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COMPUTER STUDIES GRADE 10 – 11Page 23 of 256

2.1 Computer applications
2.1.1 Communication and information systems
The Internet

The Internet-this is a global network of computer networks which is public and does not
belong to any particular organization or person. It consists of a lot of servers and clients.
Anyone can use the internet at any time.

Services provided on the Internet

• Email

• E-commerce

– Shopping

– Banking

– Payroll

• Social media

– Communication

– Entertainment

– Marketing

– Learning

• E-direction and maps

• E-health services
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Cloud computing

This is the storing, managing and processing of data online, instead of your own physical
computer or local server. An example of cloud computing is iCloud.

2.1.1 ACTIVITY - Communication and information systems

NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 8
1. Define the term internet?
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
2. Use appropriate examples where needed, describe at least four services available
on the internet.
………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [4]
3. Describe the term cloud computing
…………...………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
COMPUTER STUDIES GRADE 10 – 11Page 25 of 256



Do practical from Understanding Computer Studies Grade 10-11 Textbook by Alice

Chizengeya on Page 50-51


Search Engine

It is a program designed to search for information on a specific keywords supplied by the

user from the World Wide Web. The user will have to type in keywords and then the search
engine will use these keywords to search for pages which have information on those

Examples of search engines are Google search and yahoo search.

Search Engine Techniques

• Basic Searches: the more keywords you use in your search, the more specific and
accurate your results will be.
• I’m Feeling Lucky: used by the google search engine, search results takes you
directly to the website when the “I’m feeling Lucky” button is pressed.
• Wildcard Searches: used when you don’t know all the words you are looking. Enter
first few words and make use of the asterisk (*) will bring the results of all phrases
that starts with your typed words.
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Web browser

This is software or a program that allows a user to open and view web pages on the
internet. Examples of web browsers are Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome



An intranet is a private network that is similar to the internet in functionality, but is only
available to an organization internally.

A simple intranet consists of an internal email system and perhaps a message board
service. More sophisticated intranets include Web sites and databases containing
company news, forms, and personnel information.

Intranets facilitate communication between people in an organization and they improve the
data sharing capabilities. A good example of intranets is bank networks.



An extranet can be viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users

outside the company, usually via the Internet.

An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public
telecommunication system to securely share part of a business's information or operations
with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An extranet can be
viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside the company.

Companies can use an extranet to:

 Share news of common interest exclusively with stakeholders.

 Share product information with customers.
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 Provide or access services provided by one company to a group of other

companies, such as an online banking application.

Difference between Internet, extranet and intranet

• Intranet is shared content accessed by members within a single organisation.
• Extranet is content accessed by groups from specifically assigned users/computers
across an organisation’s boundaries, or specified outside access is given
• Internet is global communication accessed through the web.
2.1.1 ACTIVITY - Communication and information systems
NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 10
1. A businessman wants to establish a guesthouses which is going to be in operation
in his own area. He entered the phrase ‘guesthouses’ in the browser and received
several million hits! Give TWO practical suggestions on how he can narrow down
the search to yield more relevant results.
……………………………………………………………………..……………………… [2]
2. State the difference between a browser and a search engine
3. List four popular search engines
…………………………………………………..………………………………………… [4]
4. List any 3 examples of browsers
………………….………………………………………………………………………… [3]
5. State any one reason why a browser is important.
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Social media

Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share
information quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Users install applications on their
smartphones or tablets or computers and share photos, opinions and events, in real-time
and this has transformed the way people live and, also, the way business is done.
Examples of social networking sites and apps are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,

Uses of social media

 Social media is a means of interacting among people in which they create,
share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and
 Social media has made digital messages more personal, therefore
promoting effectiveness.
 Social media promotes news to the younger generation
 Enables people from all over the world to get to an inside perspective of
faraway places.
 Social media serves as a cost-effective communication channel for
promoting brands to target specific audiences.
 Allows users to make more friends all over the world making conversation
and creating relationships.
 Collaboration
 Create and maintain relationships; people can talk every day, send each
other photos, discuss family matters, and advice each other.
 Companies collaborate with customers to improve quality of their
products and services.
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 Entertainment
 Social networking and listening to music
 Watching full length television shows and full length movies
 Watching video clips (e.g. YouTube)
 Instant messaging
 Most users log in to their social media not really to be informed but to be

 Marketing
 The explosion of social media has led to the increasingly important
practice of Social Media Marketing. Social Media Marketing programs
usually focus on efforts to create content that attracts attention and
encourages readers to share with their social networks.
 Marketing a product on social media gives the seller the advantage of a
worldwide market, cheaper advertisement, reaching a much larger
audience than other types of marketing, as well as tracking of shares and
 Some social media sites such as Facebook allows users to create an
online shop where products can be advertised, tracked and sold.

 Learning
 Most educational institutions use social networks to engage and stay
connected with the world. (Community members, parents of students,
potential supporters, staff and all interested parties are a tweet or a “like”
 Students can benefit from online tutorials and resources that are shared
through social networks and Learning Management Systems (LMS).
 Social media provides a medium where students can establish valuable
connection for their careers, LinkedIn.
 Channels like YouTube can be used by students to teach themselves
about any topic by watching tutorial videos.
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Advantages of social media

Networking without borders -it enables everyone to connect no matter which country
they belong to.

Instant News and Information - We do not have to look for the news visiting different
news websites, the news will find us on the social networking sites.

Great marketing channel for Business - Social networking sites are the best marketing
channel available in the world.

Exchange of ideas and Collaboration - Social networking sites have collaboration features
like Groups. One can create a group and start to share ideas and information for a specific

Disadvantages of social media

1. Addiction

One can become a social media addict by constantly checking Social Media Feeds or
checking people’s profiles and statuses for hours and hours. Researchers at Chicago
University concluded that social media addiction can be stronger than addiction to
cigarettes and alcohol.

2. Mental Illness

Social networking sites are linked to increased risk of mental health problems like
depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Too much time spent scrolling through social media
can result in symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.

3. Frauds & Scams

There are billions of fake accounts on various social networking sites including Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. Facebook removes more than 3 billion fake accounts in six months
and Five per cent of Facebook’s monthly active users are fake.

4. Misleading Information
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Fake news and misleading information can go viral in no time on social media platforms.
Many publishers and spammers are misusing the platforms by sharing fake and misleading

5. Cyberbullying

Many users use social media platforms to express hatred and aggression. The public
figures are the commonly targeted victims of cyberbullying. Teenagers are also at risk of
cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is also associated with depression, anxiety and suicidal

6. Hacking

Most users of social networking sites are not fully aware of the risks of sharing some kinds
of information. They share thoughts, personal experiences, photos, etc not knowing that
such information can be used by hackers to hack your accounts in social media, emails or
even your phone.

Several personal twitter and Facebook accounts have been hacked in the past that have
affected the individuals’ personal lives.

7. Privacy Issues

Your life is not private when you use social media. One can know who you are just by your
use of social media. They can find out how many friends you meet daily, or what type of
food you like, or where you hang out.
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2.1.1 ACTIVITY - Communication and information systems

NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 14

1. With the use of appropriate examples, explain the use of social media in
a. Communication:
b. Entertainment:
c. Marketing:
d. Learning:
2. Discuss any three advantages and three disadvantages of social media

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [6]
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Electronic mail

This is the exchange of messages between users, over a computer network.

Facilities offered by email include the following

1. Forwarding/group forwarding - this is sending e received e-mail to one or more

people without having to retype it.
2. Group mail – this is sending the same message to a group of people at the same
3. Attachments- this is attaching some files to your e-mail. The attachments can be
text documents, pictures, sound or video.
4. Reply- can set up automatic replies to assure the sender that the message has
been received.
5. Mark an email as urgent.
6. Mark an email as unread so that it can be read again later.
7. deleting an email
8. Saving an email to your hard disk.

Advantages of using email over ordinary post

- Email is faster to reach the recipient because the message is delivered almost
instantly depending on the connectivity.
- One can send an e-mail anytime. It is available 24/7 unlike the post office which
closes at end of day.
- One can send attachments with email. This reduces the costs and effort of sending
files such as photos, videos, music files etc.
- Email is more secure because one needs a password to access an email account.
- The sender is assured of the arrival of the email. It won’t get lost as long as the
address is correct.
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Disadvantages of e-mail

- The recipient may not check the email regularly meaning that it may take time for
one to get the message.
- It exposes your computer to viruses.


Video conferencing

This is a facility which allows people in different locations to meet via the internet in real
time, while they are able to see and hear each other. General uses for video conferencing
include business meetings, educational training or instruction and collaboration among
health officials or other representatives.

Hardware requirements for video conferencing

In addition to the basic requirements of a computer system, the following hardware

components are needed for one to be able to do video conferencing.

1. Web camera
2. Soundcard
3. Speakers
4. Microphone


Advantages of video conferencing

1. No need to travel to the meeting venue.

2. No need to hire a special venue for the meeting. People can meet while they are
anywhere as long as the network is available.
3. Meetings can be held at short notice since all that is needed is to sit at the computer
and no traveling or making accommodation arrangements.
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Disadvantages of video conferencing

 Technology can fail or systems may crash/go off-line. Remote connections are
sometimes known to be hampered by environmental changes.
 Have to give extra training to use the Equipment. On some occasions, the absence
of technical support personnel creates difficulty for participants who are unfamiliar
with the videoconferencing technological concepts.
 Need to employ somebody to set up and maintain Equipment.
 Time zones may be different if conferencing in different parts of the world

2.1.1 ACTIVITY - Communication and information systems

NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 10
1. Give at least 4 advantages of using email rather than a courier services.
………………………………………………………………….…………………….…. [4]
2. Give the main reasons why video-conferencing has become increasingly popular.
…………………………………………………………………………………..……….. [3]
3. State at least 3 hardware needed for video conference
…………………………………………………………………………………………….. [3]
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A remote database is a database which can be accessed by people from all over the world
through a network. An example of a remote database is the WWW which can be accessed
through the Internet. Information about any topic is held in the database and it is available
to all who need it.

To access information in a database, you need an information retrieval system. A search

engine such as Google is an example of an information retrieval system.




This is the use of a combination of text, graphics, video sequences, sound, and animation
to present information.

Applications of Multimedia

1. Computer Aided Learning (CAL)

Learners can learn on their own without depending on a teacher. In that way, they
can repeat topics which they do not understand until they understand. It is also an
advantage when there is a shortage of teachers. Multimedia features allow learning
to become more interesting and enjoyable due to features such as animation,
sound, graphics and video clips.

2. Marketing
Multimedia can also by companies to advertise their products. This would draw the
attention of the viewers and thereby attracting them to buy their products.
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3. Entertainment
Multimedia is also used in the entertainment industry in the form of movies, cartoons
(Animations) etc.


Online banking

This is when bank customers do banking transactions via the internet instead of going to
the bank. That means customer will not need to travel to the bank and stand in long
queues. With online banking, banking transactions can be done at any time, 24/7.

However, online banking has some risks which make people afraid of using it. These
include the following:

- There are some bogus sites which look like the original web sites from the bank yet
they are just there to steal customers’ confidential information which will lead to loss
of money.
- Confidential information can also be lost to hackers who will end up staling funds
from customers’ accounts.
- Making use of the Internet exposes the computer system to a lot of harmful viruses.

Online shopping

This is when customers buy their items over the internet. Traders advertise their products
on websites. Pictures of the product and the price will be shown on the website and when
a customer is interested in any product then they can either transfer money to the seller’s
account or they can provide the seller with their credit card number, which the seller will
use to get money from the customer’s bank account. When the seller gets the money, then
he/she will send the product by post.
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This means that the seller does not need to rent a shop for putting his/her products. The
seller can also get customers from all over the world and a customer can buy any time
which means the business would run very well.

Customers also have the opportunity of buying goods from anywhere in the world. It also
cuts the traveling costs to the customer and no need to go to the shop and stand in long
queues. Customers can do their shopping at any time of the day.

However, this kind of technology is turning towns into ghost towns because many shops
are closing and running their businesses online.

When doing online shopping, one has to know the risks involved. The risks are as follows

1. You do not get to see the product before you buy it and you may end up buying a
product which you do not really want. Some products look good just on the picture.
2. There are also bogus sites which advertise goods which they are not really selling.
The criminals just want you to provide them with your account details and they will
end up stealing from you.
3. Using online shopping exposes your computer to a lot of viruses on the internet.
4. There is no social interaction when compared to going to the shop and stand in a
queue where you would chat with other customers.
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2.1.1 ACTIVITY - Communication and information systems

NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 12
1. E-commerce is set to change the way that most people shop and do business. A
company has decided to sell their products online.
(a) Discuss the drawbacks of e-commerce?
....................................................................................................................................... [4]
(b) Give two benefits of e-commerce for the owner of the business.
…………......................................................................................................................... [2]
2. A company has branches in several towns and uses video conferencing to
communicate with and to train its staff.
(a) Define the term video-conferencing?
....................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) The company has regular training sessions using video conferencing.
(i) Give two advantage of using video conferencing to carry out training.
.................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Give two disadvantage of using video conferencing to carry out training.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
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Wireless technology
Security aspects of Wireless technology

Network security is the protection of information and resources over a network from loss,
corruption, and improper use.

 Public Wi-Fi is not safe; remember anyone can have access to it and not all people
access it for good intentions.
 Wi-Fi is experiencing some attacks such as war driving, karma, and cracking
 Unauthorized users can potentially log onto your network and gain access to your
devices and data.
 Radio waves penetrate through walls and can be received from a few blocks away
from the house, or building, therefore, your data is exposed to unauthorized users.
Encryptions will be required.

You have no way to ascertain the security of the network or even verify and validate that it
is truly the network and not an "Evil Twin". You have no way* to make sure no one can
intercept and read and/or modify your data. Furthermore, while not dangerous yet still
annoying, the stores can also monitor your connections and dependent upon the fine print
you click "OK" in order to connect, they could query your device and get data about you

General benefits of wireless network

• Avoiding use of network cables reduces setup costs

• Convenience; one can access his/her network resources from any location within
wireless network coverage area or from any Wi-Fi hotspot

• Mobility; you are no longer restricted to your desk, as with a wired connection

• Productivity; wireless access to the Internet helps your staff to get the job done on
time despite your location from the office and it encourages collaboration

• Expandable with existing equipment

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• Advances in wireless networks provide robust security protection

Wireless Local Area Network

It is a wireless local area network that uses radio waves to connect devices such as
laptops to the internet and to business network and its application over a small area.

Wireless Wide Area Network

This connects devices over a large geographic area such as city, country or the word by
using mobile telecommunications cellular network technologies to transfer data.



Factors affecting transmission speed of data on the Internet

Transmission speed is the rate at which data is transferred from one computer to another.
It is measured in bits per second (bps). The transmission speed of data is affected by
several things including

Your computer

Your computer's set-up for example, operating system and amount of RAM, may affect

Your Modem
Not all modems are created equal, and some may not give as high quality connection as
Loose wiring in telephone cables running from your modem to your telephone jack may
cause your connection speed to degrade. Additionally, if you have a long extension cable
running from your modem to the telephone jack, this may also affect your connection.

Internet traffic

During busy periods you may experience slower speeds as more people are accessing the
Internet. Telecom allocate a certain amount of bandwidth to your telephone exchange,
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which may mean that at peak times, the maximum speed you can reach is limited because
everyone on your exchange is using the same bandwidth at the same time.

Other programs running on your computer

If you are downloading on your own computer whilst trying to do other things, these
activities may slow down your downloads, email or web browsing.
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 16
1. State at least four general benefits of wireless network
…………………………………………………….....................………………………… [4]
2. Explain the different classes of Wireless Network
...…………………………………………..………………………………………………. [4]
3. Discuss the security aspects of wireless Technology
………………………………………………………….…………………………………. [4]
4. List and explain some factors influencing transmission speed
………………………………………………………….…………………………………. [2]
5. Nowadays, most financial companies have employed a number of ways of
protecting computer systems and the data they store from access, damage or loss.
One measure taken is the use of Security tokens. List down two examples of
security tokens you have learned.
………………….………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
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Banking systems

Computers are extensively used in the banking industry for a variety of data processing

A large database is used to store the details of bank customers as well as their account
details. The database will be stored on a server and all the clients in other brunches can
access the customer data.

ATM (Automatic teller machine)

Computers are used as ATMs where customers can perform various banking transactions
such as withdrawing money, transferring money from one account to another, e.t.c.
customers will have to be issued with an ATM card which they will have to use together
with a Personal identification number (PIN) for security.

The cards can also be used as credit/debit card to make purchases from shops and this
would avoid moving around with a lot of cash and thereby reducing cash robberies. ATMs
also reduce pressure in the banking hall.

Stock control systems

Computers are used in shops to monitor the levels of stock so that the shops should not
run out of stock without knowing.

There will be several electronic paint of sale (EPOS) terminals

All EPOS terminals are connected to one server which has a database where stock details
such as the barcode, item names, stock quantity, re-order levels, names and addresses of
suppliers, etc.

 bar codes are attached to all goods/items sold by the supermarket

 each bar code is stored in a stock file on a computer database
 the customer takes their basket/trolley to the POS terminal
 the bar code on the product is scanned at the point of sale (POS) terminal
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 if the bar code can’t be read, the POS operator has to enter the bar code manually
using a keyboard
 the bar code is searched for on the database
 once the bar code is found, the appropriate file/record is accessed
 the price of the good/item is found and sent back to the POS
 the stock quantity of the item is reduced by 1
 if the stock quantity is less than or equal to the re-order/minimum stock level then
the system automatically re-orders goods items from the suppliers
 this procedure is repeated until all the items in the customer’s basket/trolley have
been scanned
 when all items/goods have been scanned, the customer is given a receipt showing a
list (with prices) of everything they have bought
 when new goods arrive, the bar codes are used to update the stock files

Hospital Administration

In hospitals there is a database containing information about patients such as name,

surname, telephone number etc. The computer can also keep records of diagnosis and
prescriptions and give drug alerts to remind about those patients who are supposed to take
some medication at given times. Admissions and discharge of patients can also be
monitored on these computer systems.

Payroll systems

A payroll system is a system that is used to process the salaries or wages of employees.
The computer system will have to calculate the right amount which has to be given to the
worker and at the right time. Some workers are paid weekly, some fort nightly and some
monthly. Some wages are calculated from the number of hours worked with different rates
per hour. All the necessary details such as the employee’s personal data (Name, surname,
Position), salary scale, rate of pay or basic salary, etc., will have to be entered into the
computer and then the computer will do the processing. Payroll is normally done using
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batch processing usually overnight. This means data about every employee will have to be
entered into the system before any processing can be done.

At the end of each pay period (usually weekly or monthly) a company needs to pay its
employees. Payroll systems are used to calculate wages and print out pay slips. The
inputs are: employee details from file (e.g. rate of pay, tax code, bank details), number of
hours worked (often obtained from a timesheet), any overtime working, holidays, etc.

The processing done is calculation of: gross pay, any deductions (tax, medical aid,
insurance), net pay, etc.

The outputs are: printed pay slips, updating of the employee file, transfer to Bank

This is run as a batch system, where all the timesheets, etc. are gathered together before
the payroll calculations are done in one go (often overnight). Since there is no need for any
further input, nor is it urgent to get the output (unlike in, for example, a booking system),
batch processing works efficiently. The process is shown in Figure.
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Library systems

Many library systems are computer controlled. They usually involve the use of barcodes on
the books being borrowed and on the borrower’s library card when a borrower takes out a
book, the book’s barcode is scanned. The book details are then found on the book file. The
borrower’s library card barcode is then scanned for the borrower’s unique number. The
book file is linked to the borrower’s file and both files are updated to indicate which book
has been borrowed and when it is due back. On a daily basis, the borrower’s file is
interrogated by the computer to see which books are overdue for return:

 The computer reads a record from the book file.

 It compares the date due back with the current date.
 If the date due back is less than (or equal to) the current date (i.e. earlier date) …
 using the barcode number of the book …
 the book file is linked to the borrower’s file …
 and the corresponding record is read from the borrower’s file.
 The customer details are then found and a letter or email is automatically sent out.
 The next record in the book file is then read …
 until the whole file has been checked.

Computers are used in libraries to monitor the borrowing and returning of books. The
computer will store a database containing information about all the books in the library
such as title, author, publisher etc. the database also contains information about all the
members of the library.

Information about those who borrow books and the due dates can also be obtained from
the database, by searching using queries.

The computer can automatically send reminders to those members with books that are due
to be returned.

Barcode systems can be used to capture information about books and members.
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 8

1. A point-of-sale system is installed at the local DVD and music shop for sales and
stock. Data about the items sold are collected from the barcode.
a) Explain how the data reads from the barcodes, are used to find the prices of the
specific items sold.
……………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
b) Describe how the point of sale system reads the data on the barcode.
……………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
c) Computers are used in libraries to monitor the borrowing and returning of books.
Briefly explain how the library system work.
………………………………………………………………………………………... [4]
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Weather forecasting

Another example of simulation is predicting weather (i.e. a weather forecaster). In this case
we will consider how/what data is collected, how the simulation is done and consider how it
can be used in predicted possible climate changes.

(1) How and what data is collected

- Sensors are placed in a radiosonde which is released into the atmosphere to transmit
information such as humidity, temperature etc.

- A radiosonde consist of the following instruments

• Thermometer – used to measure the ambient air temperature

• Anemometer and Vane – measure wind speed and direction

• Barometer – measure atmospheric pressure

• Hygrometer – used to measure humidity

- The collected information is sent to the earth based weather stations where they are

- Information is also got from satellites

- pilots also send in information regarding weather conditions during long flights

Other devices used to record weather

Remote control planes

Known as drones, they are used to fly into hazardous areas such as into the eye of the
hurricane to collect weather data.
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Doppler Rada

Produces weather images seen in weather forecasts. The radar can detect whether the
precipitation is moving towards or away from the location of the antenna and sent to the
weather station

(2) How the simulation is done

- information from the sensors/satellites sent to computer

- this data is compared to information stored on files …..

- which contain known weather patterns from the past

- predictions are made based on these comparisons

- produces weather maps showing isobars, temperatures, etc.

- computer can show graphically how weather (e.g. cloud formations) will change with time
(i.e. predict weather patterns) – this is often presented as a computer- generated video
showing how clouds build up, how temperature and pressure changes over, for example,
the next 7 days, wind speeds etc.

(3) How future environment/climate changes can be predicted

- Information over time is fed into a climate/weather model

- based on changes in weather patterns, computers carry out a statistical prediction

- The model is able to change parameters to see how future climate can be affected

- Using the collected data from previous days and current day, the computer analyse the
data and predict the next weather.

- The models use equations, along with new and past weather data, to provide forecast
guidance to meteorologist.
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 4
Explain how are computers used in climate or weather prediction
………………………….………………………………………………………..……………….. [2]
Radiosonde consist of the following instruments. List them down:
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
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Computer aided design (CAD)
CAD is the use of a computer program mainly by architects, engineers, drafter, and artist
to create precise drawings or technical illustrations of physical objects such as of buildings,
cars, planes, dams and other types of constructions.

Features of CAD program

Library of CAD objects

CAD software consists of ready-made symbols or shapes that may be included or not
included in the installer. The benefits of these libraries are:

 Saving time as it lessens repetitive tasks.

 Objects becomes accurate and errors are reduced
 Referencing content instead of redefining object data reduces size
 Preserves uniformity
 Easy to link to other documents

Modifying shapes of an object

 The already existing objects can be modified to suite the exact need and it saves
time instead of starting from scratch.
 Modifying an object gives flexibility to create exactly what is required

Test robustness of a design

 Designs are tested to minimise malfunctioning of a system

 The test improves reliability of data transfer between different CAD/CAM/CAE
 Test avoids the experience of productivity losses, computer crash, loss of data and
services and sometimes the loss of life

Rotating and viewing images in 3D

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 3D allows users to see the product from all possible angles and give a better
impression of what it will look like
 Users can also see any discrepancies and make corrections before the product is

Minimum Requirements of a CAD computer

 powerful processor
 large quantities of RAM
 large hard disk space
 A plotter for printing the designs on large papers.
 High resolution monitor to clearly view the designs



Simulation and Modelling

A simulation is the creation and analysing of a digital prototype of a physical model to

predict its performance in the real world.

The idea is to try and find out what mechanisms control how a system behaves and
consequently predict the behavior of the system in the future and also see if it is possible
to influence this future behavior.

In Modelling & Simulation, Modelling is the process of representing a model which

includes its construction and working. This model is similar to a real system, which helps
the analyst predict the effect of changes to the system. Simulation of a system is the
operation of a model in terms of time or space, which helps analyze the performance of an
existing or a proposed system.
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To demonstrate how a simulation can be developed for use in a real situation the following
example has been chosen. The scenario chosen is a series of traffic lights at two busy

1. How and what data is gathered

To make this as realistic as possible, data needs to be gathered over a long period of time.
This can be done by sensors in/near the road, using cameras or manual data collection.
Data gathered includes:

- count the number of vehicles passing in all directions at each junction …..

- at a particular time of day

- count how many cars build up at a junction before lights change

- is it a week day or weekend or bank holiday

- how long it takes to clear vehicles at a junction

- other data (e.g. pedestrian crossings)

- time for largest/slowest vehicle to pass through a junction

- other factors (e.g. filtering of traffic to the right or left)

2. How the simulation is done

The data is entered into the computer and the simulation is run. The following scenarios
may be tried out:

- timing of lights varied to see how the traffic flow is affected

- build up number of vehicles stopped at a junction and change timing of lights to see how
it affects the traffic flow

- increase/decrease traffic flow in all directions to see how the traffic is affected

- try out the impact of accidents

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- consider passage of emergency vehicles

- effect of adding in pedestrian crossings

- once the simulation is run, the timing of the lights is determined and how they interact so
that the maximum traffic flow is achieved; fault scenarios (e.g. an accident) and their
impact are considered

3. How the system would work in real time

- sensors in/near the road gather data (these can be light/infrared sensors, induction loops,
pressure sensors, etc.) – the data captured is usually number of vehicles passing a
particular point

- the data is sent to a control box or computer system

- the gathered data is compared to data stored in the system (the stored data is based on
simulation runs, how the number of vehicles at a junction at a particular time of day affects
the traffic flow, etc.)

- the control box or computer “decides” what course of action to take and…..

- sends signals to the traffic lights to change timing if necessary

- as with any system involving sensors, ADC and DAC interfaces may be needed

4. Advantages of carrying out simulations

- saves cost (rather than doing the real thing)

- safer (scenarios tried out on the simulation first before used in reality)

- possible to try out various scenarios in advance

- some environments make simulations the only way to carry out a task beforehand (e.g.
outer space, under sea, chemical processes, nuclear reactors, crash testing cars, etc.)

- faster (no need to build and test real system, so it is possible to get results more quickly)
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5. Types of Simulators:

Flight simulator tests the ability of the user to fly an aeroplane and includes features such

• take-off

• manoeuvres

• steady flight

• stunts and

• landing using a joystick or wheel

Driving Simulators

Imitates the skills required to control vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses and trains

Used for the purposes of entertainment, training and crash testing

Training tools include

• Use of vehicle controls (steering wheel, accelerator…)

• Driving practice tricks (emergency stop, reversing and parking)

• Handling of large trucks safely

• Driving in hazardous conditions, such as snow, heavy rain and mist/fog

6. Other examples of simulations

- training (e.g. pilots, drivers, doctors, etc.)

- running/testing chemical plants and nuclear plants

- trying out equipment to be used under sea or in outer space

- crash testing cars

- financial simulations (e.g. stock market predictions based on various scenarios)

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- population growth (i.e. predict how the world’s population will increase based on a
number of different scenarios)

- queues (e.g. simulating queues at supermarket checkouts for example)

- weather

Why modelling is done

-Dangerous situations can be modelled safely
-if a test with a model goes wrong, the consequences are not that disastrous
-it is much cheaper to set-up a model than to build a whole system or building for testing
-you can repeat your tests as often as you need to
The following scenario explains modelling can be applied to a real-life situation, how
data is gathered and how predictions of future happening are made.
A company wants to design a building, but needs to know whether it will sustain specific
weather conditions, what material will be needed for extra strength, the costs involved to
build it, etc. They can use a program called CAD to “build” a virtual building. This will show
them in detail the structure and possibilities of what could happen in an earthquake, for
instance. This enables them to test their model to the extent of knowing what it will look
like, what material are better to use, the costs involved with different materials used and
what changes must be made in the real world. They can also project building costs, etc.
from the model as well.


Virtual Reality

This is an interactive 3D computer-created world that you can explore so you feel you
really are there, both mentally and physically. Very often the user wears data goggles, data
helmet or data gloves to give a feeling of “being there”. Apart from feeding sensory input to
the user, these devices also monitor user actions e.g. data goggles track eye movement
and respond by sending new video input.

Devices used in virtual reality systems

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 Data goggles/helmets – these use display screens and optical systems that send
3D images to the eyes.
 Motion sensors measure the position and orientation of the head; this information is
sent back to a computer which enables it to adjust the image being sent to the user.
 Data gloves, suits containing sensors and joysticks are all used to interface with a
virtual reality system depending on the application.
 The CAVE is a VR system which provides the illusion of 3D by projecting images on
the walls and floor of a room. Participants wearing data goggles can enter the room
and freely walk about. Sensors in the goggles and in the room continually track the
participants’ position and adjust the images based on this information.

Uses of virtual reality

 Used in difficult and dangerous environments that are hazardous to train for.
 Entertainment- used in film/television as special effects, in flight simulators and race
car games
 Marketing – used as virtual tours around houses and hotels, kitchen designs, online
shopping, test drive and so on
 Training – areas include: military training, medical/dental training, teaching
personnel how to use dangerous and/or expensive equipment. VR is used for
training difficult and dangerous jobs safely such as taking a trip to space, landing a
plane, making a parachute jump, or carrying out brain surgery?

How we create virtual reality images for use on a computer system

When a virtual tour of, for example, a house is shown on a website the images need to be
first created and then manipulated. The following summarizes how this can be done (a
similar method/technique could be used for various applications):

- take photos with, for example, a digital camera

- the photos are taken from a single point (reference point)

- the camera is rotated around the room as a number of photos are taken

- the images are “stitched” together using special imaging software

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- photo images are re-sized and re-configured for Internet use

- use hotspots on the web page to allow a user to move around the house (e.g. from room
to room). Integrate plans and maps into the image to allow user to navigate the house.

- developments such as broadband, large computer memories and compression software

have allowed virtual tours to be offered on the Internet and/or CD/DVD files.

Advantages of using virtual reality

- it is safer (since techniques can be tried out in advance without the dangers of the real
operation e.g. maintaining a nuclear plant where it is possible to try a task on a computer
first to learn how to do it; if mistakes are made the results would be harmless; e.g. doing a
medical task on a “virtual” patient is much safer in case of mistakes, etc.)

- cost savings (no need to build the real thing which could save large sums of money e.g.
testing out a real moon buggy or building a part of a chemical plant would be very

- it is possible to do tasks which would normally be impossible (e.g. walking inside a

nuclear reactor, doing a task in outer space, etc.)

- there is a feeling of “being there” which makes the training more realistic and can allow a
number of very realistic scenarios to be tested out e.g. how to deal with an emergency on
a chemical plant which could be made to be really realistic!!
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 16
1. Explain with examples the following
a) Virtual Reality
………………………………………………..………………………………………. [1]
b) Modelling
…………………………….………………………………………………………… [1]
2. A factory uses CAD software to produce designs for high performance vehicles like
racing cars:
………………………………………………………………………………….………… [4]
3. Discuss advantages of simulation
……………………………………………………………………………..…………… [3]
4. How are virtual reality images created on a computer system?
………………………………………………………………………………………… [4]
5. Discuss the advantages of virtual reality
…………………………………………………………………………………….……… [3]
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Monitoring and Control systems
A monitoring system is a computerised process for checking what is happening around
and take action accordingly.
The control system consist of a computer or microprocessor, a control program which
handles data from sensors and send signals to output devices and an interface box to
convert the signals between the sensors and the processor.

Monitoring system vs Control Systems

Monitoring System Control System
- Examines/read the sensor data and reports - Using the monitoring system, it takes the data
the results and values, decision are made according to
- No action is taken by the computer or system criteria and action is taken (controlling the
- Examines sensors and report the results hardware actuators)
- Takes sensors value and control hardware


Feedback process happens in three stages

Input: Sensors are used to detect the environment around it and takes measurements.
The measurements are in analogue form which a computer cannot understand.
Types of sensors
Temperature, Light, Pressure, Proximity etc.
Process: decision is made when the measurement from sensors are compared to stored
(predefined) values. If there is a need, the processor turns on/off actuator(s).
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Output: actuators (output devices) are used to respond to the results of a process.
Examples of Actuators
Light bulb, Heater, Cooling unit, Motor, Pump, Buzzer / Bell / Siren, etc.

Benefits of Monitoring and Control System

 Computer systems takes measurement at precise intervals
 Measurements are taken accurately
 Performs repetitive task without complaint or boredom
 Computer system can immediately take action to correct any problems that may
arise from the measurement.
 It is safer
 They work 24/7 which avoids dangers of missing information
 Data can easily be displayed and analysed without the need to enter data


Hospital – ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
• Critically ill patients have their vitals continuously monitored/read (blood pressure,
breathing, heartrate, body temperature and brain patterns) using sensors
• The vital signals received from sensors is recorded and compared with stored
medical condition. Based on the results, decisions are made regarding what
action to be taken.
• Display monitors are used as actuators to display graphs of pulse, breathing,
blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels. A loud buzzer/alarm can be
sounded to notify nurses/doctors on duty. A small printer can produce a hard-
copy of the data.
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Traffic Control System
They are used in traffic lights (controlling the sequence of lights to maintain optimum traffic
flow) using sensor system, timed system or a combination of the two.
Sensor systems detect cars as they pull up to the intersection, which triggers a change in
the traffic light
Timed system follow a set schedule no matter what traffic conditions are like (though the
schedule itself might change throughout the day)


Role of computers in motor vehicles
 Radar-based cruise control varies the speed, keeping a safe distance from the car
in front
 Airbags are used in the event of accidents to protect the drivers and passengers
from impacts that may cause serious injuries
 Anti-lock braking systems avoid skidding while braking and helps the driver maintain
steering ability in order to avoid obstacles
 Vision systems which uses blind spot detection technology alerts drivers to
potential risks presented by objects in their blind spot
 Active parking assistance to help the driver determine the vehicle’s bumpers are to
nearby devices
 Controlling car engine heat
 Rain sensors automatically turn on the windshield wipers to clear the water on the
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 8

1. Describe monitoring and control systems are used in

a) Hospitals
………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
b) Movements of cars on the road
………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
2. State the roles of computers in motor vehicles
………………………………………………………………………………………… [4]
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2.1.5 Automation and robotics

Nanotechnology is a manufacturing technology that makes products lighter, stronger,
cleaner and less expensive. Nano means small.

Is the application of extremely small things that can be used across all science fields, such
as engineering, chemistry, electronics and medicine
This type of engineering is aimed at building electronic components and devices measured
in nanometres, which are extremely tiny in size and structure.



Nanotechnology is expected to have a significant impact on improving the quality of health

care through early and reliable diagnostics of diseases, better drugs, targeted drug
delivery, improved implants, and other applications.

Individuals who need artificial parts in their body - legs, limbs, ligaments or organs - can
expect more reliable and rejection-proof substitutes using Nano-materials.

• Nanoparticles deliver drugs, heat, light or other substances to other specific types of
cells such as cancer cells.
• Damaged tissues can be reproduced or repaired with the help of nanotechnology
tissue engineering
• Perform microsurgeries on any part of the body to avoid damage to larger parts of
the body
• Nanorobots are used injected in human body to destroy cancer cells in the body,
diagnose and treat diabetes and for dental treatment.
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Challenges of nanotechnology in medicine

• Nanomedicine will widen the gap between the rich and the poor therefore bringing
unequal access to the medicine
• There is fear that nanorobots could be manipulated to harm the body rather than
healing it
• There might be long-term risks associated with having robots in the body

Use of nanotechnology: Energy production and conservation

Environmental pollution of air, soil and water, including the impact of toxic waste in
landfills, is a major concern across the world. Using nanotechnology, scientists are
designing new catalysts for waste remediation, and for conversion of toxic gases into
environmentally friendly components.

 Generating steam from sunlight: sunlight concentrated on nanoparticles can

produce steam with high energy efficiency
 Producing high efficiency bulbs that are shatterproof and have twice the efficiency of
compact fluorescent light bulbs
 Increase the electricity generated by windmills by making use of nanotube-filled
epoxy to build stronger and lighter windmill blades
 Generating electricity from waste heat from thermocells that generate electricity
when the sides of the cell are at different temperatures
 Storing of hydrogen for fuel cell powered cars. Graphene layers are used to
increase the binding of energy of hydrogen to the graphene surface in a fuel tank,
resulting in higher amount of hydrogen storage and therefore a lighter weight tank.
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Use of nanotechnology: environmental clean-up and protection

Nano materials are used to develop other alternative energy technologies. This includes
the production of solar cells using flexible substances like plastic and thin metal. It also
includes the production of wind energy making use of nano components.

 Air pollution cleaning methods

Carbon nanotubes are used for trapping greenhouse gas emission caused by
coal mining and power generation
 Water pollution clean-up
Harmful pollutants in water can be converted into harmless chemicals through
chemical reactions
 Cleaning up oil spills
Use of nano-wires made of manganese oxide can clean up oil and other organic
pollutants while making oil recovery possible.

Nano drones
These are the smallest drones; they have the same dimensions as insects. They are easy
to operate; they are affordable, portable and safe to fly indoors or outdoors. Their crashes
are not very destructive. As a result they are used for entertainment purposes, spying in
military, training to fly actual drones, and for other smaller tasks, since they can easily be
maneuvered and they can reach remote locations.

Protective and self-healing materials

Lightweight, high-strength, fiber-reinforced composites are increasingly used in electric
cars, aerial vehicles and wind turbines. However, the main risk in employing these new
materials is that internal micro-cracks which may cause catastrophic failure that are hard to
detect and repair. A solution is to provide these materials with a self-healing ability so that
they can repair themselves and restore their mechanical properties automatically. Self-
repairing materials would have a massive impact on virtually all industries, lengthening
product lifetimes, increasing safety, and lowering product costs by reducing maintenance
requirements. This vision is coming closer to reality with Nanotechnology.
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The following methodologies are used:

- One approach is the use of nano-containers that possess the ability to release
encapsulated active materials in a controlled way, leading to a new family of self-
healing coatings.
- Intrinsic self-healing materials heal through inherent reversibility of chemical or
physical bonding instead of structure design.


NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 12
1. Differentiate the following terms:
a) Nano-technology?
………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]
b) Nano-drone
………………………………………………………………………………….………… [1]
2. List down four uses of Nano-technology
….…………………………………………………………………………………..… [4]
3. Discuss on how Nano-technology can be used in energy production and
………………………………………………………………………………….…….. [3]
4. Give reasons why Nano-drones are becoming increasingly common?
………………………………………………………………………………………. [3]
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A drone is a known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which is an aircraft or ship that
can navigate autonomously, without human control or beyond the line of sight.
They are controlled from the ground using a remote controller.

Uses of a drone
Used in military for
Search and rescue missions,
Disaster management
Geographic mapping
Wild life monitoring/poaching
Space exploration
Space simulation that leads to the creation of space models for flights experience.
Computers are used to calculate the flight route and driving force that a space vehicle will
take to fly into space

Sea Exploration
Remotely Operated Submersibles (ROV) are used to discover and search for things that
are unusual an expected on the sea bed.
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The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite system that provides reliable location
and time of any object anywhere on or near the Earth. It is freely accessible by anyone
with a GPS receiver.

With GPS one can pinpoint your location anywhere on Earth.

Applications of GPS

 Map creation
 Giving driving directions to drivers- allow a driver to keep track of where he or she is
and suggest the best route to follow to reach a designated location
 Used by hunters to find where they are.
 Aircraft navigation- to locate aircraft.
 Also for tracking children to prevent child abductions and wondering that can lead to
them getting lost.

Benefits of GPS

- Available 24/7 and can be used anywhere on earth

- Available free of charge

Limitations of GPS

- Maps not up to date therefore instructed to carry out an incorrect manoeuvre (e.g. turn
into a road which no longer exists)

- Unless the system is very sophisticated, road closures due to accidents or road works will
cause problems to a sat nav system

- Signal loss can cause problems with GPS systems

- Potential interferences from external sources (major problem on aircraft)

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- Incorrect start and end point keyed into system


Voice synthesis
This is a computer-generated audio output that resembles human speech, produced by an
electronic synthesizer operated by means of a keyboard. Smartphones are the common
voice synthesis devices used in giving directions. It has unique GPS route tracker and
complete GPS route guide on play store which helps users in finding voice directions
during navigation to any preferred location on the maps and voice navigation helps in
finding nearby places, street view, and road map with location in KMs.


- Convenience; you only listen and concentrate on driving

- They are constantly and frequently being updated


- Consumes too much power

- Pronunciation can confuse user
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 10

1. How does a GPS work

………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

2. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of using a GPS?

……………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

……………………………………………………………..……………….………… [2]

3. Explain uses of drones

…………………………………………………………………………………..……. [3]
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A robot is a complex moving machine that is controlled by a processor. All robots consist of
the following components:

1. Sensors- for capturing information.

2. Microprocessor- for processing data in order to control the robot so that it can act in
certain ways.
3. Actuators- to produce movement.
A camera allows the robot to see and a microphone allows the robot to respond to spoken

Applications of robots

Robots can only be used to perform physical tasks. Some of the applications where robots
can be used are as follows:

1. Car manufacturing. They perform tasks such as spray painting, welding and car
2. Assembling computers.
3. Underwater maintenance workers.
4. Toys

Advantages of using robots

1. Robots can work in environments which are hazardous to humans. E.g. at nuclear
power stations. They can perform dangerous tasks.
2. They reduce labor costs. Labor costs are costs of paying human workers.
3. Robots produce a consistent quality of work. They produce similar products.
4. Robots can work 24/7 which increases productivity.
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Disadvantages of using robots.

1. They are expensive to buy and install.

2. They are expensive to maintain.
3. They are limited to their functions because they can only do what they have been
programmed to do.

Effects of robots on the workers

1. They cause de-skilling. This means that the human workers are no longer doing
the work. All they do is to control the robots.
2. Some employees lose their jobs because they are being replaced by robots.
Workers have to be trained how to operate the robots so they acquire new skills.


Closed circuit television (CCTV)

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a

specific place, on a limited set of monitors.

CCTV is often used in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports,
military installations, and supermarkets.

CCTV is used for crime prevention

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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 10

1. Robots have become increasingly important in today’s life. Briefly discuss some
of the uses of robots?

………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

2. State the advantages of using robots as opposed to using human beings

………………………………………………………………………………………. [3]

3. Every good thing has drawbacks too. What are the drawbacks of using robots in
the manufacturing?

……………………………………………………………………………………… [4]
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2.1.6 Expert system


This is a system programmed with the knowledge from a human expert and it gives
reasoned advice in a particular field with explanations of its reasoning meaning it can
explain how it arrived at a particular decision.


Components which make up an expert system

1. The knowledge base. This is the knowledge from a human expert which is in the
form of IF……THEN rules. It store large quantities of information which has been
collected from a human expert. This is also called the rule base. In other words,
knowledge is stored as rules in the rule base.
2. Inference engine. This is the code which provides the reasoning mechanism which
is used to arrive at a decision.
3. User interface. This provides the means by which the user can communicate
(interact) with the system. It passes questions from the system to the user and it
displays the responses from the system in a way that the user can understand.

How to create an expert system

1. Gather information from the human experts. This can be done by holding meetings
or discussions with the human experts.
2. Create the rule base/ knowledge base by entering the data from the experts.
3. Design the inference engine.
4. Design the user interface.
Test the system with known problems to see if it is functioning well.
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How an expert system works

1. The inference engine queries/asks the user some questions. These questions are
normally yes/no questions. These questions will be displayed on the user interface.
2. The inference engine then uses the responses from the user to search for all
possible matches from the rules base.
3. The results are then displayed on the user interface together with explanations of
how the system arrived at its decision.


Applications of expert systems

1. Medical diagnosis expert system

Is a computer program using a set of rules that analyses data and stimulates the
judgement and behavior of a human expert in medical field. A user of the medical
diagnosis expert system asks questions according to the data he/she collected about
patient. User asks these questions through the inference engine and answers are given
according to the information in the knowledge base using defined rules. So, the data on
symptoms or signs, special data of laboratory tests or radiological images are processed
by the system using designed rules to obtain the possible diagnosis. A medical diagnosis
expert system can:
a) Diagnose one or more diseases and suggest appropriate therapy
b) Diagnose the absolute absence of any of the diseases.
c) Find some symptoms or signs due to any exogenous/outside cause (e.g.
caused by environment)
d) Notify the doctor that the patient does not feel the minimum criteria for some
of the diseases and in this case, suggests a new evaluation
e) Suggest to send the patient to a specialist
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2. Mineral prospecting/ geological surveys

In geology an expert system was developed to assist in the analysis of drilling site soil
samples for oil exploration. The expert system is built by capturing information about
geologic setting and kinds of rocks and minerals, to help geologists find hidden mineral
deposits. The expert system allows you enter the geologic setting, structural controls, and
kind of rocks, minerals, and alteration products present or suspected. It then compares
observations with stored models of ore/mineral deposits. It notes similarities, differences
and missing information. It asks for additional information if necessary, and then assesses
the mineral potential of the prospect.

3. Fault diagnosis e.g. on vehicles and electronic components.

Vehicle engine faults are diagnosed by a specific sound that it makes. Algorithms for fault
diagnosis in vehicle engines are developed using sound techniques, since each engine
fault has a specific sound that is distinguishable. Therefore, collections of analysis of
sound samples from different types of cars, which represent different types of faults, are
used to create a database (knowledge base) of sound prints. The database makes the
whole process of diagnosing engine faults based on sound easier and less time
consuming. Different features from the sound samples are extracted and used for
diagnosis. The faults under test are compared with the faults in the database and the best
match is considered as the detected fault. The developed system is then used by
technicians and engineers and can be used to train engineering students.
In most cases, sensors are now used to detect some faults which are displayed on your
display screen in your car. A car diagnostic software is also used to detect faults by
interacting with a diagnosis machine collecting data from a car engine. When faults are
diagnosed the software stores them, downloads code explaining the problem with the car
and how it can be solved.
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Advantages of expert systems

- provides consistent answers

- never “forgets” to ask a question in determining the logic

- reduces the time taken to solve a problem

- less skilled work force needed, therefore potentially can save money

Disadvantages of expert systems

- lacks common sense in some of the decision making processes

- errors in the knowledge base can lead to incorrect decisions being made

- cannot adapt to changing environments unless the knowledge base is continually


- expensive system to set up in the first place

- needs considerable training to ensure system used correctly by operators

2.1.7 Education, training and entertainment


Stands for Electronic learning; this is a learning environment which uses information and
communication technologies (ICT’s) as a platform for teaching and learning activities. It
utilities electronic technologies (like tutorials on YouTube) to access educational
curriculums outside a traditional classroom.
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Web-based training

Is an internet browser-based learning which is also available on local intranets. WBT

technologies include streaming audio/video, webinars, forums and instant messaging.

Computer Aided Instruction

This is where the computer is used as an instructional medium in the training environment.
It is used to train many students at a time, teaching then different skills, from how to type
text in a word processor up to how to fly a Jumbo jet. Computer Bases Training (CBT)
makes use of a computer system to train people in a number of applications. It makes use
of multimedia and self-assessment with minimum input needed from a human trainer.

The advantages of training people using computer systems (such as CBT) include:

- trainees can work at their own speed

- trainees can learn when they want
- it is possible to re-run sections of the training program if necessary
- possible to come back at any time/pause training program at any point
- user gets immediate assessment of performance
- possible to include multi-media elements in the training package
- no need to have a teacher/classroom – potential cost savings therefore possible
- it is easier to keep up to date/amend

Interactive Learning and assessment

Recent technology trends are evolving quicker and so much that teaching and assessment
doesn’t depend on a teacher or learner to be physically present in a classroom.
The modern assessments include video conferencing where interactive learning takes
place. There are web-based assessments where you find exercises that be automatically
mark given answers and provide corrections.
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Social learning
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Flickr, as well as open social
practices such as blogging, can be used in learning for the purpose of convenient
communication with other students and potentially with others outside the class, such as
students of the same topic and subject experts.


How cartoons and / animations are produced.

Animation/Cartoons in Films and Video/Television

Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via computer hardware and

Animated subjects appear to move because images appear on screen and are quickly
replaced with a series of similar, slightly altered images in a sequence that suggests
walking, waving, contesting or any action the viewer’s eyes perceive to be occurring.
Computer animation is favored precisely because it speeds up the process of creating the
many images needed for such a sequence. The production process for a live action TV
show is fairly straightforward. Writers come up with a script, actors perform the script in
front of a few cameras and a studio audience, the footage is edited, and the show is ready
for broadcast.

How special effects are produced and their benefits

Special effects (SFX) are illusions or tricks of the eye created to simulate the imagined
events in a story or imagined world. SFX cab be created using software such as
Computer-generated image (CGI).
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Benefits of SFX
1. Special effects make it possible to combine separate pieces of film and replace
part of an image, thus allowing for effects such as characters flying in the air, this helps is
creating film pieces that looks real.
2. Explosives, fire and scenes of buildings being destroyed can be made without
actually destroying building as it is very costly and dangerous.
3. Scenes of actors doing dangerous stuff like fighting dinosaurs or poisonous
snakes can be made without exposing actors to danger

How speech and animation are synchronized

Its’s important to have speeches go along with animation to not have animation moving lips
where there is no sound. There are several ways to do this:
- Pre-animate and then record; you animate things knowing roughly how long a line
should take to say and how long the mouth utters things and then require the voice
actor to match this as closely as possible.
- Record, then animate manually; you will get the best result with this method, since it
allows you to incorporate the voice actor’s body language and facial expressions.
And you hand animate throughout.
- Motion capture their lips while recording; instead of hand-animating their mouth you
should make use of motion capture to translate your animation style well.
- Record, and then use software to parse how their lips should move; this one is
where you need the most double checking. You can use voice recognition software
to tell your animation program which mouth position to use, but you will want to
double check to make sure things fit.
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Superimposing human images into cartoons

You can convert real images into cartoons. There are various software applications you
can use to do that, such as Adobe Illustrator. The following steps are how you can cartoon
yourself in Adobe Illustrator;
4. Upload the image to Adobe Illustrator
5. Draw or trace the image. So you need to open a new layer, lock it and use
the pen tool to draw the outline of your original image. This is where you
detail the way you want. If you wish, use auto trace.
6. Add colors to your image. You can use shades of colors that are close to
the original, unless you are looking for a different effect. An easy way to do
this is to outline each color segment separately on its own layer. This will
enable you to color each section and add your gradients.
7. Refine with gradient colors and background. Use the gradient tool to give
your image depth. You can play around with gradient tool and solid colors
to enhance your image.


Training medical doctors
The healthcare industry is already being used effectively to train medical students, new
surgeons and help medical professionals refresh their skills.
VR is used in different ways that include:
- Hands-on operations; trainees can perform ‘hands on’ operations in a controlled and
safe environment instead of training on a live human body. VR headset can place
medical students in a virtual operating room or laboratory, complete with toolset and
staff necessary for the current task with room-scale technology, students can physically
walk around the space while receiving realistic haptic feedback against their hands.
Trainees can afford to make mistakes and learn from it in the VR setup where there is
literally no risk at all.
- Paramedics training; VR is used for training students practicing paramedics and similar
field of study. Trainees can learn life-saving techniques and skills without placing
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anyone at risk with no risk involved, students can interact with simulated emergency or
accidents in virtual reality environment.
- Demonstrate negative effects of intake of some stuff e.g. demonstrate the negative
effects of smoking
-Medical students can explore the human nervous system, cardiovascular systems etc.
Training medical pilots
VR aircraft simulators, make pilots training more effective and adaptable. Pilot students
can train on how to take off, fly, land Boeings, and also for emergency landing, etc. this is
more effective as they can crash in the simulated environment as many times as possible
until they get it right. This is cost effective as planes are very expensive to buy.

Training medical architects

VR is also used by architects to model buildings and test for the strength of material or for
disaster control, like incases of an earthquake how specific buildings would be, this will
help them plan how they will build, what materials to use, etc. this plays an important role
in construction.

Learning to operate complicated machinery, e.g. in military and agriculture sectors

In military, VR is being used for military training on how to use guns, armored vehicles and
submarine which launch virtual torpedoes and also dangerous places like war. This is not
only cost saving and also life saving for soldiers.

In the Agricultural sector, with the use of VR employees can be trained on how to use
complicated machinery. This safe guards human life and machines from damages.

Education, e.g. Museum tours, astronomy, biology

VR can be used to explore and better understand objects stored in museums.
It can also be used to study astronomy; the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets,
gas, etc.
VR is an important tool to also to teach biology, as it gives a realistic and up-close
understanding of living things, anatomy, physiology, behavior of things.
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 40

1. Using examples, clearly define each of the following

a) Expert systems
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [1]
b) E-learning
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [1]
c) Virtual reality
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [1]

2. Clearly explain the difference between Web-based Training and Computer Aided
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [2]
3. Clearly explain the use of each of the following:
a) Inference engine
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [2]
b) Knowledge base
…………………………………………….……………………………………………..……. [2]
4. Describe how expert systems created
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……………. [8]

5. Describe the use of expert systems in

a) Medical diagnosis
…………………………………………………………………..…………. [4]
b) Fault diagnosis in cars
………………………………………………………………………..……. [4]

6. Clearly explain each of the following

a) An expert system in geological surveys
……………..……..……. [2]
b) How social media is playing a role in E-Learning
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…………………………………………………………………………..……. [3]

7. Mr. Mandume wants to advertise using his image in the form of a cartoon.
a) Clearly explain to him how he can superimpose his image to a cartoon using Adobe
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [4]

b) How can he synchronize speech to his cartoon?

………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [2]

8. a) State 2 uses of virtual reality in training medical doctors

…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [2]
b) Explain how virtual reality in gaming is changing the market in e-commerce
…………………………………………..…………………………………………..………. [2]
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2.2 Impacts of the use of computer systems

- Computers offer access to a wide range of information via the internet
- There is increase in productivity and reducing costs of products and therefore leading to
lower costs of living since products are cheaper
- People are working anywhere (locally or internationally), there is no need to be physically
present at work to be able to work

- De-skilling employees
- Retrenchment of employees


Increase in the preference for mobile devices
The market of mobile devices is evolving quickly, bringing with it both new technologies as
well as increased expectations for the performance of mobile devices and content.
- They are making learning better (e-learning),
- Facilitates easy communication in business; markets faster through social media.
- Entertainment is possible at any-time.
- It is promoting population mix, thus there is exchange of information locally and
internationally. - They are reducing in size, so production costs will reduce and so will the
retail prices therefore, majority will afford.

- They are however contributing to poverty, as they are required to use a lot of money on a
daily basis; e.g. on airtime, maintenance, etc.
- Contributing to health hazards like cancer issues, and heart associated problems
- High criminal activities
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- Turning towns into ghost town

- Social problems like marital relationships are affected, and misunderstanding among
various people through social media
- Addiction
- Increasing the gap between the rich and the poor

Impact on the Internet of Things (IoT)

This is referring to the ecology of discrete computing devices with sensors connected
through the infrastructure of the internet. In other words it is about the computing power
being decentralized, active and mobile, freed from only being accessed at home and office.

- There are shorter queues since, banking is now online
- There are smarter traffic lights
- Cloud computing allows you to work on the go
- Sensors improved expert system
- Enhanced communication, advertising, shopping, e-Library and emergence of Artificial

- Privacy is becoming a concern
- Viruses are spreading very fast and damaging the data pools and computers/devices
- Cybercrime
- Loss of employment; no more messengers employed to deliver mails, Emails are being
used to deliver messages
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Evolution to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and VR

- Cost saving as there is no need for training costs, VR is used to train employees on the
advances of new technology
- Mass production as machines can work 24/7
- Help maintain product quality
- Collect data from places dangerous for humans e.g. in the eye of a hurricane
- Widely used in different fields such as medicine, weather forecasting, space and sea
exploration, etc.

- Privacy is becoming a concern
- If there is machinery faults, there is no production
- Loss of skills
- Loss of employment; no more messengers employed to deliver mails, Emails are being
used to deliver messages



 Work is done easily and workers are not strained anymore
 Social media is a fast way of marketing and providing information
 Surveillance systems promote security
 Simulations makes it easier to make discoveries and train people
 Payments are now done in a more comfortable way e.g EFTPOS
 Mass production; the final product is better designed and manufactured much
faster and with better quality
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 Loss of jobs promoting poverty, people with ‘older skills’ do not benefit so much,
since IT knowledge has become a necessity for most jobs.
 Malware, software piracy, hacking and equipment theft have become a major
economic concern
 If the system fails, then no production goes on and results in huge losses
 It is expensive to acquire new technology
 Deskilling: people are losing skills
 Faster marketing and provision of information using social media


e-waste or electronic waste, is waste from all sorts of electronics that include computing
devices such as tablets, iPads, PCs, laptops, televisions and all home appliances such as
food processors and pressure cookers. The e-waste contains harmful chemicals, for
example, computers contain toxic materials like zinc, nickel, lead, etc. which is why proper
computer recycling.
E-waste has a lot of effects which includes:
- Toxic metal filters into ground water
- When warmed, toxic chemicals are released into the air, damaging the atmosphere
- Improper disposal leads to severe risk of identity theft, data breaches and massive
liability for the companies involved.
- Lead leads to impaired cognitive function, behavioral disturbances, attention
deficits, hyperactivity, lower IQ, etc.
- Mercury causes sensory impairment, muscle weakness, dermatitis and memory
- Mercury environment cause animal death, and more
- Sulphur causes liver damage, kidney damage, heart damage, eye irritation, etc.

Social media (e.g. awareness campaigns)

Computer-mediated social networks (CMSNs) create a multi-nodal social environment
where individual behavior is virtually impacted on and subsequently, physically modified.
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- Information distortion; sometimes information received through social media is not

100% correct. Awareness campaigns may not reach people in correct form.
- Promoting criminal activities; new technology has proven easy in making advanced
criminal activities such as data theft, easy communication in tracking targeted
persons, home, business, and any other places.
- Cyber-crime;
- The internet is being used as a tool to harm national sovereignty and internal affairs.
People are mobilizing protests through social media.
- Creates divisions in the society; dominant cultures impact and mix cultures in
inferior positions. The internet, being an English language culture further
strengthens the culture based on it.
- Health deterioration; people spend hours and hours on social media, which has
health effects such as physical health effects caused by sitting postures, destroying
ear-drums, chances of developing cancer, and fatigue because of lack of enough
- Pornography; an immense industry for the production and consumption of
pornography has grown, due to the internet. Clinical and psychological experts
determined that pornography stimulates negative attitudes and has negative effects
for individuals and society and that it can impair the mental and emotional health of
children and adults.

Printing indiscriminately
Unnecessary massive printing should be avoided as printing has some negative effects on
the environment. Remember printing requires a printer print cartridge, and paper. The
following are the negative effects caused by printing:
- Paper waste leads to deforestation
- Paper waste leads to pollution, both atmospheric and water-based. Paper mills
frequently release harmful gases such as CO2 and Nitrogen Dioxide into the
atmosphere, and it can be in fresh water sources, thus contributing to water
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- Ink waste leads to soil and water pollution; the volatile organic compounds and
heavy metals in ink can lead to soil and even water pollution when left in landfill.
- Ink plastic waste slowly degrades and pollutes soil
- Disposing a printer has e-waste effects, since it is an electronic machine.



Data protection legislation

These are rules which govern how organizations obtain, keep and use data about people.
The rules say that data must:

1. Be obtained fairly and lawfully.

2. Be held for the specific purpose and must not be used for any other purpose.
3. Be relevant and adequate for the specific purpose.
4. Be accurate and up-to-date.
5. Not be kept longer than necessary.
6. Be made available to the owner and provision must be made for correction.
7. Kept secure.


System failure

This is when a computer system fails to perform its function. The consequences of system
failure are different depending on the type of system
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Causes of system failure and how to prevent them

1. Software problem for example corruption of some files. To prevent failure due to
software problem, make sure that the files are protected by hiding them or locking
2. Hardware failure e.g. hard disk crush. To prevent system failure due to a hardware
malfunction, make sure you use parallel systems. This is when two identical
systems are used so that when one fails, then the other one can be used.
3. Viruses. To prevent system failure due to viruses, ensure that you install antivirus
software and update it regularly.
4. Power failure. To prevent failure due to power cuts, use generators or
uninterruptible power supply devices (UPS).

Recovery from system failure

In cases of hardware failures, new hardware should be bought and in cases of software
problem, the software will need to be re-installed.

System failures usually result in the loss of data. To recover this data. Backups can be
used. For those systems which use transaction and master files, data can be recovered
from previous files which were created before the systems failed.

Consequences of system failure

In business, system failure has the following consequences;

1. Processes can be delayed.

2. Loss of business because the business will not be running when the system fails.
Businesses will have to wait until the system has been recovered.
3. Loss of credibility. This means customers will lose their trust in the company. The
business will have offered poor services to customers.

Consequences of system failure in control or monitoring systems have more impact than
business systems because they can be dangerous and life threatening. For example
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1. failure of a traffic control system may cause accidents at road junctions,

2. Failure of a nuclear power system has catastrophic consequences (dangerous to
3. Failure of a hospital ICU system may mean the death of patients,
4. Failure of an air traffic control system may mean a plane crash.


A backup is a copy of the original, kept to be used in cases where the original is lost or
damaged. Nowadays data is very important and should therefore be stored or kept safe as
a contingency plan in case the original is lost or damaged.


Computer crime

This is the theft or misuse of computer based information.

Types of computer crime

1. Hacking – This is the cracking of ineffective security systems in order to gain

unauthorized access to a computer system. Usually hackers are interested in
commercially sensitive or confidential data. Hackers can be within the organization
or outsiders and they are capable of doing the following:
a. Steal confidential data such as credit card numbers and passwords.
b. Change or add data to your files in order to corrupt your system.
c. Delete important data.
2. Identity theft. Identity theft is a form of crime in which someone pretends to be
someone else by assuming that person's identity, typically in order to access
resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name.
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like
your name, ID number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit
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fraud or other crimes. The crime takes many forms. Identity thieves may rent an
apartment, obtain a credit card, or open a

Telephone account in your name, You may not find out about the theft until you
review your credit report or a credit card statement and notice charges you didn’t
make—or until you’re contacted by a debt collector.

Identity theft is serious. While some identity theft victims can resolve their problems
quickly, others spend a lot of money and many days repairing damage to their good
name and credit record. Some consumers victimized by identity theft may lose out
on job opportunities, or be denied loans for education, housing or cars because of
negative information on their credit reports. In rare cases, they may even be
arrested for crimes they did not commit.

3. Phishing- Phishing is a crime in which the phisher sends out an email that looks
legal, in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients. The
e-mail messages appear to come from well-known and trustworthy Web sites such
as most bank websites. The phisher sends the email hoping to fool at least a few of
the recipients.

Usually the email will be asking for confidential data or inviting you to access a
website, or to fill in a form in the email itself. The information collected will be used
for identity theft.

Users should be suspicious of any official-looking e-mail message that asks for
updates on personal or financial information. You should go directly to the
organization's Web site to find out whether the request is genuine.

4. Piracy- This is the illegal copying of software either for personal use or for sale. It is
the use of software without a license. Software piracy makes the software
developers run into loses because people are using their software for free. The
software developers have the right to take those who practice software piracy to
court. The disadvantage of software piracy to the users is that they will not have any
support if they have problems with the software and they cannot get and software
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updates. Viruses may also copy themselves to the disks during the copying which
means that pirated software can be a source of viruses.
5. Spam attacks. Spam is also known as junk e-mail. Spam is a type of crime in which
many copies of the same message are sent to people who would not otherwise
choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious
products, get-rich-quick schemes or telling lies that you have won.
6. Virus attacks. A virus is a computer program that is capable of replicating itself and
it will disturb the proper functioning of a computer system. A virus can delete data,
corrupt files or cause a hard disk to crush. Viruses spread by copying themselves to
disks and across networks. They can be sent through e-mail as an attachment.

1. A large company has data stored on its computer system. The data needs to be
backed up at regular intervals
a. Explain the meaning of backup.
…………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
b. Name any two backing storage devices which are applicable in this situation
and give reasons why.
…………………………………………………………………………………… [2]


Fears of using the Internet

The internet offers a lot of good facilities but people are still afraid of using it. This is
because of some of the following reasons.

1. There are high chances of losing confidential information such as credit card
numbers to hackers on the Internet.
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2. There are a lot of bogus sites. Bogus sites are web sites which pretend to belong to
a certain company when they do not. Such sites pretend to belong to a certain bank
or shop.
3. There are a lot of viruses on the internet. Viruses can come to your computer by
downloading files which you are unsure of. They can also be sent to you via e-mail.


Methods of preventing computer crime

1. Physical security. This is making sure that only authorized people are allowed
access to computer system rooms. This can be done by making use of door locks or
use machine readable cards (smart cards) to enter doors.
2. Develop complex security code systems. This is the use of complex passwords,
voice recognition, iris recognition or fingerprint recognition, to gain access to
3. Data encryption. This is the scrambling of data when sending it and then it will
have to be unscrambled so that it can be read. Encrypted data cannot be
understood unless it is decrypted. Only the sender and the receiver will know the
method of encrypting and decrypting the data. Even if a hacker gains access to the
data, they cannot understand it. It will be meaningless.
4. Monitoring of all attempts to access the computer system whether successful
or not. System administrators should be regularly checking all the attempts that
were made by some people to log on to the system. This will give them an idea
whether a hacker tried to enter the system.
5. Install up to date antivirus software and have it running all the time. Update it via
the internet regularly so that it can be able to detect new viruses.
6. Firewalls. This is a combination of hardware and software which rejects
unauthorized access to a private computer network.


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Security token-is an electronic software access and identity verification device used
instead of or with an authentication password.

-it generates OTP in addition to a username and password known by the user

-token can come as smart cards or embedded in devices like key fob

Group Discussion:

Divide yourselves in groups, discuss and

present your findings to your friends and
How does a car know that the car key
being used to attempt opening its doors
belongs to it or not

Different security measures

Personal identification Number (PIN)- is a numeric or alphanumeric password or code

used to verify authenticity for authorization. Used to access your bank account at an ATM,

Where else do we use PIN codes?

Personal Unblocking key (PUK)- If the wrong PIN is typed in more than three times,
either the SIM card, the phone or both become locked. They can be unlocked by
entering a PUK, provided by your service operator through v erification.

Note: If the wrong PUK is entered ten times in a row, the device will become
permanently blocked and unrecoverable, requiring a new SIM card. You should
keep PUK written down in a safe place separate from the phone.

One-Time-Password/Pad (OTP) - is a unique character code that can only be used once
and is sent only to a registered mobile number in online banking. After setting up your user
ID and password, you are required to enter the correct OTP to complete the transaction,
such as sending money to a mobile number, etc.
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Advantage of an OTP is that if a fraudster hacks your ID and password, the login process
will not be completed without the correct OTP because it is sent to your mobile number or
e-mail. And they can only be used once then it expires.

Hardware token- is a physical device that is used to generate security codes that are used
when a user is authenticating themselves during a logon process.
The token above is an example of a Hardware
Token that generates a different 6 digit code (usually
every 30 or 60 seconds). When a user is logging on
to a protected application they would enter their
credentials (typically username and password), then
will be asked for the 6 digit OTP code currently
shown on the hardware token.

A software token (a.k.a. Virtual token) is a piece of a two-factor

authentication security device that may be used to authorize the use of computer
services. Software tokens are stored on a general-purpose electronic device such as a
desktop computer, laptop, PDA, or mobile phone and can be duplicated.


There are many ways the use of computers is going against our ethics.
This is the unaccredited use of someone else’s work as your own work or ideas. Violating
copyright laws can get you prosecuted. Make sure you summarize, or at least rearrange
the order of the words when using someone else’s work as a reference

Access to controversial information

Anything controversial means it’s debatable. Such information includes confidential
information, or any information that creates bad mind, for example, pornography and fraud.
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Cyber stalking
This is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication,
such as email or instant messaging, through forums, or chat rooms. It is also known as
‘catfishing’. Cyberstalking takes advantage of anonymity given by the internet to allow
them to stalk their victims without being detected.
Cyber bullying
This is when people use cellphones, instant messaging, e-mails, chat rooms, or social
networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten or intimidate someone.
It is common amongst teenagers. Bullying behavior is harmful; it includes negative labels,
humiliating photo posts, posting gossips, intimidation, sexual remarks, etc.

Hate speech
This is negative talk about someone/ business, degrading the person or business.

Sexting is when you send sexy pictures, and sexual messages electronically through
technologies such as mobile phones.
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NAME: ………………………………………………………….. MARKS: 40

1. Using examples where necessary, clearly define each of the following:

a) Plagiarism
……………………………..……………..………………………………………………..…. [1]
b) E-waste
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]
2. Clearly explain the difference between the following terms
a) Spoofing and identity theft
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]
b) Cyberstalking and cyber bulling
………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
3. Describe the impact of the following computer crimes:
a) Hacking
…………………………………………………………………………………………..……. [2]
b) Piracy
………………………………………………….……………………………………………. [2]
c) Spam attacks
…………………………….…………………….……………………………………………. [2]
d) Virus attacks
COMPUTER STUDIES GRADE 10 – 11Page 104 of 256

…………………………………………………………………………….……………..……. [2]

4. Explain the use/function, using examples where needed, of the following security
a) Software token
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]
b) Hardware token
……………………………………………………………………….…………………..……. [1]
c) PUK
………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
5. Discuss the consequences of cyber bulling
………………………….………….……………………………………………..……………. [2]
6. If the internet offers a lot of good facilities why are people still afraid of using it?
……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. [2]
7. Give a brief discussion on how printing indiscriminately affects the environment.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]
8. List 5 social advantages of computer use
………………………………………………………………………………………………. [5]
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9. a) Discuss the impact of the changing computer trends on the Internet of Things (IoT).
…………………………………………………………………………………………………. [3]

c) Technology is a “job-killer”. With examples justify this statement.

……………………………………………………………………………………………….…. [3]
10. Describe 3 economic disadvantages of the use of computers
………………………….………………………………………………………………………. [3]

11. Explain implications of system failure in business applications?

……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. [2]

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