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CHK: M.Eleiwa

Uncompacted Asphalt Mix Test Report

This is an electronically generated report and does not require a signature, it's valid only with the QR code shown on the top and is considered verified with the same.

Request No. MH.MMO23000090 Report No. MH.MMR23000559

Sample No. MH.MMS23000148 Date Reported August 10, 2023

Client Road Projects Contracting Company Consultant N.P.
Sample Description Asphalt B.C Sampled By M Baksh
Source Al Rashid Plant Sampling Date July 29, 2023
Test Method ASTM D 2172,D 5444 Date Received August 1, 2023
Sampled By M Baksh Date Tested August 10, 2023
Tested By Zahoor
APP: M.Hamdan


wt .sample befor Test gm 3046.0 Sive Size Retained Retained Passing
wt of sammple after Test gm 2939.0 mm Inc (gm) % %
Wt of bitumen gm 107.0 50.8 2" 0.0 0.0 100.0
Weight of Filter Before gm 21.10 38.1 1 1/2" 83.0 2.8 97.2
Weight of Filter after gm 23.40 25.4 1" 188.0 6.4 93.6
% Bitumen 3.44 19 3/4" 376.0 12.8 87.2
12.5 1/2" 837.0 28.5 71.5
9.5 3/8" 1165.0 39.6 60.4
4.75 #4 1762.0 59.9 40.1
2 #10 2353.0 80.0 20.0
0.425 #40 2355.0 80.1 19.9
0.18 #80 2842.0 96.6 3.4
0.075 #200 2880.0 97.9 2.1

Gradation Chart

Percent of Passing (%)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve Size (mm)

*Decision Rule is simple acceptance criteria.
*The test results represent the submitted sample only.
*Test results shall not be interpreted, reproduced or quoted in a whole or in part without prior written approval of ACES

Arab Company for Laboratories and Soil

Material Department
CHK: M.Eleiwa

Uncompacted Asphalt Mix Test Report

Gmm,Gmb,Air Voids,Stability&Flow,&Loss of Stability

Request No. MH.MMO23000090 Report No. MH.MMR23000559

Sample No. MH.MMS23000148 Date Reported August 10, 2023
This is an electronically generated report and does not require a signature, it's valid only with the QR code shown on the top and is considered verified with the same.

Client Road Projects Contracting Company Consultant N.P.

Sample Description Asphalt B.C Sampled By M Baksh
Source Al Rashid Plant Sampling Date July 29, 2023
Test Method ASTM D2726 ,D6926, D6927, D2041 & D3203 Date Received August 1, 2023
Sampled By M Baksh Date Tested August 10, 2023
Tested By Zahoor

Marshall Test
APP: M.Hamdan

No. Symb. Item Test Results ‫م‬

1 Pb % A/C by tot. wt. of mix 3.44 ‫نسبة االسفلت من كامل الخلطة‬ 1
2 Specimen No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‫رقم العينة‬ 2
3 Wt. in air dry gm 1243 1245 1244 1246 1245 1246 ‫الوزن الجاف فى الهواء جرام‬ 3
4 Wt. in water gm 740 738 736 738 737 737 ‫الوزن فى الماء جرام‬ 4
5 Wt. in air surf dry gm 1276 1277 1273 1277 1275 1276 ‫وزن العينة مشبعة فى الهواء جافة السطح‬ 5
6 Volumes c.c 5-4 536 539 538 540 538 539 )3‫الحجم (سم‬ 6
7 Gmb Bulk Sp.Gr.of Comp.mix 3÷6 2.318 2.309 2.314 2.310 2.313 2.312 )3‫سم‬/‫الكثافة الظاهرية للخلطة(جرام‬ 7
8 Avg. Bulk Sp.Gr.of Comp.mix 2.313 )3‫سم‬/‫متوسط الكثافة الظاهرية(جرام‬ 8
9 Gmm Net. Wt.of loose mix gm 4772 4763 )‫وزن العينة سائبة(جرام‬ 9
10 W1 Net Wt.of Flask+watergm 18985 18985 )‫الدورق(جرام‬+‫وزن الماء‬ 10
11 W2 Wt Flask+water+sample 21837 21830 )‫الدورق(جرام‬+‫الماء‬+‫وزن العينة‬ 11
12 Gmm Max.Sp.Gr of Paving mix 9/(9+10-11) 2.485 2.483 )‫الكثافة القصوى للخلطة المرصوفة(جرام‬ 12
13 Avg.max sp.Gr of mix 2.484 )3‫سم‬/‫متوسط الكثافة القصوى(جرام‬ 13
14 Stability (kg) 1421 1355 1466 1199 1133 1222 )‫الثبات (كجم‬ 18
15 Correction factor 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 ‫معامل التصحيح‬ 19
16 Corrected Stability (kg) 1322 1260 1363 1115 1053 1136 )‫الثبات بعد التصحيح (كجم‬ 20
17 Avg. Stability (kg) for 30 min 1315 )‫ د (كجم‬30 ‫متوسط الثبلت بعد‬ 21
18 Avg. Stability (kg) for 24 Hrs. 1102 )‫ ساعة(كجم‬24 ‫الثبات بعد‬ 22
19 % Loss of Stability 16.2 % ‫فاقد الثبات‬ 23
20 Flow (mm) 3.6 3.7 3.5 )‫االنسياب (مم‬ 24
21 Avg. Flow (mm) 3.6 )‫متوسط االنسياب (مم‬ 25
22 Ps Agg.% total wt of mix 100-1(Pb) 96.56 %‫نسبة البحص فى كامل الخلطة‬ 27
23 VFB Average Voids Filled With Bitumen(%) 71.8 28

*Decision Rule is simple acceptance criteria.
*The test results represent the submitted sample only.
*Test results shall not be interpreted, reproduced or quoted in a whole or in part without prior written approval of ACES

Arab Compant For Laboratories and Soil

Material Department

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