Task 2

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We're working on creating a user-friendly Power BI dashboard to study the UK Road Accident Dataset

for 2021. Our goal is to understand why accidents happen and their impact. This data is crucial for

making smart decisions about road safety, figuring out effective solutions, and spotting trends that need


2. Dataset Information

We got our data from the UK's Department for Transport (DfT), which collects information about traffic

accidents reported to the police, The dataset we're using is called "Road Safety Data - Accidents 2021,"

and it gives us a detailed look at road accidents in 2021. This dataset has various details that help us

grasp the bigger picture of road safety issues.

3. Data Import and Cleaning

The initial step involves downloading the "Road Safety Data - Accidents 2021" dataset from the provided

link. THEN, the dataset is imported into Power BI using the Power Query Editor to facilitate further

analysis. The Power Query Editor is an essential tool for data transformation and cleaning, allowing

exploration and manipulation to ensure the dataset is in an appropriate format. Cleaning procedures are

applied to enhance data quality and reliability, addressing missing values, removing duplicates,

converting data types, and formatting columns for clarity and consistency across the dataset.

4. Data Modeling in Power BI

This stage involves establishing relationships between tables to optimize data analysis efficiency. Proper

connections between different data entities are ensured for seamless exploration and interpretation.

Mapping metadata serves as a reference point for identifying key elements within the dataset.

Supplementary tables are generated to provide additional context and insights into specific aspects of
the road accident data, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding. Introducing a calendar

table using the CALENDAR function enables time-based analysis, facilitating a thorough examination of

trends and patterns. Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) measures are created to extract meaningful

metrics and indicators, contributing to a deeper quantitative understanding of the dataset.

5. Visualization Design

The design of visualizations prioritizes aesthetics and user-friendliness. A visually appealing dashboard

enhances user engagement and ensures clear and concise communication of insights. Maintaining

consistency in color schemes and font sizes across all visualizations is crucial for creating a cohesive and

professional-looking dashboard. Consistency contributes to an improved user experience and facilitates

seamless data interpretation. Interactive elements, such as slicers, are incorporated to empower users

with the ability to dynamically filter and explore the data. To provide users with detailed insights, drill-

throughs and tooltips are implemented, enabling users to delve deeper into specific data points for

enhanced analysis and understanding.

6. Findings and Insights

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Casualty Breakdown by Location:

Rural: 34.78%

Urban: 65.2%.

Analysis of Top Police Forces:

Ranking police forces by the number of accidents in 2021 provides insights into regions with higher

incident rates, allowing for targeted law enforcement and safety campaigns.
Casualties Breakdown by Day of Week:

Analyzing casualties by day of the week provides insights into patterns and potential factors influencing

accident rates.

7. Significance of the Findings and Conclusion

The findings from the analysis provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of road

accidents in the UK. Key insights into casualty distribution, location-specific risks, and factors

contributing to accidents empower stakeholders to develop targeted interventions and policy measures.

The insights derived from the Power BI dashboard have significant implications for informed decision-

making. Policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and urban planners can leverage these findings to

implement proactive strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and enhance road safety measures. The

potential for data-driven decision-making is a critical outcome of this analysis, contributing to the goal of

reducing road accidents and casualties in the UK.

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