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I delved into an article on streaming services and media landscape with a spotlight on the

research conducted by Professor Amanda Lotz from Queensland University of Technology.

The article presented a thorough discussion of the changes in television viewership resulting
from the advent of streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+.

During the activity, I found myself engrossed in the intricate analysis presented by Professor
Lotz which investigates such aspects as the transformation in television consumption patterns,
difficulties around researching streaming platforms, concerns about American domination of
global streaming services and regulation within this changing industry.

As I moved further into the article, I marveled at how complicated matters surrounding these
issues are; varying from effecting local content production to affecting world media markets.
Additionally, Professor Lotz’s viewpoint provided useful nuances about media that reveal why a
grasp of technology’s interaction with economics and culture is so vital for navigating our way
through this dense forest.

In processing what I read in this study. I thought about how transformative streaming services
were and their deep i realized how transformative streaming services are and how much they
impact both the consumers and creators of content. The paper tackled the availability of diverse
content via streaming platforms like no other time in history, while bringing out concerns about
media convergence and calling for establishment of regulatory frameworks that fit well into new
digital era.

As we progress, I intend to apply the concepts learned from this chapter by critically examining
media consumption trends in relation with streaming services. This involves considering
sociocultural implications of globalized content distribution, exploring where technology meets
media policy as well as remaining abreast of emerging issues shaping the media industry.

In general, this reading exercise was able to give me invaluable insights on how media
consumption is changing and the multi-faceted effects brought about by streaming services thus
making me appreciate better the complexities inherent in modern day media habitats.

A. (2023, March 22). How are streaming services affecting the way we consume media? -
Futurum. Futurum.

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