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By Aarogya Adhikari

The void is a fascinating place; from black holes to nebulla,

the 14 billion years old cosmos consists of elements that are far

beyond human comprehension. As per the inquisitive nature of

mankind; we couldn’t help but address our curiosity by going
out into a place which seemed imposible to go to-the
space.Today, space exploration has presented an array of assets
to humankind. Space exploration has aided humankind with
technological advancements, it has expanded scientific
discoveries and knowledge expansion, it has accounted to
significant economic growth and employment, and has been a
source for inspiration and education to the future generations.

However, the question arises- Is space exploration really

necessary?The Biden Administration proposed $27.2 billion for
NASA's 2024 fiscal year; that amount of money is no joke.
There are certain factors questioning the use of space
exploration. Space exploration was proposed mainly for the
purposes of scientific discoveries, but most of the scientific
discoveries don’t require extraterrestrial assistance. Most of the
nobel laureates are theoretical, they don’t need to get
information from the space to make crucial advancements in
science; all they require is time, some machineries and some
basic resources. So viewing this, space exploration has not been
able to address it’s original function. Also, such huge capital

could be used for better purposes like unemployment, education

or “defence”. $27.2 billion is enough to address world hunger as
well as world illiteracy. So, maybe space exploration is not such
a good idea.

In contrast, space exploration has been a present to

humankind because of several factors.

First of all, the technological advancements that have been

made due to space exploration is admirable. Space exploration

has helped humankind greatly through satellite technology.

Satellites enable global communication, weather forecasting,
navigation (GPS), and disaster management; which are crucial
for us. It has alsoupgraded materials science. Research in
microgravity has led to advancements in materials, including
lightweight alloys, flame-resistant fabrics, and medical implants.

Secondly, space exploration has been useful for economic

growth andemployment. There are commercial space ventures
which do so. Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Rocket
Lab are revolutionizing space access, creating jobs and fostering
economic growth. Satellite technology has also helped us with
economy. Satellite-based communication, navigation, and Earth
observation services generate substantial revenue.

Moreover, It has been crucial for education ad inspiration

too. It has been a catalyst for STEM education. Astronauts,
planetary scientists, and engineers serve as role models,
encouraging students to pursue science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) careers. Similarly, public engagement
in space has skyrocketed due to this.Events like moon landings
and Mars rover missions captivate global audiences are igniting
interest in science.

Hence, to conclude space exploration has definitely been a

great asset. It has also helped with recognition of extraterrestrial
dangers and understanding the earth. Space exploration is a
fantastic progress; its prospect of development is infinite.
Helping, us greatly, space exploration should not be
contradicted. Yes, it may require a huge capital, but $27 billion
is nothing compare to $262 billion (for the cosmetic industry).
So instead of wasting such huge capital on powder and cream,
we should be more focused on science.

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