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1. Describe the group experience ............................................................................................ 1

1.1. Open house: Touching behavior of the Vietnamese and the Australian ......................... 1

1.2. Final project: A study on refusing an invitation in English and Vietnamese .................. 1

1.3. Gaining experiences and skills ........................................................................................ 1

2. Detailed assessment of individual contributions to group products ............................... 2

3. Reflection .............................................................................................................................. 5

3.1. Strengths .......................................................................................................................... 5

3.2. Weaknesses ..................................................................................................................... 6

3.3. Proposing some solutions ................................................................................................ 6

1. Describe the group experience

1.1. Open house: Touching behavior of the Vietnamese and the Australian

This open house aims to investigate haptics in communication between Vietnamese

and Australian people. It also raises awareness of cultural differences in intercultural

The data collection tools used in this open house included observations and
document searches. Then contrastive analysis was carried out to clarify both similarities
and differences in haptics between the two cultures: Vietnamese and Australian.

1.2. Final project: Comparative rejecting invitation in English and Vietnamese

England and Vietnam are two countries with different cultures so their social and
linguistic norms are different as well. Our final report is an attempt to provide a cross-
culture comparison of ways English and Vietnamese deal with a tactful-required kind
of speech act: refusing an invitation.

We chose the subject "Comparative rejecting invitation in English and Vietnamese”

to create the tactfulness and flexibility in language use for both Vietnamese learners of
English and English-speaking learners of Vietnam with the idea reflected in a
Vietnamese proverb: "You don't have to buy words, so don't let them hurt the feelings
of others."

1.3. Gaining experiences and skills

During the process of making Open House and Final report, we have gained many
valuable experiences and learned many skills.

- Skills:

+ How to work in groups most effectively (Group activities always require each
member to have a sense of contribution and listening)

+ We also learned how to communicate better in the process of contributing

opinions among the members and through the presentation

+ Learned some tips for smarter, more efficient Internet searching while looking
for references to Open house and Final report

+ How to make impressive PowerPoint and review questions on quizizz, as well

as many other technology skills

- Experiences:

+ The topic for our Open house and Final report has brought us a lot of useful
experiences. Through this, we learned how to communicate more delicately and
effectively in our lives.

+ Open house and the final report have also helped us to raise awareness of
cultural differences when interacting across cultures. Understanding your own culture
as well as the others is very important for everybody to find it easier to communicate
effectively and know the reason why people act in different ways and avoid unnecessary

2. Detailed assessment of individual contributions to group products

Each product of the course is a crystallization of the efforts and solidarity of the
members of group 4. In the process of making those products, each member of the group
has made certain contributions are detailed in the table below:



Set Word Game Open House Final project

Full name

● Create ideas ● Find topics ● Find topics

1 Vũ Bạch Dương ● Create ● Making content ● Making
question content

● Making ● Making
PowerPoint PowerPoint
● Present

● Create ideas ● Find topics ● Find topics

● Create ● Making content ● Making
Nguyễn Thị Uyển questions content
Nhi ● PowerPoint ● Making
● Present

● Present ● MC ● Making
3 Đặng Kiều Anh
● Edit script
● Present

● Create ● Making content ● Making

4 Nguyễn Thị Ly questions content

● Present

● Create ● Making content ● Making

questions content
5 Tạ Thị Thu Trang
● Edit script

● Present

Vũ Hoàng Hương ● Write the script ● PowerPoint ● Making

6 content

● Write the

● Present

Next is a detailed evaluation of the team members' work performance:


Vũ Hoàng
Vũ Bạch Nguyễn Thị Đặng Nguyễn Tạ Thị Thu
Dương Uyển Nhi Kiều Anh Thị Ly Trang

Complete the
5 5 5 5 4.5 4
deadline on time

Attend meetings
5 5 5 5 5 4
regularly, on time

Proactive, have good

5 5 5 5 4 4
ideas, be creative

Complete assigned
tasks in a thoughtful 5 5 5 5 4 4.5
and quality manner

Have a cooperative
attitude, coordinate 4.5 4.5 5 5 5 5
with team members

Actively promote the
work and progress of 5 5 5 5 4 4
the whole team

Point ladder:

0: Do not participate

1: Very little participation

2: Participating less

3: Relatively positive

4: Positive

5: Very active

3. Reflection

After completing the course "Intercultural Communication and Conflict

Management", each member of group 4 has comments on the strengths and weaknesses
of the subject as follows:

3.1. Strengths

All members of group 4 have agreed that the subject has the following strengths:

- The lecturer is very friendly, enthusiastic and dynamic.

- Interesting and attractive teaching method.

- The subject helps students have a deeper, more objective view of the differences
and similarities between cultures.

- Providing practical, useful and highly applicable knowledge in daily

communication and with other cultures.

- The activities are suitable for students to express and exploit creative abilities
and forge soft skills.

3.2. Weaknesses

Besides the strengths, the subject also has weaknesses, which need to be overcome
in order to achieve optimal performance. After a period of discussion, group four also
agreed on some weaknesses of the subject as follows:

- The content of the course has not really gone into the practical part, but only
stopped at the theory

- The interaction in the classroom is not really effective due to online learning

3.3. Proposing some solutions

Through the strengths and weaknesses that each member of group 4 has recognized
above, we would like to propose some solutions to overcome the weaknesses that still
exist in the subject:

- Including more hands-on activities in the course if possible.

- In order to have a clearer, more profound and realistic view of the subject's topics
and contents, it is possible to invite some foreign guests to attend a few classes to share
the cultural reality of their country.

- Expanding the subject content to make the course more in-depth, in addition to
theory, practical activities can be added and exchanged with a few guests.

- The game items organized should be a point contributing to the final score of the
subject so that students have a sense of participating fully and actively.

All of the above is the entire personal assessment of each member of group 4 on the
subject of Intercultural Communication and Conflict Management. Finally, we would
like to thank Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh who enthusiastically guided us to have great
experiences in the subject. Hopefully, the course can continue to promote its strengths
and overcome its weaknesses.

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