Weighted Kawoboys2

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Weighted Ensemble Model for

Sentiment Analysis
This document explains the mathematical formulas and calculations used for the weighted
ensemble model in sentiment analysis. The ensemble model combines predictions from
different modalities with specific weights and additional parameters to determine the final

1. Weighted Percentage Calculation

Each model's prediction percentage is multiplied by a predefined weight:

W_i = P_i * w_i


- W_i: Weighted percentage for the i-th model.

- P_i: Prediction percentage of the i-th model.

- w_i: Weight for the i-th model.

Example Calculation:
Consider the following example predictions and weights:

| Modality | Sentiment | Percentage | Weight |


| Audio Model 1 | positive | 0.428967 | 0.529 |

| Audio Model 2 | negative | 0.440000 | 0.521 |

| Text Model 1 | negative | 0.955447 | 0.990 |

| Text Model 2 | negative | 0.999999 | 0.986 |

| Video Model 1 | positive | 0.470676 | 0.643 |

| Video Model 2 | negative | 0.365104 | 0.653 |

For each modality:

Audio Model 1: W_1 = 0.428967 * 0.529 = 0.226998743

Audio Model 2: W_2 = 0.440000 * 0.521 = 0.229240000

Text Model 1: W_3 = 0.955447 * 0.990 = 0.945892530

Text Model 2: W_4 = 0.999999 * 0.986 = 0.986000014

Video Model 1: W_5 = 0.470676 * 0.643 = 0.302643868

Video Model 2: W_6 = 0.365104 * 0.653 = 0.238188312

2. Final Sentiment Calculation

The final sentiment is determined by selecting the sentiment with the highest weighted

Final_Sentiment = argmax(W_1, W_2, W_3, W_4, W_5, W_6)

Example Calculation:
Using the weighted percentages from the previous example:

W_1 = 0.226998743

W_2 = 0.229240000

W_3 = 0.945892530

W_4 = 0.986000014

W_5 = 0.302643868

W_6 = 0.238188312

Final_Sentiment = argmax(0.226998743, 0.229240000, 0.945892530, 0.986000014,

0.302643868, 0.238188312) = 0.986000014 (Text Model 2)

"The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane" is a book by B. Raman, a former

Additional Secretary of India's Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW). This memoir
provides an insider's view into the workings of India's premier intelligence agency,
detailing its history, operations, and key players from its inception in 1968 through the
1980s. Named after R.N. Kao, the founder of R&AW, the "Kaoboys" refers to the early
officers handpicked by Kao, who played pivotal roles in shaping the agency's strategies
and successes.

Raman's narrative captures the intricacies of intelligence work, shedding light on

R&AW's involvement in significant geopolitical events, such as the Bangladesh
Liberation War in 1971 and counter-terrorism efforts. The book offers a unique
perspective on the challenges faced by the agency, including bureaucratic hurdles and
inter-agency rivalry, while highlighting the dedication and resourcefulness of its officers.
"The Kaoboys of R&AW" is not just a historical account but also a tribute to the unsung
heroes of Indian intelligence. Raman's firsthand experiences and anecdotes provide
readers with a deeper understanding of the covert operations and strategic decisions that
have influenced India's national security landscape. This memoir is an essential read for
those interested in intelligence, espionage, and the complex dynamics of international


n "The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane," B. Raman delves deeper into the
personal and professional lives of the R&AW officers, often referred to as the "Kaoboys."
These individuals were instrumental in establishing R&AW as a formidable intelligence
agency on the global stage. The book highlights their remarkable contributions and the
significant sacrifices they made for the nation's security.

Raman recounts various covert operations, revealing the meticulous planning and
execution that went into each mission. He discusses the agency's role in gathering critical
intelligence, which played a decisive part in shaping India's foreign policy and defense
strategies. The memoir also sheds light on lesser-known aspects of intelligence work,
such as the development of human assets, the intricacies of signal intelligence (SIGINT),
and the challenges of counter-espionage.

One of the notable episodes in the book is R&AW's involvement in the Bangladesh
Liberation War of 1971. Raman details how the agency provided crucial support to the
Mukti Bahini (the liberation army of Bangladesh) and helped in orchestrating the
eventual victory that led to the creation of Bangladesh. This operation is often hailed as
one of the finest moments in R&AW's history.

Raman also touches upon the internal dynamics within the agency, including the
mentorship provided by R.N. Kao and the camaraderie among the Kaoboys. He discusses
the professional challenges they faced, such as dealing with political interference,
maintaining operational secrecy, and navigating the often-turbulent waters of
international diplomacy.

The book provides an insightful analysis of the agency's growth and evolution over the
years. Raman reflects on the changing nature of intelligence work in the post-Cold War
era and the new challenges posed by terrorism and cyber threats. He emphasizes the need
for continuous adaptation and innovation to stay ahead in the intelligence game.

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