T.S 6

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Date: 20th – 24th July, 2020
Topic: Printing.
Lesson: What is printing and quick printing.
Printing is the process of reproducing words (text) or images on paper from stored data in a
computer. For printing to take place, the computer must be connected to a printer. When the
document is on the computer screen, it is called a soft copy while the printed cop of a document
is known as a hard copy.it is on paper and you can touch it.

Usually a printer is represented by the symbol below:

To print a document in Microsoft word 2010 you need to follow the guidelines listed below.
a) Type a new document or open an existing document on the computer
b) Click the file tab in the top left-hand corner of your document.
c) Click print in the menu which will bring the print dialogue box
d) Choose the number of copies you want to print
e) Depending on your printer options, you can choose other options such as whether you
want to print all the pages or just some selected pages
The diagram below shows you the process of printing

Quick printing
If you print more often, make sure you add a command for printing in the Quick Access Toolbar
(QAT). This is done by adding the print icon on the toolbar. QAT enables you to quickly
command an action without going through the process step by step. It is located on the left hand
corner of the Microsoft word 2010 window.

 Click on the arrow on the QAT and select the Quick Print. This will add the print icon to
the toolbar.
Make sure that you are satisfied with the document before using the QAT because you will not
be able to see the print options and the document will go direct to the printer

Exercise: Answer the following questions in your T.S exercise book

1. The typed page of test questions on the computer screen is called?
2. Define the word ‘text’.
3. Define printing in your own words
4. The computer is used to type in a document, now what is the name of the other machine
that does the actual printing?
5. What is the difference between a soft copy and a hard copy document?
6. On which part of the Microsoft word page is the QAT located?
7. Explain in your own words how you can add the Quick Print Icon on the QAT.
8. Explain the difference between a soft copy document and a hard copy document.
9. Give one reason for making sure that your work is correctly done before using the quick
print option on the Quick Access Toolbar.
10. Explain in one paragraph how you can print a document dscribing each step from the
creation of the document.

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