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The Scope of work is to Prepare a Feasibility report with Transaction Advisory for the
Proposed Sports City in Chennai.

Phase I – Feasibility Report and Concept Plan Stage

Demand Assessment and Identification of Infrastructure facilities:
(i) Analysis of Current scenario for Sports Infrastructure in India, Tamil
Nadu, and Chennai and assess the growth trends for major sports in
India and allied requirements for the proposed project. The demand
assessment should identify key factors that impact the development of
the project.
(ii) The assessment should bring out key inferences from the regulatory and
policy framework and ensure adherence to the same for the proposed
(iii) Identify and finalize potential Sports and related Sports Infrastructure
facilities & amenities which can be developed in the subject site.
(iv) The demand assessment study will estimate the land required
corresponding to the finalized Sports Infrastructure facilities proposed for
the project.
(v) To assess spatial requirements, support facilities and amenities required
along with material specifications etc. for the respective individual sports
infrastructure facilities and must be developed as per International
(vi) During Feasibility stage viability for various allied development like
hospitality, tourism and commercial sector including retail, commercial
etc. shall be explored up to optimum extent which shall enhance the
overall viability of Sport City
(vii) Assess the requirement for residential training facilities and suggest
optimal accommodation & related facilities for sports persons.
(viii) Explore site accessibility and suitable alternative routes from Old
Mahabalipuram Road (OMR) and other major roads and present options
to the authority to support in the acquisition of land and for other
statutory requirements. Further, connectivity with proposed Grid of
Roads as proposed by CMDA shall also be assessed for site
(ix) The consultant to validate the reports as shared by CMDA and any other
Govt. Departments such as Hydrological study or any other reports
before concluding / recommending as deciding factor which forms basis
for preparation of feasibility report

(x) Demarcate the landscaped areas programmed with largely native

xeriscaping, lawns, meandering pathways, etc. and allied amenities.
The landscape proposals must focus on protecting the biodiversity,
while creating opportunities for recreation and wellness. The landscape
development must be considered like a Sponge Park that can absorb
maximum surface runoff and prevent flooding. This must be
accompanied with the preparation of a flood mitigation plan.

(xi) Dedicated vegetation plan and design detailing must be provided and
the consultant must prepare technical designs for efficient blue-green
infrastructure wherever applicable.
(xii) Prepare a site profile that includes the demarcated area, location,
approach, connectivity, and demographic & socio-economic details of
the site and its surrounding areas. The study area shall be as per
statutory requirements if any or within a radius of 5 km (“Catchment
Area”) whichever is maximum.
(xiii) Survey and Investigations: The basic objective of the survey would be to
capture the essential ground features of the site and shall include
Topographical Survey, Geotechnical Survey, Sub-soil exploration report
and complete details of on-site borings, analysis and interpretation of
data, and selection of design parameters etc. with an understanding of
the cost implications of such development.
(xiv) Conduct traffic survey on the approach roads that lead to the site to
determine present volume of traffic & pedestrian movement and assess
the projected growth for a period of 30 Years incorporating the impact of
the proposed development. The study shall further include management
of traffic, parking, and other transportation requirements that would arise
during sporting events. The traffic analysis report should also summarize
the impact of traffic during sporting events and probable traffic diversion
and routing.
(xv) The study shall assess the feasibility of regional connectivity of the
proposed development to major transportation modes like Airways,
Railways, Buses, Metro Railways etc. and the local connectivity to major
transportation nodes / hubs in the vicinity.
(xvi) Carry out reconnaissance survey and map all existing infrastructural
facilities such as water supply, sanitation, electricity supply, sewerage
treatment plants, firefighting system, parking requirement, etc. and
assess the need for the proposed infrastructure.
(xvii) Formulation of strategy through case study of national and international
sports city that have hosted international events such as Olympic
games, Asian games, Commonwealth games, etc. and provide
inferences, value additions and recommendations that can be part of the
(xviii) A User Preference survey shall be conducted with prospective users of
sports facility including representatives from sports authorities, sports
personalities, potential users from relevant industries, proposed
investors, and other stakeholders. The sample questionnaire shall cover
aspects like willingness for the proposed site, required sports facilities &
amenities, user charges etc. as applicable. A minimum sample of 500
identified users shall be interviewed upon approval from the authority.
(xix) Stakeholders’ discussion shall be undertaken in two stages that is, first,
with proposed users, eminent sports personnel, public and other relevant
groups and second, with the authority and other nodal agencies. This
shall include:
1. In stage 1, the consultant shall engage in participatory approach
by conducting interactive sessions and devising effective
strategies to consult with stakeholders including proposed users,
eminent sports personnel, administrative bodies, governing
authorities, physical and social infrastructure authorities such as
academicians, public, etc. and any other agency/ Govt.
institutions as required.
2. In Stage 2, based on the demand assessment, site features and
constraints, and suggestions from stakeholders, the consultant
must prepare a detailed analysis and provide recommendations
that shall be discussed with the authority and other nodal
agencies before finalization of the project components
3. The entire expenditure on conducting workshops/meetings
including venue shall be borne by the consultant. All required
materials for the meetings/workshops shall be provided by the
4. Documentation of all stakeholder consultation must be done with
photographs, recorded Minutes of Meeting, media publications
(2 National and 2 Regional/ local in consultation with Authority),
etc. along with analysis and findings. The suggestions and
recommendations received during the stakeholder consultation
meeting should be compiled and the same needs to be
documented as a report and a matrix (in format as approved by
(xx) The provisions of Ministry of Environment & Forest notifications 2011
and 2018 and other relevant rules and regulations must be considered
while conducting ground study and related field surveys for the
development of the proposed facility.
(xxi) Ascertain Authority and stakeholders’ requirements, examine site
constraints, and identify the potential for development and infer from the
above to determine the conceptual plans.
(xxii) Consultant to suggest/ justify the product mix, scale of development,
proposed amenities and facilities, etc. based on the recommendation
and inference from primary and secondary surveys, stakeholder
discussion and other scientific methods adopted for carrying out the
demand assessment and market study.
(xxiii) The concept plan shall focus on Infrastructure accommodating all
necessary amenities that incorporates Barrier Free Design, Passive
Design elements, Green building concepts, Ecologically sustainable
design, Efficient use of energy and natural resources (like solar, wind
etc.), Waste management and recycling measures, Flood water gates
(Automatic), Parking systems including MLCP etc.
(xxiv) Preparation of Alternate options. The consultant shall develop three
design options / alternative layouts for buildings and structures,
landscaping elements etc. optimizing on Cost of development without
adversely affecting the capacity, service life, ease of maintenance of the
proposed development. These must be presented for review and
approval from concerned Authorities and stakeholders. The Consultant
shall prepare the following along with Concept Plan, 3D Views and
1. All concept plans must include the project components of the
sports infrastructure and supporting facilities.
2. The conceptual architectural drawings /landscaping plans is
including but not limited to site plans, building floor plans,
circulation plans, elevations, sections, existing condition plans,
existing utility plans, demolition plans, suggestive material and
specifications, potential MEP/service arrangements, water
supply and sanitary arrangements, grading and drainage plans,
3. Conceptual Drawings for infrastructure Plans like internal &
external Road Network, Storm Water Drain, drinking water &
Sewage Connectivity, Electricity, Transportation etc. including
demand assessment, capacity building requirements and
mitigation measures. (No variation fee/ time extension shall be
granted for alternate plans, capacity building plan & mitigation
measure during this stage.)
4. Site development plans should include elements like compound
wall, roads, mechanical equipment (including fire safety
fixtures), pavements, street-scaping, signage, public furniture &
fixtures, etc., for all items in the Sports City and allied
5. Furnish necessary design standards, architectural norms, and
relevant standards and applicable calculations, etc. along with
the drawings.
6. Study of input data and preparation of design calculations,
schematic drawings for all external services & individual
buildings pertaining to
i. Internal & External Road Network along with proposed / new
approaches to the site.
ii. Flood protection system along with Storm Water Drain
iii. External & Internal rainwater harvesting system.
iv. External & Internal Sewerage (grey & black) System.
v. External & Internal Electrification.
vi. Communication System.
vii. External & Internal Fire hydrant and fire-fighting provisions.
(xxv) The development of entire sports city consists of various development
components like sports infrastructure, urban infrastructure, Landscape
developments etc. Hence the following approach is adhered accordingly
1. The Technical Feasibility & Financial Feasibility analysis for
every component shall be assessed individually and separate
chapter for each of the component in detail shall be added in
2. The proposed project components to be treated as individual
components and transaction advisory to be carried out
accordingly. For example, if a project is implemented under PPP
mode based on the feasibility study, transaction advisory to be
carried out by the consultant as per TNIDB guidelines
(xxvi) Based on the feasibility report and approved concept plans the
implementation strategy shall be finalized in discussion with the
authority. The feasibility report should have sub-chapters for individual
project components with recommendations including financial feasibility,
technical feasibility and implementation strategy, etc.
(xxvii) Preparation of Preliminary project cost must consider,
1. Preliminary estimate, specifications of the proposed
development including all buildings and services based on plinth
area rates/ Schedule of rates of TN PWD/ Highway/ Electrical
Data/ TWAD, etc. duly corrected with the multiplying factor for
the specific location/ area.
2. The PAR cost estimates for the development of Proposed
Sports City along with other facilities should be calculated by the
consultant for every proposed component.
3. The overall project cost of Sports City including all infrastructure
facilities, amenities, other passive interventions like sponge park
and the breakup for all identified project components, phasing,
and timelines should be provided at this stage.
(xxviii) Identify the quantum of investment requirements from the
Government/private sector and suggest any incentives / grants that
may be required for the proposed development.
(xxix) To study and suggest various project structure models for
development, financing and operation
(xxx) Collection, compilation and analysis of relevant financial data relating
to all costs and revenues;
(xxxi) Assessment of commercial viability of the Project.
(xxxii) Prepare a reasonable estimation of the likely revenues for each
business unit; The consultant would bring out various assumptions for
revenue, cost and others, including basis thereof, which are used in the
financial model.
(xxxiii) The consultant has to analyses for its feasibility in respect of financial
aspects and give their recommendation. The analysis should also
include breakeven analysis, sensitivity analysis and cost benefit
(xxxiv) Develop a financial model to determine viability of proposed project
based on applicable regulations, block costs of development and
market trend; Identification of the appropriate capital structuring,
revenue model, Profit & Loss, Balance sheet and cash flows, Project
IRR, Equity IRR and economic or social returns as applicable. The
model is to incorporate, as applicable, the annual concessional fees,
revenue share, upfront premium, lease rental, development fee, mixed
revenue model, revenue assessment for developer.
(xxxv) The consultant shall also undertake sensitivity analysis by identifying
most critical factors and determine their impacts on the project viability,
including varying project costs and benefits, implementation period and
combination of other factors;
(xxxvi) Identify expected returns of various stakeholders involved;
(xxxvii) The consultant shall conduct a risk analysis of the development
to determine, allocate and manage/mitigate risks (such as but not
limited to project, commercial, financial, political, economic and legal)
during all stages of the project;
(xxxviii) Carryout Value for Money Analysis (VFM) for various mode of
execution/operation development of possible alternatives for revenue
maximization and shall identify and quantify all costs, expenses and
revenues of the project, and shall prepare cash-flow statements for the
contract period.
(xxxix) The Consultant shall review and assess appropriate institutional, legal
and regulatory framework for development of the project through
different options including public private partnership;
(xl) Prepare a branding and marketing strategy Evaluate strategic
objectives in relation to the project and advising on the commercial and
capital structuring, especially with reference to Applicable Laws;
(xli) Based on the regulatory framework and the financial feasibility after
incorporating the comments and feedback from in-house team and
TNIDB, suitable project structuring models shall be assessed, and the
most suitable model shall be recommended by the consultant keeping
in view the quick implementation and acceptability and marketability to
the investors. This may include a project structure and funding models
with a combination of public funding and private investment.
(xlii) Recommend an implementation strategy for the project including
details regarding the responsibilities involved in the project
development and operation stage
(xliii) Identify the appropriate procurement strategy for development of the
locations. The mode of contracts such as Design, Build, Operate and
Transfer (DBOT) contract(s) or Engineering, Procurement and Contract
(EPCs) or Design & Build contracts or Design, Build, Finance, Operate
and Transfer (DBFOT) contract(s) for each of these locations either
combined or standalone and their pros & cons of each strategy to be
analysed along with specific recommendations.
(xliv) Prepare the bid documents such as EOI, RFQ, RFP and draft
Concession Agreement as applicable in accordance with the formats
and guidelines of the Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Act 1998
and its Rules, TNIDB Act 2012 and its Rules & Regulations and other
GoTN / GOI guidelines.
(xlv) The consultant should list out and assist the executing authority to
obtain all the required statutory clearance/ permits/ licenses etc, to
proceed with the implementation of the project.


(i) Preparation of Tender Documents consisting of Special Conditions of
Contract, Specifications, Tender Drawings, detailed scope of work,
operation and maintenance manual with KPI parameters, contract
terms and conditions, etc.
(ii) Based on the feasibility report, the consultant shall prepare Request for
Proposal to appoint a consultant to prepare a Detailed Project Report
(as per TN Tender Transparency act) consisting of special conditions of
contract, specifications, scope of work, project requirements, project
team, deliverables, timeline etc. for the identified projects.
(iii) Based on the individual project components and requirements, the
transaction advisory for every component is to be taken up by the
(iv) The Consultant shall prepare Request for Proposal, after obtaining the
Authority/stakeholders’ inputs, to enable the Client to invite Tenders.
The Request for Proposal shall consist of:
1. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
2. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
3. Terms of Reference
4. Schedule of Payment
5. Any other document required to be included in the Tender
6. Detailed cost estimates along with the rate analysis of individual
items of work duly supported by necessary documents and
quantity take off sheets should be handed over to the Client.
(v) The Tender documents shall be submitted in draft form. Any changes
or corrections recommended by the Client shall be incorporated in the
Tender documents by the Consultant who shall then submit the final
approved Tender documents. The Consultant shall submit the soft
copy of all the documents and drawings in addition to the hard copy.
(vi) The Consultant shall participate and furnish technical explanations and
clarifications to the Tenderers on specific queries during the pre-
Tender meeting.
(vii) The minutes of the pre-Tender meeting and addendum/corrigendum, if
any, are to be prepared by the Consultant.
(viii) Request of Interest to Identify potential concessionaires is to be
prepared by the Consultant.
(ix) Post receipt of all statutory approvals by the executing authority, assist
executing authority in the Bid Process Management till the identification
and signing of the contract / concession agreement with the developers
/ contractors.
(x) For the administration of the bidding process, the consultant shall
assist executing authority during the various procurement phases –
prequalification, bidding, negotiation and contract award in accordance
with the formats and guidelines of the Tamil Nadu Transparency in
Tenders Act 1998 and its Rules, TNIDB Act 2012 and its Rules &
Regulations and other GoTN / GOI guide lines.
(xi) The Consultant shall assist the executing authority in the Bid evaluation
process, on the basis of provisions in bidding documents. The desired
result shall be that the bid of selected bidder is the lowest, responsive
and qualified bid and will provide value for money.
(xii) The Consultant shall participate in pre-bid meetings and assist the
executing authority in answering questions or issuing clarifications to
the bidders. The consultant shall prepare minutes of meeting,
addendum/corrigendum if any based on the clarification provided to the
prospective applicants.
(xiii) The consultant shall prepare evaluation procedures with highest
standard of efficiency, quality and integrity and assist the executing
authority to evaluate the RFQ and RFP etc.
(xiv) The Consultant shall design and assist the executing authority to
administer the bid evaluation process in an equitable and transparent
(xv) The Consultant shall ensure that the evaluation process has been
carried out as per the terms and conditions of the Bidding documents.
(xvi) The Consultant shall analyze the bids and recommend to the executing
authority the least cost combinations for awarding contracts in terms
and conditions of RFP document.
(xvii) The Consultants shall assist the executing authority in seeking any
clarification from bidders and to analyze break down of price/cost/fees
quoted by the bidders, if required.
(xviii) The Consultant shall prepare bid evaluation reports in close liaison with
the executing authority.
The Consultant shall not enter discussions with the Tenderers on any matter
concerning the rates/prices to be quoted by the Tenderers.
Criteria for Selection
Method of selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) – The ratio to be
adopted for Technical and Financial evaluation is in the proportion of 80:20
Key Professionals
1. Table 1 presents a set of suggested core positions to achieve the terms of
reference. However, bidders are welcome to suggest additional team
structure clearly indicating the reason for doing so.
2. Consultant’s team members should be available for discussions with key
personnel from concerned state departments/public agencies involved
during various stages of the study as and when required, in addition to
reviews by CMDA. Sometimes, the notice for such consultations may be as
short as a few days. Given this, it is suggested that bidders consider
maximizing field-based inputs and limit home-based inputs to the extent

List of Key Professionals

The consultants shall include necessary support staff for fulfilling the objectives and
requirements of this project. Sufficient field survey staff to be allocated for the survey
of the road network and other details.
The above team should be supported by adequate relevant support staff / experts /
specialists to ensure that the objectives of the project are achieved within the
The proposed Team leader shall be assigned full-time for this project and shall not
be associated with any other full-time ongoing assignment with the same/any other
client. The Team Leader shall be a full-time professional to be stationed in Chennai
till the completion of the Study.


The time of completion of assignment is 12 Weeks. excluding transaction advisory
service and execution support. The below Table presents the key timelines and
deliverables with payment terms proposed.
SI Milestones/Deliverable Completion Payment (% of the
No /Submission Time Total Consultancy
from issue of LOA (T) Fee)
I Phase I – Feasibility Report & Concept Plan Stage
Submission & approval
1 T + 6 Weeks 20%
Interim Report
Submission & approval of
2 T + 10 Weeks 10%
draft Feasibility Report
Submission & approval of
3 T + 12 Weeks 20%
Final Feasibility Report
II Phase II – Transaction Advisory, Execution and O&M Stage
Submission of Transaction
1 T + 16 Weeks 10%
advisory documents
Support during Transaction
2 Till Completion 10%
advisory Services
3 Issuance of LOA to the Till Completion 10%
SI Milestones/Deliverable Completion Payment (% of the
No /Submission Time Total Consultancy
from issue of LOA (T) Fee)
Support during project
4 Till Completion 15%
Support during operation
5 and maintenance (1 year Till Completion 5%
after implementation)
Team Experts
Sl. Key Educational Qualification & Marks
No. Professionals Work Expertise Criteria
Core Team
1 Team Leader 10
● MBA in Finance/ CA/ CFA with 15 years of
cum PPP
project management experience including
relevant experience in the sports sector

● Minimum of 4 PPP transaction advisory

projects undertaken and completed as Team

Lead/ Project Manager

● Experience of undertaking a minimum of 2

sports sector projects in India

● Experience in at least one international

project in development of Sports related

Infrastructure project
2 Master 8
● Masters in Urban Planning / Urban Design
with at least 12 years of national/
international experience in the planning and
designing of sports infrastructure.

● Experience in creation of Master Plans of

Sports City/ Sports Park/ Sports Venue

development, etc. minimum of 02 sports
sector projects.
Sl. Key Educational Qualification & Marks
No. Professionals Work Expertise Criteria
Core Team
3 Sports 6
● Should be Post Graduate in Civil
Engineering/ Structural Engineering/
Architecture/ Sports Management etc., with
experience in managing sports projects

● Minimum 10 years of Professional

experience in minimum 2 nos. of similar

projects (sports facility)
4 Senior 4
● Should be a Postgraduate in Architecture
with specific experience in development of
Sports infrastructure, Urban Infrastructure,
Large scale master plans including
landscape elements etc.

● Minimum 10 years of Professional

experience in minimum 2 nos. similar sports

development projects in public sector in
5 Real Estate 4
● MBA Finance/ CA/ CFA with experience in
preparing feasibility reports with demand
assessment, Market surveys, business plan,
revenue model and financial structuring in
plan for sports infrastructure development
projects, large scale infrastructure projects,
mixed use development projects, , etc.

● Minimum 10 years of Professional

experience in minimum 2 nos. similar sports

development projects
6 Structural 3
● Post-Graduation in Structural Engineering
from reputed institution
Sl. Key Educational Qualification & Marks
No. Professionals Work Expertise Criteria
Core Team

● Minimum 10 years of Professional

experience in minimum 2 nos. of similar

projects/ large infrastructure projects

● He should have been involved in at least one

sport infrastructure development project

7 Transport 3
● Post-Graduation in Transportation Planning/
Transportation Engineering from reputed

● Minimum 5 years of Professional experience

in minimum 2 nos. of similar projects/ large

infrastructure projects India

● He should have been involved in at least one

sport infrastructure development project

Additional Team Members
8 Environmental 3
● Should be Post Graduate in Environmental
Engineering/ Hydrology

● Minimum 7 years of Professional experience

and worked in minimum 2 nos. similar

assignments along with experience in water
restoration/ waterfront development projects
with experience in EIA approval process.
9 Infrastructure 3
● Post-Graduation in Civil/ Electrical/
Mechanical from reputed institution

● Minimum 7 years of Professional experience

and worked in minimum 2 nos. of similar

projects in public sector in India.
10 Market Analyst 3
● MBA with experience in conducting demand
Sl. Key Educational Qualification & Marks
No. Professionals Work Expertise Criteria
Core Team
assessment, market surveys, growth
potentials, etc. Preferably undertaking need
assessment of sports facilities/infrastructure

● Minimum 7 years of Professional experience

and worked in minimum 2 nos. similar

projects in public sector in India.
11 Legal Expert 3
● Postgraduate in Law with experience in

various Government Infrastructure project in

EPC / PPP Mode

● Minimum 7 years of Professional experience

and worked in minimum of 2 nos. of PPP

Infrastructure projects in public sector in

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