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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets
1. 1.Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the restaurant with a client.
2. We ______ (drive) around the parking lot for 10 mins to find a parking space.
3. When we ______ (arrive) at the restaurant, the place ______ (be) full.
4. The waitress ______ (ask) us if we ______ (have) reservations.
5. I ____ (say): “No, my secretary forgets to make them”.
6. The waitress ______ (tell) us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly ______ (walk) back to the car.
8. Then we _______ (see) a small grocery store.
9. We ______ (stop) in the grocery store and ______ (buy) some sandwiches.
10.That ______ (be) better than waiting for three hours.
11.My sister ______ (cook) dinner last night.
12.I ______ (walk) to school this morning.
13.Josie ______ (carry) her mum’s bag for her.
14.We ______ (tidy) our rooms yesterday.
15.They ______ (study) hard, but they ______ (not pass) the exam.
16.Your grandparents ______ (be) delighted when they saw you last week.
17.We ______ (not spend) all our money at the shops.
18.You ______ (buy) a really nice dress for the party.
19.I was relieved when______ (not drop) that beautiful vase.
20.The teacher ______ (begin) the class at 8.00 a.m. this morning.

Exercise 2: Change the sentences into Past Simple tense

1. Do you go to the pub?

2. I am in a hurry.
3. He doesn’t see beautiful rainbows.
4. They tell me funny stories.
5. I spend my holiday in Hawaii.
6. They are in the park.

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