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A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy, and Betrayal

UNOFFICIAL Revised Advanced Game Rulebook Version 2.2

Editor’s Note Object of the Game
The purpose of this document is to act as an unofficial comprehensive listing of the Each faction has a set of unique economic, military, strategic, or treacherous
Advanced Game rules and FAQ for the Gale Force Nine edition of Dune, including advantages. The object of the game is to use these advantages to gain control of
the Ixians & Tleilaxu, CHOAM & Richese, and Ecaz & Moritani expansions. In Dune. The winner is the player (or Alliance) occupying at least 3 (4) strongholds
addition, revisions to the original language have been made for clarity and with at least one of their forces during the Mentat Pause Phase.
consistency. Any unofficial rulings (additions to the rules as written or departures
If multiple unallied players occupy a game-winning number of strongholds, the
from them) have been marked in outlined text. I expect some will disagree with
unallied player occupying the most strongholds wins. If multiple players/Alliances
these rulings; I encourage everyone to play according to the rules that make the
have a game-winning number of strongholds, those players/Alliances share the win
game the most fun for your group.
unless they decide as a group during the Mentat Pause Phase to play another full
These revised rules were rewritten and edited by Van Willis with help from Brad turn, and if they wish, to increase the number of strongholds necessary to win.
Johnson based on the original work; layout/graphics work was done by murphzero A I,J E,F
based on the original work. No permission to publish this document has been
obtained. This is not to be seen as a challenge to copyright, but rather as an
additional reference for owners of the game.

Faction Symbols
Faction symbols have been included throughout the text to help identify where
faction advantages affect the rules as written. These advantages are summarized in
the Faction Advantage Summary boxes (like the one in the lower right of this page),
but their detailed rules can be found next to their matching symbol in the Faction
Player Sheets section starting on page 19.
Faction Advantage Summary
Faction symbols marked with indicate they can be prevented with use of a
Karama Card. If only specific parts of an ability can be prevented by Karama or you A - If the faction you predicted wins in the turn you predicted, you win
must choose which part of an ability is prevented by a Karama Card, this is alone.
indicated by following the sentence or phrase describing that ability. All Karama I,J - Special Victory ConditionI (including allies).J
annotation is meant to serve as an aid and assumes familiarity with the rules for E,F - Special Victory ConditionE (including allies).F
Karama, detailed on page 14.

Place all Spice Tokens in the Spice Bank. 3. Spice
Shuffle the Spice Deck and Treachery Deck and place them face down next to the Give each player spice from the Spice Bank equal to the number indicated by their
game board. Played cards will be piled face up next to their respective decks as Player Sheet. All spice holdings should be kept behind Player Shields.
discards and reshuffled to restock the Spice Deck and Treachery Deck as
Players now choose factions by either:
4. Forces
Place each player’s forces on the board as indicated by their Player Sheet. All
1. Using the faction cards from the Prediction Deck to randomly determine which remaining forces are placed in your reserves next to your Player Shield. B
faction each player will play. Shuffle the cards and deal 1 card to each player.
2. Randomly drawing turn prediction cards from the Prediction Deck and selecting
factions in descending card order, starting with the highest card.
If desired, players may swap factions with each other. 5. Treachery
Deal 1 card from the Treachery Deck face down to each player. A B
Two- & three-player games

For a three-player game, recommended factions are Atreides, Harkonnen, 6. Game Turn Counter
and Fremen. Place the Game Turn Counter at 1 on the Turn Track.

For a two-player game, try Atreides vs Harkonnen, or play 2 factions each Note: Faction special advantages may contradict the rules. A faction’s
(select factions normally as described above). In either case, the number particular advantages always have precedence over the rules.
of strongholds needed to win is increased to 4.
Four- & Five-player games Faction Advantage Summary
For four players, consider leaving out both the Spacing Guild and Bene A - Predict one faction to win.
Gesserit; for five-player games try playing without the Bene Gesserit.
B - After Fremen placement, start with 1 advisor in any territory.
Players take their Player Shields and Player Sheets and set up their factions as D - Reveal 1 Ecaz Traitor Card randomly before dealing Traitor Cards.
follows: Distribute 10 forces between Sietch Tabr, False Wall South, and/or False
1. Positions Wall West.
Players place their Player Marker on the player circle closest to their Player Shield A - Keep all 4 Traitor Cards.
and seat at the table. A B - Start with 1 extra Treachery Card.
A - Choose 1 Treachery Card from initial deal, shuffle and deal remaining
2. Traitors cards to other players.
Remove the cards for all factions that are not in play from After all other factions set up, place 6 forces in any unoccupied territory
the Traitor Deck. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and deal each A - Instead of a Traitor Card, receive the top 3 cards from the shuffled
player 4 cards. D A Traitor Deck after everyone selects and returns traitors.
Each player then secretly selects any 1 card to keep by
placing their chosen card face down behind their Player
Shield, returning the other cards face down to the bottom of
the Traitor Deck. A

Sequence of Play
DUNE is played over the course of up to 10 turns, each comprised of nine specific
phases. Each turn must be completed in the exact sequence presented below.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment and Movement Phase

The Storm Marker moves. The faction whose Player Marker the storm next A,B,C,D,F G
approaches will be the First Player for this turn.
Starting with the First Player and proceeding counterclockwise, each player in
2. Spice Blow and Nexus Phase turn ships forces to the planet and then moves their forces on the game
C,D,J K B board.
Turn over the top card of the Spice Deck and place the amount of spice 7. Battle Phase
shown on the card in the indicated sector of the highlighted territory. If
Shai-Hulud appears a Nexus occurs, and players have the opportunity to E,H,I C,D,E F E,F,G B G B G,H C,D E
make and break Alliances. D,E F B A
Players must resolve battles in every territory that is occupied by forces from
3. CHOAM Charity Phase two or more factions.
Players with 0 or 1 spice may claim CHOAM Charity. 8. Spice Collection Phase
4. Bidding Phase
Forces in the sector of a territory containing spice may collect that spice.
Players bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. 9. Mentat Pause Phase
5. Revival Phase A,E D I,J A E,F A
D C,E A,C B,C D H,J E B,C,D,E,F,G H Check to see if any player or Alliance has won the game. If there are no
winners, move the Game Turn Counter to the next position on the Turn Track
All players are allowed to reclaim forces and leaders from the Tleilaxu to begin the next turn.
At Any Time / End Of Any Phase Advantages
Advantages that can be executed “at any time” must be used either before or after
Battle Plans are revealed or any player’s action.
H - Discard Treachery Cards from your hand to gain 3 spice per card.
B - May reveal a No-Field Token at any time before the Battle Phase.
D - Give your ally a Richese Treachery Card from your hand.
E - Pay 3 spice to buy 1 of your Richese Treachery Cards secretly.
Some abilities can be executed at the end of any phase.
B - Discard duplicate Treachery Cards for 3 spice each.
B - Discard Worthless Cards for 2 spice each or special effect.
G - Once per turn trade a Treachery Card with your ally.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

Storm Movement
First Storm
B Beginning in Turn 2 (see First Storm at right), storm movement is
During the Storm Phase of the first turn, place the Storm Marker at a random
determined by drawing a random card from the Storm Deck.† Move the storm location along the map edge using the following procedure: the two players whose
counterclockwise the number of sectors indicated on the Storm Card. Shuffle the Player Markers are nearest on either side of the Storm Start Sector secretly dial a
last revealed Storm Card into the Storm Deck before determining storm number from 0 to 20 on the Battle Wheels. The two numbers are simultaneously
movement. A revealed and totaled, and the Storm Marker moved from the Storm Start Sector
counterclockwise around the map the sum total of sectors. B

Any forces in a sector of sand territory (except the Imperial Basin) over which the
storm passes or stops are killed. Place these forces in the Tleilaxu Tanks. Forces
that are not in a sand territory find protection from the storm. In addition, any
spice in a sector of sand territory over which the storm passes or stops is removed
to the Spice Bank. B B

Obstruction First Player

Forces cannot move into, out of, or through a sector in storm. Forces do not battle The player whose Player Marker the
if any of the forces are in storm or if forces are separated by the storm. If two storm next approaches is the First
players’ forces occupy a stronghold under storm, their occupation does not count Player for this turn.
toward a win.

Faction Advantage Summary

A - Look at next Storm Card.
B - ½ losses from storm movement (rounded up).
B - Before storm is revealed, may move HMS up to 3 territories, collecting 2
B - After 1st storm movement, place HMS in any sector of any
non-stronghold territory.
B - A No-Field Token must be revealed when caught in a storm.

†This intentionally uses the Storm Deck to determine storm movement for
speed and simplicity, even when the Fremen are not in play. The original
method is: the players who last used the Battle Wheels independently dial a
number from 1 to 3, simultaneously reveal their numbers, and then advance
the Storm Marker counterclockwise sectors equal to the sum of the numbers

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.


Each Spice Blow and Nexus Phase, 2 Spice Cards are revealed and discarded to First Spice Blow
separate discard piles, A and B as follows:
During the first turn’s Spice Blow Phase only, all Shai-Hulud cards turned over
Spice Blow A are ignored and set aside, then reshuffled back into the Spice Deck after this
Reveal the top card of the Spice Deck.
Territory Card
If the revealed card is a Territory Card, this indicates where a
Spice Blow appears. The amount of spice indicated on the
card is taken from the Spice Bank and placed onto the
corresponding territory in the sector containing the Spice
Blow icon. Place the card face up on Spice Deck discard pile
A (if the Spice Blow icon is currently in storm, no spice is
Shai-Hulud Card
K If the revealed card is a Shai-Hulud card, this
indicates the appearance of a sandworm:
• All spice and forces in the territory shown on the
card now face up in discard pile A are removed to
the Spice Bank and Tleilaxu Tanks, respectively.
Place the Shai-Hulud card face up on Spice Deck
discard pile A. C,J B

• Reveal the top card of the Spice Deck. If it is a Shai-Hulud it is

immediately discarded to Spice Deck discard pile A, and another card is
revealed. This continues until a Territory Card appears and is resolved. The
Territory Card is then placed face up on Spice Deck discard pile A. D
Faction Advantage Summary
• Resolve a Nexus. During a Nexus, all players have a chance to make or C - Forces not devoured. Ride worm to any sector of any territory
break Alliances. Once players have had a chance to do so, play continues (including HMS), subject to storm and occupancy.
(see Alliances on page 13).
D - May choose territories where all consecutive sandworms appear.
Spice Blow B J - May protect allies from sandworm.

Reveal the top card of the Spice Deck and repeat the above procedures using K - Special Karama during Spice Blow and Nexus Phase to cause Nexus &
Spice Deck discard pile B. place sandworm in any sand territory.
B - A No-Field Token must be revealed when caught by a worm.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

End of Bidding
A Beginning with the First Player and proceeding in counterclockwise order,
each player with 0 or 1 spice may reveal the spice behind their Player Shield to Continue bidding for Treachery Cards until all cards available for bid have
collect spice from the Spice Bank to bring their total to 2 by calling out “CHOAM been auctioned off or a card is not bid on by anyone. If everyone passes on a
Charity.” C card, return all remaining cards to the top of the Treachery Deck in their
original order; the Bidding Phase is over.
Time Limit
PHASE 4: BIDDING Each player must bid within 10 seconds of the previous player or they are
Declaration C assumed to have passed.
E A Before bidding starts, all players declare how many Treachery Cards
The number (not the type) of Treachery Cards each player holds must always be
they hold. The hand limit is 4. B B open to everyone during the Bidding Phase.

Deal cards from the Treachery Deck face down in a row, 1 card for each player
Faction Advantage Summary
whose hand is not full. C
A - Look at each card before it is bid on.
Auction C - Always receive CHOAM Charity.
D A Hold an auction for the first card in the row: A - Collect 2 spice/faction; other factions collect CHOAM charity from you.
B - Hand limit is 5.
• The First Player starts the bidding; if the First Player’s hand is full, the next A - Other factions pay spice for Treachery Cards to you.
player to the right whose hand is not full opens the bidding.
B - Hand limit is 8.
• You must bid 1 or more spice or pass. If your hand is full, you cannot bid and
B - Each bid won, take an extra card from the Treachery Deck (hand limit
must pass. After your bid, bidding proceeds to the right. The next bidder may
raise the bid or pass and so on around the table until all players but one have
consecutively passed. You may bid on a card you previously passed on. The top- E - Special Karama during Bidding Phase to take & return up to 4 Treachery
bidding player pays the number of spice they bid to the Spice Bank and takes the Cards from another player.
card. A B F C - Draw an extra card, review all, place one on top or bottom of the
Treachery Deck, and shuffle the others face down for bidding.
Bid Limit D - Once per phase replace card up for bid with one from hand (before
You cannot bid more spice than you have. Atreides views).
F - Ally may look at purchased card and discard it to draw 1 from the
Next Starting Bidder
Treachery Deck.
In subsequent bidding during this phase, the first player who can bid, to the A - At the start of Declaration, must auction one Richese Treachery Card
right of the player who opened the bid for the previous card, begins the from your cache using a Once-Around or Silent Auction.
bidding for the next card. In this way, every player who can bid gets a chance
C - Before Declaration, may auction one Treachery Card from hand using a
to open the bidding for a Treachery Card.
normal, Once-Around, or Silent Auction.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

Force Revival

H Starting with the First Player and proceeding in counterclockwise order, all
players may revive up to 3 forces from the Tleilaxu Tanks:
You may revive the number of forces indicated on your Player Sheet for
free. B H,J C

By Spice
Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. All spice
Faction Advantage Summary
expended for force revival is placed in the Spice Bank.
C E B,G D - Can revive Kwisatz Haderach token before all leaders die, doesn’t
affect other leader revival.
Limit C - Revive for 1 spice per force. You may revive any number of your forces.
A player can never revive more than 3 forces per turn (including free E - The Auditor is eligible to be revived each turn.
A - May pay spice to place Ambassador tokens in strongholds.
C - You may always revive Duke Vidal for 5 spice, no matter how many of
To Reserves your leaders are in the Tleilaxu Tanks.
Revived forces are placed in your reserves. B - Starred forces count as 1 to revive, max 1/turn.
C - May pay for 3 extra ally revivals.
Leader Revival
D - Special Karama during Revival Phase to revive up to 3 additional forces
In addition to force revivals, if all of your leaders are in the Tleilaxu Tanks or you or one leader for free.
have no leaders in your leader pool, you may revive 1 leader per turn until all of H - Starred forces count as 1 to revive, max 1/turn.
your killed leaders have been revived. D E C D,E J - May grant ally 3 free revivals.
E - Cyborgs cost 3 spice to revive.
Fighting Strength
B - Other factions pay revival spice to you. Revive for ½ price (rounded
To revive a leader, you must pay that leader’s
up). No revival limits.
fighting strength in spice to the Spice Bank. B,F
C - Receive 1 spice from the Spice Bank for each faction using free revival
A revived leader can be played normally and is still or a Ghola Card. May increase other faction revival limits to 5.
subject to being a traitor. D - Each faction can request you to revive 1 leader/phase at price you set.
E - May revive other factions’ dead leaders to your leader pool (max 5
Dead Again
leaders in pool).
If a revived leader is killed again, place it face down F - Zoal revival cost is 3.
in the Tleilaxu Tanks. You cannot revive this leader
G - Allies revive at ½ price (rounded up).
again until all of your other revivable leaders have
been revived, killed, and sent to the Tleilaxu Tanks H - Special Karama during Revival Phase to prevent one player from
again. A reviving forces and/or leaders.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

into and out of a territory that is partly in storm, so long as the move does not pass
B The First Player conducts their Force Shipment and then their Force Movement. Play through the sector in storm.
proceeds to the right until all players have completed the phase. G G D • The Polar Sink is never in storm.
Stronghold Blocking
Force Shipment
As with Force Shipment, forces cannot be moved into or through a stronghold if
Shipment of Reserves
forces of two other players are already there. E C
You may make one Force Shipment of any number of forces from your reserves to any sector
of any one territory on the map. E A,B,F E A,B B,D B,F G Faction Advantage Summary
Payment B - Look at next Spice Card.
You must pay spice to the Spice Bank for your Force Shipment. The cost of
E - May ship one advisor with each other player’s off-planet shipment.
shipping is 1 spice per force shipped into any stronghold and 2 spice per force
shipped into any other territory. E A,C E - Advisors do not grant ornithopter access nor count against the stronghold 2-
faction limit.
Exceptions F - May flip fighters to advisors when another faction enters territory.
Storm: You cannot ship into a sector in storm. B G - May flip advisors to fighters after Spice Blow & Nexus Phase but before anyone
Strongholds: You cannot ship into a stronghold already occupied by two other ships.
players. E A,F - May trigger Ambassador token effect for you or your ally when non-matching
non-ally ships or moves to its stronghold.
One-Way: You cannot ship forces from the board back to your reserves. B
B - May enter and occupy the same territory as your ally.
Force Movement
B - May ship into storm at ½ loss (rounded up).
You may make one Force Movement per turn. For your Force Movement you may
move, as a group, any number of your forces from one territory to any sector of any E - Must ship on-planet (for free) to any territory within 2 territories of The Great
one adjacent territory. Forces are free to move into, out of, or through any territory Flat (subject to storm and occupancy).
occupied by any number of forces with certain restrictions and an advantage F - May move up to 2 territories.
mentioned below. F A,B F A,B E B E - Cyborgs (and accompanying Suboids) may move up to 2 territories.
Ornithopters G - Special Karama to move HMS 2 territories during your shipment and movement.

If you start a Force Movement (including a Hajr Force Movement) with one or more A,B - When non-ally ships or moves to a stronghold with a Terror token, you may
forces in either Arrakeen, Carthag, or both, you have access to ornithopters and reveal the Terror token or offer to enter into an Alliance.
may move your forces up to three adjacent territories; the forces moved do not C - May add Duke Vidal to your leader pool at end of phase If conditions are met.
have to be in Arrakeen or Carthag to make a three-territory move. For example, a B,D - May instead ship 1 No-Field Token from behind your player screen. Ally
player with one or more forces in Arrakeen would be able to move forces starting in may instead ship using 1 No-Field Token from behind your player screen, revealed
Tuek’s Sietch through Pasty Mesa and Shield Wall to the Imperial Basin. E immediately.

Sectors B - No-Field Tokens move like normal forces.

A,C-Other factions pay shipment spice to you. Ship for ½ price (rounded up).
Sectors have no effect on movement distance. Forces can move through a territory B
ignoring all sectors. However, moving forces to a different sector in the same B,F - May instead cross-ship or ship to reserves. Allies may cross ship and pay ½
territory is not free and can only be done as your Force Movement. price (rounded up) for all shipments.
Storm D - May ship and move out of turn.
G - Special Karama to stop one off-planet shipment.
As described in the Storm Phase, no force may move into, out of, or through a
sector in storm. Many territories span several sectors, allowing you to move
Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
Battle Determination
Wherever two or more players’ forces occupy the same territory, battles must Select one Leader Disc and place it face up in the slot on your Battle Wheel. You
occur between those players. E B may alternately play a Cheap Hero Card in lieu of a Leader Disc. D
Battles continue until no more than one player’s forces remain in each territory on • If possible, you must always play a leader or cheap hero as part of your
the map with two exceptions: Battle Plan.
• Players cannot battle one another in a territory if any of the forces are in • If you cannot play a leader and are not playing a Cheap Hero Card, you
storm or if forces are separated by the storm. Their forces remain in the must announce so prior to revealing battle plans; you cannot play any
same territory at the end of the phase. If two unallied players’ forces Treachery Cards as part of your Battle Plan.
occupy a stronghold under storm, their occupation does not count toward • A cheap hero contributes 0 fighting strength to a battle; however, they
a win. allow you to retain the option of playing Treachery Cards.
• Players cannot battle in the Polar Sink. It is a free haven for everyone. • Leaders that survive battles may fight more than once in a single territory
First Player if needed, but no leader may fight in more than one territory during the
same phase. To remind you of this, leave the leader disc of any leader
When resolving battles, the First Player is named the aggressor until all of their
who survives a battle in the territory the battle was fought in until the
battles, if any, have been fought. The aggressor chooses the order in which they
end of the phase. This leader is subject to any subsequent battle results
wish to fight their battles. Then the player to their immediate right becomes the
that affect the entire territory (i.e., a lasgun/shield explosion).
aggressor and so on, until all battles are resolved.
If three or more players are in the same territory, the aggressor picks who they Faction Advantage Summary
will battle first, second, etc. for as long as they survive.
C,E - Prescience to reveal one Battle Plan element for you or ally
Battle Plan
(after Bene Gesserit Voice, not number dialed against No-Field Token).
To resolve a battle, each player secretly formulates a Battle Plan. A Battle Plan D - Kwisatz Haderach token adds +2 to leader strength & accompanied
includes the total strength you are committing to the battle and, if possible, it leader cannot turn traitor.
must also include a leader or cheap hero. Additionally, it may include Treachery
F - Special Karama to reveal entire Battle Plan.
Cards at the player’s discretion. H,I C,E F B G
F,G - Other factions pay 1/2 of their spice support to you. You may pay
Battle Wheel G
for some or all of your ally’s spice support (to the Spice Bank).
Pick up a Battle Wheel and secretly dial a number from zero to the maximum E - Advisors do not trigger or participate in battles.
strength you have in the disputed territory. Regardless of the battle’s outcome,
H, I - Force opponent to play or not play a specific card or type of card in
you will lose a number of forces whose strength equals the number dialed on your H I
Battle Wheel. One-half increments can be indicated by lining up the line between your or ally’s battle (before Atreides Prescience).
the numbers with the line under the window of the Battle Wheel. B - Your forces coexist peacefully with your ally.
The strength of your forces is determined as follows: B - Your coexisting forces battle jointly with your ally.
• Each force used in a battle has a default strength of 0.5. Strength is G - Special Karama to add the difference between leader discs to your
doubled for each force you spend 1 spice to support. B G,H E number dialed if you played no weapon or defense.
• When creating a Battle Plan, you must add the amount of spice you are B - Starred forces are 2x strength, except against Fremen.
using to support your forces to your Battle Wheel. Win or lose, spice used G - Forces full strength for 0 spice.
in your Battle Plan goes to the Spice Bank. F,G H - Starred forces are 2x strength.
E - Cyborgs are 2x strength. Suboids always 0.5 strength (can’t support w/

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

Treachery Cards Winning
Players with a leader or cheap hero may play a Weapon The winning player loses a number of forces whose strength equals the number
Treachery Card, Defense Treachery Card, both, or dialed on their Battle Wheel. These forces are placed in the Tleilaxu Tanks (you
neither, by holding any played cards against their Battle still win a battle if you lose all of your forces). If the card text allows, the winning
Wheel. Alternately, up to 2 Worthless Cards may be player may keep or discard any of the cards they played. C
played; 1 each in place of your Weapon and/or Defense. When the battle winner takes losses, they may do so in any manner as long as it
Revealing Wheels agrees with the strength dialed and the spice expended. E
For example, the Emperor player has 1 Sardaukar (worth 2 forces) and 5 ordinary
When both players are ready, Battle Plans are revealed
forces in a territory in battle. The Emperor dialed a strength of 3 and expended 1
simultaneously. B
Battle Resolution The Emperor player wins the battle, and they may choose to lose 1 Sardaukar
force at full strength (2) and 2 ordinary forces at half strength (½ + ½)

The winner is the player with the highest total fighting strength. Fighting strength
is determined by totaling the number dialed on your Battle Wheel and your 1 Spice Expended — — — — —

leader’s fighting strength. Strength 2 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½

No Ties or they may lose 1 ordinary force at full strength (1) and 4 ordinary forces at half
strength (½ + ½ + ½ + ½).
In the case of a tie, the aggressor wins.
1 Spice Expended — — — — —

If your opponent played a Weapon Treachery Card and you did not play the proper Strength 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½
Defense Treachery Card, your leader is killed, and their fighting strength does not
count toward your total fighting strength. Both leaders can be killed and neither In one case, 1 Sardaukar and 2 ordinary forces are lost. In the other case, 5
count in the battle. E ordinary forces are lost. Either choice fulfills the Emperor player’s spice/strength
Killed Leaders Faction Advantage Summary
Killed leaders are immediately placed in the Tleilaxu Tanks. The winner of the
battle immediately receives spice from the Spice Bank equal to the total E - Auditor allows you to look at 1 or 2 random cards in opponent's hand.
fighting strength of all leaders killed in the battle (including their own leader,
C - After you win a battle, you may capture or kill 1 random leader from the loser.
if killed).
E - After a battle, surviving Suboids can be exchanged for Cyborgs lost in that
Losing battle.
The losing player loses all of their forces in the territory to the Tleilaxu Tanks and D,E - After losing, may assassinate leader if Traitor Card matches faction; Ally may
must discard every Treachery Card they used in their Battle Plan. Note that the keep one Treachery Card they would normally lose.

loser does not lose their leader as a result of the battle’s outcome; leaders are F - After losing, Special Karama to force opponent to discard or keep played
killed only by Weapon Treachery Cards. D,E F Treachery Cards.
B - A No-Field Token participating in a battle must be revealed when Battle Plans
are revealed.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

Traitors During every Spice Collection Phase, the current occupants of Carthag and
Arrakeen collect 2 spice and the current occupant of Tuek’s Sietch collects 1
If you are in a battle and your opponent uses a leader that matches a Traitor Card
spice. If you occupy more than one of these strongholds, collect spice for each
you control, you may optionally call out “Traitor!” and pause the game. D A
that you occupy. E
The Traitor Card is revealed.
If you have forces in the sector of a territory containing spice you may now collect
The Player Who Revealed the Traitor Card that spice. This is done by taking 3 spice per force if you occupy Carthag or
Arrakeen or 2 spice per force if you do not occupy Carthag or Arrakeen.
• Immediately wins the battle.
• Does not lose the forces or spice committed in their Battle
Uncollected spice remains where it is for future turns.
Plan (even if a lasgun and shield are revealed).
• Places the traitorous leader in the Tleilaxu Tanks and
receives the traitorous leader’s fighting strength in spice
from the Spice Bank.
The Player Whose Traitor Was Revealed
• Loses all of their forces in the territory to the Tleilaxu Tanks.
• Loses all spice committed.
• Discards all of the cards they played.
Two Traitors
If both players reveal a Traitor Card, both players’ forces in the territory,
their cards played, and their leaders, are lost. Neither player gets any spice.

Faction Advantage Summary

E - Advisors cannot collect spice.
E - You and ally each collect full spice for strongholds where you coexist.
E - Split spice from desert territories where you coexist however you and
your ally agree.
D - May reveal traitors against ally’s opponent.
E - Cyborgs collect 3 spice each.
B - An unrevealed No-Field Token counts as 1 force for spice collection.
A - May reveal Face Dancer matching leader who won any battle to replace
winner’s forces with Tleilaxu forces and kill the Face Dancer leader.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.


Each player collects all of the spice in front of their Player Shield. For example, if the Atreides are in an Alliance with the Fremen, and the Fremen
occupy Sietch Tabr and Carthag and the Atreides occupy Tuek’s Sietch and
If an unallied player occupies at least 3 strongholds with at least one of their Arrakeen during the Mentat Pause Phase, and no other player/Alliance occupies a
forces during the Mentat Pause Phase, that player wins the game. If multiple game-winning number of strongholds, The Atreides and Fremen win the game
unallied players occupy a game-winning number of strongholds, the unallied together.
player occupying the most strongholds wins.
Faction Advantage Summary
If an Alliance occupies a total of at least 4 strongholds with one or more forces
during the Mentat Pause Phase, that Alliance wins the game. If multiple players/
A - If the faction you predicted wins in the turn you predicted, you win
Alliances have a game-winning number of strongholds, those players/Alliances
share the win unless they decide as a group during the Mentat Pause Phase to play
another full turn, and if they wish, to increase the number of strongholds E - Advisor occupation does not count toward a win.
necessary to win. B D - May place Inflation Token on CHOAM Charity space of Phase Track.

If there are no winners, move the Game Turn Counter to the next position on the B - If you and your ally coexist in at least 3 strongholds at the end of the
Turn Track to begin the next turn. Phase, your Alliance wins.
I,J - Special Victory Condition (including allies).
Note: If two unallied players’ forces occupy a stronghold under storm, their A - May place or move 1 Terror token.
occupation does not count toward a win. E F
E,F - Special Victory Condition (including allies).
A - May discard 1 unrevealed Face Dancer to draw a new one.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

A Nexus occurs when a Shai-Hulud card is turned over during the Spice Blow and Constraint†
Nexus Phase after the first turn. During a Nexus, all players have a chance to make
and/or break Alliances. Once players have had a chance to do so, play continues. Allies may never battle one another. If forces of allied factions are present in the
same territory (except the Polar Sink) at the end of either player’s shipment and
Forming an Alliance movement, the forces in that territory from the player whose shipment and
Basics movement just concluded are lost to the Tleilaxu Tanks. E
No more than two players may be in an Alliance. The win condition for Alliances is Bidding
occupying 4 strongholds.
During the Bidding Phase, allies may help pay for each other’s Treachery Cards. To
do so, they contribute to the card’s purchase by paying spice up to, but not more
For up to five minutes, players may discuss among themselves the advantages and than, the card’s purchase price. You cannot bid more than the total of the spice
disadvantages of allying, and with whom. you have plus the spice that your ally is willing to give to help pay for a card.
Transparency Unless transferred directly to the purchasing player using the Emperor’s alliance
ability C, any spice the Emperor pays for their ally’s Treachery Card purchase
The members of an Alliance must be revealed to all. Alliances cannot be secret. goes to the Spice Bank. Any spice Richese pays toward their ally’s purchase in a
Swap Alliance Cards as a reminder of who is in an Alliance.
Richese Treachery Card or Black Market auction goes to the Emperor (if in play) or
Limits Spice Bank.
Several Alliances can be formed during a Nexus, but no player can be a member of Shipment
more than one Alliance. Once all players have had a chance to ally, no further
Alliances can be made or broken until the next Nexus. During the Shipment and Movement Phase, allies may help pay for each other’s
shipments. To do so, they contribute to the shipment’s payment by paying spice
Breaking An Alliance up to, but not more than, the shipment's cost. Any spice the Spacing Guild pays for
Breaking their ally’s shipment goes to the Spice Bank.

Any player may break an Alliance during a Nexus by announcing that they are Alliance Abilities
breaking from an Alliance.
Allies may assist one another as specified on their Player Sheets.
Forming Another See page 32 for Optional Rules for Alliances.
Players who break from an Alliance have an opportunity to immediately form a
Faction Advantage Summary
new Alliance.
E - Advisors do not trigger the alliance constraint.
How an Alliance Functions
C - May transfer any amount of spice to allies at any time for any reason.

If an Alliance occupies a total of at least 4 strongholds with one or more forces

during the Mentat Pause Phase, that Alliance wins the game. † This text intentionally departs from the rules and November 2020 FAQ in 2

ways: 1) by enforcing the alliance constraint at the end of each player’s

shipment and movement (instead of after the later player in turn order) and 2)
by allowing Bene Gesserit advisors to co-exist in territories with allies. For the
rationale behind these rulings please see Questions and Answers, page 30.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

SECRECY Karama Cards
Unless indicated by a card effect or faction advantage, any player may share any Karama Cards are Treachery Cards that allow you to gain a one-time special
information they choose with any other player at any time, either publicly or advantage or to prevent one use of an opponent’s faction advantage. D
privately. Players are never required to keep their cards, spice holdings, or the Revised Karama Card text and clarifications are included below (aligned to the
traitors they selected secret. They also are not obligated to reveal this CHOAM expansion replacement card):
information either.
After game setup and factions have completed their "At Start" actions, use this
All spice holdings should be kept behind Player Shields. The number of Treachery card to stop one use of a faction advantage (including alliance abilities) when
Cards held must be kept open during the Bidding Phase but can be kept secret at a player attempts to use it. When used on faction advantages during a battle
all other times. Discard piles are not public information and may not be searched this must be played before Battle Plans are revealed.
unless an effect allows you to do so (e.g., Nullentropy Box).
Or, this card may be used to do one of the following when appropriate:
BRIBERY • Purchase any player’s Force Shipment at Guild rates (½ normal), paid to
the Spice Bank.
Players who are not members of the same Alliance can make any kind of verbal
• Bid more spice than you have (without revealing this card) and/or
deals or bribes between one another. Once made, these deals and bribes must be
purchase a Treachery Card without paying spice for it (cannot be used for
stated aloud and must be honored. A player cannot renege on a deal or bribe. If
Richese Auctions or if your hand is full).
part of a deal becomes impossible to honor, then that part of the deal is void. All
parties of a deal may agree to nullify the deal at any time. • Use your faction’s Special Karama Power (limit once per game).
A deal or bribe cannot involve the transfer or gift of Treachery Cards, leaders, Cannot be used to stop a Special Victory Condition or Special Karama Power.
forces, or faction advantages. This leaves secret information, future actions, and, Discard after use.
of course, spice. Spice transferred as part of a deal or bribe is placed in FRONT of
the recipient’s Player Shield. Players may collect spice from in front of their Use of a Karama Card to prevent the use of faction advantages that are not
Player Shield and add it to their normal spice only at the start of each turn’s restricted to a specific timing or resource prevents their use for that specific
effect rather than for a single instance (e.g., the Emperor sharing spice with
Mentat Pause phase. C
their ally for bidding on a specific Treachery Card or for supporting troops in a
A player cannot make a deal or bribe that would contravene the rules or the specific battle).
player’s faction advantages. These are the only limitations. If a Karama Card is used to stop one of your faction advantages, you may modify
your action as long as the modification abides by the effects of the Karama Card
(e.g., as the Fremen, you may change your movement after a Karama Card
prevents you from moving two territories as long as your new move is to an
adjacent territory).

Faction Advantage Summary

D - May use Worthless Cards as Karamas.
C - May transfer any amount of spice to allies at any time for any reason.

Ability can be cancelled by Karama.


Faction advantages that may be prevented by Karama are included in the following table and are marked with throughout the rules

Prevent Atreides from looking at a card up for bidding. Prevent Atreides (or ally) from knowing one part of a battle plan.

Prevent Atreides from looking at a Spice Card. Prevent Atreides from using the Kwisatz Haderach token in any one battle.

Bene Gesserit
Prevent Bene Gesserit from using a Worthless Card as a Karama; the Worthless
Prevent Bene Gesserit from shipping a Spiritual Advisor.
Card must be discarded.

Prevent Bene Gesserit from collecting CHOAM Charity when holding 2+ spice. Prevent Bene Gesserit (or ally) from using the Voice in any one battle.

Prevent Bene Gesserit from flipping one group of tokens to or from advisors.

Prevent CHOAM from discarding one Worthless Card/set of duplicates for spice. Prevent CHOAM from receiving payment for spice support in any one battle.

Prevent CHOAM from discarding a Worthless Card for its special effect. Prevent an audit by the Auditor in any one battle.

Prevent CHOAM from collecting 2 spice/faction and paying out CHOAM Charity. Prevent CHOAM from placing their Inflation Token this turn.

Limit CHOAM’s force revival to 3 (or 5 if Tleilaxu allows), paid at full price. Prevent CHOAM from trading a Treachery Card with their ally.


Prevent Ecaz from placing any Ambassadors this turn. Prevent Ecaz (but not their ally) from collecting spice for co-occupying strongholds.

Force the lead faction in a co-occupied battle to dial their own forces, and their
ally’s forces to count as zero.

Prevent Emperor giving spice to an ally for one specific effect. Prevent Emperor from reviving 3 extra forces for their ally.

Prevent Emperor from receiving payment for one Treachery Card. Force all Sardaukar to be treated as normal forces in any one battle.


Faction advantages that may be prevented by Karama are included in the following table and are marked with throughout the rules

Prevent Fremen from viewing the next storm movement card. Prevent Fremen from granting ally 3 free revivals.

Force one group of Fremen forces to take full losses from storm movement. Prevent Fremen from shipping into storm at half losses.

Cause the Fremen to be eaten by a sandworm instead of being able to ride it. Limit Fremen movement to 1 territory (without ornithopters).

Prevent Fremen protection of ally’s forces from one sandworm. Force all Fedaykin to be treated as normal forces in any one battle.

Prevent Fremen from choosing placement of one sandworm. Force Fremen to expend spice to count forces at full strength in any one battle.

Prevent Harkonnen from gaining an extra card during bidding. Prevent Harkonnen from revealing a traitor in their ally’s battle.

Prevent Harkonnen from capturing a leader after any one battle.

Prevent Hidden Mobile Stronghold from moving and collecting spice. Limit Cyborg movement to 1 territory (without ornithopters).

Prevent Ixians from looking at the Treachery Cards that will be part of the
Prevent Suboids from replacing Cyborgs after any one battle.
auction and drawing an extra card to place on top or bottom of the deck.

Prevent Ixian replacement of a Treachery Card during bidding. Note: Karama has no effect on Suboid strength.

Prevent Ixian ally from discarding a purchased Treachery Card.

Prevent Moritani from placing or moving a Terror token this turn. Prevent Moritani from forming one Alliance during the Shipment and Movement Phase.

Prevent Moritani from acquiring Duke Vidal this turn.

Prevent Richese from conducting a Black Market auction this turn. Prevent Richese (or ally) from making one No-Field Token shipment.

Prevent Richese from auctioning a Richese Treachery Card this turn. Prevent Richese from giving their ally a Richese Treachery Card from hand.


Faction advantages that may be prevented by Karama are included in the following table and are marked with throughout the rules

Spacing Guild
Prevent Spacing Guild from taking shipment and movement out of turn. Prevent Spacing Guild (or ally) from using half-price shipping rates once.

Prevent Spacing Guild from receiving payment for one shipment. Prevent Spacing Guild (or ally) from cross-shipping or shipping to reserves.

Limit force revival to 3 for all players. Prevent early revival of one leader.

Force Tleilaxu (or ally) to pay full price for revival. Prevent Tleilaxu from gaining another player’s specific leader as Ghola this turn.

Prevent payment to Tleilaxu for one revival. Prevent Tleilaxu from replacing a Face Dancer card during the Mentat Pause Phase.

Prevent Tleilaxu from receiving spice for players using free revival or a Ghola


Special Karama Powers (Once per game, may play a Karama card to activate a Special Karama Power)

Power Phase Played

Atreides look at any one player’s entire Battle Plan. Battle

CHOAM discard Treachery Cards from hand to gain 3 spice per card. At any time

Ecaz add difference between your leader and opponent leader in

battle if you don’t play a weapon or defense.

Emperor revive up to 3 forces or 1 leader for free. Revival

Fremen place sandworm token in any sand territory, triggering a

Spice Blow and Nexus

Harkonnen take & return up to 4 Treachery Cards from another


Ixian move Hidden Mobile Stronghold 2 territories during their

Shipment and Movement
Shipment and Movement in addition to their Force Movement.

Moritani force your opponent to discard or keep any or all of the

Treachery Cards they played.

Richese pay 3 spice to secretly buy 1 Richese Treachery Card. At any time

Spacing Guild stop one off-planet shipment of any one player. Shipment and Movement

Tleilaxu prevent a player from reviving forces and leaders. Revival

Note: Bene Gesserit have no Special Karama Power.

The following variants can be added to a game of Dune, together or separately, Leader Skill Cards provide one leader of each faction with a unique advantage.
irrespective of which factions you choose to include.
When using Leader Skill Cards, complete the Treachery step of setup after step 1,
TECH TOKENS then deal two Leader Skill Cards to each faction. Each faction chooses one to
keep, and shuffles the other back into the Leader Skill Deck. Play your Leader Skill
CONTROLLING TECH TOKENS Card face up in front of your Player Shield, and assign one of your Leader Discs to
it by placing the disc face up next to it. Complete the remaining steps of setup
Tech Tokens indicate that a faction controls a specific industry and are kept in normally starting with the Traitor step.
front of Player Shields. If you defeat a faction in battle that has 1 or more Tech
Tokens, you take the Tech Token of your choice from them. Leader Skills grant a special bonus or ability for as long as the skilled leader is
alive, and the card is face up in play (either in front of your Player Shield or used
A single player controlling all 3 Tech Tokens counts as a Stronghold for winning the in a battle). If a skilled leader is captured, the skill goes with them, but they are
game (allies cannot share control of Tech Tokens). placed behind the Harkonnen Player Shield. If a skilled leader is killed, shuffle the
ASSIGNING TECH TOKENS Leader Skill Card back into the Leader Skill Deck. Whenever you revive one of your
leaders, if you have no Leader Skill Card, you may draw two Leader Skill Cards,
At the start of the game, the Tleilaxu control the Axlotl Tanks, the Ixians control choose one to play face up in front of your Player Shield, and assign the newly
Heighliners, and the Fremen control Spice Production. In games where any of revived leader to that skill. Shuffle the unchosen Leader Skill back into the Leader
these factions are not present, after placing the Storm in the first turn, each Skill Deck.
uncontrolled Tech Token is assigned randomly to the next faction in turn order
Leader Skills also provide advantages when the skilled leader is used in and
without a Tech Token until all Tech Tokens are controlled and no player controls
survives a battle. When you choose a leader for a battle, you may either leave the
more than 1 Tech Token.
skilled leader face up in front of your Player Shield, or take it and the Leader Skill
TECH TOKEN INCOME Card behind your Player Shield. If you use a skilled leader in battle, include its
Leader Skill Card in your Battle Plan. This is the only way that both parts of the
Each Tech Token that you control can potentially provide income from the Spice skill can be in effect in a battle (if applicable). No part of a skill is available to you
Bank. Any spice gained from Tech Tokens is placed on the Tech Token and then while a skilled leader and its associated Leader Skill Card are behind your Player
collected at the end of the current phase. Each Tech Token indicates in which Shield.
phase the Tech Token is activated and which faction does not trigger that Tech
Token’s income. After the Battle Phase, return skilled leaders in territories on the map and their
associated Leader Skill Card in front of your Player Shield.
If at least one player, including you, takes free revival, you collect 1 A Leader Skill must be used before a faction ability (e.g., the Mentat skill before
spice for every Tech Token you control. However, if only the Tleilaxu Atreides Prescience). Any skill that mentions a card type (e.g., Poison Weapon)
player takes free revival, you do not collect spice. requires that the card included in the Battle Plan is played as that card type to
gain the skill bonus. Therefore, a card like Chemistry would have to be played as a
HEIGHLINERS poison weapon to gain the Master of Assassins skill bonus.
If at least one player, including you, ships forces from off-planet, you
collect 1 spice for every Tech Token you control. However, if only the ADVANCED STRONGHOLD CARDS
Spacing Guild ships forces from off-planet, you do not collect spice.
These cards provide bonuses representing home-field advantage for the factions
SPICE PRODUCTION occupying strongholds. During the Mentat Pause Phase (not during game setup),
If at least one player, including you, takes CHOAM Charity, you collect each faction occupying a stronghold takes its corresponding Stronghold Card from
1 spice for every Tech Token you control. However, if only the Bene the supply or the faction who previously held the card. If a stronghold is
Gesserit and/or CHOAM take CHOAM Charity using their faction unoccupied, its Stronghold Card is placed in the supply.
advantages, you do not collect spice.

The following variants can be added to a game of Dune, together or separately, BATTLES
irrespective of which factions you choose to include.
As part of the normal resolution of battles during the Battle Phase, wherever two
HOMEWORLDS or more players’ forces occupy a Homeworld token, battles must occur between
those players. Normal battle rules are used with the following modifications:
HOMEWORLD TOKENS • Traitors and Face Dancers cannot be called by a faction battling on an
opponent’s homeworld.
Represent each faction’s homeworld or domain and is where their
reserves are kept. Homeworlds are not territories and so are not • The homeworld’s faction gains the battle strength listed on the face up
subject to faction advantages such as Ecaz’s Occupy and Bene portion of their Homeworld card for free.
Gesserit’s Intrusion. • Lasgun/shield explosions only send the listed number of the homeworld
faction’s forces to the Tlielaxu Tanks, no matter what was dialed. Both
players still lose the battle and leaders are killed normally.
Depict abilities that are granted to each faction depending on OCCUPYING OTHER HOMEWORLDS
the number of forces in their reserves:
When another faction’s forces are alone on your homeworld, they are immediately
•High threshold: As long as a faction maintains the minimum considered the “Occupier” and gain:
threshold of reserves, they gain the listed abilities. When
reserves dip below the threshold, flip the card to its low • The listed Occupied ability.
threshold side. • The number of spice (if any) shown in the occupied section of the Homeworld
•Low threshold: When a faction’s reserves reach a low- card from the Spice Bank during the Spice Collection phase. Spice collected
threshold reserve, the listed low threshold abilities are active. this way may be immediately shared with the Occupier’s ally
When reserves exceed the threshold, flip the card to its high An Occupier retains these advantages until none of their forces remain on the
threshold side. homeworld.
The main way for a player to add forces to their own homeworld is through force No player may enter into an Alliance with any faction whose forces occupy their
revivals. Force Shipment may also be used to send forces to homeworlds in the homeworld, nor may a faction ship to or occupy their ally’s homeworld.
following ways:
• All factions may ship their forces from one homeworld to another homeworld
at a cost of 1 spice per force (half price for the Guild). The Emperor has two homeworlds: Kaitain and Salusa Secundus; normal forces are
• The Spacing Guild may ship any number of their own forces from one revived to Kaitain and Sardaukar forces are revived to Salusa Secundus.
territory of Arrakis to any homeworld (including their own) at a cost of 1 During Shipping and Movement, the Emperor can use their Force Movement to
spice per force (before discount). move any number of their forces from Kaitain to Salusa Secundus (or vice versa).
• Using their high threshold homeworld advantage, the Spacing Guild may offer When the Emperor makes a Force Shipment to Arrakis or another homeworld,
to ship any number of another faction’s forces from one territory of Arrakis forces can come from both Emperor homeworlds as part of the same shipment.
to any homeworld at a cost of 1 spice per force (before discount).

Note that CHOAM’s homeworld of Tupile has a penalty for high-threshold, but an
advantage when they are at low threshold, opposite of the other homeworlds.

The following variants can be added to a game of Dune, together or separately, DISCOVERY SPICE CARD
irrespective of which factions you choose to include.
Whenever a Discovery Spice Card is drawn, place 6 spice in the sector and
NEXUS CARDS territory indicated by the card (if it is currently in storm, no spice is placed). Any
spice or forces already in that territory are destroyed by the spice blow (this only
Nexus Cards provide players incentives and special effects for not joining an occurs when Discovery Spice Cards are drawn). Then, place a random Discovery
Alliance. token of the indicated type (Hiereg or Smuggler) face down in the other sector
and territory shown on the card.
At the end of each Spice Blow and Nexus phase where a Nexus occurred and at
least one Alliance exists, any player not in an Alliance may, after discarding their TOKENS
previous Nexus card (if any), draw one Nexus Card. If you draw your own faction’s
Nexus card, you may discard it immediately to draw a new one. There are two types of Discovery tokens: Hiereg and Smuggler. Hiereg tokens are
placed in desert territories, and Smuggler tokens are placed in rock territories.
Each Nexus Card is associated with one faction; its effect is determined by the During the Spice Collection Phase, any faction with non-advisor forces in a
factions in play this game: territory with a Discovery token may look at the token and choose whether or not
BETRAYAL: If the Nexus Card faction is controlled by another player, this card to reveal it immediately. Unrevealed Discovery tokens remain face down, able to
allows you to cancel an advantage that faction has when they try to use it. In be revealed during a subsequent turn.
some cases, this even allows a player to cancel an alliance ability. Five of the Discovery tokens are locations, and remain face up in place when
CUNNING: If you control the Nexus Card faction, this card gives you an revealed. These locations are considered a territory within the territory where the
enhanced version of one of your advantages. token is located, cost 1 spice per force to ship to, and protect forces in them from
SECRET ALLY: If the Nexus Card faction is not in the game, you have a secret the effects of the storm and sandworms. Location Discovery Tokens cannot be
alliance with that faction, and this card allows you to use one of their occupied when revealed; at the start of the next turn, before the Storm Phase,
advantages. any faction in a territory with a Location Discovery token revealed during the
previous turn may move any number of their non-advisor forces in that territory
Nexus Cards are discarded after use. If you need to draw a Nexus Card and none into the location. Outside of this, the only way to occupy these locations is
are available, shuffle the discards to form a new deck. If you hold a Nexus Card, through normal Force Shipment or Force Movement.
you must discard it to enter into an Alliance.
DISCOVERY TOKENS Whenever a Hiereg token is face down on the board, the Fremen may
look at it at any time without revealing it.
Discovery tokens add new elements to the game on sections of the board that are
often bypassed. For this variant, shuffle the seven new Spice Cards into the Spice Jacurutu Sietch: Counts as a normal stronghold. When you win a
Deck. Then, shuffle the eight Discovery tokens face down into a supply. battle in Jacurutu Sietch, gain 1 spice for each undialed opponent
force that is sent to the Tanks.
Cistern: If you occupy this territory during the Spice Collection Phase,
This is treated like a normal Shai Hulud card; however, a vote is held to determine gain 2 spice from the Spice Bank.
whether or not the Nexus occurs. In storm order, each player votes yes or no.
Unless a majority vote yes, no Nexus occurs.
Ecological Testing Station: If you occupy this territory during the
Afterward, regardless of the outcome of the vote, the Fremen may ride the Great Storm Phase, you may modify the movement of the storm by ±1 (does
Maker sandworm by moving any number of their forces in reserves to any sector of not affect Weather Control).
any territory (including the HMS), subject to storm and occupancy rules (instead of
Shrine: If you occupy this territory, you may play Truthtrance Cards
riding from a territory on the board or placing the Sandworm token). Note that a
as Karama Cards, and vice versa.
Karama Card cannot prevent riding the Great Maker.

The following variants can be added to a game of Dune, together or separately, Schemes Within Schemes: Bene Gesserit, CHOAM, Fremen, Harkonnen, Spacing
irrespective of which factions you choose to include. Guild, Tleilaxu
Amtal Rule: Ecaz, Fremen, Ixians, Moritani, Richese, Tleilaxu
Landsraad: Atreides, Ecaz, Harkonnen, Ixians, Moritani, Richese, Homeworlds
Whenever a Smuggler token is face down on the board, the Spacing
Guild may look at it at any time without revealing it.
Orgiz Processing Station: If you occupy this territory during the Spice
Collection Phase, steal 1 of the collected spice each time collection
occurs in a territory containing spice.
Treachery Card Stash: Gain 1 Treachery Card. If this causes you to
exceed your hand limit, discard 1 Treachery Card of your choice.
Remove this token from the game.
Spice Stash: Gain 7 spice from the Spice Bank. Remove this token
from the game.

Ornithopter: Gain this token. You may discard it on any subsequent

turn to make a Force Movement of up to three adjacent territories
instead of your normal move.

When playing with the Ixian & Tleilaxu, CHOAM & Richese, and Ecaz & Moritani
expansions together, instead of choosing factions normally, consider choosing
factions based on the following thematic groupings:
Intrigue: Deal every player two factions. Each player secretly chooses one, and all
players reveal their selections simultaneously.
Closed Economy: Bene Gesserit, CHOAM, Emperor, Richese, Spacing Guild,
War of Assassins: Atreides, Ecaz, Emperor, Harkonnen, Moritani, Spacing Guild,
Stronghold Cards
Technocrats: Bene Gesserit, CHOAM, Emperor, Ixians, Richese, Tleilaxu, Tech
Desert Power: Atreides, Bene Gesserit, Fremen, Harkonnen, Ixians, Spacing Guild,
Discovery Tokens
Long Live the Fighters: Atreides, CHOAM, Emperor, Ecaz, Fremen, Moritani,
Leader Skill Cards

ATREIDES AT START: 10 forces in Arrakeen and 10 forces in
reserves (off-planet). Start with 10 spice and 1
You have limited prescience. random Treachery Card. Place the Treachery Deck
and the Spice Deck near your player position. You FREE REVIVAL
manage these decks. 2 forces/turn


A – BIDDING: During the Bidding Phase, you may look at each Treachery Card E – You may assist your allies by forcing their opponent to show them one
as it comes up for purchase before any faction bids on it. You, and only you, element of their Battle Plan.
may keep written records about cards.
B – MOVEMENT: At the start of the Shipment and Movement Phase, before
F – You may use a Karama Card before Battle Plans are revealed to look at
anyone moves, you may look at the top card of the Spice Deck.
any one player’s entire Battle Plan.
C – BATTLE: During the Battle Phase, you may force your opponent to reveal
your choice of one of the four elements they will use in their Battle Plan
against you: the leader, weapon, defense, or number dialed (number dialed
cannot be chosen in a battle with a No-Field Token). If you choose to ask
about a weapon or defense and your opponent tells you that they are not
playing that element during this battle, you cannot then ask to see a different
D – KWISATZ HADERACH: The Kwisatz Haderach token starts out inactive. Use
the Kwisatz Haderach card and counter token to secretly keep track of force
losses. Immediately after you have lost 7 or more forces in battle, the Kwisatz
Haderach token becomes active for the rest of the game and may be used as

• To add +2 strength to your leaders or cheap heroes in one territory per turn.
If the leader or cheap hero is killed, the Kwisatz Haderach token has no effect
in the battle.

• A leader accompanied by the Kwisatz Haderach token cannot turn traitor.

• The Kwisatz Haderach token can only be killed if blown up by a lasgun/
shield explosion. If killed, the Kwisatz Haderach token must be revived like
any other leader. The cost to revive the Kwisatz Haderach token is 2 spice.

• The Kwisatz Haderach token has no effect on the rule governing revival of
Atreides leaders (i.e., the Kwisatz Haderach token does not need to be in the
Tleilaxu Tanks for you to be able to revive your other leaders).

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4, 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
BENE GESSERIT AT START: 20 forces in reserves (off-planet; see
START OF GAME ability). Start with 5 spice and
You are adept in the ways of 1 random Treachery Card.
mind control. FREE REVIVAL
1 force/turn


A – PREDICTION: After step 1 (Positions) in the Setup Phase, you secretly • Advisors moved to occupied territories without Bene Gesserit forces
predict when one other faction will win, placing a turn number card and a may flip to fighters or stay as advisors.
faction card from your Prediction Cards face down behind your Player Shield. • Bene Gesserit forces shipping/moving into a territory already
Place the unused Prediction Cards face down back in the box. If the faction containing Bene Gesserit forces ship/move as the type of Bene
you predicted wins (alone or as an ally, even your ally) in the turn you Gesserit force present in the destination territory.
predicted, reveal your prediction and win alone. You also can win normally.
You can’t predict that the Spacing Guild or Fremen will win with their special F – INTRUSION: When another faction enters a territory where you have
victory conditions. fighters, you may immediately flip those fighters to advisors.
B – START OF GAME: After the Fremen placement (if that faction is in the G – BATTLE: At any time after the Spice Blow and Nexus Phase but before any
game), you start with one advisor in any territory of your choice. shipment has occurred, you may flip advisors not under storm or in territories
with allies to fighters anywhere you wish to battle. To do so, publicly
C – CHARITY: You always receive CHOAM charity of 2 spice regardless of how
announce the flipping, and flip all of your advisors to fighters in each territory
many spice you already have.
in which you wish to battle.
D – KARAMA: You may use any worthless Treachery Card as a Karama Card.
H – VOICE: You may force your opponent to play or not play a specific card or
E – ADVISORS: Your forces have two sides, the advisor (striped) and the type of card (projectile weapon, poison weapon, projectile defense, poison
fighter (unstriped). Fighters are normal forces. defense, Worthless Card, cheap hero, or specific named special weapon or
defense) in their Battle Plan.† If your opponent can’t comply with your
Advisors are a special type of force that coexists peacefully with other faction command, they are not required to reveal so and may do as they wish.
forces in the same territory. Advisors have no effect on the play of the other
factions whatsoever and cannot collect spice; be involved in combat; count as ALLIANCE ABILITY
occupying a stronghold for victory conditions, ornithopter use, or Advanced
Stronghold Cards; count against a stronghold's 2-faction limit; or play Family I – In an Alliance you may Voice your ally’s opponent.
Atomics. Advisors are still susceptible, however, to storms, sandworms, SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
lasgun/shield explosions, and atomics.
Whenever any other faction ships forces to Dune from off-planet, you may
ship for free one advisor from your reserves into that same territory or the
Polar Sink. If Bene Gesserit fighters are already present in this territory and † The default type for each special weapon is listed below:
not flipped to advisors with your Intrusion advantage, the advisor must be Chemistry counts as a poison defense
shipped to the Polar Sink (or not at all). Poison Blade counts as both a projectile and poison weapon
All Bene Gesserit forces in a territory must be of the same type (advisor or Poison Tooth counts as a poison weapon
fighter): Shield Snooper counts as both a shield and snooper
• If advisors are ever alone in a territory, they automatically flip to Weirding Way counts as a projectile weapon
fighters. Chemistry and Weirding Way’s alternate types cannot be forced into play
with the Voice but can be prevented by it.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
CHOAM AT START: 20 forces in reserves (off-planet). Start
with 2 spice and 1 random Treachery Card.
You can manipulate the economy.
0 forces/turn

A – CHARITY: You collect CHOAM charity first and always receive 2 spice per E – AUDITOR: You have a special leader, the Auditor, who allows you to see
faction in the game, regardless of how many spice you already have. When cards in your opponent’s hand when used as a leader in a battle. If the Auditor
other factions collect CHOAM Charity, it is paid to them from your spice. survived the battle, you may audit your opponent by looking at up to two
random cards in their hand (not counting any they used in battle), or one card
B – TREACHERY: Your hand limit is 5 Treachery Cards; when you have 5
if the Auditor was killed. The audited faction may pay you 1 spice per card
Treachery Cards you must pass during bidding. In addition, at the end of any
you would get to see to cancel the entire audit. The Auditor is eligible to be
phase you may discard Treachery Cards as follows:
revived each turn, regardless of how many of your leaders are in the Tleilaxu
• You may reveal multiple cards from your hand with the same name to Tanks. The Auditor cannot be a ghola for the Tleilaxu, captured by the
discard the surplus cards for 3 spice each. Harkonnens, nor assigned a Leader Skill Card.
• You may discard Worthless Cards for 2 spice each. Alternatively, you F – FORCES: When other factions pay spice for support of their forces in
may discard Worthless cards for their corresponding effect listed below: battle, half of the total spice paid (rounded down) goes to you (you receive 0
Baliset - Prevent one player from moving forces into a territory you spice when a Traitor is revealed). When you pay spice for support of forces,
occupy during the Shipment and Movement Phase (they may ship in it goes to the Spice Bank.
Jubba Cloak - Protect one group of your forces from losses during storm
movement. G – Once per game turn, at the end of any phase, you may trade a Treachery
Card with your ally. The trade must be two-way (each faction giving and
Kull Wahad - Prevent one player from playing a Karama Card for a
receiving a card). You may also pay for some or all of your ally’s spice support
specific effect (see pg 14) as they attempt to do so.
in battle (spice you pay goes to the Spice Bank).
Kulon - Move your forces one extra territory during your Force
La La La - Prevent one player from taking free revival during the Revival H – At any time, you may use a Karama Card to discard any number of
Phase. Treachery Cards from your hand to gain 3 spice per card.
Trip to Gamont – Return 1 force belonging to another player to that
player’s reserves during the Mentat Pause Phase.
C – REVIVAL: You pay only 1 spice to revive each of your forces. You may
revive any number of your forces during the Revival Phase.
D – INFLATION: Once per game during the Mentat Pause Phase, you may place
your Inflation Token on the CHOAM Charity Phase of the Phase Track. In the
following game turn, the amount of spice each player collects for CHOAM
Charity is either doubled or canceled according to which side of the Inflation
Token is face up. In the Mentat Pause Phase following a doubled or canceled
CHOAM Charity Phase, flip the Inflation Token to its other side or remove it
from the game if it has already been flipped. Players cannot make spice bribes
while the Inflation Token is in play with the double side face up.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
Ecaz AT
START: 66 forces
forces in
in unoccupied territory
Imperial Basin and 14after all in
other factions
reserves set up and
(off-planet). 14 with
Start forces
12inspice, the Ecaz
You forge strong alliances. reserves (off-planet).
Ambassador token + 5Start
12 spice, 1 tokens
Treachery Card,and
and1 6random
Terror Treachery
tokens. Card. FREE REVIVAL
(your supply), 2 forces/turn

A – AMBASSADORS: At the end of the Revival Phase, you may spend spice to place B - OCCUPY: You may enter and occupy the same territory as your ally, coexisting
Ambassador tokens from your supply in any stronghold with no Ambassador tokens peacefully with their forces. When coexisting, you and your ally’s forces are considered
that is not in storm. The cost is 1 spice for the first Ambassador token, but the same faction for Traitor and Face Dancer Card reveals, and your forces do not
increases by 1 spice for each subsequent Ambassador token placed that turn. count against a stronghold’s 2-faction limit but do count for ornithopter use.
When forces (excluding advisors) ship or move to a stronghold containing an When the aggressor chooses to resolve a battle in a territory where you coexist with
Ambassador token, you may immediately trigger its effect (interrupting the triggering your ally, you must decide whether you or your ally is considered the lead faction in
faction’s action) and set it aside if a) you are not allied with the triggering faction, and the battle (formulating a Battle Plan with their leaders and Treachery Cards). The
b) the Ambassador token does not show the triggering faction’s symbol. number dialed for the lead faction’s battle plan always includes half of the Ecaz forces
in the territory (rounded up) at full strength, plus as many of your ally’s forces as the
Ecaz: Return this Ambassador token to your supply. Add Duke Vidal to your leader
lead faction chooses to dial. If the lead faction wins the battle, half of the Ecaz
pool if he is not in the Tleilaxu Tanks, captured, or a ghola. If you use Duke Vidal in a
forces (rounded down) remain in the territory (the rest go to the Tleilaxu Tanks), and
battle and he survives, place his Leader Disc next to the game board.
your ally loses their forces dialed normally.
If you and your ally coexist in at least 3 strongholds at the end of the Mentat Pause
Form an Alliance with the faction triggering the token as long as neither of you are
Phase, your Alliance wins.
currently allied and they agree to the Alliance. Then, add Duke Vidal to the triggering
faction’s leader pool. If Duke Vidal is still in their leader pool at the end of the turn, C – REVIVAL: Duke Vidal can only be revived by House Ecaz (except as a ghola by the
place his Leader Disc next to the game board. Tleilaxu). You may always revive Duke Vidal during the Revival Phase for 5 spice, no
Atreides: Look at the triggering faction’s hand. matter how many of your leaders are in the Tleilaxu Tanks. You may revive leaders
normally when at least 5 of your leaders are in the Tleilaxu Tanks (counting Duke
Bene Gesserit: Trigger the effect of any Ambassador token not in your supply, then Vidal).
remove the Bene Gesserit Ambassador token from the game.
CHOAM: Discard any number of your Treachery Cards. Gain 3 spice from the Spice D - LOYALTY: At the start of the game, before Traitor Cards are dealt, set aside 1
Bank per card discarded this way. random Traitor Card from your faction face up for all players to see. It is never added
to the Traitor deck.
Emperor: Gain 5 spice from the Spice Bank.
Fremen: Move some or all of your forces from one territory to any sector of any E - COLLECTION: During the Spice Collection Phase, you and your ally each collect the
territory (including the HMS), subject to storm and occupancy rules. full amount of spice for strongholds where you coexist (Arrakeen, Carthag, and/or
Harkonnen: Look at 1 random Traitor Card the triggering faction holds. Tuek’s Sietch). When collecting spice from a desert territory where you coexist, split
the spice however you and your ally agree, or as evenly as possible with your ally
Ixian: Discard 1 of your Treachery Cards, then draw the top card from the Treachery gaining the remainder if you can’t agree.
Richese: If your hand is not full, pay 3 spice to the Spice Bank to draw the top card ALLIANCE ABILITY
from the Treachery Deck. F – You may choose to have your ally benefit from a triggered Ambassador token’s
Spacing Guild: Ship up to 4 of your forces from reserves for free to any sector of any effect instead of you.
territory, subject to storm and occupancy rules.
Tleilaxu: Revive one of your leaders OR up to 4 of your forces for free. SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
After all 5 of your random Ambassador tokens have been triggered, combine them with G – You may use a Karama Card before Battle Plans are revealed to add the
the unused tokens and draw a new supply of 5 random Ambassador tokens. Ambassador difference between your leader disc and your opponent’s leader disc to your number
tokens are susceptible to storms, lasgun/shield explosions, and atomics: they return to dialed, as long as you played neither a weapon nor a defense.
your supply when exposed to any of these effects.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1

EMPEROR AT START: 20 forces in reserves (off-planet).
Start with 10 spice and 1 random Treachery Card.
You have access to great wealth.
1 force/turn


A – BIDDING: Whenever any other faction pays spice for a Treachery Card, C – You may share your great wealth with your allies by transferring any
they pay it to you instead of the Spice Bank. amount of spice to them at any time and for any reason (placed behind their
Player Shield). You may also assist your allies by paying spice for the revival
B – SARDAUKAR: Your five starred forces, elite Sardaukar, are worth two
of up to 3 extra of their forces from the Tleilaxu Tanks per Revival Phase.
normal forces in battle and in taking losses; against the Fremen they
are worth just one force. Sardaukar are treated as one force in revival; SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
however, only one Sardaukar force can be revived per turn.
D – You may use a Karama Card during the Revival Phase to immediately
revive up to three forces or one leader for free. These revivals do not count
against revival limits for the turn.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1

FREMEN AT START: 10 forces distributed as you like on Sietch
Tabr, False Wall South, and/or False Wall West; and
You are native to Dune and 10 forces in reserves (on the far side of Dune). Start
know its ways. with 3 spice and 1 random Treachery Card. FREE REVIVAL
3 forces/turn


A – STORM RULE: Place the Storm Marker normally using the Battle Wheels on H – FEDAYKIN: Your three starred forces, Fedaykin, are worth two normal
the first turn of the game. Subsequent storm movement is determined by forces in battle and in taking losses. They are each treated as one
using the Storm Deck. After moving the storm during the Storm Phase, force in revival; however, only one Fedaykin force can be revived per
randomly select a card from the Storm Deck, secretly look at it, and place turn.
it face down next to the game board.
I – FREMEN SPECIAL VICTORY CONDITION: If no faction has won by the end of
In the next Storm Phase, reveal the number on that Storm Card; move the turn 10 and 1) Fremen forces (± coexisting Ecaz forces) or no one occupy
storm counterclockwise the number of sectors indicated on the Storm Card. Sietch Tabr and Habbanya Sietch and 2) neither Harkonnen, Atreides,
Shuffle the revealed Storm Card into the Storm Deck, randomly select a Storm Emperor, nor Richese occupies Tuek’s Sietch (even if they are your ally), your
Card, and look at it for the next turn’s storm movement. After secretly plans to alter Dune have succeeded and you and any allies win the game.
looking at the Storm Card, place it face down next to the game board.
B – STORM LOSSES: If your forces are caught in a storm, only half of them are
J – You may protect your allies from being devoured by sandworms and, at
killed (rounded up). You may also ship into a storm at half loss.
your discretion, may also increase their free revival to 3 forces. In addition,
C – SHAI-HULUD: If Shai-Hulud appears in a territory where you have forces, your allies win with you if you win with the Fremen Special Victory Condition.
they are not devoured. Upon conclusion of the Nexus, you may ride the
sandworm and move some or all of your forces in the territory to any sector of SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
any territory (including the HMS), subject to storm and occupancy rules. Any K – You may use a Karama Card during the Spice Blow and Nexus Phase to
forces in that territory are not devoured. If multiple Shai-Hulud appear during place the Sandworm Token in any sand territory that you wish. This is
a Spice Blow, you may ride each sandworm from the origin territory to any treated as a normal sandworm and causes a Nexus.
other territory.
D – SANDWORMS: During a Spice Blow, all consecutive sandworms that appear
after the first sandworm can be placed by you in any sand territory you wish.
E – SHIPMENT: Your reserves are on-planet; you do not ship to the board using
off-planet shipment rules. For your Force Shipment you may bring any or all of
your reserves for free onto The Great Flat or onto any one territory within two
territories of The Great Flat (subject to storm and occupancy rules).
F – MOVEMENT: During your Force Movement you may move your forces two
territories instead of one.
G – BATTLES: Your forces do not require spice to count at their full strength.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
HARKONNEN AT START: 10 forces in Carthag and 10 forces in
reserves (off-planet). Start with 10 spice and
You excel in treachery. 2 random treachery cards.
2 forces/turn


A – TRAITORS: At the start of the game keep all 4 Traitor Cards you are dealt. D – Traitor Cards that you hold may be used against your ally’s opponent if you
Any of these Traitor Cards can be revealed in a battle as a traitor. so choose.
B – TREACHERY: Your hand limit is 8 Treachery Cards; when you have 8 SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
Treachery Cards you must pass during bidding. You start the game with 1
extra Treachery Card (2 total). Every time you buy a Treachery Card E – You may use a Karama Card during the Bidding Phase to take, without
(including Richese auctions), you must take an extra Treachery Card for free looking, up to 4 Treachery Cards from any one player. After combining their
cards with yours, you must give that player Treachery Cards of your choice
from the Treachery Deck (unless it would put your over your hand limit).
(including cards you just took) equal to the number of cards that you took.
C – CAPTURED LEADERS: After you win a battle you may choose to capture a
leader from the loser of the battle. If you choose to capture a leader,
randomly select 1 leader from the loser (including the leader used in the
battle, if not killed, but excluding all leaders used elsewhere that turn and in
the Tleilaxu Tanks). After looking at the captured leader you must decide to
either 1) place the Leader Disc face down into the Tleilaxu Tanks to gain 2
spice from the Spice Bank; or 2) keep the leader and use it once in a battle,
after which, if it wasn’t killed during that battle, you must return that leader
to its faction. The identity of the captured leader is not required to be
revealed. When all of your own leaders have been killed, you must
immediately return all captured leaders to their factions. Killed captured
leaders are put in the Tleilaxu Tanks from which their factions can revive
them (subject to the normal revival rules). Captured leaders used in battle
may be claimed as a traitor subject to the normal traitor rules.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1

Ixians AT START: 6 forces (3 Cyborgs and 3 Suboids) in the
Hidden Mobile Stronghold; 14 forces in reserves
You are skilled in technology (off-planet). Start with 10 spice and 1 Treachery Card
and production. (see START OF GAME ability). FREE REVIVAL
1 force/turn


A – START OF GAME: Instead of dealing Treachery Cards normally, draw E – CYBORGS AND SUBOIDS:
Treachery Cards equal to the number of players (+1 if Harkonnen is in play).
CYBORGS: Your 7 Cyborg forces are each worth 2 normal forces in battle, are
Choose one to keep, shuffle the remaining cards, and deal one to each of the
other players (2 to Harkonnen). able to move 2 territories, and can collect 3 spice during the Spice
Collection Phase. Your Cyborg forces ship normally, but each costs 3 spice to
B – HIDDEN MOBILE STRONGHOLD (HMS): After the first storm movement at revive.
the start of the game, place your Hidden Mobile Stronghold by pointing it at a
sector in any non-stronghold territory. This stronghold counts toward the SUBOIDS: Your 13 Suboid forces are able to move 2 territories if accompanied
game win and is protected from worms and storms. by at least one Cyborg and ship normally but are worth ½ in battle. You can’t
increase the effectiveness of Suboids in battle by spending spice. When dialing
Subsequently, before the storm is revealed, as long as your forces occupy it, ½ for a Suboid, use the hash marks between battle wheel numbers as needed.
you may move your Hidden Mobile Stronghold up to 3 territories pointing at a Suboids can also be used to absorb losses after a battle. After battle losses are
sector in any non-stronghold territory. When you move into, from, or calculated, any of your surviving Suboid forces in that territory can be
through a sector of a territory containing spice, you may immediately collect exchanged for Cyborgs you lost in that battle.
2 spice per force in your stronghold.
For example, if the Ixians had 2 Cyborgs and 6 Suboids in a battle and dialed
No other faction may ship forces directly into your Hidden Mobile Stronghold 6, the Ixians would need to lose a strength of 6, which could be 2 Cyborgs (for
or move it if they take control. Other factions must move or ship forces into 4), and 4 Suboids (for another 2). Then, since they had 2 surviving Suboids,
the territory it is pointing at (including the Polar Sink), and then use their they can swap those with the 2 Cyborgs they just sent to the Tleilaxu Tanks.
Force Movement to enter.
C – BIDDING: During the Dealer step of the Bidding Phase, draw one more
Treachery Card than the number up for bid (not counting Richese auctions), F – After an ally purchases a Treachery Card during a normal or Black Market
and look at all of the drawn cards. Put one card of your choice face down auction, they may look at it and decide whether to immediately discard it to
either on the top or bottom of the Treachery Deck. Then, shuffle the draw the top card from the Treachery Deck.
remaining cards and place them face down for the bidding round.
D – TECHNOLOGY: Once per Bidding Phase, before Atreides gets to look at the G – If your forces occupy the Hidden Mobile Stronghold, you may use a
card, you may take the Treachery Card about to be bid on, replacing it with Karama Card to move the Hidden Mobile Stronghold 2 territories during your
one from your hand (except in Richese auctions). shipment and movement.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
Moritani AT START: 6 forces
AT START: in unoccupied
6 forces territory after
in any unoccupied all
other factions
after all set
otherup factions
and 14 forces
set upinand 14 forces in
You resort to terrorism. reserves (off-planet). Start with
reserves (off-planet). Start12 spice,
with 1 random
12 spice, 1
Treachery Card, and 6 Terror FREE REVIVAL
random Treachery Card,tokens.
and 6 Terror tokens. 2 forces/turn

ADVANTAGES B – ENEMY OF MY ENEMY: When forces from a non-Ecaz faction ship or move
into a stronghold containing a Terror token, you may offer to enter into an
A – TERRORIZE: During the Mentat Pause Phase, you may place (face down) or
Alliance with that faction. If they accept, you both break your existing
move 1 of your Terror tokens. Terror tokens can only be placed in or moved Alliances (if any) and immediately become allies. Your Terror token is not
to non-Hidden-Mobile strongholds without any Terror tokens. When forces revealed and returns to your supply. If the faction does not accept, you must
(including advisors) from a faction you are not allied with ship or move into a reveal the Terror token and trigger its effects.
stronghold containing a Terror token, you may reveal that Terror token,
remove it from the game, and apply its effects to the triggering faction. C – DUKE VIDAL: At the end of the Shipment and Movement Phase, if a) Duke
Vidal is not in the Tleilaxu Tanks, and b) you are in at least two battles in
Assassination: Send a random leader from the triggering faction to strongholds with non-Ecaz opponents, add Duke Vidal to your leader pool
the Tleilaxu Tanks, collecting spice from the Spice Bank equal to the
(even from another faction). If Duke Vidal is still in your leader pool at the
leader’s strength (3 for Zoal).
end of the turn, place his Leader Disc next to the game board.
Atomics: Send all forces in the territory to the Tleilaxu Tanks, and
D – ASSASSINATE LEADERS: When you lose a battle in which a) the opposing
place the Atomics Aftermath token in the territory. Forces can no
faction’s leader was not killed, b) no Traitor was revealed, c) you have no
longer ship or cross-ship into this territory. From now on, the hand
Traitor Cards of the opposing faction face up in front of your Player Shield,
limit for the Moritani and their ally is reduced by 1 (discard a random
and d) you have not yet revealed your Traitor Card normally this game, you
card if you exceed the hand limit when this triggers).
may reveal a Traitor Card of the opposing faction that doesn’t match their
Extortion: Place 5 spice from the Spice Bank in front of your Player leader from the battle to send the leader you reveal to the Tleilaxu Tanks,
Shield. Collect it in the Mentat Pause Phase, then regain this Terror and collect spice from the Spice Bank equal to their strength (3 for Zoal).
token unless any one player in storm order pays you 3 spice. During the Mentat Pause Phase, set the revealed Traitor Card face up in front
of your Player Shield as a marker, then draw a new Traitor Card.
Robbery: Steal half the triggering faction’s spice (rounded up) or take
the top card of the Treachery Deck (discarding a card of your choice ALLIANCE ABILITY
if you exceed your hand limit).
E – When your ally loses a battle that had a winner, they may keep one
Sabotage: If possible, draw 1 random Treachery Card from the Treachery Card they played in the battle that they would have been able to
triggering faction and discard it. Then, you may give the triggering keep had they won.
faction 1 Treachery Card of your choice from your hand.
Sneak Attack: Place up to 5 forces from your reserves into the target
territory (subject to storm and occupancy rules). F – You may use a Karama Card after you lose a battle to force your
opponent to discard or keep any or all of the Treachery Cards they played.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1

Richese AT START: 20 forces in reserves (off-planet). Start
with 5 spice, 1 random Treachery Card, and the 10
You have alternative technology. Richese Treachery Cards.
2 forces/turn

A – BIDDING: During the Bidding Phase, you must auction one Richese optionally reveal a No-Field Token at any time before the Battle Phase. When
Treachery Card of your choice from your cache in place of one normal a No-Field Token is revealed:
Treachery Card (one fewer Treachery Card is put up for auction in the normal
• Place the indicated number of forces from your reserves (or up to that
Bidding Round). At the start of Declaration, you must announce whether
amount if you have fewer forces left in reserves) in the territory where
your Richese Treachery Card will be auctioned immediately or after the
the No-Field Token was revealed. These forces are subject to any effects
normal Treachery Cards up for bid. When you auction the card, reveal it and
triggering their reveal (e.g., they are destroyed by the storm).
choose either a Once Around or Silent Auction method (see below). The
winner of the bid pays spice to you (Karama Cards can’t be used); you pay • Place the revealed No-Field Token face up in front of your Player Shield,
spice to the Emperor (if in play) or Spice Bank if you win the bid or contribute and return any No-Field Token already there behind your Player Shield.
to your ally’s payment. When discarded, Richese Treachery Cards are
C – BLACK MARKET: At the start of the Bidding Phase, before Declaration, you
discarded to the Treachery Card discard pile.
may auction one Treachery Card from your hand. You may announce what
• Once Around Auction—Choose a direction (clockwise or counter- you are selling, and you may lie, but you do not show any player what is up for
clockwise). Starting with the faction following you in that direction, each auction (Atreides may use their faction ability to look). Choose a normal,
faction has a single opportunity to pass or raise the current bid. The Once Around, or Silent Auction method. If the normal bidding method is
highest bidder wins the bid. If everyone else passes, you may either gain chosen, proceed in storm order and resume bidding on normal Treachery
the card for free or remove it from the game. Cards where bidding left off. The winner of the bid pays spice to you (Karama
Cards can’t be used). If no player bids any spice for your card, you must keep
• Silent Auction—All factions able to bid place any amount of spice in one
it, and the phase proceeds. If a card from your hand is sold, one fewer
hand (including zero). Factions reveal their bids simultaneously and the
Treachery Card is put up for auction in the normal Bidding Round.
faction with the most spice in hand wins the bid (ties break to the tied
faction earliest in Storm order). Before revealing bids, factions may ALLIANCE ABILITY
declare that the spice in their hand contributes to their ally’s bid. If
everyone bids zero spice, you may either gain the card for free or remove D – For your ally’s Force Shipment, you may offer to ship their forces from off-
it from the game. planet using one of your available No-Field Tokens. Reveal the forces
immediately upon shipping (if you already had a No-Field Token on the planet,
B – NO-FIELD: You have 3 No-Field Tokens representing 0, 3, or 5 forces.
it must first be revealed). Either you or your ally may pay for this shipment.
However, they are considered 1 force for all effects until revealed (including
spice collection). There may never be more than 1 No-Field Token on the You may give your ally a Richese Treachery Card that is in your hand at any
planet at a time. When you are in a Battle with a No-Field Token, Atreides time if their hand is not full.
may not use Prescience to see the number dialed on your Battle Plan.
In place of your normal Force Shipment, you may ship 1 No-Field Token from
behind your Player Shield face down, paying only the cost of shipping a single E – At any time, you may use a Karama Card to pay 3 spice to buy one of
your Richese Treachery Cards, secretly choosing which one.
force. During your Force Movement, you may move No-Field Tokens on the
planet like they are forces.
A No-Field Token must be revealed when caught in a storm, by a worm, in a
lasgun/shield explosion, and when revealing your Battle Plan, but you may

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
SPACING GUILD AT START: 5 forces in Tuek’s Sietch and 15 forces
You control all shipment onto in reserves (off-planet). Start with 5 spice and
and off of Dune. 1 random Treachery Card.
1 force/turn

to win the game by the end of play, you have prevented control of Dune and
A – PAYMENT FOR SHIPMENT: When other factions ship forces onto Dune from automatically win the game.
their off-planet reserves, they pay the spice to you instead of to the Spice
B – THREE TYPES OF SHIPMENT: You are capable of making one of three types F – Allies may ship from their off-planet reserves onto Dune or cross-ship from
of Force Shipment each turn: one territory to another with their forces that are already on Dune at the
Spacing Guild half-price rate (including cross-shipping Fremen forces from
• Normally from your off-planet reserves to any one sector of any one
reserve). Your allies win with you if you win with the Spacing Guild Special
Victory Condition.
• Cross-shipping any number of your forces from any one territory to
any one sector of any other territory on the board, subject to storm SPECIAL KARAMA POWER
and occupancy rules
G – You may use a Karama Card during the Shipment and Movement Phase to
• Returning any number of your forces from any one territory back to stop one off-planet shipment of any one player.
your reserves.
C – HALF PRICE: You pay only half the normal fee (rounded up) when shipping
your forces; you pay 1 spice for every 2 of your forces shipped back to
D – SHIP AND MOVE WHEN YOU WISH: You may take your Force Shipment and
Force Movement out of turn. This allows you to go first, last, or in between
other players’ turns. The rest of the factions must make their shipments and
movements in the proper sequence. You do not have to reveal when you
intend to make your Force Shipment and Force Movement until the moment
you wish to take them.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.
6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1
Tleilaxu AT START: 20 forces in reserves (off-planet).
Start with 5 spice and 1 random Treachery Card.
You have superior genetic
engineering technology. FREE REVIVAL
2 forces/turn


A – FACE DANCERS: At the start of the game you are not dealt Traitor Cards. B – TLEILAXU REVIVAL: Other factions make revival payments to you instead
After traitors have been selected and unused Traitor Cards returned to the of to the Spice Bank. You make revival payments to the Spice Bank at half
deck, shuffle the Traitor Deck and take the top 3 cards. These are your Face price (rounded up). You may revive any number of your forces and/or
Dancers. leaders during the Revival Phase, even before all 5 of your leaders are in the
When another faction wins a battle using a leader that matches a Face Dancer Tleilaxu Tanks.
you control, you may reveal your Face Dancer and pause the game. When a C – FORCE REVIVAL: You may increase the 3-force revival limit for any other
Face Dancer is revealed:
faction to 5. Also, take 1 spice from the Spice Bank for each faction using
1. The battle still counts as a win for that player (they keep or discard free revival or a Ghola Card (including yourself).
Treachery Cards, place tokens and killed leaders in the Tleilaxu Tanks,
D – LEADER REVIVAL: Each faction with at least 1 leader in their leader pool
collect spice for any leaders killed, and claim a Tech Token if
can request you to revive one of their specific leaders (including Atreides’
Kwisatz Haderach token) in the Tleilaxu Tanks per Revival Phase. You can set
2. The Face Dancer leader is sent to the Tleilaxu Tanks if it was not a price in spice (including 0) and, if met, revive that leader.
already killed, but no spice is collected for it.
E – GHOLAS: When you have fewer than 5 leaders in your leader pool you may
3. The remaining non-advisor forces in the territory go back to their revive other factions’ dead leaders to your leader pool (at half price, up to a
reserves and are replaced with up to the same number of Tleilaxu forces limit of 5 total leaders in your leader pool).
from your reserves and/or from anywhere on the planet.
F – ZOAL: Zoal’s fighting strength matches the printed fighting strength of the
Once revealed you do not replace a Face Dancer (Traitor Card) until you have opponent’s leader (0 against a Cheap Hero) and for collecting spice for his
revealed all 3. When that happens, place all 3 Face Dancers in the Traitor death. Zoal’s revival cost is 3 spice.
Deck, shuffle, and draw 3 new Face Dancers.
During the Mentat Pause Phase, you may discard 1 unrevealed Face Dancer.
G – You may allow your allies to revive their forces and leaders at half price
Shuffle it into the Traitor Deck and draw a new Face Dancer.
(rounded up).


H – You may use a Karama Card during the Revival Phase to prevent any one
player from reviving forces and/or leaders.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1

TREACHERY CARD ERRATA Karama Card text should read (aligned to the CHOAM expansion replacement
Family Atomics card text should read:
After game setup and factions have completed their "At Start" actions, use this
You may play this card during any Storm Phase after the first game turn if you card to stop one use of a faction advantage (including alliance abilities) when
have one or more forces on the Shield Wall or a territory adjacent to the a player attempts to use it. When used on faction advantages during a battle
Shield Wall with no storm between your sector and the Wall (even if your this must be played before Battle Plans are revealed.
sector or the Shield Wall is in storm). Play after the storm movement is
Or, this card may be used to do one of the following when appropriate:
calculated but before the storm is moved. E
• Purchase any player’s Force Shipment at Guild rates (½ normal), paid to
All forces on the Shield Wall are destroyed. the Spice Bank.
Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the Shield Wall as a reminder. The • Bid more spice than you have (without revealing this card) and/or
Imperial Basin, Arrakeen, and Carthag are no longer protected from the Storm purchase a Treachery Card without paying spice for it (cannot be used for
for the rest of the game. The Shield Wall remains a rock territory and may be Richese Auctions or if your hand is full).
entered normally. Remove this card from the game after use.
• Use your faction’s Special Karama Power (limit once per game).
Tleilaxu Ghola card text should read:
Cannot be used to stop a Special Victory Condition or Special Karama Power.
Play at any time to immediately revive 1 of your leaders or up to 5 of your Discard after use.
forces from the Tleilaxu Tanks for free, regardless of how many leaders you
Truthtrance card text should read:
have in the Tleilaxu Tanks.
Play at any time to publicly ask one other player a single yes/no question
These revivals do not count against your normal revivals for the turn.
about the game. They must answer “yes” or “no” publicly and do everything
Hajr card text should read: in their power to abide by their answer during the current turn. If it is
impossible to abide by their answer later in the turn, they are no longer bound
Play during the Shipment and Movement Phase immediately after your Force by their answer. If a player is asked something beyond that player’s ability to
Movement. decide to do they may answer “I don’t know.” If a player can’t answer a
Make an extra on-planet Force Movement subject to normal movement rules. Truthtrance question, the player playing it can ask a different question, or
choose to play Truthtrance at a future point.
The forces you move may be a group you’ve already moved this phase or
another group. The game pauses until an answer is given.

Poison Tooth replacement card text (CHOAM expansion) reads:

Play as part of your Battle Plan. Kills both leaders, and is not stopped by a
Snooper. After seeing the battle results, you may choose not to use this weapon. If
you win the battle and did not use this card, you may keep it. Otherwise, it is

Artillery Strike replacement card text (CHOAM expansion) reads:

Play as part of your Battle Plan. Kills both leaders. Both players may use Shields to
protect their leader against the Artillery Strike. Surviving (shielded) leaders do not Faction Advantage Summary
count towards the battle total; the side that dialed higher wins the battle. No
spice is collected for any leader killed in this battle. Discard after use. E - Advisors cannot be used to play Family Atomics.

GENERAL QUESTIONS places the impetus for movement out of an alliance territory on the first
player to ship and move.
Are players allowed to take notes about matters other than cards? How about
taking notes about public knowledge including cards played and retained in I recognize others may disagree with these rulings and encourage everyone
battles, traitors, etc. to play how they find the game most fun.
Answer: Yes, and those notes can be kept secret. In competitive play, STORM
tournament rules apply and the expectation may be that no written notes of
any kind can be kept other than the Atreides bidding advantage. Are forces in the sector where the storm begins its movement killed by the storm?
What happens if at the end of the last turn, no one has won, and the Spacing Guild Answer: No, only forces in a sector of sand territory (except the Imperial
are not in play? Basin) over which the storm passes or stops are killed.
Answer: The Fremen win. If they are not in play, the player occupying the Should Weather Control be played first and then Family Atomics, or the other way
most strongholds wins. If several qualify, all who qualify win. around, or are both ways allowed?
In the Advanced Game, when reshuffling the Spice Deck, must you reshuffle the Answer: You can play them in either order, but their effects are executed in
entire deck? the order they are played.
Answer: Yes. REVIVAL
In the Advanced Game, do the Fremen get the sandworm advantage bonus if a Are revived leaders still subject to turning traitor?
second sandworm appears in a Spice Phase? Answer: Yes. Once a leader is a traitor, they are always a traitor for the
Answer: Yes, as long as the second sandworm is drawn immediately after the entire game; however, they can now be used safely in battles with any faction
first one. except the one that holds it as a traitor.
Can the Atreides faction use the Kwisatz Haderach token immediately after losing Can players revive leaders if their other leaders have been captured by the
their 7th token? Harkonnens or are Tleilaxu Gholas?
Answer: Yes, you can lose the token in one battle and use the Kwisatz Answer: Yes. All players can begin to revive their leaders if they don’t have
Haderach token in another one that turn. any of their own leaders available to play in battle.
Why did you decide not to adopt the alliance constraint rulings from the rules and MOVEMENT
November 2020 FAQ as written?
When the Fremen ship, must they include the Great Flat when counting the two
Answer: Including Bene Gesserit advisors in the alliance constraint territory range from the Great Flat?
unnecessarily complicates the alliance constraint rules and dramatically
changes the game by effectively locking down any strongholds they have Answer: No. Never include the Great Flat when counting the two-territory
advisors in from their allies (which is more than likely most of the range.
strongholds). It also departs from the consistency of the ruling that “advisors Can a player’s forces, that have moved into different sectors of the same territory
have no effect on the play of the other factions whatsoever” when advisors at different times, move or ship as a single group?
already adhere to the alliance constraint rule intent clarified in the Answer: Yes.
November 2020 FAQ of “allies may never battle one another.” If players
choose to play with the alliance constraint rule as written in the November If a storm is over Arrakeen or Carthag does it affect the three territory
2020 FAQ, I suggest also allowing Bene Gesserit players to send their advisors (ornithopter) move?
to the tanks at any time in order to provide their alliance some measure of Answer: No, except of course, into, out of, or through the storm.
movement flexibility.
With regard to movement of allies, I preferred to adopt a single consistent
rule that addressed all of the alliance constraint scenarios even though it

May the same weapon or defense card be played in more than one battle in the What is the standard rule for discarding Treachery Cards after they are played?
same phase if victorious? Answer: Treachery Cards must be discarded unless the card says they can be
Answer: Yes. returned to your hand. When a card is used in battle, the winning player may
Can a player’s forces that have moved into different sectors of the same territory choose to keep any cards they used, unless the card specifically indicates that
at different times battle as a group? it is discarded (e.g., cheap hero).

Answer: Yes, they must fight as a single group (if the storm permits). Can a Tleilaxu Ghola Card allow a leader to fight in the same phase in which they
were killed?
What happens if Truthtrance, Bene Gesserit Voice and Atreides Prescience or some
combination thereof, are being used in the same battle? Answer: Yes, a leader revived by this card during a Battle Phase can be used
in the same Battle Phase.
Answer: The Bene Gesserit Voice must always be used before the Atreides
Prescience. Truthtrance can be played at any time in this interaction. Please Does Thumper cause a Nexus? If another Sandworm is drawn after the Thumper is
note that a player has the ability to alter components of their Battle Plan that played, can the Fremen cause that worm to appear anywhere in the Advanced
are not affected after being Voiced, Prescienced [sic] or Truthtranced. Game?

Can you still use the leader with the Mentat Skill in a battle if you use the skill to Answer: Yes to both questions.
ask about a weapon? Is Poison Tooth stopped by Chemistry? Is it stopped by any other kind of poison
Answer: Yes. The Mentat skill’s effect takes place before Battle Plans are made, defense?
so you may use the effect and then still take that leader behind your Player Shield Answer: Yes to the first question. No to the second; any poison defense
(to potentially use in battle). defined as a Snooper does not stop Poison Tooth.
What happens if a player’s Prescience answer becomes impossible to meet (e.g., Can Shield Snooper trigger a Lasgun-Shield explosion? Does it keep your leader
due to subsequent play of a Karama card)? safe from Artillery Strike?
Answer: You must provide an updated valid answer to the Prescience Answer: Yes.
question before battle plans are revealed. Is your leader safe from Artillery Strike if you use Weirding Way? Does Weirding
What happens if a player’s revealed Battle Plan isn’t legal (e.g., dials a number Way used as a projectile defense trigger a Lasgun-Shield explosion?
higher than their tokens and/or spice paid allows, contains multiple Leader Discs Answer: No to both questions. Weirding Way can be a projectile defense but
or Treachery Cards of the same type, or doesn’t include a leader when one is does not count as a shield.
available to play)? What are the default types for special weapons with more than one possible
Answer: If a number is dialed in excess of what can be supported, it is categorization?
reduced to the highest supportable number. For excess Leader Discs or Answer: Chemistry counts as a poison defense, Poison Blade counts as both a
Treachery Cards, randomly select which is included from those played and projectile and poison weapon, Poison Tooth counts as a poison weapon, Shield
return the other elements to the player’s supply. If a leader isn’t included in Snooper counts as both a shield and snooper, Weirding Way counts as a
a Battle Plan when it was available to be included, the lowest available projectile weapon. Because of this, Chemistry and Weirding Way’s alternate
Leader Disc from that player is used for the battle. types cannot be forced into play with the Voice but can be prevented by it.

SPICE CARDS What happens if CHOAM uses Trip to Gamont on Richese at a location where they
have a No-Field token?
How does the Sandtrout work?
Answer: The No-Field Token must be revealed, and one Richese force placed
Answer: The Sandtrout is an anti-Nexus. If any alliances existed when you there would return to reserves. If none are there, the card is still considered
draw the Sandtrout, they are canceled. Furthermore, the next time you draw used.
a Shai-Hulud, a new Nexus does not occur. When you immediately draw that
Shai-Hulud’s replacement card, if it is another Shai-Hulud, you then have a If Tleilaxu have Rihani Decipherer and gain a Traitor Card, does it count as a
normal Nexus. But if the replacement card is a Spice Blow, it is doubled. Traitor or a Face Dancer?
Answer: It counts as a Face Dancer, but it can only replace an unrevealed
Face Dancer.
Using Double Spice Blow Advanced rules, does Atreides get to look at two cards?
Answer: No, only one. Optional Rules for Alliances
What does Atreides get to see when using Prescience to see a weapon if the Alliance Restriction Possible Side Effect Comment
opponent is using Weirding Way and a weapon? Or if Atreides asks to see a defense
if the opponent played Chemistry with a Snooper? Default Game Alliance A longer game Players look for synergy with
Answer: Weirding Way only counts as a weapon if no other weapon is played 2 Player Alliance limit one other player and try to
with it, so Atreides gets to see the other weapon. In the case of Atreides 4 Strongholds to win win together but must try to
asking to see the defense when you play Weirding Way with a weapon, the hold on to the strongholds
Weirding Way counts as a projectile defense, and that’s what Atreides would they have.
see. Similarly, Chemistry does not count as a defense when played with
2 Player Alliance limit A shorter game Players look for synergy with
another defense, so the other defense is the one revealed.
3 Strongholds to win one other player and try to
Can the Bene Gesserit ship a spiritual advisor when Ixians ship directly to the win together by holding or
Hidden Mobile Stronghold? capturing 3 strongholds.
Answer: Yes. 3 Player Alliance limit A longer short game May devolve into 3 strongest
If Tleilaxu use the Harkonnen Secret Alliance effect, does the Traitor Card they 4 Strongholds to win against 3 weakest, etc. but
keep now count as a Face Dancer or a Traitor? supposedly weaker players
may be able to reverse the
Answer: Face Dancer. stronger players’ fortunes and
tip the balance.
Can an Atreides leader accompanied by the Kwisatz Haderach token be a Face
Dancer? 3 Player Alliance limit Probably the shortest May devolve into 3 strongest
Answer: Yes. 3 Strongholds to win game against 3 weakest, but
supposedly weaker players
Can Tleilaxu revive other players’ face down leaders as Gholas per their Advanced may pull off a surprise win by
Game ability? winning key battles.
Answer: Yes. If they die again, they are placed face down in the Tanks (and
Any number of Players in A more exotic game The original Dune rules
the Tleilaxu could revive them again if they have fewer than 5 leaders).
Alliances Alliance game; adversity
3 Strongholds to win creates ingenuity.

Original rules
Special Thank You to
Game Design:
Robert Blance, Richard Foster, Reid Pittams, Simon Paton, and the Battlefront
Peter Olotka, Jack Kittredge, Bill Eberle
Studio Team.
Development & Quick Start Guide:
Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson and the Herbert properties team.
Greg Olotka
Elie Dekel, Lisa Lilly, Eric Morreel and the Legendary team.
Special Thank You to
Games Design © Gale Force Nine 2019. Gale Force Nine is a Battlefront Group
Ian Allen at Seventh Son Games for Rules Consulting Company
Play Testing DUNE © 2019 Legendary. All Rights Reserved.
Thanks to the North Shore Gamers: Greg Schmidt, Joe Don Richardson, Rowan
Miller, David Kuznick, Bob King, John Grubb and Alex Bowers
Avalon Hill Credit Development:
Mark Uhl and Richard Hamblen.
Avalon Hill Playtest:
Don Greenwood, Bruce Milligan, George Uhl, Robert Uhl, Seth Carus, Paul O’Neil,
Jim Skinner, Future Pastimes and the people at Johns Hopkins U., Carmen, Brandy
and Doug
Ilya Baranovsky
Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti
Graphic Design:
Casey Davies, Victor Pesch
Logo Design:
Vicki Tunkel
Genuine Entertainment Producer:
Joe LeFavi

Sequence of Play
DUNE is played over the course of up to 10 turns, each comprised of nine specific
phases. Each turn must be completed in the exact sequence presented below.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment and Movement Phase

The Storm Marker moves. The faction whose Player Marker the storm next A,B,C,D,F G
approaches will be the First Player for this turn.
Starting with the First Player and proceeding counterclockwise, each player in
2. Spice Blow and Nexus Phase turn ships forces to the planet and then moves their forces on the game
C,D,J K B board.
Turn over the top card of the Spice Deck and place the amount of spice 7. Battle Phase
shown on the card in the indicated sector of the highlighted territory. If
Shai-Hulud appears a Nexus occurs, and players have the opportunity to E,H,I C,D,E F E,F,G B G B G,H C,D E
make and break Alliances. D,E F B A
Players must resolve battles in every territory that is occupied by forces from
3. CHOAM Charity Phase two or more factions.
Players with 0 or 1 spice may claim CHOAM Charity. 8. Spice Collection Phase
4. Bidding Phase
Forces in the sector of a territory containing spice may collect that spice.
Players bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. 9. Mentat Pause Phase
5. Revival Phase A,E D I,J A E,F A
D C,E A,C B,C D H,J E B,C,D,E,F,G H Check to see if any player or Alliance has won the game. If there are no
winners, move the Game Turn Counter to the next position on the Turn Track
All players are allowed to reclaim forces and leaders from the Tleilaxu to begin the next turn.
At Any Time / End Of Any Phase Advantages
Advantages that can be executed “at any time” must be used either before or after
Battle Plans are revealed or any player’s action.
H - Discard Treachery Cards from your hand to gain 3 spice per card.
B - May reveal a No-Field Token at any time before the Battle Phase.
D - Give your ally a Richese Treachery Card from your hand.
E - Pay 3 spice to buy 1 of your Richese Treachery Cards secretly.
Some abilities can be executed at the end of any phase.
B - Discard duplicate Treachery Cards for 3 spice each.
B - Discard Worthless Cards for 2 spice each or special effect.
G - Once per turn trade a Treachery Card with your ally.

5,5,4,2,1 5,5,5,5,5 4,4,3,3,2,2 4,4,3,3,2(6) 6,5,3,3,2 7,6,5,3,2 Ability can be cancelled by Karama.

6,4,3,2,1 5,5,4,2,1 5, 5,4,4,2,1(6) 5,4,3,2,2 5,3,3,2,1 X,4,3,2,1


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