STADIO Assignment Template - EDSA700-SF1 2024 FINAL

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Assignment Code SF1

Assignment Type Essay
Individual Assignment
Total Marks 100

Module Name Education Studies 1

Module Code EDSA700 2024 S1

­ Consult the Learning Management System (LMS) for the due dates, the Assessment Guidelines for
Students document, the Assignment Overview, and other updated detail. Check the Announcements by
your lecturer and use the Module Q&A forum to ask questions related to this assignment.
­ For rules and regulations applicable to assessments, refer to the Student Handbook.
­ Note STADIO's rules relating to plagiarism and cheating. Do not hesitate to seek help if you are unsure
of how to reference your sources. Make use of the STADIO Referencing Guide, available from the Online


This is the first assessment task in the module Education Studies 1 (EDSA700). The
assignment contributes a 35% weighting to the SF marks for the entire module. This
assignment is focused on the content, concepts and theories of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky
and a series of theoretical contributions of developments in neuropsychology, in relation
to child development, and teaching and learning as found in Topic 3.


Write an academic essay based on the title below. This essay insists on your original and
authentic input. You will be required to research literature on the topic and engage with
Artificial Intelligence text-generating software as part of your research.

The main focus will be on theories of child and adolescent development in teaching and
learning. Your work must display strong evidence of reading and reference to academic
peer-reviewed books, journals and other material to support your claims. You must
demonstrate understanding and scholarly engagement with content of the topic of study,
where you will integrate your reading, learning, experience and practice, in a skillful


Neuroplasticity – evolving theoretical understandings of cognitive development of children

and adolescents for teaching and learning in South African high schools.
[Total: 100 marks]

According to Merzenich (cited in Donald, Lazarus and Moolla, 2014:83), "Neuroplasticity

theory has several implications for understanding the cognitive development of children".

Write an essay in which you discuss the basic principles of Piaget's and Vygotsky's
theories of cognitive development. Critically assess the issue of neuroplasticity as a
previously identified way of understanding learning in developing children and

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 1 of 7

adolescents. You will explore and comment critically on the nature and role of
neuroplasticity, as understood in neuropsychology, as a tool for teachers' understanding
of cognitive development. In your critical discussion, make reference to examples related
to your own teaching subjects, as a means of illustrating neuroplasticity in action. Follow
the guidelines provided below.

You will be required to access specific sections of information from online text, using
Artificial Intelligence text-generators. You will then compare the AI-generated text with
your own original research and writing from academic sources. The exercise will be used
to demonstrate your understanding of the usefulness of AI in academic writing.


Read ALL of the instructions 1(a); 1(b) and 1 to 7 before you begin.

1. a) The first task will require you to consult an AI platform. (Example: ChatGPT or
Google Bard or NotionAI)

Prompt the AI text-generating software to write a response to the following

instruction. "Discuss the basic principles of the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky
with specific reference to the concept of neuroplasticity."

b) Read the response of the AI text-generator, then continue with the assignment
research and reading using academic sources of information.

When you answer the instruction 2 below, you are not permitted to use
the AI text-generated response from the AI-generated source. [2]

You must do your own research and reference your work accurately.
(You will submit the AI response from instruction 1a, at the end of this

When you have completed writing the assignment, you must cut and
paste the prompt into the area below the Reference list of your
assignment. [1]

You are required to cut and paste the text of the AI-generated response
into the bottom of the assignment after the Reference section. [1]

You are required to reference the AI-generated text using the STADIO
Referencing Guide 2024. [1]

Now begin to research and write the assignment as set out in the instructions below.

1. Provide a suitable introduction to your assignment. This should contextualise the

assignment and it should also provide a discussion of the areas of focus in the
assignment. It is necessary to explain to the reader what the purpose is for writing
the assignment. Indicate the significance of the research. [5]

2. Discuss the basic principles of the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky in terms of
teaching and learning with specific reference to the concept of
neuroplasticity. [2 x 15 = 30]

3. Explore and comment critically on the nature and role of neuroplasticity, as

understood in neuropsychology, as a tool for teacher's understanding of cognitive
development in children and adolescents. [20]

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 2 of 7

4. Discuss examples related to your own subject(s) to illustrate the application of
neuroplasticity in action. Link your examples and experience of classroom teaching to
concepts of the above cognitive theories. You can consult the internet, textbooks,
interview(s), journals, magazines, newspapers. You must also include evidence of
reading and research by referring to peer-reviewed academic articles and books in
the in-text referencing. [20]

5. Finally, construct a conclusion by writing key points made in the assignment, to

provide a cohesive explanation of what you declared your assignment would focus on
or achieve when you wrote the introduction. Be sure to state what you have learned
as a result of your research and reading. This will bring the assignment to a
close. [5]

6. Read through your assignment and check that the structure, spelling, grammar,
language, and academic tone are sound and appropriate. You will also be marked
on this. [5]

7. Check that you have correctly implemented your in-text referencing. Make use of the
STADIO Referencing Guide 2022. Attach your (appropriately formatted) reference list
at the end of the assignment. You should consult a minimum of 7 references to
complete this assignment. [10]

Return to 1(a) and 1(b) above and ensure you have followed the instructions.


In the essay, the use of sub-headings to frame your discussion is encouraged, although
this is not compulsory. Do not underline headings or sub-headings.

You are not permitted to use bullet points, lists or numbers in the essay.

(2% will be deducted from the essay total in the event that you ignore any of the
instructions above)

Follow the rubric / marking instrument below as it will give you a further breakdown of
how your assignment will be assessed.


When preparing your assignment for submission, be sure to:

 save your details, including your student number, full name, and the module code in
the file name of the document e.g., "student number-NameSurname-EDSA700 2024
 ensure the file is under 20 MB, as this is the upload maximum file size for file
 check for grammatical and spelling errors;
 use size 12 pt, black, Arial font, 1.5 line spacing, and margins of 2 cm;
 include credible references (like those from books and peer-reviewed journals);
 length of assignment: The assignment may not exceed 7 (seven) pages excluding the
title page, table of contents, reference list and any appendices attached to
 a penalty of 2% will be deducted from the total of the assignment if the assignment is
less than six (6) pages or exceeds the permitted seven (7) pages; and

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 3 of 7

 submit your assignment to the correct Turnitin assignment submission activity within
the LMS module site – this will ensure that your assignment document is submitted
both to us and to Turnitin, where an originality check will be performed, and a
similarity report generated.

Generating a Turnitin report

Please note that part of the process of submitting your assignments online is putting your
assignments through Turnitin which is a service that checks your document for issues like
plagiarism and other referencing issues. Turnitin will produce a report for each document
you have submitted within 24 hours which will show if your assignments were copied
(even in part) from somewhere or someone else (even yourself). The Turnitin report will
generate a similarity score to indicate how similar your work is to other published work.

Your similarity score must be 15% or less for your assignment to be accepted and
marked. If your similarity score is more than 15%, you will need to edit your assignment
and reference correctly, where necessary, to reduce the similarity percentage. We will not
mark any assignments with a Turnitin score that exceeds the maximum allowed
percentage stated in the Plagiarism Policy.

To allow yourself time to review the Turnitin report and rework your assignment where
required, we suggest that you submit your assignment at least two weeks before the
official hand-in date. Your submissions will be made via the assignment submission
activity on the LMS. We will use the assignments and the Turnitin reports on the official
hand-in date as your final assignment for marking.

Please also note that during the process of submitting your assignments to Turnitin you
will be asked to undertake an Academic Integrity course where you sign a pledge that you
understand that the work you are handing in is your own original work. Signing that
pledge is your declaration that your assignments are your own original work.

Note that you're not permitted to submit the same assignments as those you have
previously submitted for this or any other module.

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 4 of 7


Refer to the marking instrument (e.g., the rubric, marking guidelines) below to
understand the assignment performance expectations and how your work will be
assessed. Once you have completed your assessment, use the checklist at the bottom of
this document to ensure that you have covered all the required elements.


Introduction Topic clearly outlined; Topic well stated; Topic stated in a No clear introduction;
engages, creates main points clear; limited fashion; main topic and main points
[5] interest. States the well supported. States points not clear / well not clear. Purpose of
purpose of the essay. / partly the purpose supported. Purpose of the essay is omitted.
States the of the essay. the essay is omitted.
significance of the
(5 – 4) (3) (2) (1 – 0)
Discussion of the Highly appropriate Appropriate Elementary discussion Limited or no
basic principles of discussion of the discussion of basic of basic principles of discussion of basic
theories of Piaget basic principles of principles of theories theories of Piaget and principles of theories
and Vygotsky theories of Piaget and of Piaget and Vygotsky. Little to no of Piaget and
Vygotsky. Vygotsky. Some supporting academic Vygotsky. No
[30] supporting academic evidence provided as supporting academic
Well supported with evidence provided as in-text referencing. evidence provided as
academic referencing. in-text referencing. in-text referencing.
(30 – 25) (24 – 17) (16 – 9) (8 – 0)
Critical Highly insightful, well Insightful and good Some insight and Little to no insight or
assessment of the substantiated critical critical assessment of some critical critical assessment of
issue of assessment of the neuroplasticity in assessment of neuroplasticity in
neuroplasticity in issue of understanding the neuroplasticity in understanding the
understanding the neuroplasticity in learning of developing understanding the learning of developing
learning of understanding the children / learning of developing children /
developing learning of developing adolescents. A good children / adolescents. Little to
children children / attempt to support adolescents. Some no attempt to support
adolescents. claims made in the attempt to support claims made in the
[20] writing with evidence claims made in the writing with evidence
from research. writing with evidence from research.
from research.
(20 – 16) (15 – 11) (10 – 6) (5 – 0)
Discussion of Thorough and Good and mostly Good and some Little to no discussion
examples related insightful discussion insightful discussion discussion of of examples related
to own subjects, of examples related of examples related examples related to to own subjects. Few
to illustrate the to own subjects. to own subjects. own subjects. Some to no illustration of
application of Thorough and Sound and appropriate the application of
neuroplasticity in appropriate appropriate illustration of the neuroplasticity in
action and link to illustration of the illustration of the application of action. Little to no
cognitive theories application of application of neuroplasticity in attempt made to link
neuroplasticity in neuroplasticity in action. Some links the above to cognitive
[20] action. Well defined action. Well defined forged with cognitive theories.
and substantiated link link and partially theories.
to cognitive theories. substantiated link to
cognitive theories.
(20 – 16) (15 – 11) (10 – 6) (5 – 0)
Conclusion Effectively draws Draws most points Restates some main No drawing together
together main points together and partly points but omits a of points; omission of
[5] and fully states how states how the statement about how statement that links
the intention of the intention of the essay the intention of the with the introduction
essay is influenced by is influenced by points essay is influenced by declaration of intent.
points raised in the raised in the essay. the points raised in
essay. the essay.
(5 – 4) (3) (2) (1 – 0)
Structure, Excellent structure Good structure and Structure and flow of Writing structure and
spelling, and flow of writing. flow of writing. Few writing is flawed. flow are not evident.
grammar, Little to no spelling, grammar, spelling or Several grammar, Weak grammar,
language, grammar and language errors and spelling and language spelling, improper
tone language errors and acceptable tone for errors and tone is language, and
tone highly academic writing. informal. inappropriate tone.
[5] appropriate for
academic writing.
(5 – 4) (3) (2) (1 – 0)

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 5 of 7

References 7 or more references 6 to 5 references 4 to 3 references 2 to 0 references
including in-text used. All given, all or used. All given, not all used. Some given, used. Minimal or none
most correct including correct including in- not all correct, some given, incorrect, poor
[10] in-text. text. in-text. in-text.
(10 – 7) (6 – 5) (4 – 3) (2 – 0)
Attention to AI- AI-generated text is AI-generated text is AI-generated text is Correct prompt given
generated text referenced according included at the end of not used in the essay. to AI text generator.
to STADIO the assignment. (prompt is shown in
[Max 5] Referencing Guide the evidence)
(1) (1) (2) (1)

TOTAL: [100]

EDSA700 – Assessment 2024-02-02/01 Page 6 of 7


Once you have completed your assessment, use the checklist below to make sure that
you have covered all elements. Provide ticks in the 'Completed' column for all the tasks or
requirements that have been completed.

No. Task/ Requirement Completed

1 Did you write an essay?
2 Did you include a list of references?
3 Did you use a minimum of 7 academic sources?
4 Did you use the STADIO Referencing Guide 2022 for all referencing?
5 Did you use in-text referencing?
6 Did you read the assignment overview in preparation for the assignment?
7 Did you watch the video in which the assignment was explained?
8 Does your essay contain 6 to 7 pages excluding title page, table of
contents, reference list and other appendices?
9 Does your essay reflect a professional attitude?
10 Did you remove underlined and bold sub-headings; bullet points, lists and
numbers from your essay?
11 Have you cut and pasted the prompt, AI-generated text and the reference
for the text after the Reference section?

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