Fico T Codes

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No Transaction Code Description

1 FB60 Post Vendor Invoices (Without reference to Purchase Order)

2 FB65 Post Vendor Debit Memos (Without reference to Purchase Order)

3 FV60 Park Vendor Invoices

4 FV65 Park Vendor Debit Memos

5 FBV0 Post Parked documents

6 F-48/ME2DP Post Vendor Down Payments (Advances)

7 F-43/FB60/MIRO Post Vendor Invoice

8 F-54 Down Payment Clearing (Clearing from Special GL to normal GL)

9 F-44 Account Clear

10 F-53 Post Outgoing Payments

11 F110 Automatic Payment Program (APP)

13 F-51 Vendor to Vendor Transfer

Nature of Transactions
In this transaction code, we post those expenses which are not linked to purchase order or without reference to purchase
order. Below are some examples
Travel exp Staff fare
Professional Fees
Office Supplies
Feul Expenses
Other finance cost
Printing & Stationery

In this transaction code, we post the vendor debit notes which are not linked to purchase orders, Below are some examples

Travel exp Staff fare

Professional Fees
Office Supplies
Feul Expenses
Other finance cost
Printing & Stationery

In this transaction code, we park the vendor invoices. For e.g, if there is any information missing in the invoice which user is
not aware, then in that case he can park those invoices and when user get the full info he can fill that and then we post the
invoices. This tcode is also used in the case where there is an authorization invovled in the company where one user creates
the document and his senior authorizes the document and then he post the document.

Travel exp Staff fare

Professional Fees
Vehicle expenses

In this transaction code, we post the vendor debit notes which are not linked to purchase orders, Below are some examples

Travel exp Staff fare

Professional Fees
Vehicle expenses
From this transaction code, we post the parked invoices.
In this transaction code we post the down payments of vendors in the system.
In this FB60 , we post those expenses which are not linked to purchase order or without reference to purchase order, and in
MIRO we post invoices which are linked to purchase orders
In this transacton code, we normally convert special gl transaction into normal transactons.
Through this transaction we clear the vendor amount sitting in the vendors. For eg if there is any debit and credit balance in
the vendor and we need to knock off the balances so in that case we use this tcode to clear the amounts from the vendor
In this transaction code we make payments to the vendors against goods/or any expenses incurred.

APP is the tool from which we make payments to the vendors in bulk.If there are more than 50 100 vendors to whom we
need to make payments so in that case we can use this tcode and make payment to vendors

In this transaction code, we transfer the vendor amounts from one vendor to another vendor.
Fiori documents GUI Documents Fiori ID's

Vendors State
18300001 Maharashtra
18300002 Gujarat
18300030 Maharashtra
BP GL Codes Description HSN Code Cost Center Tax Code
1810 - Gujarat 65150000 Computer supplies 8471 18101201 G3
1810 - Gujarat 65100000 Office Supplies 8471 18101201 G4
1810 - Gujarat 65150000 Computer supplies 8471 18101201 TDS
SR. Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions
In this transaction code, we post those receivables which are not linked to sales order or without reference to
1 FB70 Post Customer Invoice
sales order. Below are some examples
Sales Rebates
Interest Earned

In this transaction code, we post the Customer credit notes which are not linked to purchase orders, Below
2 FB75 Post Customer Credit Note
are some examples
Sales Rebates
Interest Earned

In this transaction code, we park the Customer invoices. For e.g, if there is any information missing in the
invoice which user is not aware then in that case he can park those invoices and when user get the full info
3 FV70 Park Customer Invoice he can fill that and then we post the invoices. This tcode is also used in the case where there is an
authorization invovled in the company where one user creates the document and his senior authorizes the
document and then he post the document.

Sales Rebates
Interest Earned

In this transaction code, we post the vendor Credit notes which are not linked to Sales orders, Below are
4 FV75 Park Customer Credit Note
some examples
Sales Rebates
Interest Earned

5 FBV0 Post Parked documents In this transaction code, we post the parked invoices.
6 F-28 Post Incoming Payments In this transaction code, we receive payments from customer against the goods sold

7 F-29 Post Customer Down Payment In this transaction code, we can post customer down payment

8 FB70 Post Customer Incoming Invoice In this transaction code we book the customer invoices.

9 F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment In this transaction code we convert the special GL transaction into Normal GL transactions.

10 F-32 Clear Customer From this transaction code, we clear the customer balances sitting in the ledger.
Customers State BP GL Codes Description Tax Code HSN CODE
18100003 Maharashtra 1810 - Gujarat 41090000 Other Operating Revenue F3
18100001 Gujarat 1810 - Gujarat 41090000 Other Operating Revenue F4
SR.No Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions GUI
1 F-90 Asset Acquisition In this transaction code, we acquire the asset from 1900000029
2 AIAB, AIBU CWIP Asset Postings and Capitalization This transaction code helps us to transfer the AUC 100000052
values to fixed asset by maintaining the settlment
rule in the AUC asset

3 ABAON Asset Sale without customer This transaction code helps to sale the asset without 100000054
4 ABAVN Asset Retirement by scraping /Impairment This transaction code helps us to scrap the asset 100000049

5 ABUMN Asset Transfer within the company code This transaction code helps us to transfer the asset 100000050
values from one asset to another asset within
company code
6 KO88 Internal Order Settlement to AUC This transaction code helps us to settle the order 100000051
values to the AUC asset.
7 F-92 Asset sale with Customer This transaction code helps us to sale the asset to 1800000019
customer.This transaction code is only linked to
asset accounting, it doesn't have any effect on sales
8 AFAB Depreciation Calculation and Posting This transaction code helps us to calculate the 300000000
depreciation in the system.
9 AR03 Asset Balances Display This transaction code gives us the information of 100000049
asset balances
10 AW01N Asset Explorer This transaction helps us to identify the depreciation 50000001
posted values and acquisition value

11 S_ALR_87011964 Asset Balances This transaction code gives us the information of 20000001
asset balances
12 S_ALR_87011964 Asset History Sheet This transaction code gives us the information of 20000001
asset balances
13 AS01 Asset Master Creation This transaction code is used to create asset. 50000001

14 AS02 Change of Asset Master This transaction code is used to make changes in the 50000001
15 AS03 Display Asset This transaction code is used to display the asset. 50000001

16 AS05 Lock Asset This transaction code to used to lock the asset.

AS01 Creation of AUC FB60

30000006 WDV Tangible Asset KO01 Creation of Internal Order PO
60000001 SLM Intangible Asset KO88 Transfer of values from IO to AUC
AIAB/AIBU Transfer of Values AUC to FA
KOB1 Actual Line items for orders
SR.No Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions

1 FB50 Post Journal Vouchers In this transaction code, we post normal vouchers such as expenses to bank, Bank to Bank,

F-02 Post Journal Vouchers (Universal tcode) In this transaction code, we can post all kind of JV's and it is also called as universal tcode
because this tcode gives us facility to post transaction such Expense invoices , Customer
invoices, Asset transactions, Asset adjustment posting etc.

2 F-04 Post with Clearing

3 F-03 Account Clearing In this transaction code, we can clear the GL account balances.
4 FV50 General document Parking This transaction code helps to park the JV's in the system.
5 FBV0 Post/Delete Park Document This transaction code helps us to post the park documents in the system.
6 FBV2/FBV3 Change/Display Parked document This transaction code helps us to change and display the park documents in the system.

7 FB08 Reverse document This transaction code helps us to reverse the document which is wrongly posted in the
8 F.80 Mass Reversal Of Documents In this transaction code, we can reverse the bulk documents which we need to reverse in the
system. We need to give range of documents which needs to reverse in the system.

9 FBRA Reset Cleared Items In this transaction code, we reset and reverse the clearing document.While resetting the
document we get 2 options first is only Resetting and second one is Resetting and reverse. So
always we need to choose reset and reverse the document. If we only choose reset then the
clearing document will disappear from the line item and the DZ- Payment document will
show in the open items, Whereas if we choose reset n reverse then the clearing document
will reset and also it will reverse so that it will not show in the open items.

10 FB02 Change Document In this transaction code, we can do the changes in the document such as we can change the
text, assignment field or else we can add the basline date, payment methods, we can add text,
reference, document header text if it is missing.

11 FB03 Display Document In this transaction code, we can only display all types of documents
12 FB04 Display Changes in documents In this transaction code, we can see the changes we have done in the document
SR.No Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions
1 FI01 Create Bank key This transaction code is used for creating Bank
2 FI12_HBANK Create House Bank This transaction code is used for creating House
3 FI12 Create House Bank This transaction code is used for creating House
4 FBCJ Cash Payments This transaction code is used for posting petty
cash transactions
5 FBCJ Cash Receipts This transaction code is used for posting petty
cash transactions
6 S_ALR_87012309 Display Cash Journal (Register) Report
7 FCH1 Disply/Change/Create Cheque information This transaction code is used to change/display
cheque information
8 FCH2 Change cheque information This transaction code is used to change/display
cheque information
9 FCH3 Void cheque not used
10 FCH4 Renumber cheque (for last cheque number can
be renumbered)
11 FCH5 Create cheque information in payment document This transaction code is used to create the
cheque for the payment document
12 FCH6 Change cheque information This transaction code is used to change cheque
13 FCH8 Cancel cheque payment This transaction code is used to cancel the
cheque payments made through FBCJ
transaction code
14 FCH9 Void cheque Issued
15 FBZ5 Cheque assignment and printing
16 FCHI Create Cheque Lots This transaction code is used to create Cheque
17 FCHN Cheque Register
18 FF67 Manual Bank Statement In this transaction we do the manual bank
reconciliation by giving the opening balance,
closing balance and the document values

19 FF_7 Electronic Bank Statements

20 F-36 Bill of Exchange Payment (Vendors /
21 F-33 Bill Discounting (Vendors / Customers)
22 F-20 Reverse Bill of Exchange
SR.No Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions
1 F.13 GR /IR Clearing In this transaction code we clear the GR/IR Accounts in sap
2 FAGL_FCV Foreign Currency Valuation (Report Bank/ This transaction code is used to post foreign currency valuation of
Vendor/Customer) customer/vendor and GL.
3 OB08 Maintain Exchange Rates This transaction code is used to maintain the exchange rates in the system

5 OB52 Open & Close Posting Periods This transaction code is used to open and close Fiscal year and Periods in
financial accounting
6 AFAB Depreciation Run This transation code is used to post depreciation of the assets
SR.No Transaction Code Description Nature of Transactions
1 FAGLGVTR Carry forward of GL Balances This transaction code is used to
carry forward the GL Balances

2 F.07 Carry forward Receivables / Payables This transaction code is used to

carry forward the customer and
vendor Balances
3 AJAB Year end closing asset accounting This transaction code is used to
close the asset fiscal year
4 FAGLGVTR Asset Fiscal Year Change This transaction code is used to
open new fiscal year in asset
5 F.01 Financial Statements (Schedule wise/Nodes Wise
6 F.08 Trial Balance (Business Area Wise, Profit Center Wise) This transaction code is used to
view trail balance.
7 S_ALR_87012357 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases(GST)
8 F.01 P&L Report
9 F.01 P&L report budget Vs Actual (PG to Vertical for mat)
10 FBL3N Sales report (PG to Vertical Format) This transaction code is used to
view GL Line item display
11 FBL3n Personnal Cost Report This transaction code is used to
view GL Line item display
12 S_ALR_87012273 Cash Flow Statement
SR.No Transaction Code Description
1 J1INCHLN Create Remittance Challan- India
2 J1INBANK Update Bank Challan - India
3 FIWTIN_QRETURNS Withholding tax Reporting
4 J1INEMIS Withholding tax Status Report (Vendor wise)
5 FBL1N Vendor Line Item Display -Open /Clear /All
Nature of Transactions
This transaction helps us to create remittance challan in the system
This transaction helps us to update the challan number

This transaction code helps us to view vendor line items in the system - Open, Cleared , All items
Fiori documents GUI Documents Fiori ID's

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