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I. Pilihan Ganda
Read the conversation below and then answer the questions!
Andy : Alex, do you like sport?
Alex : Yes, I do. I like football.
Andy : When do you play football?
Alex : I play football on Wednesday and Saturday. What about you? When do you play
Andy : I don’t like playing football. I like swimming. I go swimming on Thursday and Sunday.
Alex : Do you play music?
Andy : Yes, I do. I play the piano on Saturday. What about you?
Alex : I play the violin on Monday.

1. When does Alex play football? C. He plays the guitar.

A. On Monday and Sunday D. Asking mom to cook
B. On Wednesday and Saturday 4. When does Andy play the piano?
C. On Thursday and Sunday A. On Monday
D. On Wednesday and Sunday B. On Saturday
2. What does Andy do on Thursday? C. On Friday
A. He plays football. D. On Sunday
B. He plays the piano 5. Does Andy like playing football?
C. He goes swimming A. Yes, he does.
D. He plays the guitar. B. No, he doesn’t.
3. What does Alex do on Monday? C. Yes, he do.
A. He plays the piano. D. No, he does
B. He plays the violin.

II. True and False

State true of false based on the chart below! ( Tentukan benar atau salah berdasarkan
tabel di bawah ini!)
Alan’s Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6. Alan plays football on Tuesdays. T/F

7. Alan rides a horse on Mondays . T/F
8. Alan plays the piano on Wednesdays. T/F
9. Alan has picnic with his family on Saturdays. T/F
10. Alan swims on Thursdays . T/F
III. Menjodohkan
Match the pictures and the sentences!

1 2 3 4 5
11. We go on a trip on holiday. ______
12. I do my homework in the afternoon ______
13. Mom goes shopping every weekend ______
14. Dad goes to work every weekdays. ______
15. We sometimes go sailing. ______

IV. Pilihan ganda kompleks

Read the conversation below and then choose 2 correct answers for each questions! (Bacalah
percakapan di bawah ini, kemudian pilihlah 2 jawaban yang benar dari masing-masing soal)

Waiter: Can I help you?

Mom : Yes, I want to order a bowl of meatball and a glass of avocado juice.
Dad : I’d like a plate of fried rice and a cup of tea. What about you, Hanna?
Hanna : Hmmm. I’d like a cheese sandwich, fruit salad, and a bowl of chicken soup.
Oh..and a glass of orange juice.
Mom : What? Hanna. Are you serious? That’s a lot!
Hanna : Yes, mommy. I’m so hungry.

16. Hanna’s mom orders ... D. soup

A. pasta 19. Hanna doesn’t order ...
B. meatball A. cheese sandwich
C. fried rice B. chicken soup
D. avocado juice C. coffee
17. Hanna orders ... D. tea
A. meatball 20. Choose 2 correct sentences! (Pilih 2
B. fruit salad kalimat yang benar!)
C. orange juice A. Hanna orders a lot of food.
D. a cup of tea B. Hanna’s mom orders cheese
18. Hanna’s dad orders ... sandwich.
A. fried rice C. Hanna orders a glass of orange
B. pasta juice.
C. tea D. Hanna’s dad orders pasta.

V. Isian
Fill in the blanks!

NO English Numbers
21. Eighty nine ..........
22. ..................... 150
23. ..................... 215
24. Two thousand five hundred ..........
25. .................... 520

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