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Pre-& Post Lift Brief Record REGION: REVISON: DATE PAGE:

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Project Site:
Work Scope:
Location / Unit No.
Plant ID (as applicable):

Input documents
(e.g. Work instructions, Risk
Assessments, Lift Plans

1: Pre-Lift Brief
An assessment must be made to determine an appropriate depth of a verbal Pre-Job Brief for delivery at the place of work /
suitable environment or in written format, formally away from the job.
In preparation for delivery, the Supervisor should consider the following questions:
1. Have we done the job before? (If so, were the learning points?)
2. What High Risk Activities are involved?
3. What are the critical stages of the task and what is its complexity?
4. In what environment will the task take place?
5. What are the capabilities team members and the physical demands of the task itself?
6. What problems could occur and what errors could we make?
7. What are the possible consequences of those errors?
8. What can we do to prevent errors and minimise the severity of consequences?

Attendees Name (Print) Signature Date

Record further comments or actions required below:

Pre-& Post Lift Brief Record REGION: REVISON: DATE PAGE:

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Comments / Actions:

Note: The Competent Person providing the Pre-Job Brief must ensure that all signatories have fully understood the relevant safety
documentation and signed onto the Risk Assessment and Lift Plan prior to the work being allowed to commence.

Pre-Job Brief given by (Print) Signature Date

Pre-& Post Lift Brief Record REGION: REVISON: DATE PAGE:

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2: Post-Job Brief
Whilst carrying out the task did you need to deviate from any points within the Lift Plan, Method Statement, Risk
Assessments, PoWLA or other associated documents?

No further action required

Revise the documentation as below

Post-Job Brief Completed By: Signature Date

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