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New words Meaning Picture Example
city dweller người sống ở
/ˈsɪti - ˈdwelə(r)/ đô thị, cư dân Many city dwellers are living in
thành thị poor condition.
Nhiều người dân thành thị đang sống
trong điều kiện nghèo nàn.

detect dò tìm, phát

/dɪˈtekt/ (v) hiện ra
Doctors can detect diseases early
thanks to the development of
Bác sĩ có thể phát hiện bệnh sớm nhờ
vào sự phát triển của công nghệ.

infrastructure cơ sở hạ tầng
This area's infrastructure needs to
be upgraded immediately.
Cơ sở hạ tầng của khu vực này cần
được nâng cấp ngay lập tức.

inhabitant cư dân, người

/ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n) cư trú
This city has about 20,000
Thành phố này có khoảng 20 nghìn cư

insoluble không thể giải Water pollution is an insoluble

/ɪnˈsɒljəbl/ (adj) quyết được problem in this countryside.
Ô nhiễm nguồn nước là một vấn đề
không thể giải quyết được ở nông
liveable sống được The city could be more liveable
/ˈlɪvəbl/ (adj) without pollution problems.
Thành phố có thể dễ sống hơn khi
không có các vấn đề về ô nhiễm.

optimistic lạc quan They are very optimistic about the

/ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ outcome of the meeting.
(adj) Họ rất lạc quan về kết quả cuộc họp

overcrowded chật ních, Hanoi is becoming an overcrowded

/ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ đông nghẹt city with a lot of traffic jams.
(adj) Hà Nội đang trở thành một thành phố
quá đông đúc với nhiều ách tắc giao

paradise thiên đường This city is like a paradise for those

/ˈpærədaɪs/ (n) who want to enjoy stunning
Thành phố này như thể thiên đường
đối với những ai muốn thưởng thức
các cảnh quan tuyệt đẹp.

pessimistic bi quan They are pessimistic about the

/ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ change of the plan.
(adj) Họ bi quan về sự thay đổi của kế

quality of life chất lượng Many people decide to move to this

/ˈkwɒləti ɒv laɪf/ cuộc sống city because they want to improve
(n) their quality of life.
Nhiều người quyết định chuyển đến
thành phố này vì họ muốn cải thiện
chất lượng cuộc sống.
renewable có thể tái tạo People should use a lot of renewable
/rɪˈnjuːəbl/ (adj) energy sources such as wind and
solar power in the future.
Trong tương lai, con người nên sử
dụng nhiều nguồn nởng lượng có thể
tái tạo được như năng lượng gió và
mặt trời.
sensor cảm biến
This lamp has a sensor inside, so
/ˈsensə(r)/ (n)
you can adjust its brightness.
Chiếc đèn này có cảm biến bên trong
nên bạn có thể điều chỉnh độ sáng của

sustainable không gây hại This meeting was held with the aim
/səˈsteɪnəbl/ (adj) cho môi of promoting sustainable
trường, có tính
development in all areas.
bền vững
Cuộc họp này được tổ chức với mục
đích thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững tại
tất cả các khu vực.
upgrade nâng cấp
/ˈʌpɡreɪd/ (v) This system is being upgraded.

Hệ thống này đang được nâng cấp.

urban thuộc vể đô
/ˈɜːbən/ (adj) thị
Pollution has reached high levels in
some urban areas.
Ô nhiễm đã đạt mức cao tại một số
khu vực đô thị.

urban planner người / chuyên

gia quy hoạch The urban planners design and
/ˈplænə(r)/ (n)
đô thị
carry out projects which aim to
improve the current situation.
Các chuyên gia quy hoạch đô thị thiết
kế và tiến hành các dự án với mục tiêu
cải thiện tình trạng hiện nay.
1. Type 0: Câu điều kiện diễn tả thói quen hoặc một sự thật hiển nhiên.
a. Habit (Thói quen)
If + simple present tense ..., + simple present tense...
Ex: I usually walk to school if I have enough time.
b. Command (Mệnh Lệnh).
If + simple present tense ..., + command form of verb + ...
Ex: - If you go to the Post Office, mail this letter for me.
- Please call me if you hear anything from Jane.
2. Type 1: FUTURE POSSIBLE (Diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai).
If + S + V (simple present), S + will / shall + V (nguyên thể)
Ex: If I have time, I will go.
3. Type 2: PRESENT UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai)
If + S + V (past subjunctive/ simple past), S + would / could / might + V.
Ex: I don't win a lot of money, so I can't spend most of it travelling round the world.
→ If I won a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world.
4. Type 3: PAST UNREAL (Diễn tả tình huống không có thật ở quá khứ)
If + S + had + Vp2, S + would / could / might + have + Vp2
Ex: I didn't tell her any good news because I wasn't here early.
→ If I had been here earlier, I would have told her some good news.
5. Type 4: Câu điều kiện pha trộn:
Form 1: Type 3 và Type 2
If + S + had + Vp2, S + would / could / might + V.
Ex: He isn't a rich man now because he didn't take my advice.
→ If he had taken my advice, he would be a rich man now.
Form 2: Type 2 và Type 3
If + S + V (past subjunctive simple past), S + would / could / might + have + Vp2
Ex: If I were him, I wouldn't have got married to her.


1. Câu hỏi đuôi là một phần nhỏ được thêm vào sau mỗi lời phát biểu. Chúng ta sử dụng câu hỏi đuôi để
xin phép sự đồng ý hoặc kiểm chứng xem thông tin có đúng không.
Ex: There is no milk in the fridge, isn't there?
2. Quy tắc chung:
- Lời phát biểu khẳng định + câu hỏi đuôi phủ định
- Lời phát biểu phủ định + câu hỏi đuôi khẳng định
Ex: She likes chocolate, doesn't she?
He doesn't go to school on weekends, does he?
3. Phần câu hỏi đuôi phủ định thường được viết rút gọn. Chủ ngữ của câu hỏi đuôi luôn luôn là một đại
1. Phần đuôi của “I am....., aren’t I”.
Ex: I'm going to do it again, aren't I?
2. Imperatives and Requests (Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu):
+ Có phần đuôi là “Won't you?” khi cầu phát biểu diễn tả lời mời
Ex: Take your seat, wont you? (Mời ông ngồi).
+ Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi cầu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định
Ex: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa)
Don't be late, will you ? (Đừng đi trễ nha)
3. Phần đuôi của cậu bắt đầu bằng “Lets ..” là “shall we?”
Ex: Let's go swimming, shall we?
- Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let me, ..... will you”
4. Đại từ bất định:
- Khi chủ ngữ là Đại từ bất định chỉ vật: Nothing, anything, something everything được thay thế bằng “It” ở
câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: Everything will be all right, won't it?
- Khi chủ ngữ là Đại từ bất định chỉ người: No one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody,
everybody, everyone được thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn't they?
Note: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ câu hỏi đuôi sẽ phải ở dạng khẳng
định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định)
Ex: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it?
5. This/ That được thay thế là “It”.
Ex: This won't take long, will it?
6. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”.
Ex: Those are nice, aren't they?
7. Khi trong câu nói có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, few, little... phần
đuôi phải ở dạng khẳng định.
Ex: He seldom goes to the movies, does he?
8. Nếu câu phát biểu có dạng:
- You’d better → câu hỏi đuối sẽ là: hadn't you?
- You’d rather → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là: Wouldn’t you?
- You used to → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là: didn’t you?
- S + ought to + V, oughtn't + S?
9. Câu đầu là “wish’ thì ta dùng “May” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: I wish to study English, may I?

10. Chủ ngữ là ONE ta dùng “you” hoặc “one”.

Ex: One can be one's master, can't you/one?
11. Câu cảm thán: Lấy danh từ trong câu đổi thành đại từ, [to be] dùng “is, am, are”.
Ex: - What a beautiful dress, isn't it?
- What a stupid boy, isn't he?
- How intelligent you are, aren't you?
12. Câu đầu có “It seems that + mệnh đề” ta lấy mệnh đề làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: It seems that you are right, aren't you?
13. Chủ từ là mệnh đề danh từ: Dùng “it”
Ex: - What you have said is wrong, isn't it?
- Why he killed himself seems a secret, doesn't it?
14. Câu đầu có I + các động từ sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine, reckon,
expect, seem, feel + mệnh để phụ: Ta lấy mệnh phụ làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: - I think he will come here, won't he?
- I don't believe Mary can do it, can she?
Note: - Mệnh đề chính có not thì vẫn tính như ở mệnh để phụ.
- Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ từ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi đuôi.
Ex: She thinks he will come, doesn't she?


Bài 1: Choose the best answer.
1. You're coming to France with us, ?
A. aren't you B. isn't you C. shouldn't you
2. It wasn't very late, ?
A. wasn't it B. isn't it C. was it
3. Mark's buying something for his mother, ?
A. wasn't he B. isn't he C. was he
4. It won't be anything cheap, ?
A. won't it B. isn't it C. will it
5. There's some cheese in the fridge, ?
A. isn't there B. isn't it C. wasn't it
6. We don't need to go buy any bread today, ?
A. don't we B. do I C. do we
7. Linda can bring some chocolate, ?
A. won't she B. will she C. can't she
8. The concert starts at eight o'clock, ?
A. isn't it B. doesn't it C. does it
9. The movie was very boring, ?
A. isn't it B. wasn't it C. was it
10. There's a red book on the shelf, ?
A. isn't it B. isn't there C. aren't there
11. There's a lot of noise in the street, ?
A. aren't there B. isn't there C. is there
12. Mrs. Brown is sick, ?
A. isn't she B. is she C. wasn't she
13. The glasses are dirty, ?
A. weren't they B. isn't they C. aren't they
14. Tom won't be at the meetinq, ?
A. won't he B. isn't he C. will he
15. The French exam was very easy, ?
A. wasn't it B. isn't it C. weren't they
16. We can go on holiday on Friday, ?
A. won't we B. can we C. can't we
17. I'm late, ?
A. isn't I B. aren't I C. are I
18. This jacket is too big for me, ?
A. isn't it B. doesn't it C. does it
19. Emily plays the piano well, ?
A. isn't it B. does she C. doesn't she
20. Your cousins went on holiday, ?
A. isn't they B. didn't they C. aren't they

Bài 2: Complete the questions by adding the tag questions.

1. Minh doesn't like football, ?
2. You haven't done your homework, ?
3. You sat next to Mai, ?
4. Your name is Na, ?
5. I didn't leave my wallet on the desk ?

Bài 3: Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1. She is collecting stamps, ?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
3. You have cleaned your bike, ?
4. John and Mike don't like English, ?
5. Peter played handball yesterday, ?
6. They are going home from school, ?
7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
8. He could have bought a new car, ?
9. Mark will come tonight, ?
10. I'm clever, ?
11. John smokes a lot, ?
12. My mother has lovely hair, ?
13. You do like this film we're watching, ?
14. He can't speak English very well, ?
15. Your brother isn't married, ?
16. She doesn't cook very well, ?
17. We can go to the cinema tomorrow if you want, ?
18. They don't have a very nice house, ?
19. She is the richest woman in the town, ?
20. We should leave before it gets dark, ?
21. You'd like a cup of tea, ?
22. They mustn't go too near the lake, ?
23. You'll see John tomorrow, ?
24. We won't be going to that restaurant again,_____________?
25. Let's try and phone her again, ?
26. You've seen this film already, ?
27. Your uncle has never been out of the village, ?
28. You're seeing Elizabeth next week, ?
29. I'm not speaking first at the meeting, ?
30. This was an interesting exercise, ?


Bài 4: Complete the zero conditional sentences with the verb in brackets. Use contractions where
1. If you press that button, the light (come) on.
2. It's easier to sleep if (you / not / be) stressed.
3. The teacher gets angry if (we / not I work) hard.
4. If (I / go) on a boat, I always feel sick.
5. His mother gets annoyed if (he/ be) late.
6. If (I / not / know) a word, I look in my dictionary.
7. They play football if (they / not / have) any homework.
8. If you freeze water, (it / turn) to ice.

Bài 5: Complete the sentences using the words from the box
case doesn't don't soon unless until will won't

1. Bob be upset if you don't invite him to your party.

2. We'll stay in the park it gets dark.
3. The organizers will announce the winners as as the race has finished.
4. We always go out for a walk at the weekend it rains.
5. They pass unless they study more.
6. You'll get cold if you wear a coat.
7. If Nancy drinks too much coffee, she sleep at night.
8. We're taking some sandwiches in the children don't like the food.

Bài 6: Combine each pair of sentences to make one sentence using the Conditional Type 0.
1. You heat water to 100 degrees. It boils.
2. It rains. The grass gets wet.
3. Plants don't get enough water and sunlight. They often die.
4. My mother doesn't sleep well. She drinks coffee before bed.
5. The menu appears on the screen. You press this button.

Bài 7: Match the two halves to make a complete sentence.

1. If we don't feel well, a. if you cross an international date line.
2. If plants don't get enough water, b. if you drop it on the floor.
3. We easily get tired c. if you heat it to 100 degrees.
4. We become ill d. if you drop it in water.
5. The cup breaks e. if she eats too much chocolate.
6. If iron gets wet, f. if we eat dirty food.
7. My daughter gets sick g. they die.
8. Water boils h. we see a doctor.
9. Ice floats i. if we work under the sun.
10. The time changes j. it rusts.

Bài 8: Underline the mistakes and correct them.

1. If you not pay on time, you have to pay a fine.
2. If you never showered, you are sweaty and smelly.
3. If you park your caron double yellow lines, your car would be pulled away.
4. If you weren't at home, you can collect your parcel at the post-office.
5. If you will delete an email, it stays in your trash for 30 days.
6. Normally, you would be charged late fees if you return your car late.
7. Please, read what happens if you cancelled your booking.
8. I don't have any breakfast if I overslept.
9. Find out what you can do if you will travel without a ticket.
10. I always take my umbrella if it rained.

Bài 9: Make complete sentences using the conditional type 0.

1. (I / wake up late /I / be late for work)

2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food)

3. (Julia I not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)

4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)

5. (you / mix water and electricity / you I get a shock)

6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)

7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)

8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight)

9. (you / heat ice / it / melt)

10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)


Bài 10: Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
1. (A) You don't know (B) the answer, (C) are (D) you?
2. He doesn't (A) need a (B) furnished (C) apartment, (D) doesn't he?
3. He (A) can (B) play (C) the guitar, can he?
4. The movers (A) are not (B) packing the book (C) for us, (D) aren't they?
5. I (A) am a (B) new member in (C) this group, (D) am not I?

Bài 11: Choose the best answer.

1. No one is better at English than Lan, ?
A. is she B. isn't she C. are they D. aren't they
2. There are a lot of people attending the wedding party, ?
A. are they B. are there C. aren't they D. aren't there
3. He seldom goes to the park, ?
A. doesn't he B. is he C. does he D. isn't he
4. Let's go for walk, ?
A. will we B. shall we C. don't you D. do you
5. I think he will come here, ?
A. doesn't he B. won't he C. will he D. don't I
6. The film is boring, ?
A. is it B. are they C. isn't it D. aren't they
7. You are listening to music ?
A. is you B. are you C. aren't you D. were you
8. He can speak English, ?
A. can he B. can't he C. can't him D. could he
9. You don't know her, ?
A. do you B. don't you C. are you D. aren't you
10. Nga speaks English very well, ?
A. does she B. doesn't she C. is she D. was she
11. John has bought a dictionary, ?
A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn't he
12. They met him at the party last night, ?
A. do they B. don't they C. did they D. didn't they
13. They are going to do the test tomorrow, ?
A. do they B. are they C. aren't they D. did they
14. I'm short; ?
A. am not I B. aren't you C. are you D. aren't I
15. No one is in this room now, ?
A. is one B. isn't one C. is he D. are they

Bài 12: Choose the best answer in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. If I go to bed after midnight, I (am always/ ‘ll always be/ would always be) tired in the morning.
2. I (will/won't/wouldn't) tell you anything if you don't keep a secret.
3. If he spoke good English, he (finds/ will find/ would find) a good job in this city.
4. I (don't/ won't/ wouldn't) trust these people if I were you.
5. Tim (comes/ will come/ would come) to see you tomorrow if you take these tablets.
6. If plants don't have enough water, they (die/ will die/ would die).

Bài 13: Put the verbs into the correct form (the zero conditional, the first conditional or the second
1. If you (not be) careful, you'll burn yourself.
2. Would you go to see the headmaster if they (start) bullying you again?
3. I (not lend) him any money even if I had some.
4. If he (have) a choice, he always chooses ice cream for pudding.
5. I would be so happy if he (ask) me out.
6. If you heat ice, it (turn) to water.
7. What will you do if she (decide) not to come after all?
8. It's very simple, son: if you (not behave) properly, you don't get your treat.
9. Would you know what to do if you (lose) your passport on holiday abroad?
10. If Tim invites me to his party, I (not accept) his invitation.

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