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Part I. Multiple choice (6 points, 60 minutes)

BTGH 1: Let A be a 3×3 matrix which has 3 eigenvectors (1;2;3)T , (1;1;1)T, (3;3;4)T and the
2 0 0
corresponding eigenvalues 1;2 and 3 P be an invertible matrix that satisfies P . A. P= 0 3 0
0 0 1
Find P.

1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 3
A. 2 1 3 B. 1 3 2 C. 1 1 1
3 1 4 1 4 3 3 3 4
1 1 1
D. 3 3 4 E. All other answers are wrong.
1 2 3
3 0 1
BTGH 2: Let A= 2 3 6 . Which Which of the following vectors is the eigenvector of A
1 1 7
corresponding to the eigenvalue λ = 2?

A. (1;1;1)T B. (2;8;-2)T C. (1;2;3)T

D. (1;4;1)T E. (-1;3;4)T

BTGH 3: Let f : �3 → �3 be a linear transformation that depends on the parameter m ∈ R and f (1; 0;
1) = (m; 1; 0); f (0; 1; 0) = (0; m; 1); f (0; 2; 1) = (m; m + 1; m + 2). Find m such that
Im( f ) ≡ �3 .

A. m= 0
B. m= −1.
C. m ≠ 0 and m ≠ −1.
D. ∄� .
E. ∀� ∉ ℝ.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”

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BTGH 4: Let f : �3 → �2 be a linear transformation: f (�1 ; �2 ; �3 ) = (�1 − �2 ; 2�1 + �2 + �3 ) Find the
transformation matrix of f with respect to the bases E = {(1 ;1 ;0); (0; 1; 2); (1; 1; 1)}, and F ={(1; 3); (2;

6 11 8 6 11 8 6 11 8
A. B. . C.
−3 −6 4 −3 6 −4 3 −6 −4
6 11 8
D. E. All other answers are wrong.
−3 −6 −4

BTGH 5: Let f : ℝ3 → ℝ3 be a linear transformation: ƒ �1 ; �2 ; �3 = (3�2 + 4�3 ; 7�1 + �2 +

6�3 ; −4�1 + 3�2 + �3 ). Find the dimension of Ker( f ).

A. 3 B. 4 C. 0 D. 2 E. 1.

BTGH 6: In ℝ2 , let �; � = �1 �1 + 2�2 �2 − �1 �2 − �2 �1 be the inner product. Find the norm (length)
of (3;4)

A. 5 B. 4 C. 17 D. 13 E. All other answers are wrong.

BTGH 7:In ℝ2 , let �; � = �1 �1 + 2�2 �2 − �1 �2 − �2 �1 be the inner product. Find all real values of
m such that (1; 2) is orthogonal to (3; m).

A. m = −2 B. m = 2 C. m = 0

D. m = −1 E. m = 1

BTGH 8: In ℝ3 , let �; � = �1 �1 + 2�1 �2 + 3�3 �3 be the inner product. Find the projection vector
of (3; 0; 3) onto the line F = <(2; −1; 0) >

A. (1;0;1) B. (2;−1;0) C. (19;−20;14)

D. (5;−2;−2) E. All other answers are wrong

2 1
BTGH 9: Find all real values of m such that λ = 3 is an eigenvalue of A = .
3 �

A. m=3 B. m = −2 C. m = 0

D. m = 2 E. All other answers are wrong.

BTGH 10: Let A be a 3×3 matrix and A has a unique eigenvalue λ = 2. The eigenvalue of
B = A3 – 3A + 4A-1 is

1 1
A. B. 8 C. 4 D. 2. E.
4 2

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”

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5 1
BTGH 11: Find all real values of m such that x = (1; 1)T is an eigenvector of A = .
3 �

A. m = 2 B. m = 1 C. m = 0 D. m = 3 E. m = −1

BTGH 12: In ℝ2 , given the inner product �; � = 2�1 �1 + 3�2 �2 − 2�1 �2 − 2�2 �1 and a subspace F
=< (1; 2) > . One basis of �⊥ is

A. {(2;−1)} B. {(0;0)} C. {(1;0), (0;1)}

D. All other answers are wrong E. {(2:1)}

BTGH 13: Let f : ℝ3 → ℝ3 be a linear transformation. Find the WRONG statement.

A. 0 ∈ ker (�)
B. 0 ∈ Im (�)
C. Dim(Im( f )) + dim(ker( f )) = 3
D. If � ∈ ker( f ), � ≠ 0, then x is an eigenvector of the standard transformation matrix of f.
E. If � ��� � are two eigenvectors of f, then � + � is also an eigenvector of f .

BTGH 14: Let f : ℝ2 → ℝ2 be a linear transformation and the transformation matrix of f with
5 8
respect to E = {(1; 1), (2; 3)} is . Find f (−1;1).
−3 −5
A. (29;−21) B.(1;−1) C. (1;6)

B. (89;−34) E. All other answers are wrong.

BTGH 15: Let f :ℝ2 → ℝ3 , � �1 ; �2 = (�1 + �2 ; �1 − 2�2 ; 3�1 + �2 ). Given f (a; b) = (1; 4; 5). Find a +
A. 0 B. −1 C. 2 D. −2 E. 1

BTGH 16: For a simple economy with 3 industries A, B, C, we suggest the input-output model, where the
0.15 0.1 0.2
input-output matrix is A = 0.05 0.15 0.15 . Given that the external demands of A, B and C are 500,
0.2 0.1 0.05
400 and 300 units, respectively. Find the total production of A.

A. 613.4337 B. 546.4632 C. 760.4518 D. 788.9836 E. 627.6996

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”

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Question 17-18:

BTGH 17: On the xy plane with the dot product, let f be the rotation about the origin 90 degrees
clockwise and g be the rotation about the origin 60 degrees counterclockwise. Find the standard
transformation f ◦ g.

1/2 − 3/2 0 1 − 3/2 1/2

A. B. C.
3/2 3/2 −1 0 −1/2 − 3/2

3/2 1/2 0 −1
D. E.
−1/2 3/2 −1 0

BTGH 18: Find the WRONG statement.

A. �◦� ≡ �◦� B. dim(Ker(�◦�)) = 0 C. dim(Ker f ) = 0

D. dim(Imf ) = 2 E. dim(Imf) = 3

Question 19-20:

2 1 �+1
BTGH 19: Find m such that A is invertible, where A = � −3 0
1 0 0

A. m ≠ −1 B. m ≠ 0 C. ∀ D. ∄� E. m ≠ 0 and m ≠ −1.

BTGH 20: m = −2. Find det(2A3B), where det(B) = 1/2

A. −108 B. −54 C. 54 D. 27 E. −27

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”

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Part II. Essay (4 points, 40 minutes)

BTGH 1: In ℝ3 with the inner product �, � = �1 �1 + �1 �2 + �2 �1 + 2�2 �2 + 3�3 �3 , let

F = � ∈ ℝ3 − �1 + �2 − �3 = 0; �1 − 2�2 + 3�3 = 0} be a subspace.

a) Find the dimension and one basis of F .

b) Find the dimension and one basis of F⊥ .

c) Find the projection vector of u = (2, 4, 7) onto F⊥ .

d) Find all real values of m such that the angle between u and v = (m, 2, −1) is π/3.

BTGH 2: In a city, there are three companies A, B and C that provide a kind of service. According to
the data, in average, after each month, about 10% of customers of A switch to use B’s service, 15% switch
to use C’s services; for B, 10% of customers switch to use A’s service and 15% switch to use C’s service;
for C, 20% switch to use A’s service and 10% of customers switch to use B’s service. At the moment, all
3 companies hold equal market share.

a) Find the market shares of the three companies after 3 months.

b) The equilibrium (steady) state is the state for which the market shares of the three companies will
not changeany more. Find the equilibrium state.

c) Use the diagonalization method to find the market shares of the three companies after 5 years.

d) Find the market shares of them after a long time


• Compilation material: Bui Tran Gia Hung

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“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”

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