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CAED 500 (6252)


↠ God ↠ Hardworking
↠ Family ↠ Dean’s Lister
↠ Friends ↠ Doing Good
↠ Myself ↠ Appreciated
↠ Professors ↠ Self Worth

↠ Attitude ↠ Reading
↠ Behavior ↠ Socializing
↠ Self image ↠ Travel
↠ Confidence ↠ Stable in all aspects
↠ Intellectual ↠ Happy and contented


Dear Future self,

I hope you're doing amazing and feeling proud of all you've achieved. Remember, every moment, good or
bad, has shaped who you are. Take time to rest and reflect, and always be grateful for the journey. I love you
and am endlessly proud of you.

With all my love,

Diana Rose S. Cabizares

Activity 5

As David, I'm wrestling with a moral dilemma that's keeping me up at night. On one
side, there are my friendships, even if they've faded over time. I made a promise not to
reveal the identities of the website creators, and going back on that feels like betraying
a part of myself. But then, there's the gut-wrenching reality of the harm caused by the
website. It's not just some harmless prank; it's hurting the teachers who've dedicated
themselves to our education, and it's poisoning the spirit of our school.

I'm torn between loyalty to my friends and doing what I know is right. The fear of losing
those friendships, of facing their disappointment and anger, is real. But so is the fear of
letting down the teachers who've believed in me and invested their time in my
education. It's a weighty decision, one that feels like I'm walking on a tightrope between
two worlds.

In the end, I know I can't ignore the voice inside me that says I have to stand up for
what's right. Even if it means risking those friendships and facing the fallout, I can't sit
back and watch the harm continue. So, with a heavy heart and shaky hands, I gather my
courage and make the difficult choice to speak out, knowing that it's the only way to
preserve the integrity of our school and the well-being of everyone involved.
Activity 6

1. What makes a decision necessary?

A decision becomes necessary when there is a problem or challenge that needs to be addressed or resolved. This
could involve situations with significant consequences, either positive or negative, where action is required to
manage or mitigate those outcomes. Additionally, time sensitivity can make a decision necessary, as some situations
demand timely action to avoid further complications or delays. Uncertainty about the best course of action or
potential outcomes may also necessitate a decision to provide clarity and direction. Furthermore, when there are
conflicting values or priorities involved, a decision becomes necessary to align actions with one's values and
priorities. In essence, a decision becomes necessary when there is a problem or situation that requires thoughtful
consideration and action to achieve a desired outcome or resolution.

2. Cite a situation you experienced that your decisions resulted in consequences that you did not want? What
factors contributed to the decision you made?

I am tasked with leading a team project at work. Due to time constraints and pressure to meet
deadlines, I decide to delegate tasks without thoroughly considering each team member's strengths and
workload. As a result, some team members feel overwhelmed with their assignments, leading to
decreased productivity and missed deadlines. Additionally, the lack of clear communication and
coordination among team members leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. In this scenario, factors
contributing to my decision include time constraints, pressure to meet deadlines, and a desire to expedite
the project process. However, the consequences of my decision result in negative outcomes for the team
and the project overall.

3. For item #2, identify these consequences? How important are these consequences?

The consequences of the decision in the hypothetical scenario include decreased productivity, missed deadlines,
overwhelmed team members, misunderstandings, and conflicts among team members. These consequences are
significant as they directly impact the success of the project, team morale, and overall work environment. Decreased
productivity and missed deadlines can lead to project delays, cost overruns, and damage to the organization's
reputation. Overwhelmed team members may experience burnout and decreased job satisfaction, potentially
leading to higher turnover rates. Misunderstandings and conflicts among team members can hinder collaboration,
communication, and trust, further impeding the project's progress and success. Therefore, these consequences are
essential to consider as they can have lasting effects on the project and the individuals involved.

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