Extr@ Episode 1

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Watch extr@ episode 1 here:


1. Where is the series “extr@” set. Name the city.

2. How do you say “flat” or “apartment” in Spanish?

3. What did Charley have in his mouth?

4. Where is Bridget's penpal from?

5. Why did Bridget's penpal write to her?

6. What is the tarantula... err, landlady's fourth rule?

7. What are Hector's two hobbies?

8. What kind of house does Hector live in back home?

9. What did Bridget and Annie offer Hector to eat for lunch?
10. What English phrase did Nick teach Hector to say?

11. Write a short email to your imaginary English-speaking penpal. Tell them when you
are arriving and then ask them if you can stay in their apartment. You can also talk about
other things in your email so be creative and imaginative! The email must have at least
five sentences. Choose one penpal from below:

United States: Liam or Emma

United Kingdom: Oliver or Olivia
Canada: Noah or Charlotte
Australia: William or Mia
New Zealand: Leo or Isla
Ireland: Jack or Emily
South Africa: Junior or Precious
Philippines: Nathaniel or Angel
India: Aarav or Aadya

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