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Complex Training for Power Development: Practical Applications for Program


Article in Strength & Conditioning Journal · December 2016

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000265


25 6,781

2 authors:

Julian Lim Christopher Barley


Higher Performance

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Complex Training for
Power Development:
Practical Applications for
Program Design
Julian J. H. Lim, MSc, CSCS and Christopher I. Barley, BSC
EXOS, Singapore

ABSTRACT complex training being commonly spinal level where the potentiated
used. Complex training involves maxi- muscular state is attributed to an
mal or high-intensity dynamic exercises increase in a-motoneuron excitability
before performing a lighter-resistance as reflected by changes in the H-reflex
MENT AFTER MAXIMAL OR HIGH- (6,25). The H-reflex is a reflexive neu-
ballistic movement with similar bio-
INTENSITY DYNAMIC EXERCISES ral signal, which when superimposed
mechanical characteristics (7). Recent
ARE THOUGHT TO RESULT FROM on voluntary muscle activation, in-
research has shown that maximal or
POSTACTIVATION POTENTIATION creases the strength of the electrical
high-intensity dynamic exercises (e.g.,
(PAP). THE MAJOR FACTORS impulse, thus activating more motor
heavy squats, weighted countermove-
AFFECTING PAP UTILIZATION ARE ment jumps and drop jumps) can units (6).
THE OPTIMAL INTRACOMPLEX enhance the rate of force development PAP has been shown to increase the
RECOVERY, TRAINING STATUS, AND and jump height of both vertical and rate of force development of the
STRENGTH LEVELS OF THE ATH- horizontal jump performance affected muscle groups which leads
LETES. STUDIES HAVE SHOWN (5,16,29). This training technique to an increase in acceleration and
THAT WITH THE IDEAL COMBINA- takes advantage of postactivation velocity (26). Both acute and chronic
TION OF MODERATELY HIGHLY potentiation (PAP) which is defined increases in muscular strength and
TRAINED ATHLETES AND ADE- as the enhanced neuromuscular con- power may be further enhanced by
QUATE INTRACOMPLEX RECOVERY, dition observed in the skeletal muscle performing an explosive power exer-
IT IS POSSIBLE TO EFFECTIVELY after an initial bout of heavy resistance cise while the affected muscle groups
IMPLEMENT COMPLEX TRAINING exercise (27). are in this potentiated state (27).
The short-term increases in power
after maximal or high-intensity
CURRENT LITERATURE OF STUDIES One of the major factors affecting PAP
dynamic exercises are thought to
INVESTIGATING THE CHRONIC utilization is the optimal intracomplex
result from a combination of 2 physi-
ADAPTATIONS OF PAP IN A TRAIN- recovery (i.e., rest interval between
ological phenomena. The first theory
ING CYCLE AND RECOMMEND AN maximal or high-intensity dynamic
focuses within the localized muscle
where the increased recruitment of exercise and ballistic exercise)
PLEX TRAINING PROGRAM. (7,18,24,28). A muscular contraction
high threshold motor units
produces both PAP and fatigue and it
(7,18,24,28) and phosphorylation of
is the next balance between these 2
myosin regulatory light chains makes
INTRODUCTION variables that determines whether the
the actin and myosin more sensitive to
any aspects of a strength and subsequent performance response is

Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic
conditioning program center reticulum (23). This increases the rate
on power development with of binding of actin and myosin result-
postactivation potentiation; complex
Address correspondence to Julian J. H. Lim, ing in faster muscle contraction (13).
training; chronic adaptations The second theory focuses on the

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Complex Training for Power Development

enhanced, reduced, or unchanged (Fig- (7,18,24,28). To adhere to the recom- exercise or respond more to increases
ure) (14). During the rest interval, mus- mended ;3–4 minutes intracomplex in the ability to recruit type II muscle
cle performance may improve if recovery, it is recommended to fibers resulting in a greater voluntary
potentiation dominates and fatigue implement complex training in train- PAP response (21).
is reduced, decrease if fatigue domi- ing cycles of moderately highly In contrast, moderately trained ath-
nates over potentiation and remain trained athletes with high relative 1 letes may incorporate the use of plyo-
unchanged if both fatigue and potenti- repetition maximum (1RM) strength metric exercises to induce the effect of
ation are at similar levels. levels (training status 5 club, pro- PAP for complex training within
Since PAP coexists with fatigue, it is fessional and elite athletes; resistance a training cycle. Plyometric exercises
vital to identify the optimal rest inter- training experience $2 years; lower are associated with the preferential
val whereby the muscle has partially body strength levels $1.8 relative recruitment of type II motor units
recovered from fatigue but is still in 1RM; upper body strength levels $1.4 which is one central level mechanism
a potentiated state (3). Previous re- relative 1RM) (15,18–20). The ability underpinning PAP (6). One study
views in the assessment of the tempo- of stronger individuals to express their directly compared the effect of a plyo-
ral profile of PAP had reported a lack greatest PAP effect earlier may be metric versus traditional resistance
of consensus regarding the optimal in- explained by the fact that they exercise and reported a greater PAP
tracomplex recovery with the recov- develop fatigue resistance to heavier effect after the former (16). Twelve
ery interval ranging from 3 to loads after a near-maximal effort (1). trained volleyball players performed
10 minutes (19,28). To implement Given the interplay between a variety of specific warm-up stimuli
complex training in a training cycle, strength, fatigue, and potentiation, (unloaded and loaded countermove-
a shorter recovery interval of ;3– stronger and experienced individuals ment jumps and drop jumps) after
4 minutes would be ideal for may be able to dissipate fatigue baseline measurements on random-
strength and conditioning coaches to quicker after the maximal or high- ized separate occasions. Jump height
execute an effective, yet practical intensity dynamic exercise because and maximal power output signifi-
training program when performing of their greater capacity to resist cantly improved by 2–5% and 2–
and incorporating PAP. fatigue and therefore may be able to 11%, respectively.
achieve their maximal PAP response
TRAINING STATUS AND STRENGTH earlier than weaker individuals (1). A recent meta-analysis has also
LEVELS Stronger individuals may have a high- shown that a plyometric exercise
Other major contributing factors er percentage of type II muscle fibers may produce less fatigue than
affecting PAP utilization are an ath- and therefore likely exhibit greater a loaded traditional resistance exer-
lete’s training status, resistance train- increases in myosin RLC phosphor- cise as a conditioning stimulus, thus
ing experience, and strength level ylation in response to dynamic allowing a greater potentiation effect
to be achieved and reducing the time
necessary to achieve the maximal
PAP effect (19). Given the relationship
between fatigue and PAP, a plyometric
exercise may produce less fatigue than
a loaded traditional resistance exer-
cise, thus allowing a greater potentia-
tion effect to be achieved and
reducing the intracomplex recovery
needed to achieve the maximal PAP
effect (19).

Only a handful of studies have investi-
gated the effectiveness of complex
training within a training cycle of
Figure. A model of the relationship between postactivation potentiation (PAP) and 6–10 weeks (4,8–11,17,22) (Table 1).
fatigue after a previous conditioning stimulus (Adapted from Tillin and The majority of studies showed that
Bishop, 2009). PAP can be achieved earlier after a low-volume conditioning club and elite level athletes taking part
stimulus (window 1) or later after a high-volume conditioning stimulus in a periodized complex training cycle
(window 2). showed significant improvements in


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Table 1
Studies investigating chronic adaptations of postactivation potentiation on performance measures

Study Subjects Training program Duration Performance test Performance


Dodd and 45 Div II Complex Training Plyometric Training Resistance 8 wk 20–60-yd sprint [0.27–0.55%
Alvar (4) Training
College baseball BS + BJ BJ BS VJ [0.98%
Lunge + DJ DJ Lunge SBJ [1.8%
Split Squat + Split Squat Split Squat Jumps Split Squat T-agility [2.33%
Notes Notes
Resistance exercises 5 4 ,10 s between
3 6 at 80–90% 1RM complex pairs
Plyometric exercises 5 4 3–4 min rest
3 6 at 0–30% 1RM between sets
2 d per week
Juárez et al. (8) 16 Undergraduates Complex Training Conventional 8 wk CMJ VJH [ 5.4 cm
Training (Complex)
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

2 3 8 BS at 70% 1RM + 5 VJ BS (week 1–4) VJH 4

+ 2 3 20 m (week 1–2) (Conventional)
2 3 6 BS at 75% 1RM + 5 HJ VJ + 4 3 20 m
+ 2 3 20 m (week 3–4) (week 5)
2 3 4 BS at 80% 1RM + 5 DJ HJ + 5 3 20 m
+ 2 3 20 m (week 5–6) (week 6)
2 3 4 BS at 85% 1RM + 5 BJ DJ + 4 3 20 m
+ 2 3 20 m (week 7–8) (week 7)
Notes BJ + 4 3 20 m
(week 8)
No rest between complex Notes

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Complex Training for Power Development

Table 1
(continued )

3–5 min rest between sets Resistance exercise

in week 1–4
followed by
power exercises
in week 5–8
2 d per week 3–5 min rest
between sets
2 d per week
MacDonald 34 M Complex Training Plyometric Training Resistance 6 wk CMJ & SBJ CMJ pGFF
et al. (9) Undergraduates Training
Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 [ 4.1%
BS + Lateral Jump Lateral Jump BS [ 3% (Complex)
Stiff Leg Deadlift + DJ DJ Stiff Leg 4 between
Deadlift Complex,
Plyometric &
Standing Calf Raise + BJ BJ (3 3 3–7) Standing
Calf Raise
(3 3 3–6
at 75–90%
Resistance (3 3 3–6 at 75– Day 2 Day 2
90% 1RM)
Plyometric (3 3 3–7) Lateral Jump Speed
Day 2 DJ Stiff Leg
Speed Squats + Lateral BJ Standing
Jump Calf Raise
Stiff Leg Deadlift + DJ Plyometric (3 3 Resistance
3–6) (3 3 3–6
at 45–60%
Standing Calf Raise + BJ Notes
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Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1
(continued )
Resistance (3 3 3–6 at 45– 3 min rest Notes
60% 1RM) between sets
Plyometric (3 3 3–6) 3 min rest
3 min rest between
3 min rest between sets

Maio Alves 23 M Complex Training (G1 & G2) Resistance Control 6 wk SJ VJH [ 12.6% (G1)
et al. (10)
Young elite 6 reps squats at 85% 1RM + BS (week 1–4) No Resistance VJH [ 9.63% (G2)
5 m high skipping + 5 m or Plyometric
Sprint training
Portuguese soccer 6 reps calf raise at 90% 1RM VJ + 4 3 20 m VJH 4 between
+ 8 VJ + 3 high ball (week 5) G1 & G2
6 reps seated leg extension HJ + 5 3 20 m
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

at 80% 1RM + 6 Jumps (week 6)

from seated position + 3
DJ executing soccer
Notes DJ + 4 3 20 m
(week 7)
G1: Train once a week BJ + 4 3 20 m
(week 8)
G2: Train twice a week Notes
Rest period: NA ,10 s between
complex pairs
3–4 min rest
between sets
2 Days per week

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Complex Training for Power Development

Table 1
(continued )
Mihalik et al. 31 (11 M, 20 F) Complex Training Compound Training 4 wk CMJ VJH [ 5.4%
(11) (Complex)
Divison 1 Day 1 & 2 Day 1 VJH [ 9.1%
Volleyball BS (3 3 6 at 60% 1RM) + BS (6 3 6 at 4 between
Depth Jump (3 3 6) 60% 1RM) Complex &
Single Leg Lunge (3 3 6 Single Leg
at 60% 1RM) + Split Lunge (6 3
Squat Jump (3 3 6) 60% at 1RM)
Deadlift (6 3 6 at 60% Deadlift (6 3 6
1RM) + Double Leg at 60% 1RM)
Bounds (3 3 6)
Notes Day 2
60 s rest between sets Depth Jump (3
3 6)
2 min rest between exercise Split Squat
Jump (3 3 6)
Double Leg
(3 3 6)
60 s rest between
2 min rest
Santos and 25 M Complex Training Control 10 wk SJ VJH
Janeira (17)
14–15 yrs Day 1 Day 2 No Resistance or CMJ [ 10.5–13%
Plyometric (Complex)
Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1
(continued )
Basketball Leg Extension (3 3 10– Decline Press (3 Abalakov test VJH Y 5.2–8.6%
12RM) + Rim Jump 3 10-12RM) (Control)
(2–3 3 10) + Tuck + 2-foot
Jump (3 3 10) + Side Ankle Hop (2–
Jump/Sprint (3–4 3 6 + 3 3 15) + Alt-
5 m sprint) + DJ 1808 leg Bound (3
Turn (4 3 6) 3 10 m) + DJ
(3–4 3 6) +
Cone hops
with COD
Sprint (4 3 6
+ 5 m sprint)
Pullover Lat Pull Down (3
(3 3 10–12RM) + MB 3 10–12RM)
Squat Toss (2–3 3 10) + + MB Chest
Overhead Throws (3 3 Pass (2–3 3
12) + Seated Chest Pass 10) +
(3–4 3 10) + Pullover Backward
Pass (4 3 10) Throw (3 3
10) + Power
Drop (4 3 10)
Leg Curl (3 3 10–12RM) + Leg Press (3 3
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Zigzag Drill (2–3 3 10) 10-12RM) +

+ Alt-Leg Push-off (3 3 Squat Jump
10) + Lateral BJ (3–4 3 (2–3 3 10) +
10) + HJ (4 3 8) Lateral Jump
(3 3 10) + HJ
(3–4 3 5) +
Multiple Box
Jumps (4 3 6)
2–3 min rest between
resistance exercise sets
4 min rest between
resistance & plyometric
Resistance exercise (week

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Complex Training for Power Development

Table 1
(continued )
First plyometric exercise
(week 1–2)
Second plyometric exercise
(week 3–4)
Third plyometric exercise
(week 5–7)
Fourth plyometric exercise
(week 8–10)
Stasinaki et al. 25 M Complex Training Compound Training 6 wk CMJ (Jump & reach VJH 4
(22) method) (Complex)
Young men Day 1 & 2 Day 1 VJH [ 4%
PE students Leg Press 2 3 6 at 85% Leg press (4 3
1RM + Leg press throw 6 at 85%
(2 3 8 at 30% 1RM) 1RM)
Bench Press (2 3 6 at 85% Bench Press (4
1RM) + Bench Press 3 6 at 85%
Throw (2 3 8 at 30% 1RM)
Smith box squat (4 3 6 at Smith box
85% 1RM) + SJ (2 3 8 squat (4 3 6
at 30% 1RM) at 85% 1RM)
Day 3 Day 2
DJ (3 3 8) Leg Press throw
(4 3 8 at 30%
Notes Bench Press
Throw (4 3 8
at 30% 1RM)
3 min rest between complex SJ (4 3 8 at
pairs (e.g., 1a & 1b) 30% 1RM)
5 min rest between Day 3
DJ (3 3 8)
lower body power production (i.e., ver- for both a highly and moderately-

4 5 No Significant Difference; BJ 5 box jump; BS 5 back squats; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; COD 5 change of direction; DJ 5 drop jumps; F 5 female; G1 5 Group 1; G2 5 Group 2;
HJ 5 hurdle jump; M 5 male; MB 5 medicine ball; NA 5 not available; PE 5 physical education; pGFF 5 peak ground reaction force; RM 5 repetition maximum; SBJ 5 broad jumps; SJ 5
tical jump height). These studies show trained athlete).
how with the ideal combination of
moderately highly trained athletes SUMMARY
and adequate intracomplex recovery The majority of the studies investigat-
it is possible to effectively implement ing the effectiveness of complex train-
complex training for power develop- ing within a training cycle showed
ment in a training cycle. significant improvements in lower
body power production. The major
One concern is how to effectively use
factors affecting PAP utilization are
the rest interval between both the
the optimal intracomplex recovery,
complex pairs and exercise sets (intra- training status, and strength levels of
complex recovery: ;3–4 minutes; in- the athletes. This shows that with the
tercomplex recovery: ;5 minutes). A ideal combination of moderately
possible solution is to cater mobility highly trained athletes and adequate
and/or stability drills for the unaf- intracomplex recovery, it is possible
fected limbs (i.e., upper body/core to effectively implement complex
corrective exercises for lower body training for power development in
complex exercise sets), with the aim of a training cycle. The key to success-
addressing dysfunctional movement fully using PAP into a training cycle is,
patterns that can cause a decrease in taking all the above considerations
performance and an increase in in- and implementing them in an effec-
juries (2). tive, yet practical training program.
The programming of mobility and/
Basic movement pattern limitation,
or stability drills within the intracom-
due to asymmetrical function of joint plex and intercomplex recovery inter-
(continued )

mobility and stability, is thought to

3 min between

5 min between

val may be a solution to address other

Table 1

reduce the effects and benefits of injury management concerns of the


functional training and physical athletes during training, without

conditioning. If the asymmetrical dys-

unnecessarily extending the total


function is unattended to, compensa- training time.

tory movement patterns develop
during training and the individual PRACTICAL APPLICATION
creates a dysfunctional movement Guidelines for using PAP within a train-
pattern that is used subconsciously ing program.
whenever executing an exercise 1. Ideal subject characteristics
movement (2). This may lead to  Training status 5 moderately to
squat jump; VJ 5 vertical jump; VJH 5 vertical jump height.

greater mobility and stability imbalan- highly trained athletes

ces and deficiencies, which increase  Resistance training experience
the potential for injury (12). $2 years
 Strength levels $1.8 relative lower
These corrective exercises are imple-
body 1RM
mented during the rest periods (intra-  Strength levels $1.4 relative upper
complex recovery) between the
body 1RM
conditioning stimulus and ballistic
2. Effective rest interval
exercise. This may effectively address  Intracomplex recovery (between
other injury management concerns of
complex pairs) 5 ;3–4 minutes
the athletes during training. This pre-  Intercomplex recovery (between
habilitation training approach can be
exercise sets) 5 ;5 minutes
supplemented into a complex training
3. Programming mobility and/or sta-
protocol without unnecessarily ex-
bility drills within the intracomplex
tending the total training time. All
and intercomplex recovery interval.
these are factored into program design
to cater to an effective, yet practical Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
training program (see Table 2 for The authors report no conflicts of interest
sample program templates tailored and no source of funding.

41 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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Complex Training for Power Development

Table 2
Sample complex training programs for a highly trained and moderately trained athlete

No. Exercises Tempo Sets 3 repetitions Load Rest Notes

Highly trained
1A Back Squats 301 4 3 3–5 .85% 1RM —
1B Serratus Wall Slides and/or — 4 3 10 + 4 3 5 (3 s Body mass — 3–4 min intra-
Isometric Bird-dog Holds hold on each side) complex recovery
1C Squat Jump X 4 3 6–8 0–30% 1RM ;5 min ;5 min
1A Drop Jump X 3 3 6–8 Body mass —
1B Side Lying Extension Rotation — 4 3 10 + 4 3 30 s (2 Body mass — 3–4 min intra-
and/or Side Bridge rounds per set) complex recovery
1C Box Jump X 4 3 6–8 Body mass ;5 min ;5 min

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