Sasqia Muthia NIM 305 MID Bahasa Inggris 4 Nov 2021

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Nama : Sasqia Muthia Kanzah

No. Stambuk :B1C121305

1. Buatlah masing-masing 2 pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata :

a. Who is that, people in front your home?
That’s my uncle he’s waiting for me to tke her pet
b. Where is your parking the car?
Behind my house
c. When you will come to grandma house?
I will come this weeek’s vacation
d. What are you doing right now?
I’m repairing some tools
e. Why you so serious about that?
Because it concerns my value
f. How many kids in your home?
I have two kids in my home
g. How much you pay this bill?
h. How you can dancing like that?
I learn that from youtube and then I practice it
i. Whose ruler was left on my table?
Ratna’s ruller
j. Which people will be your husband?
People who have good attitude and have a good smile

kemudian berikan jawabanya.

1. Buat masing 2 kalimat dengan kata-kata di bawah ini:

a. Have have ever you eat the meatball?
b. Wash wash your clothes today
c. Let’s Watch movie together with me
d. I’m gonna Talk to your boyfriend
e. When we will Make the cookie
f. What music are you Listening to
g. Relax in the face of exam
h. Do you have the car?
i. Clear up the mess
j. Lets Cook the fried rice together
k. Go home right now or we will be late
l. Put on your head on my shoulder
m. Read the book together with me

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