T4G Prelim Notes

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PRELIMS situations.

SC 9-TeachAssGram - Teaching and Assessment of  very useful in showing how texts work beyond
Grammar the level of the sentence, how different texts are
Lesson 1 - Four Types of Grammar structured, and how language varies to suit the
Grammar - system and structure of a language purpose of the users.
dealing with inflexional formsindicating the
relationship of words in asentence (Oxford English
- comprised of rules which control the way a
communication system works
- systems of a language – phonology,morphology,
syntax, semantics, and lexicon – necessary to form
and interpret sentences.
- process for making communication clear when
contextual information is lacking
- central processing unit of a language, the
powerhouse where meanings are created

Four Types of Grammar

 Pedagogical grammar
 Descriptive grammar
 Prescriptive grammar
 Functional grammar

 Pedagogical Grammar
Pedagogy - study of teaching methods, including the
aims of education and the ways in which such goals
may be achieved
Pedagogical grammar
- types of grammatical analysis and instruction
designed for the needs of second language students.


language, its structure, and its rules as they are
used in daily life by its speakers from all
walks of life, including standard and
nonstandard varieties.

 PRESCRIPTIVE GRAMMAR - specifies how

a language and its grammar rules should be used:
distinction between good grammar and bad
grammar: primary focus is on standard forms of
grammar and syntactic constructions


systemic linguistics, emphasizes the way spoken
and written language operate in different social

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