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Answer the following

1. Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its
2. Name one staple crop of India and the regions where it is produced.
3. Enlist the various institutional reform programmes introduced by the government in the interest
of farmers.
4. Describe any three geographical conditions required for tea cultivation. Name any two producing
states of tea.
5. Suggest the initiatives taken by the government to ensure the increase in Agricultural
6. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice. Also mention the major
rice-producing states of India.
7. Describe any five steps taken by the government of India to increase the productivity of
agriculture in India.
8. “The government of India has introduced various institutional and technological reforms to
improve agriculture in the 1980s and 1990s. Support this statement with examples.
9. Describe any four features of Indian Agriculture.
10. Write four features of primitive subsistence agriculture in India.
11. Describe ‘Jhumming cultivation’ in one sentence.
12. What is intensive farming? Write some features of intensive farming.
13. What is subsistence farming? Write three features of intensive farming.
14. What is commercial farming?
15. What is plantation agricultural? Write some features of the plantation agriculture.
16. Compare ‘Intensive subsistence farming with that of commercial farming' practiced in India.
17. Mention growing and harvesting periods of rabi crops.
18. Which millet is rich in iron, calcium, other micronutrients and roughage?
19. What type of climate is required for the cultivation of wheat? Name any four important wheat
producing states of India.
20. Name the second most important cereal crop of India. Describe the geographical condition
needed for its production.
21. Name the state which is the leading producer of the following millets .
a. Ragi b. Bajra c. Jowar
22. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of sugarcane and also write the
name of producing states.
23. Which is the largest sugarcane producing state of India?
24. Which crop is grown on 12 per cent of total cropped area in India?
25. Explain climatic conditions required for rubber cultivation . Also write two leading producing
states of rubber
26. Explain rubber cultivation in India under the following heads:
● Importance /uses
● Producing areas
● Geographical conditions for growth
● Consumption
27. Describe the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton. Also write regions
where cotton is produced.
28. Where is Jute grown in India? Describe the geographical conditions necessary for its growth.
29. Analyse the socio -economic impact of Green Revolution on the Indian Society.
30. Why has Indian Agriculture started a decline in the trend of Food production? How can we
overcome this problem?

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