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Free wireless connection in great outdoor locations

With summer fading, the more time spent outdoors the better…and work doesn’t have to keep you from enjoying
the day! From entire downtown stores to tiny cafes, many locations now offer free, wireless internet connection.
Here’s a guide to hotspots here where you can connect up, email friends or get some work done while enjoying a
coffee, a drink or meal outdoors.
A. Fairview Park
Make a park bench in your office, and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature in the middle of the city. Pack a picnic
and soak up the sun. As an extra attraction, lunchtime concerts run between noon and 2pm every tuesday and
B. Dragon’s tail
Shake off jet lag while munching on homemade chicken fingers and sipping one of the 14 special drinks. Only four
blocks from the airport, the patio, restaurant and lounge are all wired.
C. Southport landing
Pull your boat right up to this neighbourhood favourite on the river. Great seafood reasonably priced. Only 5
minutes from downtown, this is the place for a long lunch. With wireless access on the 100 seat patio you’ll get a
spot even on the sunniest days.
D. One World Cafe and Language Centre
Get online at Gazebo while deciding which ethnic dish to try. Wood oven pizzas are a speciality. Take and English
or Spanish lessons for dessert while sipping on fair trade coffee.
E. Harvest Moon
Farm fresh organic salads and homemade soup are as delightful as the street side tables. Like the internet, this
cafe never closes, freeing you up to set your own business hours. Don’t forget the organic pastries and fair trade
espresso for dessert. Check out the poetry special events nights.

Questions 1-3
Look at the descriptions on the previous page.
Which location best fits these requirements? Choose the appropriate letter A-E.
1. It is late at night. You are hungry and you still need to put together and send off some emails before going
2. You are looking for a place to have a bite to eat, get some work done and maybe meet people from different
3. You want to have lunch while you finish up a report before flying out of town to attend a

Questions 4-6 Choose the correct letter A-E.

Which TWO descriptions mention:
4. entertainment…………………………, ……………………
5. natural environment…………………………, …………………
6. central location…………………………, ……………………

Read the passage and answer questions 7-14

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP Gas) – also known as bottled gas – is widely used in the home for cooking, room and
water heating. It may also be used on a range of leisure appliances such as camping equipment, barbecues and
LP Gas is propane gas, stored in cylinders under pressure as liquid and then used as a gas when connected to
domestic and portable appliances. It is not the same as Automotive LP Gas (known as Autogas) which is used in
specially converted cars. Autogas is a mixture of propane and butane and therefore must not be used in domestic
or portable outdoor appliances.
LP Gas is clean burning, heavier than air and non-toxic. In its natural state LP Gas is odourless. So that gas leaks
can be detected, a chemical is added which gives it a very distinctive smell.
Domestic and portable LP Gas appliances are designed only for use with propane gas.
LP Gas is not the same as natural gas – gas which is piped to your house by a gas company. LP Gas must never
be used in natural gas appliances and vice-versa. Operating an appliance on the wrong type of gas can be
hazardous. LP gas contains much more energy than natural gas and as such presents a fire risk if connected the
wrong appliance.
Identification dates on LP Gas (propane) appliances have red writing on silver. Natural gas appliances have black
writing on silver. Always check the id plate to make sure the appliance uses LP Gas.
You should never use a naked flame to try and find a gas leak.
It may not be a gas leak – people sometimes accidentally leave gas cooker burners turned on and unlit and this
may be the cause of gas smell. Also, check that any heaters have been properly lit. Turn the burner off and wait
until you can no longer smell the gas before trying to use a gas appliance.
Open doors and windows. Don’t operate power or light switches, don’t turn electrical appliances on or off, and don’t
use your telephone, as they might spark and create a fire. In particular, don’t use a fan to provide ventilation.
If burners haven’t been accidentally been left on, leave the premises and turn the gas supply off at the cylinder. If
safe to do so, switch off the power at the fuse box so that electrical appliances can’t operate and generate a spark.
Call a licensed gas fitter from a neighbour’s telephone or use a cell phone outside – it may be unsafe to use your
home phone. Don’t go back into the house until the gas is turned off at the cylinder and the smell of the gas is

Questions 7-10 The passage on the previous page mentions 3 different kinds of gas. Match one of the
following gas types (A-C) to each of the descriptions below.
A. IP gas
B. Autogas
C. Natural gas
7. Not for household use ……………………….
8. Used for outdoor appliances ……………………….
9. ID plate show a silver background with black text ……………………….
10. Made up of a combination of gases……………………….

Questions 11-14 Complete the table using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS FROM THE PASSAGE.
Check that the stove has not been turned on and left… 11……………………………
For ventilation, open doors and windows but don’t use… 12…………………………….
Leave the premises and switch off the electricity at… 13…………………………….
If assistance is required, call from… 14……………………………

Question 15-20
Look at the leaflet bearing information about Transnational Museum College on the following page and
statement below In boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet write
15 The college has its center in many countries of the world.
16 There is a substantial concession in fees available only to new students from Africa
17 Every Museum has to have an arrangement for labelling of new and rare art collections.
18 It does not take less than six months to get employment after the completion of a course at the college.
19 The college is located at a long distance from any noisy urban center to ensure the supply of pollution-free-air.
20 You must apply immediately foe admission since seat are limited.

Transnational Museum College (TMC)

One of the biggest colleges of its kind, TMC is located close to London to facilities east approach, it has an
extensive network of collection centers the world over.
Archaeology which is the basis of museumology, is multi-disciplinary subject which integrates knowledge of history
and anthropology with geology, chemistry and even art. As such instruction an all these subjects besides
communication skills and a host of other connected subjects are provided in this institution. There are two main
areas concerning archaeology. They are (a) research-relatedness and (b) field-orientation.
The three-broad area of the work here in the college are: (a) Numismatics, (b)Epigraphy and(c) Museumology.
Numismatics is concerned with restricting of the past through a study of old coin, seals, medals, tokens, money, etc.
Epigraphy involves deciphering inscriptions, edicts and manuscripts. Inscriptions may appear on a museum, the
purchase and display, labelling of new and rare art collection,etc. It is, however the duty of the curator to keep finical
an administrative matter in order and keep detailed records of each item.
Those desiring to get training here, must read the Prospectus available from the college on all working days during
working hour to choose their areas for training , fee structure and learn about the basic qualification required for the
prospects and employment.

Question 21-27 The Text on International Institute of Medical & Pharmaceutical Education and Research
(IIMPER) has seven paragraphs (A-G). Choose the most suitable headings A-G from the list of heading
below Write the appropriate number (I-X) in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.
NB. There are more heading than paragraph, so you will not use all of them.

List of Heading
I Biotechnology
II Pharmaceutical Management
IV The World’s Best Pharmaceutical Institute
V Pharmaceutics & Research on Biomaterials and Nanotechnology
VI Special Facilities
VII Institute Information Center
VIII New Medical Research
IX A Repository of Medical & Pharmaceutical Knowledge & Research
X Other important Department
21 Paragraph A 24 Paragraph D 26 Paragraph F
22 Paragraph B 25 Paragraph E 27 Paragraph G
23 Paragraph C

International Institute of Medical & Pharmaceutical Education and Research

A The institute was established about decade as a sequel to the world conference on Medical and
Pharmaceutical Education held at Belgrade and attended by about fifty countries of the world. It was intended to
centralise the system of education and research in areas as done and going in various renowned hospitals, medical
and pharmaceutical companies and health center the world over. As such, the institute is fine pivotal for being a
repository of knowledge and research in these field for the benefit of humanity at large.
B The Institute is not a referral body but also has its own remarkable contribution in providing state-of-the-art
facilities to trainee and researchers in drug development and delivery. The Institute has recently started research on
biomaterials and nanotechnology. While the main purpose of research on biomaterials is to focus synthesis and
characteristion of new biodegradable polymer, the aim of medical nanotechnology is to prepare effective carriers to
deliver the drug at disease targets.
C An important department in the Institute is Biotechnology. The work in this department involves
biochemistry, immunology, cell biology, cell culture, membrane drug interaction, molecular biology etc.
D To provide special high-quality education as preparation for professional positions in the pharmaceutical
industries, a new department concerning pharmaceutical management was started recently. It become a necessity
as report from different hospital of the world were receive regarding a paucity of competent pharmacy graduates
capable of becoming successful managers.
E The Institute has a special cell in its campus from where all the information regarding aims, objective,
activities and achievements of the Institute is available in the form of a brochure which is only nominally priced. The
Institute also issue a monthly bulletin under the title “Medical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin.” Such information is also on
its website in the internet.
F Fir the benefit of mankind, a monthly magazine “IIMPER” Magazine is also published. It contains articles
from renowned specialists on matter such as latest medicinal research, healthcare.
G Some other important department Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharmacology,
Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Technology Medicinal Chemistry, Pharma Informatics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, etc.
are also in place in the institute a wide benefit from which is being derived by several countries of world.

Life beyond pay
A. A new magazine was published in America this month. Success is the resurrection of a title first published
in 1897 by Orison Swett Marden, an entrepreneur and author of a series of self-help books, including “Getting the
Most Out of Life”. The magazine’s publisher, Joseph Guerriero, wants today’s Success to reflect the contemporary
workplace, where, he says, success is measured less by money and titles, and more by what is sweepingly referred
to as “work-life balance”. The first issue contains an article about men leaving work to become full-time fathers.
B. Improving the balance between the working part of the day and the rest of it is a goal of a growing number
of workers in rich Western countries. Some are turning away from the ideals of their parents, for whom work always
came first; others with scarce skills are demanding more because they know they can get it. Employers, caught
between a falling population of workers and tight controls on immigration, are eager to identify extra perks that will
lure more “talent” their way. Just now they are focusing on benefits (especially flexible working) that offer employees
more than just pay.
C. Some companies saw the change of mood some time ago. IBM has more than 50 different programmes
promoting work-life balance and Bank of America over 30. But plenty of other firms remain unconvinced and many
lack the capacity to cater to such ideas even if they wanted to. Helen Murlis, with Hay Group, a human-resources
consultancy, sees a widening gap between firms “at the creative end of employment” and those that are not.
D. The chief component of almost all schemes to promote work-life balance is flexible working. This allows
people to escape rigid nine-to-five schedules and work away from a formal office. IBM says that 40% of its
employees today work off the company premises. For many businesses, flexible working is a necessity.
Globalisation has spread the hours in which workers need to communicate with each other and increased the call
for flexible shifts. Nella Barkley, an American who advises companies on work-life balance, says that large firms are
beginning to understand the value of such schemes, “but only slowly”. For most of them, they still mean little more
than child care, health care and flexible working.
E. Yet some schemes go well beyond these first steps. American Century Investments, an investment manager
in Kansas City, pays adoption expenses and the cost of home-fitness equipment for its employees. Rob Marcolina,
a gay consultant with Bain & Company based in Los Angeles, was allowed time off to marry his partner in Canada,
and another break to look after their daughter when she was born to a surrogate mother. Mr Marcolina, who has an
MBA from the high-ranked Kellogg business school, says his employer’s understanding makes him want to be “part
of Bain for some time”.
F. Businesses have other good reasons for improving employees’ work-life balance. Wegmans Food Markets,
a grocery chain based in Rochester, New York, frequently appears near the top of lists of the best employers in
America. It has a broad range of flexible-work programmes, which gives it one of the lowest rates of employment
turnover in its industry—8% a year for full-time workers, compared with 19% across the industry.
G. Simple programmes can be surprisingly cost-effective. IBM, for instance, is spending $50m over five years
on “dependant-care” facilities for its employees. Although that sounds generous, it is the equivalent of little more
than $30 for each IBM employee every year. That is far cheaper than a pay rise and probably a better way to retain
talented mothers and fathers. Ernst & Young, a global accounting firm, has a low-cost range of initiatives called
“People First”. It provides breaks for people to provide care and has over 2,300 flexi-time employees in the United
States. James Freer, a senior executive, says he is “absolutely convinced” the initiatives help produce better
financial results.
H. DeAnne Aguirre, a mother of four and a senior partner in San Francisco with Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH),
says “it is easy to make the business case” for work-life balance programmes at the consultancy by looking at
attrition rates. BAH calculated that it was investing more than $2m in turning a raw recruit into a partner, an
investment it should be reluctant to write off. Corning, an American glass company, reckons that it costs 1.5 times a
worker’s salary and benefits to replace him. If it can retain just 20 workers a year who would otherwise have left,
Corning reckons it would produce annual savings of $2.6m.
I. Business schools are now climbing on the bandwagon, too. In October Tuck School at Dartmouth, New
Hampshire, will start a course on returning to corporate life after an extended absence. Called “Back in Business”,
the 16-day, $12,000 re-entry programme is open only to students with “work experience in a high-potential career”.
The majority will inevitably be mothers wanting to rejoin the workforce. But fathers are also asking for sabbaticals.
Work-life balance “is not just a women’s issue” any more, says Ted Childs, who is in charge of workforce diversity at
IBM. “Men, too, are very concerned about it.”
J. The demand is being stoked by the “Generation Y”, the under-28s. They look sceptically at the idea of
lifetime employment within a single organisation and they are wary of the commitment they believe too often drove
their parents to the divorce courts. Hay’s Ms Murlis says that today’s business-school graduates are “looking for a
workstyle to go with their lifestyle”, not the other way round. They are happy to binge-work for a while, but in return
want extended sabbaticals in which to chill out.

Questions 28-32 The text contains ten paragraphs A-J.

Which paragraph contains the following information?
28 how one company helps families
29 two serious problems for employers
30 one reason why employees need to work flexible hours
31 a new publication to mirror changes in the work environment
32 how a division between companies is developing

Questions 33-37
Match each name to the sentences below.
A James Freer C Helen Murlis E Orison Swett Marden
B Rob Marcolina D Joseph Guerriero F Nella Barkley
33 was given a break from work after the birth of his child
34 believes companies are not changing quickly enough ,
35 sees two kinds of companies emerging
36 was the original writer of ‘Success’
37 believes work-life programs help a company to make money
Questions 38-40 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text.
38. Ernst and Young has over two thousand people working on a……………..basis.
39. The cost of training someone to a high level from a……………….can cost millions of dollars.
40. Despite their concern for a work-life balance, younger employees are willing to …………….for a short time.

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