Zydor Letter of Employment Azerbaijan (MD SHAFQUAT HUSSAIN)

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Baku Oil Refinery Modernization & Re Construction Project (Azerbaijan)


DATA/DATE: 2024-05-14

Project Information
Heydar Aliyev oil refinery, located in Baku in the Republic of Azerbaijan, processes 21 out of 24
grades of crude oil and 15 different petroleum products. It was named after Heydar Aliyev, the third
President of Azerbaijan. The plant is owned and operated by State Oil Company of Azerbaijan
Republic (SOCAR).
SOCAR has announced the liquidation of Azerneftyag Oil Refinery, to merge it with the Heydar
Aliyev oil refinery. The decision for the reconstruction and modernization of the refinery was taken in
October 2023.
Zydor Group Ltd. Was awarded the project and Construction on the new bitumen plant, which covers
an area of 7.7ha, began in January 2024.
The modernization will also include installation of equipment such as naphtha splitter, a 3mtpa-diesel
hydrotreater unit, an isomerisation unit, a hydrogen production unit, two PSA units, a C4
hydrogenation unit, a MTBE unit, a 1.2mtpa-gasoline desulfurization unit, and a sour water stripper
with sulphur recovery unit.

Being a Top rated and awarded Construction Company globally, our focused objective is to hire
highly skilled professionals from Asia to contribute to the successful execution of the project
undertaken by Zydor Group ltd.
We hereby assure all the expats to give them the best in industry compensation with premium
accommodation, food and transportation and other benefits such as health and accidental insurance,
paid time off (Vacations).
Zydor Group Ltd. Also drives an Employee Assistance and Wellness Program (EAWP) to motivate
our team to improve their skills and boost their career by providing advanced opportunities and career
professional growth.

So we are hereby delighted to extend you a formal selection for this project with below mentioned
compensation & benefits

1 020334 Bucharest, 2 Gara Herastrau Str., Romania.

Email: official@zydorgroup.com | www.zydorgroup.com
CNO: 08497159 ROMANIA




Functia/meseria solicitata – SUPERVISOR DE SANTIER


Nivel limba engleza – CONVERSATIE

English language –CONVERSATION

Durata contractului/posibilitatea de prelungire – 2 AN/ DA

Period of contract / Renewable – 2 YEAR/ YES

Numarul de ore lucrate/zi (se va trece nr. de ore pentru care se acorda salariul net, fara ore suplimentare) –
Working hours/day – 8 HOURS/DAY; 40 HOURS/WEEK

Numar de zile lucrate/luna – 20 ZILE

Number of working days/month – 20 DAYS

Numarul de zile de concediu de odihna/an – 30 zile/an

Annual vacation / year – 30 days/ Year;

Plata concediului de odihna – 100%

Vacation payment – 100%

Salariul net/luna – Contravaloarea a 4500 USD

Salary net / month – 4500 USD in national currency

Data de plata a salariului – Data de 15 a FIECAREI LUNI

Payment day – the 15th of each month

Program lucru (se vor mentiona orele intre care se va lucra) – 9.00-17.00
Working schedule – 09.00-17.00

Cazarea asigurata - gratuit

Accomodation – free

2 020334 Bucharest, 2 Gara Herastrau Str., Romania.

Email: official@zydorgroup.com | www.zydorgroup.com
Plata ore suplimentare (se va mentiona cu cat este platita ora suplimentara) –Orele suplimentare prestate în
afara programului normal de lucru sau în zilele in care nu se lucreaza ori în zilele de sarbatori legale se
compenseaza cu ore libere platite sau se platesc cu un spor la salariu, conform contractului
Overtime payment – The overtime worked out of the normal working hours or on holidays shall be
compensated by free paid hours or shall be paid with bonuses to salary, according to the Collective
Bargaining Agreement

Echipament si protectia muncii - gratuit

Working dress and working protection – free

Asigurarea medicala si sociala - gratuit

Medical assurement and Insurance social – free

Asigurarea medicala in afara locului de munca – gratuit

Medical assurement outside of the working place – free

Masa gratuita, 3 masa/ZI

Meals – 3 FREE MEAL/ DAY

Transportul – de la locul de munca la locul de cazare - gratuit;

Transportation – from the working place to the accommodation - free;

prin semnarea de mai jos acceptați condițiile și beneficiile menționate mai sus, împreună cu faptul că trebuie
să furnizați un pașaport valabil cu valabilitate de minim 1 an, certificat medical care să arate starea
dumneavoastră, certificat de verificare a poliției sau de verificare a antecedentelor, asigurare de călătorie
internațională pentru o perioadă de acoperire de 3 luni.

By signing below you accept the conditions and benefits mentioned above, alongwith that you need to
provide a valid passport with minimum 1 year validity, medical certificate showing your fitness,
International travel insurance for a coverage period of 3 months.

Semnatura aplicantului / Applicant's Signature

Bun venit la bord! Welcome Aboard!

Aceasta este o ofertă de angajare trimisă digital și nu are nevoie de semnături

This is a digitally sent offer of employment and it doesn't need any signatures

3 020334 Bucharest, 2 Gara Herastrau Str., Romania.

Email: official@zydorgroup.com | www.zydorgroup.com

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