mop below for the chorocteristics of spoilt food. (gpr{il

zz <ol \

(b) (c)



Mencirikon mokonon Uong t€loh rosok

a Globdl Mediastreet Sdn- Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

The diogrom berow shows o bou proces o bowr of porridge
on o robre in the morning. He rostes ihe
( porridge ol nighi.
(:.rr 2 3 .g

8.00 o.m. 8.00 p.m.

(o) Whot hoppened to the porridge?

(b) Stole the condition of the porridge in
term of
(i) toste:
(ii) smell:
(iii) oppeoronce:

(c) Whot is the couse for the situotion stoted in (o) ond (b).

(d) whol con be done to prevenr or srow down rhe situotion stored in (o) from hoppening? Exproin.

(e) Moke one conclusion bosed on gour onswers obove.

hl Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

D) (o) Stote the preservotion melhod involved ior the following food. ( rp 2

.rcoffig d/
Preserved through
Reloting foclors (i) (it)

(iii) (iv) (v)

Bosed on Uour onswers in (o), exploin how the preservolion melhod con control ihe growlh of

Menjelos dengon con oh koedoh pengoweton serto mongoitkon dengon foklor penumbuhon

altlJillf l M."j.l.s dengan co

a Clobal Medtae,eel Sdn. Bhd.lco. No.7b22S4-U) 86

The following diogrom shows two tgpes of food.

Mango Duck eggs

l. Prepore two tupes of food os obove.

2. Ask eoch pupil 10 choose one of the food.
3 The pupil hove to decide ihe suitoble preservorion method for the food chosen. Then,
corru out the
chosen preservotion method on the food.
4. On o monilo cord, presenl the outcome of the project.

Exomple ol presonlolion conlents:

Il Posle the
diogrom (o) Nome of food:
of food
cwth of chosen (b) Preservolion melhod:

E (c) How is the melhod corried out?

(d) Whg is this preservotion method chosen?

(e) The effect of this preservotion melhod on the food chosen:

lMenookul kesesuoion koedoh pengoweton bogisolu.ienis mokonon dolsm

mengekolkon teksur.
rupo oiou roso

Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

v Co"g out on investigolion through internet ond books. Complele lhe circle mop below on the
importonce of food preservotion technologu. (m.*g W#

Merumuskon kepentingon teknologi pengowelon mokonon bogi memenuhi keperluon bekolon


Berkomunikosi secoro kreotif don inovotif ienlong peronon leknologi pengoweton mokonon
dolom pembongunon ekonomi negoro

A Global Mediastrcet 5d11. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) ,ffi
The toble below shows four melhods of
food preservotion.

Food is sooked in soll solulion

Air is sucked out of the food pockoging

Food is heoted ond ploced in on oir_light contoiner

Food is heoted ot o certoin temperoiure before

ropid cooling

o) Nome the food preservotion methods for

(i) J:
(ii) K:
(iii) L:

(iv) M:

b) Exploin one difference between methods L ond


c) Whg does preserved food lost longer?

d) You ore given wilh fresh chicken

meot- Among lhe four melhods in the loble obove, choose
be used so thor lhe rosle ond textire or irre
cr,]cren remoins ;;; "#;; rhe
ffigX1 " U"r,

M?Aiastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)

Answer oll questions.
Objective Questions

Which of the following stolements ore correct Which breod spoils lhe slowest?
oboul spoill food? AP
I Nol sofe to eot BQ
II Tosles sour CR
III Smells bod DS
IV Colourful
A I, II snd III Whot is the condition for the growth ol
B I, III ond IV microorgonisms thot is controlled through
C II, III ond IV woxing?
D I, ll, Ill ond IV A Temperolure
B Woter
Which of the following conditions ore suitoble C Air
for the growlh of microorgonisms on food? D Acidilg
I High temperoture
II The presence of nulrienl The informolion below is obout o lood
III Suitoble ociditg preservotion method.
IV Suitoble humiditg
A I, Il ond III
B I, II ond IV
C I, lll ond IV
D II, III ond IV
Whot is the method?
Toble I shows four melhods in storing breod. A Woxing
B Solling
C Pickling
D Posteurisolion
Toosted ond slored in o cobinel
Which of the following food will spoil first?
A A lish thot is dried under the sun
B A meot thol is smoked neor the fire
Toosted ond stored in o fridge C An egg thol is sooked in woter
D A gloss o, milk thol is kept cooled in o
Moislen ond slored in o lridge
Whol is the importonce of food preservotion?
I Food will never be spoilt
Moislen ond stored in o cobinel II Food con be tronsported evergwhere
III Food wosle con be reduced
Toble I
IV Food con be used during emergencg

-e Gbbal :lediattftet Sdi. BhA. Co No 762284-Il)

A I, II ond III A piece ol coke is slored in o cupboord. After
B I, lll ond IV o week, green spots con be seen on the coke-
c II, lll ond IV Which of the lollowing ore the couse of the
D I, II, III ond IV situolion? ffiBTA
Which of the following microorgonisms ore the A DrU ond worm oir
couses of food spoiloge? B Humid ond worm oir
C Cold ond drg oir

Cold ond humid oir

l0 Diogrom I shows lhe steps for method S.

rwlh d
Food is cleoned

N) Food is ploced in o contoiner


Ilq fl
Mixlure of vinegor ond sugor solulion is
poured into the conloiner
gEre il

Conloiner is seoled tightlU


Diogrom I

Which o, the following is method S?

A Pickling
B Botlling
C Boiling
A I ond II D Vocuum pocking
st? B I ond III
c U ond IV
D III ond IV





a C;abal Mediasfteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Structured Quesiions
Write Uour onswers in the spoces provided.

Diogrom I shows o food preservotion melhod.

, lrE
, -.'l =
ff ?-

Milk is squeezed out

(o) Nome the food preservotion melhod.

l morkl

(b) Nome the odvontoge of the preservotion method sloted in (o)'

I I mork]

(c) stote onolher three tupes of food thol ore preserved using the melhod in Diogrom l.

[3 morks]

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284'U)

. Food residues . Gloss . Moleriols ore . Air pollulion
. Excretoru . Plostic seporoled . Woler pollulion
producls ond . Melol occording lo . Foul smell
feoces . Toxic wosles tUpes . Flosh llood
. Poper . Send lo disposol . Diseoses
centre . Acid roin
. Burned
. Buried
. 3R (Reuse,
Reduce, Recucle)

c Qobol Mediastreet Sd,1. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622?A-U)


G.i) wose Moieriols

{o) ,ot"n the following woste moleriols wilh the correcl recgcle bins. ( rE i.

(b) Define wosle moteriols.

(c) Olher thon lhe obove, stote onolher three tupes of wosle moteriols.



@ Gtobat Mediasteet sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U ffi
k The diogrom below shows biodegrodoble ond non-biodegrodoble wostes p, e, R ond s found ol o
wosles disposol cenlre. ( rp 2

(o) Whot is the meoning of biodegrodoble wostes?

(b) Clossifu the obove woste moleriols sccording to the lree mop below.

Wosle motoriols


(c) Stole onorher one tupe of biodegrodoble ond non-biodegrodoble woste moleriols other thon gour
onswer in (b).
(i) Biodegrodoble woste moteriols:
(ii) Non-biodegrodoble woste moleriols:

(d) Q ond R ore orgonic woste moteriols. Exploin whg?

*"nneloskon bohon buongon kepodo bohon terbiodegrodosikon don tidok terbiodegrodosikon


A Global MediLttreet Sdr1. Bhd- (Co. No. 762284-U)

@ tn" groph below shows lhe number of old computers disposed ot o disposol centre within lo Ueors.

(o) Bosed on the diogrom obove, stole

(i) whelher lhe old compuler is o biodegrodoble woste or non-biodegrodoble wosle moteriols.

(ii) Thetrend of chonge in the number of the computers being disposed in lOUeors.

(b) Whot is the etfect of the situotion stoted in (b) to the environmeni?

(c) Give one suggestion lo overcome the problem.

penggunoon bohon buongonturbiodegrodosikonsecoro berhemoh

ideo keson pembuongon bohon buongon secoro lidok terorrcong

@ Global Mediasbeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U) m
Complete the following llow chort for the monogement of domeslic wosle moleriols bU the locol
II outhoritu. *. b

(o) Wostes ore collected (b) Woste moteriols ore

ond seni lo seporoted into lwo

Tupes of wosle moteriols

(e) Burnt wosle

wosle moleriols ore woste moleriols ore moteriols ore
compressed ond burned in lronsporled 10 the
send to {ocloru 10 be
processed lo form
ot high lemperoture.

I to) eri"tlu exploin lhe lollowing 3R proctices in the monogemenl of woste moteriols.
Lll s' Lq 6
(i) (ii) (iii)

(b) Suggest one 3R ideo thot con be done on emptu plostic botfles.

B Menjeloskon melolui contoh penguruson bohon buongon secoro lerorrcong

a Global Mediastrcet Sdr1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
The diogrom below shows woste moleriols flooling in the spoce.

(o) Where do lhe moleriols come from?

(b) Stole lhree lupes of woste moteriols bosed on the diogrom obove.



(c) Predict the effect on humons life if the number of the woste moleriols keep increosing.

(d) Give one suggeslion to monoge the woste moteriols for o more sustoinoble humons lile.

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Btu). (Co. No. 762284-U)

Answer oll queslions.
Objective Questions

I Diogrom I shows on improper disposol of woste 3 Diogrom 3 shows o proper disposol melhod.

Diogrom I
Diogrom 3
Whol ore the effects of the obove disposol
method? Whol is lhe odvontoge ol lhe melhod?
I The convenience of locol communitu will be A Reduces the non-biodegrodoble wostes
offected B Increoses lhe soil fertiliiu
II The heollh of locol communitu will be
C Slows down the production of smell
offecled D Overcomes f losh flood
IIIDestrous the beoutu of nolure
IV Increoses soil fertililg Which of the followings ore lhe odvontoges of
recgcling woste moleriols?
A I, II ond IIIC I, III ond IV f-r(BAT-l
B I, II ond IV D II, III ond IV I Reduces the dependencu lowords new
Diogrom 2 shows on investigotion obout the
decomposition of wosle moteriols.
II Reduces the cost of plostic produclion
III Reduces the cosl of gorboge disposol
IV Reduces noise pollulion
A I. II ond III
B I, II ond IV
C I. III ond IV
D II, III ond IV

Diogrom 4 shows o product produced through

recgcling process.
Diogrom 2

Which woste moteriol will disoppeor in the soil

ofler o monih?
A Gloss bofile
B Aluminium con
C Fish bone
D Plostic bog Diogrom 4

4 Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284 U)

Whot is the moteriol being recucled? I Which of the following refers to reuse octivitU?
A Plostic ffi'flA-B
B Metol
C Poper A Sove lhe use of moleriols
D Gloss B Seporote woste moleriols occording to their
6 Which of lhe lollowing ore the disodvontoges of c Process wosie moteriols into new products
o decomposing orgonic woste moteriols? D Creole new uses of woste moleriols
I Produces bod smell
II Produces toxic substonces Which of the following ore biodegrodoble
Ill Disrupts the growth of plonts wostes?
lV Hove 10 be burnt in lhe incinerolor I:III
A I ond II
B I ond Ill
C II ond IV
D III ond IV
7 Diogrom 5 shows the improper disposol method
of woste moteriols. IV

A I ond ll
B I ond III
c II ond III
D III ond IV

t0 Which of the following is correcl obout the

formolion of ocid roin? ffiftffi-a
Diogrom 5 A When sunlighl melts down snow
B When poisonous goses mixed with woler
Whot is the bod effecl coused bU the method? vopour
A Deslruclion of oquotic hobitol c When roin folls neor the chemicols reservoir
B Air pollution D When dusl from volcono spreods into the
C Lond slide otmosphere
D Acid roin

a Global Mediastreet Sd/t. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

? Structur€d Questions
E Wrile Uour onswers in the spoces provided.

Diogrom I shows form p ond form e.



Diogrom I

Stole Uour observolion on the crops from form p

ond form e.

EI I I mork]
b) Whot is the inference thol con be mode
obout the plonts in form p?


I I mork]
el Crops from which form ore sofe to be

I I mork]
4 Give one suggestion thot should be done
on woste moteriols produced bg o foctorg
before disposing.

I I mork]

tul Mediastreet 5d,1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284_Lt)

Thpme: Earlh and Space 9cionce

Edi;;; ) Couses

L The Eodh, lhe Moon ond lhe

Sun ore in o slroight line.
Tupe 2. Sunlighl connol poss lhrough
opoque objects.

Eclipse of the Moon Eclipse o the Sun

Arrongemenl ol lhe Sun, lhe Eorth ond the lvloon

Fully dark area


---__--TheMoon -fhe
Partially dark area Earth
The Sun (penumbra)


. Hoppens in night lime . Hoppens in doutime

. The durolion is longerthon the eclipse of . The durolion is shorter thon the eclipse ol
the Sun the Moon (severol minules)
. Full moon becomes dork during lotol . Bright ring (corono) is oround lhe Moon
eclipse ol the lvloon during lotol eclipse of the Sun


Partial Partial

. Global )Iediasneet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U) ioa

@" Eclipse of the Moon ond Eclipse of the sun II
neoU the informotion obout eclipse of the Moon below ond onswer the following quesiions.

Eclipse o, lhe Moon occurs when the Eorth is belween the sun ond the Moon in o slroight
During the phenomenon, sunlight thot lrovels in o stroight line is blocked bg the Eorlh frim
reoching the Moon. since light connol poss through opoque objects, the E;nh shodow is
on the Eorth surfoce.

(o) Stole lwo conditions ihol couse lhe occurrence of eclipse ol the Moon.

(b) Stote two chorocteristics of lighi thot couse eclipse of the Moon.

(c) Bosed on Uour onswers in (o) ond (b), sketch the position of rhe Eorth, the Moon
ond the Sun ond
the light rogs during eclipse of the Moon.

lllenuotokon kedudukon Bulon. Bumidon tvofohorisemoso Ienomeno gerhono Bulon

lvelokorkon ddmhdr
Ivlelokorkon gombor r^ i.h untuk mAn,ni,r.r,^^
roJoh +^
'mnr. menunjukkon fenomeno qerhono Bulon berloku ooobito
keoudukon Eumi. Buton don tvotohoriserto sitot cohogo bargerok lurus

EEf *,"rn.nn"'nun o*ru* L,"rnr* Butan dengan banluan takaran;erdasarkan

a Gtnbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. Z622|A-U)

&) fn" diogrom below shows o pupil is observing the eclipse of the Sun. @ffi @ffi

(o) Skelch the position ol the Eorth, the Moon ond lhe Sun togelher wilh lhe light rous during eclipse
of lhe Sun.

(b) Bosed on the onswer in (o), slote two choroclerislics of light lhot couse eclipse of the Sun.


(c) Complete the lollowing stoiement regording lhe posilion of the Sun, lhe Moon ond the Eorlh during
eclipse of the Sun.
Eclipse of the Sun occurs when is between

kedudukon Bulon. Bumi don lvoiohorisemoso fenomeno gerhono Moiohori

@ Global Mediasffeet Sdn. Bhd. (Cn. No. 762284-U)

Cong oul the following invesligolion. ( ir .5

(o) Find informotion on lhe internel or books oboul the effecls of eclipse.
(b) On o piece of Mohjong Poper, prepore o mind mop to exploin the elfects of eclipse.
(c) Presenl gour findings in front of Uour teocher ond friends in the closs.
(d) Ask opinions from gour friends ond leochers obout the effects.

The diogroms below shows the sloges o{ eclipse of lhe Sun. ( If 6

(o) Arronge the stoges occording in the correct sequence of occurrence oI the eclipse of lhe Sun.

(b) Stote one observotion thot con be seen during the totol eclipse ol lhe Sun.

(o) Complete the following diogroms 1o show the occurrence ol eclipse of the Moon in lhe correcl
seguence. ( rp 6

(b) Then, nome phoses V, X ond Z.



-*iul \,,ledn'trcct trlfl. Bhd- tLo- No. 02284-U)
The diogrom below shows on eclipse observed from three locolions X, Y ond Z.

(o) Stole the locolion ihol hoppens

(i) iotol eclipse of lhe Sun:
(ii) porliol eclipse ol lhe Sun:
(iii) normol doU time:

(b) Whol con be observed bU the people living in the locotion thot experiences the totol eclipse of
the Sun?

(c) Con lhe phenomenon stoted in (b) be observed directlu? WhU?

(d) The informolion below is loken lrom o slotement bg o civilion in locotion Y.

"...lhis eclipse is shorter thon the occurrence of eclipse of the Moon thol I hod observed losl
Exploin the obove slotemenl.

@ Globol Mediastreet Sdn. BhA. (Co. No. 762284-U)

tnswer oll questions.
$ieclive Quesiions

I Diogrom I shows o simulotion oi on eclipse. 4 Diogrom 2 shows the position of lhe Sun, the
Eorlh ond the Moon during the eclipse of the

Diogrom 2
Diogrom I
Which of the following is correct obout oreo X?
Whot is lhe lupe o{ eclipse shown?
A The Moon portiollu blocks sunlighi from
reoching the oreo
A Totol eclipse of the Sun B The Moon blocks the sunlight completelg
B Tolol eclipse of the Moon from reoching the oreo
C Portiol eclipse of the Sun C The Moon reflecls o smoll omount of sunlight
D Portiol eclipse ol the Moon to the oreo
The Iollowing informolion is obout phenomenon
D The Moon reflecls o lorge omount of sunlighl
X. to the oreo

Which of the following ore the choroclerislics of

The Moon is between lhe lighl lhot involved in eclipse
the Sun in o stroight line. I Lighl lrovels in o stroight line
II Lighl con be reflecled
Whol is phenomenon X? III Light connot be refrocted
A Eclipse of the Moon IV Lighl con poss through opoque objects
B Eclipse of the Sun A Iondll C II ond III
C Phoses of ihe Moon B Iondlv D II ond IV
D Occurrence of dog ond night
Which of the following siluotions hoppens to the
Whg is the Moon connot be seen du ring lhe Eorth during the eclipse of the Sun?
lolol eclipse oI lhe Moon? I Animols behove strongelu
f{BATJ II The dog becomes dork for o short period of
A I1 emils veru dim light lime
B I1 is locoted exoctlu in lront of the Eorth III Shodow con be seen cleorlu
C It is locoled exoctlu behind ihe Sun lV The temperoture ol the oreo experiencing
D It is {ullu covered bU the shodow of the Eorlh lhe eclipse increoses ropidlg
A Iondll
B IondlV
C II ond III
D III ond IV

. :;obal Metliastreet Sdn. Bhrl. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Diogrom 3 shows the sequence in the eclipse 9 Diogrom 4 shows o phose of on eclipse.
of the Moon.

Ring of

Diogrom 3 Diogrom 4

Which of the following represents the Whot is the sloge shown obove?
A Portiol eclipse of the Moon

oppeoronce o, the Moon ot sioge X?
B Totol eclipse of the Moon
C Portiol eclipse of lhe Sun

"o ,o
D Totol eclipse of the Sun
t0 The following informotion is oboul the eclipse ol
ihe Moon.

The durolion of this phenomenon is

long ond con occur Jor obout 2] hours.
I Which of the {ollowing stoiement ore correcl
obout eclipse of the Moon? WhU does eclipse o{ the Moon loke o long time?
I The Eorth is between lhe Sun ond the Moon A The shodow of the Eorth is big
II The Moon is belween the Sun ond the Eorth B The shodow of the Moon is norrow
III Occurs in nighi time C The Moon revolves oround the Eorth in o
IV Occurs in dog time long time
A Iondll D The Moon revolves oround the Eorth in o
B I ond Ill shorl time
C II ond III
D II ond IV

Struclured Quoslions
Write onswers in the spoces provided.

I Diqgrom I shows the orrongemeni in o simulotion of the eclipse phenomenon.

Diogrom I

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

(o) Slote ihe lupe of eclipse bosed on the positions of ping-pong boll
(i) Q:
(ii) R:

(iii) s:
[3 morks]

(b) In gour opinion, where should the simulolion be done so ihot the shodow formed con be seen

I I mork]

Toble 2 shows the findings of on observolion mode bg o pupil during the occurrence ot eclipse R ond
eclipse T.


(o) Nome the tupe of eclipse

(i) R:

(ii) r:
[2 morks]

(b) Slote Uour inference for eclipse

(i) R:

(ii) r:
[2 morks]

(c) When con eclipses R ond T be seen?

ll morkl

(d) During lhe lotol eclipse of R, the lemperoture on lhe surfoce of the Eorth decreoses ropidlu for o
while. Whg does this hoppen?

I I mork]

@ Global Mediastfeet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622U-U)

(o) Orion ond Big Dipper
poinl lo lhe Norlh

l Scorpio indicoles
( | lhe horvesling

K)?--.- seoson in

(b) Soulhern Cross points to
t lhe soulhern

lhe South

Big Dipper
\ indicotes the
plonling seoson
\ in norlhern
\ hemisphere


Mediasteet gtu. Bhd. (Co. No. 76228q-U)


C[i conslellotion
Comntete the slotement below. ( I?
Q 1

Constellolion is

@ *or" the constellotions below. ( rr 2

(o) (b)

(c) (d)

''i-:..i li -: .:
i rl&r,p.u9sgi, . Eelum menguosoi

i. ,IrlFngtriF.sf Belufi merEuosoi

a Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)
@ a*"t.n rhe constellotion bosed on the potern described. Nome the consreilorion. (ffiffi

(o) A hunter wilh o belt ond bow (b) A scorpion

Constellolion nome: Conslelloiion nome:

(c) A dipper (d) A kite

Constellolion nome: Conslelloiion nome:

(O erntoin the use ol constettotions bosed on the picture ond fegword. (ffi.,Sn

(o) (b)

- ogriculture - - direclion -

l4elokor benluk buruj Uong mudoh dilihot

Menjelos dengon contoh kegunoon buruj

@ Glabol Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-LD
{.f) CorrU oul the following group octivilies. ( tr,,E.

(o) Form severol groups of three or four pupils.

(b) From the librorg or internel, collect informolion oboul gg officiol constellotions recognised bU the
Internotionol Aslronomicol Union.
(c) Eoch group musl ol leosl collect the informotion of four tgpes of constellotions.
(d) Simplifg Uour findings in o loble lorm os in the exomple below.

(e) Present gour lindings in lronl of lhe closs.

F)l@Lrr6 EE
(o) Corru out this project in o group of three or four pupils.
(b) Creole o model of conslellolion bU using morshmollows ond loothpicks or plosticine ond
(c) Displog gour model in the closs including the nome ot the constellotion ond its chorocieristics.



- Points to the north

- Con be seen throughout the Ueor

I Belum menguosoi

a Global Mediastreet Sdr1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284 U)

I l$.1
tej The diogrom below shows o tupe of conste otion.

(o) Bosed on the diogrom, stole how o troveler con find direclion if his composs ond other
communicoting devices ore not working.

(b) Exploin gour onswer in (o).

(c) Stole the occurocu of lhe method stoted in (o) in showing direclion.

.o Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No- 76228a U)

Answer oll guestions.
Objeclive Queslions

Which constellolion resembles lhe shope of 4 Diogrom 2 shows lwo tupes of constellotion.
certoin onimols?
A Big Dipper ond Urso Mojor
B Southern Cross ond Big Dipper
C Scorpio ond Orion
D Scorpio ond Urso Mojor
Which of the following stotement ore correct
obout constellotions?
I Constellolion is o group of slors forming o
certoin recognisoble pottern
II Constellotion delermines the direction of Dlogrom 2
movement on lhe Eorth occurotelu
III Big Dipper ond Southern Cross con be seen Whot is the similoritu between lhe two
throughout the geor in Mologsio conslellotions?
IV Constellotion is used bg the oncienl people A Both point towords the north
10 delermine lhe horvesl seoson B Both point towords lhe south
A I. II ond III C I, III ond IV C Bolh indicole o cerloin seoson
B I, II ond IV D II, III ond IV D Bolh con be seen lhroughoul the Ueor in

Diogrom I shows three differenl constellotions.
A soilor wonls lo soil his ship due south. Which
constellotion con be used os o guide?
f K<,tr\

Diogrom I

Which of the following represents e, R ond S


.,,,,'lj,Q s
A Scorpio Orion Big Dipper

B Urso Mojor CUgnus Leo

c Big Dipper Scorpio Soulhern Cross

D Big Dipper Orion Soulhern Cross

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

WhU does the posilion o{ the conslellolions in Whot is the noturol phenomenon shown bU the
the sku keep chonging? simulotion model?
@ A Constellotion
I The Eorlh rototes on its oxis B Eclipse
II Conslellotion is locoted for from the Eorlh C Phoses of the Moon
III The Eorth moves oround lhe Sun D The occurence of dog ond night
n IV Constellotions move oround lhe Sun
I ond II
I ond III
I Which of the following is not the importonce of
conslellotion on humons?
C II ond IV A Indicoles the plonling seoson
D III ond lV B Finding direction
C Indicotes roinu seoson ond drought
Diogrom 3 shows o simulolion model creoted D The studg for the position of other stors
bU o pupil.
9 Which of lhe following conslellotions ore not
included in lhe zodioc?
I Gemini
II Orion
III Soulhern Cross
IV Scorpio
A lond II C II ond IV
B II ond III D III ond IV

Diogrom 3

Struclured Queslions
Wrile Uour onswers in the spoces provided.

I Alvin gozes into the night sku. He sow conslellotion J ond consiellotion K os shown in Diogrom l.

Diogrom I

(o) Nome constellotions J ond K.

(i) J:
(ii) K:
[2 morks]

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

(b) Stote the potterns formed bg J ond K.

(i) J:
(ii) K:

[2 morks]
(c) Slote one similoritg between J ond K.

I I mork]
2 Diogrom 2 shows the condition of o constellotion in the sku.


Diogrom 2

(o) Slole Uour observolion bosed on Diogrom 2.

ll morkl
(b) Stote the inference for gour onswer in (o).

I morkl
(c) In which direction will o ship moves if o soilor follows the dlrection pointed
bg the constellolion?

[l mork]

e Global MediLrtreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

Theme: Teohnologg and Sustainabililg of

f Nor;-if

Humons invenlion lhot mokes tosk eosier ond foster

con be clossilied into

Combinolion of two or more lupes o{ mochine into

Exomples: Exomples:
. Lever . Bicucle
. Wedge . Wheelborrow
. Geor Y . Scissors
. Screw 3 componenls
. Hond drill
. pulleu . Force
. Crone
. lnclined plone . Fulcrum
. Wheel ond oxle . Lood

Should be buill bosed on the lollowing


. Minimum use of items (no

. Longer life spon
. EosU ond cheop
. Minimum cosl of production
. Ecojriendlu - Hormless
lowords the environmenl
. Sofetu - Hormless to the


a Global Mediastreet 91?t- 8tu1 (Co. No. 762284-U) il8

Simple Mochine

@ oo."r" eoch of the simple mochines below. Then, srore rhe rupes of eoch mochine. (.jrr ,ir

Mengslokon jenis mesin ringkos

a Glabal Mediastreet Sdk. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-U)
6j frrfof"f, eoch simple mochine wilh lheir correct functions. (ffi&W

A cglinder wilh Chonges lhe speed

spirol inclined or lhe direclion ol
plone movement


To move on object
Combinolion of two upwords, sidewogs
inclined plones
or downwords


\a Grooved wheel Combines
B, ottoched with o rope objects

A rod ihot rotoles Rototes or moves

on o fixed poinl on object


Toothed wheel Seporotes objects


A wheel ottoched to To move on objecl 10

o rototoble rod o higher posilion


An inclined flot To move or lift

surloce objecls

jenis don kegunoon mesin ringkos

qef Comptex Mochine

L:l g t.t
The diogrom below shows lwo tupes of complex mochines.

Wheelbarrow Hand drill

(o) Nome the tupes of simple mochine in:

(i) Wheelborrow:
(ii) Hond drilt:

(b) Bosed on uour onswer in (o) ond (b), give one generol concrusron oboul complex

Sustoinoble mochine is o mochine thol does nol give negotive effecls on humons
ond environmenl,
In comporison to oncienl mochines, sustoinoble mocninJ is mode of renewoble
eco{riendlu, low cosl ond innovotive. The creotion of sustoinoble mochines leods to
lhe bolonce in
economu, communilg ond environmenl. ( rp s

(o) Give onolher lwo chorocleristics of sustoinoble mochine.


(b) Give one negotive effecl of rhe creotion ond usoge of unsusloinoble mochine.

Menjanardea kepenthgan p"n.'plrrn.""i;y

a Global Mediastreet Sdn- Bhd. (Co. No.7622 U)

@ Creoting Model of Mochine

Skelch Uour own model of complex mochine. The mochine must include two or more scienlific concepts
such os eleclricitu, mognetic, speed ond light properties. ( fr 6

(o) The sketch of lhe complex mochine model.

(b) Brieflg exploin the use of the mochine ond how lhe mochine works.

l4ereko bentuk solu model mesin kompleks don memeriholkon konsep soim gong dioplikosikon
kelestorion model ciptoon

a{tf*Attr,temertt altanmoaet ya"s d,"ipta l

@ Globat Mediastrc?t Sdn. Bhd. tco. No.7622sa-Ll) @
A wooden plonk is proced on o srone. Two
pupirs sit on two different posirions
diogrom berow Force is exerred ot ttre o*rJJnJ os snown in tnJ
prix t" rif*he pupirs.

l.- - _--
J- meler---i
Posiiion P

l-.- 1,,"r..--l
posilion e
(o) Stote the tupe of simple mochine used
obove ond ils lhree moin components.

(b) Which position needs the leost force 1o lift the two pupils?

t"' sive one brier concrusion on rhe rerorionship berween rhe


Global Mediastteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762204-U)

Answer oll queslions.
Objective Questions
I Which of the following ore simple mochines? 3 The following informotion is obout o simple
,-X ---, mochine.

A rope slropped on o grooved wheel

& @
lhot rotoles freelU.

Which simple mochine is exploined obove?

A Wheel ond oxle

III B Pulleu
C Screw
D Wedge

4 Which of the following slotement is correcl

obout geor?
A Bigger geor tokes longer time to complete o
Geors thot come in conlocl to one onother
A Iond II will rotole in the some direction
B I ond III Geor is o wheel thot is connecled to
C II ond III
rolotoble rod
D III ond IV
A smoller geor rototes slower lhon o bigger
Diogrom I shows o melhod to lift o heovg lood. geor

Diogrom 2 shows o siluolion of o complex


Diogrom I

Whot is the lupe of simple mochine shown bU X

ond Y?

Diogrom 2
A Which stotemenl is nol correct obout lhe
B mochine obove?
A It is dongerous
c B It is nol economic
D C It is unsusloinoble
D It is ecoJriendlg

a GLobal Mediastreet Sdt1. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-1,

Which of the following tools is o complex I Screw
mochine? II Inclined plone
A III Lever

-4 IV Wheel ond oxle

A Iond II
B I ond III
C II ond IV
D III ond IV

@ Which ol the tollowing ore the choroclerislics ol

sustoinoble mochines?
Eosg ond cheop mointenonce
Use eco-friendlU moteriols

q\ III Shorl lile spon

IV Costlg
A Iond II
\ B I ond III
C II ond III

ned D II ond IV

3le o Diogrom 4 shows o model of woterwheel

creoled bU o group of pupil.
Diogrom 3 shows o worker using Q io tronsfer
loo construclion moteriols to position P.


Diogrom 4
Which of lhe following scientific concepls
used bg lhe obove mochine?
Diogrom 3 A Speed
B Mogneiic
Which of lhe following simple mochines con be C Electricol
found in Q? D Chorocterisiics of lighl

@ Globol Mediasteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

Structured Questions I
Wrile Uour onswers in the spoces provided.

Diogrom I. I shows the tupes ol simple mochine.

(o) Fill in Diogrom L I wilh two tupes of simple mochines. h

[2 morks]
Diogrom l. I

(b) Stole one eflect of using simple mochine in corrging oul o iosk.

I I mork]
Diogrom I .2 shows lwo pencil shorpeners.

Diogrom L2

(c) (i) Which mochine is more sustoinoble?

I I mork]
(ii) whg?

I I mork]

@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-IJ)


Poper I

Inslruction: Answer oll questions.

I Toble I shows lwo groups oI plonls. Diogrom 2 shows o piece of wood is ploced on
the gross.
Group K Group L

Wtr Diogrom 2

The wood is lifted olter two weeks. The gross

Toble I

under lhe wood hod lurned gellowish. Whg

How do plonts K ond L reproduce? does this hoppen?
K L A The gross does nol obtoin enough oir
A Through spores
B The gross does nol obloin enough woter
Through leoves
C The gross does nol obtoin enough sunlight
B Through spores Through sucker D The gross does nol obtoin enough spoce
c Through seeds Through sucker
Diogrom 3 shows o process corried out bU o
Through Through slem green plonl.
underground stem cutling

2 Diogrom I shows o tupe of fruits. Gas P

,__- Gas Q

Diogrom 3
Whol is represenled bU gos P ond gos Q?
Which of the following is dispersed lhe some
wou os lhe f ruit? o
Oxggen Corbon dioxide

N'Z Oxggen Oxggen

Corbon dioxide Oxggen

D Corbon dioxide Corbon dioxide

@ Global Merliastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

5 Diogrom 4 shows the observoiion on o slice of Whot is the interoction?
Frlffirbreod. A Porosilism

B Mutuolism
C Competition
D Commensolism

Diogrom 7 shows three tgpes of plonts.

Day-3 Day-7

Diogrom 4

Whol conclusion con be mode from Diogrom 4?

Microorgonisms grow
C Microorgonisms move
D Microorgonisms chonge shope
Diogrom 7

Diogrom 5 shows o situotion.

Which ol the lollowing is correcl bosed on the
wou plonls protect themselves from enemies?

Diogrom 5

Whoi is the interoction?

A Survivol of species
B Cooperotion between onimols
C Introspecies cooperolion
D Inlerspecies cooperotion
I Diogrom 8 shows onimol p.
Diogrom 6 shows lhe inleroclion between two

Diogrom g

Which of lhe following shows the position of

onimol P correctlu?
A Polm oil fruits "..' onimol p..+ snoke
B Poddg plonts -+ rot ..+ onimol p -+ snoke
C Leof -> grosshopper..+ onimol p..+ eogle
Diogrom 6 D Fruit..+ onimol P --> sporrow..+ eogle

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

lO Diogrom g shows on investigotion on o mimoso 13 Diogrom l0 shows lhe meosurement of o
plonls. morker pen.

*w A 7.5 cm
B 8.0 cm
t4 Diogrom ll
Diogrom t0

Whot is the lenglh of the morker pen?

C 10.0 cm
D 10.5 cm
covered with sguore tiles.
o floor which is porflg

Diogrom g

Whot is the conclusion bosed on the experiment?

A Plonts respond to woter
B Plonls respond to grovitu
C Plonls respond io touch Diogrom I I

D Plonts respond 10 sunlighl How monu more tiles ore needed to cover the
floor completelU?
Which of the following octivities is reloted to A 18 c25
conservotion? 820 D30
A Cleoring forest for industriol oreo
B Culting moture ond old lrees onlu t5 Diogrom I 2 shows two different situotions in on
C Set up forest reserve invesligotion.
D Replonting trees
t2 The following informolion shows f ive onimols in
o polm oil plontolion.

. Snoke
.: l':9:f

Owls ore reored lo reduce the number of rols

thot destrou the polm oil f ruits. In 3 months the
number of rots ore reduced.
Which oI the iollowing will olso decreose?
A Snoke ond grosshopper
B Grosshopper ond monkeg
C Grosshopper ond mosquito
D Snoke ond mosquito
Tiled floor

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622A4-U)

Whot is the conclusion of this investigotion? t8 Diogrom 15 shows on objecl is shone on
A Heovier lood produce bigger friction opoque object.
B Lighler lood produces less friclion
C Smoolh surfoce hos more friction
D Rough surfoce hos more lriction
t6 Diogrom l3 shows the burning of firewood.

Diogrom I 5

Which of lhe following shows the formotion of

shodow on lhe screen?

Diogrom t3

Which sequence is correct for the tronsformotion

of energU involved?
Heol chemicol light
energu energu energu
Light chemicol heot
energg energu energu tg Toble 2 shows lhe chonges in the temperoture
Chemicol lioht heot of woler when o beoker ol woter is heoted.
energu energu energu
0 2 4 6 8 t0
Chemicol electric heot
2A ct 45 58 /o s0
energu energu energu
Tobte 2
l7 Diogrom I 4 shows on octivitu.
How long will it toke for the woter to slort boiling?
At5 c30
820 D35
20 Whol is meonl bg speed?
A A meosurement of how losl or slow on objecl
B Time token ior on object to move
C Dislonce lrovelled for the movemenl of on
D The obililu ol on object to move

2t Diogrom I 6 shows o iou cor is releosed down

Diogrom t4 on inclined plone.
Which of the following exploins the formotion of
the imoge in the minor?
A Light is refrocted
B Light is reflected
C Lighl is dispersed
D Lighl lrovels in o stroight line

@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762281-U)

On which of the surfoces of the inclined plone, 24 Diogrom lg shows o beoker of iron powder
lhe lou cor moves the fostesl? ond o beoker of sond ore ploced in the Science
A Sondpoper Room. The moss of ihe iron powder ond sond
B Piece of wood ore the some.
C Rubber mot
D Greosed tile
22 Diogrom 17 is o bor chon showing the time
token bg four pupils in o t0O m roce.

Diogrom tg
Which of lhe following is correct oboul the moss
of lhe iron powder ond the sond ofter o week?
A The moss of iron powder decreoses
B The moss of sond decreoses
C The moss of iron powder is more thon the
Tan Ranong moss of sond
D The moss of iron powder is less thon lhe
Diogrom I 7 moss of sond
Which of the lollowing is correct oboul the
speed of the pupils? 25 Diogrom 20 shows Mei Sue is truing 10 open o
A Niklesh is the loslest tight botlle cop.
B Rozif is slower thon Ton
C Ronong is foster thon niklesh
D Rozil is foster ihon Ton but slower lhon

23 Diogrom 18 shows Julio is wiping woter on o

loble wilh moleriol X.

Diogrom I 8
Whot is the propertu ol moteriol X thot ollow it to Diogrom 20
be used bU Julio? Wh_ot isthe best method to open the bottle cop?
A Absorbs dust A Immerse the bottle cop inlo cooking oil
B Absorbs woter B Immerse the bottle cop into solt solution
C Soft ond long losting C Immerse the botle cop inlo hol woler
D Cheop ond eosilg obtoined D Immerse the bottle cop into cold woter

a Glnbal Mediastleet Sdtl. Bhd. (Co. No. 76225a-U)

26 Johon poured 200 ml of woler inlo three 2A Which ol lhe lollowing moleriols is
different contoiners respectivelu os shown in biodegrodoble?
Diogrom 21. The contoiners ore ploced under A
lhe Sun. The omount of woter in eoch contoiner
is observed ofter 2 hours.
f-:-:-:-f ,z::;!:-
ts;-:l-l F{=€?
Diogrom 2l

Arronge the contoiners in seguence sloriing

irom the contoiner with the smollest volume ol
B Y,Z,X 29 Diogrom 23 shows improper wosles disposol.
c x,z,Y
Diogrom 22 shows the lormolion of cloud ond

Diogrom 23

Whol is the effecl of this oclivitu?

A Flosh flood
B Acid roin
C Air ond lond pollulion
Diogrom 2l D Extinction of species
Which ol the following represent lhe chonges in Toble 3 shows the condition of the litmus poper
lhe stole o{ motler in processes K ond L? in vorious lupes ol liquid.

P Qsd .......* ysd

o Blue _- red

R Blue * blue

J Red -- blue
Joduol 3

a Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

Which liquid is ocidic? Diogrom 25 shows the chonges in the direction
A P onlg of the shodow ofo pole from morning to evening.
B PondQ
C QondS
D RondS

3l Diogrom 24 shows three tgpes of food_

6.00 p.m


Diogrom 25
Diogrom 24
Whot is shown bU the chonges in the direction
Whol ore the most suitoble method to preserve of lhe shodow?
the food? A The Eorlh orbits oround the Sun
B The Eorth rotoles on iis oxis from West to
T Eosl
C The shodow forms when sunlight is blocked
Drging Pickling Woxing D The shodow chonges ils direction due to the
movemenl of the sun
B Solling Woxing Conning
34 A troveller would like to trovel north. Which
c Pickling Conning Vocuum pocking constellotion con be used os his guide?
A Orion ond Big Dipper
Conning Smoking Drging B Scorpio ond Urso Mojor
C Big Dipper ond Southern Cross
D Southern Cross ond Urso Mojor

.o lennis boll is used to represent the Eorlh, 35 Diogrom 26 shows on informolion obloined
which object con be used lo represenl the size from observotion during dogtime.
of lhe Sun ond the Moon?

'1:.:,: fjp5rin,
Bosket boll

Golf boll
Golf boll

12.15 p.m 12.30 p.m 12.45 p.m

Bosket boll Beod

Morble Beod

@ Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 7622A4 U)

Whot is the phenomenon shown? 39 Diogrom 28 shows o loble.
A Eclipse of the Sun
B Eclipse of the Moon
C Phoses of the Moon
D Occurrence of dog ond night

Amiro wonts to observe spores under the

surfoce of the fern. Which tool is the mosl
suitoble to be used?
A Binoculor
B Telescope Diogrom 28
C Slelhoscope Which of the following will increose lhe stobilitu
D Mognifuing gloss of the toble?

Diogrom 27 shows the eorliesl lechnologU used

A Increose the height of the toble
bU humons.
B Increose the bose oreo of the toble
C Increose the moss ol the toble
D Remove one leg from the loble
Diogrom 29 shows the slructure ol o model.

Diogrom 27

Which of the lollowing is developed from the

lechnologU shown?
A Sleel C Engine Diogrom 29
B Wheel D Ship Which oI the port should be ploced os the bose
of the model so thol il is lhe mosl stoble?
Whol is meont bU o complex mochine?
A Mochine thot uses o modern technologu AJ
B Mochine thoi is multipurpose BK
C Mochine thol is big ond more odvonced CL
D Mochine lhot consisls more thon one simple DM

a Globdl Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Instruclion: Answer oll gueslions.

I (o) Slote o properiu of moteriol thol is mode of melol.


(b) Diogrom I shows the condition of o con found in o mini morkel.

I I mork] tr
Part that looks

Diogrom I
(i) Bosed on Diogrom l, whol is hoppening lo the con?

(ii) Slote how does the condilion in (o) occur.

I I mork] tr

(c) Lee opplies greose on

some condition os the con in Diogrom
o similor conned food
10 prevent the con from experiencing the
morkl tr
I . In Uour opinion, does his oction occeptoble?

Give gour reoson.
v", f---l


l morkl tr

2 (o) Diogrom 2. I shows the heolth condilion of o pupil.

Diogrom 2. I

(i) Whot is the diseose suflered bU the pupil?


l morkl
@ Ghbal Medianreet Sdt1. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)
(ii) Nome lwo woUS thol couses lhe spreoding of the diseose.


tr (b)

Diogrom 2.2 shows the life cucle of o mosguilo.

[2 morks]

*-" k
;is 2 S
Diogrom 2.2

Bosed on Diogrom 2.2, in which stoge the qnimol is difficull 10 be killed?


I I mork]


Diogrom 3 shows on investigotion corried oul bU o group of pupils to delermine the volume of
five similor boll beorings.


Ball bearing

Diogrom 3
(o) Whol is meont bg volume?

3(bxi) (b) (i) Stole the method used bg lhe pupils.
I I mork]

tr [l mork]

a GLobaL Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(ii) Whg con the method be used to meosure the volume of boll beorings? 3(bxii)

I I mork] H
Colculole lhe volume ol o boll beoring.


[2 morks] tr


4 Diogrom 4 shows the living things found in o rombulon orchord.

Diogrom 4
(o) Consiruct o food web using oll ol the living ihings in Diogrom 4.




[2 morks]
Bosed on the rood web constructed in 4(o), stote the living thing which is omnivorous.

(c) The owner of the orchord would like 10 cul down old rombuton trees.
I I mork] tr
Predict whot will hoppen to populotion of snokes if the plon is corried out.


rk- morkl
(d) Give one reoson 10 Uour onswer in 4(c).

rkl I I mork]

A Global Mediastreat Sdn. Bhd. (Co- No. 762284-U)

Diogrom 5 shows on invesligotion oboul the formolion of shodow. Ping-pong boll is ploced ot
different positions from the light source,

White board


Diogrom 5
Stote the lool thol is used the meosure lhe size of the shodow formed.

ll morkl
5(b) (b) Whot is the oim of this investigolion?
ll,l I I morkl
(c) The inlormotion below shows the resulls of the investigotion.

- The dislonce between ping-pong boll ond light source: 6 cm, Height of lhe shodow: 7 cm
- The dislonce belween ping-pong boll ond lighl source: l2 cm, Height of lhe shodow: 6 cm
- The distonce between ping-pong boll ond light source: l8 cm, Height of the shodow: 5 cm
- The dislonce between ping-pong boll ond light source: 24 cm, Height of the shodow: 4 cm
Bosed on the informotion given, conslrucl o toble to show the results of the invesligotion.


tr (d) II the ping-pong boll is ploced 4 cm lrom the light source, whot will hoppen to the height
[2 morks]

s(d) of the shodow?

lr I mork]

Toble 6 shows lhe iniormolion gothered from on investigotion corried oul in on oreo of o
lropicol foresl.

Y€or 2000 2005 20 t0 20 r5

t4 050 I 945 g 340 7 205

Toble 6

@ Global MeAiastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(o) Whot is the lrend o{ chonge in the oreo of the lropicol {orest?

l 1
[t mork]
(b) Bosed on the onswer in 6(0), whol will hoppen to the onimols living in the foresl? 6(b)

(c) Predict the condition of the ,orest in the geor 2020.

ll morkl tr

(d) Suggest lwo woUS 1o overcome the condition in 6(c).
[2 morks]

7 Diogrom 7 shows on investigotion corried out bg o group o, pupils.

Cloth P Cloth O
Diogrom 7

Cloth P is hung in the Science Room while cloth Q is hung in the school field
(o) Stote lhe observotion on the rote of druing o{ the clolhes_
Cloth P:
Cloih Q:
[2 morks]
(b) (i) Give one reoson for the onswer in 7(o).

ll morkl
(ii) Whot should be done to moke cloth p dries foster?

ll morkl

A Ghbal Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Ca No.762284-U)


(c) Stote lwo monipuloted voriobles from this investigotion.

tr Total
L l.
[2 morks]

The bor chort in Diogrom I shows ihe omount of domeslic wosles collecled in o gorboge
disposol cenler for the posl four Ueors.
Amount (kg)




20t2 2013 20ttt 20ts

Diqgrom 8
(o) Slote the trend of chonge of the bor chorl.

I I mork]

I l,l
(b) Give reoson for the trend of chonge stoted in 8(o).

I mork]
8(c) (c) Stote the effect of the siluotion to humons.

tr (d) suggest lwo wogs to reduce lhe omount

I I mork]
of the wosles in the gorboge disposol center.
tr 8(e) (e)

Nome lwo iupes of wostes bosed on their decomposing obiliiies.

[2 morks]

tr I I mork]


a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284-Lt)

ffi IT

l-* ANSWERS "#ffi"' I5

The oir in lhe plostic bog couses the object to be oble io

ACTIVTTY ZONE (ii) Plostic bog thol contoins the coins shronk thus it sinks in
I. I Scienc€ Proc€ss Skills the woter.
F (o)
A (o)

Sens€ Chorocterislics being obsarved

Mot6riol P o R

p L Sight
Moss b6ing wfhstond (kg) 0.2 0.s 1.2
BodU size (heighr, bngth)
2. Heoring Animols'sound
(b) Moss being withslond
3. Touch BodU lexlure (Fur/Spike)

(b) (i) Size

(ii) Sound / BodU lexture
(c) Mognifuing gloss
(d) Smell sense becouse ditferent onimols produce ditferent
smells. Moteriols
B (o) Size / Toste POR
(b) (c) (j) P{O+R
(i0 R
Fruiig Wotermelon Oronqe PopoUo l\4onqo G (o) The position of ihe constellotion
Hos o big Hos o Hos o big (b) The position of ihe constellotion chonges when the time

:-- l-\/
Hos o
size, smoll size, size, smollsize, increoses-
Tosles Tosles Tosies Tosles (c)
sweet sour sweet sour

H (o) To determine ihe volume ol o morble using lhe woter
Big Smoll displocement method.

-T- Woiermelon

l. Number ol morbles
2. Level ol woler in the meosuring culinder
k' (d) The bigger is the number of morbles, the higher is the woter
PopoUo Mongo
level in lhe meosuring culinder.
(d) Tosle of fruits (Sweet / Sour) (e) - A certoin volume of woter is poured into o meosuring
c (o) culinder. The initiol level of woter is recorded.

k' Ouonlit belng meqsuEd Moosuring lool Unil

- A morble is odded into ihe meosuring culinder. The finol
level of woter is recorded.
Temperoture Thermomeler Degree celcius (.C) - Volume of o morble = Finol level of woter - lnitiol level o,
(b) B"-,E+A+D+C (r) The volume of objecl con be determined using woter
(c) (D5'c (iD 28 .C (iiD t00 .c displocement method.
(d) I (o) (DJ
Timo (minules) 2 6 t0 (iD K
Tomp€Elurs ("C) 5 (iii) Pupil J completed his IOO meire run in o shorter time.
(b) lime, distonce
D (o) (i) The plont in P siqus fresh. J (o) (i) The presence of oir
(ii) The plont in Q wilts. (ii) The presence of woler
(b) (i) Plqnt P obtoins enough oir. (iii) The rusling of iron noil
k' (ii) PlontQ does notobtoin oir. (b) The iron noil does not rust wilhout the presence ot oir.
(c) woler, oir, sunlight (c) The iron noil does not rusl without the presence o, woter.
(d) Yes, lhe plonl obtoins enough woler ond oir. K (o) (i) Surrounding temperoture
E (o) P: The bottle floqts (ii) Iime tqken for the food to turn bod
O: The bottle sinks (b) The surrounding temperoture otfects ihe period tor o food to
(b) The volume of the object otfects the buouoncu of the objecl. lurn bod
(c) (i) Yes (c) The lower lhe surrounding temperoture, lhe longer the time
loken for food fo turn bod.

@ Global Mediastreet Sdt1. Bhd- (Co. No. 762284-U)

(d) l. Cut the mongo inio slices. (ii) The number of seeds in contoiner B is o lot. The seeds hove
2. Two slices of mongo ore put into iwo plosiic contoiners lo compete to obtoin woter, spoce, nutrienl ond sunlighl.
seporotelg. (i) The bigger the number of green beon seeds being sown in o
3. The conioiners ore lobelled os P ond Q respectivelu. limited spoce, lhe smoller the size of the seedlings.
4. Conloiner P is ploced in o cupboord whereos contoiner
Q is ploced in o refrigerotor. ASSESSMENT I
5. The condition of the mongo is observed everu week. Objeclive Quesllons
(o) How long does il iokes for o leof to decompose completelu?
rA 29
(b) The longer the lime, lhe lorger the size of leof being
3c 48 5 B

decomposed. 6 D 7 C 8 B CA tO D
(c) (i) Time (Week)
(ii) The initiol size of lhe leol / Amount of soil used Struciured Quesflons
(iii) The size ol the leof (o) (i) Volume of woter
(d) Soil, leof, beoker (ii)
Areo of the exposed woter surfoce
(e) l. The leof is plqced in o beoker ond covered with soil. (iii)
Time for the woter lo be evoporoted
2. The size of the leof is observed everu week. (b) 4 hours
(f) Pupil's onswers (c) Ploce lhe three conloiners under o spinning o lon /ploce the
(s) Somple onswers: contoiners under ihe Sun.
Problem sloiBmenl: (d) The role of evoporoiion is otfected bU ihe surrounding temperoture
How long does it tokes for o leof to decompose completelg? ond movement of lhe oir
The longer the lime, lhe lorger ihe size of leof being
L A tissue pqper is ploced in o beoker ond covered with ACTIVITY ZONE
soil. 2. I Scienco Room Rules
2. The size ol the tissue poper is observed everu week.
A (o) 2. Do nol run, joking qround ond plouing in the Science
I .2 Monipulolive Skills
3. Do not bring science opporotus ond moleriols out of the
(o) (i) Hondling the specimen correcllu ond sofelu Science Room without ihe teochefs permission.
(ii) Using the opporoils correctlu (b) l. Dispose solid wostes into bin provided.
(iii) Sketching the specimen correcflU 2. Dispose the liquid woste inio ihe sink ond cleon lhe
(b) l. Cleoning lhe science opporoius correctlu opporotus before keeping it in the originol ploce.
2. Keeping lhe science opporotus correctlu ond sofelu 3. Moke sure the choirs ore orronged before leoving the
Science Room.
KBAT CORNER B (o) (i) Drinking in the Science Room
(o) Does lhe number o, seeds in o sowing contoiner otfecl ihe groMh (ii) Eoling in the Science Room
of seedlings? (iii) Disposing liquid wosle into ihe bin
(b) The bigger the number of seeds being sown, ihe smoller the size (iv) PloUing in the Science Room
of the seedlings. (v) Does not tie the hoir
(c) (i) Number of seeds (b) Experiences lood poisoning. Report ii immediotetu io the
(ii)Size of ihe seeds / Amouni of woter / Tgpe ol soit / Size ot teocher.
lhe contoiner (c) To ensure sofetu when corruing out scientific investigoiion.
(iii) Size of the seedlings
(d) (i) Two sowing contoiners, wotering con, gloves KBAT CORNER
(i!) Soil, woter (o) Bringing the science moteriols ond opporotus out oI the Science
(iii) Green beon seeds Room. Wrong. The moleriols mog spills on the pupilorothers ond
(e) Quonlilotive ond quolitolive observotion ore corried out on the couses injurg.
groMh ol lhe seeds ofter o week. Photos ore loken everu dou (b) Throwing poper woste inlo the bin. Not wrong. The Science
from lhe beginning iilllhe end ol the experimeni. Room will be cleon ond tidu.
(f) i. Two sowing contoiners of lhe some size ore lqbelled os p
ond Q ond filled wiih the some quoniitu of soil.
2. Six green beon seeds ore sown in contoiner p ond l2 green ASSESSMENT 2
beon seeds ore sown in conloiner e. Objsctiv€ Questions
3. Both conloiners ore ploced ol on open Spoce for sunlight
IB 2D 3D 44 58
ond wotered with the some omount of woter.
4. The groMh of the seedlings in both contoiners ore observed. SlructuEd Qusslions
(g) The seedlings in contoiner A grow bigger ond tolter compored to
(o) (i) J ond K
the seedlings in conioiner B which ore smoller ond shorter.
(h) (i) (iD L
The number of seedlings in contoiner A is smoll. Therefore (b) J: To ovoid food poisoning
eoch seed obloins enough spoce, woter nutrient ond K: To prevent injuries from hoppening
sunlighl. L: To ollow leocher to oct occordinglu lo ensure sofelu while
corruing out o scientific investigotion

@ Global Mediasfteet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(c) Tell him lo stop eoting or iell him obout the Science Room Rules (ii) When o mosquito bites on individuols with dengue fever, it
lhot should be obeued. corries the virus olong with it. The mosquito will tronsfer the
dengue tever lo onother person bU biting the person.
c (o) (i) Fungi
(ii) Yeost
ACTIVTY ZONE (iii) Microorgonisms breolhe ond releose corbon dioxide.
3.I Microorgonisms ors Living Things When microorgonism is odded into lhe dough to moke
A (o) TUpe: Fungi
(b) l.
L, this life process will help the dough to expond.
The production of ontibiotic/production of iopoi, tempe,
Exomple: Yeosl, Penicillium, mucor
(b) TUpe: Algoe uoghurl
Exomple: SpirogUro, phgtoptonklon
2. Produciion of fertiliser/ Treot sewoge
(c) TUpe: Protozoo
Exomplei Amoebo, Poromecium
(c) P o
(d) TUper Virus Food P is spoilt Food O is edible
Exomple: HIV, virus, Influenzo
(e) TUpe: Bocterio
Exomple: Bocillus, slreptococcus The person qet food Nothing hoppen to the
B (o) poisoninO person
Invosligqlion Obs6rvofion
(d) Microorgonisms con give benefit or horm humons.
Mould grows on the breod ofler 3 dous / There ore
dork spols on ihe breod 3.3 Livs Heollhilu Bos€d on the Knowledgs obout
2 The posilion ofthe poromecium in lhe woterchonges Mlcroorgonisms

A (o) Influenzo
Investigotion l: The surrounding is suiioble for the growth of (b) He is hoving sgmptom of being inrected with jnfluenzo virus
microorgonism (c) Through woter droplets in the oir thot consists influenzo
Invesiigotion 2: l\,4icroorgonisms con move
(c) Microorgonisms corru out life processes.
(d) Covers the mouth ond the nose while sneezing
c (o) To show ihol microorgonisms breothe
B (o) L Woshing honds to prevent orgonisms from enterino or in
contocl wiih the bodu.
2. Covers the wound wjth ploster to prevent being infected
bU contogious diseoses.
3. Covers the mouth while sneezing to prevent
microorgonisms being spreod to the oir.
4. Boiling woter to kill microorgonisms before drinking the
(c) When ihe Ueosl breothes, corbon dioxide is releosed. The woter
gos couses lhe dough to expond. (AnU lhree)
(d) High temperoture couses microorgonisms to die. The
(b) Quicklu seek doclor.
respirolion of the Ueost stops. Getenough rest ond stoU seporolelU from others (quorontine)
(e) breothe
D (o) Microscope KBAT CORNER
(b) Microorgonisms ore iinu ond connot be seen bU the noked (o) The onimols ore the corrier
of microorgonisms thot couse
contogious diseose.
(c) (i) Virus (b) (i) Through urine ond direct contoct with humons ond
(ii) Fungi
(o) To studu the relotionship between humiditu ond the groMh (ii) Through solivo ond contocl with ihe food
of microorgonisms (breod mould) (iii) Through solivo thol is tronsferred jnlo the humon blood
(b) (i) It is grown with moutd during biting
(ii) It is not grown with moutd (c) L Keep food ond drinks in o covered ond cleon ploce
(c) Suitoble temperoture, humiditu, presence of oir ond nutrient 2. Sprog or pui poison
ond suitoble level of ociditu. 3 Cleon the surrounding oreo lo prevent the oreo from
(d) Humiditu
becoming o breeding ploce for the onimols

3.2 Usetul ond Homful Microorgonisms

(o) (i) - Contogious diseoses
(ii) - Tooth decou Objectivs Quosflons
(iii) - Food spoitoge tA 2c 3 B 4C 5B
(iv) - Food poisonino 68 7A 8B qD IO C
(b) (i) Food, woier
(ii) Air Structur€d Questions
(iii)Touch (o) He is infected wilh confogious diseose.
(i) He is infected with virus throuqh oir ond hos o ftu. (b) l. Chickenpox

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn- Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

2. Meosles 4-2 Inlersc'tion b€lwe€n Plonls
3. Goiire (o) P: Sunlight
(c) Ilicroorgonisms lhol couse lhe diseose will be spreod to other
people through direcl conloct or woter droplets in the oirwhen he
Q: Woier
R: Nutrienl
S: Spoce
(b) Q: Produces o lot of long rools to obtoin woter
S: Produces more stems or bronches lo lill more spoce
B (q) To siudg lhe relotionship between spoce ond the groMh ol
ACTIWryZONE plonls
4.1 Inlerscllon bglwsen Animols (b) (i) The seedlings grow ioll wilh wide leoves
(ii) The seedlings grow o bit ond hove smoll leoves
A (o) Interoction between onimols ore inleroclion in lhe form of (c) The seedlings compele inlenselu lo obloin spoce, woier,
inirospecies ond interspecies lo obloin bosic needs.
sunlight ond oir.
(b) l. Cooperotion
c (o) P: Commensolism
2. Competition Q: Porositism
(c) (i) Cooperotion betuveen o sworm of bees lo obloin lood (b) (i) Bird's Nest fern obtoins more sunlight bU growing on
ond protecting the bee hive
Anqsono tree.
(ii) Competition between o herd of goois to obloin food ond
The Angsono iree neilher benelits nor hormed bU the
Bird's Nest lem.
(iii) The compelition between lion ond hueno to obtoin food
(ii) Dedolu plont grows on Rose Apple lree ond obsorbs lhe
ond lerritoru
nutrienlfrom lhe plonl. Rose Apple tree is hormed bU the
B Animols lhol live in group: girotfe, termite, chicken, monkeu
Dedolu plonl.
Animols thot live in soliloru: lurtle, scorpion, eogle, spider
(c) The Bird's Nest fern thot grows on lhe stem of lhe Angsono
(o) Exomples of Pongolin, tiger, Wolf, zebro,
tree ocquires o higher position to obtoin sunlight Ior
onimols elephonl D Pupil's onswer
(b) Advontoges Does not hove Work together lo
to compete lo find food KBAT CORNER
obloin lood Help eoch (o) Porosilism
Hos ils own other to prolect (b) Tomolo plont will die. This is becouse ophid obsorbs nuirient from
spoce or themselves lrom the plont.
territorU the enemies (c) (i) Animol: Col ond tick
(ii) Plont: Dedolu plonl ond mongo tree
(c) Disodvontoges Hos lo wonder - Hove to
o wider oreo to compete omong
find food eoch other
Hos to protect when eoling or
Objecliv€ Quoslions
ilself from drinking 2A 3C 4A 5D
enemies on ils 6A 798C9Atoc
llD t2 B
Struciured Ouestions
D (o)
P: Introspecies Compelilion between ihe orgonisms (o) (i) Food
competition of lhe some species (ii) Spoce
Q: Inlerspecies Compelition between orgonisms of (b) (i) Porositism
competition different species
(ii) Nluluolism
(iii) Commensolism
(b) P: Food, woler, shelter, mole (c) Food
Q: Food, woler, shelter
(c) l\role becouse on onimol species onlu mote with iis own
E (o) R: Porositism ACTIVTry ZONE
Definilion: Relotionship beiween iwo species lhot one 5.1 Endongs€d Animols ond Plonts
species benelils ond the other species is hormed.
(b) S: Mutuolism A (o) Extinct onimols: Dinosour, Dodo bird, Ouoggo
Definilion: Relotionship between two species in which both Endongered onimols: Mouse deer, Sumotron rhinoceros,
species benelit.
(c) T: Commensolism
(b) Pitcher plont, Kocip Fotimoh, Rofflesio, Pigeon orchid
Definition: Relotionship between two species in which one B (q)
species benefit while lhe other species is neither hormed (i) Illegol logging I Illegol logging couses the decreose of
nor benelifs. plonls species in the lorest. Animols lose
Pupil's onswers their shelier ond sources of food-

@ Global Mediastreet Silh. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(ii) Illegol hunting I llegot hunting couses the protected (b) Force is o push ond pull.
onimols lo die ond unoble to reproduce. (c) P: Slretching o spring / Litting on object
The number of onimols decreoses ond this O: Kicking o boll / pressinq on o switch
con leod io extinciion ot lhe species. (d) t. Pumping bicucte tures
2. Sowing o plonk
(b) (i) P: Set up loresl reserve / Low enforcement on lhe B (o) R: Chonges the shope of o plosticine
i egot ociiviiies in lhe forest S: Moves o stotionoru plosticine
O: Orgonise compoign io sove wildlife T: Chonges the direction ot movement of the plosticine
(ii) L Build o centre to proiecl the endongered species U: Increoses the speed of the movement of plostjcine
2. Prevent the use of products mode trom ports ol V: Stops lhe moving plosticine
endongered species (b) BU feeting or observing its effecl
3. Corru out selective logging
C- As o bosic resources lo moke produci in the clothing industries 6.2 Friclionol Forcs
- As sources of food such os egg ond meot
A (o) Force P is the lorce thot is produced
- To moke decorotion such os tusk ond horn
when iwo objects ore in

5.2 Tho Importonco ot Moinloining the Bolonce ol Noturo

(b) (i) Agoinst the direction of movement of the object
(ii) Acting ogoinsi the direction o, movemeni of the object
A (o) (i) Mointoining the originot condition of lhe onimots ond (iii) Slows down or stops o moving object
plonts from being deslroued. (c) Knock or rub two stones togelher
(ii) The effori to reiurn the species of plonts ond onimols to B (o) CUlinder X
their originol stote. (b) The smooth surfoce of the iiles produces smoll lrictionol
(b) (i) Set up forest reserve force.
(ii) Reptonting trees (c) The culinder rolls
B (o) o shorter distonce compored to lhe
The species ore endongered. oluminium cUlinder.
(b) l. Avoid using products mode from the species (d) Ditferenl tupes of sudoce offect the frictionol force exerted
2_ lncreose the reproduction of the onimols or replont lhe on lhe object.
plont species. (e) Nloss of objects
3. Conduct o compoign io educote lhe public oboui the C (o) L Allows the geors to be in contoct wilhoul slipping
importonce of preservotion ond conservotion of the 2.
Allows eoch geor to rolote occording to lh; fixed
(c) The species wi become extinct. (b) l. Slows down the movement of qeor
2. Weors oui the surfoce of the geors
KBAT CORNER 3. Produces heoi
(o) To goin pupils inlerest to portjcipote in o knowing
ond toving
(c) Applu greose or lubricoting oil on the geors
Oronguton progromme in the Nolionol Zoo. (d) The frictionolforce increoses
(b) BU undersionding ihe Oronguion, ils behoviours ond the
D (o) (i) A: Lorge frictionotforce couses the boxes diflicuttto be
lo preserve ond conserve lhe onimqls, we con help ihem fro; moved
becoming extinct in the fuiure. (ii) B: Smolt frictionot force couses the bicgcte difficutt to
(c) Recording the informotion obout the importonce of preservotion be stopped.
of conservolion. (b) (i) A: Reduce
(Accept onswers wilh noble volues) (ii) B: Increose
(c) (i) A: Using tro eg or ro ers
ASSESSMENT 5 (ii) B: Repoirs lhe broking sgstem
Objeclivo Questions E (o) The Iriction is reduced ond the stuck object con be moved
ogoin. The creoking sound becomes softer.
I c 2D 3 B 4A 58 (b) Friction is reduced lhus object con be moved eosilg.
6D 7 A 88 I B to c (c) Friction is reduced thus object con move foster.
D t2D
F ll t (ii) / (iii) x (iv) ,r
Slructured Questions
(o) Decreoses KBAT CORNER
(b) l. Illegol hunting qctivities
(o) The shorp studs increose the lrictionol force
2. The desiruciion of the originol hobitot between the shoe
sole ond the field so ihot the plouer con move tosier without
(c) The populotion continues to decreose / It will become extinct
(d) skidding.
Set up Sumolron rhinoceros soncluoru complele with reseorch
ond breeding centre.
(b) (i) Nor suitobte
(ii) The bosketboll court hos ditfereni surfoce thon the fietd.
shoes willslow down the movemeni of the bosketboll plouer.

Obl:aclivo Questions
6.1 Forc6 ond Ils Ellgcl
A (o) P: Pulling force IC 2D 38 4C 5C
6 A 7 B 8 A 9 D IO A
Q: Pushing force D t2A

a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 262284_U)

Structurcd Qu€stions (c) Able lo estimote how for or close o cerloin disionce
(o) To sludu ihe efiect of friclion from ditferenl surfoces on the time
loken bU lhe objeci lo move
(b) (i) Conslont: Moss of wooden block (o) (i) 30 minutes
(ii) Monipuloted: Tupes ol surfoce (ii) 48 minules
(iii) Responding: Time token lor the object lo move (iii) 132 minutes
(c) Ariificiolturf, sond poper, cordboord, plostic sheel (b) t hour 30 minutes. The speed limit of lhe highwou which is I l0
(d) The omouni ot frictionol torce is smoller os the moss of the km /h is foslerthon lhe iniliolspeed of the cor. Therefore, the iime
wooden block is smoller. loken is shorler. Accepi lhe ronge ( I hour - 2 hours).

Objecriv€ Quoslions
ACIVTry ZONE r c 2c 3A 48 5A
7.1 Spesd 6c 70 8 C I C l0 D
A (o) Con P Struc:lur€d Quoslions
(b) Con P tokes o shorler lime lo rolls down lhe inclined plone.
(c) Speed is the meosuremenl ol how tqst or slow lhe movemenl
(o) (i) Speed/Tupe of vehicles
of on ob.iect trom one ploce to onolher.
(ii) Time
B (o) meler per seconds or m/s (iii) Distonce
(b) The tou robol moves o dislonce of 5 centimeire in I second, (b) (i) 60 km/h
centimetre per second or cm/s
(ii) 25 km/h
(c) Motorcucle tokes o shorter lime to move o dislonce of 20 km.
(c) The bicucle moves o distonce of 30 kiiometre in I hour, (d) (i) Theiime is shorier thon riding o molorcucle
kilometre per hour or kr hr
C (o) To studu the reloiionship between ihe speed of o lou cor ond (ii) The time is longer ihon riding o molorcucle
dislonce lrovelled in o cerloin time
(b) (i) Time
(ii) Speed / The extension of lhe rubber bond ACTIWryZONE
(iii) Dislonce trovelled
D (o) Dev
8.1 Food Spoilog6
(b) Dev iokes o shorter lime to complete lhe 100 metre run. (o) The colour lurns block
(c) (i) The speed ol the pupils (b) NIouldU / Hos block spois
(ii) Time token (c) Lumpu
(iii) Distonce of the trock (o) Frothu
(d) (i) Wong (b) Smells bod
(ii) Dev (c) Tosies sour
(iii) Solim (d) Chonges colour
(e) The higher the speed of the pupils, the shorler the time (e) Slimu
token to finish the roce in o lixed distonce. c (o) Turns bod
(b) (i) Sour/ SlickU
E (o) soeed = (ii) Tostes bod / Smells bod
I rme (iii) SlimU
(b) (r) speeo. = --------.-
195 km (c) Microorgonisms
- 32.5 km/h (d) Food preservotion. Ii slops or slows down the life processes
= oI the microorgonisms in the tood.
(ii) Dislonce = 4 cm/s x 15 s
(e) Non-preserved food will become spoill bU ihe ociion of
microorgqnisms. Food preservotion con prevenl or slow
down lhe life process of microorgonisms ond iherefore,
{Ir) lrme = preserved lood con lost longer.
80 km/h D (o) (i) Solting
= 0.0125 h (ii) DrUing
Conversion of time from hour lo seconds, (iii) Smoking
Time= 0.012s x 60 x 60 (iv) Pickling
= 45 seconds (v) Posteu risotion
F (o) (i) TUpe of motorcgcle / Speed (b) (i) Solting involves the odding ol solt on food to remove
(ii) Disloncelrovelled woler lrom the food.
(iii) Time (ii) Drging couses deoth of microorgonisms becouse woler
(b) (i) Motorcucle Q is nol presenl.
(ii) Motorcucle R (iii) Smoking is corried out to smoke the food lor o certoin
(c) (i) P: 80 km/h periodoliimeio slow down the growth of microorgonisms.
(ii) Q: 120 km/h (iv)Pickling slows down the growth of microorgonisms
(iii) R: 60 km,tr becouse ol high ociditg or high concentrolion of sugor.
G (o) Able to eslimote ihe orrivoltime to o certoin ploce (v) Posleurisotion ond ropid cooling con kills microorgqnisms
(b) To ensure o sqle driving in the milk.

@ Global Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284-U)

Somple onswers I
-f;nso (ii0
(b) Pickling (iv)
(b) Moleriols thot ore no longer wonted
(c) Mongo is cut into slices ond sooked into sugor ond solt or used
solution tor o few dous.
(c) L
Food wosles
(d) So thot the kuit losts longer / To moke vorieties of dish 2. Excreioru products ond toeces
(e) lhe tosle of the food becomes sour
3. Toxic wostes
Somple onswers II
B (o) Wosle mqteriols thoi con be decomposed
bU bocterio.
(b) Biodegrodobte
@;-EaI esss - O, R
(b) Soltins Non-biodegrodoble - p, S
(c) (i) Excretoru products ond foeces
(c) The eggs ore cleqned ond sooked in o sott
(d) Prevents eggs from spoiling quicktu/To mokesolulion.
vorieties of
(ii) Metol / Woste
(d) Q ond R come from plonts ond onimols.
The tosle of the food becomes soltu
c (o) (i) Non-biodegrqdqbtemoieriols
(ii) Increoses
(b) Ilcouses solid wostes pollulion toihe environmeni.rt couses
noture disosler such os llosh flood.
(c) Repqir ond reuse the old computer.
D (o) Londfill
(b) L Recucloble wosles
2. Non-recucloblewostes
(c) recgcloble, new products
(d) connol be recgcled, incinerotor
(e) woste disposol centre
E (o) (i) Reduce is the prqctice of reducing the use of moieriols
{[) Reuse is lhe prociice of reusing or vories the use of
(iii) Recucle is lhe proctice of chonging the
moteriots into
new producis
(b) The ploslic boflles ore lurned into flower pots.
(o) (i) Solting
(ii) Vocuum pocking (o) The bodu of unused soteflites.
(iii) Conning ond boflting (b) I. Melol 3, closs
(iv) Posteurisotion 2. Plostic
(b) Using nethod L, the food is cooked ot the temperqture (c) Humons ore exposed to the risks of being
tOO.C hit bU the objects.
or more ot o tong period of time white using method lvt,
(d) Design a spqce tronsport thot con coilect the oblects ro Ue
is recgcled/ Controlthe lounching o, solellites to
heoted ot the temperoture 72.C lot ts the sp;ce.
cooling. "i"onA"
(c) Becousethecondition is notsuitoblefor growlh of ASSESSMENT C
(d) Melhod K or vocuum pocking becousi the otner Objscrh/e Questions
meth-ods con
chonge lhe tosle, iexture ond nutrienl contenl of the
2c sB 4A 5c
6ll A

7 A 8 D 9 C to B
Objecflve Quastions Slruct r€d Oueeliong
2D 38 4c 5c (o) Form P produces o heolthier crops compored
6ll C 7C 8D q B to A (D)
to lorm e.
lt rs woiered wiih woier thot is polluted with chemicol
rrom the toctorg.4t is grown on soil thot ore polluted
Struclursd Questions with the
cnemtcqt substqnces lrom the lqctoru.
(o) Pqsleurisotion (c) Form P
(b) Kills most bocleriq ond octive fungi without (d) Treqt the woste substonces inlo non-toxic
desirouing the tqste substonces.
ond nutrition volue of the food_
(c) L Fruiijuice
2. Vinegor
3. Yoghurt drink

lO. I Edipse of the Moon ond Ecltpse of the Sun

A (o) l. The Eorth is between the Sun ond fhe Moon
ACTIWryZONE 2. The Sun, lhe Eorlh ond the Moon ore orrqnged
in o
C. I Wcsia Mofodols strqight line.
A (o) (i) - cLASs
(b) L Lighi trovels in o stroight line.
(ii) - PLASTTC
2. Light connot poss through opoque objects.

@ Global Medias*eet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 762284-U)

(b) ln o dork room
2 (o) (i) R: Eclipse ofthe Sun
(ii) T: Eclipse of lhe Moon
(b) (i) R: The size of the Moon is smoll ond therefore the
shodow left ihe surfoce of the Sun in o short period
ol time.
(ii) T: The Moon tokes o longertime to escope the shodow
of lhe Eorth which is lorger thon the Moon.
B (o) (c) Eclipse R con be obseNed in doutime while eclipse T con be
obseNed ol night during the phoses of the Moon.
(d) The oreo lhol experiences the eclipse of the Sun is blocked
bU ihe Eqfh in which sunlighl ond heoi connot reoch lhe

The Sun

(b) L Lighl trovels in o s,rqight line.

Lighi connot poss through opoque ob.iecis. ACTTWryZONE
(c) lhe N4oon,lhe Sun, the Eorih ll.l Consiallotion
C Somple onswers
A Conslellolion is o group of stors ihoi form o cerioin shope in the
During eclipse of lhe Sun, lhe During eclipse of the Sun, sku.
onimols behove in o weird ihe woves of the seo is (o) Orion
monner colm (b) Scorpio
(c) Big Dipper
(d) Southern Cross

I{ '"'\
D (o)
The oppeoronce of corono which looks like o bright ring
oround the lvloon.
E (o)

Orion Big Dipper

(b) (d)
/, \
.4- \,.._
(b) V: Porlioleclipse / - ---4\
X: Totol eclipse
Z: Portiol eclipse
(t \
KBAT CORNER Scorpio Souihern Cross
(o) (i) Y D (q) Conslellolion is used in ogricullure os on indicotion of
lli) z ptonting ond reoping seosons.
(iii) x (b) Constellotion is used to show direction bU soilors orirovellers
(b) The bright ring oround lhe dork moon E Pupil's onswers
(c) No. Becouse the ring of lighi is loo bright ond con domoge the F Pupil's onswers
(d) The size of the Moon is smoller lhon the size ol the Eorlh. KBAT CORNER
Therefore, shodow ot the Moon lhoi is form on oreo Y is olso
(o) BU observing constellotion in the sku
(b) Constellolion in the sku is Soulhern Cross. The most boltom stor
ot lhe constellolion poinls io the South. Therefore, the troveller
should follow the constellotion io move to the South.
Objecitive Queslions (c) Constellotion does not show direction occurolelu.
IA 2B 3 D 4 A 5 B
Objgctive Queslions
Slruclured Queslions
I (o) (i) O: Tolqleclipse ofthe Sun
ID 2C 3D 44 58
(ii) R: Totoleclipse of the Moon
68 7 A 8C 9B
(iii) Sr Poriiol eclipse of the Moon

a Global Metlidstreet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No- 762284-U)

Struc,lured Queslions
I (q) J: Orion Objecltue Qu€stions
K: Big Dipper
(b) J: Looks like o hunter holding o bow ond orrow
I B 2D 3 B 4 A
K: Looks like o todle 68 7D 8A qC
(c) Bolh point to the Nodh Strucrur€d Questions
2 (o) Orion looks os it moves olong o curve poth in the sku.
(b) The Eorth rototes on its oxis trom wesi to eost (q) (i) Pulleu
(c) North (ii) Screw
(b) Works become eosier ond fqster.
(c) (i) o
(ii) Q lqsts longer ond sofer to be used.
12.l Simple Mochine
A (o) Pulleu PAPER I
(b) Screw I B Group K consisis of fern ond mushroom whereos group
(c) Inclined plone L consists of bononq plqnt qnd bomboo plont. Fern- ond
{d) Lever mushroom reproduce through spores while bonono ond
(e) Wedge bomboo plonts reproduce through sucker.
(f) Wheel ond oxle 2 C Diogrom I shows the lruit is dispersed ihrough explosive
(g) Axte
mechonism. A is dispersed bg wind. B is disperied
B (o)- Toothed wheet - Chonges ihe speed or direciion of ond D is dispersed bU onimols.
Og woter
(b)- Combinotion
3 C Sunlight is the bosic need of plont. When plont does not
of two inclined plones _ Seporotes objecl obioin sunlight. it connol undergo photosUnlhesis.
(c)- A culinder with spirot inctined ptone _ t\roves oOj""t 4 C
to o Diogrom 3 shows gos p is obsorbed bu;tonts ond gqs
higher ploce o
is releosed bU ptont. In photosunlhesis green plonts
(d)- A inclined flot surloce - Io move objecl to o higher posiiion
corbon dioxide ond releose oxugen.
(e)- Grooved wheet oitoched with rope _ to irove 5 A
oOiect Bosed on Diogrom 4. on thi seventh dqu. the size
upwords, side woUS ond downwords of
(f)- the dork spots on the breod increoses. Th]s snows
A rod thot rototes on o fixed point _ To move or lifl objects ifrot
microorgonisms grow.
(g)- A wheet ofloched to o rototoble rod Rototes or moves
- 6 B The diogrom shows lions work iogether to copture
o deer
which is their source of tood.
12.2 Complex Mochino
7 D The diogrom shows Bird,s Nesl fern fhot grows on fhe
of o tree. In this interoction, the Bird,s iiest tern beneiits
A (o) (D Wheelond oxte. lever while the tree does not hormed. This interoction is
(ii) Screw. wheelond oxle, geor commensolism.
(b) A complex mochine consists ol more lhon one simple I D P is the popouo lree. e is o coctus ond R is o rotflesio.
mochine. P produces lotex, Q hos lhoms ond R releoses
B (o) L Does not pollute the environment protect themselves from enemies.
bod smell to
2. Losts longer I A Animol p is ihe consumers lhot eots plonls.
(b) Gives bod etfect lo the environmenl or humons l0 C When touched. o
mimoso plont will close its leoves.
theretore. mimoso plonls respond lo touch.
12.3 Cr€oling Mod6l of Mochine ll D Conservotion octivities qre octivities lhot restore the
Somple onswer: condition of onimols ond plonts to their originol
(o) Sefling up ,orest reserve ond cufling onlu motu]re trees
preservotion ociivities while delorestofi;n is
bottle ociivitu thol
couses lhe exlinction of species.
Plastic 12 A When the number of rots decreoses. the number
of snoke
decreoses becouse rots qre the food source ot
grosshopper is eoten bU the owls reored in
snoXes- ite
the oreo.
Rubber 13 B The length ot the morker pen
= tO.5cm_2.5cm
= 8.0 cm
14 B The number of tiles lo cover the floor
(b) When woter flows through the spoons, the
wheel ond oxle will
rorqtion ocrs os o dgnomo thus ihe etectricitg is = 20 iiles
produced. 15D The individuol who is pulllng the lood on gross experiences
moreditticulties thon ihe individuolwho is pu ing the tood
KBAT CORNER tiled floor.
(o) Lever. The components ore etfori, fulcrum t6 c The burning of wood involves the chonge of chemicol
ond lood.
(b) Posilion Q energu into light ond he., eneroies.
(c) The closer is the lood to the fulcrum, the t7B lvlirror opplies the reflection ot t-ight principle.
smollerthe etfort orlorce t8 D
needed lo lifl the lood.

@ Global Mediastreet Sd . Bhd. (Co. No. j62284 U)

19A After l5 minutes, ihe temperolure reoches 100 "C which is (b) P
lhe boiling point of woler. After lhe following minutes, lhe Adult mosquilo con live in vorious oreq such oslhe plonl ond
temperoture remoins ol 100 'C. furniture compored to olher sloge thot con onlu live in woter.
204 Speed is the meosurement of how fost or slow on object 3 (o) Volume is lhe spoce thot is filled bU objects.
moves belween two ditfereni ploces. (b) (i) Woter displocement method
2tD Greose is used lo reduce friction. Therefore, the cor moves (ii) Solid occupies spoce
fosler on the tile opplied with greose. (c) Initiol volume: 25 cm3
22C Bqsed on Diogrom 17, lhe sequence of ihe lime token bU Finol volume: 35 cm3
the pupils lo complete the 100 melre run from the fostesi The volume ol 5 boll beorings
io the lowest is Ronong, Rozif, Ton ond Niklesh. Therefore, =35-25
Ronong runs the foslest whereos Niklesh runs lhe slowest. = l0 cm3
238 The moleriol lhol obsorbs woler is the most suitoble to be
used to wipe spilled woler. Therefore, the volume of one boll beoring
24c The moss of lhe iron powder is biggerthon the moss ol sond
l0 cm3
becouse the iron powder become rusied oller o week
25C When the bottle cop is immersed inlo hot woler, lhe botlle 5
cop exponds lhus the cop con be eosilu opened.
268 The bigger is the oreo ot the surfoce ol the confoiner, lhe 4 (o) Coteroillor
foster is the evoporoiion of woter. ,, l
274 Process K is evoporoiion while process L is condensqlion Rombulon tree
2AA Biodegrodoble moteriols ore mqteriols thot con be eira Snoke
decomposed bU microorgonisms.
(b) Bird
2qc When lhe wostes ore thrown into the droin, the drqin will be
Number of snoke decreoses.
clogged thus lhe woter flow out of the droin when it roins.
Therefore, flosh flood occurs.
(d) Numberol bird ond cqterpillor decreose when lhe numbsr of
the rombuton tree decrgoses ihus ihe source of food of lhe
30B Acidic substonces chonge ihe blue lilmus poper to red ond
snoke decreoses.
does nol offecl lhe red lilmus poper.
3r B Fish con be preserved through freezing, druing ond solting 5 (o) Ruler
Fruits con be preserved through cooling, pickling ond
(b) To studg the relotionship between ihe distonce ol the ping-
pong boll ond ihe lighl source ond lhe size of lhe shodow
32c The roiio ot the size of the l\,4oon, ihe Eorlh ond lhe Sun is I i
4 : 400. Dlslqnce belweon lhe
338 The rototion of the Eorth on ils oxis couses the chonges of Tho hoighl ot lhe
plng-pong boll ond the ligif ghodow, cm
lhe posilion of the shodow. 50utc6
34A Orion, Big Dipper ond Urso Mojor points to lhe North.
6 7
Southern Cross points lo the souih.
35A Bosed on the iime of lhe occurrence in Diogrom 26, ihe t2 6
phenomenon occurs in douiime ond the phose occur oi
12.45 p.m is lhe totol eclipse of ihe Sun. t8 5
36D The lool thot is suitoble to be used is mognifuing gloss. 24 4
The binoculor ond lelescope ore used to observe lorowou
objects while stethoscope is used to overcome the limitoiion (d) Increoses
of heoring.
6 (o) Decreoses
The diogrom shows lhe humons in lhe eorliest dous ore (b) The onimols become endongered.
using logs to move heovg loods. (c) The forest no longer exisl.
38D (d) I.
Replonling lrees
39 B The stobilitu of on objeci will increose when ihe bose oreo of
2. Proclice selective logging
the objecl increoses ond lhe height decreoses.
40 D Object with lhe biggesi bose oreo is the mosl stoble. Areo NI
7 (o) Cloth P: The cloth dries slowlu
Cloth Q: The cloth dries fosler
is lhe biggest.
(b) (i) The presence of wind ond the exposed surfoce oreq of
cloth otfect the rote of evoporotion of woter.
(ii) Unfold cloth P.
I (o) Con conducl electricitu (c) l. The folded oreo of cloth P
(b) (i) The tin experiences rusting
2. The wou the clolhes being hung
(ii) The presence of woter ond oir couses iron to become
rusted. I (o) Increoses
(c) (b) People dispose more wosle moteriols
Appluing greose con prevent rusling but ihis method is not (c) The increose of the risk of lhe occurrence of contogious
suitoble for contoiner ihot contoins food. diseoses.

2 (o) (i) Flu (d) l. Reusing wosle

(ii) l. Through oir

2. Reducing the use of moieriols
(e) Biodegrodoble woste ond non-biodegrodoble wosie
2. Through direct contoct

a Global Mediastrcet Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No.762284 U)

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