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3 Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors 25-6-2024
4 Austin Health
5 Forwarded via email
6 COMPLAINT-Supplement 1
8 20240625-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors Austin Health
9 Adam,
10 further to my 24-6-2024 complaint I desire to add the following;
11 I received a message from a physio if I could meet her at Austin Hospital and what time. I
12 responded 3 pm on 25 June 2024. I arrived at Ward 7 East bed 98 at about 2.30pm and waited
13 and well I was there until well after 8pm and no show. I however prior to 5pm was parked below
14 and incurred a $17 parking charge, which I view Austin Health should refund as after all I came
15 for a meeting, even so it never eventuated due to the no show.
16 Olga was in a lot of distress and for various reasons. She is fed up with having all kind of people
17 turning up at her bed for whatever but doing effectively nothing. One even asked Olga who pays
18 the bills at home. Surely, that has absolutely nothing to do with why Olga is in hospital. So, Olga
19 foot had been leaking fluid and apparently not a single doctor bothered to examine this. I
20 understand one of the nurses, yesterday put a bandage over Olga’s right foot, and today I
21 explained that at home I would use patches that would take the fluid from her leg that was
22 weeping, and then I would later have Olga placing her foot in a basin with water with Pinetarsol
23 and after that let Olga have her foot drying and let fresh air come to her skin after which I then
24 later would again place patched loosely on her foot, so draw the fluid that was weeping away
25 from her foot.
26 When Olga needed a pan, I suggested to assist her to the toilet instead even so it is a mere about
27 4 meters by holding her weight she was able to do so. This also allowing her to have a limited
28 exercise rather than stuck to the bed. Obviously, the female nurses are not capable to lift the
29 weight of Olga. And so no such service.
30 At home I used to place wrappers on Olga lower legs which had heating and massage and would
31 leave this in Olga’s leg as she desired. They would do 15 minutes intervals, and Olga at times
32 would ask for 3 or 4 intervals. I also used wrappers on her upper legs. But since Olga entered
33 the hospital on Sunday at no time was anyone bothering to examine Olga and to place
34 instructions for the nurses to use wrappers, etc. I understood from the nurse, and accept this to be
35 correct, that a doctor must provide instructions on Olga’s file for providing this kind of care. One
36 has to ask why no doctor did attend to this.
37 Olga’s right foot was very painful but it was because of my request for the nurse to change the
38 bandage, etc, that Olga after that gave me the understanding that there was relied of the pain in
39 her foot. However, I was horrified that Olga’s foot had become considerably worse then better.
40 Now there was even blood! Her toes being swollen, etc.
41 But at least someone inquired as to who pays the bills at home, so curiosity rather than
42 appropriate medical care seems to be more the issue by Austin.
43 Olga also opposed jabs and it was explained that flusomite (pain killer) could be injected. Olga
44 made clear that she is allergic to that. She made this known on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and
25-6-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 again today and yet she still has a while band on her arm instead of a red one that she is allergic
2 to flusomite.
3 I also attended to Emergency Department no 4 and asked if they could retrieve Olga’s personal
4 files, as the doctor on Sunday had scanned them but we didn’t get Olga’s files back. Well, even
5 before the nurse checked she already announced they would not be there. This, even so I
6 understand the pharmacist claimed she had obtained the red plastic folder from the emergency
7 Department and wouldn’t give it back to Olga. While it can be argued the Pharmacist may have
8 acted correct to return the documentation where she obtained it from but then she should have
9 made known that the file was to be returned to Olga. Anyhow I asked the woman as desk 4 to at
10 least print from the files a copy. This was declined claiming Olga’s paperwork would be at Ward
11 7, this even so when I already had checked there, they were not there.
12 I wonder why no lymphoedema therapist attended to Olga, as while Dr Zoe holds that the fluid
13 retention is due to Olga’s weak heart nevertheless as Olga is in the range of Stage2 to 3 kidney
14 failure she may as result also have Lymph problems, and why not check this out also? After all,
15 where there is now also fluid retention in her upper body and in my view common sense is
16 needed to consider all possibilities of what may cause fluid retention.
17 Olga also had a request to agree and sign for it that she is as a private patient. Well, to me as a
18 public patient she is not even geta reasonable and appropriate medical care and as they claim
19 (staff) that it makes no difference to the service (they should stay lack of service) if you are
20 public or private then well why go private with a lousy service?
21 Staff members expressed to me that they don’t desire mask but it is hospital policy! I was
22 informed that you are resigning. Seem to me no day too early so perhaps someone can do
23 the job in a proper manner.
24 Olga, actually wanted to go home, and is very much stressed due to the lack of proper services,
25 and she doesn’t whatsoever blame the nursing staff about anything because if doctors fail to
26 proper examine Olga and so fail to put on Olga’s medical records what is required to be done,
27 then the nurses cannot provide the needed services. Olga gave me the understanding some 8
28 doctors attended to her bedside but none bothered to actually show any proper care about her
29 suffering. She just desires to have her peace, and not be bothered by a range of people who do
30 not actually do attend to what Olga needs to have attended to.
31 Since Olga entered the hospital on Sunday it appears to me that her health has deteriorated
32 rather improved and I view much because of the added stress and lack of appropriate services
33 she needs. I was informed by Austin staff that to their records Olga’s health has deteriorated. As
34 such, it is not just my own understanding about that!
35 Olga is entitled to make her own decisions, albeit while we discuss matters, she knows I will not
36 seek to dictate her what to do, as after all she is the one that is suffering due to lack of proper
37 medical care. It is not my task to seek to convince Olga to stay in hospital where her health is
38 deteriorating, and in many ways she expressed that I provided better care for her at home, and
39 basically all Austin does is to give her pain killers ignoring the problems with her foot, etc.
40 If Olga on 26 June 2024 is still under stress than if she decides to go home then it will be due to
41 the failure of Austin Health to provide her once again lack of appropriate medical care. Olga
42 cannot be forced to stay while her health further deteriorate and Austin Health in my view will
43 be legally accountable for any problems eventuating from this also!
45 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
47 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
48 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


50 (Our name is our motto!)
25-6-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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