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(a) What is meant by the term species diversity?

Species diversity refers to the variety and abundance of different species within a given area
or ecosystem. It is a measure of the number of different species present and the relative
distribution or proportion of each species within the community.

Species diversity encompasses two key components:

Species Richness: the total number of different species present in a particular area or

Species Evenness: this measures the relative abundance or distribution of each species within
the community. It evaluates how evenly or evenly distributed the individuals are across the
different species. High species evenness means that the community has a relatively balanced
distribution of individuals among different species, while low species evenness indicates a
more skewed distribution with dominant or rare species.

Species diversity is important for maintaining ecosystem health and functionality. It plays a
crucial role in providing ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, pollination, pest
control, and maintaining overall ecosystem resilience. Higher species diversity often indicates
a more stable and robust ecosystem, capable of withstanding environmental disturbances and
adapting to changes over time.

(b) Scientists believe that the production of greenhouse gases by human activities is
climate change.
(i) Outline the human activities which lead to production of greenhouse gases and give
examples of greenhouse gases.
Human activities contribute significantly to the production of greenhouse gases, primarily
through the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial processes, and agricultural
practices. Some key activities that lead to the production of greenhouse gases include:

Fossil Fuel Combustion: The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for
electricity generation, transportation, and heating releases large amounts of carbon dioxide
(CO2) into the atmosphere. This is the most significant contributor to greenhouse gas

Deforestation and Land Use Change: Clearing forests for agriculture, urbanization, or other
purposes releases the carbon stored in trees into the atmosphere as CO2. Deforestation
reduces the Earth's capacity to absorb CO2 through photosynthesis, contributing to increased
greenhouse gas concentrations.

Industrial Processes: Certain industrial activities release potent greenhouse gases. For
example, the production and use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in refrigeration and aerosol
propellants contribute to ozone depletion and global warming. Additionally, the
manufacturing of cement releases significant amounts of CO2 as a byproduct.

Agricultural Activities: Agricultural practices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in

multiple ways. The use of synthetic fertilizers and livestock farming leads to the release of
nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. Methane (CH4), another potent greenhouse
gas, is released during the decomposition of organic waste in landfills and from the digestive
systems of ruminant animals, such as cattle and sheep.
Waste Management: Improper waste management practices, such as the disposal of organic
waste in landfills, produce methane as organic matter decomposes in the absence of oxygen.

Examples of greenhouse gases include:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): The most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted through fossil fuel
combustion, deforestation, and land-use changes.

Methane (CH4): Emitted during the production and transport of coal, oil, and natural gas, as
well as from agricultural practices and waste decomposition.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Released from agricultural and industrial activities, as well as the
burning of fossil fuels and solid waste.

Fluorinated Gases: Synthetic gases used in a variety of industrial applications, such as

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) used in refrigeration and air conditioning, sulfur hexafluoride
(SF6) used in electrical equipment, and others.

These greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse
effect and global warming. Their accumulation leads to climate change and associated
impacts on the environment, ecosystems, and human societies.

(ii) Explain why increase in greenhouse gases is more likely to result in damage to
communities with low species diversity index than communities with a high index.
An increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4),
contributes to the phenomenon known as global warming. This process leads to climate
change, which can have various impacts on ecosystems and communities. When considering
the potential effects of increased greenhouse gases on communities with different species
diversity indexes, several factors come into play.

Climate Change Vulnerability: Communities with low species diversity indexes often have a
limited range of species and ecological niches. This makes them more vulnerable to
environmental changes, including shifts in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme
weather events. As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, these changes become more
pronounced and can disrupt the delicate balance within these communities, leading to
negative consequences.

Ecosystem Services: High species diversity indexes are often associated with resilient
ecosystems that provide numerous benefits to communities, including vital ecosystem
services. These services include pollination, water purification, soil fertility, and pest control,
among others. Ecosystems with higher species diversity are more likely to have redundancy
in ecological functions, ensuring that even if some species are affected, others can
compensate. In contrast, communities with low species diversity have fewer species to fulfill
these important roles, making them more susceptible to disturbances caused by climate

Adaptability and Resilience: Communities with high species diversity indexes generally
exhibit greater adaptability and resilience to environmental changes. This is because diverse
ecosystems possess a broader range of genetic traits, functional characteristics, and ecological
interactions. This diversity provides a larger pool of potential responses to changing
conditions. In contrast, communities with low species diversity lack such adaptability and
may struggle to cope with alterations in temperature, rainfall patterns, or other environmental
factors resulting from increased greenhouse gases.

Habitat Suitability: Climate change can alter the suitability of habitats for different species.
Increased greenhouse gases contribute to rising temperatures, changes in precipitation, and
shifts in vegetation patterns. Communities with high species diversity indexes often have a
greater variety of habitat types and microclimates, increasing the chances that at least some
species will find suitable conditions within the community or nearby areas. In contrast,
communities with low species diversity may lack the necessary habitat diversity, limiting
options for species to relocate or adapt to changing conditions.

Overall, while the impacts of increased greenhouse gases and climate change are widespread
and affect all communities to some extent, communities with low species diversity indexes
are more likely to experience severe damage. Their limited ecological complexity, reduced
resilience, and vulnerability to environmental changes make them less capable of mitigating
and adapting to the challenges posed by a changing climate. In contrast, communities with
high species diversity indexes have a greater chance of maintaining ecosystem stability,
providing essential services, and promoting long-term community well-being.

(c) The graph below shows the effect of environmental change on the stability and
functioning of ecosystems.

(i) Describe the relationship between environmental change and the community with a
low species diversity index.
As environmental change increases, community change with low species diversity also
increases. As environmental change decreases, community with low species diversity also

(ii) Explain the different responses to environmental change in communities with a low
and high species diversity.
Environmental change results into change in community with low species diversity since they
have low stability and adaptiveness to wide range of environmental factors such that the
effect of prevailing changing environmental factors causes a significant or substantial effect
on overall species diversity.

Environmental change has more or less effect/ no change in CWHSD since greater
biodiversity allows for high genetic diversity and great adaptiveness of the many populations
to a vast range of environmental factors, such that the environmental effect results into a
minimal infinite effect on overall species diversity.

(d) Outline the features common to a species.

Features that are common to a species typically refer to characteristics or traits shared by
individuals within that species. These features are a result of genetic similarities and are
passed down from one generation to the next. Here are some common features found in a

Genetic Similarity: Individuals within a species share a high degree of genetic similarity.
They have a common set of genes that define the species and distinguish it from other

Morphological Characteristics: Species often exhibit common physical traits, including body
shape, size, coloration, and structural features. These characteristics can vary to some extent
within a species due to factors such as sexual dimorphism or geographical variations.

Reproductive Compatibility: Individuals of the same species can reproduce and produce
fertile offspring when they mate. Reproductive compatibility is a fundamental characteristic
that distinguishes a species from others.

Behavioral Patterns: Species may exhibit similar behavioral patterns or instincts that are
specific to their species. These behaviors can include mating rituals, communication methods,
foraging strategies, territoriality, and social structures.

Life Cycle and Development: Members of a species generally follow a similar life cycle,
including processes such as embryonic development, growth, maturation, and reproduction.
These life cycle stages are characteristic of the species and contribute to its overall identity.

Adaptations to the Environment: Species often possess specific adaptations that allow them to
survive and thrive in their respective habitats. These adaptations can be physical,
physiological, or behavioral, enabling them to obtain food, avoid predators, withstand
environmental conditions, or reproduce successfully.

Genetic Variation: While species share common features, they also exhibit some level of
genetic variation within the population. This variation contributes to the ability of a species to
adapt to changing environments and ensures the long-term survival of the species.

It is important to note that while these features are generally common to a species, there can
be variations and exceptions within populations due to factors like genetic mutations, genetic
drift, or environmental influences.

(e) What methods may be used to prevent species from extinction?

 Establishing game parks, national parks, nature reserves and similar protected areas.
 Planned land use.
 Protecting and restoring species habitats.
 Legal protection of endangered species, for example it is illegal to collect, trade in or
kill Koalas in Australia.
 Providing refuge and assisted breeding programmes for endangered species, such as
zoos and botanical gardens.
 Removal of endangered plants and animals from areas affected by natural disasters
and human activity.
 Controlling and reducing the impact of modern intensive agriculture.
 Control of introduced species to protect indigenous ones
 Ecological study of threatened habitats.
 Establishing sperm banks and seed stores to maintain the full range of genetic
diversity of species.
 Controlling pollution such as smoke emissions, oil spillages, over- use of pesticides,
 Recycling materials.
 Education and sensitization
 Create awareness of importance of biodiversity, prevention of habitat destruction and
encouraging of species conservation.
 Restricting urban and industrial development.
 Reclaiming destroyed sites, such as mining, water tips
 Prohibiting release of non-native species into an area.
 Limiting the exploitation of renewable resources to sustainable yields.

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