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Qualification Questionnaire for

Foundation Year (Cert HE)


University student number

Application for

Qualifications are not required for entry to our Arts or STEM Foundation Years,
though we do need to know about any you have taken or are taking at Level 3
(i.e. A-level or equivalent). This is to provide context for your application but does
not prejudice our decision.

Level 3 qualifications include A-Levels, Access to HE, BTECs/combinations,

university foundation courses and equivalent. If you are not sure whether your
qualification(s) are Level 3, please include them below. You need not list
GCSEs/Level 2 qualifications.

1. Have you studied for or taken any Level 3 qualifications (even if not
passed)? YES/NO

2. Are you currently studying for any qualifications? YES/NO

If your answer to both these is ‘no’, you do not need to complete anything further
on this form.

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Please list below any Level 3 qualification you have taken or are taking, even if
not passed. (This does not include GCSEs or equivalent).

Level 3 qualification e.g. A Exact subject name Grade Month/year

Level, BTEC (full title) etc. achieved/

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