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Jawaban kuis bosom

1. Distribution chanel means : how the product/service reach the customer

2. Sales area is combination of : distribution chanel, product line division, sales organization
3. Retailer, e commerce, whole sale are the example of : distribution chanel
4. Sales organization has task for : negotiating with the customer, distributing product,
service liability and right of recourse
5. Plant of company which offer make to stock product may not have a storage location :
6. These following activities happens before creating sales order : quotation, inquiry, sales
person, direct marketing, contract
7. These are the content of sales document header : customer who buy the items, customer
who will receive the items
8. After issuing quotation and before creating sales order company can contract the buyer
for : negotiating about the item they want to proceed in sales transaction, negotiating
about the condition of payment, negotiating about contract if needed
9. Which department will take part in the payment process of sales transaction : accounting/
finance department
10. Profitability analysis can be estimated after the creation of : billing document
11. Which partner function are mandatory in customer master data : partner who buys,
partner who will receive the product, partner who will responsibility to cover the
payment, partner who will receive the billing document
12. When a customer master data is changed after it was used to create sales related
document, overall the changes does not effect the previously created documents : true
13. The following are master data in sales and distribution module : condition master data,
output master data, customer material information
14. The following are group categories in customer master data except : basic data 1
15. It is possible to hide certain fields in the material master data through customizing : true

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