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Wanita, 70 tahun mengeluh sakit kepala, malaise, anorexia, dan penurunan

berat badan, demam, nyeri sendi serta nyeri otot. Tajam penglihatan OD
<20/200 , optic disc edema, OS visus 20/20,dalam batas normal. Diagnosis
wanita ini adalah
c. Acute Papiledema
d. Papilophlabitis
e. Optic atrophy
2. What is the major goal on this patient treatment?
a. To restore vision
b. Relief the pain
c. To prevent contralateral vision loss
d. To comfort the patient
e. To make money
3. A 38 years old woman came to hospital with complaint of double vision and
intense headache and also vomiting for the last 3 months. She also suffered
from progressive visual acuity loss. There was limitation to right gaze noted.
From funduscopy examination revealed hyperemic papil, turtuosity, cup disc
ratio difficult to evaluate. If there is no abnormality in this examination. What is
the most probable diagnose for this patient?
a. Intracranial mass
b. Foster Kennedy Syndrome
c. Idiopatic Intraxranial Hypertension
e. Papilitis
4. 25 years old female came with decreasing vision on her right eye since 3 days
prior came to hospital. She complaints of having dull pain in eye movement,
no history of systemic disease. Opthalmology examination revealed visual
aquity of the right eye was 20/200 and on the left eye was 20/20. RAPD was
seen on the right eye. Funduscopy examination revealed normal fundi on both
eyes. Dyscromatopsia and sentral visual field defect also found the right eye
whereas the left eye was normal. The most likely diagnosis for this patient is..
a. Traumatic optic neuropaty
b. Retrobulbar optic neuritis
c. Ischemic optic neuropathy
d. Toxic optic neuropathy
e. Compresive optic neuropathy
5. A boy, 15 yo with chief complaint acute, severe, painless, sequential vision
loss (visual acuity less than 2/200) with central visual field impairment. From
the fundus the optic disc is redness and there is a elevation also thickening of
the peripapillary retina, teleangiectasia peripapil, and also turtuosity of the
medium sized retinal arterioles. What is the diagnose of this boy?
a. Leber hereditary optic neuropaty
b. Autosomal dominant optic atropy
c. Congenital optic disc anomalies
d. Optic neuritis
6. Subretinal fluid in CSCR caused by:
a. Leakage of choroidal vasculature
b. Leakage of intraretinal arteries
c. Deficient pumping function of RPE
d. Systemic intravascular osmotic pressure
e. Exudation from macular edema
7. Seorang pria 47 tahun datang ke poli mata dengan keluhan kabur pada mata
kanan, visus 20/60 ph (-). Pada pemeriksaan FFA didapatkan pin poin
leakage di early phase dan pooling pada late phase. Diagnosis:
c. AMD
d. Edema makula
e. Makular dystrophy
8. Petient 22 years old present with slowly progressive decreased central vision
in his both eyes. On examination his vision is 20/400, with foveal strophy
surrounded by discrete yellowish flecks at th level of RPE. Fluorescein
angiography shows dark choroid, hyperfluorescence associated with flecks,
and bulls eye pattern. The most proper diagnosis is
a. Pattern macular distropy
b. Familial druscent
c. Startgart disease
d. Sorsby macular dystropy
e. Best viteliform dystropy
9. A 55 years old man complained blurry vision of the both eyes. He felt this
condition since 2 years ago. He feeling saw distorted letter when reading
book. He saw black dot appearance at some point of his visual field. No glare,
no feeling pain, no traumatic history and no previous treatment history. Dm (+)
for 8 years. VOD 5/60 with correction become 20/100. VOS 2/60 with
correction become 20/200. At physical examination of right eye, you got some
soft drusen at macula. What diagnosis of this patient’s right eye?
a. AMD wet type+NPDR mild
b. AMD wet type
c. AMD dry type+NPDR mild
d. AMD dry type+NPDR moderate
e. AMD dry type
10. What examination to confirm your diagnosis and purpose of the examination?
a. FFA to look microaneurism
b. OCT to reveal RPE elevation
c. OCT to identified increasing of choroidal thickness
d. Fundus photography to get better visualization
e. OCT to evaluate optic nerve head
11. A man 45 years old came to emergency ward with blurred vission on his right
eye. He also felt a mild pain around his right eye. From the examination the
right eye IOP was 43.4 mmHg. From the anterior segment, the conjunctiva
was hyperemia, corneal edema, and there were flare and cell 1+ on the
anterior chamber with few KP. Funduscopy shown normal optic disc. From
gonioscopy, the angel was opened. Others within normal limit. He was
diagnosed with cytomegalovirus infection weeks ago. What is the best
diagnosis for this patient?
a. Fuch heterochromic uveitis
b. Pigmen dispersion syndrome
c. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
d. Uveitic glaucoma
e. Posner-Scholssman Syndrome
12. What is the first treatment for the patiient to reduce the IOP from the case
a. Prostaglandin analogue
b. Betra blocker
c. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
d. Miotic agent
13. Laki-laki usia 65 tahun datang ke poli mata dengan keluhan kabur mendadak
pada mata kanan disertai merah dan nyeri. Dari pemeriksaan didpatkan TIO
yang meningkat, edem kornea, flare cell, COA dalam dan gambaran seperti
hypopion. Diagnosis pasien tersebut adalah..
a. Phacolytic glaucoma
b. Lens particle glaucoma
c. Phacoantigenic glaucoma
d. Phacomorphic glaucoma
e. Ectopia lentis
14. Terapi definitif pada kasus diatas adalah:
a. Topikal steroid
b. Operasi filtrasi
c. Prostaglandin analouge
d. ACE inhibitor
e. Ekstraksi lensa
15. Male, 50 years old, come to outpatient clinic with chief complain often tripping
when walking. He denied seeing halo, pain redness in both eyes,
andsignificant reduction in visual acuity. The IOP for the right eyes is 34
mmHg and 27 mmHg for left eye. From gonioscopy reveals an open angle.
The OCT shown difuse RNFL thinning which is cinsistent with neuroretinal rim
thinning and enlarged cup seen in funduscopy. The standart automated
perimetry shows the visual field loss. This patient had a sibling with the same
condition. What surgical therapy should be chosen?
a. Laser iridotomy
b. Laser trabeculoplasty
c. Trabeculectomy
d. Cyclocrytherapy
e. Iridectomy

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