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Calibration instructions for S3 series tractors 10.01.


Content of the calibration instructions

1. General
2. Available calibrations
3. Reset functions in the instrument panel control screen
4. Calibration instructions
5. Table of special cases when only a certain calibration is needed
6. Other calibrations with EDT

1. General

Most of the calibrations are accessed through the CAL, CAL1 and CAL2 modes of the
DCC instrument panel screens. Some of the calibrations are done via tractor terminal.

Always use the newest software versions. If there is an outdated version of the software
in the tractor, update the software. Tractor functions and calibration functions are always
improved on the new software versions. Use specific programming and settings
procedure for downloading the tractor software.

2. Available calibrations

Calibrations are listed in the order they should be performed. See the specific
instructions for each calibration in chapter 4 of this instruction.

Accelerator pedal calibration

Speed display calibration
Calibration of the steering angle sensor
Speed range calibration
Transmission ratio calibration
Calibration of the simulated hydraulic clutch
Rear PTO calibration
Rear linkage calibration
Front linkage calibration
Tractor terminal calibration
Calibration of the hydraulic control levers in the armrest
Calibration of the suspended front axle
Cab suspension calibration (AutoComfort)
TwinTrac calibrations (optional equipment)
After the ccalibration instructions
i s in chapter 5 there is a table off special ca
ases in
which you can perforrm only one e of the ca
s instead
i of full
f calibratition

3. Reset functions in the instrument panel control screen

If the tractor has a malfunction or the customer

customer is complaining about roughly behaving of
transmission it is needed to calibrate. Before starting to calibration it is possible to reset
stored error codes and calibration values via instrument panel.

esetting va
alues in CA
AL2 mode ode
DC: ressets the sto
ored errorr ccodes fromm the
t instruument paneel (DCC3)
TC: ressets the sto
ored errorr codes
c from
m the transm
mission co
ontroller (EXT
VL: ressets the calilibration va
alues. Not recommen
r nded to use
e if the tractor is working OK


1. Switch
witch the ignition ON , press the clutch pedal down and start the tractor.

2. Momen ntarily switch

itch the pow
wer shuttle lever from P to N and
d back to a
activate the
ment panel.

3. Within the next 5 seconds press

p the LEFT
D butt
simultaaneously until you get into
in the CAL2-mode
C e of the inst
panell ccontrol screen.

4. Select the vvalues

alues you want to clear by using the arrow buttons
and press on OK to clear the values.

5. Press the Home button to exit from the CAL2

4. Calibration instructions

The calibrations should be performed in the following order to make sure that the process
is successful. In the end of the document there is a table of special cases when you only
need to perform a certain calibration.

If you update the tractor s software go through the entire calibration process. Calibrate
the tractor also if you suspect that there is a malfunction in the tractor because of bad

Buttons of the keypad for the instrument panel (on the right side of the wheel)

CAL mode of the instrument panel

View from the lower right corner of DCC while on CAL -mode.

In the CAL mode are the following calibrations:

- Speed display calibration

CAL1 mode of the instrument panel

View from the lower left corner of the DCC while on CAL1 -mode.

In the CAL1-mode are the following calibrations:

Speed range calibration

Transmission calibration

Simulated hydraulic clutch calibration

PTO calibration
CAL2 mode of the
t instrum
ment panel

View frrom the low

wer left corrner of the DCC while
ile on CAL2

In the CAL2 -mode

mode are the following calibrations:

- Stee
eering anglele sensorr calibration
- Ressetting erro
or codes and
an calibrattion values (See the chapter 3)

4.1 Accele
erator ped
dal calibrattion

This calibrration save

es the acceelerator peddal position
n sensor s extreme vaalues to the e system.
By using thhe calibrattion values,
s, the system
m determinenes pedal position,
p w
when it is ussed.


1. Switch
itch the ignition ON (Do
Do not sta
art the tract

2. Pedal fully released (up)

(up) push
p the differentiall llock switch
itch for appro
oximately 5 seconds,
til you hearr a beep so
ound. Release the switch.

3. Press
ress the acccelerator pedal
pe all the way (downn). When th
he pedall is fully deprressed, push
the differentia
al lock switch
itch for appro
roximately 5 seconds,
s, until you hear
h a beep.

4. Release the differential lock switch and the acccelerator pedal.

5. Switch OFF the ignition for at least 8 seconds in order to validate the calibration.
4.2 Speed display calibration

The speed display calibration is performed in CAL mode of the instrument panel control
screen. The calibration calibrates the speed value from the transmissions speed sensor to the
actual ground speed measured by radar. This way the speed display is correct and the
system can calculate i.e. slip percentage correctly. Perform this calibration on a flat surface.


1. Start the tractor.

2. Momentarily switch the power shuttle lever from P to N and

back to activate the instrument panel.

3. Press (approx. 15 sec) the screen selector (A) until text CAL
appears on the right -hand display on the instrument panel.
Note! The daily operating hours will be reset after 5 seconds.

4. Select the distance -display from Tractor Terminal in the armrest.

To get to the TT distance display press separately ESC - left arrow
and then OK for 2 seconds.

5. Reset the distance to 0 by pressing 000 + OK.

Make sure that you have enough space for driving the tractor.

6. The needed distance for this calibration is about 150 meters. Select the range A
(tortoise) and start driving at constant speed ~ 5 km/h. Cruise can be used also!

7. Reset the tractor terminal distance counter just before starting the calibration.
Press the screen selector (A) to start the calibration.

8. Text run will appear on the instrument panel display. The calibration distance is 100
meters so observe the distance from the tractor terminal display.

9. Drive ahead and pay attention to the tractor terminal distance display.

10. Stop the calibration by pressing on the screen selector (A), when you have traveled
exactly 100 m according to the terminal distance display. Do not stop or slow down
the speed of the tractor until you have run the 100 m and stopped the calibration.

11. Check theoretical distance from DCC3 and then actual distance by pressing the (A).
Press shortly the selector (A) to save the calibration values and exit the calibration.

If there is an error during the calibration perform the calibration again. Note! If you started the
calibration for example when the distance is 10 m on tractor terminal display then you have to
stop the calibration when 110 m is travelled.
4.3 Steering
ring angle sensor
s calib

This calibrration save es the steering angle sensor vallue at a ce

ertain referen
ence point.
t. This valu
is used to calculate the t steerinng angle during
du the ope
peration. This
T is used
ed, for exam
mple, by thhe
differentiall llock autom
omatic functi


1. Sta
art the tracto
or and engage the front axle suspension.

2. Mom mentarily switch

s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back
to a
activate the
e instrumentnt pa

3. With
hin the next 5 second
onds press th
he LEFT and
nd DOWN buttons
sly until you get into
in thhe CAL2-moode of the
he instrumentt
nel controll screen.

4. Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate to steering sensor
calibration. Press OK too start the calibration.

5. Make sure that you have enough space. Start driving the tractor
over 1 km/h speed.

6. Turrn the front tires to left end and press OK.

7. Turrn the front tires to right end and press OK.

8. Set front tires to middle position by driving and press OK.

9. Press OK to save
s the va

10. Press the hom

me button to exit the calibration.
4.4 Transmission calibrations

Note! The transmission calibrations (numbered calibrations following) must always be

carried out in the following order (4.4.1 - 4.4.2 - 4.4.3 - 4.4.4) and as a sequence. Do not
skip over the sequence! If you have to calibrate the PTO, you have to go through all the
transmission calibrations.

Make sure that no any active error code appears and the transmission oil is warm enough
(+40 °C) before you start transmission calibrations. Transmission temperature can be
checked from Tractor Terminal display or from the lower left corner of the DCC by
pressing the LEFT navigate button 3 times.

4.4.1 Speed range calibration

This calibration will calibrate the position sensor of the A and B ranges. With the calibration
values the transmission controller can control the range changing functions.


1. Start the tractor and set the engine to low idle.

2. Momentarily switch the power shuttle lever from P to N and back to activate the
instrument panel.

3. Within the next 5 seconds press the LEFT and UP buttons

simultaneously to enter the CAL1-mode of the instrument panel
control screen.

4. Press down the clutch pedal and keep it pressed.

5. Select the calibration and press OK.

6. The calibration steps automatically through 3 runs: A range, B range and neutral
position calibration. The calibration should take less than 10 seconds.

7. When the calibration is complete, text 0 OK is displayed on the screen.

Release the clutch pedal and press Home button to exit the calibration.

8. Switch OFF the ignition for at least 8 seconds in order to validate the calibration.
Note that after the calibration the speed range is on neutral.

If there is an error during the calibration, text error is displayed. Check the
preconditions (low idle, clutch pressed) and perform the calibration again.
4.4.2 Tran
ion ratio calib

This calibrration will

ill calibrate
c the transmissi
ission sensoors and the
e hydrostatic
tic unit of th
ssion. The tra ansmission n range muust be set on
o neutrall and it can be checked
from the tractor terminal.


1. Sta
art the tractor and set the engine to low idle.

2. Mommentarily switch
s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back tto activate the
strument panel.

3. With
hin the next 5 second
onds press th he LEFT and
nd UP butto
sly to enterr tthe CAL1-m
mode of the
he instrumen
ent panel
ntrol screen.

4. Sele
ect the calibra
ation and press OK.
5. Thee engine rpm
rp is set automatically
au lly to 1590 rpm.
r The calibration
c step autom
steps matically
ough 7 runs.
s. The calib
bration tak
kes about 5 minutes.

6. Whe
hen the calilibration is complete,
c t
text 0 OK is displayed
d on the screen.
Press the Home button to exit the calibration.

7. Switch OFF the ignition for at least 8 seconds in order to validate the calibration.

If there is a
an error du
uring the ca
alibration, text
t error is displayed
Check the e preconditi
itions and perform
pe the calibration
n again.
4.4.3 Calib
ion of the simul
imulated hydra
aulic clutch

This calibrration will

ill calibrate
c the hydraulic
lic clutch
cl fun
nction. Thee transmissi
ission must
be in the o
operating tememperature e before th
he clutch caalibration (a
at least +400 °C).

The transm
mission tem
mperature can be che
hecked from
m the instrum
rument pane el display by
b pressingng
on the UP arrow morre than 3 sseconds. The
T menu opens
o on th
he instrum
ment panel d display.
Select Data
ta and press OK. Tran
ansmission temperatu
ure is showwn on the Trans
T tempp -line.


1. Sta
art the tractor and set the engine to low idle.

2. Mommentarily switch
s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back tto activate the
strument panel.

3. With
hin the next 5 second
onds press th he LEFT and
nd UP butto
sly to enterr tthe CAL1-m
mode of the
he instrumen
ent panel
ntrol screen.

4. The
e speed ran
ange B (Hare) mu
must be
e selected.

5. Sele
ect the -calibrati
tion and press OK.

6. Thee engine rpm

rp is set automatically
au lly to 1090 rpm.
r The calibration
c step autom
steps omatically
ough 9 runs.
s. The calib
bration tak
kes about 2 minutes.

7. Whe
hen the calilibration is c
complete, text
t 0 Ok is displayed
d on the screen.
Press the Home button to exit the calibration.

8. Switch OFF the ignition for at least 8 seconds in order to validate the calibration

If there is a
an error du
uring the ca
alibration, text
t error is displayed
ed. Check
ck the
t precond
and perforrm the calibbration agaain. If you have
ha to perrform the calibration
c ffor more th
han once,
switch off tthe powerr between thhe calibratitions for at least 10 se
4.4.4 Rear PTO calibr

This calibrration will

ill calibrate
c the PTO spo
ool and thee PTO startiting process.
If you havee problems s starting
st th
he PTO perform
pe this
is c

Note! You cannot only

on perform m tthe PTO calibration,
c , you must always go through allll tthe 4
ission calibrati
tions in the
e order theyy are listed
d on this inst
struction. Take into
consideration al
so that only 2 PTO speeds are existing in Valtra S-series.
S series.


1. Sta
art the tractor and set the engine to low idle.

2. Mommentarily switch
s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back to
t activate the
nt panel.

3. With
hin the next 5 second
onds press th he LEFT and
nd UP butto
sly to enterr tthe CAL1-m
mode of the
he instrumen
ent panel
ntrol screen.

4. Choo
hoose 1000 or ECO PTO
TO range from
f the B pillar of the
t tractor.

5. On the screen
n select the
e calibration
n and press
ss OK.

6. Sta
art the PTO
TO within 30 seconds. Calibration
C time depend
ends on the
e range sellected but
in any case it should take under 1 minute.

7. Whe
hen the calilibration is
s complete,
c text OK is
i displayed
d on the screen.
Switch OFF the PTO and press the Home button to exit the calibration.

8. Switch OFF the ignition for at least 8 seconds in order to validate the calibration

If there is a
an error du
uring the ca
alibration, text
t error is displayed
ed. Check ck the
t precond
and perforrm the calibbration again.
aga The calibration is done for all the ranges at the same
time, independent of which speed range you select when calibrating

Make sure e that you have

h selected the PT TO range and
an start the
e PTO with
hin a few se
after the sttart of the calibration.
c on. If the timee limit exceeded, 0 ERR will appear.
4.5 Rear linkage calibration

This calibration will calibrate the rear linkage position sensor values, position potentiometer
values and the linkage spool valve value. These values are used to optimize the position
control and the active transport control functions.


1. Set a weight of at least 200 kg on the rear linkage, to make sure that the linkage lowers
properly. Make sure that there is enough room with the weight for the linkage to reach
the extreme up and down positions.

2. Start the tractor and set the engine rpm to low idle.

3. Set the position potentiometer of rear linkage to position between

4 and 6.

4. Activate the rear linkage by using the AutoControl switch.

Set the armrest AutoControl switch to work -position.

5. Set the draft control knob to P-position.

6. Set the linkage height control knob to maximum position.

7. Set the linkage lowering speed control knob to Hare position.

8. Press the active transport control button 4 times quickly.

The active transport control indicator starts to flash indicating
that the linkage is in the calibration mode.

9. The calibration takes about 1 minute depending on the weight attached and the oil
temperature. The linkage will be lowered and lifted automatically during the calibration.

10. When calibration is complete the indicator light stops flashing and linkage locks
to low position.

Note! The calibration can be stopped at any time by pressing the active transport
control switch or lift/lower switch.
4.6 Front linkage calibration

The tractor terminal makes the calibration automatically every time the tractor is started.
The front linkage should work normally if the calibration is OK. However, if you replace
the position sensor of the front linkage, you may have to reload the tractor terminal
software. Use the EDT to do this if necessary.

4.7 Tractor terminal and Armrest calibrations

After updating or reloading the tractor terminal software the fault code 6315 13 040 might
appear. This is a fault code indicating that the tractor terminal needs to be calibrated.

You can download just the tractor terminal software and parameters or use the package
download. If the package download is used, you need also to do the Armrest (UC1)
calibration after the software downloading.

Instructions for tractor terminal calibration

1. Start the tractor after the software download.

2. Fault code 6315 13 040 appears in tractor terminal or in EDT.

3. Drive faster than 5 km/h in both ranges A and B, to both directions forward
and reverse.

4. Shut down and re-start the tractor.

5. The terminal is now calibrated and the fault code disappears.

Instructions for the Armrest/UC1 calibration

1. Go to the compass view in the tractor terminal by pressing ESC. Then activate the
service mode in the tractor terminal by pressing three (3) times OK and ESC.

2. Go to the joystick calibrations menu on the tractor terminal.

3. Select the joystick to calibrate and press OK.

4. Calibrate the plus and minus positions by gently pushing the control lever against
the detent point and then press sharply the armrest s OK button at the same time.
Finally calibrate the middle position by releasing the control lever and press OK sharply.

5. Make sure that the changed value will be saved after pushing OK. Push the ESC button.

6. Perform the calibration procedure for all hydraulic control levers in the tractor armrest.
After the calibration for all hydraulic control levers is done press the ESC button to exit.
4.8 Front suspension calibration

This calibration saves the upper and lower stop values of the suspended front axle
position sensor. These values are used to determine the position and movement of the
suspended front axle during operation of the tractor.


1. Start the tractor and set the engine rpm to low idle.

2. Press the front axle suspension switch to left five (5) times quickly. The suspension
indicator light on the dashboard starts to blink. The calibration is now activated.

3. The tractor will automatically run the axle to extreme upper and lower positions and
save the calibration values. Don t move the tractor until the calibration is completed.

4. The calibration takes about 2 minutes and is complete when the axle reaches the
middle position and the front suspension indicator light in the dashboard stops

If the suspended front axle calibration is not successful the front suspension remains in the
calibration mode and does not activate after the lower stop phase. In this case the position
sensor might be faulty or in need of adjustment. Measure the sensor. The signal value from
the sensor should be between 1.2 1.3 V on the low stop and between 3.3 4.2 V on the
upper stop. If needed adjust the position of the sensor and run the calibration again.

4.9 Cab suspension calibration (AutoComfort)

This calibration saves the position sensor values of the suspended cab. The values
are used to determine the position of the cab and adjustment of the suspension
during driving of the tractor.


1. Start the tractor and set the engine rpm to low idle.

2. Press the activation side (AUTO) of the cab suspension switch five (5) times quickly.

3. The cab suspension calibration will automatically run the cab to the extreme high
and extreme low positions and save the sensor values.
4. The calibration takes less than 2 minutes and is complete, when the cab returns
to the middle position.
4.10 TwinT
inTrac calib

During the
e calibration
on three diff
fferent functi
ctions must be calibrated: the rear
ear steeringg
wheel calib
bration, the
e rear acceelerator pedal
peda and the e rear clutch
tch pedal ca alibrations.
During the
e rear steerring wheell ccalibration
n the positio
on and rotaation of the
e steering
wheel is ca
alibrated to the whee
heel position on o the frontt axle.
During the
he a
acceleratoor pedal annd clutch pedal calibra rations the system sa aves the
extreme upp and dow wn position sensor vallues to the system.

ns for the re
ear steering
ng wheel (wheel angle sensor) calibration

1. Sta
art the tractor
or and turn
n the seat to
t the reverse drive position.

2. Ope
pen the tran
ansmission settings
s meenu in the tractor
t term
minall by pressing ESC. Select the
steering wheel calibration (last item in the menu). Press the OK button to START.

3. Start driving the tractor over 1 km/h speed and turn

tu the e steering wheel
w to th
he left end
op, the senssor value is automatic
tically saved.
ed. During th
he steering
g, follow tha
hat the senssor
ue change es gradually
lly and smooothly.

4. Turrn the steerring wheell to the righ

ht end stop,, the senso
or value is automatica
au ally saved.
Durring the ste
eering, follo
ow that thee sensor vaalue chang ges gradually
lly and smo

5. Pre
ess OK to end
e the calilibration.

ns for the re
ear accelerrator pedal
dal calibration

1. Turrn the seat to the reve

erse drive position
po on and sswitch th
he power on
o (Do not start!).

2. Mom
mentarily switch
s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back to
t activate the DCC.

3. Withth the acce

elerator peda
edal up, push
ush the differ
erential lock
ck switch
s forr approxim
mately 5
secconds, until
til you hearr a beep. Release the switch.

4. Preess the acccelerator pedal

pe all the way downn. With the pedal fully
lly depressed
d, push the
erential lock
ck switch
s fo
or approximmately 5 se
econds, until
til you hearr a beep.

ns for the re
ear clutch pedal
p calib

1. Turrn the seat to the reve

erse drive position
po and sswitch th
he power on
o (Do not start!).

2. Mom
mentarily switch
s the power
po shuttle
ttle lever fro
rom P to N and back tto activate the DCC.

3. Pre
ess the cluttch pedal all
a the way down
do and then hold down
do the differential
d l llock switch.

4. With
h the differe
rential lockk s
switch still pushed, slowly
s relea
ease the clu
utch pedal.

5. Rellease the differential

d llock switch
itch when the pedal is fu
ully depresssed (released)
5. Table of special cases, when only a certain calibration is needed

Part replaced Calibration to be performed

Changing tires to different size Speed display calibration
Radar Speed display calibration
Accelerator pedal potentiometer Accelerator pedal calibration
Instrument panel (DCC3) Accelerator pedal calibration
Steering angle sensor Steering angle sensor calibration
Front axle Steering angle sensor calibration
Front suspension position sensor Front suspension calibration
Transmission controller (EXT-lite) Transmission calibrations (all 4)
A range solenoid Speed range calibration
B range solenoid Speed range calibration
Range position sensor Speed range calibration
Transmission Transmission calibrations (all 4)
Transmission high pressure sensor Transmission calibrations (all 4)
Transmission actuator Transmission calibrations (all 4)
Hydraulic clutch solenoid Transmission calibrations (all 4)
Transmission high pressure sensor Transmission calibrations (all 4)
PTO solenoid Transmission calibrations (all 4)
Rear linkage solenoid Rear linkage calibration
Rear linkage position sensor Rear linkage calibration
Rear linkage position potentiometer Rear linkage calibration
Rear linkage controller (Auto5) Rear linkage calibration
Tractor Terminal Tractor terminal calibration
Armrest (UC1) Joystick calibrations
Cab suspension controller (Auto5) Cab suspension calibration
Cab suspension position sensor Cab suspension calibration
TwinTrac controller (Auto5) TwinTrac calibrations (all 3)
Rear Steering Wheel sensor TwinTrac calibrations
Rear accelerator pedal sensor TwinTrac calibrations
Rear clutch pedal sensor TwinTrac calibrations
6. Other calibrations with EDT

Some calibrations can also be found under Calibration tab in EDT.

There are two calibrations available for Automatic Air Conditioning (AAC), Wheel
Angle Sensor (WAS) calibration and Steering Valve Spool (SVS) calibration.
Just select the wanted function, click Start button and follow the instructions.

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