PP - Disease-Causing Microorganisms in Animals and Their Management - Karunyainstitueoftechnologyandsciences - URK20BT1049

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Disease-causing microorganisms in animals and their management.

Torane Samiksha Anupkumar, Pandit Shruti Prashant, Megha Siddhartha

School of Agricultural and Biosciences,
Department of Biotechnology,
Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore- 641114

More than a billion people around the world suffer from infectious diseases that are shared by
more than 60% of humans and domestic or wild animals each year, resulting in millions of fa
talities. According to estimation, zoonoses account for 75% of newly emerging infectious dis
eases. There is a large variety of terrestrial and aquatic vertebrate animals that can spread a w
ide range of microbial infections to people either directly or indirectly. This work explains
the methods of zoonoses transmission by many types of animals, including pets, agricultural
animals, and wildlife. A wide variety of microorganisms, including rickettsiae and
mycobacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites (including protozoa, metazoans, and helminths), and
prions are included in the vast range of infectious agents. Animals can spread infectious
diseases to people through several different routes, including the fecal-oral route with
foodborne zoonoses, accidentally contaminated drinking water, unwashed hands, direct
contact with or without bites or scratches, indirectly through a variety of vectors [mosquitoes,
sandflies, fleas, and ticks], and incidentally by environmental contamination with animal
pathogens, such as aerosol of dried infected animal excrement. The majority of
microorganisms can harm mammals. The Bacillus anthracis-caused illness known as anthrax
is among the deadliest to affect animals. Animals can contract viruses that cause foot and
mouth disease. Both rabies and the bacterial disease Q-fever in animals are brought on by
viruses. Animals can be protected against contracting rabies through vaccination.

Keywords: Diseases, microorganisms, zoonoses, infection.

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