Infomatics Lab Record pdf3

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SUBJECT : IP (CLASS XII-2024-2025) Lab Record :Q?-Q11 :PYTHON (Q9-Q11) PyPlot Qe.A. Plot the following data using a line plot. Day 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ 7 Tickets sold 2000 2800 3000 2500 2300 2500 1000 e Give the line color as magenta, marker A, markeredgecolor as red, line style as dashdot. ¢ Plot should display "Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu", place of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. ¢ Give Appropriate title ,x and y axis labels to the plot. B. Create multiple line charts on common plot where three data ranges are plotted on same chart . The data ranges to be plotted are: Data=[[10,20,30,35],[20,10,25,35],[40,30,40,60]] Use appropriate marker type, color, title, labels for X,Y axes and legends. Qlo. Write the script to plot a horizontal bar chart using the two lists. Months=[“AUG”,”SEP”,"OCT","NOV"] Profits=[125,220,230,175] Use appropriate title ,x and y axis labels. all. A.Create a bar chart using the following data: Months=[“JAN”,”FEB","MAR”,”APR”,"MAY"] PROFITS=[340,550,670,550,880] Use appropriate title ,labels,five different colors and widths for bars. B. The following data shows the marks of four students for 4 unit tests the year 2019-2020. Tests=[“UT1","UT: UT4"] Write the script to plot multiple bar chart on a common plot. Give the width of each bar as 0.15. Use appropriate title, labels for X,Y axes and legends. Save the figure on the c:\\Documents as png. Sample output is given below: Unit Test Marks 100 | obit 4 studnts! marks. un ur ura urs «4 Unit Teste

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