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Model Exam 1


Choose the correct answer.

1. The clown can ___________ on thin ropes.

A balance
B foggy
C style
2. _____________ is a group of people who work together.

A Crew
B Style
C Balance
3. I can’t see clearly, the sight is _______________.

A foggy
B sky
C sunny
4. I wear a hijab, it’s a muslim’s _____________.

A shirt
B style
C skirt
5. He ___________ two goals.

A write
B play
C scores
6. He is a big football _______________.

A van
B fan
C pan
7. The Principle ...................... the Winner Class in the competition.

A soared
B announced
C crops
8. He is so .......................... of his son’s performance.

A fine
B style
C proud

B. Comprehension

Answer the following question(s).

9. In “Building a new barn”, how do the workers begin to plan

the project?

A The workers didn’t plan anything.

B Jack’s dad talks to carpenter only.
C Jack’s dad talks to Mr. Lao and plan how the new barn should
look like then he meets with the carpenters.

10. In “Zizou”, how does Zidane become known by “Zizou”?

A His team mates found his name difficult to say.

B His neighbours used to insult him.
C His family hates Arabic names.

11. In “Ali goes to School”What does Ali’s dad suggest Ali do when talking
to his teachers?

A He tells him to listen to his teachers

B He tells him to sit quietly in the class
C He tells him to use different words that have the same meaning
like the word “soared”.
12. In “ Ali goes to School”Did Ali know the answer to the principal’s

A Yes, his sister Nada had told him.

B Yes, his mother had told him.
C No, he didn’t know how to answer.

C.Target Skill

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below.

Building a New Barn

My dad is an architect. He offered to draw up plans for the barn. He

talked to Mr.Lao and together they planned how it should look. After that,
my dad met with carpenters and builders, and they all agreed on a date to
That evening I asked dad to show me the plans.”Of course, Jack” he
said. He rolled them out on his office desk and talked to me about them.
Dad knew I hoped to be an architect one day. But I preferred to be
outdoors rather than doing my school work. I loved to see the trees
changing colors. I liked the feeling of wood and the smell of wood. So
many things can be made of wood, and I wanted to make them all. I
wasn’t sure working in an office would suit me. I just hoped that it would
be a life I could grow to like.

13. List some ways the father and son are alike. In what ways are they



14. Jack’s dad is an ________________.

A doctor
B architect
C teacher
15. Did Jack’s father refuse to show him the plan?

A Yes, he showed him a plan.

B No, he didn’t.
C He drinks water.

16. What is the genre of this story?

A fiction
B realistic fiction
C historical story

D. Phonics

Choose the correct answer for each question.

17. Which word has long a sound?

I am ___________ I will take bad marks in the exam.

A a frad B afraid C afrid

18. Which word has the same sound as i in die?

A tried B cabin C city

19. Which word has the same /i/ sound like in bite?

A eat B slight C enter

20. Which word has the same sound as o in row ?

A snow B ice C tube


Choose the correct answer for each question.

21. Mouse eats ____________.

A meat
B cheese
C tea
22. They are ___________ the door of the car to their granddad.

A opening
B opens
C open
23. The ___________ of this car is high.

A speed
B high
C bow
24. The animal ______________ from the hot weather.

A die
B dies
C died

F. Grammar

Answer the following question(s). Choose the best answer for

each question.

25. A: ___________ does she travel to America?

B: She travelled to visit her sick friend.

A Where B Why C Which

26. _________ they usually play football?

A Do B Are C Did

27. Nada writes a letter to her best friend Laila, ............... send it.

A and B so C but

28. _________ she take coffee every morning?

A Do B Does C Did

Do as shown between brackets.

29. Noha ate vegetables yesterday. (Use everyday)


30. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

They go to the club every Thursday. (Use: When)

31. Mona and Maha clean their room. (Use not)

32. He do his homework everyday. (correct)


G. Writing
Write to tell your opinion about “The Third Term at Al Bukhary
school”. Remember to fill in the graphic organizer to help you
write your paragraph.


Reason 1:

Example 1:

Reason 2:

Example 2:

Reason 3:

Example 3:


Helping Words Box

-Verbs to help: play- study-see- practice
-Adjectives to help: super-excited-clever-funny
-Nouns to help: class-friends-playground-school- teachers- lesson







Model Exam 1
Answer Section

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. Do it yourself
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. A
28. B
29. Noha eats vegetables everyday.
30. When do they go to the club?
31. Mona and Maha doesn’t clean their room.
32. He does his Homework everyday.
33. Do it yourself.

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