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The Use of ICT for Mathematical Calculations in the

Teaching of Ecologists

Iryna Shakhman1[0000-0001-6204-4410], Anastasiia Bystriantseva1[0000-0003-0611-1548] and

Maksym Bystriantsev2
Kherson State University, 27 Universitetska st., Kherson, 73000 Ukraine,
Teaching and Educational Complex “School of Liberal Arts” of Kherson Regional Council,
33 Molodizna st., Kherson, 73000 Ukraine

Abstract. Research goal of the paper is the demonstration of computer

technology integration in the modern educational process of teaching ecologists
in practical classes, containing mathematical calculations. The use of modern
information computer technologies in education will effectively contribute to
the acquisition of a range of knowledge and skills for use in professional
activities in the area of ecology, environmental protection. The ability to use
ICT will provide the ecologists with the ability to respond quickly to changes in
the environment and make effective decisions in environmental management in
future production activities.

Keywords: computer technology, mathematical calculations, ecological

education, water quality assessment

1 Introduction

The use of computer technology is an integral attribute of the life of modern society.
The sustainable development of any state depends on how effectively its potential is
used to solve a wide range of current problems, including environmental. The content
of environmental education in Ukraine is formed at the state level with the
involvement of a wide range of scientists and practitioners and modern international
experience [1].
The normative content of the standard of higher education for bachelor teaching in
the specialty “Ecology” determines the program results of teaching, among which,
along with the ability of graduates to solve problems in the field of environmental
protection using generally accepted standard approaches, attention is drawn to the
need to use software tools, GIS technologies, choose the best methods and tools for
environmental research, data collection and processing [1, 2].
The implementation of one of the state environmental policy tasks is to ensure the
protection, reproduction and rational use of water resources [3], is possible only if the
water quality of the water body is rationing. The quality of water resources is an
important component of a high-quality environment, which is ensured by establishing
a set of acceptable values for indicators of its composition and properties. Therefore,
special attention and relevance in the process of teaching ecologists acquire practical
works of the environmental assessment of the state of water bodies through lengthy
and cumbersome mathematical calculations.
To successfully solve complex practical issues of modern ecology, especially those
related to the assessment and prediction of the quality and condition of ecosystems,
mathematical models, which are usually written in the form of algebraic,
transcendental and differential equations are used [4]. These equations are the basis of
the simulation mathematical model, which allows, using software, to determine
(calculate), predict, evaluate, analyze various options (scenarios) of changes in space
and time of the main indicators (characteristics) of the state of ecosystems depending
on external and internal factors, which affect the course of various hydrophysical,
hydrochemical and hydrobiological processes [5–10].
One of the means of increasing the efficiency of water quality assessment of water
bodies is the operational processing of information on the status of water quality,
which is achieved through the use of ICT. This is relevant for expediting the process
of assessing the state of water bodies, and for the formation of the general competence
of the future ecologist – skills of using information and communication technologies
to solve complex specialized environmental problems [2]. Practical skills acquired
during the learning process will allow the graduate to respond quickly to changes in
the state of the environment and make effective decisions in environmental
The purpose of the paper is the demonstration of computer technology integration
into the modern educational process of teaching ecologists in practical classes, which
include mathematical calculations, during the formation of a complex of knowledge
and skills of future ecologists.

2 Related works

The potential use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is enormous

in a wide range of various disciplines teaching, for example, for the disciplines of the
natural cycle, computer learning packages and the Internet resources can offer a
variety of opportunities for learning ranging from non-interactive content provision to
creating a learning environment using virtual reality technology.
Various groups of authors focus their attention both on the experience of using
ready-made resources and on the creation and implementation of their own software
developments that can optimize, improve the learning process; and also open the
possibility of reaching to a whole new level.
Researches focusing on opportunities of expanding the scope of use information
technologies are widespread. This expansion is directly related to their development.
The article [11] is confirmed, that more diverse technologies expand the capabilities
of the institution and even able to change its organization. This implementation
process leads to a change in teachers and students motivation, the emergence of new
forms of knowledge representations and more sophisticated human-computer
An example of such an experience is the presented organization of work in New
South Wales schools [12]. Here are used information web sites, computer learning
packages as tutorial material, computer learning packages made by students,
simulations, virtual field trips and virtual laboratories. The article focuses on materials
used in student learning, on forms of electronic communication with providing a list
of resources.
Simulations, virtual laboratories and virtual educational also find their application
in the teaching of physics. The authors in [13] proved the didactic importance of using
virtual experiments as a means that allows students to focus on the most important
aspects of studying the phenomenon, raise level of understanding of fundamental
laws, phenomena and processes in material world. This means has a special function –
the formation of the sensory-imaged component of the scientific worldview for
development of imagination of physics objects and their properties by visualization of
the model of a real phenomenon.
To achieve similar goals, the authors in [14] use the virtual learning environment
for case-method implementing in physics learning. To develop a virtual learning
platform with cases authors used Google services. In this environment a teacher has
an ability to add presentations, documents, tables, calendar or learning videos from
YouTube, create surveys using Google forms. Such an approach for creating the
virtual learning environment allows teacher easily take into account the individual
characteristics of the students, the geographic region and the social structure of the
The authors in [15] considered the creation of a learning environment using virtual
reality technology for discipline “Engineering hydrology”. The creation of virtual
reality scene is using Virtual Reality Modeling Language, which is a modeling
language for creating scene models of the real world or three-dimensional scenes
imagined by people, which has the platform-independent nature. Virtual reality scenes
provides three-dimensional visualization of the watershed and hydraulic projects and
interactive inquire of project information.
It is proposed to create a system that allows to manage learning content, organize
and implement the process of engineering hydrology courses learning, supports a
student-oriented training mode, which can be based, for example, on the problem of
cases and projects.
Teachers can set up a virtual classroom on the platform and students can choose
any section of the course for learning and discussion and learn the content by
themselves; teachers can also track students’ learning progress, make timely
adjustments to meet the needs of learners to take full advantage of information
technology to implement curriculum integration.
Theoretical and practical approaches to the use of information and communication
technologies in teaching and learning presented in [16]. The authors established a
chronology of the changing role of information and communication technologies in
acquisition of environmental competences. In addition to analyzing the use of
multimedia presentations in environmental education, an analysis of the possibility of
using environmental problems from Internet resources in the educational process at
some universities in Europe and the USA was carried out. The study supplements the
theory and practice of environmental education. Specific recommendations on
professional development opportunities with attracting information and
communication technologies in environmental educational process were given.
Existence free, open source learning management systems for online learning, for
example, Moodle, makes it possible to create e-classrooms of Hydrology courses.
In [17] authors demonstrate effective experience of combination of traditional and
distance based education. The created e-classrooms are a quality addition to the
traditional educational process because besides the availability of the study materials
that are easily accessed and uploaded in such e-classrooms, students can communicate
with each other and with their teacher whenever their schedules permit, work in
groups, examine their knowledge etc. The teacher can guide students, follows their
progress and their collaboration, gathers and reviews assignments etc.
The effectiveness of complementing traditional forms of learning with information
and communication technologies during the course “Environmental Monitoring” at
A. Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University is presented in [18]. The authors
compare and evaluate two groups of students, for the teaching of which only the
traditional forms of teaching and forms using information and communication
technologies are used. A comparison of the capabilities that each of the approaches is
able to provide was made.
Of course, the use of information and communication technologies in the
educational process made it possible to resolve many didactic problems. Study the
phenomena and processes in difficult ecological, technical and biological systems
goes to a new level on the basis of use of means of computer graphics and computer
modeling and to represent them in time scale convenient for studying.
The analysis of the research makes it possible to assert that the use of information
technologies in environmental disciplines teaching requires further development.
Examples of the use of e-classrooms, virtual environments and visualization tools are
common, but the calculation component is also important. It can be greatly simplified
by developing and using specialized software.
Irrespective of the proposed technology or discipline, which is studied with its use,
the correct implementation of information technology will ensure the formation of the
necessary special competences of the future specialist.

3 Mathematical models of water quality assessment of water


Ecological education is a continuous process of upbringing, teaching, self-education

and personal development, aimed at the formation of standards of moral behavior of
future ecologists, their duties and responsibilities in relation to the environment, as
well as obtaining special knowledge and practical skills in environmental protection,
environmental management and ecological safety.
Recognizing the complexity and scale of goals in the field of environmental
protection, teachers and scientists declare that it is possible in principle to achieve
them, but acknowledge that temporary criteria and rationing of the educational
process often lead to the inability to spend a lot of time on intermediate stages and
calculations [19]. Therefore, we suggest the way to speed up mathematical processing
of environmental information using ICT, and free up time to teach students to
analyze, assess, and make decisions about a problem. An example is the experience of
implementation into the process of learning the discipline “Conservation and proper
utilization of water resources” the automatic mathematical calculations on the
practical classes which are dedicated to determining water quality according to
existing methods.
In the activities of institutions State Environment Inspectorates, State
Hydrometeorological Service and Ukraine Water Resources Board the hydrochemical
Institute’s method of assessment of water quality is applied [20]. Also the common
method of complex assessment of water quality is calculation of water pollution
indexes [21].
Complex assessment of the water quality is used in cases where it is necessary to
follow the trend of spatio-temporal changes in the water status by influence of natural
and anthropogenic processes. The rational approach to assessment of the water quality
is a comparative analysis of existing methods of complex assessment, which is
proposed by Odessa State Environmental University specialists Urasov S., Safranov
T. and others [22, 23].
Integrated indexes, on the basis of which the assessment is carried out, are
calculated for all indexes of waters quality or their parts. They characterize the status
of water as a whole, while information on separate indicators is lost.
The sequence of assessment consists of two stages: at the first stage, the indicator
value is calculated, and at the second, the verbal characterization of water quality is
given according to the calculated index value and the quality scale. The evaluation
has several points.
Water pollution index (WPI) calculated by the formula:

1 Сi
WPI  , (1)
6 i
i 1

where MPC і – maximum permissible concentrations of chemical component; С і –

factual concentrations of chemical ingredients; 6 – number of ingredients.
Therefore, the number of indicators that are taken to calculate the WPI should be
six, and include dissolved oxygen (О2), biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD5 ), total
ammonium ( NH 4 ), nitrites ( NO2 ), petroleum hydrocarbons (PH), phenolic
compounds (С6Н5ОН).
Unlike other indicators, for dissolved oxygen in calculating WPI takes the ratio:
standard ( MPC і )/factual concentration ( С і ). The criteria of assessment of the water
quality by WPI are shown in table 1.

Table 1. The criteria of assessment of the water quality by Water pollution index (WPI)

Water quality
Characteristic of class Water pollution index value
І Very clean ≤0,3
ІІ Clean 0,3–1,0
ІІІ Poorly contaminated 1,0–2,5
IV Moderately contaminated 2,5–4,0
V Contaminated 4,0–6,0
VI Very contaminated 6,0–10,0
VII Extremely contaminated >10,0

The I class includes waters, which are least affected by anthropogenic load. The
values of their hydrochemical and hydrobiological indicators are close to the natural
values for this region. Waters of the II class are characterized by certain changes
compared to natural ones, however, these changes do not violate the ecological
balance The III class includes waters that are under significant anthropogenic load,
the level of which is close to the ecosystem sustainability limit. Waters of the IV–VII
classes refer to waters with disturbed environmental parameters, and their ecological
state is characterized as an ecological regress.
Modified water pollution index (MWPI) [22] also calculated on six indicators:
biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD5 ) and dissolved oxygen (О2) are compulsory, а
and the remaining four indicators are taken by the highest ratio to MPC from the list:
sulphates ( SO 42  ), chlorides ( Cl  ), chemical oxygen consumption ( COD ), total
ammonium ( NH 4 ), nitrites ( NO2 ), nitrates ( NO3 ), phosphate ( PO 43  ), iron ( Fe ),
manganese ( Mn 2  ), copper ( Cu 2  ), zinc ( Zn 2  ), chromium ( Cr 6  ), nickel ( Ni 2  ),
aluminum ( Al 3 ), plumbum ( Pb 2  ), mercury ( Hg 2  ), arsenic ( As 3 ), petroleum
hydrocarbons ( PH ), synthetic surfactants.
The hydrochemical Institute’s method of estimation of water quality [20] is to get
an unambiguous assessment of the water quality and classifying water on its basis by
the level of suitability for the main types of water use.
According to methods [20, 22, 23], an assessment based on a combinatory index
( CIP ) includes several stages: determination of the nature of contamination by the
value of the conditional complexity factor; setting water quality category and class by
the value of the combinatory index; highlighting priorities pollutants by quantity and
composition of limiting indicators of pollution; conducting a differentiated assessment
of the limiting indicators of pollution.
Conditional complexity factor is calculated by the formula:

K%   100% , (2)

where m – number of substances, the content of which exceeds MPC; m – total

number of standard ingredients due to research program.
At K  10% the survey is conducted on specific pollutants. The maximum
concentration and availability of excesses of MPS (1 MPS, 10 MPS, 100 MPS) are
At K  10% a three-stage classification is carried out.
The first stage of classification is based on establishing the degree of persistency of
pollution (frequency P of cases of MPC excess):
Pi  N MPCi N i , (3)

where N MPC – number of analysis results in which the content of the i -th ingredient

exceeds its maximum permissible concentration; N i – total number of analysis results

of the i -th ingredient.
The second stage of classification is based on establishing a level of contamination,
the extent of which is the multiplicity K of exceeding the MPC :

K i  Ci / MPCi . (4)

Assessment points are determined according to tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. Classification of water bodies by the repeatability of pollution

Partial assessment points

Repeatability Water pollution
% characteristic conditionally
absolute values
0–10 single a 0–10
10–30 unsteady b 10–30
30–50 steady c 30–50
50–100 characteristic d 50–100

Table 3. Classification of water bodies by the multiplicity of excess of standards

Partial assessment points

Multiplicity of Water pollution
excess of standards characteristic conditionally
absolute values
0–10 single a 0–10
10–30 unsteady b 10–30
30–50 steady c 30–50
50–100 characteristic d 50–100

In the process of determining the first and second degrees of water classification for
each of the ingredients, generalized assessments of the water quality are calculated
according to table 4.

Table 4. Assessment of the state of water bodies by selected indicators

Complex General assessment points

characteristics of Characteristics of water
water pollution status conditionally quality of water bodies
absolute values
of water bodies expressed
Single pollution
low level a  a1 1 poorly contaminated
average level a  b1 2 moderately contaminated
high level a  c1 3 contaminated
very high level a  d1 4 contaminated
Unsteady pollution
low level b  a1 2 moderately contaminated
average level b  b1 4 contaminated
high level b  c1 6 very contaminated
very high level b  d1 8 very contaminated
Steady pollution
low level c  a1 3 contaminated
average level c  b1 6 very contaminated
high level c  c1 9 very contaminated
very high level c  d1 12 extremely contaminated
Characteristic pollution
low level d  a1 4 contaminated
average level d  b1 8 very contaminated
high level d  c1 12 extremely contaminated
very high level d  d1 16 extremely contaminated

For the final third degree of classification, the combinatory index of

pollution ( CIP )is calculated by adding generalized assessment points Si for all n
CIP   Si . (5)
i 1

Classification of water quality is performed depending on the value of CIP and the
number of limiting indicators of pollution ( LIP ) (tables 5, 6). Water LIP is any
indicator the value S i by which is greater than or equal to 12.

Table 5. Water quality classification of water bodies by values of CIP and LIP (0–2)
Value of CIP, taking into account LIP
Water Discharge Water
quality of quality contamination without 1LIP 2LIP
class class characteristic LIP (k=0,9) (k=0,8)
І – Poorly contaminated 1n 0,9n 0,8n
ІІ – 1n  2n 0,9n  1,8n 0,8n  1,6n
ІІІ a Contaminated 2n  3n 1,8n  2,7n 1,6n  2,4n
ІІІ b Contaminated 3n  4n 2,7n  3,6n 2,4n  3,2n
IV a Very contaminated 4n  6n 3,6n  5,4n 3,2n  4,8n
IV b Very contaminated 6n  8n 5,4n  7,2n 4,8n  6,4n
IV c Very contaminated 8n  10n 7,2n  9,0n 6,4n  8,0n
IV d Very contaminated 10n  11n 9,0n  9,9n 8,0n  8,8n
Table 6. Water quality classification of water bodies by values of CIP and LIP (3–5)

Dischar Value of CIP, taking into account LIP

Water Water
ge of
quality contamination 3LIP 4LIP 5LIP
class characteristic (k=0,7) (k=0,6) (k=0,5)
І – Poorly contaminated 0,7n 0,6n 0,5n
ІІ – 0,7n  1,4n 0,6n  1,2n 0,5n  1,0n
ІІІ a Contaminated 1,4n  2,1n 1,2n  1,8n 1,0n  1,5n
ІІІ b Contaminated 2,1n  2,8n 1,8n  2,4n 1,0n  2,0n
IV a Very contaminated 2,8n  4,2n 2,4n  3,6n 2,0n  3,0n
IV b Very contaminated 4,2n  5,6n 3,6n  4,8n 3,0n  4,0n
IV c Very contaminated 5,6n  7,0n 4,8n  6,0n 4,0n  5,0n
IV d Very contaminated 7,0n  7,7n 6,0n  6,6n 5,0n  5,5n

A key factor in the effectiveness of mechanisms for solving environmental problems

in assessment of the water quality is the ability to conduct a comparative analysis of
the data obtained by different methods. The need to promptly obtain complete
reasonable information for data analysis emphasizes again the need to use computer
technology with appropriate software, an example of which we describe in the next
section of the article.

4 Software for optimizing the processing of environmental


In this research, we present the experience of using ICT to speed up cumbersome

mathematical calculations in practical classes on determining water quality according
to the existent methods in the process of studying the discipline “Conservation and
proper utilization of water resources” when teaching bachelors in the specialty
We developed a software product that allowed replacing the “manual” processing
of ecological information. Previously, the time (number of hours) that was allocated
for assessing the water quality in water bodies according to the discipline curriculum
was sufficient for processing according to two (the simplest) methods ( WPI and
MWPI ) according to one type of standard. Using a computer allowed within the
same practical works also to perform processing according to The hydrochemical
Institute’s method of assessment of quality water ( CIP ). In addition, there is enough
time for calculations for all three types of standards (for water bodies for fishery
standards, drinking needs, cultural and recreational purposes). Students manage to
perform a comparative analysis of the results and make a list of recommendations for
solving the ecological problem.
Let us consider in more detail the general functional and architectural features of
the software (table 7).
Table 7. Description of the database tables of the information system for surface water quality

№ Table name Short description of the tables contents

Indicators of maximum permissible concentrations for
1 Drinking
drinking needs are stored
Indicators of maximum permissible concentrations for
2 Recreational
cultural and recreational purposes are stored
Indicators of maximum permissible concentrations for
3 Fishery
fishery standards are stored
Water quality assessment criteria by the water pollution
index are stored
Water body classification criteria by repeatability are
5 CIP_2_1
Classification criteria for water bodies on the level of
6 CIP_2_2
contamination are stored
Criteria for assessing the status of water bodies are
7 CIP_2_3
Classification criteria for the quality of water bodies by
8 CIP_2_4
the combinatory index of pollution are stored
Surface water quality assessment data for all methods
9 Result
are stored
Quality indicators of a water sample, that was taken at a
10 Data
particular point in time, are stored

The developed software consists of a local database, an interface for interacting with
the user, a reporting system and the calculation automation system, as indicated in the
scheme (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Functional scheme of the information system

The main program window (fig. 2) consists of: an interface for presenting tabular
data, a section for sorting data by date, a section for entering data, and a section for
choosing a method for calculation of surface water quality.
Fig. 2. The main window of the program

According to the results of measurements, the student enters into the table the values
of the ingredients for the corresponding date. Next, choose the assessment methods,
standards, according to which calculations will be made. The program assesses the
water quality by pressing the “Calculate” button, and the calculation results are
displayed above the table in text form (fig. 3). The calculation windows for each of
the three methods are presented below (fig. 3, 4, 5).

Fig. 3. Window for assessing water quality according to the WPI

Fig. 4. Window for assessing water quality according to the MWPI

Fig. 5. Window for assessing water quality according to the CIP

The main menu of the program includes the functions of exiting the application,
editing database records, setting parameters for assessing surface water
quality (fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Window for water quality assessment criteria according to WPI

This software was created using the integrated development environment Microsoft
Visual Studio in the programming language C #. The mdb format database was
selected as the data storage tool. This solution allows providing software support for
all versions of the Windows operating system starting with XP, allows using the
software even on very “weak” personal computers, which is one of the essential real
factors in present conditions.
The choice of these technologies is grounded by the following aspects:
– the possibility of using this software on personal computers in modern educational
– expanding capabilities for working with data which are not provided by the direct
functionality of the program, due to the use of a local database of the mdb format.
This format allows the user to edit the database using the standard Microsoft Office
suite (using Microsoft Access), starting with 2003;
– simplicity of working with software due to the lack of an authorization module.
The software, which was created in the presented format, allows students with
primary knowledge of the basics of working with a computer to use it both for
educational purposes and in their future professional activities. Therefore, it can be
recommended for use in structural departments of state environmental inspectorates,
water quality control organizations and environmental protection departments.
The software product is successfully integrated into the complex of practical works
in the discipline “Conservation and proper utilization of water resources” when a
complex assessment of the water quality of surface water bodies is carried out. The
software product has clear user instructions for working with the system, a convenient
and simple interface, ease of data entry, the ability to expand the number of indicators
that are used to analyze water quality.
Automation of mathematical calculations made it possible to reduce the time of
practical work by 6 times. The remaining time allows students to determine the
quality of water not by one, but by three methods, perform a comparative analysis of
the results and make a decision on the possibility of using the water body.
The use of ICT allows students not only quickly, accurately and reasonably to
ascertain the fact of an environmental problem (pollution of a water body), but also
develops the ability of future ecologists to critical, systemic analysis of the
information received; their large-scale and strategic thinking in decision-making in
the field of water quality management.

5 Conclusions and Outlook

The article highlights an example of integration of software for mathematical

calculations (on the example of a complex assessment of water quality according to
modern calculation methods) in the formation of a set of knowledge and skills of
future ecologists for use in professional activities in the area of ecology,
environmental protection, and balanced environmental management.
The software product is integrated into the educational process of students-
ecologists in a complex of practical works on the discipline “Conservation and
rational use of water resources” during complex assessment of the water quality of
surface water bodies. This makes it possible to reduce the time of practical work by 6
times, to increase the number of studied methods for assessing water quality, to
perform a comparative analysis of the results and to make a decision on the possibility
of using a water body.
The development and implementation of information technologies in the
educational process requires further research aimed at creating varied application
software. Automation of the processing of ecological information will ensure prompt
receipt of complete and reliable information about the quality of the environment. The
introduction of ICT in education will optimize the educational process, enhance the
cognitive and creative activities of students, increase efficiency and productivity,
create conditions for in-depth learning of special disciplines. The potential of using
modern computer means will contribute to the expansion of methods, forms and ways
of educating ecologists.

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