Đáp Án Bài 4: D NG Gap Filling

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Đáp án Bài 4: Dạng Gap filling

Cột bên trái là đáp án cho các câu. 2 cột bên phải so sánh các cặp từ
khóa được paraphrase trong câu hỏi và trong passage.

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Câu và
Từ khóa trong câu hỏi Từ khóa trong passage
đáp án
thousand of years 4,500 years ago
1. sea
mammals catching exploiting
; fish
as a means of sustenance surviving by
The territory of Nunavut Nunavut is 1.9 million square
2. islands consists of... kilometers of...
a few a handful of
in recent years over the past 40 years
many of them most
3. to give up their nomadic have abandoned their nomadic
nomadic; lifestyle ways
continue to depend still rely heavily on
mainly on
for their food and clothes to provide food and clothing
over two thousand years as early as 1250 BC
China the Chinese
kites were used as using them to
as weapons dump flaming debris on their
sending messages deliver messages
savoury savoury
5. umami
5. umami
a better-known word is more commonly referred to
the tongue our tongues
was originally developed evolved
6. toxins to recognise to quickly identify
the unpleasant taste are often quite bitter or acidly
Gordon Shepherd Shepherd
uses the word has come up with the term
'neurogastronomy' 'neurogastronomy'

7. to draw together to link

discipline a number of disciplines the disciplines of food science,
s neurology, psychology, and
the enjoyment of eating the savory elements of eating,
one of the most enjoyed of
human experiences
8. Zhang refers Zhang replies, ' It's a...'
his business a construction company
in the late eighties towards the end of the 1980s
industrial progress in China's economy was expanding
9. power China past the capacity of the nation's
shortages electricity grid
were holding back were becoming a serious
Broad's AC units Broad's large air-conditioning
(AC) units
10. power benefits ease their electricity load
control cost benefits reduce overheads
improve climate control enjoy more reliable climate
Passage: Kenichi Software

Câu và
Từ khóa trong câu hỏi Từ khóa trong passage
đáp án
anything suspicious any odd or unusual activity
15. senior report it to inform
a senior member of staff a senior employee
the company wants to stop it is within the company's legal
you rights to detain any person on
the grounds
16. search search you search staff members
you have to agree to it it is a condition of
employment that you submit
to such action
take things belonging to the removing company property
company from the building
disciplinar without permission without proper authority
y action
will face disciplinary action will be subject to disciplinary
18. visitors people visiting the company
must wear a badge are obliged to wear them
19. pass on confidential disclosure of such material
outsiders information
you have to hand in you must hand over to your
on matters concerning the relevant to the company's
company business, activities, prices,
accounts, costs etc
if you leave the company before you leave the company

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