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(Msln &¢cog«IBed Vnlon Iø 89NL | &sgd. Xo 4896) Nź - I Ûlr<ì‹ Hfi

’f«ltphon» I.xchznge building, Shlllong - 773 OOI Emiil IU: liiiileøiiclclrclc
çmsll ant Mob No: 94367-661d 1

No: N£C/BSNLEU/2022-23/tś (Jz(č. 17- March-2023

TŁc Ccncrzl Szcxtzry
BSNLEmylo}ccs’ Llnion CH@
Oidi Ghost Bliiwii›, Ntw Dcłhi- HP II(Ill,

Sub. Rc¢ardløp non acceptance of zccominodztloii rsquciti by CN'IW Nortlì Red

Refi 1. ßSNLCO-MlS(ł 4)/1/2022 ESTAB ilsied on 27,04.2tl2l
2. B5NLCO-MI5(l4)/l/2P22-kS’!’Aíì dated on 17.UG.2t)22
Deer Coinradc,

Through this lctter 1 wish to draw your attentíon towards Inter circle transfer of Junior Engineers
(J£i) under kule-8 front NE-I circlc where some of the JEs have rcquested łtulc-8 tfã n5fer to CNTX North
bøt chs aid circlt ìs denying accommodation.

The Corporate OPice has issued a letter wherein CN”fX North has been declzr¢d as Siiortngr circle
in the cidr‹ of JEM (Rei’ 2). As per CN’I’X-N, they can't give accommodation for their non territorial units
like Kznpur, Lucknow, Agra, Jaipur etc. But while applying Rule-8 tÍitough ERP tÎicse non terrìcorizl
unirs of CNTX-N are coming in the dropdown of CNTX-N only, Why are these units coming in
dropdown of CNTX-N ¡yhen they can't give accommodation! This is a rrłȚ «Ę; frum the side of
iiianagement wh‹cİï has misguided our JEs.

After a long struggle of almost ‘7 months, only 10 otrt of d3 applications are sent for the
accommodation to rheir res ctive cifcJes and when an acconuntadation is reached ai I:NTB-N, ìt is not
accepting it oø the pretext of won territorial unit while in che letrer (roll) there is rio mention of such things.]Es
h”nd no way out of rms d#adlocî‹ is the issue is related to poİicy matters of the iiianagcnicnt.

I therefore seek your kind intervention in this matter to find a way to retrieve the roadblock and
cÎear the path for th¢ accommodation of our deservíng JEs. If it can øot Mr resolved then
accommodation ofjEs should 6c forwarded to nearby de£rit circles with their consents or a guideline
should be issued to iccept ind forward thc aCcommodation by the i'espcciívt rccruitín¡ț circles{ İikc tJPë/tJPW

A)so, it is rc9ucstcdto get a revised strength of JEM (cltcle wísc) from the corp‹rra¢e oPice as th, i,me has
becn fetched i year ago,
Thanking You!

(Shi jee k.ay)

Circłc Secretary

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