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4, NOVEMBER 2002 503

Balancing Networks for Symmetric Antennas—I:

Classification and Fundamental Operation
James S. McLean, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Emphasis has been placed on the quality of a

metrology antenna system that allows it to be represented ac-
curately using analytical or numerical models. Central to this
capability is the efficacy of the balancing networks, sometimes
referred to as balanced to unbalanced transformers (baluns). In
this paper, we classify three fundamental types of baluns and
show that all three can be derived from the 180 , four-port hybrid
network. Balanced antennas driven from coaxial feed lines and
Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of dipole in free-space with self-contained source.
operated in the presence of an asymmetric scatterer present an
intrinsically unbalanced load to the balun. We show that in such
situations the current balun is the only appropriate balun to em- certainty to which a linear dipole and its interaction with its en-
ploy. For numerous antenna metrology applications, in particular, vironment (such as a ground plane) can be characterized analyt-
site attenuation measurements, 180 , four-port hybrid networks
ically and numerically [4]. More recently, because good corre-
have been employed as baluns. Network relations are derived
relating the so-called voltage and current baluns to the 180 , lation between numerical predictions and measured results has
four-port hybrid network. It is shown that, in addition to acting been obtained [5], the wire-cage biconical broadband dipole an-
as a 0 or 180 power divider, the hybrid network can serve as tenna has also become accepted for such measurements. Here,
either a voltage or a current balun depending on the termination we show that the ability of a symmetric or balanced antenna
at the isolated port. In contrast to the traditional approach, it is
to provide repeatable measurements and to be accurately repre-
shown that when using a 180 hybrid as a balun, the isolated port
should be terminated in such a way that the hybrid behaves as a sented using a limited model is strongly dependent on the type of
current balun as opposed to a 180 power divider. This will yield balancing network, sometimes referred to as balanced to unbal-
experimental results that can be more readily reconciled with anced transformer (balun) used. When symmetric or balanced
models. antennas such as linear or biconical dipoles are used for these
Index Terms—Balancing network (balun), biconical antenna, exacting measurements, precision baluns of the appropriate type
calculable dipole, dipole, hybrid, site attenuation (SA). are necessary if the antennas are to be connected to external
sources and/or receivers via coaxial transmission lines. The effi-
I. INTRODUCTION cacy of the balun has an overriding influence on the accuracy of
such measurements. Because the radiating elements themselves

S OME electromagnetic measurements such as normalized

site attenuation (NSA) [1]–[3] are by nature difficult be-
cause they require the complete removal of the influence of the
can be made to exceedingly tight tolerances, the balun is usu-
ally the principal contributor to any idiosyncratic or anomalous
behavior of a symmetric or balanced antenna.
measurement antennas from the measured data. That is, NSA In Section II, we use a numerical simulation to illustrate and
is defined as the NSA divided by the antenna factors of the quantify the externally induced imbalance in two typical sym-
transmit and receive antennas. Thus, the antenna factors of the metric antennas caused by the presence of a ground plane. To
measurement antennas must be very accurately known. More- the author’s knowledge, this is the first time such results have
over, NSA measurements often involve operation of measure- been presented.
ment antennas near a conducting ground plane, so near that the In Section III, we, for the first time, classify the three fun-
ground plane influences the current distribution on the antennas damental types of baluns, provide examples of each type and
and, hence, their antenna factors. Given the inherent difficulty describe the relationship between them. In Section IV, we dis-
in accurately carrying out such measurements as SA, it is highly cuss the interaction of each balun type with symmetric antennas
desirable to employ antennas for which accurate, reliable ana- under generalized environmental conditions and determine the
lytical or numerical models are available. Such antennas that are appropriateness of each fundamental balun type for use in var-
specifically designed to be able to be modeled accurately using ious environmental conditions. We conclude that only the cur-
limited analytical or numerical models have been termed “cal- rent balun should be used in situations in which externally in-
culable” antennas [4]–[9]. Linear dipoles are the traditional ref- duced imbalance exists. In Section V, we discuss the extensive,
erence standard in such measurements because of the degree of traditional use of 180 , four-port hybrids, especially so-called
connectorized hybrids, as baluns. In Section VI, we show for
Manuscript received February 1, 2002; revised August 14, 2002. This work the first time that all three fundamental types of baluns may
was supported in part by TDK Corporation, Cedar Park, TX. be obtained from a 180 , four-port hybrid network by placing
The author is with TDK RF Solutions, Cedar Park, TX 78613 USA (e-mail: the proper termination at the sum port. We also present, for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2002.804767 the first time, the scattering matrix of each fundamental balun
0018-9375/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of horizontally polarized dipole with coaxial feed line situated over a conducting ground plane (Y =Y ).

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit vertically-polarized dipole with coaxial feed line situated over a conducting ground plane (Y =Y
6 ).

type. This facilitates comparison as well as the development of line and oriented for vertical polarization over a ground plane.
balun calibration procedures based on vector network analyzer This is a typical arrangement for NSA measurements for open
techniques. area test sites (OATS) [1]–[3]. Such sites utilize a metallic, con-
It is significant that of the three fundamental types of baluns, ducting ground plane because it provides a well-behaved, con-
only the current balun is appropriate for use in situations in sistent reflection in almost all weather conditions.
which externally induced imbalance exists such as when ver- In Figs. 2 and 3, the two terminals can be taken as the feed
tically-polarized symmetric antennas are operated over a con- ends of the two dipole elements. However, the ground terminal
ducting ground plane. This finding stands in stark contrast to is more difficult to conceptualize. Instead of ground terminal,
the manner in which 180 hybrid networks have previously been it is perhaps better to simply refer to this terminal as the refer-
configured for use as baluns for antennas. ence terminal. Because of the retardation of currents, it is nec-
essary that all three terminals including the reference terminal
be located electrically close to each other. That is, the distance
between any two terminals must be a small fraction of a wave-
In the absence of any scattering objects or mechanisms, sym- length. The approach taken here is to take the reference terminal
metric antennas such as linear and biconical dipoles act as iso- of the equivalent circuit as the outer surface of the shielded balun
lated two-terminal loads, as shown in Fig. 1. In the presence at a point electrically near the feed. This is made clear in the fol-
of a symmetric scatterer such as a perfectly flat ground plane lowing discussions.
(conducting or otherwise but homogeneous and isotropic in the
lateral dimensions) parallel to the antenna, the dipole presents A. Simulations of Externally Induced Imbalance
a perfectly symmetric load as shown in Fig. 2. However, in Because the externally induced imbalance is related to feed
the presence of asymmetric scattering, the dipole presents a transmission line arrangement as well as the antenna, there are
three-terminal, unbalanced load as shown in Fig. 3. Any antenna infinitely many possible examples of this externally induced im-
connected to a distant source or receiver via a transmission line balance. However, we present two situations which are similar
must be described by Fig. 2 or 3, depending on the orientation to those that might be encountered in performing NSA measure-
of the feed and the antenna. Some additional discussion of this ments with vertically-polarized fields on an OATS. The two situ-
most general situation shown in Fig. 3 is presented in [10]. Only ations were modeled using the numerical electromagnetics code
a self-contained source such as a so-called reference radiator (NEC-2), a thin-wire method-of-moments simulation program
[11] can be represented by the isolated load shown in Fig. 1. The which is very well adapted for the simulation of wire antennas
principal concern here is a dipole antenna fed by a coaxial feed and has been verified many times.

Fig. 4. Magnitude of 5 equivalent network elements for linear dipole in free space, horizontal polarization over conducting ground, and vertical polarization over
conducting ground.

1) 2-m Linear Dipole Antenna: The first simulation in- plicated and depends on the height of the antenna over the
volved a center-fed linear dipole of length 2.0 m and diameter ground plane as well as the length of the horizontal section of
1 cm. The simulation predicted that the dipole is resonant feed line. However, at the series resonance, the magnitude of
just below 71 MHz in free space and the input admittance is element is significantly larger than that of either or ,
about 1.4 10 S at resonance. These values for resonance making the overall imbalance small at this frequency. Thus, we
frequency and resonant admittance are in good agreement with can conclude that when the linear dipole is operated very near
other moment method based analyses of linear dipole antennas its series resonance as is usually done, imbalance induced by
such as [13]. Thus, at resonance, the elements of the equivalent the ground plane is small.
network for the antenna in free space are S, 2) 1.3-m Wire-Cage Biconical Antenna: The second simu-
S, and S. If the same dipole lation is of a typical wire-cage biconical antenna, such as is al-
is oriented horizontally, located 1.5 m above a conducting most universally used for EMC applications in the frequency
ground plane and fed from a feed line of the same diameter as range of 20–200 MHz. The geometry of the wire-cage bicon-
the dipole which extends normally and horizontally to a point ical antenna was chosen to match as closely as possible that
1.5 m away from the center of the antenna and then vertically of [12] in which a wire-cage biconical antenna operating in a
down to the ground plane, the elements of the network at free-space environment was thoroughly analyzed. Where pos-
71 MHz become S, sible, we have used the same segmentation as [12]. The simula-
S, and tion performed here agrees with that of [12] for the free-space
S. If the dipole is then ori- situation. The free-space fundamental series resonance of the
ented vertically with the center at the same height with the biconical antenna occurs very near 72.6 MHz and, thus, is sim-
same feed arrangement, the elements of the network at ilar to that of the 2-m linear dipole examined here. Also, for
71 MHz become S, simulations including the feed structure and a ground plane, we
S, and have used a feed-line arrangement identical to the one used with
S, Thus, the disparity be- the linear dipole. The center of the antenna is 1.5 m above the
tween elements and is significant even for a linear ground plane, and the feed line extends horizontally 1.5 m from
dipole at resonance with the magnitude of being about 80% the antenna at which point, it extends vertically down to the
of that of . The frequency dependence of these equivalent ground plane.
circuit elements is shown in Figs. 4 and 5 for three situations, The simulated values for the network elements are shown
free space, horizontal polarization over a ground plane, and in Figs. 6–8. Again, for horizontal polarization, the curves for
vertical polarization over a ground plane. Note that, for hor- and overlay each other. The behavior of the biconical
izontal polarization, the graphs of the network elements antenna is similar to that of the linear dipole. However, it must
and overlay each other showing the perfect balance that be kept in mind that the biconical antenna is used over a much
exists in this situation. As can be seen, the imbalance in vertical broader frequency range, generally 20–200 MHz. Below the se-
polarization is large between 50 and 75 MHz. The frequency ries resonance of the antenna, near 55 MHz, the magnitudes of
dependence of the equivalent network elements is quite com- and are of the same order as that of . In this frequency

Fig. 5. Phase of 5 equivalent network elements for linear dipole in free space, horizontal polarization over conducting ground, and vertical polarization over
conducting ground.

Fig. 6. Magnitude of 5 equivalent network elements for biconical dipole in free space, horizontal polarization over conducting ground, and vertical polarization
over conducting ground.

range, the disparity between and for vertical polarization nance near 15 MHz. Because of the length of the feed line, the
might cause imbalance. Again, the frequency dependence of the common-mode equivalent structure is very large.
network elements is quite complicated and depends both on the Finally, the phase behavior is quite complicated. In Fig. 8, it
height of the antenna over the ground plane as well as the length was necessary to “unwrap” the phase of . The phase slope
of the horizontal section of the feed line. appears to be discontinuous near 50 MHz. It is not, however; it
From Fig. 8, it can be seen that and have negative is simply very steep. This corresponds to a very sharp nulling
phase angles below 30 MHz. Thus, these equivalent circuit el- in the magnitude of . In Fig. 5, the phase of was not
ements are inductive. The reason for this is that the common unwrapped. Of course, the action of unwrapping (subtracting
mode circuit, consisting of driving both dipole elements in phase 360 phase) does nothing to change the quantity. However, it
but against the feed line, exhibits a fundamental series reso- makes it easier to see that for either antenna the parameters

Fig. 7. Magnitude of 5 equivalent network elements Y and Y only for biconical dipole in free space, horizontal polarization over conducting ground, and
vertical polarization over conducting ground. Expanded vertical scale is used to elucidate difference in Y and Y for vertically polarized antenna.

Fig. 8. Phase of 5 equivalent network elements for biconical dipole in free space, horizontal polarization over conducting ground, and vertical polarization over
conducting ground.

and tend to become equal both in magnitude and phase at III. CLASSIFICATION OF BALUNS
higher frequencies.
The numerical simulations provided here are merely intended Baluns are universally employed to drive intrinsically bal-
to provide some insight about the imbalance induced in a ver- anced antennas such as linear or biconical dipole antennas from
tically-polarized antenna operating over a ground plane. Obvi- coaxial or single-ended sources. The efficacy of the balun de-
ously, more investigation is needed in order to provide compre- termines the symmetry of the antenna’s radiation pattern. More-
hensive prediction of the effects of feed line configurations on over, the presence of common-mode current on the feed trans-
such measurements. mission line can result in cross-polarized radiation [14]. While

Fig. 9. Ideal transformer employed as a current balun.

the effect of unbalance can be quantified for any specific case balun [21] and [22]. The Marchand balun is similar to the Har-
[15], the presence of common-mode current on the feed trans- vard RRL Type II balun, except for an additional series-com-
mission line destroys the repeatability of a measurement since pensating stub. All of these baluns behave as current baluns
the radiated fields then depend not only on the antenna but also to the extent that parasitic effects are insignificant. While the
the arrangement of the feed transmission line [16]. In the litera- balun employed in the Roberts dipole [23] and [24] appears very
ture, there exists mention of so-called voltage baluns as well as similar to the Marchand balun, its operation is significantly dif-
current baluns [17], [18]. Although strict definitions (the defini- ferent; instead of choking off the common mode, the operation
tion of the term balun is noticeably absent from the 1983 IEEE hinges on conversion of common-mode energy to a transmis-
Standard Definitions for Antennas) have not been given, it can sion-line mode which is, in turn, choked off. It is interesting
be deduced that a voltage balun attempts to enforce a balancing to notice that, if this conversion process is effective, the balun
of voltages with respect to a particular reference while a current will operate well away from the center frequency at which the
balun attempts to enforce a balancing of currents (see references parallel stub provides an open circuit at the antenna terminals.
[17] and [18]). Practical baluns may or may not fall into either Nevertheless, the Roberts balun is also a current balun. Another
of these classes. common design, the lattice balun [25] or double-Y balun [26],
While the first baluns were designed for feeding balanced an- [27], can be shown to behave as a current balun when the reac-
tennas such as dipoles [19], modern uses for baluns include bal- tances in the lattice arms are equal in magnitude. In fact, in this
anced mixers and push–pull amplifiers. These latter applications case, the lattice network can be shown to be the equivalent of an
are far more prevalent than the first. Moreover, baluns accept- ideal transformer. However, despite the fact that the lattice net-
able for use in push–pull amplifiers or balanced mixers may not work upon which such a balun is based is an all pass network, the
be appropriate for driving balanced antennas. In most applica- current balancing behavior can really only be perfect at a single
tions, a balun in a push–pull amplifier or balanced mixer “sees” frequency for lumped element realization or an infinite set of
a symmetric load similar to the antenna described in Fig. 2. harmonic frequencies for a commensurate distributed structure
Finally, it is inappropriate to discuss balun performance (lumped elements replaced with open-circuited and short-cir-
without quantifying the balancing behavior. Common perfor- cuited transmission lines).
mance tests often involve connecting baluns “back-to-back”
and measuring the insertion loss of the cascaded networks. B. Voltage Baluns
Unfortunately, this test is not adequate for the quantification of The voltage balun maintains the voltages at the output ter-
performance. The author of [20] first suggested a network minals (with respect to ground) equal in magnitude and oppo-
is necessary to elucidate a balun’s behavior. However, use of a site in phase, regardless of the load. The idealized or canonical
more generalized asymmetic load to classify baluns was not voltage balun is an ideal transformer with a center-tapped sec-
considered in this reference. ondary winding with the center tap being connected to ground,
as shown in Fig. 10. A common type of voltage balun often used
A. Current Baluns at HF through VHF is the bootstrap or Ruthroff balun [28]. This
The action of the ideal or canonical current balun can be de- balun is also usually realized using a bifilar winding wrapped
scribed using an ideal transformer as shown in Fig. 9. The cur- around a magnetic core. Another common voltage balun can be
rents on the balanced side are equal in magnitude and opposite implemented using two bifilar windings, one as a phase inverter
in phase, regardless of the potentials at the output terminals with and one as a delay line [17].
respect to the ground connection on the unbalanced side.
The most common type of practical RF current balun is the C. 180 Power Dividers
common-mode choke [17]. Such a balun is usually implemented The third fundamental type of balun is sometimes referred to
at HF and VHF frequencies by winding a bifilar winding or (especially in product literature) as a 180 power divider. Such a
transmission line around a magnetic core. The action of the cur- device can be thought of as fixing the voltage and current associ-
rent balun combined with a nonunity impedance transforma- ated with the outward-traveling waves at the two output ports to
tion ratio may be realized in a Guanella, or equal-delay trans- be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase. Hence, it is called
former [17]. Other types of current baluns, often employed at a 180 power divider. Strictly speaking, this type of balun fixes a
UHF and above, are the Harvard Radio Research Laboratories linear combination of the voltage and current at the two output
(RRL) Type I, II, and III baluns [19] as well as the Marchand ports to be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase. Such a

Fig. 10. Ideal transformer employed as a voltage balun.

device can be derived from a 180 , four-port hybrid when the as well as wire cage biconical dipoles. In particular, Chen [5]
sum port is terminated in a matched resistive load. In general, has developed a wire cage biconical antenna that is intention-
it is possible to make a device which fixes a nearly arbitrary ally designed to be able to be accurately modeled using the NEC
linear combination of voltage and current at the output ports to code or other thin wire method of moments model. That is, the
be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase, provided some re- design avoids the inclusion of physical features that are known
striction is made on the real part of the constant of proportion- not to be able to be accurately represented due to limitations in
ality. Thus, all three types of baluns can be derived from this the NEC model.
most general form. This will be discussed further in conjunc- In any “calculable” antenna, careful attention must be paid to
tion with hybrid networks. the balun. Fitzgerrall proposed using a 180 , four-port hybrid as
a balun for a linear dipole antenna. These dipoles were used as
standards from 30–1000 MHz. Later, in the specification CISPR
16-1 [34], a similar arrangement was called out for a reference
Having cataloged balun types and developed equivalent cir- dipole. In the CISPR 16-1 specification, the term “calculable”
cuits for antennas, it is now possible to discuss which balun type dipole was used to describe the linear reference dipole. The per-
is most appropriate for a symmetric antenna. As long as the load formance of this dipole was intended to be predictable via the
in question is isolated from ground, or is perfectly symmetric quasi-analytical model given in the specification or a numer-
with respect to ground, there is no difference between the behav- ical model such as NEC. This dipole design was intended to be
iors of these three devices. That is, for the symmetric grounded used to calibrate a test site that, in turn, was to be used to cali-
load, all three devices will provide output voltages equal in mag- brate other antennas. The test site was therefore referred to as a
nitude and opposite in phase with respect to the ground, and all calibrated test site (CALTS). Chen [5] used a 180 hybrid as a
three devices will drive currents equal in magnitude and oppo- balun for the broadband wire biconical dipole mentioned above.
site in phase. However, when a more generalized asymmetric He also terminated the sum port of the hybrid in a matched load.
load is considered, the behavior of the current balun, voltage While Chen achieved excellent agreement between experimen-
balun and the terminated 180 hybrid differ significantly. tally obtained data and a numerical model for both horizontal
When faced with an unbalanced load such as a vertically- and vertical polarizations, he noted that the horizontal polariza-
polarized dipole situated over a conducting ground plane, the tion experiments consistently provided better agreement with
voltage balun will maintain balanced voltages, the current balun the numerical model.
will maintain balanced currents, and the 180 power divider will There are many possible source formulations available for
provide equal forward power into each port. numerical simulation. However, when the simulation of the an-
A great deal of emphasis is put on the reconciliation of mea- tenna does not include the feed transmission line (that is, a rep-
surements and numerical simulations. Aside from increasing resentation of the common mode of the feed transmission line)
confidence in measurements, numerical, or analytical models the simulation inherently implies a current balance at the feed.
are extremely useful for isolating physical phenomena. For ex- The most widely verified source formulation in NEC consists
ample, numerical simulation can be used to determine if dissipa- of a single delta gap source that is placed across the feed of
tion loss in a ground plane is significant simply by performing a linear dipole antenna or wire-cage biconical dipole antenna.
the simulation twice, once including the effects of dissipation Here again, without the inclusion of some representation of the
and once without. Because of limitations in most simulations, it feed line, it is implicit that a current balance exists at the feed.
is necessary to take steps to make the antennas is such a way that Thus, the most appropriate balun to employ in measurements
they can be accurately represented in numerical models. Some would be a current balun. This is especially true for vertical po-
authors have coined the adjective “calculable” in reference to larization measurements. As noted earlier, in a vertical polariza-
an antenna that can be accurately represented in a straightfor- tion NSA test, the ground plane influences the currents on the
ward manner by an analytical or numerical model [4]. The NEC antennas in an asymmetric fashion. Again, it is noted that the
(NEC-2, NEC-3, NEC-4, and the numerous commercial ver- CISPR-16 CALTS document does not call for vertical polar-
sions of the code) represents possibly the most verified numer- ization measurements. Nevertheless, vertically polarized NSA
ical model in existence. It has been used to model linear dipoles measurements are necessary as emissions tests (the principal

Fig. 11. Balancing approach taken in CISPR 16-1 (CALTS).

function of an OAT) must be performed for both horizontal and circuit theory and calibrated as a nonradiating network. This is
vertical polarizations. not true if a current balance does not exist at the antenna feed.
Of course, it is possible to develop a comprehensive numer-
ical model of an imperfect balun and a vertically polarized an-
tenna operating over ground (conducting or otherwise) as was
done in [15]. However, because such a model would necessarily
have to include the effects of current on the feed line, the model For antennas [4]–[8], [29]–[33], especially for metrology ap-
would be extremely specific to a particular experimental ar- plications with exacting tolerance requirements, 180 , four-port
rangement. That is, the exact placement of feed lines, mounting hybrid networks have been employed extensively as baluns. Ap-
hardware, etc., would have to be duplicated in the model. More- parently, Dyson [29], [30] was the first to formalize the use of
over, the experimental and numerical results could be quite sen- coaxial, 180 , four-port hybrid networks for making measure-
sitive to the feed line arrangement. Thus, such an approach is ments with balanced transmission line systems. One compelling
not very desirable for measurements such as NSA. Neverthe- reason for doing this is that precise, highly refined devices are
less, an approach for the rigorous numerical modeling of an- commercially available. These devices represent years of engi-
tennas driven with all three classes of baluns mentioned earlier neering research and optimization and, thus, it is attractive to
is presented using the analysis developed in the next section. the metrologist to leverage off of this effort. Moreover, if it is
By enforcing a current balance at the feed of a linear or bi- possible to employ a device with standard 50- coaxial ports
conical dipole antenna, the current balun allows a sharp demar- such as SMA or APC 3.5 connectors, modern vector network
cation between the radiating and nonradiating portions of the analyzers with error correction techniques may be used to cal-
system. Thus, the remainder of the system can be modeled using ibrate the system [34]. Thus, the entire nonradiating portion of

Fig. 12. Interconnection of 180 , four-port hybrid network and network representation of antenna.

the system may be characterized using the network analyzer, output ports, respectively. The two center conductors of ports 3
leaving only the radiating elements to be considered. The ca- and 4 are taken as the balanced port, and the two shields of these
pability to employ a vector network analyzer in this manner is two ports are connected together.
a great advantage because the requirement that feed lines be The most general representation of a symmetric antenna op-
routed away from the antennas such that they remain orthog- erating over a ground plane is the three-terminal network shown
onal to the radiated field for a distance that is significant in in Fig. 3. This three-terminal network may be taken as a two-port
terms of wavelengths necessarily requires that long lines and network and represented with the following scattering matrix:
possibly multiple connections are involved. The effects of these
long lines and connectors can be accurately removed from mea- (2)
sured data using a vector network analyzer.
To employ a 180 , four-port hybrid as a balun, the delta port When the antenna elements are connected to the center conduc-
of the hybrid is connected to the single-ended portion of the tors of the coaxial ports 3 and 4 and the shields of ports 3 and
system (source or receiver), and the 0 and 180 ports are con- 4 are connected together (with an electrically short connection
nected as shown in Fig. 11 to the balanced antenna. Note that it length), the interaction of the antenna and hybrid may be rep-
is essential to have the connection between the shields of the 0 resented by the interconnection of networks shown in Fig. 12.
and 180 port to allow the shield current to circulate. The sum Note that the two-port representation of the antenna provides
port is the isolated port in this case and has been traditionally coupling between ports 3 and 4. For the very general situation
terminated in a matched load [4]–[8], [29]–[33]. This causes the of an antenna coupled asymmetrically to a ground plane, the
hybrid to behave as a 180 power divider as discussed above. two-port network is reciprocal but not symmetric. Thus, while
Here, we show that by proper selection of the load at the iso- , .
lated port of the 180 , four-port hybrid, the network may act A generalized (but isolated) complex load at port 2 may be
as: 1) a 180 power splitter; 2) a voltage balun, or 3) a current represented by a single complex reflection coefficient . This
balun. It is shown in the next section that the current balun is the representation does not include coupling from ports 3 and 4 back
most appropriate balun topology to employ in order to reconcile to the sum port, but such coupling cannot occur if the sum port
measured data with numerically simulated data. Therefore, the is completely shielded.
isolated port should be terminated so that current balun behavior Referring to Fig. 12, it can be seen that , ,
is obtained. This is in contrast with all previously published ap- , and . Thus, the incoming wave amplitudes at
proaches for utilizing 180 , four-port hybrids as baluns [4]–[8], ports 2, 3, and 4 can be written in terms of the outgoing wave
[29]–[33]. amplitudes as follows:


The scattering matrix for an ideal 180 hybrid network ex- (4)
hibiting perfect isolation between ports 1 and 2, and ports 3 and (5)
4, perfect match at all four ports, perfect amplitude tracking, and
perfect phase tracking, can be written as follows [35]: By combining these equations with the four-port scattering ma-
trix for the ideal hybrid network, the outgoing wave amplitudes
at all four ports may be written in terms of the incoming wave
(1) amplitude at port 1

where are the incoming complex wave amplitudes and
are the outgoing complex wave amplitudes [35]. Here,
ports 1 and 3 are the - or E-ports, and ports 2 and 4 are the -
or H-ports. For operation as a balun, port 1 is used as the input
(connection to single-ended coaxial system) port, port 2 is then (8)
the isolated port, and ports 3 and 4 are used as the 180 and 0

balanced, and no common mode current will flow even if the

(9) load is asymmetric

Now, the terminal or total voltages at ports 3 and 4 are given by (20)


If we consider the coupled coil implementation of a 180 hybrid,

(11) the so-called hybrid coil, the foregoing results can be readily vi-
and (12) sualized since they correspond to opening or shorting the center
tap of the secondary winding of the coil [36]. Note that the hy-
brid coil configuration shown in [36, Fig. 7.12] always requires
different port impedances to provide hybrid action. That is, in
(13) order to obtain the exact equivalent of a four-port 180 hybrid
with all four ports having the same terminating impedances, an-
where . The terminal or total currents other transformer is required at the center-tap, sum port. Nev-
into ports 3 and 4 are given by ertheless, it can immediately be seen that a voltage or current
balun can be obtained by short circuiting or open circuiting the
(14) sum port.
Note that if we simply take the scattering equations de-
scribing the 180 , four-port hybrid, assume an open circuit
termination at port 2, and reduce the network to a three-port we
(15) obtain the following scattering matrix:


Thus, the 180 , four-port hybrid behaves as an ideal transformer

as shown in Fig. 9 with a turns ratio or a 2:1 impedance
ratio. The three-port scattering matrix for an ideal transformer
From the above equations, we can see that making
with an turns ratio arranged as shown in Fig. 9 is given by
(matched load) results in the outgoing wave amplitudes, and
, to be equal in amplitude and opposite in phase. That is,
and . Thus the hybrid behaves
as a so-called 180 power divider when the isolated port is ter-
minated in a matched load. In this case, neither the terminal volt-
ages nor the currents are balanced in the case of an asymmetric
This is the most general form of the scattering matrix for a cur-
load. Also, from the above equations, we can see that making
rent balun. The explicit scattering matrix is useful in the syn-
(short circuit) causes the terminal voltages, and
thesis of current baluns. It is also useful to note that the lattice
, to be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase regardless
[25] and double-Y baluns [26], [27] have exactly the same form
of the values of the admittances and and . Thus, in the
of scattering matrix as does the current balun. If the magnitudes
case of an unbalanced load, the 180 hybrid with the isolated
of the arm reactances are equal to the port impedances, the turns
port terminated in a short circuit will cause the two output volt-
ratio is . This confirms that the lattice and double-Y
ages to be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase
baluns behave as current baluns at least over a narrow band-
width. In fact, lumped element, 180 hybrids directly synthe-
(18) sized from transmission parameters as presented in [37] can be
shown to be simply an interconnection of lattice baluns with the
interconnection being exactly the same as that required for the
implementation of a coupled-coil hybrid.
(19) The three-port scattering matrix of an ideal transformer with
turns ratio when arranged as a voltage balun as in Fig. 10
The currents, however, will not be balanced, and common mode is given by
current will exist on the outer surface of the shielded hybrid
and the feed cable. On the other hand, making (open
circuit) causes the terminal currents, and to be equal in
magnitude and opposite in phase, regardless of the values of
the admittances and . In this case, the currents will be (24)

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[29] J. D. Dyson, “Measurements of near fields of antennas and scatterers,”
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[3] National Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility-Radiated Emis- netic Compatibility, 1985, pp. 612–617.
sion Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Control-Cal- [32] , “Standard linear antennas, 30 to 1000 MHz,” IEEE Trans. An-
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[4] M. J. Salter and M. J. Alexander, “EMC antenna calibration and the [33] H. Garn, M. Buchmayr, and W. Müllner, “Tracing antenna factors of pre-
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[34] “Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus James S. McLean (M’90) received the B.S., M.S.,
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CISPR 16-1, 2nd ed., pt. 1, vol. 1999–10, 1999. University of Texas, Austin, in 1984, 1986, and 1990,
[35] R. E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd ed. New respectively.
York: McGraw-Hill, 1992, pp. 435–441. He was an Engineer at TRW Antenna Systems
[36] H. J. Carlin and A. B. Giordano, Network Theory: An Introduction to Laboratory, Redondo Beach, CA. Since 1998,
Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Circuits. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pren- he has been with the TDK Corporation, Cedar
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crowave Symp., vol. 3, 1989, pp. 1243–1246. technical interests include electrically small and
low-profile antennas, and he has carried out research
in these areas in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, and The University of Texas-Pan American.

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