Mapre 12 Final Term Topics For Discussion

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MAPRE 12 FINAL TERM TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION helps in clearly understanding the situation.

helps in clearly understanding the situation. At the same time, the presentation of
accurate information in the report should not be a costly proposition and should never
A. Important Managerial Skills: result in a delay in the presentation of the report.
 Technical Skills
 Human Skills 3. Proper Timing:
 Conceptual Skills The reason a report exists is to control unfavorable activities. A report should be submitted
at the required time at any cost. If this does not happen, there is no use in preparing the
D. Types Of Managers and definitions of each report. In addition, the time and effort used for preparing the report are also a waste. The
E. Functions Of Management And Individual Managerial Roles timing of routine reporting should be strictly adhered to. The absence of information at
F. Two approaches to Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling the required time contributes to making wrong decisions.
G. Essential Good Reporting System
H. Classification of Management Reporting 4. Relevant Information:
I. Budgeting, Components, Benefits and Purposes Only relevant information should be included in the report. The inclusion of irrelevant
information is both confusing and a waste not to mention the increase in the time taken
 Based on everything we discussed regarding management reporting, what are to prepare the report.
two major benefits that one will receive from having a good reporting system?
 Cite some basic principles that are followed to make a reporting system more 5. Basis of Comparison:
effective. The information provided by reports will be helpful when it includes a provision to
compare with past figures, standards, or objectives. The trend of a variation can only be
Proper planning and control are two major benefits you will receive from having a good found in a comparison. The requirement of corrective action is highlighted through the
reporting system. If reporting is available to your management at the proper time, current review of comparative information.
activities can be properly monitored and controlled and necessary corrective actions may
also be taken in time. Basic principles are followed to make a reporting system more 6. Reports should be Clear and Simple:
effective. Such principles are outlined below. The purpose of preparing a report is to help the management in planning, coordinating,
and controlling. The report should be presented in straightforward terms that can be
1. Information Flow: clearly understood. The report should be presented in a manner that makes it is easy for
Information should flow freely from the proper place to the correct end user of the report. the readers to focus on unfavorable issues and arrive at a conclusion. The information in
It should be presented in a timely format to assist planning and coordination. The flow of a report should be brief, complete, clear, and simple.
the report should not be interrupted because the flow of information is constant. The flow
of information may be in many directions within an organization as orders, instructions, 7. Cost: Management should expect to incur expenses for the preparation of the report.
plans, etc. move in this manner. Such expenses should be in proportion to the benefits derived from the report. Ideally,
more benefits should be available than the expenses incurred.
2. Accurate Information: Reports should contain only accurate information. If bad data is
included in the report, it may lead to making bad decisions. Only accurate information
8. Visual Reporting: A good reporting system will have visual reporting. Research shows A leader will likely have a purpose, and a set of goals to achieve in order to fulfill that
that visual reporting with the aid of graphs, charts, and diagrams in comparison to purpose. They may find themselves coming up with innovative ways these goals could be
descriptive reporting attracts the eye more quickly and leaves a lasting impression on the achieved, and they’re able to communicate this to others.
mind of the users.
That’s where a manager might typically come in. They will look at this vision and the
9. Principle of Consistency: goals a leader has set out to achieve it, and they will translate this into action.
Consistency is adhered to in a good reporting system. Formats should not frequently be Whether it’s breaking things down into steps and delegating the work accordingly
changed and any changes should be justified. between team members, or strategizing and executing the essential work themselves.
Whatever way you look at it, both leaders and managers play an essential role in
10. Proper Scheduling : achieving outcomes.
Scheduling should be established to minimize the burden placed on staff. Employees must
be given sufficient time to do the work properly, but the lag time between the collection 2. Leaders build networks, managers find ways to sustain them.
of data and the finished report should not be great As a leader, making connections with others both within and outside of their industry
is incredibly important. Listening to different perspectives and insights will not only
What are Management Skills? open their minds to new possibilities, but with the right assets, it can also help them
Management skills can be defined as certain attributes or abilities that an executive should to reach their goals faster. Because of this, a leader will dedicate time to meeting new
possess to fulfill specific tasks in an organization. They include the capacity to perform people and networking efficiently.
executive duties in an organization while avoiding crises and promptly solving problems
when they occur. In the meantime, managers will spend time working on the business that they work
within. Their role might include managing structures and processes, and ensuring its
Management skills can be developed through learning and practical experience as a smooth running. This role is just as important because the networks a leader works
manager. The skills help the manager to relate with their co-workers and know how to hard to establish will respect the well-oiled machine their managers and team
deal well with their subordinates, which allows for the easy flow of activities in the members are operating in the background.
3. Leaders are risk takers, managers decrease risk.
Good management skills are vital for any organization to succeed and achieve its goals As previously mentioned, leaders will bring visions to the table, while managers do
and objectives. A manager who fosters good management skills can propel the company’s the groundwork to bring these visions to life. Similarly, when it comes to big visions
mission and vision or business goals forward with fewer hurdles and objections from (like, reach-for-the-stars big) leaders might be inclined to take a bit of a risk to see
internal and external sources. their goal through. This is all well and good when it’s well-calculated and pays off, but
the paying-off part is more layered than you might think. That’s because, behind the
Management and leadership skills are often used interchangeably as they both involve scenes, a manager will be working hard to ensure that despite the risk, the business
planning, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, delegation, and time is well positioned to not only survive it but thrive beyond it, too.
management. Good managers are almost always good leaders as well. Similarly, managers might also foresee any future issues or risks that may arise within a
1. Leaders are the visualizers, managers are the doers. set of objectives the business is setting out to achieve. You’ll often find them pre-empting
these risks by taking steps to mitigate them, such as putting a case together to attain a needed to boost sales, design different types of products and services, and market the
new hire to help with workloads, or suggesting a team restructure when it is required. services and the products.

4. Leaders bring organizations together, managers bring teams together. What are the best technical skills?
At an organization, most people would look to a founder or CEO as its overarching
leader. They are responsible for the workflow of the organization as a whole, and for Technical skills are highly sought after by most forms of business. Some of the most
any big milestone or achievement it reaches, a leader will be credited in part for favorable technical skills that an individual may have include administrative and office
creating the environment in which this could happen. skills, technical writing skills, computer literacy or programming skills, communication and
team management skills, and analysis skills.
A manager also plays a huge part in this. While they might not be accountable for the The definition of technical skills, sometimes also called hard skills, refers to the knowledge
entire organization, they are accountable for a team within the organization. This team and capabilities an individual possesses that allow them to perform specialized tasks in a
forms part of the tool kit that ensures the running of the business – without them, screws specific field. These skills make it possible to identify problems, accomplish complex
might come loose and the whole thing could come toppling down. If a manager effectively actions, and complete specific tasks and processes related to a field that other individuals
leads their team while aligning with other parts of the organization, they are ultimately are not as specialized in. Individuals who possess technical skills are often referred to as
achieving organizational milestones just as a leader would. technicians. Specific technical skills typically relate to the fields of mathematics, science,
information technology, and mechanics.
With all of these points in mind, it’s clear that while in some instances, the day-to-day role
of a leader compared to the role of a manager looks quite different, the two are just as Technical skills differ from soft skills or skills that can be acquired and strengthened over
important as each other. By co-existing harmoniously, and appreciating the impact of both time. Technical skills are typically taught over a shorter period and require dedication to
positions, an organization can do great things. master. Some of the main characteristics of technical skills include:

In addition to leading, a critical role of a manager is to also ensure that all parts of the They require education, training, and a lot of practice to perfect.
organization are functioning cohesively. Without such integration, several issues can arise They involve carrying out detailed steps to complete a process.
and failure is bound to happen. Management skills are crucial for various positions and at They can change depending on the specific role, industry, or regulations.
different levels of a company, from top leadership to intermediate supervisors to first-level They are highly specialized, meaning a narrow and rare skillset is built.
managers. They are practical skills that require great attention to detail.

Types of Management Skills Examples of Technical Skills

According to American social and organizational psychologist Robert Katz, the three basic Technical skills may be applied to many different fields and a wide range of industries,
types of management skills include: including fast food service, information technology, and data analysis. Specifics for each
1. Technical Skills technical skill may change slightly based on specific roles within differing organizations,
Technical skills involve skills that give managers the ability and the knowledge to use a but the general specialized knowledge of a topic still relates to acquiring and upkeeping a
variety of techniques to achieve their objectives. These skills not only involve operating highly technical skill that few others possess. Some of the most common technical skills
machines and software, production tools, and pieces of equipment but also the skills that are sought by managers for their teams include:
Someone without conceptual skills will tend to just dive straight into a project or task,
A knowledge of programming skills, such as SQL, HTML, Java, or C++ whereas someone with conceptual skills will take time to analyze all aspects that might
A knowledge of bookkeeping, billing, and telecommunications affect the project or task. They see the big picture and the risks.
The ability to market and maintain data
The ability to work with media, such as to edit or create content TASKS TO PERFORM:
Project planning, budgeting, and risk management skills
An understanding of security, both physical and cyber Assess your conceptual skills. Are you with or without?
2. Conceptual Skills How do you think this skill can be developed or improved? Cite ways.
These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for Give examples of conceptual skills.
abstract thinking and formulating ideas. The manager can see an entire concept, analyze
and diagnose a problem, and find creative solutions. This helps the manager to effectively Key takeaways
predict hurdles their department or the business as a whole may face. As a job seeker, you might not be asked directly about conceptual skills, but these are
important to include on your CV, particularly if you are applying for a management role.
What are conceptual skills? Conceptual management skills are related to an ability to see the bigger picture for the
The definition of conceptual skills is the capacity to see the big picture in an organization. benefit of the organization.
For example, instead of jumping headfirst to a project, you can understand why you are Someone with conceptual skills is an asset to an organization as they are not just looking
doing the project. How does it relate to the organization as a whole and how does it affect at projects with tunnel vision and can constantly ensure they are meeting the goals of the
the external environment? In very basic terms, someone with conceptual skills can team and the entire organization.
understand why something is being done. Conceptual management skills are vital additions to your resume - particularly if you are
applying to a management role, of course. However, they are useful for any role.
These skills are most relevant to management roles, as you are focused on achieving the
wider goals of the organization. However, they can be useful in any other role too. It might 3. Human or Interpersonal Skills
not be obvious that you are being asked about your conceptual skills in an application or Human or interpersonal skills are the skills that present the managers’ ability to interact,
interview, it may be a question like this: work or relate effectively with people. These skills enable the managers to make use of
human potential in the company and motivate the employees for better results.
A person with conceptual skills would be able to look at this situation and devise a plan to
ensure there is minimum impact on the business. For instance, lowering prices, improving These involve the ability to communicate and build relationships with others. Often called
the brand, offering extras that a Starbucks wouldn’t be able to due to their branding, such people skills, they tend to incorporate both your innate personality traits and how you’ve
as an in-store bookstore, and perhaps even partnering up in some way with the brand. learned to handle certain social situations. Effective interpersonal skills can help you
Without conceptual skills, you can only see the day-to-day and not the bigger picture. during the job interview process and can have a positive impact on your career
What is the main difference between someone with conceptual skills, and someone
without these skills? Some examples of interpersonal skills include: Active listening-Teamwork-Responsibility-
In a work environment, strong interpersonal skills are an asset that can help you navigate Communication involves the flow of information within the organization, whether formal
complexity, change, and day-to-day tasks. or informal, verbal or written, vertical or horizontal, and it facilitates the smooth
functioning of the organization. Established communication channels in an organization
Unlike technical or “hard” skills, interpersonal skills are “soft” skills that are easily allow the manager to collaborate with the team, prevent conflicts, and resolve issues as
transferable across industries and positions. Employers value interpersonal skills because they arise. A manager with good communication skills can relate well with the employees
they contribute to positive work environments and help maintain an efficient workflow. and, thus, be able to achieve the company’s set goals and objectives easily.

TASK TO COMPLETE: 3. Decision-making

WHAT INTERPERSONAL SKILLS ARE YOU BEST AT? Another vital management skill is decision-making. Managers make numerous decisions,
WHAT HUMAN KILLS DO YOU THINK ARE MOST VALUABLE TO EMPLOYERS? whether knowingly or not, and making decisions is a key component in a manager’s
success. Making proper decisions results in the success of the organization, while poor or
Examples of Management Skills bad decisions may lead to failure or poor performance.
There is a wide range of skills that management should possess to run an organization
effectively and efficiently. The following are six essential management skills that any For the organization to run effectively and smoothly, clear and right decisions should be
manager ought to possess for them to perform their duties: made. A manager must be accountable for every decision that they make and also be
willing to take responsibility for the results of their decisions. A good manager needs to
1. Planning possess great decision-making skills, as it often dictates his/her success in achieving
Planning is a vital aspect within an organization. It refers to one’s ability to organize organizational objectives.
activities in line with set guidelines while still remaining within the limits of the available
resources such as time, money, and labor. It is also the process of formulating a set of 4. Delegation
actions or one or more strategies to pursue and achieve certain goals or objectives with Delegation is another key management skill. Delegation is the act of passing on work-
the available resources. related tasks and/or authority to other employees or subordinates. It involves the process
of allowing your tasks or those of your employees to be reassigned or reallocated to other
The planning process includes identifying and setting achievable goals, developing employees depending on current workloads. A manager with good delegation skills can
necessary strategies, and outlining the tasks and schedules on how to achieve the set effectively and efficiently reassign tasks and give authority to the right employees. When
goals. Without a good plan, little can be achieved. delegation is carried out effectively, it helps facilitate efficient task completion.

2. Communication Delegation helps the manager to avoid wastage of time, optimizes productivity, and
Possessing great communication skills is crucial for a manager. It can determine how well ensures responsibility and accountability on the part of employees. Every manager must
information is shared throughout a team, ensuring that the group acts as a unified have good delegation abilities to achieve optimal results and accomplish the required
workforce. How well a manager communicates with the rest of his/her team also productivity results.
determines how well-outlined procedures can be followed, how well the tasks and
activities can be completed, and thus, how successful an organization will be. 5. Problem-solving ; Problem-solving is another essential skill. A good manager must
have the ability to tackle and solve the frequent problems that can arise in a typical
workday. Problem-solving in management involves identifying a certain problem or Studying a new topic for the sake of learning about a new topic
situation and then finding the best way to handle the problem and get the best solution. Studying to brush up on a topic to earn a certification
It is the ability to sort things out even when the prevailing conditions are not right. When Coming to work every day out of enthusiasm for the job
it is clear that a manager has great problem-solving skills, it differentiates him/her from Coming to work every day to avoid late penalties or getting fired
the rest of the team and gives subordinates confidence in his/her managerial skills. Talking to co-workers to develop friendships and deepen professional connections
Talking to co-workers to get help on a project
6. Motivating Taking on more leadership responsibilities as a way to grow professionally and personally
The ability to motivate is another important skill in an organization. Motivation helps bring Taking on more leadership responsibilities to showcase abilities to earn a raise
forth a desired behavior or response from the employees or certain stakeholders. There
are numerous motivation tactics that managers can use, and choosing the right ones can Best Cases for Extrinsic Motivation
depend on characteristics such as company and team culture, team personalities, and Intrinsic motivation isn’t possible in every situation due to human nature. No two
more. There are two primary types of motivation that a manager can use. These are employees are precisely alike in what motivates them and what brings them satisfaction
intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. in the workplace. Not all intrinsically motivated individuals will apply those skills in their
workplace, either.
Key Facts
Intrinsic motivation comes from an internal desire to accomplish a goal, while extrinsic While it’s true that employees do benefit from a bit of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic
motivation comes from external rewards and praise. motivation comes in to offer something extra. These incentives — whether it’s a special
perk, a bonus or something similar — can push your team forward. Offering the chance of
Neither type of motivation is better than the other. Their effectiveness depends on each rewards or praise can get them to complete tasks they weren’t initially interested in or
employee and how employers prioritize each type of motivation in the workplace. level the playing field for all employees to participate and move your department or
company towards the same goal.
Using extrinsic rewards can build intrinsic motivation, but overusing those rewards can
make intrinsic motivation disappear. Best Cases for Intrinsic Motivation It’s possible to influence intrinsic motivation, though it’s not as straightforward as offering
an extra day off for the highest performer on the team. Personal preference means that
For example, in the workplace, an employee who learns new skills for personal some people will never grow interested in a topic or want to pursue continuing education,
development is intrinsically motivated, but someone who learns new skills to earn a no matter how much it can benefit them in the workplace.
promotion is extrinsically motivated.
But that’s not always the case. Some extrinsic motivations, such as recognition for a job
Defining, sharing and living values: Your corporate culture forms the basis for cultivating well done or delivering positive feedback, can be utilized as tools to inspire intrinsic
your employees’ engagement and motivation. motivation. This also has a positive effect on employee motivation.
Rewards used to inspire extrinsic motivation can encourage intrinsic enjoyment of the task
Intrinsic Motivations or Extrinsic Motivation over time. However, too many extrinsic rewards can have the opposite effect, leading
employees to rely on them to stay motivated.
Bottom Line 3. Results-based managers
Management skills are a collection of abilities that include things such as business Results-based managers primarily concentrate on whether employees meet their goals.
planning, decision-making, problem-solving, communication, delegation, and time They are more concerned that employees do their work rather than how they do it. This
management. While different roles and organizations require the use of various skill sets, gives employees some power to make decisions and come up with their own methods for
management skills help a professional stand out and excel no matter what their level. In success.
top management, these skills are essential to run an organization well and achieve desired
business objectives. Common qualities of a results-based manager include: Being lenient in terms of protocol
Adapting to how their employees work most effectively
10 types of managers Focusing only on work being completed, not how it gets accomplished
A team's productivity often relies on how well their manager leads them in undertaking
responsibilities. Here are 10 types of managers you could encounter and what their 4. Strategic managers
management styles might look like: Strategic managers build their management style around the end goal they want to reach.
They delegate authority to lower-level supervisors so they can focus on developing the
1. Coaching managers ultimate long-term strategy for success.
Coaching managers enjoy taking on a teacher-like role and typically have a good
understanding of the different stages of professional development. They love to push their Common qualities of a strategic manager include:
employees to improve by building strong personal relationships. Delegating responsibility but not otherwise heavily involved in day-to-day tasks
Common qualities of a coaching manager include: Focusing on the overall view of their projects rather than minor details
Educating every employee Working independently to create plans for their employees to undertake on their own
Considering the long-term professional development of their employees
Bringing the team together while also catering to each individual's progress 5. Proactive managers
Proactive managers are always ready to offer help and advice and remain positive even in
2. Authoritative managers times of crisis. They typically focus on what actions they can take to overcome or solve
Authoritative managers take most of the decision-making and task delegation into their any challenges that might arise and try to meet those challenges with a hands-on
own hands while maintaining a strict protocol around their office. They often focus on approach.
adhering to rules and making sure that employees complete tasks to the company's
standard of quality. Common qualities of a proactive manager include:
Being enthusiastic about meeting goals through collaboration
Common qualities of an authoritative manager include: Having confidence in the abilities of their employees
Prioritizing rules and operation standards Being supportive of employees and poised to help
Demanding the best from their employees and holding employees accountable
Using disciplinary action when necessary 6. Laissez-faire managers; Laissez-faire managers ensure that they meet their goals, but
they typically do not offer much help or supervision during work operations. They place
most of the day-to-day and long-term responsibilities on their employees. You might work Common qualities of a transformational manager include:
well under a laissez-faire manager if you prefer to work autonomously. Being innovative in terms of approaches to new tasks and methods of operation
Motivating and challenging employees to adapt to changes
Common qualities of a laissez-faire manager include: Being heavily involved in work processes and highly supportive of employees
Remaining hands-off with daily performance
Delegating responsibility and stepping back 10. Charismatic managers
Giving employees autonomy to make decisions and complete tasks on their own Charismatic managers prioritize building strong personal relationships with their
employees and try to cater to their employees' needs whenever they can.
7. Democratic managers
Democratic managers listen to employee input and welcome employees to be a part of Common qualities of a charismatic manager include:
the decision-making process. They try to make every member of a team crucial to a Being friendly and charming when collaborating with employees and supervisors
project's completion. An office led by a democratic manager might feel teamwork- Being kind to employees rather than authoritative
focused. Providing constant support and help when necessary

Common qualities of a democratic manager include:

Being open to suggestions and criticism
Being understanding of employees' points of view
Emphasizing collaboration among employees and the team as a whole

8. Visionary managers
Visionary managers rely on strategy to make a plan for their team, and they ultimately
allow their employees to work autonomously. However, they do check in with employees
regularly to ensure productivity is in line with their vision.

Common qualities of a visionary manager include:

Staying fair but being serious about achieving desired results
Offering large quantities of feedback
Trusting employees as long as they adhere to the established strategy

9. Transformational managers
Transformational managers are enthusiastic about growth and adapting to changes in
their industry. They motivate employees to go beyond their comfort zones and constantly

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