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Gross and Histo-pathological


Dr. Riaz Mustafa

Coli septicaemia: Polyserositis caused by Escherichia coli. Coli septicaemia: Liver sections showing fibrous nature of
Severe pericarditis, perihepatitis, Air Sacculitis in broiler. deposit (arrow) on organ surface. This lesion arise from
Hepatitis and particularly pericarditis of this kind may be seen in inflammation of hepatic peritoneal sac.
Systemic Salmonellosis in young chicken and turkey
Coli septicaemia: A: Multiple splenic periarteriolar lesions Coli septicaemia: A: Fibrous thrombi (arrows) in hepatic
contain eosinophilic coagulum showing fibrous nature of sinusoids. B: In higher view thrombi have been stained blue-
exudate. B: Lower and high power fields are shown. black.
Coli septicaemia: Synovitis of the hock joint is common in Coli septicaemia: Carcase is congested and marked congestion of
broiler. Articular exudate is usually thick and creamy. It may also spleen(arrow). This turkey bird was also serologically positive for M.
be tinged a reddish-brown. Concurrent lesions of osteomyelitis meleagridis Ab. In this species pericardisits may accompany Coli
may present particularly at proximal tibiotarsal growth plate. septicaemia, but fibrous deposit on liver are less common. Greening of
liver after air exposure.
Coli septicaemia: Salpingitis in 2 weeks old broiler. Egg Peritonitis: Presence of yolk mixed with exudate and
Inflammation of immature oviduct is a relatively common bird die from septicaemia.
finding in broiler.
Acute peritonitis: bird may die, but if survive Exudate contained in the oviduct showing onion-layered texture
inflammatory exudate partly organized. Affected oviduct may be of the inflammatory exudate, a shelled egg.
extremely enlarged and occupy most of the abdominal cavity. E.
coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pasteurella multocida are
common in pure or mixed.
Layering of the exudate within the oviduct. Small basophilically A band of blue-black fibrinous material within oviduct exudate.
stained clumps of bacteria are visible.
Coli granuloma (Hjarres disease): Affecting the caeca of laying bird. Lesion is should be differentiated from Tuberculosis
which is best done histologically.
Coli granuloma: Cross section Large number of acid-fast bacilli are present in smears from
avian lesions. Smears are best made by crushing individual
nodules between two glass slides. Ziehl-Neelsen staining

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