Quit - Claim - Deed+noricum Associates 901 North Forrest West Norriton Pennsylvania

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Empire State at Marocco

United States at North Amexem

Maroccan Nationall Reepublic Federall Governmente
Shakamexem Pennsylvania Government
 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
Maroccan Divyne Ande Nationall Muvemente Ov The Earthe
Northe Weste Amexem ❤ Northweste Alkebulan ❤ Northe Amexem ❤ The Northe Gate
turtle island ❤ atlantis ❤ all addjoining isslands

 ~ tempel ov the moon ande sun ~ 
the true ande de jure naturall asiatic niiji ❤ heirs ov the lande
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ 

empire state at morroco

unniversal sovereigne originall inndiginious naturall divyne affidavit ov

quo warranto mandamus restitutio mittimus
‫ מִ שְׂ רָ ה‬misrâh, /mis-raw'/; empire: gouvernmente

acknowledgment for ‘reversion for estate’ and ‘fiduciary request’

subject: warranty / quit claim deed
In Rem Allodial Original Paramount Clear Perfect Title: ‘Reversion for Estate’
coordinates: latitude north 40̊.1306499 longitude west +75̊.358003
coordinates: 40° 7' 50.34'' north + 75° 21' 20.88'' west
natural area code x axis: 87g64jjv+m5 y axis: mmqxp6
(Al Maroccan / Afmuurican National: Non - Resident, Non-Domestic, Non - Subject)
Truth A1~ Quit Claim Deed ~ AA222141
Allodial Original Paramount Clear Perfect Title for Conveyance: International Document

all rise ande stand ande remain standing into perpetuity. this iz a sovereigne living ancient artikle iii al maroccan
universall kourte actione. i am sovereigne living born appellation, chief justice noble john jamie easley el, my free
chosen sovereigne appellation chief justice noble akil kemnebi easley el, all are in capitis diminuto nolo, in red ink, in
propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes. wi are thee sovereigne living justice in capitis
diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. all moors are thee
original indigenous sovereigne ancient asiatic al maroccan ascendants for thee great pharoahs at kemet ande for thee
ancient moabites ande canaanites. our full faith ande trust, our allegianse, our credit ande our energy are hereby vested
in ourselves for wi are thee people who are thee original indigenous natural divine sovereigne ancient empire state at
marocco ande thee de jure maroccan national ripublik federall gouvernmente, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR
COLUMBIA, thee universall al maroccan consulate ande thee earthwide artikle iii al maroccan konsular kourte. today,
wi are executing ande exercising thee law by our sovereigne status which iz thee original indigenous natural divine
sovereigne ancient artikle iii living united states district for pennsylvania norristown montgomery county court ande
wi are thee sovereigne fiduciaries, kreditores, executors, trustees, ministers, possessors, ande entitled titled
beneficiaries in this cause for action. wi are peace. wi are one nation, one state, one empire ande one god. wi hereby
recognize ourselves ande accept our sovereigne ascencion. wi issue a universall kreditores bill for possession ande
kustody over all land, all natural resources, all commerce, ande all other property. wi, thee one true god nation, exercise
all ancient sovereigne rights at this time ande at all points in time nunq pro tunq.
i, john jamie easley el, the living, breathing, sentient man, stand and declare by way of competent heirship
capacity, and do make clear distinction for and between my natural right at being and that i am not the ex
relatione and transmitting utility, JOHN JAMIE EASLEY. i, john jamie easley el, shall be noted and
recorded as the heir and grantee as shown on the warranty / quit claim deed for the said estate / real
property as noted and described upon the attached ‘certified copy’ of the aid deed.

this ‘right for claim’ and ‘fiduciary request’ stands as notice, addressing the ‘warranty / quit claim deed’
in that it stands in ‘fee-simple absolute. i, John Jamie Easley El do hereby accept the below described real
property / estate; being the rightful, lawful heir and trustee in absolute fee simple. furthermore, i , john
jamie easley el, heir to my ‘reversion for estate’ and ‘hereditaments’ do direct and command that the
‘officer for trust’ assigned to that said public fiduciary seat, obliged to secure the ‘public record’ on file
in the office for the registrar for deeds, direct the following to be done; - he or she is hereby authorized to
address and to correct the ‘public record’ and to update such records as follows: let the public record show;
affirm; and make clear that this notice issued by myself, john jamie easley el, is an acknowledgment and

unniversall sovereigne originall inndigeneous naturall divine affidavit Truth A1~ Quit Claim Deed ~ AA222141 Allodial Original Paramount Clear Perfect Title
of Conveyance: International Document latitude north 40̊. 1306499 longitude west +75̊.358003 [Ex. Rel. NORICUM ASSOCIATES 901 NORTH FORREST
WEST NORRITON PENNSYLVANIA] lien msn+24+pa+cause999+99+0012_affidavit of clear perfect allodial land title for Noricum Associates. original and
indigenous people's documents: Trust mnrfgn000000042 northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste
amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
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an acceptance, for the said deed; as i am the lawful heir and steward at the real property / estate as described

Official Property Description

Public Record Description for Real Property:

• Parcel: 63+00+02314+00+8; 63+00+02314+10+7

(ex rel: Parcel: 63-00-02314-00-8; 63-00-02314-10-7)

ALL THAT CERTAIN Unit designated as Unit number one, being a Unit in Forest Park, a Condominium,
situated in the Township of West Norriton, County of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and designated in Declaration of Condominium of Forest Park, including Plats and Plans bearing date of
November “ “ 1985 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for the County of
Montgomery on November “ “ 1985 in Deed Book 4785 page 1772, and a First Amendment thereto dated
July 25, 1986 and recorded August 20, 1986 in Deed Book 4810 page 1664, and a Second Amendment
thereto dated October 22, 1986 and recorded November 21, 1986 in Deed Book 4820 page 770.

TOGETHER. will all right, title and interest, being a 55% undivided interest of, in and to the common
elements as set forth in the aforesaid Declaration of Condominium. in the Borough of Norristown, County
of Montgomery and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. northwest amexem / al moroc / north america /
turtle island.

BEING County Assessment PARCEL Number 63+00+02314+00+8; and 63+00+02314+10+7

BEING the same premises which RCPC Associates, Incorporated a Pennsylvania Corporation by Deed
dated November 27, 1985 and recorded in Montgomery County, in Deed Book 4785 page 1811
conveyed unto Forest Park Associates, a Pennsylvania Limited Partnership.


this heirship notice, being my affidavit to the acknowledgement for ‘reversion at estate’ and ‘fiduciary
request’ as related to my acceptance for the warranty / quit claim deed, is hereby made and declared by
myself, john jamie easley el, the living, breathing, sentient man exercising my ‘right at claim’ and
‘reversion at estate’. this notice is rightfully made and affirmed by me, dismissing and rebutting any and
all other misrepresented ‘hypothecation claims’, ‘breach of trust’ actions, privateers, personators,
barratry, or ‘squatting interlopers’ alleging claims on or against my estate. this notice is hereby executed
by way for competence and my free will to act; and with the same verified under my hand and seal.

free appellation and national title: john jamie easley el / akil kemnebi easley el, heir, executor, steward,
director, grantor and sole shareholder for ‘lawful creditor transmitting utility / natural person’ JOHN JAMIE

no thinge en this law full affidavid, nor oure spokin affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be
enterpreted ohr konnstrued as konnsente to anye jurisdicshun that is knot en the jurisdicshun uf ourr
ansciente anncesstrall ennherited esstate at any pointe en time.

all sovereign original indigeneous annciente divyne asiatic moor al maroccan autograffs affirming this ande
all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state for marocco ande the de jure maroccan
nationall reepublic federall governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde at annciente marocco,
northe weste amexem, northe weste alkebulan, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee nunc pro tunc.

ego sum justises/viziers/ministars: .

autograph: john jamie easley el Living Soul © all right reserve without prejudice

knowtice to agente is knowtice to principall. knowtice to principall is notice to agente. for the
record to be read into the record and letting the record show

all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous maroccan nationalls autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne
united states for marocco governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at the maroccan empire.
unniversall sovereigne originall inndigeneous naturall divine affidavit Truth A1~ Quit Claim Deed ~ AA222141 Allodial Original Paramount Clear Perfect Title of
Conveyance: International Document latitude north 40̊. 1306499 longitude west +75̊.358003 [Ex. Rel. NORICUM ASSOCIATES 901 NORTH FORREST WEST
NORRITON PENNSYLVANIA] lien msn+24+pa+cause999+99+0012_affidavit of clear perfect allodial land title for Noricum Associates. original and indigenous
people's documents: Trust mnrfgn000000042 northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem /
adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
page 2 uv 3
justises/viziers/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes.
all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes.
northe amexem/ north weste alkebulan / south amexem / northe gate / addjoininge isslamds
united states for marocco
maroccan nationall reepublick federall governmente
c/o 26 meadow lane
norristown montgomery pennsylvania land
pennsylvania districte for shakamexem
sion ne shakamexem
natural area code 87g64jhv+v3
latitude north 40̊.129688 longitude west +75̊.357313
0° 7' 46.8084'' north + 75° 21' 25.9488'' west
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

no thinge en this law full affidavid, nor oure spokin affidavids, nor our sylent affidavids shalle be enterpreted ohr konnstrued as konnsente to
anye jurisdicshun that is knot en the jurisdicshun ov ourr ansciente anncesstrall ennherited esstate at any pointe en tyme.

Maroccan National Republic Federal Government Al Maroccan Consulate Al Maroccan Consular Court

unniversall sovereigne originall inndigeneous naturall divine affidavit Truth A1~ Quit Claim Deed ~ AA222141 Allodial Original Paramount Clear Perfect Title of
Conveyance: International Document latitude north 40̊. 1306499 longitude west +75̊.358003 [Ex. Rel. NORICUM ASSOCIATES 901 NORTH FORREST WEST
NORRITON PENNSYLVANIA] lien msn+24+pa+cause999+99+0012_affidavit of clear perfect allodial land title for Noricum Associates. original and indigenous
people's documents: Trust mnrfgn000000042 northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem /
adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
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